 * Copyright 2005-2016 Crown Equipment Corporation. All rights reserved.
 * See license distributed with this file.
package com.gu.logback.appender.kinesis;

import java.net.URI;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingDeque;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

import software.amazon.awssdk.auth.credentials.AwsCredentialsProvider;
import software.amazon.awssdk.auth.credentials.DefaultCredentialsProvider;
import software.amazon.awssdk.core.SdkClient;
import software.amazon.awssdk.core.client.config.ClientOverrideConfiguration;
import software.amazon.awssdk.core.retry.RetryPolicy;
import software.amazon.awssdk.regions.Region;
import software.amazon.awssdk.services.sts.auth.StsAssumeRoleCredentialsProvider;
import com.gu.logback.appender.kinesis.helpers.BlockFastProducerPolicy;
import com.gu.logback.appender.kinesis.helpers.NamedThreadFactory;
import com.gu.logback.appender.kinesis.helpers.Validator;

import ch.qos.logback.core.AppenderBase;
import ch.qos.logback.core.LayoutBase;
import ch.qos.logback.core.spi.DeferredProcessingAware;

 * Base class for Kinesis and Kinesis Firehose appenders containing common
 * attributes,
 * @since 1.4
public abstract class BaseKinesisAppender<Event extends DeferredProcessingAware, Client extends SdkClient>
    extends AppenderBase<Event> {

  private String encoding = AppenderConstants.DEFAULT_ENCODING;
  private int maxRetries = AppenderConstants.DEFAULT_MAX_RETRY_COUNT;
  private int bufferSize = AppenderConstants.DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE;
  private int threadCount = AppenderConstants.DEFAULT_THREAD_COUNT;
  private int shutdownTimeout = AppenderConstants.DEFAULT_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT_SEC;

  private String endpoint;
  private String region;
  private String streamName;
  private String roleToAssumeArn;

  private boolean initializationFailed = false;
  private BlockingQueue<Runnable> taskBuffer;
  private ThreadPoolExecutor threadPoolExecutor;
  private LayoutBase<Event> layout;
  private AwsCredentialsProvider credentials = DefaultCredentialsProvider.create();
  private Client client;

   * Configures appender instance and makes it ready for use by the consumers.
   * It validates mandatory parameters and confirms if the configured stream is
   * ready for publishing data yet.
   * Error details are made available through the fallback handler for this
   * appender
   * @throws IllegalStateException if we encounter issues configuring this
   *           appender instance
  public void start() {
    if(layout == null) {
      initializationFailed = true;
      addError("Invalid configuration - No layout for appender: " + name);

    if(streamName == null) {
      initializationFailed = true;
      addError("Invalid configuration - streamName cannot be null for appender: " + name);

    ClientOverrideConfiguration clientConfiguration = ClientOverrideConfiguration.builder()
      .putHeader("User-Agent", AppenderConstants.USER_AGENT_STRING)

    BlockingQueue<Runnable> taskBuffer = new LinkedBlockingDeque<Runnable>(bufferSize);
    threadPoolExecutor = new ThreadPoolExecutor(threadCount, threadCount,
                                                AppenderConstants.DEFAULT_THREAD_KEEP_ALIVE_SEC, TimeUnit.SECONDS,
                                                taskBuffer, setupThreadFactory(), new BlockFastProducerPolicy());

    Optional<URI> endpointOverride;

    if(!Validator.isBlank(endpoint)) {
      if(!Validator.isBlank(region)) {
        addError("Received configuration for both region as well as Amazon Kinesis endpoint. (" + endpoint
                 + ") will be used as endpoint instead of default endpoint for region (" + region + ")");
      endpointOverride = Optional.of(URI.create(endpoint));
    } else {
      endpointOverride = Optional.empty();

    this.client = createClient(credentials, clientConfiguration, threadPoolExecutor, findRegion(), endpointOverride);

    validateStreamName(client, streamName);


   * Closes this appender instance. Before exiting, the implementation tries to
   * flush out buffered log events within configured shutdownTimeout seconds. If
   * that doesn't finish within configured shutdownTimeout, it would drop all
   * the buffered log events.
  public void stop() {
    BlockingQueue<Runnable> taskQueue = threadPoolExecutor.getQueue();
    int bufferSizeBeforeShutdown = threadPoolExecutor.getQueue().size();
    boolean gracefulShutdown = true;
    try {
      gracefulShutdown = threadPoolExecutor.awaitTermination(shutdownTimeout, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
    catch(InterruptedException e) {
      // we are anyways cleaning up
    finally {
      int bufferSizeAfterShutdown = taskQueue.size();
      if(!gracefulShutdown || bufferSizeAfterShutdown > 0) {
        String errorMsg = "Kinesis Log4J Appender (" + name + ") waited for " + shutdownTimeout
                          + " seconds before terminating but could send only "
                          + (bufferSizeAfterShutdown - bufferSizeBeforeShutdown) + " logevents, it failed to send "
                          + bufferSizeAfterShutdown + " pending log events from it's processing queue";

   * Validate that the stream name exists and is in a valid status.
  protected abstract void validateStreamName(Client client, String streamName);

   * This method is called whenever a logging happens via logger.log(..) API
   * calls. Implementation for this appender will take in log events instantly
   * as long as the buffer is not full (as per user configuration). This call
   * will block if internal buffer is full until internal threads create some
   * space by publishing some of the records.
   * If there is any error in parsing logevents, those logevents would be
   * dropped.
  protected void append(Event logEvent) {
    if(initializationFailed) {
      addError("Check the configuration and whether the configured stream " + streamName
               + " exists and is active. Failed to initialize kinesis logback appender: " + name);
    try {
      String message = this.layout.doLayout(logEvent);

    catch(Exception e) {
      addError("Failed to schedule log entry for publishing into Kinesis stream: " + streamName, e);

   * Send message to client
   * @param message formatted message to send
   * @throws Exception if unable to add message
  protected abstract void putMessage(String message) throws Exception;

   * Creates the thread factory to be used by the {@link #threadPoolExecutor}.
  private ThreadFactory setupThreadFactory() {
    return new NamedThreadFactory(getClass().getSimpleName() + "[" + streamName + "]-");

   * Determine region. If not specified tries to determine region from where the
   * application is running or fall back to the default.
   * @return Region to configure the client
  private Region findRegion() {
    boolean regionProvided = !Validator.isBlank(this.region);
    if(!regionProvided) {
      // Determine region from where application is running, or fall back to default region
      return Region.of(AppenderConstants.DEFAULT_REGION);
    return Region.of(this.region);

  public LayoutBase<Event> getLayout() {
    return layout;

  public void setLayout(LayoutBase<Event> layout) {
    this.layout = layout;

   * Returns configured stream name
   * @return configured stream name
  public String getStreamName() {
    return streamName;

   * Sets streamName for the kinesis stream to which data is to be published.
   * @param streamName name of the kinesis stream to which data is to be
   *          published.
  public void setStreamName(String streamName) {
    Validator.validate(!Validator.isBlank(streamName), "streamName cannot be blank");
    this.streamName = streamName.trim();

   * Configured encoding for the data to be published. If none specified,
   * default is UTF-8
   * @return encoding for the data to be published. If none specified, default
   *         is UTF-8
  public String getEncoding() {
    return this.encoding;

   * Sets encoding for the data to be published. If none specified, default is
   * UTF-8
   * @param charset encoding for expected log messages
  public void setEncoding(String charset) {
    Validator.validate(!Validator.isBlank(charset), "encoding cannot be blank");
    this.encoding = charset.trim();

   * Returns configured maximum number of retries between API failures while
   * communicating with Kinesis. This is used in AWS SDK's default retries for
   * HTTP exceptions, throttling errors etc.
   * @return configured maximum number of retries between API failures while
   *         communicating with Kinesis
  public int getMaxRetries() {
    return maxRetries;

   * Configures maximum number of retries between API failures while
   * communicating with Kinesis. This is used in AWS SDK's default retries for
   * HTTP exceptions, throttling errors etc.
   * @param maxRetries the number of retries between API failures
  public void setMaxRetries(int maxRetries) {
    Validator.validate(maxRetries > 0, "maxRetries must be > 0");
    this.maxRetries = maxRetries;

   * Returns configured buffer size for this appender. This implementation would
   * buffer these many log events in memory while parallel threads are trying to
   * publish them to Kinesis.
   * @return configured buffer size for this appender.
  public int getBufferSize() {
    return bufferSize;

   * Configures buffer size for this appender. This implementation would buffer
   * these many log events in memory while parallel threads are trying to
   * publish them to Kinesis.
   * @param bufferSize buffer size for this appender
  public void setBufferSize(int bufferSize) {
    Validator.validate(bufferSize > 0, "bufferSize must be >0");
    this.bufferSize = bufferSize;

   * Returns configured number of parallel thread count that would work on
   * publishing buffered events to Kinesis
   * @return configured number of parallel thread count that would work on
   *         publishing buffered events to Kinesis
  public int getThreadCount() {
    return threadCount;

   * Configures number of parallel thread count that would work on publishing
   * buffered events to Kinesis
   * @param parallelCount number of parallel thread count
  public void setThreadCount(int parallelCount) {
    Validator.validate(parallelCount > 0, "threadCount must be >0");
    this.threadCount = parallelCount;

   * Returns configured timeout between shutdown and clean up. When this
   * appender is asked to close/stop, it would wait for at most these many
   * seconds and try to send all buffered records to Kinesis. However if it
   * fails to publish them before timeout, it would drop those records and exit
   * immediately after timeout.
   * @return configured timeout for shutdown and clean up.
  public int getShutdownTimeout() {
    return shutdownTimeout;

   * Configures timeout between shutdown and clean up. When this appender is
   * asked to close/stop, it would wait for at most these many seconds and try
   * to send all buffered records to Kinesis. However if it fails to publish
   * them before timeout, it would drop those records and exit immediately after
   * timeout.
   * @param shutdownTimeout timeout between shutdown and clean up
  public void setShutdownTimeout(int shutdownTimeout) {
    Validator.validate(shutdownTimeout > 0, "shutdownTimeout must be >0");
    this.shutdownTimeout = shutdownTimeout;

   * Returns count of tasks scheduled to send records to Kinesis. Since
   * currently each task maps to sending one record, it is equivalent to number
   * of records in the buffer scheduled to be sent to Kinesis.
   * @return count of tasks scheduled to send records to Kinesis.
  public int getTaskBufferSize() {
    return taskBuffer.size();

  public String getRoleToAssumeArn() {
    return roleToAssumeArn;

  public void setRoleToAssumeArn(String roleToAssumeArn) {
    this.roleToAssumeArn = roleToAssumeArn;
    if(!Validator.isBlank(roleToAssumeArn)) {
      String sessionId = "session" + Math.random();
      StsAssumeRoleCredentialsProvider remoteAccountCredentials = 
        StsAssumeRoleCredentialsProvider.builder().refreshRequest(builder ->

      credentials = remoteAccountCredentials;

  public AwsCredentialsProvider getCredentialsProvider() {
    return credentials;

  public void setCredentialsProvider(AwsCredentialsProvider credentialsProvider) {
    this.credentials = credentialsProvider;

   * Returns configured Kinesis endpoint.
   * @return configured kinesis endpoint
  public String getEndpoint() {
    return endpoint;

   * Set kinesis endpoint. If set, it overrides the default kinesis endpoint in
   * the configured region
   * @param endpoint kinesis endpoint to which requests should be made.
  public void setEndpoint(String endpoint) {
    this.endpoint = endpoint;

   * Returns configured region for Kinesis.
   * @return configured region for Kinesis
  public String getRegion() {
    return region;

   * Configures the region and default endpoint for all Kinesis calls. If not
   * overridden by {@link #setEndpoint(String)}, all Kinesis requests are made
   * to the default endpoint in this region.
   * @param region the Kinesis region whose endpoint should be used for kinesis
   *          requests
  public void setRegion(String region) {
    this.region = region;

  protected void setInitializationFailed(boolean initializationFailed) {
    this.initializationFailed = initializationFailed;

  protected abstract Client createClient(AwsCredentialsProvider credentials, ClientOverrideConfiguration configuration, ThreadPoolExecutor executor, Region region, Optional<URI> endpointOverride);

  protected Client getClient() {
    return client;