 * Copyright (c) 2017-2020 Software Architecture Group, Hasso Plattner Institute
 * Licensed under the MIT License.
package de.hpi.swa.trufflesqueak.nodes;

import com.oracle.truffle.api.CompilerAsserts;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.CompilerDirectives;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.frame.VirtualFrame;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.instrumentation.StandardTags;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.instrumentation.Tag;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.nodes.ExplodeLoop;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.nodes.LoopNode;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.source.Source;
import com.oracle.truffle.api.source.SourceSection;

import de.hpi.swa.trufflesqueak.exceptions.PrimitiveExceptions.PrimitiveFailed;
import de.hpi.swa.trufflesqueak.exceptions.ProcessSwitch;
import de.hpi.swa.trufflesqueak.exceptions.Returns.NonLocalReturn;
import de.hpi.swa.trufflesqueak.exceptions.Returns.NonVirtualReturn;
import de.hpi.swa.trufflesqueak.model.CompiledBlockObject;
import de.hpi.swa.trufflesqueak.model.CompiledCodeObject;
import de.hpi.swa.trufflesqueak.model.ContextObject;
import de.hpi.swa.trufflesqueak.nodes.bytecodes.AbstractBytecodeNode;
import de.hpi.swa.trufflesqueak.nodes.bytecodes.JumpBytecodes.ConditionalJumpNode;
import de.hpi.swa.trufflesqueak.nodes.bytecodes.JumpBytecodes.UnconditionalJumpNode;
import de.hpi.swa.trufflesqueak.nodes.bytecodes.MiscellaneousBytecodes.CallPrimitiveNode;
import de.hpi.swa.trufflesqueak.nodes.bytecodes.PushBytecodes.PushClosureNode;
import de.hpi.swa.trufflesqueak.nodes.bytecodes.ReturnBytecodes.AbstractReturnNode;
import de.hpi.swa.trufflesqueak.nodes.bytecodes.SendBytecodes.AbstractSendNode;
import de.hpi.swa.trufflesqueak.nodes.context.frame.FrameStackInitializationNode;
import de.hpi.swa.trufflesqueak.nodes.context.frame.GetOrCreateContextNode;
import de.hpi.swa.trufflesqueak.nodes.process.GetActiveProcessNode;
import de.hpi.swa.trufflesqueak.util.ArrayUtils;
import de.hpi.swa.trufflesqueak.util.FrameAccess;
import de.hpi.swa.trufflesqueak.util.InterruptHandlerNode;
import de.hpi.swa.trufflesqueak.util.LogUtils;
import de.hpi.swa.trufflesqueak.util.SqueakBytecodeDecoder;

public final class ExecuteContextNode extends AbstractExecuteContextNode {
    private static final boolean DECODE_BYTECODE_ON_DEMAND = true;
    private static final int STACK_DEPTH_LIMIT = 25000;
    private static final int LOCAL_RETURN_PC = -2;
    private static final int MIN_NUMBER_OF_BYTECODE_FOR_INTERRUPT_CHECKS = 32;

    protected final CompiledCodeObject code;

    @Children private AbstractBytecodeNode[] bytecodeNodes;
    @Child private HandleNonLocalReturnNode handleNonLocalReturnNode;
    @Child private GetOrCreateContextNode getOrCreateContextNode;

    @Child private FrameStackInitializationNode frameInitializationNode;
    @Child private HandlePrimitiveFailedNode handlePrimitiveFailedNode;
    @Child private InterruptHandlerNode interruptHandlerNode;
    @Child private MaterializeContextOnMethodExitNode materializeContextOnMethodExitNode;

    private SourceSection section;

    protected ExecuteContextNode(final CompiledCodeObject code, final boolean resume) {
        this.code = code;
            bytecodeNodes = new AbstractBytecodeNode[SqueakBytecodeDecoder.trailerPosition(code)];
        } else {
            bytecodeNodes = SqueakBytecodeDecoder.decode(code);
        frameInitializationNode = resume ? null : FrameStackInitializationNode.create();
         * Only check for interrupts if method is relatively large. Avoid check if a closure is
         * activated (effectively what #primitiveClosureValueNoContextSwitch is for). Also, skip
         * timer interrupts here as they trigger too often, which causes a lot of context switches
         * and therefore materialization and deopts. Timer inputs are currently handled in
         * primitiveRelinquishProcessor (#230) only.
        interruptHandlerNode = code instanceof CompiledBlockObject || bytecodeNodes.length < MIN_NUMBER_OF_BYTECODE_FOR_INTERRUPT_CHECKS ? null : InterruptHandlerNode.createOrNull(false);
        materializeContextOnMethodExitNode = resume ? null : MaterializeContextOnMethodExitNode.create();

    public static ExecuteContextNode create(final CompiledCodeObject code, final boolean resume) {
        return new ExecuteContextNode(code, resume);

    public String toString() {
        return code.toString();

    public Object executeFresh(final VirtualFrame frame) {
        FrameAccess.setInstructionPointer(frame, code, 0);
        final boolean enableStackDepthProtection = enableStackDepthProtection();
        try {
            if (enableStackDepthProtection && code.image.stackDepth++ > STACK_DEPTH_LIMIT) {
                final ContextObject context = getGetOrCreateContextNode().executeGet(frame);
                throw ProcessSwitch.createWithBoundary(context);
            if (interruptHandlerNode != null) {
            return startBytecode(frame);
        } catch (final NonLocalReturn nlr) {
            /** {@link getHandleNonLocalReturnNode()} acts as {@link BranchProfile} */
            return getHandleNonLocalReturnNode().executeHandle(frame, nlr);
        } catch (final NonVirtualReturn nvr) {
            /** {@link getGetOrCreateContextNode()} acts as {@link BranchProfile} */
            throw nvr;
        } catch (final ProcessSwitch ps) {
            /** {@link getGetOrCreateContextNode()} acts as {@link BranchProfile} */
            throw ps;
        } finally {
            if (enableStackDepthProtection) {

    public Object executeResumeAtStart(final VirtualFrame frame) {
        try {
            return startBytecode(frame);
        } catch (final NonLocalReturn nlr) {
            /** {@link getHandleNonLocalReturnNode()} acts as {@link BranchProfile} */
            return getHandleNonLocalReturnNode().executeHandle(frame, nlr);
        } finally {
            code.image.lastSeenContext = null; // Stop materialization here.

    public Object executeResumeInMiddle(final VirtualFrame frame, final long initialPC) {
        try {
            return resumeBytecode(frame, initialPC);
        } catch (final NonLocalReturn nlr) {
            /** {@link getHandleNonLocalReturnNode()} acts as {@link BranchProfile} */
            return getHandleNonLocalReturnNode().executeHandle(frame, nlr);
        } finally {
            code.image.lastSeenContext = null; // Stop materialization here.

    private GetOrCreateContextNode getGetOrCreateContextNode() {
        if (getOrCreateContextNode == null) {
            getOrCreateContextNode = insert(GetOrCreateContextNode.create(false));
        return getOrCreateContextNode;

     * Inspired by Sulong's LLVMDispatchBasicBlockNode (https://git.io/fjEDw).
    @ExplodeLoop(kind = ExplodeLoop.LoopExplosionKind.MERGE_EXPLODE)
    private Object startBytecode(final VirtualFrame frame) {
        int pc = 0;
        int backJumpCounter = 0;
        Object returnValue = null;
        bytecode_loop: while (pc != LOCAL_RETURN_PC) {
            final AbstractBytecodeNode node = fetchNextBytecodeNode(pc);
            if (node instanceof CallPrimitiveNode) {
                final CallPrimitiveNode callPrimitiveNode = (CallPrimitiveNode) node;
                if (callPrimitiveNode.primitiveNode != null) {
                    try {
                        returnValue = callPrimitiveNode.primitiveNode.executePrimitive(frame);
                        pc = LOCAL_RETURN_PC;
                        continue bytecode_loop;
                    } catch (final PrimitiveFailed e) {
                        /* getHandlePrimitiveFailedNode() also acts as a BranchProfile. */
                        getHandlePrimitiveFailedNode().executeHandle(frame, e.getReasonCode());
                         * Same toString() methods may throw compilation warnings, this is expected
                         * and ok for primitive failure logging purposes. Note that primitives that
                         * are not implemented are also not logged.
                        LogUtils.PRIMITIVES.fine(() -> callPrimitiveNode.primitiveNode.getClass().getSimpleName() + " failed (arguments: " +
                                        ArrayUtils.toJoinedString(", ", FrameAccess.getReceiverAndArguments(frame)) + ")");
                        /* continue with fallback code. */
                pc = callPrimitiveNode.getSuccessorIndex();
                assert pc == CallPrimitiveNode.NUM_BYTECODES;
            } else if (node instanceof AbstractSendNode) {
                pc = node.getSuccessorIndex();
                FrameAccess.setInstructionPointer(frame, code, pc);
                final int actualNextPc = FrameAccess.getInstructionPointer(frame, code);
                if (pc != actualNextPc) {
                     * pc has changed, which can happen if a context is restarted (e.g. as part of
                     * Exception>>retry). For now, we continue in the interpreter to avoid confusing
                     * the Graal compiler.
                    pc = actualNextPc;
                continue bytecode_loop;
            } else if (node instanceof ConditionalJumpNode) {
                final ConditionalJumpNode jumpNode = (ConditionalJumpNode) node;
                if (jumpNode.executeCondition(frame)) {
                    final int successor = jumpNode.getJumpSuccessorIndex();
                    if (CompilerDirectives.inInterpreter() && successor <= pc) {
                    pc = successor;
                    continue bytecode_loop;
                } else {
                    final int successor = jumpNode.getSuccessorIndex();
                    if (CompilerDirectives.inInterpreter() && successor <= pc) {
                    pc = successor;
                    continue bytecode_loop;
            } else if (node instanceof UnconditionalJumpNode) {
                final int successor = ((UnconditionalJumpNode) node).getJumpSuccessor();
                if (CompilerDirectives.inInterpreter() && successor <= pc) {
                pc = successor;
                continue bytecode_loop;
            } else if (node instanceof AbstractReturnNode) {
                returnValue = ((AbstractReturnNode) node).executeReturn(frame);
                pc = LOCAL_RETURN_PC;
                continue bytecode_loop;
            } else if (node instanceof PushClosureNode) {
                final PushClosureNode pushClosureNode = (PushClosureNode) node;
                pc = pushClosureNode.getClosureSuccessorIndex();
                continue bytecode_loop;
            } else {
                /* All other bytecode nodes. */
                pc = node.getSuccessorIndex();
                continue bytecode_loop;
        assert returnValue != null && !hasModifiedSender(frame);
        FrameAccess.terminate(frame, code.getInstructionPointerSlot());
        assert backJumpCounter >= 0;
        LoopNode.reportLoopCount(this, backJumpCounter);
        return returnValue;

    private HandlePrimitiveFailedNode getHandlePrimitiveFailedNode() {
        if (handlePrimitiveFailedNode == null) {
            handlePrimitiveFailedNode = insert(HandlePrimitiveFailedNode.create(code));
        return handlePrimitiveFailedNode;

     * Non-optimized version of startBytecode used to resume contexts.
    private Object resumeBytecode(final VirtualFrame frame, final long initialPC) {
        assert initialPC > 0 : "Trying to resume a fresh/terminated/illegal context";
        int pc = (int) initialPC;
        Object returnValue = null;
        bytecode_loop_slow: while (pc != LOCAL_RETURN_PC) {
            final AbstractBytecodeNode node = fetchNextBytecodeNode(pc);
            if (node instanceof AbstractSendNode) {
                pc = node.getSuccessorIndex();
                FrameAccess.setInstructionPointer(frame, code, pc);
                final int actualNextPc = FrameAccess.getInstructionPointer(frame, code);
                if (pc != actualNextPc) {
                     * pc has changed, which can happen if a context is restarted (e.g. as part of
                     * Exception>>retry). For now, we continue in the interpreter to avoid confusing
                     * the Graal compiler.
                    pc = actualNextPc;
                continue bytecode_loop_slow;
            } else if (node instanceof ConditionalJumpNode) {
                final ConditionalJumpNode jumpNode = (ConditionalJumpNode) node;
                if (jumpNode.executeCondition(frame)) {
                    pc = jumpNode.getJumpSuccessorIndex();
                    continue bytecode_loop_slow;
                } else {
                    pc = jumpNode.getSuccessorIndex();
                    continue bytecode_loop_slow;
            } else if (node instanceof UnconditionalJumpNode) {
                pc = ((UnconditionalJumpNode) node).getJumpSuccessor();
                continue bytecode_loop_slow;
            } else if (node instanceof AbstractReturnNode) {
                returnValue = ((AbstractReturnNode) node).executeReturn(frame);
                pc = LOCAL_RETURN_PC;
                continue bytecode_loop_slow;
            } else if (node instanceof PushClosureNode) {
                final PushClosureNode pushClosureNode = (PushClosureNode) node;
                pc = pushClosureNode.getClosureSuccessorIndex();
                continue bytecode_loop_slow;
            } else {
                /* All other bytecode nodes. */
                pc = node.getSuccessorIndex();
                continue bytecode_loop_slow;
        assert returnValue != null && !hasModifiedSender(frame);
        FrameAccess.terminate(frame, code.getInstructionPointerSlot());
        return returnValue;

    protected boolean hasModifiedSender(final VirtualFrame frame) {
        final ContextObject context = FrameAccess.getContext(frame, code);
        return context != null && context.hasModifiedSender();

     * Fetch next bytecode and insert AST nodes on demand if enabled.
    private AbstractBytecodeNode fetchNextBytecodeNode(final int pc) {
        if (DECODE_BYTECODE_ON_DEMAND && bytecodeNodes[pc] == null) {
            bytecodeNodes[pc] = insert(SqueakBytecodeDecoder.decodeBytecode(code, pc));
        return bytecodeNodes[pc];

    /* Only use stackDepthProtection in interpreter or once per compilation unit (if at all). */
    private boolean enableStackDepthProtection() {
        return code.image.options.enableStackDepthProtection && (CompilerDirectives.inInterpreter() || CompilerDirectives.inCompilationRoot());

    public boolean isInstrumentable() {
        return true;

    public boolean hasTag(final Class<? extends Tag> tag) {
        return StandardTags.RootTag.class == tag;

    public String getDescription() {
        return code.toString();

    public SourceSection getSourceSection() {
        if (section == null) {
            final Source source = code.getSource();
            section = source.createSection(1, 1, source.getLength());
        return section;

    private HandleNonLocalReturnNode getHandleNonLocalReturnNode() {
        if (handleNonLocalReturnNode == null) {
            handleNonLocalReturnNode = insert(HandleNonLocalReturnNode.create(code));
        return handleNonLocalReturnNode;