package com.indeed.status.core;

import com.indeed.util.core.time.WallClock;
import com.indeed.util.varexport.Export;
import com.indeed.util.varexport.VarExporter;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;

import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import javax.annotation.PreDestroy;
import java.lang.Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledFuture;
import java.util.concurrent.SynchronousQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.AbortPolicy;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;

import static;

 * The {@link AbstractDependencyManager} is a singleton clearinghouse responsible for knowing
 * all dependencies of the system and their current availability.
abstract public class AbstractDependencyManager implements StatusUpdateProducer, StatusUpdateListener/*,Terminable todo(cameron)*/ {
    private static final int DEFAULT_PING_PERIOD = 30 * 1000; // 30 seconds
    private static final AtomicInteger DEFAULT_THREAD_POOL_COUNT = new AtomicInteger(1);
    private static final AtomicInteger MANAGEMENT_THREAD_POOL_COUNT = new AtomicInteger(1);

    @Nonnull private final Logger log;
    @Nullable private final String appName;

    /// Timer for managing scheduled executions
    @Nonnull private final ScheduledExecutorService executor;

    /// Thread pool for running dependency checks
    @Nonnull private final ThreadPoolExecutor threadPool;

    /// Container for checking all dependencies
    @Nonnull private final DependencyChecker checker;

    /// Delegate for handling event propagation
    private final StatusUpdateDelegate updateHandler = new StatusUpdateDelegate();

    /// Collection of all dependencies governed by this manager. The keys of this map are the unique
    ///  String identifiers of each dependency. The values are the immutable objects representing the
    ///  canonical view of each dependency. This map does <em>not</em> indicate the current status
    ///  of dependencies, but rather the set of dependencies that are registered with the system.
    @Nonnull private final ConcurrentMap<String, Dependency> dependencies = Maps.newConcurrentMap();

    /// Collection of all dependency pingers that have been created to monitor the health of a dependency.
    /// Once a dependency is removed from the manager, its associated pinger is cancelled.
    @Nonnull private final ConcurrentMap<String, ScheduledFuture<?>> dependencyPingers = Maps.newConcurrentMap();

    private long pingPeriod = DEFAULT_PING_PERIOD;

    public static class Qualifiers {
        protected Qualifiers () { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("ResultType is a constants class."); }

        public static final String LIVE = "live";
        public static final String BACKGROUND = "bkgd"; // NOTE: Varying slightly from the "background" string used by client projects
                                                        //  just so we don't trip somebody up.

    // TODO Some day, all of this will be replaced with a builder.
    //  At the time when we do that, we'll need to work with the dependency manager extensions present in the
    //  unit tests, since those are the only reasonable extensions of the checker. They can probably be refactored
    //  to push the custom behavior up into the test case or down into the dependency.

    public AbstractDependencyManager() {
        this(null, null, newDefaultThreadPool());

    public AbstractDependencyManager(final String appName) {
        this(appName, null, newDefaultThreadPool());

    public AbstractDependencyManager (final String appName, final Logger logger) {
        this(appName, logger, newDefaultThreadPool());

    public AbstractDependencyManager(
            final String appName,
            final Logger logger,
            @Nonnull final SystemReporter systemReporter
    ) {
        this(appName, logger, newDefaultThreadPool(), systemReporter);

    public AbstractDependencyManager(
            final String appName,
            final Logger logger,
            @Nonnull final SystemReporter systemReporter,
            final boolean throttleDependencyChecks
    ) {
        this(appName, logger, newDefaultThreadPool(), systemReporter, throttleDependencyChecks);

    public AbstractDependencyManager (final Logger logger) {
        this(null, logger, newDefaultThreadPool());

    public AbstractDependencyManager(
            @Nullable final String appName,
            @Nullable final Logger logger,
            @Nonnull final DependencyChecker checker
    ) {
        this(appName, logger, newDefaultThreadPool(), checker);

     * @deprecated Use {@link #AbstractDependencyManager(String, Logger, ThreadPoolExecutor, WallClock)} instead.
    public AbstractDependencyManager(
            @Nullable final String appName,
            @Nullable final Logger logger,
            @Nonnull final ThreadPoolExecutor threadPool
    ) {
        this(appName, logger, threadPool, new SystemReporter());

    public AbstractDependencyManager(
            @Nullable final String appName,
            @Nullable final Logger logger,
            @Nonnull final ThreadPoolExecutor threadPool,
            @Nonnull final WallClock wallClock
    ) {
        this(appName, logger, threadPool, new SystemReporter(wallClock));

    public AbstractDependencyManager(
            @Nullable final String appName,
            @Nullable final Logger logger,
            @Nonnull final ThreadPoolExecutor threadPool,
            @Nonnull final SystemReporter systemReporter
    ) {

    public AbstractDependencyManager(
            @Nullable final String appName,
            @Nullable final Logger logger,
            @Nonnull final ThreadPoolExecutor threadPool,
            @Nonnull final SystemReporter systemReporter,
            final boolean throttleDependencyChecks
    ) {


    public AbstractDependencyManager(
            @Nullable final String appName,
            @Nullable final Logger logger,
            @Nonnull final ThreadPoolExecutor threadPool,
            @Nonnull final DependencyChecker checker
    ) {
        this.appName = Strings.isNullOrEmpty(appName) ? getAppName() : appName;
        this.log = null == logger ? Logger.getLogger(getClass()) : logger;

        this.executor = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor(new ThreadFactoryBuilder()
                .setNameFormat("dependency-management-" + MANAGEMENT_THREAD_POOL_COUNT.getAndIncrement() + "-thread-%d")
                .setUncaughtExceptionHandler(new UncaughtExceptionHandler() {
                    public void uncaughtException(Thread t, Throwable e) {
                        log.error("Uncaught throwable in thread " + t.getName() + "/" + t.getId(), e);

        this.threadPool = threadPool;

        this.checker = checker;

        VarExporter.forNamespace(getClass().getSimpleName()).includeInGlobal().export(this, "");

    public String getAppName() {
        return appName;

    protected WallClock getWallClock() {
        return this.checker.getWallClock();

    static ThreadPoolExecutor newDefaultThreadPool() {
        final ThreadPoolExecutor result = new ThreadPoolExecutor(
                // Bound the pool. Most foreground dependency managers should be called only very rarely, so
                //  keep a minimal core pool around and only grow it on demand.
                1, 16,
                // Threads will be kept alive in an idle state for a minute or two. After that, they may be
                //  garbage-collected, so that we're keeping a larger thread pool only during weird periods of
                //  congestion. (Note: the background manager will typically keep all threads pretty active, since it's
                //  repeatedly launching new pingers. The live manager will spin them up and down based on traffic to
                //  the rather uncommonly used /healthcheck/live uri).
                30, TimeUnit.SECONDS,
                // Use a blocking queue just to keep track of checks when the world is going wrong. This is mostly useful
                //  when we're adding a bunch of checks at the same time, such as during a live healthcheck. Might as well
                //  keep this pretty small, because any nontrivial wait to execute is going to blow up a timeout anyway.
                new SynchronousQueue<Runnable>(),
                // Name your threads.
                new ThreadFactoryBuilder()
                        .setNameFormat("dependency-default-" + DEFAULT_THREAD_POOL_COUNT.getAndIncrement() + "-checker-%d")
                        .setUncaughtExceptionHandler(new UncaughtExceptionHandler() {
                            public void uncaughtException(Thread t, Throwable e) {
                                        .error("Uncaught throwable in thread " + t.getName() + "/" + t.getId(), e);
                // Explicitly restating the default policy here, because healthchecks should Just Not Work if there
                //  are insufficient resources to support them. Given the smallish queue above, this means that
                //  we're going to end up throwing exceptions if we get too blocked up somehow.
                new AbortPolicy());


        return result;

    public Collection<String> getDependencyIds() {
        return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(dependencies.keySet());

    public CheckResultSet evaluate() {
        return evaluate(getDependencies());

    public CheckResult evaluate(@Nonnull final String id) {
        final Dependency dependency = checkNotNull(dependencies.get(id), "Missing dependency '%s'", id);
        return evaluate(Collections.singleton(dependency)).get(id);

    private CheckResultSet evaluate(Collection<Dependency> dependencies) {
        final CheckResultSet result = checker.evaluate(dependencies);


        return result;

     * Launches a background pinger over the given dependency. The periodicity of the
     * check is controlled by the dependency manager object.
     * @param dependency
    public void launchPinger(final Dependency dependency) {
        final DependencyPinger pinger = newPingerFor(dependency);

        // Add a listener so that objects that want to listen for updates to ANY dependency
        // can do so. Note that this is done ONLY for background-pinger type dependency
        // checks, because it makes less sense to monitor checks that are evaluated
        // unpredictably.

        // Note: we can assume the id is unique and the dependency is not duplicated because of the check
        // in AbstractDependencyManager#addDependency
        dependencyPingers.computeIfAbsent(dependency.getId(), dependencyId ->
                executor.scheduleWithFixedDelay(pinger, 0, pinger.getPingPeriod(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS));


    protected DependencyPinger newPingerFor (final Dependency dependency) {
        final DependencyPinger pinger;
        final long dependencyPingPeriod = dependency.getPingPeriod();
        if (dependencyPingPeriod <= 0 || dependencyPingPeriod == AbstractDependency.DEFAULT_PING_PERIOD) {
  "Creating pinger with ping period " + pingPeriod);
            pinger = new DependencyPinger(dependency, pingPeriod, checker);

        } else {
  "Creating pinger with ping period " + dependency.getPingPeriod());
            pinger = new DependencyPinger(dependency, checker);
        return pinger;

    public Dependency getDependency (final String id) {
        return dependencies.get(id);

    public void addDependency(final Dependency dependency) {
        final Dependency dependencyToAdd;

        if (checker.getThrottle() && !(dependency instanceof DependencyPinger)) {
            dependencyToAdd = new ThrottledDependencyWrapper(dependency);
        } else {
            dependencyToAdd = dependency;

        final Dependency existing = dependencies.putIfAbsent(dependencyToAdd.getId(), dependencyToAdd);

                null == existing,
                "Can't have two dependencies with the same ID [%s]. Check your setup.", dependencyToAdd.getId());

        // Direct this through the update-handler so that we don't inadvertently alert ourselves that we added a dependency

    public Dependency removeDependency(final String id) {
        final ScheduledFuture<?> pinger = dependencyPingers.remove(id);
        // Cancel all future pings for this dependency, interrupting any current pings
        if (pinger != null) {

        return dependencies.remove(id);

    public Collection<Dependency> getDependencies() {
        return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(dependencies.values());

    public void onChanged (@Nonnull final Dependency source, @Nullable final CheckResult original, @Nonnull final CheckResult updated) {
        updateHandler.onChanged(source, original, updated);

    public void onAdded(@Nonnull final Dependency dependency) {

    public void onChecked(@Nonnull final Dependency source, @Nonnull final CheckResult result) {
        updateHandler.onChecked(source, result);

    public void clear () {

    public void addListener (final StatusUpdateListener listener) {

    public Iterator<StatusUpdateListener> listeners() {
        return updateHandler.listeners();

    public void setPingPeriod(final long pingPeriod) {
        this.pingPeriod = pingPeriod;

    /*@Override todo(cameron)*/
    public void shutdown () {

    @Export (name="active-threads")
    public int getActiveDependencyThreads() {
        return threadPool.getActiveCount();

    public int getCorePoolSize() {
        return threadPool.getCorePoolSize();

    public int getQueueSize() {
        final BlockingQueue<Runnable> queue = threadPool.getQueue();
        return null == queue ? 0 : queue.size();