 * Copyright 2010-present Facebook.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package com.facebook.widget;

import android.content.Context;
import android.graphics.Bitmap;
import android.graphics.BitmapFactory;
import android.os.Handler;
import com.facebook.FacebookException;
import com.facebook.internal.Utility;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.net.HttpURLConnection;
import java.net.URL;
import java.util.*;

class ImageDownloader {
    private static final int CACHE_READ_QUEUE_MAX_CONCURRENT = 2;
    private static final Handler handler = new Handler();
    private static WorkQueue downloadQueue = new WorkQueue(DOWNLOAD_QUEUE_MAX_CONCURRENT);
    private static WorkQueue cacheReadQueue = new WorkQueue(CACHE_READ_QUEUE_MAX_CONCURRENT);

    private static final Map<RequestKey, DownloaderContext> pendingRequests = new HashMap<RequestKey, DownloaderContext>();

     * Downloads the image specified in the passed in request.
     * If a callback is specified, it is guaranteed to be invoked on the calling thread.
     * @param request Request to process
    static void downloadAsync(ImageRequest request) {
        if (request == null) {

        // NOTE: This is the ONLY place where the original request's Url is read. From here on,
        // we will keep track of the Url separately. This is because we might be dealing with a
        // redirect response and the Url might change. We can't create our own new ImageRequests
        // for these changed Urls since the caller might be doing some book-keeping with the request's
        // object reference. So we keep the old references and just map them to new urls in the downloader
        RequestKey key = new RequestKey(request.getImageUrl(), request.getCallerTag());
        synchronized (pendingRequests) {
            DownloaderContext downloaderContext = pendingRequests.get(key);
            if (downloaderContext != null) {
                downloaderContext.request = request;
                downloaderContext.isCancelled = false;
            } else {
                enqueueCacheRead(request, key, request.isCachedRedirectAllowed());

    static boolean cancelRequest(ImageRequest request) {
        boolean cancelled = false;
        RequestKey key = new RequestKey(request.getImageUrl(), request.getCallerTag());
        synchronized (pendingRequests) {
            DownloaderContext downloaderContext = pendingRequests.get(key);
            if (downloaderContext != null) {
                // If we were able to find the request in our list of pending requests, then we will
                // definitely be able to prevent an ImageResponse from being issued. This is regardless
                // of whether a cache-read or network-download is underway for this request.
                cancelled = true;

                if (downloaderContext.workItem.cancel()) {
                } else {
                    // May be attempting a cache-read right now. So keep track of the cancellation
                    // to prevent network calls etc
                    downloaderContext.isCancelled = true;

        return cancelled;

    static void prioritizeRequest(ImageRequest request) {
        RequestKey key = new RequestKey(request.getImageUrl(), request.getCallerTag());
        synchronized (pendingRequests) {
            DownloaderContext downloaderContext = pendingRequests.get(key);
            if (downloaderContext != null) {

    private static void enqueueCacheRead(ImageRequest request, RequestKey key, boolean allowCachedRedirects) {
                new CacheReadWorkItem(request.getContext(), key, allowCachedRedirects));

    private static void enqueueDownload(ImageRequest request, RequestKey key) {
                new DownloadImageWorkItem(request.getContext(), key));

    private static void enqueueRequest(
            ImageRequest request,
            RequestKey key,
            WorkQueue workQueue,
            Runnable workItem) {
        synchronized (pendingRequests) {
            DownloaderContext downloaderContext = new DownloaderContext();
            downloaderContext.request = request;
            pendingRequests.put(key, downloaderContext);

            // The creation of the WorkItem should be done after the pending request has been registered.
            // This is necessary since the WorkItem might kick off right away and attempt to retrieve
            // the request's DownloaderContext prior to it being ready for access.
            // It is also necessary to hold on to the lock until after the workItem is created, since
            // calls to cancelRequest or prioritizeRequest might come in and expect a registered
            // request to have a workItem available as well.
            downloaderContext.workItem = workQueue.addActiveWorkItem(workItem);

    private static void issueResponse(
            RequestKey key,
            final Exception error,
            final Bitmap bitmap,
            final boolean isCachedRedirect) {
        // Once the old downloader context is removed, we are thread-safe since this is the
        // only reference to it
        DownloaderContext completedRequestContext = removePendingRequest(key);
        if (completedRequestContext != null && !completedRequestContext.isCancelled) {
            final ImageRequest request = completedRequestContext.request;
            final ImageRequest.Callback callback = request.getCallback();
            if (callback != null) {
                handler.post(new Runnable() {
                    public void run() {
                        ImageResponse response = new ImageResponse(

    private static void readFromCache(RequestKey key, Context context, boolean allowCachedRedirects) {
        InputStream cachedStream = null;
        boolean isCachedRedirect = false;
        if (allowCachedRedirects) {
            URL redirectUrl = UrlRedirectCache.getRedirectedUrl(context, key.url);
            if (redirectUrl != null) {
                cachedStream = ImageResponseCache.getCachedImageStream(redirectUrl, context);
                isCachedRedirect = cachedStream != null;

        if (!isCachedRedirect) {
            cachedStream = ImageResponseCache.getCachedImageStream(key.url, context);

        if (cachedStream != null) {
            // We were able to find a cached image.
            Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(cachedStream);
            issueResponse(key, null, bitmap, isCachedRedirect);
        } else {
            // Once the old downloader context is removed, we are thread-safe since this is the
            // only reference to it
            DownloaderContext downloaderContext = removePendingRequest(key);
            if (downloaderContext != null && !downloaderContext.isCancelled) {
                enqueueDownload(downloaderContext.request, key);

    private static void download(RequestKey key, Context context) {
        HttpURLConnection connection = null;
        InputStream stream = null;
        Exception error = null;
        Bitmap bitmap = null;
        boolean issueResponse = true;

        try {
            connection = (HttpURLConnection) key.url.openConnection();

            switch (connection.getResponseCode()) {
                case HttpURLConnection.HTTP_MOVED_PERM:
                case HttpURLConnection.HTTP_MOVED_TEMP:
                    // redirect. So we need to perform further requests
                    issueResponse = false;

                    String redirectLocation = connection.getHeaderField("location");
                    if (!Utility.isNullOrEmpty(redirectLocation)) {
                        URL redirectUrl = new URL(redirectLocation);
                        UrlRedirectCache.cacheUrlRedirect(context, key.url, redirectUrl);

                        // Once the old downloader context is removed, we are thread-safe since this is the
                        // only reference to it
                        DownloaderContext downloaderContext = removePendingRequest(key);
                        if (downloaderContext != null && !downloaderContext.isCancelled) {
                                    new RequestKey(redirectUrl, key.tag),

                case HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK:
                    // image should be available
                    stream = ImageResponseCache.interceptAndCacheImageStream(context, connection);
                    bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(stream);

                    stream = connection.getErrorStream();
                    InputStreamReader reader = new InputStreamReader(stream);
                    char[] buffer = new char[128];
                    int bufferLength;
                    StringBuilder errorMessageBuilder = new StringBuilder();
                    while ((bufferLength = reader.read(buffer, 0, buffer.length)) > 0) {
                        errorMessageBuilder.append(buffer, 0, bufferLength);

                    error = new FacebookException(errorMessageBuilder.toString());
        } catch (IOException e) {
            error = e;
        } finally {

        if (issueResponse) {
            issueResponse(key, error, bitmap, false);

    private static DownloaderContext removePendingRequest(RequestKey key) {
        synchronized (pendingRequests) {
            return pendingRequests.remove(key);

    private static class RequestKey {
        private static final int HASH_SEED = 29; // Some random prime number
        private static final int HASH_MULTIPLIER = 37; // Some random prime number

        URL url;
        Object tag;

        RequestKey(URL url, Object tag) {
            this.url = url;
            this.tag = tag;

        public int hashCode() {
            int result = HASH_SEED;

            result = (result * HASH_MULTIPLIER) + url.hashCode();
            result = (result * HASH_MULTIPLIER) + tag.hashCode();

            return result;

        public boolean equals(Object o) {
            boolean isEqual = false;

            if (o != null && o instanceof RequestKey) {
                RequestKey compareTo = (RequestKey)o;
                isEqual = compareTo.url == url && compareTo.tag == tag;

            return isEqual;

    private static class DownloaderContext {
        WorkQueue.WorkItem workItem;
        ImageRequest request;
        boolean isCancelled;

    private static class CacheReadWorkItem implements Runnable {
        private Context context;
        private RequestKey key;
        private boolean allowCachedRedirects;

        CacheReadWorkItem(Context context, RequestKey key, boolean allowCachedRedirects) {
            this.context = context;
            this.key = key;
            this.allowCachedRedirects = allowCachedRedirects;

        public void run() {
            readFromCache(key, context, allowCachedRedirects);

    private static class DownloadImageWorkItem implements Runnable {
        private Context context;
        private RequestKey key;

        DownloadImageWorkItem(Context context, RequestKey key) {
            this.context = context;
            this.key = key;

        public void run() {
            download(key, context);
