 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.apache.hadoop.raid;

import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.net.InetSocketAddress;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.BlockLocation;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.LocatedFileStatus;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.RemoteIterator;
import org.apache.hadoop.http.HttpServer;
import org.apache.hadoop.ipc.ProtocolSignature;
import org.apache.hadoop.ipc.RPC;
import org.apache.hadoop.ipc.Server;
import org.apache.hadoop.net.NetUtils;
import org.apache.hadoop.raid.Decoder.DecoderInputStream;
import org.apache.hadoop.raid.DistBlockIntegrityMonitor.Worker;
import org.apache.hadoop.raid.DistBlockIntegrityMonitor.CorruptFileCounter;
import org.apache.hadoop.raid.protocol.PolicyInfo;
import org.apache.hadoop.raid.protocol.RaidProtocol;
import org.apache.hadoop.tools.HadoopArchives;
import org.apache.hadoop.util.Daemon;
import org.apache.hadoop.util.Progressable;
import org.apache.hadoop.util.StringUtils;
import org.apache.hadoop.util.ToolRunner;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobConf;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;

 * A base class that implements {@link RaidProtocol}.
 * use raid.classname to specify which implementation to use
public abstract class RaidNode implements RaidProtocol {

	static {

	public static enum LOGTYPES {

	public static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(RaidNode.class);
	public static final Log ENCODER_METRICS_LOG = LogFactory
	public static final long SLEEP_TIME = 10000L; // 10 seconds
	public static final String TRIGGER_MONITOR_SLEEP_TIME_KEY = "hdfs.raid.trigger.monitor.sleep.time";
	public static final int DEFAULT_PORT = 60000;
	// we don't raid too small files
	public static final long MINIMUM_RAIDABLE_FILESIZE = 10 * 1024L;
	public static final String MINIMUM_RAIDABLE_FILESIZE_KEY = "hdfs.raid.min.filesize";

	public static final String RAID_RECOVERY_LOCATION_KEY = "hdfs.raid.local.recovery.location";
	public static final String DEFAULT_RECOVERY_LOCATION = "/tmp/raidrecovery";

	public static final String RAID_PARITY_HAR_THRESHOLD_DAYS_KEY = "raid.parity.har.threshold.days";
	public static final int DEFAULT_RAID_PARITY_HAR_THRESHOLD_DAYS = 3;

	public static final String RAID_DIRECTORYTRAVERSAL_SHUFFLE = "raid.directorytraversal.shuffle";
	public static final String RAID_DIRECTORYTRAVERSAL_THREADS = "raid.directorytraversal.threads";

	public static final String RAID_DISABLE_CORRUPT_BLOCK_FIXER_KEY = "raid.blockreconstruction.corrupt.disable";
	public static final String RAID_DISABLE_DECOMMISSIONING_BLOCK_COPIER_KEY = "raid.blockreconstruction.decommissioning.disable";
	public static final String RAID_DISABLE_CORRUPTFILE_COUNTER_KEY = "raid.corruptfile.counter.disable";

	public static final String JOBUSER = "raid";

	public static final String HAR_SUFFIX = "_raid.har";
	public static final Pattern PARITY_HAR_PARTFILE_PATTERN =

	Pattern.compile(".*" + HAR_SUFFIX + "/part-.*");

	public static final String RAIDNODE_CLASSNAME_KEY = "raid.classname";
	public static final DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm");

	/** RPC server */
	private Server server;
	/** RPC server address */
	private InetSocketAddress serverAddress = null;
	/** only used for testing purposes */
	protected boolean stopRequested = false;

	/** Configuration Manager */
	private ConfigManager configMgr;

	private HttpServer infoServer;
	private String infoBindAddress;
	private long startTime;

	/** hadoop configuration */
	protected Configuration conf;

	protected boolean initialized = false; // Are we initialized?
	protected volatile boolean running = true; // Are we running?

	/** Deamon thread to trigger policies */
	Daemon triggerThread = null;
	public static long triggerMonitorSleepTime = SLEEP_TIME;

	/** Deamon thread to delete obsolete parity files */
	PurgeMonitor purgeMonitor = null;
	Daemon purgeThread = null;

	/** Deamon thread to har raid directories */
	Daemon harThread = null;

	/** Daemon thread to fix corrupt files */
	BlockIntegrityMonitor blockIntegrityMonitor = null;
	Daemon blockFixerThread = null;
	Daemon blockCopierThread = null;
	Daemon corruptFileCounterThread = null;

	/** Daemon thread to collecting statistics */
	StatisticsCollector statsCollector = null;
	Daemon statsCollectorThread = null;

	PlacementMonitor placementMonitor = null;
	Daemon placementMonitorThread = null;

	private int directoryTraversalThreads;
	private boolean directoryTraversalShuffle;

	// statistics about RAW hdfs blocks. This counts all replicas of a block.
	public static class Statistics {
		long numProcessedBlocks; // total blocks encountered in namespace
		long processedSize; // disk space occupied by all blocks
		long remainingSize; // total disk space post RAID

		long numMetaBlocks; // total blocks in metafile
		long metaSize; // total disk space for meta files

		public void clear() {
			numProcessedBlocks = 0;
			processedSize = 0;
			remainingSize = 0;
			numMetaBlocks = 0;
			metaSize = 0;

		public String toString() {
			long save = processedSize - (remainingSize + metaSize);
			long savep = 0;
			if (processedSize > 0) {
				savep = (save * 100) / processedSize;
			String msg = " numProcessedBlocks = " + numProcessedBlocks
					+ " processedSize = " + processedSize + " postRaidSize = "
					+ remainingSize + " numMetaBlocks = " + numMetaBlocks
					+ " metaSize = " + metaSize + " %save in raw disk space = "
					+ savep;
			return msg;

	// Startup options
	static public enum StartupOption {
		TEST("-test"), REGULAR("-regular");

		private String name = null;

		private StartupOption(String arg) {
			this.name = arg;

		public String getName() {
			return name;

	// For unit test
	RaidNode() {

	 * Start RaidNode.
	 * <p>
	 * The raid-node can be started with one of the following startup options:
	 * <ul>
	 * <li>{@link StartupOption#REGULAR REGULAR} - normal raid node startup</li>
	 * </ul>
	 * The option is passed via configuration field:
	 * <tt>fs.raidnode.startup</tt>
	 * The conf will be modified to reflect the actual ports on which the
	 * RaidNode is up and running if the user passes the port as
	 * <code>zero</code> in the conf.
	 * @param conf
	 *            confirguration
	 * @throws IOException
	RaidNode(Configuration conf) throws IOException {
		try {
		} catch (IOException e) {
			throw e;
		} catch (Exception e) {
			throw new IOException(e);

	public long getProtocolVersion(String protocol, long clientVersion)
			throws IOException {
		if (protocol.equals(RaidProtocol.class.getName())) {
			return RaidProtocol.versionID;
		} else {
			throw new IOException("Unknown protocol to name node: " + protocol);

	public ProtocolSignature getProtocolSignature(String protocol,
			long clientVersion, int clientMethodsHash) throws IOException {
		return ProtocolSignature.getProtocolSignature(this, protocol,
				clientVersion, clientMethodsHash);

	 * Wait for service to finish. (Normally, it runs forever.)
	public void join() {
		try {
			if (server != null)
			if (triggerThread != null)
			if (blockFixerThread != null)
			if (blockCopierThread != null)
			if (corruptFileCounterThread != null)
			if (purgeThread != null)
			if (statsCollectorThread != null)
		} catch (InterruptedException ie) {
			// do nothing

	 * Stop all RaidNode threads and wait for all to finish.
	public void stop() {
		if (stopRequested) {
		stopRequested = true;
		running = false;
		if (server != null)
		if (triggerThread != null)
		if (blockIntegrityMonitor != null)
			blockIntegrityMonitor.running = false;
		if (blockFixerThread != null)
		if (blockCopierThread != null)
		if (corruptFileCounterThread != null)
		if (purgeMonitor != null)
			purgeMonitor.running = false;
		if (purgeThread != null)
		if (placementMonitor != null)
		if (statsCollector != null)
		if (statsCollectorThread != null)
		if (infoServer != null) {
			try {
			} catch (Exception e) {
				LOG.warn("Exception shutting down " + RaidNode.class, e);

	private static InetSocketAddress getAddress(String address) {
		return NetUtils.createSocketAddr(address);

	public static InetSocketAddress getAddress(Configuration conf) {
		String nodeport = conf.get("raid.server.address");
		if (nodeport == null) {
			nodeport = "localhost:" + DEFAULT_PORT;
		return getAddress(nodeport);

	public InetSocketAddress getListenerAddress() {
		return server.getListenerAddress();

	private void cleanUpDirectory(String dir, Configuration conf)
			throws IOException {
		Path pdir = new Path(dir);
		FileSystem fs = pdir.getFileSystem(conf);
		if (fs.exists(pdir)) {

	private void cleanUpTempDirectory(Configuration conf) throws IOException {
		for (Codec codec : Codec.getCodecs()) {
			cleanUpDirectory(codec.tmpParityDirectory, conf);
			cleanUpDirectory(codec.tmpHarDirectory, conf);

	private void initialize(Configuration conf) throws IOException,
			SAXException, InterruptedException, RaidConfigurationException,
			ClassNotFoundException, ParserConfigurationException {
		this.startTime = RaidNode.now();
		this.conf = conf;
		InetSocketAddress socAddr = RaidNode.getAddress(conf);
		int handlerCount = conf.getInt("fs.raidnode.handler.count", 10);
		// clean up temporay directory

		// read in the configuration
		configMgr = new ConfigManager(conf);

		// create rpc server
		this.server = RPC.getServer(this, socAddr.getHostName(),
				socAddr.getPort(), handlerCount, false, conf);

		// The rpc-server port can be ephemeral... ensure we have the correct
		// info
		this.serverAddress = this.server.getListenerAddress();
		LOG.info("RaidNode up at: " + this.serverAddress);
		// Instantiate the metrics singleton.

		this.server.start(); // start RPC server

		// Create a block integrity monitor and start its thread(s)
		this.blockIntegrityMonitor = BlockIntegrityMonitor

		boolean useBlockFixer = !conf.getBoolean(
		boolean useBlockCopier = !conf.getBoolean(
		boolean useCorruptFileCounter = !conf.getBoolean(

		Runnable fixer = blockIntegrityMonitor.getCorruptionMonitor();
		if (useBlockFixer && (fixer != null)) {
			this.blockFixerThread = new Daemon(fixer);
			this.blockFixerThread.setName("Block Fixer");

		Runnable copier = blockIntegrityMonitor.getDecommissioningMonitor();
		if (useBlockCopier && (copier != null)) {
			this.blockCopierThread = new Daemon(copier);
			this.blockCopierThread.setName("Block Copier");

		Runnable counter = blockIntegrityMonitor.getCorruptFileCounter();
		if (useCorruptFileCounter && counter != null) {
			this.corruptFileCounterThread = new Daemon(counter);
			this.corruptFileCounterThread.setName("Corrupt File Counter");

		// start the deamon thread to fire polcies appropriately
		RaidNode.triggerMonitorSleepTime = conf.getLong(
		this.triggerThread = new Daemon(new TriggerMonitor());
		this.triggerThread.setName("Trigger Thread");

		// start the thread that monitor and moves blocks
		this.placementMonitor = new PlacementMonitor(conf);

		// start the thread that deletes obsolete parity files
		this.purgeMonitor = new PurgeMonitor(conf, placementMonitor);
		this.purgeThread = new Daemon(purgeMonitor);
		this.purgeThread.setName("Purge Thread");

		// start the thread that creates HAR files
		this.harThread = new Daemon(new HarMonitor());
		this.harThread.setName("HAR Thread");

		// start the thread that collects statistics
		this.statsCollector = new StatisticsCollector(this, configMgr, conf);
		this.statsCollectorThread = new Daemon(statsCollector);
		this.statsCollectorThread.setName("Stats Collector");

		this.directoryTraversalShuffle = conf.getBoolean(
		this.directoryTraversalThreads = conf.getInt(


		initialized = true;

	private void startHttpServer() throws IOException {
		String infoAddr = conf.get("mapred.raid.http.address",
		InetSocketAddress infoSocAddr = NetUtils.createSocketAddr(infoAddr);
		this.infoBindAddress = infoSocAddr.getHostName();
		int tmpInfoPort = infoSocAddr.getPort();
		this.infoServer = new HttpServer("raid", this.infoBindAddress,
				tmpInfoPort, tmpInfoPort == 0, conf);
		this.infoServer.setAttribute("raidnode", this);
				"/corruptfilecounter", CorruptFileCounterServlet.class);
		LOG.info("Web server started at port " + this.infoServer.getPort());

	public StatisticsCollector getStatsCollector() {
		return this.statsCollector;

	public HttpServer getInfoServer() {
		return infoServer;

	public PlacementMonitor getPlacementMonitor() {
		return this.placementMonitor;

	public PurgeMonitor getPurgeMonitor() {
		return this.purgeMonitor;

	public BlockIntegrityMonitor.Status getBlockIntegrityMonitorStatus() {
		return blockIntegrityMonitor.getAggregateStatus();

	public BlockIntegrityMonitor.Status getBlockFixerStatus() {
		return ((Worker) blockIntegrityMonitor.getCorruptionMonitor())

	public BlockIntegrityMonitor.Status getBlockCopierStatus() {
		return ((Worker) blockIntegrityMonitor.getDecommissioningMonitor())

	// Return the counter map where key is the check directories,
	// the value is the number of corrupt files under that directory
	public Map<String, Long> getCorruptFileCounterMap() {
		return ((CorruptFileCounter) blockIntegrityMonitor

	public long getNumFilesWithMissingBlks() {
		return ((CorruptFileCounter) blockIntegrityMonitor

	public long[] getNumStrpWithMissingBlksRS() {
		return ((CorruptFileCounter) blockIntegrityMonitor

	public String getHostName() {
		return this.infoBindAddress;

	public long getStartTime() {
		return this.startTime;

	public Thread.State getStatsCollectorState() {
		return this.statsCollectorThread.getState();

	public Configuration getConf() {
		return this.conf;

	 * Implement RaidProtocol methods

	/** {@inheritDoc} */
	public PolicyInfo[] getAllPolicies() throws IOException {
		Collection<PolicyInfo> list = configMgr.getAllPolicies();
		return list.toArray(new PolicyInfo[list.size()]);

	/** {@inheritDoc} */
	public String recoverFile(String inStr, long corruptOffset)
			throws IOException {
		throw new IOException("Not supported");

	 * returns the number of raid jobs running for a particular policy
	abstract int getRunningJobsForPolicy(String policyName);

	 * Periodically checks to see which policies should be fired.
	class TriggerMonitor implements Runnable {

		class PolicyState {
			long startTime = 0;
			// A policy may specify either a path for directory traversal
			// or a file with the list of files to raid.
			DirectoryTraversal pendingTraversal = null;
			BufferedReader fileListReader = null;

			PolicyState() {

			boolean isFileListReadInProgress() {
				return fileListReader != null;

			void resetFileListRead() throws IOException {
				if (fileListReader != null) {
					fileListReader = null;

			boolean isScanInProgress() {
				return pendingTraversal != null;

			void resetTraversal() {
				pendingTraversal = null;

			void setTraversal(DirectoryTraversal pendingTraversal) {
				this.pendingTraversal = pendingTraversal;

		private Map<String, PolicyState> policyStateMap = new HashMap<String, PolicyState>();

		public void run() {
			while (running) {
				try {
				} catch (Exception e) {
				} finally {
					LOG.info("Trigger thread continuing to run...");

		private boolean shouldReadFileList(PolicyInfo info) {
			if (info.getFileListPath() == null || !info.getShouldRaid()) {
				return false;
			String policyName = info.getName();
			PolicyState scanState = policyStateMap.get(policyName);
			if (scanState.isFileListReadInProgress()) {
				int maxJobsPerPolicy = configMgr.getMaxJobsPerPolicy();
				int runningJobsCount = getRunningJobsForPolicy(policyName);

				// If there is a scan in progress for this policy, we can have
				// upto maxJobsPerPolicy running jobs.
				return (runningJobsCount < maxJobsPerPolicy);
			} else {
				long lastReadStart = scanState.startTime;
				return (now() > lastReadStart + configMgr.getPeriodicity());

		 * Should we select more files for a policy.
		private boolean shouldSelectFiles(PolicyInfo info) {
			if (!info.getShouldRaid()) {
				return false;
			String policyName = info.getName();
			int runningJobsCount = getRunningJobsForPolicy(policyName);
			PolicyState scanState = policyStateMap.get(policyName);
			if (scanState.isScanInProgress()) {
				int maxJobsPerPolicy = configMgr.getMaxJobsPerPolicy();

				// If there is a scan in progress for this policy, we can have
				// upto maxJobsPerPolicy running jobs.
				return (runningJobsCount < maxJobsPerPolicy);
			} else {

				// Check the time of the last full traversal before starting a
				// fresh
				// traversal.
				long lastScan = scanState.startTime;
				return (now() > lastScan + configMgr.getPeriodicity());

		 * Returns a list of pathnames that needs raiding. The list of paths
		 * could be obtained by resuming a previously suspended traversal. The
		 * number of paths returned is limited by raid.distraid.max.jobs.
		private List<FileStatus> selectFiles(PolicyInfo info,
				ArrayList<PolicyInfo> allPolicies) throws IOException {
			String policyName = info.getName();
			long modTimePeriod = 0;
			try {
				modTimePeriod = Long.parseLong(info.getProperty("modTimePeriod"));
			} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
				//set modeTimePeriod to default: 1 minute
				modTimePeriod = 60000;
			// Max number of files returned.
			int selectLimit = configMgr.getMaxFilesPerJob();

			PolicyState scanState = policyStateMap.get(policyName);

			List<FileStatus> returnSet = new ArrayList<FileStatus>(selectLimit);
			DirectoryTraversal traversal;
			if (scanState.isScanInProgress()) {
				LOG.info("Resuming traversal for policy " + policyName);
				traversal = scanState.pendingTraversal;
			} else {
				LOG.info("Start new traversal for policy " + policyName);
				scanState.startTime = now();
				if (!Codec.getCodec(info.getCodecId()).isDirRaid) {
					traversal = DirectoryTraversal.raidFileRetriever(info,
							info.getSrcPathExpanded(), allPolicies, conf,
							directoryTraversalShuffle, true);
				} else {
					traversal = DirectoryTraversal.raidLeafDirectoryRetriever(
							info, info.getSrcPathExpanded(), allPolicies, conf,
							directoryTraversalShuffle, true);

			FileStatus f;
			while ((f = traversal.next()) != DirectoryTraversal.FINISH_TOKEN) {
				long modTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - f.getModificationTime();
				if(modTime > modTimePeriod) {
					if (returnSet.size() == selectLimit) {
						return returnSet;
			return returnSet;

		private List<FileStatus> readFileList(PolicyInfo info)
				throws IOException {
			Path fileListPath = info.getFileListPath();
			List<FileStatus> list = new ArrayList<FileStatus>();
			if (fileListPath == null) {
				return list;

			// Max number of files returned.
			int selectLimit = configMgr.getMaxFilesPerJob();
			int targetReplication = Integer.parseInt(info

			String policyName = info.getName();
			PolicyState scanState = policyStateMap.get(policyName);
			if (!scanState.isFileListReadInProgress()) {
				scanState.startTime = now();
				try {
					InputStream in = fileListPath.getFileSystem(conf).open(
					scanState.fileListReader = new BufferedReader(
							new InputStreamReader(in));
				} catch (IOException e) {
					LOG.warn("Could not create reader for " + fileListPath, e);
					return list;

			Codec codec = Codec.getCodec(info.getCodecId());
			String l = null;
			try {
				while ((l = scanState.fileListReader.readLine()) != null) {
					Path p = new Path(l);
					FileSystem fs = p.getFileSystem(conf);
					p = fs.makeQualified(p);
					FileStatus stat = null;
					try {
						stat = ParityFilePair.FileStatusCache.get(fs, p);
					} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
						LOG.warn("Path " + p + " does not exist", e);
					if (stat == null) {
					short repl = 0;
					if (codec.isDirRaid) {
						if (!stat.isDir()) {
						List<FileStatus> lfs = RaidNode
								.listDirectoryRaidFileStatus(conf, fs, p);
						if (lfs == null) {
						repl = DirectoryStripeReader.getReplication(lfs);
					} else {
						repl = stat.getReplication();
					if (repl > targetReplication) {
					} else if (repl == targetReplication
							&& !ParityFilePair.parityExists(stat, codec, conf)) {
					if (list.size() >= selectLimit) {
				if (l == null) {
			} catch (IOException e) {
				LOG.error("Encountered error in file list read ", e);
			return list;

		 * Keep processing policies. If the config file has changed, then reload
		 * config file and start afresh.
		private void doProcess() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
			ArrayList<PolicyInfo> allPolicies = new ArrayList<PolicyInfo>();
			ArrayList<PolicyInfo> allPoliciesWithSrcPath = new ArrayList<PolicyInfo>();
			for (PolicyInfo info : configMgr.getAllPolicies()) {
				if (info.getSrcPath() != null) {
			while (running) {

				boolean reloaded = configMgr.reloadConfigsIfNecessary();
				if (reloaded) {
					for (PolicyInfo info : configMgr.getAllPolicies()) {
						if (info.getSrcPath() != null) {
				LOG.info("TriggerMonitor.doProcess " + allPolicies.size());

				for (PolicyInfo info : allPolicies) {
					if (!policyStateMap.containsKey(info.getName())) {
						policyStateMap.put(info.getName(), new PolicyState());

					List<FileStatus> filteredPaths = null;
					if (shouldReadFileList(info)) {
						filteredPaths = readFileList(info);
					} else if (shouldSelectFiles(info)) {
						LOG.info("Triggering Policy Filter " + info.getName()
								+ " " + info.getSrcPath());
						try {
							filteredPaths = selectFiles(info,
						} catch (Exception e) {
							LOG.info("Exception while invoking filter on policy "
									+ info.getName()
									+ " srcPath "
									+ info.getSrcPath()
									+ " exception "
									+ StringUtils.stringifyException(e));
					} else {

					if (filteredPaths == null || filteredPaths.size() == 0) {
						LOG.info("No filtered paths for policy "
								+ info.getName());

					// Apply the action on accepted paths
					LOG.info("Triggering Policy Action " + info.getName() + " "
							+ filteredPaths.size() + " files");
					try {
						raidFiles(info, filteredPaths);
					} catch (Throwable e) {
								"Exception while invoking action on policy "
										+ info.getName() + " srcPath "
										+ info.getSrcPath() + " exception "
										+ StringUtils.stringifyException(e), e);

	 * raid a list of files, this will be overridden by subclasses of RaidNode
	abstract void raidFiles(PolicyInfo info, List<FileStatus> paths)
			throws IOException;

	public abstract String raidJobsHtmlTable(JobMonitor.STATUS st);

	static Path getOriginalParityFile(Path destPathPrefix, Path srcPath) {
		return new Path(destPathPrefix, makeRelative(srcPath));

	static long numBlocks(FileStatus stat) {
		return (long) Math.ceil(stat.getLen() * 1.0 / stat.getBlockSize());

	static long numStripes(long numBlocks, int stripeSize) {
		return (long) Math.ceil(numBlocks * 1.0 / stripeSize);

	static long savingFromRaidingFile(FileStatus stat, int stripeSize,
			int paritySize, int targetReplication, int parityReplication) {
		long currentReplication = stat.getReplication();
		if (currentReplication > targetReplication) {
			long numBlocks = numBlocks(stat);
			long numStripes = numStripes(numBlocks, stripeSize);
			long sourceSaving = stat.getLen()
					* (currentReplication - targetReplication);
			long parityBlocks = numStripes * paritySize;
			return sourceSaving - parityBlocks * parityReplication
					* stat.getBlockSize();
		return 0;

	 * RAID a list of files / directories
	void doRaid(Configuration conf, PolicyInfo info, List<FileStatus> paths)
			throws IOException {
		int targetRepl = Integer
		int metaRepl = Integer.parseInt(info.getProperty("metaReplication"));
		Codec codec = Codec.getCodec(info.getCodecId());
		Path destPref = new Path(codec.parityDirectory);
		String simulate = info.getProperty("simulate");
		boolean doSimulate = simulate == null ? false : Boolean

		Statistics statistics = new Statistics();
		int count = 0;

		for (FileStatus s : paths) {
			doRaid(conf, s, destPref, codec, statistics,
					RaidUtils.NULL_PROGRESSABLE, doSimulate, targetRepl,
			if (count % 1000 == 0) {
				LOG.info("RAID statistics " + statistics.toString());
		LOG.info("RAID statistics " + statistics.toString());

	 * RAID an individual file/directory
	static public boolean doRaid(Configuration conf, PolicyInfo info,
			FileStatus src, Statistics statistics, Progressable reporter)
			throws IOException {
		int targetRepl = Integer
		int metaRepl = Integer.parseInt(info.getProperty("metaReplication"));

		Codec codec = Codec.getCodec(info.getCodecId());
		Path destPref = new Path(codec.parityDirectory);

		String simulate = info.getProperty("simulate");
		boolean doSimulate = simulate == null ? false : Boolean

		return doRaid(conf, src, destPref, codec, statistics, reporter,
				doSimulate, targetRepl, metaRepl);

	public static List<FileStatus> listDirectoryRaidFileStatus(
			Configuration conf, FileSystem srcFs, Path p) throws IOException {
		long minFileSize = conf.getLong(MINIMUM_RAIDABLE_FILESIZE_KEY,
		List<FileStatus> lfs = new ArrayList<FileStatus>();
		FileStatus[] files = srcFs.listStatus(p);
		for (FileStatus stat : files) {
			if (stat.isDir()) {
				return null;
			// We don't raid too small files
			if (stat.getLen() < minFileSize) {
		if (lfs.size() == 0)
			return null;
		return lfs;

	public static List<LocatedFileStatus> listDirectoryRaidLocatedFileStatus(
			Configuration conf, FileSystem srcFs, Path p) throws IOException {
		long minFileSize = conf.getLong(MINIMUM_RAIDABLE_FILESIZE_KEY,
		List<LocatedFileStatus> lfs = new ArrayList<LocatedFileStatus>();
		RemoteIterator<LocatedFileStatus> iter = srcFs.listLocatedStatus(p);
		while (iter.hasNext()) {
			LocatedFileStatus stat = iter.next();
			if (stat.isDir()) {
				return null;
			// We don't raid too small files
			if (stat.getLen() < minFileSize) {
		if (lfs.size() == 0)
			return null;
		return lfs;

	public static boolean doRaid(Configuration conf, FileStatus stat,
			Path destPath, Codec codec, Statistics statistics,
			Progressable reporter, boolean doSimulate, int targetRepl,
			int metaRepl) throws IOException {
		long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
		boolean success = false;
		try {
			if (codec.isDirRaid) {
				success = doDirRaid(conf, stat, destPath, codec, statistics,
						reporter, doSimulate, targetRepl, metaRepl);
			} else {
				success = doFileRaid(conf, stat, destPath, codec, statistics,
						reporter, doSimulate, targetRepl, metaRepl);
			return success;
		} catch (IOException ioe) {
			throw ioe;
		} finally {
			long delay = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;
			long savingBytes = statistics.processedSize
					- statistics.remainingSize - statistics.metaSize;
			FileSystem srcFs = stat.getPath().getFileSystem(conf);
			if (success) {
				logRaidEncodingMetrics("SUCCESS", codec, delay,
						statistics.numMetaBlocks, statistics.metaSize,
						savingBytes, stat.getPath(), LOGTYPES.ENCODING, srcFs);
			} else {
				logRaidEncodingMetrics("FAILURE", codec, delay,
						statistics.numMetaBlocks, statistics.metaSize,
						savingBytes, stat.getPath(), LOGTYPES.ENCODING, srcFs);

	public static long getNumBlocks(FileStatus stat) {
		long numBlocks = stat.getLen() / stat.getBlockSize();
		if (stat.getLen() % stat.getBlockSize() == 0)
			return numBlocks;
			return numBlocks + 1;

	 * RAID an individual directory
	public static boolean doDirRaid(Configuration conf, FileStatus stat,
			Path destPath, Codec codec, Statistics statistics,
			Progressable reporter, boolean doSimulate, int targetRepl,
			int metaRepl) throws IOException {
		Path p = stat.getPath();
		FileSystem srcFs = p.getFileSystem(conf);
		List<FileStatus> lfs = RaidNode.listDirectoryRaidFileStatus(conf,
				srcFs, p);
		if (lfs == null) {
			return false;

		// add up the total number of blocks in the directory
		long blockNum = DirectoryStripeReader.getBlockNum(lfs);

		// if the directory has fewer than 2 blocks, then nothing to do
		if (blockNum <= 2) {
			return false;
		// add up the raw disk space occupied by this directory
		long diskSpace = 0;
		// we use the maximum replication
		int srcRepl = 0;
		for (FileStatus fsStat : lfs) {
			diskSpace += (fsStat.getLen() * fsStat.getReplication());
			if (fsStat.getReplication() > srcRepl) {
				srcRepl = fsStat.getReplication();
		long parityBlockSize = DirectoryStripeReader.getParityBlockSize(conf,

		statistics.numProcessedBlocks += blockNum;
		statistics.processedSize += diskSpace;

		// generate parity file
		generateParityFile(conf, stat, targetRepl, reporter, srcFs, destPath,
				codec, blockNum, srcRepl, metaRepl, parityBlockSize, lfs);
		if (!doSimulate) {
			for (FileStatus fsStat : lfs) {
				if (srcFs.setReplication(fsStat.getPath(), (short) targetRepl) == false) {
					LOG.info("Error in reducing replication of "
							+ fsStat.getPath() + " to " + targetRepl);
					statistics.remainingSize += diskSpace;
					return false;

		diskSpace = 0;
		for (FileStatus fsStat : lfs) {
			diskSpace += (fsStat.getLen() * targetRepl);
		statistics.remainingSize += diskSpace;

		// the metafile will have this many number of blocks
		long numMeta = blockNum / codec.stripeLength;
		if (blockNum % codec.stripeLength != 0) {

		// we create numMeta blocks. This metablock has metaRepl # replicas.
		// the last block of the metafile might not be completely filled up, but
		// we
		// ignore that for now.
		statistics.numMetaBlocks += (numMeta * metaRepl);
		statistics.metaSize += (numMeta * metaRepl * parityBlockSize);
		return true;

	 * RAID an individual file
	public static boolean doFileRaid(Configuration conf, FileStatus stat,
			Path destPath, Codec codec, Statistics statistics,
			Progressable reporter, boolean doSimulate, int targetRepl,
			int metaRepl) throws IOException {
		Path p = stat.getPath();
		FileSystem srcFs = p.getFileSystem(conf);

		// extract block locations from File system
		BlockLocation[] locations = srcFs.getFileBlockLocations(stat, 0,
		// if the file has fewer than 2 blocks, then nothing to do
		if (locations.length <= 2) {
			return false;

		// add up the raw disk space occupied by this file
		long diskSpace = 0;
		for (BlockLocation l : locations) {
			diskSpace += (l.getLength() * stat.getReplication());
		statistics.numProcessedBlocks += locations.length;
		statistics.processedSize += diskSpace;

		// generate parity file
		generateParityFile(conf, stat, targetRepl, reporter, srcFs, destPath,
				codec, locations.length, stat.getReplication(), metaRepl,
				stat.getBlockSize(), null);
		if (!doSimulate) {
			if (srcFs.setReplication(p, (short) targetRepl) == false) {
				LOG.info("Error in reducing replication of " + p + " to "
						+ targetRepl);
				statistics.remainingSize += diskSpace;
				return false;

		diskSpace = 0;
		for (BlockLocation l : locations) {
			diskSpace += (l.getLength() * targetRepl);
		statistics.remainingSize += diskSpace;

		// the metafile will have this many number of blocks
		int numMeta = locations.length / codec.stripeLength;
		if (locations.length % codec.stripeLength != 0) {

		// we create numMeta for every file. This metablock has metaRepl #
		// replicas.
		// the last block of the metafile might not be completely filled up, but
		// we
		// ignore that for now.
		statistics.numMetaBlocks += (numMeta * metaRepl);
		statistics.metaSize += (numMeta * metaRepl * stat.getBlockSize());
		return true;

	 * Generate parity file
	static private void generateParityFile(Configuration conf, FileStatus stat,
			int targetRepl, Progressable reporter, FileSystem inFs,
			Path destPathPrefix, Codec codec, long blockNum, int srcRepl,
			int metaRepl, long blockSize, List<FileStatus> lfs)
			throws IOException {
		Path inpath = stat.getPath();
		Path outpath = getOriginalParityFile(destPathPrefix, inpath);
		FileSystem outFs = inFs;

		// If the parity file is already upto-date and source replication is set
		// then nothing to do.
		try {
			FileStatus stmp = outFs.getFileStatus(outpath);
			if (stmp.getModificationTime() == stat.getModificationTime()
					&& srcRepl == targetRepl) {
				LOG.info("Parity file for " + inpath + "(" + blockNum + ") is "
						+ outpath + " already upto-date and "
						+ "file is at target replication . Nothing more to do.");
		} catch (IOException e) {
			// ignore errors because the raid file might not exist yet.

		Encoder encoder = new Encoder(conf, codec);
		StripeReader sReader = null;
		if (codec.isDirRaid) {
			long numStripes = (blockNum % codec.stripeLength == 0) ? (blockNum / codec.stripeLength)
					: ((blockNum / codec.stripeLength) + 1);

			sReader = new DirectoryStripeReader(conf, codec, inFs, 0, inpath,
			encoder.encodeFile(conf, inFs, inpath, outFs, outpath,
					(short) metaRepl, numStripes, blockSize, reporter, sReader);
		} else {
			FileStatus srcStat = inFs.getFileStatus(inpath);
			long srcSize = srcStat.getLen();
			long numBlocks = (srcSize % blockSize == 0) ? (srcSize / blockSize)
					: ((srcSize / blockSize) + 1);
			long numStripes = (numBlocks % codec.stripeLength == 0) ? (numBlocks / codec.stripeLength)
					: ((numBlocks / codec.stripeLength) + 1);
			sReader = new FileStripeReader(conf, blockSize, codec, inFs, 0,
					inpath, srcSize);
			encoder.encodeFile(conf, inFs, inpath, outFs, outpath,
					(short) metaRepl, numStripes, blockSize, reporter, sReader);

		// set the modification time of the RAID file. This is done so that the
		// modTime of the
		// RAID file reflects that contents of the source file that it has
		// RAIDed. This should
		// also work for files that are being appended to. This is necessary
		// because the time on
		// on the destination namenode may not be synchronised with the
		// timestamp of the
		// source namenode.
		outFs.setTimes(outpath, stat.getModificationTime(), -1);

		FileStatus outstat = outFs.getFileStatus(outpath);
		FileStatus inStat = inFs.getFileStatus(inpath);
		if (stat.getModificationTime() != inStat.getModificationTime()) {
			String msg = "Source file changed mtime during raiding from "
					+ stat.getModificationTime() + " to "
					+ inStat.getModificationTime();
			throw new IOException(msg);
		if (outstat.getModificationTime() != inStat.getModificationTime()) {
			String msg = "Parity file mtime " + outstat.getModificationTime()
					+ " does not match source mtime "
					+ inStat.getModificationTime();
			throw new IOException(msg);
		LOG.info("Source file " + inpath + " of size " + inStat.getLen()
				+ " Parity file " + outpath + " of size " + outstat.getLen()
				+ " src mtime " + stat.getModificationTime() + " parity mtime "
				+ outstat.getModificationTime());

	public static DecoderInputStream unRaidCorruptInputStream(
			Configuration conf, Path srcPath, Codec codec,
			ParityFilePair parityFilePair, long blockSize, long corruptOffset,
			long limit) throws IOException {
		// Test if parity file exists
		if (parityFilePair == null) {
			LOG.warn("Could not find " + codec.id + " parity file for "
					+ srcPath);
			return null;

		FileSystem srcFs = srcPath.getFileSystem(conf);
		Decoder decoder = new Decoder(conf, codec);

		return decoder.generateAlternateStream(srcFs, srcPath,
				parityFilePair.getFileSystem(), parityFilePair.getPath(),
				blockSize, corruptOffset, limit, null);

	private void doHar() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
		long prevExec = 0;
		while (running) {

			// The config may be reloaded by the TriggerMonitor.
			// This thread uses whatever config is currently active.
			while (now() < prevExec + configMgr.getPeriodicity()) {

			LOG.info("Started archive scan");
			prevExec = now();

			// fetch all categories
			for (Codec codec : Codec.getCodecs()) {
				if (codec.isDirRaid) {
					// Disable har for directory raid
				try {
					String tmpHarPath = codec.tmpHarDirectory;
					int harThresold = conf.getInt(
					long cutoff = now() - (harThresold * 24L * 3600000L);

					Path destPref = new Path(codec.parityDirectory);
					FileSystem destFs = destPref.getFileSystem(conf);
					FileStatus destStat = null;
					try {
						destStat = destFs.getFileStatus(destPref);
					} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {

					LOG.info("Haring parity files in " + destPref);
					recurseHar(codec, destFs, destStat, destPref.toUri()
							.getPath(), destFs, cutoff, tmpHarPath);
				} catch (Exception e) {
					LOG.warn("Ignoring Exception while haring ", e);

	void recurseHar(Codec codec, FileSystem destFs, FileStatus dest,
			String destPrefix, FileSystem srcFs, long cutoff, String tmpHarPath)
			throws IOException {

		if (!dest.isDir()) {

		Path destPath = dest.getPath(); // pathname, no host:port
		String destStr = destPath.toUri().getPath();

		// If the source directory is a HAR, do nothing.
		if (destStr.endsWith(".har")) {

		// Verify if it already contains a HAR directory
		if (destFs.exists(new Path(destPath, destPath.getName() + HAR_SUFFIX))) {

		boolean shouldHar = false;
		FileStatus[] files = destFs.listStatus(destPath);
		long harBlockSize = -1;
		short harReplication = -1;
		if (files != null) {
			shouldHar = files.length > 0;
			for (FileStatus one : files) {
				if (one.isDir()) {
					recurseHar(codec, destFs, one, destPrefix, srcFs, cutoff,
					shouldHar = false;
				} else if (one.getModificationTime() > cutoff) {
					if (shouldHar) {
						LOG.debug("Cannot archive " + destPath + " because "
								+ one.getPath() + " was modified after cutoff");
						shouldHar = false;
				} else {
					if (harBlockSize == -1) {
						harBlockSize = one.getBlockSize();
					} else if (harBlockSize != one.getBlockSize()) {
						LOG.info("Block size of " + one.getPath() + " is "
								+ one.getBlockSize()
								+ " which is different from " + harBlockSize);
						shouldHar = false;
					if (harReplication == -1) {
						harReplication = one.getReplication();
					} else if (harReplication != one.getReplication()) {
						LOG.info("Replication of " + one.getPath() + " is "
								+ one.getReplication()
								+ " which is different from " + harReplication);
						shouldHar = false;

			if (shouldHar) {
				String src = destStr.replaceFirst(destPrefix, "");
				Path srcPath = new Path(src);
				FileStatus[] statuses = srcFs.listStatus(srcPath);
				Path destPathPrefix = new Path(destPrefix)
				if (statuses != null) {
					for (FileStatus status : statuses) {
						if (ParityFilePair.getParityFile(codec, status
								.getPath().makeQualified(srcFs), conf) == null) {
							LOG.debug("Cannot archive "
									+ destPath
									+ " because it doesn't contain parity file for "
									+ status.getPath().makeQualified(srcFs)
									+ " on destination " + destPathPrefix);
							shouldHar = false;


		if (shouldHar) {
			LOG.info("Archiving " + dest.getPath() + " to " + tmpHarPath);
			singleHar(codec, destFs, dest, tmpHarPath, harBlockSize,

	private void singleHar(Codec codec, FileSystem destFs, FileStatus dest,
			String tmpHarPath, long harBlockSize, short harReplication)
			throws IOException {

		Random rand = new Random();
		Path root = new Path("/");
		Path qualifiedPath = dest.getPath().makeQualified(destFs);
		String harFileDst = qualifiedPath.getName() + HAR_SUFFIX;
		String harFileSrc = qualifiedPath.getName() + "-" + rand.nextLong()
				+ "-" + HAR_SUFFIX;

		// HadoopArchives.HAR_PARTFILE_LABEL is private, so hard-coding the
		// label.
		conf.setLong("har.partfile.size", configMgr.getHarPartfileSize());
		conf.setLong("har.block.size", harBlockSize);
		HadoopArchives har = new HadoopArchives(conf);
		String[] args = new String[7];
		args[0] = "-Ddfs.replication=" + harReplication;
		args[1] = "-archiveName";
		args[2] = harFileSrc;
		args[3] = "-p";
		args[4] = root.makeQualified(destFs).toString();
		args[5] = qualifiedPath.toUri().getPath().substring(1);
		args[6] = tmpHarPath.toString();
		int ret = 0;
		Path tmpHar = new Path(tmpHarPath + "/" + harFileSrc);
		try {
			ret = ToolRunner.run(har, args);
			if (ret == 0
					&& !destFs.rename(tmpHar, new Path(qualifiedPath,
							harFileDst))) {
				LOG.info("HAR rename didn't succeed from " + tmpHarPath + "/"
						+ harFileSrc + " to " + qualifiedPath + "/"
						+ harFileDst);
				ret = -2;
		} catch (Exception exc) {
			throw new IOException("Error while creating archive " + ret, exc);
		} finally {
			destFs.delete(tmpHar, true);

		if (ret != 0) {
			throw new IOException("Error while creating archive " + ret);

	 * Periodically generates HAR files
	class HarMonitor implements Runnable {

		public void run() {
			while (running) {
				try {
				} catch (Exception e) {
				} finally {
					LOG.info("Har parity files thread continuing to run...");
			LOG.info("Leaving Har thread.");

	static boolean isParityHarPartFile(Path p) {
		Matcher m = PARITY_HAR_PARTFILE_PATTERN.matcher(p.toUri().getPath());
		return m.matches();

	 * Returns current time.
	static long now() {
		return System.currentTimeMillis();

	 * Make an absolute path relative by stripping the leading /
	static Path makeRelative(Path path) {
		if (!path.isAbsolute()) {
			return path;
		String p = path.toUri().getPath();
		String relative = p.substring(1, p.length());
		return new Path(relative);

	private static void printUsage() {
		System.err.println("Usage: java RaidNode ");

	private static StartupOption parseArguments(String args[]) {
		StartupOption startOpt = StartupOption.REGULAR;
		return startOpt;

	 * Convert command line options to configuration parameters
	private static void setStartupOption(Configuration conf, StartupOption opt) {
		conf.set("fs.raidnode.startup", opt.toString());

	 * Create an instance of the appropriate subclass of RaidNode
	public static RaidNode createRaidNode(Configuration conf)
			throws ClassNotFoundException {
		try {
			// default to distributed raid node
			Class<?> raidNodeClass = conf.getClass(RAIDNODE_CLASSNAME_KEY,
			if (!RaidNode.class.isAssignableFrom(raidNodeClass)) {
				throw new ClassNotFoundException(
						"not an implementation of RaidNode");
			Constructor<?> constructor = raidNodeClass
					.getConstructor(new Class[] { Configuration.class });
			return (RaidNode) constructor.newInstance(conf);
		} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
			throw new ClassNotFoundException("cannot construct raidnode", e);
		} catch (InstantiationException e) {
			throw new ClassNotFoundException("cannot construct raidnode", e);
		} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
			throw new ClassNotFoundException("cannot construct raidnode", e);
		} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
			throw new ClassNotFoundException("cannot construct raidnode", e);

	 * Create an instance of the RaidNode
	public static RaidNode createRaidNode(String argv[], Configuration conf)
			throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
		if (conf == null) {
			conf = new Configuration();
		StartupOption startOpt = parseArguments(argv);
		if (startOpt == null) {
			return null;
		setStartupOption(conf, startOpt);
		RaidNode node = createRaidNode(conf);
		return node;

	 * Get the job id from the configuration
	public static String getJobID(Configuration conf) {
		return conf.get("mapred.job.id", "localRaid" + df.format(new Date()));

	public String getReadReconstructionMetricsUrl() {
		return configMgr.getReadReconstructionMetricsUrl();

	static public void logRaidEncodingMetrics(String result, Codec codec,
			long delay, long numReadBytes, long numReadBlocks, long metaBlocks,
			long metaBytes, long savingBytes, Path srcPath, LOGTYPES type,
			FileSystem fs) {
		try {
			JSONObject json = new JSONObject();
			json.put("result", result);
			json.put("code", codec.id);
			json.put("delay", delay);
			json.put("readbytes", numReadBytes);
			json.put("readblocks", numReadBlocks);
			json.put("metablocks", metaBlocks);
			json.put("metabytes", metaBytes);
			json.put("savingbytes", savingBytes);
			json.put("path", srcPath.toString());
			json.put("type", type.name());
			json.put("cluster", fs.getUri().getAuthority());
		} catch (JSONException e) {
					"Exception when logging the Raid metrics: "
							+ e.getMessage(), e);

	public static void main(String argv[]) throws Exception {
		try {
			StringUtils.startupShutdownMessage(RaidNode.class, argv, LOG);
			RaidNode raid = createRaidNode(argv, null);
			if (raid != null) {
		} catch (Throwable e) {