 * Copyright (C) 2017-2020 HERE Europe B.V.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
 * License-Filename: LICENSE

package com.here.xyz.hub.task;

import static com.here.xyz.hub.rest.Api.HeaderValues.STREAM_INFO;
import static com.here.xyz.hub.task.FeatureTask.FeatureKey.BBOX;
import static com.here.xyz.hub.task.FeatureTask.FeatureKey.ID;
import static com.here.xyz.hub.task.FeatureTask.FeatureKey.PROPERTIES;
import static com.here.xyz.hub.task.FeatureTask.FeatureKey.TYPE;
import static io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpResponseStatus.BAD_REQUEST;
import static io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpResponseStatus.CONFLICT;
import static io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpResponseStatus.FORBIDDEN;
import static io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpResponseStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR;
import static io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpResponseStatus.METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED;
import static io.netty.handler.codec.http.HttpResponseStatus.NOT_FOUND;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException;
import com.here.xyz.Payload;
import com.here.xyz.XyzSerializable;
import com.here.xyz.events.CountFeaturesEvent;
import com.here.xyz.events.Event;
import com.here.xyz.events.EventNotification;
import com.here.xyz.events.GetFeaturesByBBoxEvent;
import com.here.xyz.events.ModifyFeaturesEvent;
import com.here.xyz.events.ModifySpaceEvent;
import com.here.xyz.hub.Service;
import com.here.xyz.hub.connectors.RpcClient;
import com.here.xyz.hub.connectors.RpcClient.RpcContext;
import com.here.xyz.hub.connectors.models.BinaryResponse;
import com.here.xyz.hub.connectors.models.Connector;
import com.here.xyz.hub.connectors.models.Space;
import com.here.xyz.hub.connectors.models.Space.CacheProfile;
import com.here.xyz.hub.connectors.models.Space.ConnectorType;
import com.here.xyz.hub.connectors.models.Space.ResolvableListenerConnectorRef;
import com.here.xyz.hub.rest.Api;
import com.here.xyz.hub.rest.ApiResponseType;
import com.here.xyz.hub.rest.HttpException;
import com.here.xyz.hub.task.FeatureTask.ConditionalOperation;
import com.here.xyz.hub.task.FeatureTask.DeleteOperation;
import com.here.xyz.hub.task.FeatureTask.ReadQuery;
import com.here.xyz.hub.task.FeatureTask.TileQuery;
import com.here.xyz.hub.task.FeatureTask.TileQuery.TransformationContext;
import com.here.xyz.hub.task.ModifyOp.Entry;
import com.here.xyz.hub.task.ModifyOp.ModifyOpError;
import com.here.xyz.hub.task.TaskPipeline.Callback;
import com.here.xyz.hub.util.geo.MapBoxVectorTileBuilder;
import com.here.xyz.hub.util.geo.MapBoxVectorTileFlattenedBuilder;
import com.here.xyz.models.geojson.WebMercatorTile;
import com.here.xyz.models.geojson.exceptions.InvalidGeometryException;
import com.here.xyz.models.geojson.implementation.Feature;
import com.here.xyz.models.geojson.implementation.FeatureCollection;
import com.here.xyz.models.geojson.implementation.XyzNamespace;
import com.here.xyz.responses.CountResponse;
import com.here.xyz.responses.ErrorResponse;
import com.here.xyz.responses.ModifiedEventResponse;
import com.here.xyz.responses.ModifiedPayloadResponse;
import com.here.xyz.responses.ModifiedResponseResponse;
import com.here.xyz.responses.NotModifiedResponse;
import com.here.xyz.responses.StatisticsResponse;
import com.here.xyz.responses.StatisticsResponse.PropertiesStatistics.Searchable;
import com.here.xyz.responses.SuccessResponse;
import com.here.xyz.responses.XyzResponse;
import io.vertx.core.AsyncResult;
import io.vertx.core.Future;
import io.vertx.core.Handler;
import io.vertx.core.buffer.Buffer;
import io.vertx.core.json.Json;
import io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ListIterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import net.jodah.expiringmap.ExpirationPolicy;
import net.jodah.expiringmap.ExpiringMap;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.RandomStringUtils;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Marker;

public class FeatureTaskHandler {

  private static final Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger();

  private static final ExpiringMap<String, Long> countCache = ExpiringMap.builder()
  private static final byte JSON_VALUE = 1;
  private static final byte BINARY_VALUE = 2;

   * Sends the event to the connector client and write the response as the responseCollection of the task.
   * @param task the FeatureTask instance
   * @param callback the callback handler
   * @param <T> the type of the FeatureTask
  public static <T extends FeatureTask> void invoke(T task, Callback<T> callback) {
     * NOTE: The event may only be consumed once. Once it was consumed it should only be referenced in the request-phase. Referencing it in the
     *     response-phase will keep the whole event-data in the memory and could cause many major GCs to because of large request-payloads.
     * @see Task#consumeEvent()
    Event event = task.consumeEvent();
    In case there is already, nothing has to be done here (happens if the response was set by an earlier process in the task pipeline
    e.g. when having a cache hit)
    if (task.getResponse() != null) {

    if (!task.storage.active) {
      if (event instanceof ModifySpaceEvent && ((ModifySpaceEvent) event).getOperation() == ModifySpaceEvent.Operation.DELETE) {
        If connector is inactive we allow space deletions. In this case only the space configuration gets deleted. The
        deactivated connector does not get invoked so the dataset behind stays untouched.
        task.setResponse(new SuccessResponse().withStatus("OK"));
      else {
        //Abort further processing - do not: notifyProcessors, notifyListeners, invoke connector
        callback.exception(new HttpException(BAD_REQUEST, "Related connector is not active: " + task.storage.id));

    String eventType = event.getClass().getSimpleName();

    //Pre-process the event by executing potentially registered processors
    notifyProcessors(task, eventType, event, preProcessingResult -> {
      if (preProcessingResult.failed() || preProcessingResult.result() instanceof ErrorResponse) {
        handleProcessorFailure(task.getMarker(), preProcessingResult, callback);
      Event eventToExecute = extractPayloadFromResponse(
          (ModifiedPayloadResponse<? extends ModifiedPayloadResponse>) preProcessingResult.result(), Event.class, event);
      //Call the pre-processed hook if there is one
      if (eventToExecute != event && callProcessedHook(task, eventToExecute, callback)) {
      EventResponseContext responseContext = new EventResponseContext(eventToExecute);

      //Clone the request-event to be used for request-listener notifications (see below) if there are some to be performed
      //TODO: Only clone the event if necessary (e.g. if listeners or processors are registered)
      //if (task.space.listeners != null && !task.space.listeners.isEmpty()) {
      Event<? extends Event> requestListenerPayload = eventToExecute.copy();

      //CMEKB-2779 Remove failed entries before calling storage client
      if (eventToExecute instanceof ModifyFeaturesEvent) {
        ((ModifyFeaturesEvent) eventToExecute).setFailed(null);
      //Do the actual storage call
      try {
        setAdditionalEventProps(task, task.storage, eventToExecute);
        final long storageRequestStart = Service.currentTimeMillis();
        responseContext.rpcContext = RpcClient.getInstanceFor(task.storage).execute(task.getMarker(), eventToExecute, storageResult -> {
          addStoragePerformanceInfo(task, Service.currentTimeMillis() - storageRequestStart, responseContext.rpcContext);
          if (storageResult.failed()) {
            handleFailure(task.getMarker(), storageResult.cause(), callback);
          XyzResponse response = storageResult.result();
          responseContext.enrichResponse(task, response);

          //Do the post-processing here before sending back the response and notifying response-listeners
          notifyProcessors(task, eventType, response, postProcessingResult -> {
            if (postProcessingResult.failed() || postProcessingResult.result() instanceof ErrorResponse) {
              handleProcessorFailure(task.getMarker(), postProcessingResult, callback);
            XyzResponse responseToSend = extractPayloadFromResponse(
                (ModifiedPayloadResponse<? extends ModifiedPayloadResponse>) postProcessingResult.result(),
                XyzResponse.class, storageResult.result());
            //Send the event's (post-processed) response to potentially registered response-listeners
            notifyListeners(task, eventType, responseToSend);
      catch (IllegalStateException e) {
        callback.exception(new HttpException(BAD_REQUEST, e.getMessage(), e));
      catch (Exception e) {
        callback.exception(new HttpException(INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "Error executing the storage event.", e));

      //Update the contentUpdatedAt timestamp to indicate that the data in this space was modified
      if (task instanceof FeatureTask.ConditionalOperation || task instanceof FeatureTask.DeleteOperation) {
        long now = Service.currentTimeMillis();
        if (now - task.space.contentUpdatedAt > Space.CONTENT_UPDATED_AT_INTERVAL_MILLIS) {
          task.space.contentUpdatedAt = Service.currentTimeMillis();
          task.space.volatilityAtLastContentUpdate = task.space.getVolatility();
          Service.spaceConfigClient.store(task.getMarker(), task.space,
              (ar) -> logger.info(task.getMarker(), "Updated contentUpdatedAt for space {}", task.space.getId()));
      //Send event to potentially registered request-listeners
      notifyListeners(task, eventType, requestListenerPayload);

  private static <T extends FeatureTask> void addStoragePerformanceInfo(T task, long storageTime,
      RpcContext rpcContext) {
    String connectorPerformanceValues = "STime=" + storageTime + ";";
    if (rpcContext != null)
      connectorPerformanceValues += "SReqSize=" + rpcContext.getRequestSize() + ";SResSize=" + rpcContext.getResponseSize() + ";";
    addStreamInfo(task, connectorPerformanceValues);

  private static XyzResponse transform(byte[] value) throws JsonProcessingException {
    byte type = value[0];
    byte[] byteValue = Buffer.buffer(value).getBytes(1, value.length);
    switch (type) {
      case JSON_VALUE: {
        return XyzSerializable.deserialize(new String(byteValue));
      case BINARY_VALUE: {
        return new BinaryResponse().withBytes(byteValue);
    return null;

  private static byte[] transform(XyzResponse value) {
    byte[] byteValue;
    byte[] type = new byte[1];
    if (value instanceof BinaryResponse) {
      byteValue = ((BinaryResponse) value).getBytes();
      type[0] = BINARY_VALUE;
    } else {
      byteValue = value.serialize().getBytes();
      type[0] = JSON_VALUE;
    Buffer b = Buffer.buffer(type).appendBytes(byteValue);
    return b.getBytes();

  public static <T extends FeatureTask> void readCache(T task, Callback<T> callback) {
    if (task.getCacheProfile().serviceTTL > 0) {
      String cacheKey = task.getCacheKey();

      //Check the cache
      Service.cacheClient.getBinary(cacheKey, cacheResult -> {
        if (cacheResult == null) {
          //Cache MISS: Just go on in the task pipeline
          addStreamInfo(task, "CH=0;");
          logger.info(task.getMarker(), "Cache MISS for cache key {}", cacheKey);
        } else {
          //Cache HIT: Set the response for the task to the result from the cache so invoke (in the task pipeline) won't have anything to do
          try {
            addStreamInfo(task, "CH=1;");
            logger.info(task.getMarker(), "Cache HIT for cache key {}", cacheKey);
          } catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
            //Actually, this should never happen as we're controlling how the data is written to the cache, but you never know ;-)
            //Treating an error as a Cache MISS
            logger.info(task.getMarker(), "Cache MISS (as of JSON parse exception) for cache key {} {}", cacheKey, e);
    } else {

  public static <T extends FeatureTask> void writeCache(T task, Callback<T> callback) {
    //From here everything is done asynchronous
    final CacheProfile cacheProfile = task.getCacheProfile();
    //noinspection rawtypes
    XyzResponse response = task.getResponse();
    if (cacheProfile.serviceTTL > 0 && response != null && !task.isCacheHit()
        && !(response instanceof NotModifiedResponse) && !(response instanceof ErrorResponse)) {
      String cacheKey = task.getCacheKey();
      if (cacheKey == null) {
        String npe = "cacheKey is null. Couldn't write cache.";
        logger.error(task.getMarker(), npe);
        throw new NullPointerException(npe);
      logger.debug(task.getMarker(), "Writing entry with cache key {} to cache", cacheKey);
      Service.cacheClient.setBinary(cacheKey, transform(response), cacheProfile.serviceTTL);

   * @param task the FeatureTask instance
   * @param event The pre-processed event
   * @param callback The callback to be called in case of exception
   * @param <T> the type of the FeatureTask
   * @return Whether to stop the execution as of an exception occurred
  private static <T extends FeatureTask> boolean callProcessedHook(T task, Event event, Callback<T> callback) {
    try {
      return false;
    } catch (Exception e) {
      return true;

  private static <R extends Payload> R extractPayloadFromResponse(ModifiedPayloadResponse<? extends ModifiedPayloadResponse> response,
      Class<R> type,
      R originalPayload) {
    if (response == null) {
      return originalPayload;
    if (response instanceof ModifiedEventResponse) {
      R e = type.cast(((ModifiedEventResponse) response).getEvent());
      return e != null ? e : originalPayload;
    } else if (response instanceof ModifiedResponseResponse) {
      R r = type.cast(((ModifiedResponseResponse) response).getResponse());
      return r != null ? r : originalPayload;
    } else {
      throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected error while extracting the payload from a processor response.");

  private static <T extends FeatureTask> void handleFailure(Marker marker, Throwable cause, Callback<T> callback) {
    if (cause instanceof Exception) {
      callback.exception((Exception) cause);
    logger.error(marker, "Unexpected error", cause);
    callback.exception(new Exception(cause));

  private static <T extends FeatureTask> void handleProcessorFailure(Marker marker, AsyncResult<XyzResponse> processingResult,
      Callback<T> callback) {
    if (processingResult.failed()) {
      handleFailure(marker, processingResult.cause(), callback);
    } else if (processingResult.result() instanceof ErrorResponse) {
    } else {
      callback.exception(new Exception("Unexpected exception during processor error handling."));

  static <T extends FeatureTask> void setAdditionalEventProps(T task, Connector connector, Event event) {
    if (connector.trusted) {

  private static <T extends FeatureTask> void notifyListeners(T task, String eventType, Payload payload) {
    notifyConnectors(task, ConnectorType.LISTENER, eventType, payload, null);

  private static <T extends FeatureTask> void notifyProcessors(T task, String eventType, Payload payload,
      Handler<AsyncResult<XyzResponse>> callback) {
    notifyConnectors(task, ConnectorType.PROCESSOR, eventType, payload, callback);

  private static <T extends FeatureTask> void notifyConnectors(T task, ConnectorType connectorType, String eventType,
      Payload payload, Handler<AsyncResult<XyzResponse>> callback) {
    //Send the event to all registered & matching listeners / processors
    Map<String, List<ResolvableListenerConnectorRef>> connectorMap = task.space.getEventTypeConnectorRefsMap(connectorType);
    if (connectorMap != null && !connectorMap.isEmpty()) {
      String phase = payload instanceof Event ? "request" : "response";
      String notificationEventType = eventType + "." + phase;

      if (connectorMap.containsKey(notificationEventType)) {
        List<ResolvableListenerConnectorRef> connectors = connectorMap.get(notificationEventType);
        if (connectorType == ConnectorType.LISTENER) {
          notifyListeners(task, connectors, notificationEventType, payload);
        } else if (connectorType == ConnectorType.PROCESSOR) {
          notifyProcessors(task, connectors, notificationEventType, payload, callback);
        } else {
          throw new RuntimeException("Unsupported connector type.");
    if (callback != null) {

  private static <T extends FeatureTask> void notifyListeners(T task, List<ResolvableListenerConnectorRef> listeners,
      String notificationEventType, Payload payload) {
    listeners.forEach(l -> {
      RpcClient client;
      try {
        client = RpcClient.getInstanceFor(l.resolvedConnector);
      } catch (Exception e) {
        logger.warn(task.getMarker(), "Error when trying to get client for remote function (listener) {}.", l.getId(), e);
      //Send the event (notify the listener)
      client.send(task.getMarker(), createNotification(task, payload, notificationEventType, l));

  private static <T extends FeatureTask> void notifyProcessors(T task, List<ResolvableListenerConnectorRef> processors,
      String notificationEventType, Payload payload, Handler<AsyncResult<XyzResponse>> callback) {

    //For the first call we're mocking a ModifiedPayloadResponse as if it was coming from a previous processor
    ModifiedPayloadResponse initialResponse = payload instanceof Event ?
        new ModifiedEventResponse().withEvent((Event<? extends Event>) payload) : new ModifiedResponseResponse().withResponse(payload);
    CompletableFuture<XyzResponse> initialFuture = CompletableFuture.completedFuture(initialResponse);
    final List<FeatureCollection.ModificationFailure> failed = new LinkedList<>();

    CompletableFuture<XyzResponse> processedResult = processors.stream().reduce(initialFuture, (prevFuture, processor) -> {
      CompletableFuture<XyzResponse> nextFuture = new CompletableFuture<>();

          //In case of error fail all following stages directly as well
          .exceptionally(e -> {
            return null;
          //Execute the processor with the result of the previous processor and inform following stages about the outcome
          .thenAccept(result -> {
            if (result == null) {
              return; //Happens in case of exception. Then the exceptionally handler already took over to inform the following stages.

            Payload payloadToSend;

            if (result instanceof ErrorResponse) {
              //Handle well-thrown connector error by bubbling it through all stages till the end
            } else if (result instanceof ModifiedEventResponse) {
              payloadToSend = ((ModifiedEventResponse) result).getEvent();
              // CMEKB-2779 Store ModificationFailures outside of the event
              if (payloadToSend instanceof ModifyFeaturesEvent) {
                ModifyFeaturesEvent modifyFeaturesEvent = (ModifyFeaturesEvent) payloadToSend;
                if (modifyFeaturesEvent.getFailed() != null) {
            } else {
              payloadToSend = ((ModifiedResponseResponse) result).getResponse();

            //Execute the processor with the event / response payload (do pre-processing / post-processing)
            executeProcessor(task, processor, notificationEventType, payloadToSend)
                .exceptionally(ex -> {
                  return null;
                .thenAccept(processed -> {
                  if (processed != null) {

      //Return the future for the next processor
      return nextFuture;
    }, (result1, result2) -> result1 == null ? result2 : result1);

    //Finally report the result of the last stage
        .exceptionally(ex -> {
          return null;
        .thenAccept(processed -> {
          if (processed != null) {
            //CMEKB-2779 Get ModificationFailures from last processor and set the collected list
            if (processed instanceof ModifiedEventResponse &&
                ((ModifiedEventResponse) processed).getEvent() instanceof ModifyFeaturesEvent) {
              ModifyFeaturesEvent event = (ModifyFeaturesEvent) ((ModifiedEventResponse) processed).getEvent();
              if (event.getFailed() != null) {
              event.setFailed(failed.isEmpty() ? null : failed);

  private static <T extends FeatureTask> CompletableFuture<XyzResponse> executeProcessor(T task,
      ResolvableListenerConnectorRef p, String notificationEventType, Payload payload) {
    CompletableFuture<XyzResponse> f = new CompletableFuture<>();

    RpcClient client;
    try {
      client = RpcClient.getInstanceFor(p.resolvedConnector);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      f.completeExceptionally(new Exception("Error when trying to get client for remote function (processor) " + p.getId() + ".", e));
      return f;
    //Execute the processor with the event / response payload (do pre-processing / post-processing)
    client.execute(task.getMarker(), createNotification(task, payload, notificationEventType, p), ar -> {
      if (ar.failed()) {
      } else {
    return f;

  private static <T extends FeatureTask> EventNotification createNotification(T task, Payload payload, String notificationEventType,
      ResolvableListenerConnectorRef l) {
    //Create the EventNotification-event
    EventNotification event = new EventNotification()
    setAdditionalEventProps(task, l.resolvedConnector, event);
    return event;

   * Resolves the space, its storage and its listeners.
  static <X extends FeatureTask> void resolveSpace(final X task, final Callback<X> callback) {
    try {
      //FIXME: Can be removed once the Space events are handled by the SpaceTaskHandler (refactoring pending ...)
      if (task.space != null) { //If the space is already given we don't need to retrieve it
        onSpaceResolved(task, callback);

      //Load the space definition.
      Service.spaceConfigClient.get(task.getMarker(), task.getEvent().getSpace(), arSpace -> {
        if (arSpace.failed()) {
              .info(task.getMarker(), "Unable to load the space definition for space '{}' {}", task.getEvent().getSpace(), arSpace.cause());
          callback.exception(new HttpException(INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "Unable to load the space definition", arSpace.cause()));
        task.space = arSpace.result();
        if (task.space != null) {
        onSpaceResolved(task, callback);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      callback.exception(new HttpException(INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "Unable to load the space definition", e));

  private static <X extends FeatureTask> void onSpaceResolved(final X task, final Callback<X> callback) {
    if (task.space == null) {
      callback.exception(new HttpException(NOT_FOUND, "The space with this ID does not exist."));
    logger.debug(task.getMarker(), "Given space configuration is: {}", Json.encode(task.space));

    final String storageId = task.space.getStorage().getId();
    addStreamInfo(task, "SID=" + storageId + ";");
    Space.resolveConnector(task.getMarker(), storageId, (arStorage) -> {
      if (arStorage.failed()) {
        callback.exception(new InvalidStorageException("Unable to load the definition for this storage."));

      task.storage = arStorage.result();

      try {
        //Also resolve all listeners & processors
            resolveConnectors(task.getMarker(), task.space, ConnectorType.LISTENER),
            resolveConnectors(task.getMarker(), task.space, ConnectorType.PROCESSOR)
        ).thenRun(() -> {
          //All listener & processor refs have been resolved now
      } catch (Exception e) {
        logger.error(task.getMarker(), "The listeners for this space cannot be initialized", e);
        callback.exception(new HttpException(INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "The listeners for this space cannot be initialized"));

  private static CompletableFuture<Void> resolveConnectors(Marker marker, final Space space, final ConnectorType connectorType) {
    if (space == null || connectorType == null) {
      return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(null);

    final Map<String, List<Space.ListenerConnectorRef>> connectorRefs = space.getConnectorRefsMap(connectorType);

    if (connectorRefs == null || connectorRefs.isEmpty()) {
      return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(null);

    CompletableFuture<Void> future = new CompletableFuture<>();
    List<CompletableFuture<Void>> futures = new ArrayList<>();
    for (Map.Entry<String, List<Space.ListenerConnectorRef>> entry : connectorRefs.entrySet()) {
      if (entry.getValue() != null && !entry.getValue().isEmpty()) {
        ListIterator<Space.ListenerConnectorRef> i = entry.getValue().listIterator();
        while (i.hasNext()) {
          Space.ListenerConnectorRef cR = i.next();
          CompletableFuture<Void> f = new CompletableFuture<>();
          Space.resolveConnector(marker, entry.getKey(), arListener -> {
            final Connector c = arListener.result();
            ResolvableListenerConnectorRef rCR = new ResolvableListenerConnectorRef();
            rCR.resolvedConnector = c;
            //If no event types have been defined in the connectorRef we use the defaultEventTypes from the resolved connector config
            if ((rCR.getEventTypes() == null || rCR.getEventTypes().isEmpty()) && c.defaultEventTypes != null && !c.defaultEventTypes
                .isEmpty()) {
              rCR.setEventTypes(new ArrayList<>(c.defaultEventTypes));
            // replace ListenerConnectorRef with ResolvableListenerConnectorRef

    //When all listeners have been resolved we can complete the returned future.
        .allOf(futures.toArray(new CompletableFuture[0]))
        .thenRun(() -> future.complete(null));

    return future;

  static void preprocessConditionalOp(ConditionalOperation task, Callback<ConditionalOperation> callback) throws Exception {
    try {
      // Ensure that the ID is a string or null and check for duplicate IDs
      Map<String, Boolean> ids = new HashMap<>();
      for (Entry<Feature> entry : task.modifyOp.entries) {
        final Object objId = entry.input.get(ID);
        String id = (objId instanceof String || objId instanceof Number) ? String.valueOf(objId) : null;
        if (task.prefixId != null) { // Generate IDs here, if a prefixId is required. Add the prefix otherwise.
          id = task.prefixId + ((id == null) ? RandomStringUtils.randomAlphanumeric(16) : id);
        entry.input.put(ID, id);

        if (id != null) { 
          // Minimum length of id should be 1
          if (id.length() < 1) {
            logger.info(task.getMarker(), "Minimum length of object id should be 1.");
            callback.exception(new HttpException(BAD_REQUEST, "Minimum length of object id should be 1."));
          // Test for duplicate IDs
          if (ids.containsKey(id)) {
            logger.info(task.getMarker(), "Objects with the same ID {} are included in the request.", id);
            callback.exception(new HttpException(BAD_REQUEST, "Objects with the same ID " + id + " is included in the request."));
          ids.put(id, true);

        entry.input.putIfAbsent(TYPE, "Feature");

        // bbox is a dynamically calculated property

        // Add the XYZ namespace if it is not set yet.
        entry.input.putIfAbsent(PROPERTIES, new HashMap<String, Object>());
        @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final Map<String, Object> properties = (Map<String, Object>) entry.input.get("properties");
        properties.putIfAbsent(XyzNamespace.XYZ_NAMESPACE, new HashMap<String, Object>());
    } catch (Exception e) {
      logger.error(task.getMarker(), e.getMessage(), e);
      callback.exception(new HttpException(BAD_REQUEST, "Unable to process the request input."));

  static void processConditionalOp(ConditionalOperation task, Callback<ConditionalOperation> callback) throws Exception {
    try {
      final List<Feature> insert = new ArrayList<>();
      final List<Feature> update = new ArrayList<>();
      final Map<String, String> delete = new HashMap<>();
      List<FeatureCollection.ModificationFailure> fails = new ArrayList<>();

      long now = Service.currentTimeMillis();

      for (int i = 0; i < task.modifyOp.entries.size(); i++) {
        final Entry<Feature> entry = task.modifyOp.entries.get(i);

        if(entry.exception != null){
          fails.add(new FeatureCollection.ModificationFailure()

        if (!entry.isModified) {
          task.hasNonModified = true;
          /** Entry does not exist - remove it to prevent null references */
          if(entry.head == null && entry.base == null)

        final Feature result = entry.result;

        // Insert or update
        if (result != null) {

          try {
          } catch (InvalidGeometryException e) {
            logger.info(task.getMarker(), "Invalid geometry found in feature: {}", result, e);
            throw new HttpException(BAD_REQUEST, e.getMessage() + ". Feature: \n" + Json.encode(entry.input));

          final XyzNamespace nsXyz = result.getProperties().getXyzNamespace();

          // Set the space ID

          // Normalize the tags
          final List<String> tags = nsXyz.getTags();
          if (tags != null) {
          } else {
            nsXyz.setTags(new ArrayList<>());

          nsXyz.withInputPosition((long) i);

          // INSERT
          if (entry.head == null) {
            // Timestamps

            // UUID
            if (task.space.isEnableUUID()) {
          // UPDATE
          else {
            // Timestamps

            // UUID
            if (task.space.isEnableUUID()) {
              // If the user was updating an older version, set it under the merge uuid
              if (!entry.base.equals(entry.head)) {

        // DELETE
        else if (entry.head != null) {
          delete.put(entry.head.getId(), entry.inputUUID);


      // In case nothing was changed, set the response directly to skip calling the storage connector.
      if (insert.size() == 0 && update.size() == 0 && delete.size() == 0) {
        FeatureCollection fc = new FeatureCollection();
        if( task.hasNonModified ){
          task.modifyOp.entries.stream().filter(e -> !e.isModified).forEach(e -> {
            try {
              if(e.result != null)
            } catch (JsonProcessingException ignored) {}
        if(fails.size() > 0)

    } catch (ModifyOpError e) {
      logger.info(task.getMarker(), "ConditionalOperationError: {}", e.getMessage(), e);
      throw new HttpException(CONFLICT, e.getMessage());

  static void updateTags(FeatureTask.ConditionalOperation task, Callback<FeatureTask.ConditionalOperation> callback) {
    if ((task.addTags == null || task.addTags.size() == 0) && (task.removeTags == null || task.removeTags.size() == 0)) {

    for (Entry<Feature> entry : task.modifyOp.entries) {
      // For existing objects: if the input does not contain the tags, copy them from the edited state.
      final Map<String, Object> nsXyz = new JsonObject(entry.input).getJsonObject("properties").getJsonObject(XyzNamespace.XYZ_NAMESPACE)
      if (!(nsXyz.get("tags") instanceof List)) {
        ArrayList<String> inputTags = new ArrayList<>();
        if (entry.base != null && entry.base.getProperties().getXyzNamespace().getTags() != null) {
        nsXyz.put("tags", inputTags);
      final List<String> tags = (List<String>) nsXyz.get("tags");
      if (task.addTags != null) {
        task.addTags.forEach(tag -> {
          if (!tags.contains(tag)) {
      if (task.removeTags != null) {


  static <X extends FeatureTask<?, X>> void enforceUsageQuotas(X task, Callback<X> callback) {
    final long maxFeaturesPerSpace = task.getJwt().limits != null ? task.getJwt().limits.maxFeaturesPerSpace : -1;
    if (maxFeaturesPerSpace <= 0) {

    Long cachedCount = countCache.get(task.space.getId());
    if (cachedCount != null) {
      checkFeaturesPerSpaceQuota(task, callback, maxFeaturesPerSpace, cachedCount);

    getCountForSpace(task, countResult -> {
      if (countResult.failed()) {
        callback.exception(new Exception(countResult.cause()));
      // Check the quota
      Long count = countResult.result();
      long ttl = (maxFeaturesPerSpace - count > 100_000) ? 60 : 10;
      countCache.put(task.space.getId(), count, ttl, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
      checkFeaturesPerSpaceQuota(task, callback, maxFeaturesPerSpace, count);

  private static <X extends FeatureTask<?, X>> void checkFeaturesPerSpaceQuota(X task, Callback<X> callback,
      long maxFeaturesPerSpace, Long count) {
    try {
      ModifyFeaturesEvent modifyEvent = (ModifyFeaturesEvent) task.getEvent();
      if (modifyEvent != null) {
        final List<Feature> insertFeaturesList = modifyEvent.getInsertFeatures();
        final int insertFeaturesSize = insertFeaturesList == null ? 0 : insertFeaturesList.size();
        final Map<String, String> deleteFeaturesMap = modifyEvent.getDeleteFeatures();
        final int deleteFeaturesSize = deleteFeaturesMap == null ? 0 : deleteFeaturesMap.size();
        final int featuresDelta = insertFeaturesSize - deleteFeaturesSize;
        if (featuresDelta > 0 && count + featuresDelta > maxFeaturesPerSpace) {
          callback.exception(new HttpException(FORBIDDEN,
              "The maximum number of " + maxFeaturesPerSpace + " features per space was reached. The space contains " + count
                  + " features and cannot store " + featuresDelta + " more features."));
    } catch (Exception e) {

  private static <X extends FeatureTask<?, X>>void getCountForSpace(X task, Handler<AsyncResult<Long>> handler) {
    final CountFeaturesEvent countEvent = new CountFeaturesEvent();

    try {
          .execute(task.getMarker(), countEvent, (AsyncResult<XyzResponse> eventHandler) -> {
            if (eventHandler.failed()) {
            Long count;
            final XyzResponse response = eventHandler.result();
            if (response instanceof CountResponse) {
              count = ((CountResponse) response).getCount();
            } else if (response instanceof FeatureCollection) {
              count = ((FeatureCollection) response).getCount();
            } else {
    } catch (Exception e) {

  static void transformResponse(TileQuery task, Callback<TileQuery> callback) {
    if ((ApiResponseType.MVT != task.responseType && ApiResponseType.MVT_FLATTENED != task.responseType)
        || !(task.getResponse() instanceof FeatureCollection)) {

    BinaryResponse binaryResponse = new BinaryResponse();
    TransformationContext tc = task.transformationContext;

    //The mvt transformation is not executed, if the source feature collection is the same.
    if (!task.etagMatches()) {
      try {
        byte[] mvt;
        if (ApiResponseType.MVT == task.responseType) {
          mvt = new MapBoxVectorTileBuilder()
              .build(WebMercatorTile.forWeb(tc.level, tc.x, tc.y), tc.margin, task.space.getId(),
                  ((FeatureCollection) task.getResponse()).getFeatures());
        } else {
          mvt = new MapBoxVectorTileFlattenedBuilder()
              .build(WebMercatorTile.forWeb(tc.level, tc.x, tc.y), tc.margin, task.space.getId(),
                  ((FeatureCollection) task.getResponse()).getFeatures());
      } catch (Exception e) {
        logger.info(task.getMarker(), "Exception while transforming the response.", e);
        callback.exception(new HttpException(INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "Error while transforming the response."));



  private static <T extends FeatureTask> void addStreamInfo(T task, String streamInfoValues) {
    if (task.context.response().headers().contains(STREAM_INFO))
      streamInfoValues = task.context.response().headers().get(STREAM_INFO) + streamInfoValues;

    task.context.response().putHeader(STREAM_INFO, streamInfoValues);

  public static <X extends FeatureTask<?, X>> void validate(X task, Callback<X> callback) {
    if (task instanceof ReadQuery && ((ReadQuery) task).hasPropertyQuery()
        && !task.storage.capabilities.propertySearch) {
      callback.exception(new HttpException(BAD_REQUEST, "Property search queries are not supported by storage connector "
          + "\"" + task.storage.id + "\"."));

    if (task.getEvent() instanceof GetFeaturesByBBoxEvent) {
      GetFeaturesByBBoxEvent event = (GetFeaturesByBBoxEvent) task.getEvent();
      String clusteringType = event.getClusteringType();
      if (clusteringType != null && (task.storage.capabilities.clusteringTypes == null
          || !task.storage.capabilities.clusteringTypes.contains(clusteringType))) {
        callback.exception(new HttpException(BAD_REQUEST, "Clustering of type \"" + clusteringType + "\" is not"
            + "supported by storage connector \"" + task.storage.id + "\"."));

  static <X extends FeatureTask<?, X>> void convertResponse(X task, Callback<X> callback) throws JsonProcessingException {
    if (task instanceof FeatureTask.GetStatistics) {
      if (task.getResponse() instanceof StatisticsResponse) {
        //Ensure the StatisticsResponse is correctly set-up
        StatisticsResponse response = (StatisticsResponse) task.getResponse();
        defineGlobalSearchableField(response, task);
    } else if (task instanceof FeatureTask.IdsQuery) {
      //Ensure to return a FeatureCollection when there are multiple features in the response (could happen e.g. for a virtual-space)
      if (task.getResponse() instanceof FeatureCollection && ((FeatureCollection) task.getResponse()).getFeatures() != null
          && ((FeatureCollection) task.getResponse()).getFeatures().size() > 1) {
        task.responseType = ApiResponseType.FEATURE_COLLECTION;

  private static void defineGlobalSearchableField(StatisticsResponse response, FeatureTask task) {
    if (!task.storage.capabilities.propertySearch) {

    // updates the searchable flag for each property in case of ALL or NONE
    final Searchable searchable = response.getProperties().getSearchable();
    if (searchable != null && searchable != Searchable.PARTIAL) {
      if (response.getProperties().getValue() != null) {
        response.getProperties().getValue().forEach(c -> c.setSearchable(searchable == Searchable.ALL));

  static <X extends FeatureTask<?, X>> void checkPreconditions(X task, Callback<X> callback) throws HttpException {
    if (task.space.isReadOnly() && (task instanceof ConditionalOperation || task instanceof DeleteOperation)) {
      throw new HttpException(METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED,
          "The method is not allowed, because the space is marked as read-only. Update the space definition to enable editing of features.");

  public static class InvalidStorageException extends Exception {

    InvalidStorageException(String msg) {

   * Extracts specific information out of the event which should survive in memory until the response phase.
  private static class EventResponseContext {

    List<FeatureCollection.ModificationFailure> failedModifications;
    Class<? extends Event> eventType;
    RpcContext rpcContext;

    EventResponseContext(Event event) {
      eventType = event.getClass();
      if (event instanceof ModifyFeaturesEvent) {
        failedModifications = ((ModifyFeaturesEvent) event).getFailed();

    <T extends FeatureTask, R extends XyzResponse> void enrichResponse(T task, R response) {
      if (task instanceof ConditionalOperation && response instanceof FeatureCollection && ((ConditionalOperation) task).hasNonModified) {
        ((ConditionalOperation) task).modifyOp.entries.stream().filter(e -> !e.isModified).forEach(e -> {
          try {
            ((FeatureCollection) response).getFeatures().add(e.result);
          } catch (JsonProcessingException ignored) {}
      if (eventType.isAssignableFrom(ModifyFeaturesEvent.class) && failedModifications != null && !failedModifications.isEmpty()) {
        //Copy over the failed modifications information to the response
        List<FeatureCollection.ModificationFailure> failed = ((FeatureCollection) response).getFailed();
        if (failed == null) {
          ((FeatureCollection) response).setFailed(failedModifications);
        } else {