 * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");           *
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.          *
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at                                   *
 *                                                                           *
 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0                                *
 *                                                                           *
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software       *
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,         *
 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.  *
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and       *
 * limitations under the License.                                            *
package com.google.mu.util.stream;

import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull;

import java.util.AbstractMap;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.DoubleSummaryStatistics;
import java.util.IntSummaryStatistics;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LongSummaryStatistics;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.BiFunction;
import java.util.function.BinaryOperator;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.ToDoubleBiFunction;
import java.util.function.ToIntBiFunction;
import java.util.function.ToLongBiFunction;
import java.util.stream.Collector;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import java.util.stream.Stream;

 * Common utilities pertaining to {@link BiCollector}.
 * <p>Don't forget that you can directly "method reference" a {@code Collector}-returning
 * factory method as a {@code BiCollector} as long as it accepts two {@code Function} parameters
 * corresponding to the "key" and the "value" parts respectively. For example: {@code
 * collect(ImmutableMap::toImmutableMap)}, {@code collect(Collectors::toConcurrentMap)}.
 * <p>Most of the factory methods in this class are deliberately named after their {@code Collector}
 * counterparts. This is a <em>feature</em>. Static imports can be overloaded by method arity, so
 * you already static import, for example, {@code Collectors.toMap}, simply adding {@code static import
 * com.google.mu.util.stream.BiCollectors.toMap} will allow both the {@code BiCollector} and the
 * {@code Collector} to be used in the same file without ambiguity or confusion.
 * @since 3.0
public final class BiCollectors {
   * Returns a {@link BiCollector} that collects the key-value pairs into an immutable {@link Map}.
   * <p>Normally calling {@code biStream.toMap()} is more convenient but for example when you've got
   * a {@code BiStream<K, LinkedList<V>>} and need to collect it into {@code Map<K, List<V>>},
   * you'll need to call {@code collect(toMap())} instead of {@link BiStream#toMap()}.
  public static <K, V> BiCollector<K, V, Map<K, V>> toMap() {
    return Collectors::toMap;

   * Returns a {@link BiCollector} that collects the key-value pairs into an immutable {@link Map}
   * using {@code valueMerger} to merge values of duplicate keys.
  public static <K, V> BiCollector<K, V, Map<K, V>> toMap(BinaryOperator<V> valueMerger) {
    return new BiCollector<K, V, Map<K, V>>() {
      public <E> Collector<E, ?, Map<K, V>> splitting(
          Function<E, K> toKey, Function<E, V> toValue) {
        return Collectors.toMap(toKey, toValue, valueMerger);

   * Returns a {@link BiCollector} that collects the key-value pairs into an immutable {@link Map}
   * using {@code valueCollector} to collect values of identical keys into a final value of type
   * {@code V}.
   * <p>For example, the following calculates total population per state from city demographic data:
   * <pre>{@code
   *  Map<StateId, Integer> statePopulations = BiStream.from(cities, City::getState, c -> c)
   *     .collect(toMap(summingInt(City::getPopulation)));
   * }</pre>
   * <p>Entries are collected in encounter order.
  public static <K, V1, V> BiCollector<K, V1, Map<K, V>> toMap(Collector<V1, ?, V> valueCollector) {
    return new BiCollector<K, V1, Map<K, V>>() {
      public <E> Collector<E, ?, Map<K, V>> splitting(
          Function<E, K> toKey, Function<E, V1> toValue) {
        return Collectors.collectingAndThen(
                LinkedHashMap::new, Collectors.mapping(toValue, valueCollector)),

   * Returns a counting {@link BiCollector} that counts the number of input entries.
   * @since 3.2
  public static <K, V> BiCollector<K, V, Long> counting() {
    return mapping((k, v) -> k, Collectors.counting());

   * Returns a counting {@link BiCollector} that counts the number of distinct input entries
   * according to {@link Object#equals} for both keys and values.
   * <p>Unlike {@link #counting}, this collector should not be used on very large (for example,
   * larger than {@code Integer.MAX_VALUE}) streams because it internally needs to keep track of
   * all distinct entries in memory.
   * @since 3.2
  public static <K, V> BiCollector<K, V, Integer> countingDistinct() {
    return mapping(
        Collectors.collectingAndThen(Collectors.toSet(), Set::size));

   * Returns a {@link BiCollector} that produces the sum of an integer-valued
   * function applied to the input pair.  If no input entries are present,
   * the result is 0.
   * @since 3.2
  public static <K, V> BiCollector<K, V, Integer> summingInt(
      ToIntBiFunction<? super K, ? super V> mapper) {
    return new BiCollector<K, V, Integer>() {
      public <E> Collector<E, ?, Integer> splitting(
          Function<E, K> toKey, Function<E, V> toValue) {
        return Collectors.summingInt(e -> mapper.applyAsInt(toKey.apply(e), toValue.apply(e)));

   * Returns a {@link BiCollector} that produces the sum of a long-valued
   * function applied to the input pair.  If no input entries are present,
   * the result is 0.
   * @since 3.2
  public static <K, V> BiCollector<K, V, Long> summingLong(
      ToLongBiFunction<? super K, ? super V> mapper) {
    return new BiCollector<K, V, Long>() {
      public <E> Collector<E, ?, Long> splitting(
          Function<E, K> toKey, Function<E, V> toValue) {
        return Collectors.summingLong(e -> mapper.applyAsLong(toKey.apply(e), toValue.apply(e)));

   * Returns a {@link BiCollector} that produces the sum of a double-valued
   * function applied to the input pair.  If no input entries are present,
   * the result is 0.
   * @since 3.2
  public static <K, V> BiCollector<K, V, Double> summingDouble(
      ToDoubleBiFunction<? super K, ? super V> mapper) {
    return new BiCollector<K, V, Double>() {
      public <E> Collector<E, ?, Double> splitting(
          Function<E, K> toKey, Function<E, V> toValue) {
        return Collectors.summingDouble(e -> mapper.applyAsDouble(toKey.apply(e), toValue.apply(e)));

   * Returns a {@link BiCollector} that produces the arithmetic mean of an integer-valued
   * function applied to the input pair.  If no input entries are present,
   * the result is 0.
   * @since 3.2
  public static <K, V> BiCollector<K, V, Double> averagingInt(
      ToIntBiFunction<? super K, ? super V> mapper) {
    return new BiCollector<K, V, Double>() {
      public <E> Collector<E, ?, Double> splitting(
          Function<E, K> toKey, Function<E, V> toValue) {
        return Collectors.averagingInt(e -> mapper.applyAsInt(toKey.apply(e), toValue.apply(e)));

   * Returns a {@link BiCollector} that produces the arithmetic mean of a long-valued
   * function applied to the input pair.  If no input entries are present,
   * the result is 0.
   * @since 3.2
  public static <K, V> BiCollector<K, V, Double> averagingLong(
      ToLongBiFunction<? super K, ? super V> mapper) {
    return new BiCollector<K, V, Double>() {
      public <E> Collector<E, ?, Double> splitting(
          Function<E, K> toKey, Function<E, V> toValue) {
        return Collectors.averagingLong(e -> mapper.applyAsLong(toKey.apply(e), toValue.apply(e)));

   * Returns a {@link BiCollector} that produces the arithmetic mean of a double-valued
   * function applied to the input pair.  If no input entries are present,
   * the result is 0.
   * @since 3.2
  public static <K, V> BiCollector<K, V, Double> averagingDouble(
      ToDoubleBiFunction<? super K, ? super V> mapper) {
    return new BiCollector<K, V, Double>() {
      public <E> Collector<E, ?, Double> splitting(
          Function<E, K> toKey, Function<E, V> toValue) {
        return Collectors.averagingDouble(e -> mapper.applyAsDouble(toKey.apply(e), toValue.apply(e)));

   * Returns a {@link BiCollector} which applies an {@code int}-producing
   * mapping function to each input pair, and returns summary statistics
   * for the resulting values.
   * @since 3.2
  public static <K, V> BiCollector<K, V, IntSummaryStatistics> summarizingInt(
      ToIntBiFunction<? super K, ? super V> mapper) {
    return new BiCollector<K, V, IntSummaryStatistics>() {
      public <E> Collector<E, ?, IntSummaryStatistics> splitting(
          Function<E, K> toKey, Function<E, V> toValue) {
        return Collectors.summarizingInt(e -> mapper.applyAsInt(toKey.apply(e), toValue.apply(e)));

   * Returns a {@link BiCollector} which applies an {@code long}-producing
   * mapping function to each input pair, and returns summary statistics
   * for the resulting values.
   * @since 3.2
  public static <K, V> BiCollector<K, V, LongSummaryStatistics> summarizingLong(
      ToLongBiFunction<? super K, ? super V> mapper) {
    return new BiCollector<K, V, LongSummaryStatistics>() {
      public <E> Collector<E, ?, LongSummaryStatistics> splitting(
          Function<E, K> toKey, Function<E, V> toValue) {
        return Collectors.summarizingLong(e -> mapper.applyAsLong(toKey.apply(e), toValue.apply(e)));

   * Returns a {@link BiCollector} which applies an {@code double}-producing
   * mapping function to each input pair, and returns summary statistics
   * for the resulting values.
   * @since 3.2
  public static <K, V> BiCollector<K, V, DoubleSummaryStatistics> summarizingDouble(
      ToDoubleBiFunction<? super K, ? super V> mapper) {
    return new BiCollector<K, V, DoubleSummaryStatistics>() {
      public <E> Collector<E, ?, DoubleSummaryStatistics> splitting(
          Function<E, K> toKey, Function<E, V> toValue) {
        return Collectors.summarizingDouble(e -> mapper.applyAsDouble(toKey.apply(e), toValue.apply(e)));

   * Groups input entries by {@code classifier} and collects entries belonging to the same group
   * using {@code groupCollector}. For example, the following code splits a phone book by area code:
   * <pre>{@code
   * Multimap<Address, PhoneNumber> phoneBook = ...;
   * ImmutableMap<AreaCode, ImmutableSetMultimap<Address, PhoneNumber>> areaPhoneBooks =
   *     BiStream.from(phoneBook)
   *         .collect(
   *             groupingBy(
   *                 (addr, phone) -> phone.areaCode(),
   *                 ImmutableSetMultimap::toImmutableSetMultimap))
   *         .collect(ImmutableMap::toImmutableMap);
   * }</pre>
   * @since 3.2
  public static <K, V, G, R> BiCollector<K, V, BiStream<G, R>> groupingBy(
      BiFunction<? super K, ? super V, ? extends G> classifier,
      BiCollector<? super K, ? super V, R> groupCollector) {
    return new BiCollector<K, V, BiStream<G, R>>() {
      public <E> Collector<E, ?, BiStream<G, R>> splitting(
          Function<E, K> toKey, Function<E, V> toValue) {
        return BiStream.groupingBy(
            e -> classifier.apply(toKey.apply(e), toValue.apply(e)),
            groupCollector.splitting(toKey::apply, toValue::apply));

   * Groups input entries by {@code classifier} and collects values belonging to the same group
   * using {@code groupCollector}. For example, the following code collects unique area codes for
   * each state:
   * <pre>{@code
   * Multimap<Address, PhoneNumber> phoneBook = ...;
   * ImmutableMap<State, ImmutableSet<AreaCode>> stateAreaCodes =
   *     BiStream.from(phoneBook)
   *         .mapValues(PhoneNumber::areaCode)
   *         .collect(groupingBy(Address::state, toImmutableSet()))
   *         .collect(ImmutableMap::toImmutableMap);
   * }</pre>
   * @since 3.2
  public static <K, V, G, R> BiCollector<K, V, BiStream<G, R>> groupingBy(
      Function<? super K, ? extends G> classifier,
      Collector<? super V, ?, R> groupCollector) {
    return groupingBy((k, v) -> classifier.apply(k), mapping((k, v) -> v, groupCollector));

   * Groups input pairs by {@code classifier} and reduces values belonging to the same group using
   * {@code groupReducer}. For example, the following code calculates total household income for
   * each state:
   * <pre>{@code
   * Map<Address, Household> households = ...;
   * ImmutableMap<State, Money> stateHouseholdIncomes =
   *     BiStream.from(households)
   *         .mapValues(Household::income)
   *         .collect(groupingBy(Address::state, Money::add))
   *         .collect(ImmutableMap::toImmutableMap);
   * }</pre>
   * @since 3.3
  public static <K, V, G> BiCollector<K, V, BiStream<G, V>> groupingBy(
      Function<? super K, ? extends G> classifier, BinaryOperator<V> groupReducer) {
    return new BiCollector<K, V, BiStream<G, V>>() {
      public <E> Collector<E, ?, BiStream<G, V>> splitting(
          Function<E, K> toKey, Function<E, V> toValue) {
        return BiStream.groupingBy(toKey.andThen(classifier), toValue, groupReducer);

   * Returns a {@link BiCollector} that maps the result of {@code upstream} collector using
   * {@code finisher}.
   * @since 3.2
  public static <K, V, T, R> BiCollector<K, V, R> collectingAndThen(
      BiCollector<K, V, T> upstream, Function<? super T, ? extends R> finisher) {
    return new BiCollector<K, V, R>() {
      public <E> Collector<E, ?, R> splitting(Function<E, K> toKey, Function<E, V> toValue) {
        return Collectors.collectingAndThen(upstream.splitting(toKey, toValue), finisher::apply);

   * Returns a {@link BiCollector} that first maps the input pair using {@code mapper} and then collects the
   * results using {@code downstream} collector.
   * @since 3.2
  public static <K, V, T, R> BiCollector<K, V, R> mapping(
      BiFunction<? super K, ? super V, ? extends T> mapper, Collector<? super T, ?, R> downstream) {
    return new BiCollector<K, V, R>() {
      @Override public <E> Collector<E, ?, R> splitting(Function<E, K> toKey, Function<E, V> toValue) {
        return Collectors.mapping(e -> mapper.apply(toKey.apply(e), toValue.apply(e)), downstream);

   * Returns a {@link BiCollector} that first flattens the input pair using {@code flattener}
   * and then collects the results using {@code downstream} collector.
   * <p>For example, you may use several levels of {@code groupingBy()} to aggregate metrics along a
   * few dimensions, and then flatten them into a histogram. This could be done using {@code
   * BiStream#flatMapToObj}, like:
   * <pre>{@code
   * import static com.google.mu.util.stream.BiStream.groupingBy;
   *   List<HistogramBucket> histogram = events.stream()
   *       .collect(groupingBy(Event::cell, groupingBy(Event::hour, counting())))
   *       .flatMapToObj((cell, cellEvents) ->
   *           cellEvents.mapToObj((hour, count) ->
   *               HistogramBucket.newBuilder()
   *                   .addDimension(cell)
   *                   .addDimension(hour)
   *                   .setCount(count)
   *                   .build()))
   *       .collect(toList());
   * }</pre>
   * It works. But if you need to do this kind of histogram creation along different dimensions
   * repetitively, the {@code flatMapToObj() + mapToObj()} boilerplate becomes tiresome to read and
   * write. Instead, you could use {@code BiCollectors.flatMapping()} to encapsulate and reuse the
   * boilerplate:
   * <pre>{@code
   * import static com.google.mu.util.stream.BiStream.groupingBy;
   *   List<HistogramBucket> byCellHourly = events.stream()
   *       .collect(groupingBy(Event::cell, groupingBy(Event::hour, counting())))
   *       .collect(toHistogram());
   *   List<HistogramBucket> byUserHourly = events.stream()
   *       .collect(groupingBy(Event::user, groupingBy(Event::hour, counting())))
   *       .collect(toHistogram());
   *   private static BiCollector<Object, BiStream<?, Long>, List<HistogramBucket>> toHistogram() {
   *     return BiCollectors.flatMapping(
   *         (d1, events) ->
   *               events.mapToObj((d2, count) ->
   *                   HistogramBucket.newBuilder()
   *                       .addDimension(d1)
   *                       .addDimension(d2)
   *                       .setCount(count)
   *                       .build()),
   *         .collect(List());
   *   }
   * }</pre>
   * @since 3.4
  public static <K, V, T, R> BiCollector<K, V, R> flatMapping(
      BiFunction<? super K, ? super V, ? extends Stream<? extends T>> flattener,
      Collector<T, ?, R> downstream) {
    return new BiCollector<K, V, R>() {
      @Override public <E> Collector<E, ?, R> splitting(Function<E, K> toKey, Function<E, V> toValue) {
        return BiStream.flatMapping(e -> flattener.apply(toKey.apply(e), toValue.apply(e)), downstream);

   * Returns a {@link BiCollector} that first flattens the input pair using {@code flattener}
   * and then collects the result pairs using {@code downstream} collector.
   * @since 3.4
  public static <K, V, K1, V1, R> BiCollector<K, V, R> flatMapping(
      BiFunction<? super K, ? super V, ? extends BiStream<? extends K1, ? extends V1>> flattener,
      BiCollector<K1, V1, R> downstream) {
    return flatMapping(
        downstream.<Map.Entry<? extends K1, ? extends V1>>splitting(Map.Entry::getKey, Map.Entry::getValue));

  private BiCollectors() {}