package com.greenaddress.greenapi;

import com.greenaddress.greenbits.GaService;

import org.bitcoinj.core.Address;
import org.bitcoinj.core.Coin;
import org.bitcoinj.core.NetworkParameters;
import org.bitcoinj.core.Transaction;
import org.bitcoinj.core.TransactionInput;
import org.bitcoinj.core.TransactionOptions;
import org.bitcoinj.core.TransactionOutput;
import org.bitcoinj.core.TransactionOutPoint;
import org.bitcoinj.core.TransactionWitness;
import org.bitcoinj.core.VarInt;
import org.bitcoinj.params.MainNetParams;
import org.bitcoinj.script.Script;
import org.bitcoinj.script.ScriptBuilder;
import com.blockstream.libwally.Wally;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.SortedSet;
import java.util.TreeSet;

import android.util.Log;

public class GATx {

    private static final String TAG = GATx.class.getSimpleName();
    private static final int SIG_LEN = 73; // Average signature length
    private static final List<byte[]> EMPTY_SIGS = ImmutableList.of(new byte[SIG_LEN], new byte[SIG_LEN]);
    private static final byte[] EMPTY_WITNESS_DATA = new byte[0];
    private static final byte[] EMPTY_WITNESS_SIG = new byte[SIG_LEN + 1]; // 1=Sighash flag byte

    // Script types in end points
    public static final int P2SH_FORTIFIED_OUT = 10;
    public static final int P2SH_P2WSH_FORTIFIED_OUT = 14;
    public static final int REDEEM_P2SH_FORTIFIED = 150;
    public static final int REDEEM_P2SH_P2WSH_FORTIFIED = 159;
    public static final int MAX_BLOCK_NUM = 500000000 - 1;  // From nTimeLock field definition

    public static class ChangeOutput {
        public final TransactionOutput mOutput;
        public final Integer mPointer;
        public final Boolean mIsSegwit;

        public ChangeOutput(final TransactionOutput output, final Integer pointer, final Boolean isSegwit) {
            mOutput = output;
            mPointer = pointer;
            mIsSegwit = isSegwit;

    public static int getOutScriptType(final int scriptType) {
        switch (scriptType) {
            case REDEEM_P2SH_FORTIFIED:
                return P2SH_FORTIFIED_OUT;
            case REDEEM_P2SH_P2WSH_FORTIFIED:
                return P2SH_P2WSH_FORTIFIED_OUT;
                return scriptType;

    public static void sortUtxos(final List<JSONMap> utxos, final boolean minimizeInputs) {
        Collections.sort(utxos, new Comparator<JSONMap>() {
            public int compare(final JSONMap lhs, final JSONMap rhs) {
                int cmp = 0;
                if (!minimizeInputs) {
                    // When not minimizing inputs, prefer earlier block times;
                    // By spending earlier utxos we can avoid re-deposits.
                    cmp = lhs.getInt("block_height", MAX_BLOCK_NUM).compareTo(rhs.getInt("block_height", MAX_BLOCK_NUM));
                if (cmp == 0)
                    cmp = lhs.getBigInteger("value").compareTo(rhs.getBigInteger("value"));
                return cmp;

    public static byte[] createOutScript(final GaService service, final JSONMap ep) {
        return service.createOutScript(ep.getInt("subaccount", 0),
                                       ep.getInt(ep.getKey("pubkey_pointer", "pointer")));

    public static byte[] createInScript(final List<byte[]> sigs, final byte[] outScript,
                                  final int scriptType) {
        if (scriptType == P2SH_FORTIFIED_OUT || scriptType == REDEEM_P2SH_FORTIFIED)
            // FIXME: investigate P2SH_ vs REDEEM_P2SH_ and ideally make it consistent here
            return ScriptBuilder.createMultiSigInputScriptBytes(sigs, outScript).getProgram();
        // REDEEM_P2SH_P2WSH_FORTIFIED: PUSH(OP_0 PUSH(sha256(outScript)))
        return Bytes.concat(Wally.hex_to_bytes("220020"), Wally.sha256(outScript));

    public static void addInput(final GaService service, final Transaction tx, final JSONMap ep) {
        final int scriptType = ep.getInt("script_type");
        final byte[] outscript = createOutScript(service, ep);
        final byte[] inscript = createInScript(EMPTY_SIGS, outscript, scriptType);
        final TransactionOutPoint op;
        op = new TransactionOutPoint(service.getNetworkParameters(), ep.getInt("pt_idx"), ep.getHash("txhash"));
        final TransactionInput in = new TransactionInput(service.getNetworkParameters(), null, inscript, op, ep.getCoin("value"));
        TransactionWitness witness = null;
        if (getOutScriptType(scriptType) == P2SH_P2WSH_FORTIFIED_OUT) {
           // To calculate the tx weight correctly, we must set the witness data
           // to the correct number of pushes of data of the correct size.
           // Before sending the transaction, we replace this witness data with
           // just the users signature, since the server recreates the witness
           // data itself to replace the server sig and script placeholders.
            witness = new TransactionWitness(4);
            witness.setPush(0, EMPTY_WITNESS_DATA); // Dummy for off by 1 in OP_CHECKMULTISIG
            witness.setPush(1, EMPTY_WITNESS_SIG);  // Users signature
            witness.setPush(2, EMPTY_WITNESS_SIG);  // GA Server signature
            witness.setPush(3, outscript);          // Outscript
        if (service.isRBFEnabled())
            in.setSequenceNumber(0xFFFFFFFD); // Opt-in RBF
            in.setSequenceNumber(0xFFFFFFFE); // Ensures nlocktime is recognized
        if (witness != null)
            tx.setWitness(tx.getInputs().size() - 1, witness);

    public static boolean addTxOutput(final GaService service, final Transaction tx,
                                      final Coin amount, final String recipient) {
        if (service.isElements())
            return false; // Only base58 supported for elements currently
        try {
            tx.addOutput(amount, Address.fromBase58(service.getNetworkParameters(), recipient));
            return true;
        } catch (final Exception e) {
            try {
                final byte[] decoded = GaService.decodeBech32Address(recipient, service.getNetworkParameters());
                if (decoded == null || decoded[0] != 0)
                    return false; // Only v0 segwit scripts are supported

                final byte[] scriptHash = Arrays.copyOfRange(decoded, 2, decoded.length);
                if (decoded.length == Wally.WALLY_SCRIPTPUBKEY_P2WPKH_LEN) {
                    tx.addOutput(amount, Address.fromP2WPKHHash(service.getNetworkParameters(), scriptHash));
                    return true;
                } else if (decoded.length == Wally.WALLY_SCRIPTPUBKEY_P2WSH_LEN) {
                    tx.addOutput(amount, Address.fromP2WSHHash(service.getNetworkParameters(), scriptHash));
                    return true;
            } catch (final Exception e2) {
                // Fall through
        return false;

    private static Address createChangeAddress(final JSONMap addrInfo, final NetworkParameters params) {
        byte[] script = addrInfo.getBytes("script");
        if (addrInfo.getString("addr_type").equals("p2wsh"))
            script = ScriptBuilder.createP2WSHOutputScript(Wally.sha256(script)).getProgram();
        return Address.fromP2SHHash(params, Wally.hash160(script));

    /* Add a new change output to a tx */
    public static ChangeOutput addChangeOutput(final GaService service, final Transaction tx,
                                                                   final int subaccount) {
        final JSONMap addrInfo = service.getNewAddress(subaccount);
        if (addrInfo == null)
            return null;
        return new ChangeOutput(tx.addOutput(Coin.ZERO, createChangeAddress(addrInfo, service.getNetworkParameters())),

    /* Identify the change output in a tx */
    public static ChangeOutput findChangeOutput(final List<JSONMap> endPoints,
                                                final Transaction tx,
                                                final int forSubAccount) {
        int index = -1;
        int pubkey_pointer = -1;
        int scriptType = 0;
        for (final JSONMap ep : endPoints) {
            if (!ep.getBool("is_credit") || !ep.getBool("is_relevant") ||
                ep.getInt("subaccount", 0) != forSubAccount)

            if (index != -1) {
                // Found another output paying to this account. This can
                // only happend when redepositing to our own acount with
                // a change output (e.g. by manually sending some amount
                // of funds to ourself). In this case the change output
                // will have been created after the amount output by the
                // tx construction code, so the output with the highest
                // pubkey pointer is our change, as they are incremented
                // for each new output. Note that we can't use the order
                // of the output in the tx due to change randomisation.
                if (ep.getInt("pubkey_pointer") < pubkey_pointer)
                    continue; // Not our change output
            index = ep.getInt("pt_idx");
            pubkey_pointer = ep.getInt("pubkey_pointer");
            scriptType = ep.getInt("script_type");
        if (index == -1)
            return null;
        return new ChangeOutput(tx.getOutput(index), pubkey_pointer,
                                getOutScriptType(scriptType) == P2SH_P2WSH_FORTIFIED_OUT);

    /* Swap the change and recipient output in a tx with 50% probability */
    public static boolean randomizeChangeOutput(final Transaction tx) {
        if (CryptoHelper.randomBytes(1)[0] < 0)
            return false;

        final TransactionOutput a = tx.getOutput(0);
        final TransactionOutput b = tx.getOutput(1);
        return true;

    /* Create previous outputs for tx construction from uxtos */
    public static List<Output> createPrevouts(final GaService service, final List<JSONMap> utxos) {
        final List<Output> prevOuts = new ArrayList<>();
        for (final JSONMap utxo : utxos)
            prevOuts.add(new Output(utxo.getInt("subaccount"),
                                    utxo.getInt(utxo.getKey("pubkey_pointer", "pointer")),
                                    Wally.hex_from_bytes(createOutScript(service, utxo)),
        return prevOuts;

    /* Return the previous transactions for each of a txs inputs */
    public static List<Transaction> getPreviousTransactions(final GaService service, final Transaction tx) {
        final List<Transaction> previousTxs = new ArrayList<>();
        try {
            for (final TransactionInput in : tx.getInputs()) {
                final String txhex = service.getRawOutputHex(in.getOutpoint().getHash());
                previousTxs.add(GaService.buildTransaction(txhex, service.getNetworkParameters()));
        } catch (final Exception e) {
            return null;
        return previousTxs;

    // Estimate the size of Elements specific parts of a tx
    private static int estimateElementsSize(final Transaction tx, final Network network) {
        if (!network.isElements())
            return 0;

        final int sjSize = Wally.asset_surjectionproof_size(tx.getInputs().size());
        final int cmtSize = Wally.EC_PUBLIC_KEY_LEN;
        // Estimate the rangeproof len as 160 bytes per 2 bits used to express the
        // output value (currently 32), plus fixed overhead of 128 (this is a slight
        // over-estimate given that only up to +100 has been seen in the wild).
        // FIXME: This assumes 32 bit maximum amounts as per current wally impl.
        final int rpSize = ((32 / 2) * 160) + 128;
        final int singleOutputSize = sjSize + VarInt.sizeOf(sjSize) +
                                     cmtSize + VarInt.sizeOf(cmtSize) +
                                     rpSize + VarInt.sizeOf(rpSize);
        return singleOutputSize * tx.getOutputs().size();

    public static Coin getFeeEstimateForRBF(final GaService service) throws GAException {
        return getFeeEstimate(service, 1);

    // Return the best estimate of the fee rate in satoshi/1000 bytes
    public static Coin getFeeEstimate(final GaService service, final int forBlock) throws GAException {
        // Iterate the estimates from shortest to longest confirmation time
        final SortedSet<Integer> keys = new TreeSet<>();
        for (final String block : service.getFeeEstimates().mData.keySet())

        for (final Integer blockNum : keys) {
            double feeRate = service.getFeeRate(blockNum);
            if (feeRate <= 0.0)
                continue; // No estimate available: Try next confirmation rate

            final int actualBlock = service.getFeeBlocks(blockNum);
            if (actualBlock < forBlock)
                continue; // Use forBlock confirmation rate and later only

            // Found rate at or later than our target confirmation time
            return Coin.valueOf((long) (feeRate * 1000 * 1000 * 100));

        // At this point, we don't have a usable fee rate estimate

        if (service.isElements())
            return Coin.valueOf(1);

        return service.getMinFeeRate();

    public static JSONMap makeLimitsData(final Coin limitDelta, final Coin fee,
                                         final int changeIndex) {
        final JSONMap m = new JSONMap();
        m.mData.put("asset", "BTC");
        m.mData.put("amount", limitDelta.getValue());
        m.mData.put("fee", fee.getValue());
        m.mData.put("change_idx", changeIndex);
        return m;

    public static Coin addUtxo(final GaService service, final Transaction tx,
                               final List<JSONMap> utxos, final List<JSONMap> used) {
        return addUtxo(service, tx, utxos, used, null, null, null, null);

    public static Coin addUtxo(final GaService service, final Transaction tx,
                               final List<JSONMap> utxos, final List<JSONMap> used,
                               final List<Long> inValues, final List<byte[]> inAssetIds,
                               final List<byte[]> inAbfs, final List<byte[]> inVbfs) {
        final JSONMap utxo = utxos.get(0);
        if (utxo.getBool("confidential")) {
        addInput(service, tx, utxo);
        if (inValues != null)
        return utxo.getCoin("value");

    public static int getTxVSize(final Transaction tx, final Network network) {
        final int vSize;

        if (!(network.isElements() || tx.hasWitness())) {
            vSize = tx.unsafeBitcoinSerialize().length;
            Log.d(TAG, "getTxVSize(non-sw): " + vSize);
        } else {
            /* For segwit, the fee is based on the weighted size of the tx */
            tx.transactionOptions = TransactionOptions.NONE;
            final int nonSwSize = tx.unsafeBitcoinSerialize().length;
            tx.transactionOptions = TransactionOptions.ALL;
            final int swSize = tx.unsafeBitcoinSerialize().length;
            final int fullSize = swSize + estimateElementsSize(tx, network);
            vSize = (int) Math.ceil((nonSwSize * 3 + fullSize) / 4.0);
            Log.d(TAG, "getTxVSize(sw): " + nonSwSize + '/' + swSize + '/' + vSize);
        return vSize;

    // Calculate the fee that must be paid for a tx
    public static Coin getTxFee(final GaService service, final Transaction tx, final Coin feeRate) {
        final Coin minRate = service.getMinFeeRate();
        final Coin rate = feeRate.isLessThan(minRate) ? minRate : feeRate;
        Log.d(TAG, "getTxFee(rates): " + rate.value + '/' + feeRate.value + '/' + minRate.value);

        final int vSize = getTxVSize(tx, service.getNetwork());
        final double fee = (double) vSize * rate.value / 1000.0;
        final long roundedFee = (long) Math.ceil(fee); // Round up
        Log.d(TAG, "getTxFee: fee is " + roundedFee);
        return Coin.valueOf(roundedFee);

    public static PreparedTransaction signTransaction(final GaService service, final Transaction tx,
                                                      final List<JSONMap> usedUtxos,
                                                      final int subAccount,
                                                      final ChangeOutput changeOutput) {

        // Fetch previous outputs
        final List<Output> prevOuts = createPrevouts(service, usedUtxos);
        final PreparedTransaction ptx;
        ptx = new PreparedTransaction(changeOutput, subAccount, tx,
                                      service.findSubaccountByType(subAccount, "2of3"));
        ptx.mPrevoutRawTxs = new HashMap<>();
        for (final Transaction prevTx : getPreviousTransactions(service, tx)) {
            if (prevTx == null)
                throw new RuntimeException("Previous transaction not found");
            ptx.mPrevoutRawTxs.put(Wally.hex_from_bytes(prevTx.getHash().getBytes()), prevTx);

        // Sign the tx
        final List<byte[]> signatures = service.signTransaction(tx, ptx, prevOuts);
        for (int i = 0; i < signatures.size(); ++i) {
            final byte[] sig = signatures.get(i);
            final JSONMap utxo = usedUtxos.get(i);
            final int scriptType = utxo.getInt("script_type");
            final byte[] outscript = createOutScript(service, utxo);
            final List<byte[]> userSigs = ImmutableList.of(new byte[]{0}, sig);
            final byte[] inscript = createInScript(userSigs, outscript, scriptType);

            tx.getInput(i).setScriptSig(new Script(inscript));
            if (getOutScriptType(scriptType) == P2SH_P2WSH_FORTIFIED_OUT) {
                // Replace the witness data with just the user signature:
                // the server will recreate the witness data to include the
                // dummy OP_CHECKMULTISIG push, user + server sigs and script.
                final TransactionWitness witness = new TransactionWitness(1);
                witness.setPush(0, sig);
                tx.setWitness(i, witness);
        return ptx;
