package org.olat.lms.instantmessaging;

import java.util.Map;

import org.jivesoftware.smack.Chat;
import org.jivesoftware.smack.packet.Presence;
import org.olat.presentation.framework.core.control.Controller;
import org.olat.system.event.GenericEventListener;

public interface ClientManager {

     * instant messaging needs its own password
    public static final String PROVIDER_INSTANT_MESSAGING = "INST-MSG";

     * Creates an new instant messaging client and connects automatically to the server. This method should only be used in a constructor and not be triggered by GUI
     * events, otherwise clients that lost connections may get recreated again.
     * @param username
     * @return JabberClient even if IM service is down
    public InstantMessagingClient getInstantMessagingClient(String username);

     * Check whether a user has already an IM client running Use this method when fetching clients outside a controller constructor as users may have several sessions to
     * avoid reconnection of an duplicate session
     * @param username
     * @return
    public boolean hasActiveInstantMessagingClient(String username);

     * @param username
     * @param listener
     * @param listenToAllMessages
     *            - only the main controller needs to listen to all messages
    public void registerEventListener(String username, GenericEventListener listener, boolean listenToAllMessages);

    public GenericEventListener getRegisteredEventListeners(String username, Controller controller);

    public void deregisterControllerListener(String username, Controller controller);

    public Chat createChat(final String username, String chatPartnerJid, final Controller controller);

     * @param username
    public void addMessageListener(final String username);

     * @param username
    public void addPresenceListener(final String username);

     * helper method to trigger a presence update even if the server does not send a presence packet itself (e.g. entering a test but no other buddies are online)
     * @param username
    public void sendPresenceEvent(Presence.Type type, String username);

     * When a user logs out of olat we logout the client from the jabber server and free the ressource
     * @param username
    public void destroyInstantMessagingClient(String username);

     * returns the map (its iterator is safe)
     * @return map
    public Map<String, InstantMessagingClient> getClients();

     * Looks if user has credentials for IM. If not (auth == null) a new accounts with a random generated password gets created otherwise the password gets returned.
     * @param username
     *            the OLAT username
     * @return the password used for instant messaging
    public String getInstantMessagingCredentialsForUser(String username);
