 * opsu! - an open-source osu! client
 * Copyright (C) 2014-2017 Jeffrey Han
 * opsu! is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * opsu! is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with opsu!.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

package itdelatrisu.opsu.options;

import itdelatrisu.opsu.Container;
import itdelatrisu.opsu.ErrorHandler;
import itdelatrisu.opsu.GameImage;
import itdelatrisu.opsu.OpsuConstants;
import itdelatrisu.opsu.Utils;
import itdelatrisu.opsu.audio.MusicController;
import itdelatrisu.opsu.beatmap.Beatmap;
import itdelatrisu.opsu.beatmap.TimingPoint;
import itdelatrisu.opsu.skins.Skin;
import itdelatrisu.opsu.skins.SkinLoader;
import itdelatrisu.opsu.ui.Fonts;
import itdelatrisu.opsu.ui.UI;

import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.BufferedWriter;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.FileReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.OutputStreamWriter;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.jar.Attributes;
import java.util.jar.JarFile;
import java.util.jar.Manifest;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import org.lwjgl.LWJGLException;
import org.lwjgl.input.Keyboard;
import org.lwjgl.opengl.Display;
import org.lwjgl.opengl.DisplayMode;
import org.newdawn.slick.GameContainer;
import org.newdawn.slick.Input;
import org.newdawn.slick.SlickException;
import org.newdawn.slick.openal.SoundStore;
import org.newdawn.slick.util.ClasspathLocation;
import org.newdawn.slick.util.FileSystemLocation;
import org.newdawn.slick.util.Log;
import org.newdawn.slick.util.ResourceLoader;

import com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Advapi32Util;
import com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Win32Exception;
import com.sun.jna.platform.win32.WinReg;

 * Handles all user options.
public class Options {
	/** Whether to use XDG directories. */
	public static final boolean USE_XDG = checkXDGFlag();

	/** The config directory. */
	private static final File CONFIG_DIR = getXDGBaseDir("XDG_CONFIG_HOME", ".config");

	/** The data directory. */
	private static final File DATA_DIR = getXDGBaseDir("XDG_DATA_HOME", ".local/share");

	/** The cache directory. */
	private static final File CACHE_DIR = getXDGBaseDir("XDG_CACHE_HOME", ".cache");

	/** File for logging errors. */
	public static final File LOG_FILE = new File(CONFIG_DIR, ".opsu.log");

	/** File for storing user options. */
	private static final File OPTIONS_FILE = new File(CONFIG_DIR, ".opsu.cfg");

	/** The default beatmap directory (unless an osu! installation is detected). */
	private static final File BEATMAP_DIR = new File(DATA_DIR, "Songs/");

	/** The default skin directory (unless an osu! installation is detected). */
	private static final File SKIN_ROOT_DIR = new File(DATA_DIR, "Skins/");

	/** Cached beatmap database name. */
	public static final File BEATMAP_DB = new File(DATA_DIR, ".opsu.db");

	/** Score database name. */
	public static final File SCORE_DB = new File(DATA_DIR, ".opsu_scores.db");

	/** Directory where natives are unpacked. */
	public static final File NATIVE_DIR = new File(CACHE_DIR, "Natives/");

	/** Directory where temporary files are stored (deleted on exit). */
	public static final File TEMP_DIR = new File(CACHE_DIR, "Temp/");

	/** Main font file name. */
	public static final String FONT_MAIN = "Exo2-Regular.ttf";

	/** Bold font file name. */
	public static final String FONT_BOLD = "Exo2-Bold.ttf";

	/** CJK font file name. */
	public static final String FONT_CJK = "DroidSansFallback.ttf";

	/** Version file name. */
	public static final String VERSION_FILE = "version";

	/** The user agent to use in HTTP requests. */
	public static final String USER_AGENT =
		"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/63.0.3239.132 Safari/537.36";

	/** The beatmap directory. */
	private static File beatmapDir;

	/** The import directory. */
	private static File importDir;

	/** The screenshot directory (created when needed). */
	private static File screenshotDir;

	/** The replay directory (created when needed). */
	private static File replayDir;

	/** The root skin directory. */
	private static File skinRootDir;

	/** The custom FFmpeg location (or null for the default). */
	private static File FFmpegPath;

	/** The theme song string: {@code filename,title,artist,length(ms)} */
	private static String themeString = "theme.mp3,Rainbows,Kevin MacLeod,219350";

	/** The theme song timing point string (for computing beats to pulse the logo) . */
	private static String themeTimingPoint = "1120,545.454545454545,4,1,0,100,0,0";

	 * Returns whether the XDG flag in the manifest (if any) is set to "true".
	 * @return true if XDG directories are enabled, false otherwise
	private static boolean checkXDGFlag() {
		JarFile jarFile = Utils.getJarFile();
		if (jarFile == null)
			return false;
		try {
			Manifest manifest = jarFile.getManifest();
			if (manifest == null)
				return false;
			Attributes attributes = manifest.getMainAttributes();
			String value = attributes.getValue("Use-XDG");
			return (value != null && value.equalsIgnoreCase("true"));
		} catch (IOException e) {
			return false;

	 * Returns the directory based on the XDG base directory specification for
	 * Unix-like operating systems, only if the "XDG" flag is enabled.
	 * @param env the environment variable to check (XDG_*_*)
	 * @param fallback the fallback directory relative to ~home
	 * @return the XDG base directory, or the working directory if unavailable
	private static File getXDGBaseDir(String env, String fallback) {
		File workingDir = Utils.isJarRunning() ?
			Utils.getRunningDirectory().getParentFile() : Utils.getWorkingDirectory();

		if (!USE_XDG)
			return workingDir;

		String OS = System.getProperty("os.name").toLowerCase();
		if (OS.indexOf("nix") >= 0 || OS.indexOf("nux") >= 0 || OS.indexOf("aix") > 0) {
			String rootPath = System.getenv(env);
			if (rootPath == null) {
				String home = System.getProperty("user.home");
				if (home == null)
					return new File("./");
				rootPath = String.format("%s/%s", home, fallback);
			File dir = new File(rootPath, "opsu");
			if (!dir.isDirectory() && !dir.mkdir())
				ErrorHandler.error(String.format("Failed to create configuration folder at '%s/opsu'.", rootPath), null, false);
			return dir;
		} else
			return workingDir;

	 * Returns the osu! installation directory.
	 * @return the directory, or null if not found
	private static File getOsuInstallationDirectory() {
		if (!System.getProperty("os.name").startsWith("Win"))
			return null;  // only works on Windows

		// registry location
		final WinReg.HKEY rootKey = WinReg.HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT;
		final String regKey = "osu\\DefaultIcon";
		final String regValue = null; // default value
		final String regPathPattern = "\"(.+)\\\\[^\\/]+\\.exe\"";

		String value;
		try {
			value = Advapi32Util.registryGetStringValue(rootKey, regKey, regValue);
		} catch (Win32Exception e) {
			return null;  // key/value not found
		Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regPathPattern);
		Matcher m = pattern.matcher(value);
		if (!m.find())
			return null;
		File dir = new File(m.group(1));
		return (dir.isDirectory()) ? dir : null;

	/** Game options. */
	public enum GameOption {
		// internal options (not displayed in-game)
		BEATMAP_DIRECTORY ("BeatmapDirectory") {
			public String write() { return getBeatmapDir().getAbsolutePath(); }

			public void read(String s) { beatmapDir = new File(s); }
		IMPORT_DIRECTORY ("ImportDirectory") {
			public String write() { return getImportDir().getAbsolutePath(); }

			public void read(String s) { importDir = new File(s); }
		SCREENSHOT_DIRECTORY ("ScreenshotDirectory") {
			public String write() { return getScreenshotDir().getAbsolutePath(); }

			public void read(String s) { screenshotDir = new File(s); }
		REPLAY_DIRECTORY ("ReplayDirectory") {
			public String write() { return getReplayDir().getAbsolutePath(); }

			public void read(String s) { replayDir = new File(s); }
		SKIN_DIRECTORY ("SkinDirectory") {
			public String write() { return getSkinRootDir().getAbsolutePath(); }

			public void read(String s) { skinRootDir = new File(s); }
		FFMPEG_PATH ("FFmpegPath") {
			public String write() { return (FFmpegPath == null) ? "" : FFmpegPath.getAbsolutePath(); }

			public void read(String s) { if (!s.isEmpty()) FFmpegPath = new File(s); }
		THEME_SONG ("ThemeSong") {
			public String write() { return themeString; }

			public void read(String s) {
				String oldThemeString = themeString;
				themeString = s;
				Beatmap beatmap = getThemeBeatmap();
				if (beatmap == null) {
					themeString = oldThemeString;
					Log.warn(String.format("The theme song string [%s] is malformed.", s));
				} else if (!beatmap.audioFilename.isFile() && !ResourceLoader.resourceExists(beatmap.audioFilename.getName())) {
					themeString = oldThemeString;
					Log.warn(String.format("Cannot find theme song [%s].", beatmap.audioFilename.getAbsolutePath()));
		THEME_SONG_TIMINGPOINT ("ThemeSongTiming") {
			public String write() { return themeTimingPoint; }

			public void read(String s) {
				try {
					new TimingPoint(s);
					themeTimingPoint = s;
				} catch (Exception e) {
					Log.warn(String.format("The theme song timing point [%s] is malformed.", s));

		// in-game options
		SCREEN_RESOLUTION ("Resolution", "ScreenResolution", "") {
			private Resolution[] itemList = null;

			public boolean isRestartRequired() { return true; }

			public String getValueString() { return resolution.toString(); }

			public Object[] getItemList() {
				if (itemList == null) {
					int width = Display.getDesktopDisplayMode().getWidth();
					int height = Display.getDesktopDisplayMode().getHeight();
					List<Resolution> list = new ArrayList<Resolution>();
					for (Resolution res : Resolution.values()) {
						// only show resolutions that fit on the screen
						if (res == Resolution.RES_800_600 || (width >= res.getWidth() && height >= res.getHeight()))
					itemList = list.toArray(new Resolution[list.size()]);
				return itemList;

			public void selectItem(int index, GameContainer container) {
				resolution = itemList[index];

				// check if fullscreen mode is possible with this resolution
				if (FULLSCREEN.getBooleanValue() && !resolution.hasFullscreenDisplayMode())

			public void read(String s) {
				try {
					Resolution res = Resolution.valueOf(String.format("RES_%s", s.replace('x', '_')));
					resolution = res;
				} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {}
		FULLSCREEN ("Fullscreen mode", "Fullscreen", "Switches to dedicated fullscreen mode.", false) {
			public boolean isRestartRequired() { return true; }

			public void toggle(GameContainer container) {
				// check if fullscreen mode is possible with this resolution
				if (!getBooleanValue() && !resolution.hasFullscreenDisplayMode()) {
					UI.getNotificationManager().sendBarNotification(String.format("Fullscreen mode is not available at resolution %s", resolution.toString()));

		SKIN ("Skin", "Skin", "") {
			private String[] itemList = null;

			public boolean isRestartRequired() { return true; }

			/** Creates the list of available skins. */
			private void createSkinList() {
				File[] dirs = SkinLoader.getSkinDirectories(getSkinRootDir());
				itemList = new String[dirs.length + 1];
				itemList[0] = Skin.DEFAULT_SKIN_NAME;
				for (int i = 0; i < dirs.length; i++)
					itemList[i + 1] = dirs[i].getName();

			public String getValueString() { return skinName; }

			public Object[] getItemList() {
				if (itemList == null)
				return itemList;

			public void selectItem(int index, GameContainer container) {
				if (itemList == null)
				skinName = itemList[index];

			public void read(String s) { skinName = s; }
		TARGET_FPS ("Frame limiter", "FrameSync", "Higher values may cause high CPU usage.") {
			private String[] itemList = null;

			public String getValueString() {
				int fps = getTargetFPS();
				return (fps == -1) ? "Unlimited" :
					String.format((fps == 60) ? "%dfps (vsync)" : "%dfps", fps);

			public Object[] getItemList() {
				if (itemList == null) {
					itemList = new String[targetFPS.length];
					for (int i = 0; i < targetFPS.length; i++) {
						int fps = targetFPS[i];
						itemList[i] = (fps == -1) ? "Unlimited" :
							String.format((fps == 60) ? "%dfps (vsync)" : "%dfps", fps);
				return itemList;

			public void selectItem(int index, GameContainer container) {
				targetFPSindex = index;

				int fps = getTargetFPS();
				boolean vsync = (fps == 60);
				if (container.isVSyncRequested() != vsync) {

			public String write() { return Integer.toString(targetFPS[targetFPSindex]); }

			public void read(String s) {
				int i = Integer.parseInt(s);
				for (int j = 0; j < targetFPS.length; j++) {
					if (i == targetFPS[j]) {
						targetFPSindex = j;
		SHOW_FPS ("Show FPS counter", "FpsCounter", "Show a subtle FPS counter in the bottom right corner of the screen.", true) {
			public void toggle(GameContainer container) {
		SHOW_UNICODE ("Prefer metadata in original language", "ShowUnicode", "Where available, song titles will be shown in their native language (and character-set).", false) {
			public void toggle(GameContainer container) {
				if (bool) {
					try {
					} catch (SlickException e) {
						Log.warn("Failed to load glyphs.", e);
		SCREENSHOT_FORMAT ("Screenshot format", "ScreenshotFormat", "Press F12 to take a screenshot.") {
			private String[] itemList = null;

			public String getValueString() { return screenshotFormat[screenshotFormatIndex].toUpperCase(); }

			public Object[] getItemList() {
				if (itemList == null) {
					itemList = new String[screenshotFormat.length];
					for (int i = 0; i < screenshotFormat.length; i++)
						itemList[i] = screenshotFormat[i].toUpperCase();
				return itemList;

			public void selectItem(int index, GameContainer container) { screenshotFormatIndex = index; }

			public String write() { return Integer.toString(screenshotFormatIndex); }

			public void read(String s) {
				int i = Integer.parseInt(s);
				if (i >= 0 && i < screenshotFormat.length)
					screenshotFormatIndex = i;
		CURSOR_SIZE ("Cursor size", "CursorSize", "Change the cursor scale.", 100, 50, 200) {
			public String getValueString() { return String.format("%.2fx", val / 100f); }

			public String write() { return String.format(Locale.US, "%.2f", val / 100f); }

			public void read(String s) {
				int i = (int) (Float.parseFloat(s) * 100f);
				if (i >= getMinValue() && i <= getMaxValue())
					val = i;
		DYNAMIC_BACKGROUND ("Dynamic backgrounds", "DynamicBackground", "The current beatmap background will be used as the main menu background.", true),
		LOAD_VERBOSE ("Detailed loading progress", "LoadVerbose", "Display more verbose loading progress in the splash screen.", false),
		MASTER_VOLUME ("Master", "VolumeUniversal", "Global volume level.", 35, 0, 100) {
			public void setValue(int value) {
				SoundStore.get().setMusicVolume(getMasterVolume() * getMusicVolume());
		MUSIC_VOLUME ("Music", "VolumeMusic", "Music volume.", 80, 0, 100) {
			public void setValue(int value) {
				SoundStore.get().setMusicVolume(getMasterVolume() * getMusicVolume());
		EFFECT_VOLUME ("Effects", "VolumeEffect", "Menu and game sound effects volume.", 70, 0, 100),
		HITSOUND_VOLUME ("Hit sounds", "VolumeHitSound", "Hit sounds volume.", 30, 0, 100),
		MUSIC_OFFSET ("Universal offset", "Offset", "Adjust this value if hit objects are out of sync.", -75, -500, 500) {
			public String getValueString() { return String.format("%dms", val); }
		DISABLE_GAMEPLAY_SOUNDS ("Disable sound effects in gameplay", "DisableGameplaySound", "Mute all sound effects during gameplay only.", false),
		DISABLE_SOUNDS ("Disable all sound effects", "DisableSound", "May resolve Linux sound driver issues.\nRequires a restart.", false) {
			public boolean isRestartRequired() { return true; }
		KEY_LEFT ("Left game key", "keyOsuLeft", "Select this option to input a key.") {
			public String getValueString() { return Keyboard.getKeyName(getGameKeyLeft()); }

			public String write() { return Keyboard.getKeyName(getGameKeyLeft()); }

			public void read(String s) { setGameKeyLeft(Keyboard.getKeyIndex(s)); }
		KEY_RIGHT ("Right game key", "keyOsuRight", "Select this option to input a key.") {
			public String getValueString() { return Keyboard.getKeyName(getGameKeyRight()); }

			public String write() { return Keyboard.getKeyName(getGameKeyRight()); }

			public void read(String s) { setGameKeyRight(Keyboard.getKeyIndex(s)); }
		DISABLE_MOUSE_WHEEL ("Disable mouse wheel in play mode", "MouseDisableWheel", "During play, you can use the mouse wheel to adjust the volume and pause the game.\nThis will disable that functionality.", false),
		DISABLE_MOUSE_BUTTONS ("Disable mouse buttons in play mode", "MouseDisableButtons", "This option will disable all mouse buttons.\nSpecifically for people who use their keyboard to click.", false),
		DISABLE_CURSOR ("Disable cursor", "DisableCursor", "Hides the cursor sprite.", false),
		BACKGROUND_DIM ("Background dim", "DimLevel", "Percentage to dim the background image during gameplay.", 50, 0, 100),
		FORCE_DEFAULT_PLAYFIELD ("Force default playfield", "ForceDefaultPlayfield", "Overrides the song background with the default playfield background.", false),
		ENABLE_VIDEOS ("Background video", "Video", "Enables background video playback.\nIf you get a large amount of lag on beatmaps with video, try disabling this feature.", true),
		IGNORE_BEATMAP_SKINS ("Ignore all beatmap skins", "IgnoreBeatmapSkins", "Defaults game settings to never use skin element overrides provided by beatmaps.", false),
		FORCE_SKIN_CURSOR ("Always use skin cursor", "UseSkinCursor", "The selected skin's cursor will override any beatmap-specific cursor modifications.", false),
		SNAKING_SLIDERS ("Snaking sliders", "SnakingSliders", "Sliders gradually snake out from their starting point.", true),
		EXPERIMENTAL_SLIDERS ("Use experimental sliders", "ExperimentalSliders", "Render sliders using the experimental slider style.", false),
		EXPERIMENTAL_SLIDERS_CAPS ("Draw slider caps", "ExperimentalSliderCaps", "Draw caps (end circles) on sliders.\nOnly applies to experimental sliders.", false),
		EXPERIMENTAL_SLIDERS_SHRINK ("Shrinking sliders", "ExperimentalSliderShrink", "Sliders shrink toward their ending point when the ball passes.\nOnly applies to experimental sliders.", true),
		EXPERIMENTAL_SLIDERS_MERGE ("Merging sliders", "ExperimentalSliderMerge", "For overlapping sliders, don't draw the edges and combine the slider tracks where they cross.\nOnly applies to experimental sliders.", true),
		SHOW_HIT_LIGHTING ("Hit lighting", "HitLighting", "Adds a subtle glow behind hit explosions which lights the playfield.", true),
		SHOW_COMBO_BURSTS ("Combo bursts", "ComboBurst", "A character image bursts from the side of the screen at combo milestones.", true),
		SHOW_PERFECT_HIT ("Perfect hits", "PerfectHit", "Shows perfect hit result bursts (300s, slider ticks).", true),
		SHOW_FOLLOW_POINTS ("Follow points", "FollowPoints", "Shows follow points between hit objects.", true),
		SHOW_HIT_ERROR_BAR ("Hit error bar", "ScoreMeter", "Shows precisely how accurate you were with each hit.", false),
		ALWAYS_SHOW_KEY_OVERLAY ("Always show key overlay", "KeyOverlay", "Show the key overlay when playing instead of only on replays.", false),
		LOAD_HD_IMAGES ("Load HD images", "LoadHDImages", String.format("Loads HD (%s) images when available.\nIncreases memory usage and loading times.", GameImage.HD_SUFFIX), true),
		FIXED_CS ("Fixed CS", "FixedCS", "Determines the size of circles and sliders.", 0, 0, 100) {
			public String getValueString() { return (val == 0) ? "Disabled" : String.format("%.1f", val / 10f); }

			public String write() { return String.format(Locale.US, "%.1f", val / 10f); }

			public void read(String s) {
				int i = (int) (Float.parseFloat(s) * 10f);
				if (i >= getMinValue() && i <= getMaxValue())
					val = i;
		FIXED_HP ("Fixed HP", "FixedHP", "Determines the rate at which health decreases.", 0, 0, 100) {
			public String getValueString() { return (val == 0) ? "Disabled" : String.format("%.1f", val / 10f); }

			public String write() { return String.format(Locale.US, "%.1f", val / 10f); }

			public void read(String s) {
				int i = (int) (Float.parseFloat(s) * 10f);
				if (i >= getMinValue() && i <= getMaxValue())
					val = i;
		FIXED_AR ("Fixed AR", "FixedAR", "Determines how long hit circles stay on the screen.", 0, 0, 100) {
			public String getValueString() { return (val == 0) ? "Disabled" : String.format("%.1f", val / 10f); }

			public String write() { return String.format(Locale.US, "%.1f", val / 10f); }

			public void read(String s) {
				int i = (int) (Float.parseFloat(s) * 10f);
				if (i >= getMinValue() && i <= getMaxValue())
					val = i;
		FIXED_OD ("Fixed OD", "FixedOD", "Determines the time window for hit results.", 0, 0, 100) {
			public String getValueString() { return (val == 0) ? "Disabled" : String.format("%.1f", val / 10f); }

			public String write() { return String.format(Locale.US, "%.1f", val / 10f); }

			public void read(String s) {
				int i = (int) (Float.parseFloat(s) * 10f);
				if (i >= getMinValue() && i <= getMaxValue())
					val = i;
		FIXED_SPEED ("Fixed speed", "FixedSpeed", "Determines the speed of the music.", 0, 0, 300) {
			public String getValueString() { return (val == 0) ? "Disabled" : String.format("%.2fx", val / 100f); }

			public String write() { return String.format(Locale.US, "%.2f", val / 100f); }

			public void read(String s) {
				int i = (int) (Float.parseFloat(s) * 100f);
				if (i >= getMinValue() && i <= getMaxValue())
					val = i;
		CHECKPOINT ("Track checkpoint", "Checkpoint", "Press Ctrl+L while playing to load a checkpoint, and Ctrl+S to set one.", 0, 0, 1800) {
			public String getValueString() {
				return (val == 0) ? "Disabled" : String.format("%02d:%02d",
						val - TimeUnit.MINUTES.toSeconds(TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMinutes(val)));
		PARALLAX ("Parallax", "MenuParallax", "Add a parallax effect based on the current cursor position.", true),
		ENABLE_THEME_SONG ("Theme song", "MenuMusic", OpsuConstants.PROJECT_NAME + " will play themed music throughout the game, instead of using random beatmaps.", true),
		REPLAY_SEEKING ("Replay seeking", "ReplaySeeking", "Enable a seeking bar on the left side of the screen during replays.", false),
		DISABLE_UPDATER ("Disable automatic updates", "DisableUpdater", "Disable checking for updates when the game starts.", false),
		ENABLE_WATCH_SERVICE ("Watch service", "WatchService", "Watch the beatmap directory for changes. Requires a restart.", false) {
			public boolean isRestartRequired() { return true; }

		/** Option name. */
		private final String name;

		/** Option name, as displayed in the configuration file. */
		private final String displayName;

		/** Option description. */
		private final String description;

		/** The boolean value for the option (if applicable). */
		protected boolean bool;

		/** The integer value for the option (if applicable). */
		protected int val;

		/** The upper and lower bounds on the integer value (if applicable). */
		private int max, min;

		/** Option types. */
		public enum OptionType { BOOLEAN, NUMERIC, SELECT }

		/** Option type. */
		private OptionType type = OptionType.SELECT;

		/** Whether this group should be visible (used for filtering in the options menu). */
		private boolean visible = true;

		 * Constructor for internal options (not displayed in-game).
		 * @param displayName the option name, as displayed in the configuration file
		GameOption(String displayName) {
			this(null, displayName, null);

		 * Constructor for other option types.
		 * @param name the option name
		 * @param displayName the option name, as displayed in the configuration file
		 * @param description the option description
		GameOption(String name, String displayName, String description) {
			this.name = name;
			this.displayName = displayName;
			this.description = description;

		 * Constructor for boolean options.
		 * @param name the option name
		 * @param displayName the option name, as displayed in the configuration file
		 * @param description the option description
		 * @param value the default boolean value
		GameOption(String name, String displayName, String description, boolean value) {
			this(name, displayName, description);
			this.bool = value;
			this.type = OptionType.BOOLEAN;

		 * Constructor for numeric options.
		 * @param name the option name
		 * @param displayName the option name, as displayed in the configuration file
		 * @param description the option description
		 * @param value the default integer value
		GameOption(String name, String displayName, String description, int value, int min, int max) {
			this(name, displayName, description);
			this.val = value;
			this.min = min;
			this.max = max;
			this.type = OptionType.NUMERIC;

		 * Returns the option name.
		 * @return the name string
		public String getName() { return name; }

		 * Returns the option name, as displayed in the configuration file.
		 * @return the display name string
		public String getDisplayName() { return displayName; }

		 * Returns the option description.
		 * @return the description string
		public String getDescription() { return description; }

		 * Returns the option type.
		 * @return the type
		public OptionType getType() { return type; }

		 * Returns whether a restart is required for the option to take effect.
		 * @return true if a restart is required, false otherwise
		public boolean isRestartRequired() { return false; }

		 * Returns the boolean value for the option, if applicable.
		 * @return the boolean value
		public boolean getBooleanValue() { return bool; }

		 * Returns the integer value for the option, if applicable.
		 * @return the integer value
		public int getIntegerValue() { return val; }

		 * Returns the minimum integer value for this option, if applicable.
		 * @return the minimum integer value
		public int getMinValue() { return min; }

		 * Returns the maximum integer value for this option, if applicable.
		 * @return the maximum integer value
		public int getMaxValue() { return max; }

		 * Returns a list of values to choose from, if applicable.
		 * @return the list of values, or {@code null} if not applicable
		public Object[] getItemList() { return null; }

		 * Sets the boolean value for the option.
		 * @param value the new boolean value
		public void setValue(boolean value) { this.bool = value; }

		 * Sets the integer value for the option.
		 * @param value the new integer value
		public void setValue(int value) { this.val = Utils.clamp(value, min, max); }

		 * Toggles the boolean value for the option, if applicable.
		 * @param container the game container
		public void toggle(GameContainer container) { bool = !bool; }

		 * Selects an item with the given list index, if applicable.
		 * @param index the selected item index (in {@link #getItemList()})
		 * @param container the game container
		public void selectItem(int index, GameContainer container) {}

		 * Returns the value of the option as a string (via override).
		 * <p>
		 * By default, this returns "{@code val}%" for numeric options,
		 * "Yes" or "No" based on the {@code bool} field for boolean options,
		 * and an empty string otherwise.
		 * @return the value string
		public String getValueString() {
			if (type == OptionType.NUMERIC)
				return String.format("%d%%", val);
			else if (type == OptionType.BOOLEAN)
				return (bool) ? "Yes" : "No";
				return "";

		 * Returns the string to write to the configuration file (via override).
		 * <p>
		 * By default, this returns "{@code val}" for numeric options,
		 * "true" or "false" based on the {@code bool} field for boolean options,
		 * and {@link #getValueString()} otherwise.
		 * @return the string to write
		public String write() {
			if (type == OptionType.NUMERIC)
				return Integer.toString(val);
			else if (type == OptionType.BOOLEAN)
				return Boolean.toString(bool);
				return getValueString();

		 * Reads the value of the option from the configuration file (via override).
		 * <p>
		 * By default, this sets {@code val} for numeric options only if the
		 * value is between the min and max bounds, sets {@code bool} for
		 * boolean options, and does nothing otherwise.
		 * @param s the value string read from the configuration file
		public void read(String s) {
			if (type == OptionType.NUMERIC) {
				int i = Integer.parseInt(s);
				if (i >= min && i <= max)
					val = i;
			} else if (type == OptionType.BOOLEAN)
				bool = Boolean.parseBoolean(s);

		 * Checks whether the option matches a given search query.
		 * @param query the search term
		 * @return true if the option name or description matches the query
		public boolean matches(String query) {
			return !query.isEmpty() &&
			       (name.toLowerCase().contains(query) || description.toLowerCase().contains(query));

		 * Sets whether this option should be visible.
		 * @param visible {@code true} if visible
		public void setVisible(boolean visible) { this.visible = visible; }

		 * Returns whether or not this option should be visible.
		 * @return true if visible
		public boolean isVisible() { return visible; }

	/** Map of option display names to GameOptions. */
	private static HashMap<String, GameOption> optionMap;

	/** Screen resolutions. */
	private enum Resolution {
		RES_800_600 (800, 600),
		RES_1024_600 (1024, 600),
		RES_1024_768 (1024, 768),
		RES_1280_720 (1280, 720),
		RES_1280_800 (1280, 800),
		RES_1280_960 (1280, 960),
		RES_1280_1024 (1280, 1024),
		RES_1366_768 (1366, 768),
		RES_1440_900 (1440, 900),
		RES_1600_900 (1600, 900),
		RES_1600_1200 (1600, 1200),
		RES_1680_1050 (1680, 1050),
		RES_1920_1080 (1920, 1080),
		RES_1920_1200 (1920, 1200),
		RES_2560_1440 (2560, 1440),
		RES_2560_1600 (2560, 1600),
		RES_3840_2160 (3840, 2160);

		/** Screen dimensions. */
		private int width, height;

		 * Constructor.
		 * @param width the screen width
		 * @param height the screen height
		Resolution(int width, int height) {
			this.width = width;
			this.height = height;

		/** Returns the screen width. */
		public int getWidth() { return width; }

		/** Returns the screen height. */
		public int getHeight() { return height; }

		/** Returns whether this resolution is possible to use in fullscreen mode. */
		public boolean hasFullscreenDisplayMode() {
			try {
				for (DisplayMode mode : Display.getAvailableDisplayModes()) {
					if (width == mode.getWidth() && height == mode.getHeight())
						return true;
			} catch (LWJGLException e) {
				ErrorHandler.error("Failed to get available display modes.", e, true);
			return false;

		public String toString() { return String.format("%sx%s", width, height); }

	/** Current screen resolution. */
	private static Resolution resolution = Resolution.RES_1024_768;

	/** The name of the skin. */
	private static String skinName = "Default";

	/** The current skin. */
	private static Skin skin;

	/** Frame limiters. */
	private static final int[] targetFPS = { 60, 120, 240, -1 /* Unlimited */ };

	/** Index in targetFPS[] array. */
	private static int targetFPSindex = 0;

	/** Screenshot file formats. */
	private static String[] screenshotFormat = { "png", "jpg", "bmp" };

	/** Index in screenshotFormat[] array. */
	private static int screenshotFormatIndex = 0;

	/** Left and right game keys. */
	private static int
		keyLeft  = Keyboard.KEY_NONE,
		keyRight = Keyboard.KEY_NONE;

	// This class should not be instantiated.
	private Options() {}

	 * Returns the target frame rate.
	 * @return the target FPS
	public static int getTargetFPS() { return targetFPS[targetFPSindex]; }

	 * Sets the target frame rate to the next available option, and sends a
	 * bar notification about the action.
	 * @param container the game container
	public static void setNextFPS(GameContainer container) {
		int index = (targetFPSindex + 1) % targetFPS.length;
		if (index == targetFPS.length - 1)
			index = 0;  // Skip "Unlimited" option
		GameOption.TARGET_FPS.selectItem(index, container);
		UI.getNotificationManager().sendBarNotification(String.format("Frame limiter: %s", GameOption.TARGET_FPS.getValueString()));

	 * Returns the master volume level.
	 * @return the volume [0, 1]
	public static float getMasterVolume() { return GameOption.MASTER_VOLUME.getIntegerValue() / 100f; }

	 * Sets the master volume level (if within valid range).
	 * @param container the game container
	 * @param volume the volume [0, 1]
	public static void setMasterVolume(GameContainer container, float volume) {
		if (volume >= 0f && volume <= 1f) {
			GameOption.MASTER_VOLUME.setValue((int) (volume * 100f));
			MusicController.setVolume(getMasterVolume() * getMusicVolume());

	 * Returns the default music volume.
	 * @return the volume [0, 1]
	public static float getMusicVolume() { return GameOption.MUSIC_VOLUME.getIntegerValue() / 100f; }

	 * Returns the default sound effect volume.
	 * @return the sound volume [0, 1]
	public static float getEffectVolume() { return GameOption.EFFECT_VOLUME.getIntegerValue() / 100f; }

	 * Returns the default hit sound volume.
	 * @return the hit sound volume [0, 1]
	public static float getHitSoundVolume() { return GameOption.HITSOUND_VOLUME.getIntegerValue() / 100f; }

	 * Returns the music offset time.
	 * @return the offset (in milliseconds)
	public static int getMusicOffset() { return GameOption.MUSIC_OFFSET.getIntegerValue(); }

	 * Returns the screenshot file format.
	 * @return the file extension ("png", "jpg", "bmp")
	public static String getScreenshotFormat() { return screenshotFormat[screenshotFormatIndex]; }

	 * Sets the container size and makes the window borderless if the container
	 * size is identical to the screen resolution.
	 * <p>
	 * If the configured resolution is larger than the screen size, the smallest
	 * available resolution will be used.
	 * @param app the game container
	public static void setDisplayMode(Container app) {
		int screenWidth = app.getScreenWidth();
		int screenHeight = app.getScreenHeight();
		boolean fullscreen = isFullscreen();

		// check for larger-than-screen dimensions
		if (screenWidth < resolution.getWidth() || screenHeight < resolution.getHeight())
			resolution = Resolution.RES_800_600;

		// check if fullscreen mode is possible with this resolution
		if (fullscreen && !resolution.hasFullscreenDisplayMode())
			fullscreen = false;

		try {
			app.setDisplayMode(resolution.getWidth(), resolution.getHeight(), fullscreen);
		} catch (SlickException e) {
			ErrorHandler.error("Failed to set display mode.", e, true);

		// set borderless window if dimensions match screen size
		if (!fullscreen) {
			boolean borderless = (screenWidth == resolution.getWidth() && screenHeight == resolution.getHeight());
			System.setProperty("org.lwjgl.opengl.Window.undecorated", Boolean.toString(borderless));

	 * Returns whether or not fullscreen mode is enabled.
	 * @return true if enabled
	public static boolean isFullscreen() { return GameOption.FULLSCREEN.getBooleanValue(); }

	 * Returns whether or not the FPS counter display is enabled.
	 * @return true if enabled
	public static boolean isFPSCounterEnabled() { return GameOption.SHOW_FPS.getBooleanValue(); }

	 * Toggles the FPS counter display.
	public static void toggleFPSCounter() { GameOption.SHOW_FPS.toggle(null); }

	 * Returns whether or not hit lighting effects are enabled.
	 * @return true if enabled
	public static boolean isHitLightingEnabled() { return GameOption.SHOW_HIT_LIGHTING.getBooleanValue(); }

	 * Returns whether or not combo burst effects are enabled.
	 * @return true if enabled
	public static boolean isComboBurstEnabled() { return GameOption.SHOW_COMBO_BURSTS.getBooleanValue(); }

	 * Returns the cursor scale.
	 * @return the scale [0.5, 2]
	public static float getCursorScale() { return GameOption.CURSOR_SIZE.getIntegerValue() / 100f; }

	 * Returns whether or not the main menu background should be the current beatmap background image.
	 * @return true if enabled
	public static boolean isDynamicBackgroundEnabled() { return GameOption.DYNAMIC_BACKGROUND.getBooleanValue(); }

	 * Returns whether or not to show perfect hit result bursts.
	 * @return true if enabled
	public static boolean isPerfectHitBurstEnabled() { return GameOption.SHOW_PERFECT_HIT.getBooleanValue(); }

	 * Returns whether or not to show follow points.
	 * @return true if enabled
	public static boolean isFollowPointEnabled() { return GameOption.SHOW_FOLLOW_POINTS.getBooleanValue(); }

	 * Returns the background dim level.
	 * @return the alpha level [0, 1]
	public static float getBackgroundDim() { return (100 - GameOption.BACKGROUND_DIM.getIntegerValue()) / 100f; }

	 * Returns whether or not to override the beatmap background with the default playfield background.
	 * @return true if forced
	public static boolean isDefaultPlayfieldForced() { return GameOption.FORCE_DEFAULT_PLAYFIELD.getBooleanValue(); }

	 * Returns whether or not beatmap videos are enabled.
	 * @return true if enabled
	public static boolean isBeatmapVideoEnabled() { return GameOption.ENABLE_VIDEOS.getBooleanValue(); }

	 * Returns whether or not beatmap skins are ignored.
	 * @return true if ignored
	public static boolean isBeatmapSkinIgnored() { return GameOption.IGNORE_BEATMAP_SKINS.getBooleanValue(); }

	 * Returns whether or not to override the beatmap cursor with the current skin's cursor.
	 * @return true if forced
	public static boolean isSkinCursorForced() { return GameOption.FORCE_SKIN_CURSOR.getBooleanValue(); }

	 * Returns whether or not sliders should snake in or just appear fully at once.
	 * @return true if sliders should snake in
	public static boolean isSliderSnaking() { return GameOption.SNAKING_SLIDERS.getBooleanValue(); }

	 * Returns whether or not to use the experimental slider style.
	 * @return true if enabled
	public static boolean isExperimentalSliderStyle() { return GameOption.EXPERIMENTAL_SLIDERS.getBooleanValue(); }

	 * Returns whether or not slider caps (end circles) should be drawn.
	 * Only applies to experimental sliders.
	 * @return true if slider caps should be drawn
	public static boolean isExperimentalSliderCapsDrawn() { return GameOption.EXPERIMENTAL_SLIDERS_CAPS.getBooleanValue(); }

	 * Returns whether or not sliders should shrink toward their ending point.
	 * Only applies to experimental sliders.
	 * @return true if sliders should shrink
	public static boolean isExperimentalSliderShrinking() { return GameOption.EXPERIMENTAL_SLIDERS_SHRINK.getBooleanValue(); }

	 * Returns whether or not to merge overlapping sliders together when drawing.
	 * Only applies to experimental sliders.
	 * @return true if sliders should be merged
	public static boolean isExperimentalSliderMerging() { return GameOption.EXPERIMENTAL_SLIDERS_MERGE.getBooleanValue(); }

	 * Returns the fixed circle size override, if any.
	 * @return the CS value (0, 10], 0f if disabled
	public static float getFixedCS() { return GameOption.FIXED_CS.getIntegerValue() / 10f; }

	 * Returns the fixed HP drain rate override, if any.
	 * @return the HP value (0, 10], 0f if disabled
	public static float getFixedHP() { return GameOption.FIXED_HP.getIntegerValue() / 10f; }

	 * Returns the fixed approach rate override, if any.
	 * @return the AR value (0, 10], 0f if disabled
	public static float getFixedAR() { return GameOption.FIXED_AR.getIntegerValue() / 10f; }

	 * Returns the fixed overall difficulty override, if any.
	 * @return the OD value (0, 10], 0f if disabled
	public static float getFixedOD() { return GameOption.FIXED_OD.getIntegerValue() / 10f; }

	 * Returns the fixed speed override, if any.
	 * @return the speed value (0, 3], 0f if disabled
	public static float getFixedSpeed() { return GameOption.FIXED_SPEED.getIntegerValue() / 100f; }

	 * Returns whether or not to render loading text in the splash screen.
	 * @return true if enabled
	public static boolean isLoadVerbose() { return GameOption.LOAD_VERBOSE.getBooleanValue(); }

	 * Returns the track checkpoint time.
	 * @return the checkpoint time (in ms)
	public static int getCheckpoint() { return GameOption.CHECKPOINT.getIntegerValue() * 1000; }

	 * Returns whether or not sound effects are disabled during gameplay.
	 * @return true if disabled
	public static boolean isGameplaySoundDisabled() { return GameOption.DISABLE_GAMEPLAY_SOUNDS.getBooleanValue(); }

	 * Returns whether or not all sound effects are disabled.
	 * @return true if disabled
	public static boolean isSoundDisabled() { return GameOption.DISABLE_SOUNDS.getBooleanValue(); }

	 * Returns whether or not to use non-English metadata where available.
	 * @return true if Unicode preferred
	public static boolean useUnicodeMetadata() { return GameOption.SHOW_UNICODE.getBooleanValue(); }

	 * Returns whether parallax is enabled.
	 * @return true if enabled
	public static boolean isParallaxEnabled() { return GameOption.PARALLAX.getBooleanValue(); }

	 * Returns whether or not to play the theme song.
	 * @return true if enabled
	public static boolean isThemeSongEnabled() { return GameOption.ENABLE_THEME_SONG.getBooleanValue(); }

	 * Returns whether or not replay seeking is enabled.
	 * @return true if enabled
	public static boolean isReplaySeekingEnabled() { return GameOption.REPLAY_SEEKING.getBooleanValue(); }

	 * Returns whether or not automatic checking for updates is disabled.
	 * @return true if disabled
	public static boolean isUpdaterDisabled() { return GameOption.DISABLE_UPDATER.getBooleanValue(); }

	 * Returns whether or not the beatmap watch service is enabled.
	 * @return true if enabled
	public static boolean isWatchServiceEnabled() { return GameOption.ENABLE_WATCH_SERVICE.getBooleanValue(); }

	 * Sets the track checkpoint time, if within bounds.
	 * @param time the track position (in ms)
	 * @return true if within bounds
	public static boolean setCheckpoint(int time) {
		if (time >= 0 && time < 3600) {
			return true;
		return false;

	 * Returns whether or not to show the hit error bar.
	 * @return true if enabled
	public static boolean isHitErrorBarEnabled() { return GameOption.SHOW_HIT_ERROR_BAR.getBooleanValue(); }

	 * Returns whether or not to show the key overlay on non-replay game sessions.
	 * @return true if enabled
	public static boolean alwaysShowKeyOverlay() { return GameOption.ALWAYS_SHOW_KEY_OVERLAY.getBooleanValue(); }

	 * Returns whether or not to load HD (@2x) images.
	 * @return true if HD images are enabled, false if only SD images should be loaded
	public static boolean loadHDImages() { return GameOption.LOAD_HD_IMAGES.getBooleanValue(); }

	 * Returns whether or not the mouse wheel is disabled during gameplay.
	 * @return true if disabled
	public static boolean isMouseWheelDisabled() { return GameOption.DISABLE_MOUSE_WHEEL.getBooleanValue(); }

	 * Returns whether or not the mouse buttons are disabled during gameplay.
	 * @return true if disabled
	public static boolean isMouseDisabled() { return GameOption.DISABLE_MOUSE_BUTTONS.getBooleanValue(); }

	 * Toggles the mouse button enabled/disabled state during gameplay and
	 * sends a bar notification about the action.
	public static void toggleMouseDisabled() {
		UI.getNotificationManager().sendBarNotification((GameOption.DISABLE_MOUSE_BUTTONS.getBooleanValue()) ?
			"Mouse buttons are disabled." : "Mouse buttons are enabled.");

	 * Returns whether or not the cursor sprite should be hidden.
	 * @return true if disabled
	public static boolean isCursorDisabled() { return GameOption.DISABLE_CURSOR.getBooleanValue(); }

	 * Returns the left game key.
	 * @return the left key code
	public static int getGameKeyLeft() {
		if (keyLeft == Keyboard.KEY_NONE)
		return keyLeft;

	 * Returns the right game key.
	 * @return the right key code
	public static int getGameKeyRight() {
		if (keyRight == Keyboard.KEY_NONE)
		return keyRight;

	 * Sets the left game key.
	 * This will not be set to the same key as the right game key, nor to any
	 * reserved keys (see {@link #isValidGameKey(int)}).
	 * @param key the keyboard key
	 * @return {@code true} if the key was set, {@code false} if it was rejected
	public static boolean setGameKeyLeft(int key) {
		if ((key == keyRight && key != Keyboard.KEY_NONE) || !isValidGameKey(key))
			return false;
		keyLeft = key;
		return true;

	 * Sets the right game key.
	 * This will not be set to the same key as the left game key, nor to any
	 * reserved keys (see {@link #isValidGameKey(int)}).
	 * @param key the keyboard key
	 * @return {@code true} if the key was set, {@code false} if it was rejected
	public static boolean setGameKeyRight(int key) {
		if ((key == keyLeft && key != Keyboard.KEY_NONE) || !isValidGameKey(key))
			return false;
		keyRight = key;
		return true;

	 * Checks if the given key is a valid game key.
	 * @param key the keyboard key
	 * @return {@code true} if valid, {@code false} otherwise
	private static boolean isValidGameKey(int key) {
		return (key != Keyboard.KEY_ESCAPE && key != Keyboard.KEY_SPACE &&
		        key != Keyboard.KEY_UP && key != Keyboard.KEY_DOWN &&
		        key != Keyboard.KEY_F7 && key != Keyboard.KEY_F10 && key != Keyboard.KEY_F12);

	 * Returns the beatmap directory.
	 * If invalid, this will attempt to search for the directory,
	 * and if nothing found, will create one.
	 * @return the beatmap directory
	public static File getBeatmapDir() {
		if (beatmapDir != null && beatmapDir.isDirectory())
			return beatmapDir;

		// use osu! installation directory, if found
		File osuDir = getOsuInstallationDirectory();
		if (osuDir != null) {
			beatmapDir = new File(osuDir, BEATMAP_DIR.getName());
			if (beatmapDir.isDirectory())
				return beatmapDir;

		// use default directory
		beatmapDir = BEATMAP_DIR;
		if (!beatmapDir.isDirectory() && !beatmapDir.mkdir())
			ErrorHandler.error(String.format("Failed to create beatmap directory at '%s'.", beatmapDir.getAbsolutePath()), null, false);
		return beatmapDir;

	 * Returns the import directory (for beatmaps, skins, and replays).
	 * If invalid, this will create and return an "Import" directory.
	 * @return the import directory
	public static File getImportDir() {
		if (importDir != null && importDir.isDirectory())
			return importDir;

		importDir = new File(DATA_DIR, "Import/");
		if (!importDir.isDirectory() && !importDir.mkdir())
			ErrorHandler.error(String.format("Failed to create import directory at '%s'.", importDir.getAbsolutePath()), null, false);
		return importDir;

	 * Returns the screenshot directory.
	 * If invalid, this will return a "Screenshot" directory.
	 * @return the screenshot directory
	public static File getScreenshotDir() {
		if (screenshotDir != null && screenshotDir.isDirectory())
			return screenshotDir;

		screenshotDir = new File(DATA_DIR, "Screenshots/");
		return screenshotDir;

	 * Returns the replay directory.
	 * If invalid, this will return a "Replay" directory.
	 * @return the replay directory
	public static File getReplayDir() {
		if (replayDir != null && replayDir.isDirectory())
			return replayDir;

		replayDir = new File(DATA_DIR, "Replays/");
		return replayDir;

	 * Returns the current skin directory.
	 * If invalid, this will create a "Skins" folder in the root directory.
	 * @return the skin directory
	public static File getSkinRootDir() {
		if (skinRootDir != null && skinRootDir.isDirectory())
			return skinRootDir;

		// use osu! installation directory, if found
		File osuDir = getOsuInstallationDirectory();
		if (osuDir != null) {
			skinRootDir = new File(osuDir, SKIN_ROOT_DIR.getName());
			if (skinRootDir.isDirectory())
				return skinRootDir;

		// use default directory
		skinRootDir = SKIN_ROOT_DIR;
		if (!skinRootDir.isDirectory() && !skinRootDir.mkdir())
			ErrorHandler.error(String.format("Failed to create skins directory at '%s'.", skinRootDir.getAbsolutePath()), null, false);
		return skinRootDir;

	 * Loads the skin given by the current skin directory.
	 * If the directory is invalid, the default skin will be loaded.
	public static void loadSkin() {
		File skinDir = getSkinDir();
		if (skinDir == null)  // invalid skin name
			skinName = Skin.DEFAULT_SKIN_NAME;

		// set skin and modify resource locations
		if (skinDir == null)
			skin = new Skin(null);
		else {
			// load the skin
			skin = SkinLoader.loadSkin(skinDir);
			ResourceLoader.addResourceLocation(new FileSystemLocation(skinDir));
		ResourceLoader.addResourceLocation(new ClasspathLocation());
		ResourceLoader.addResourceLocation(new FileSystemLocation(new File(".")));
		ResourceLoader.addResourceLocation(new FileSystemLocation(new File("./res/")));

	 * Returns the current skin.
	 * @return the skin, or null if no skin is loaded (see {@link #loadSkin()})
	public static Skin getSkin() { return skin; }

	 * Returns the current skin directory.
	 * <p>
	 * NOTE: This directory will differ from that of the currently loaded skin
	 * if {@link #loadSkin()} has not been called after a directory change.
	 * Use {@link Skin#getDirectory()} to get the directory of the currently
	 * loaded skin.
	 * @return the skin directory, or null for the default skin
	public static File getSkinDir() {
		File root = getSkinRootDir();
		File dir = new File(root, skinName);
		return (dir.isDirectory()) ? dir : null;

	 * Returns the custom FFmpeg shared library location.
	 * @return the file, or {@code null} if the default location should be used
	public static File getFFmpegLocation() { return FFmpegPath; }

	 * Returns a dummy Beatmap containing the theme song.
	 * @return the theme song beatmap, or {@code null} if the theme string is malformed
	public static Beatmap getThemeBeatmap() {
		String[] tokens = themeString.split(",");
		if (tokens.length != 4)
			return null;

		Beatmap beatmap = new Beatmap(null);
		beatmap.audioFilename = new File(tokens[0]);
		beatmap.title = tokens[1];
		beatmap.artist = tokens[2];
		try {
			beatmap.endTime = Integer.parseInt(tokens[3]);
		} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
			return null;
		try {
			beatmap.timingPoints = new ArrayList<>(1);
			beatmap.timingPoints.add(new TimingPoint(themeTimingPoint));
		} catch (Exception e) {
			return null;

		return beatmap;

	 * Reads user options from the options file, if it exists.
	public static void parseOptions() {
		// if no config file, use default settings
		if (!OPTIONS_FILE.isFile()) {

		// create option map
		if (optionMap == null) {
			optionMap = new HashMap<String, GameOption>();
			for (GameOption option : GameOption.values())
				optionMap.put(option.getDisplayName(), option);

		// read file
		try (BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(OPTIONS_FILE))) {
			String line;
			while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) {
				line = line.trim();
				if (line.length() < 2 || line.charAt(0) == '#')
				int index = line.indexOf('=');
				if (index == -1)

				// read option
				String name = line.substring(0, index).trim();
				GameOption option = optionMap.get(name);
				if (option != null) {
					try {
						String value = line.substring(index + 1).trim();
					} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
						Log.warn(String.format("Format error in options file for line: '%s'.", line), e);
		} catch (IOException e) {
			ErrorHandler.error(String.format("Failed to read file '%s'.", OPTIONS_FILE.getAbsolutePath()), e, false);

	 * (Over)writes user options to a file.
	public static void saveOptions() {
		try (BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(
				new FileOutputStream(OPTIONS_FILE), "utf-8"))) {
			// header
			SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("EEEE, MMMM dd, yyyy");
			String date = dateFormat.format(new Date());
			writer.write(String.format("# %s configuration", OpsuConstants.PROJECT_NAME));
			writer.write("# last updated on ");

			// options
			for (GameOption option : GameOption.values()) {
				writer.write(" = ");
		} catch (IOException e) {
			ErrorHandler.error(String.format("Failed to write to file '%s'.", OPTIONS_FILE.getAbsolutePath()), e, false);