 * Copyright 2015 Google LLC
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package com.google.auto.value.processor;

import static com.google.auto.value.processor.AutoValueOrOneOfProcessor.nullableAnnotationFor;
import static com.google.common.collect.Sets.difference;

import com.google.auto.common.MoreElements;
import com.google.auto.common.MoreTypes;
import com.google.auto.value.processor.BuilderSpec.PropertySetter;
import com.google.auto.value.processor.PropertyBuilderClassifier.PropertyBuilder;
import com.google.common.base.Equivalence;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableBiMap;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMultimap;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableSet;
import com.google.common.collect.Iterables;
import com.google.common.collect.LinkedListMultimap;
import com.google.common.collect.Multimap;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.Function;
import javax.annotation.processing.ProcessingEnvironment;
import javax.lang.model.element.ExecutableElement;
import javax.lang.model.element.Modifier;
import javax.lang.model.element.TypeElement;
import javax.lang.model.element.VariableElement;
import javax.lang.model.type.DeclaredType;
import javax.lang.model.type.ExecutableType;
import javax.lang.model.type.TypeKind;
import javax.lang.model.type.TypeMirror;
import javax.lang.model.util.ElementFilter;
import javax.lang.model.util.Elements;
import javax.lang.model.util.Types;

 * Classifies methods inside builder types, based on their names and parameter and return types.
 * @author Éamonn McManus
class BuilderMethodClassifier {
  private static final Equivalence<TypeMirror> TYPE_EQUIVALENCE = MoreTypes.equivalence();

  private final ErrorReporter errorReporter;
  private final Types typeUtils;
  private final Elements elementUtils;
  private final TypeElement autoValueClass;
  private final TypeElement builderType;
  private final ImmutableBiMap<ExecutableElement, String> getterToPropertyName;
  private final ImmutableMap<ExecutableElement, TypeMirror> getterToPropertyType;
  private final ImmutableMap<String, ExecutableElement> getterNameToGetter;

  private final Set<ExecutableElement> buildMethods = new LinkedHashSet<>();
  private final Map<String, BuilderSpec.PropertyGetter> builderGetters = new LinkedHashMap<>();
  private final Map<String, PropertyBuilder> propertyNameToPropertyBuilder = new LinkedHashMap<>();
  private final Multimap<String, PropertySetter> propertyNameToPrefixedSetters =
  private final Multimap<String, PropertySetter> propertyNameToUnprefixedSetters =
  private final EclipseHack eclipseHack;

  private boolean settersPrefixed;

  private BuilderMethodClassifier(
      ErrorReporter errorReporter,
      ProcessingEnvironment processingEnv,
      TypeElement autoValueClass,
      TypeElement builderType,
      ImmutableBiMap<ExecutableElement, String> getterToPropertyName,
      ImmutableMap<ExecutableElement, TypeMirror> getterToPropertyType) {
    this.errorReporter = errorReporter;
    this.typeUtils = processingEnv.getTypeUtils();
    this.elementUtils = processingEnv.getElementUtils();
    this.autoValueClass = autoValueClass;
    this.builderType = builderType;
    this.getterToPropertyName = getterToPropertyName;
    this.getterToPropertyType = getterToPropertyType;
    ImmutableMap.Builder<String, ExecutableElement> getterToPropertyNameBuilder =
    for (ExecutableElement getter : getterToPropertyName.keySet()) {
      getterToPropertyNameBuilder.put(getter.getSimpleName().toString(), getter);
    this.getterNameToGetter = getterToPropertyNameBuilder.build();
    this.eclipseHack = new EclipseHack(processingEnv);

   * Classifies the given methods from a builder type and its ancestors.
   * @param methods the abstract methods in {@code builderType} and its ancestors.
   * @param errorReporter where to report errors.
   * @param processingEnv the ProcessingEnvironment for annotation processing.
   * @param autoValueClass the {@code AutoValue} class containing the builder.
   * @param builderType the builder class or interface within {@code autoValueClass}.
   * @param getterToPropertyName a map from getter methods to the properties they get.
   * @param getterToPropertyType a map from getter methods to their return types. The return types
   *     here use type parameters from the builder class (if any) rather than from the {@code
   *     AutoValue} class, even though the getter methods are in the latter.
   * @param autoValueHasToBuilder true if the containing {@code @AutoValue} class has a {@code
   *     toBuilder()} method.
   * @return an {@code Optional} that contains the results of the classification if it was
   *     successful or nothing if it was not.
  static Optional<BuilderMethodClassifier> classify(
      Iterable<ExecutableElement> methods,
      ErrorReporter errorReporter,
      ProcessingEnvironment processingEnv,
      TypeElement autoValueClass,
      TypeElement builderType,
      ImmutableBiMap<ExecutableElement, String> getterToPropertyName,
      ImmutableMap<ExecutableElement, TypeMirror> getterToPropertyType,
      boolean autoValueHasToBuilder) {
    BuilderMethodClassifier classifier =
        new BuilderMethodClassifier(
    if (classifier.classifyMethods(methods, autoValueHasToBuilder)) {
      return Optional.of(classifier);
    } else {
      return Optional.empty();

   * Returns a multimap from the name of a property to the methods that set it. If the property is
   * defined by an abstract method in the {@code @AutoValue} class called {@code foo()} or {@code
   * getFoo()} then the name of the property is {@code foo} and there will be an entry in the map
   * where the key is {@code "foo"} and the value describes a method in the builder called
   * {@code foo} or {@code setFoo}.
  ImmutableMultimap<String, PropertySetter> propertyNameToSetters() {
    return ImmutableMultimap.copyOf(
        settersPrefixed ? propertyNameToPrefixedSetters : propertyNameToUnprefixedSetters);

  Map<String, PropertyBuilder> propertyNameToPropertyBuilder() {
    return propertyNameToPropertyBuilder;

   * Returns the set of properties that have getters in the builder. If a property is defined by an
   * abstract method in the {@code @AutoValue} class called {@code foo()} or {@code getFoo()} then
   * the name of the property is {@code foo}, If the builder also has a method of the same name
   * ({@code foo()} or {@code getFoo()}) then the set returned here will contain {@code foo}.
  ImmutableMap<String, BuilderSpec.PropertyGetter> builderGetters() {
    return ImmutableMap.copyOf(builderGetters);

   * Returns the methods that were identified as {@code build()} methods. These are methods that
   * have no parameters and return the {@code @AutoValue} type, conventionally called {@code
   * build()}.
  Set<ExecutableElement> buildMethods() {
    return ImmutableSet.copyOf(buildMethods);

  /** Classifies the given methods and sets the state of this object based on what is found. */
  private boolean classifyMethods(
      Iterable<ExecutableElement> methods, boolean autoValueHasToBuilder) {
    int startErrorCount = errorReporter.errorCount();
    for (ExecutableElement method : methods) {
    if (errorReporter.errorCount() > startErrorCount) {
      return false;
    Multimap<String, PropertySetter> propertyNameToSetter;
    if (propertyNameToPrefixedSetters.isEmpty()) {
      propertyNameToSetter = propertyNameToUnprefixedSetters;
      this.settersPrefixed = false;
    } else if (propertyNameToUnprefixedSetters.isEmpty()) {
      propertyNameToSetter = propertyNameToPrefixedSetters;
      this.settersPrefixed = true;
    } else {
          "If any setter methods use the setFoo convention then all must");
      return false;
        (getter, property) -> {
          TypeMirror propertyType = getterToPropertyType.get(getter);
          boolean hasSetter = propertyNameToSetter.containsKey(property);
          PropertyBuilder propertyBuilder = propertyNameToPropertyBuilder.get(property);
          boolean hasBuilder = propertyBuilder != null;
          if (hasBuilder) {
            // If property bar of type Bar has a barBuilder() that returns BarBuilder, then it must
            // be possible to make a BarBuilder from a Bar if either (1) the @AutoValue class has a
            // toBuilder() or (2) there is also a setBar(Bar). Making BarBuilder from Bar is
            // possible if Bar either has a toBuilder() method or BarBuilder has an addAll or putAll
            // method that accepts a Bar argument.
            boolean canMakeBarBuilder =
                (propertyBuilder.getBuiltToBuilder() != null
                    || propertyBuilder.getCopyAll() != null);
            boolean needToMakeBarBuilder = (autoValueHasToBuilder || hasSetter);
            if (needToMakeBarBuilder && !canMakeBarBuilder) {
                  "Property builder method returns %1$s but there is no way to make that type"
                      + " from %2$s: %2$s does not have a non-static toBuilder() method that"
                      + " returns %1$s, and %1$s does not have a method addAll or"
                      + " putAll that accepts an argument of type %2$s",
          } else if (!hasSetter) {
            // We have neither barBuilder() nor setBar(Bar), so we should complain.
            String setterName = settersPrefixed ? prefixWithSet(property) : property;
                "Expected a method with this signature: %s%s %s(%s), or a %sBuilder() method",
                builderType, typeParamsString(), setterName, propertyType, property);
    return errorReporter.errorCount() == startErrorCount;

  /** Classifies a method and update the state of this object based on what is found. */
  private void classifyMethod(ExecutableElement method) {
    switch (method.getParameters().size()) {
      case 0:
      case 1:
        errorReporter.reportError(method, "Builder methods must have 0 or 1 parameters");

   * Classifies a method given that it has no arguments. Currently a method with no arguments can be
   * a {@code build()} method, meaning that its return type must be the {@code @AutoValue} class; it
   * can be a getter, with the same signature as one of the property getters in the
   * {@code @AutoValue} class; or it can be a property builder, like {@code
   * ImmutableList.Builder<String> foosBuilder()} for the property defined by {@code
   * ImmutableList<String> foos()} or {@code getFoos()}.
  private void classifyMethodNoArgs(ExecutableElement method) {
    String methodName = method.getSimpleName().toString();
    TypeMirror returnType = builderMethodReturnType(method);

    ExecutableElement getter = getterNameToGetter.get(methodName);
    if (getter != null) {
      classifyGetter(method, getter);

    if (methodName.endsWith("Builder")) {
      String property = methodName.substring(0, methodName.length() - "Builder".length());
      if (getterToPropertyName.containsValue(property)) {
        PropertyBuilderClassifier propertyBuilderClassifier =
            new PropertyBuilderClassifier(
        Optional<PropertyBuilder> propertyBuilder =
            propertyBuilderClassifier.makePropertyBuilder(method, property);
        if (propertyBuilder.isPresent()) {
          propertyNameToPropertyBuilder.put(property, propertyBuilder.get());

    if (TYPE_EQUIVALENCE.equivalent(returnType, autoValueClass.asType())) {
    } else {
          "Method without arguments should be a build method returning %1$s%2$s,"
              + " or a getter method with the same name and type as a getter method of %1$s,"
              + " or fooBuilder() where foo() or getFoo() is a getter method of %1$s",
          autoValueClass, typeParamsString());

  private void classifyGetter(ExecutableElement builderGetter, ExecutableElement originalGetter) {
    String propertyName = getterToPropertyName.get(originalGetter);
    TypeMirror originalGetterType = getterToPropertyType.get(originalGetter);
    TypeMirror builderGetterType = builderMethodReturnType(builderGetter);
    String builderGetterTypeString = TypeEncoder.encodeWithAnnotations(builderGetterType);
    if (TYPE_EQUIVALENCE.equivalent(builderGetterType, originalGetterType)) {
          new BuilderSpec.PropertyGetter(builderGetter, builderGetterTypeString, null));
    Optionalish optional = Optionalish.createIfOptional(builderGetterType);
    if (optional != null) {
      TypeMirror containedType = optional.getContainedType(typeUtils);
      // If the original method is int getFoo() then we allow Optional<Integer> here.
      // boxedOriginalType is Integer, and containedType is also Integer.
      // We don't need any special code for OptionalInt because containedType will be int then.
      TypeMirror boxedOriginalType =
              ? typeUtils.boxedClass(MoreTypes.asPrimitiveType(originalGetterType)).asType()
              : null;
      if (TYPE_EQUIVALENCE.equivalent(containedType, originalGetterType)
          || TYPE_EQUIVALENCE.equivalent(containedType, boxedOriginalType)) {
            new BuilderSpec.PropertyGetter(builderGetter, builderGetterTypeString, optional));
        "Method matches a property of %1$s but has return type %2$s instead of %3$s "
            + "or an Optional wrapping of %3$s",
        autoValueClass, builderGetterType, originalGetterType);

   * Classifies a method given that it has one argument. Currently, a method with one argument can
   * only be a setter, meaning that it must look like {@code foo(T)} or {@code setFoo(T)}, where the
   * {@code AutoValue} class has a property called {@code foo} of type {@code T}.
  private void classifyMethodOneArg(ExecutableElement method) {
    String methodName = method.getSimpleName().toString();
    Map<String, ExecutableElement> propertyNameToGetter = getterToPropertyName.inverse();
    String propertyName = null;
    ExecutableElement valueGetter = propertyNameToGetter.get(methodName);
    Multimap<String, PropertySetter> propertyNameToSetters = null;
    if (valueGetter != null) {
      propertyNameToSetters = propertyNameToUnprefixedSetters;
      propertyName = methodName;
    } else if (valueGetter == null && methodName.startsWith("set") && methodName.length() > 3) {
      propertyNameToSetters = propertyNameToPrefixedSetters;
      propertyName = PropertyNames.decapitalizeLikeJavaBeans(methodName.substring(3));
      valueGetter = propertyNameToGetter.get(propertyName);
      if (valueGetter == null) {
        // If our property is defined by a getter called getOAuth() then it is called "OAuth"
        // because of Introspector.decapitalize. Therefore we want Introspector.decapitalize to
        // be used for the setter too, so that you can write setOAuth(x). Meanwhile if the property
        // is defined by a getter called oAuth() then it is called "oAuth", but you would still
        // expect to be able to set it using setOAuth(x). Hence the second try using a decapitalize
        // method without the quirky two-leading-capitals rule.
        propertyName = PropertyNames.decapitalizeNormally(methodName.substring(3));
        valueGetter = propertyNameToGetter.get(propertyName);
    if (valueGetter == null || propertyNameToSetters == null) {
      // The second disjunct isn't needed but convinces control-flow checkers that
      // propertyNameToSetters can't be null when we call put on it below.
          method, "Method does not correspond to a property of %s", autoValueClass);
    Optional<Function<String, String>> function = getSetterFunction(valueGetter, method);
    if (function.isPresent()) {
      DeclaredType builderTypeMirror = MoreTypes.asDeclared(builderType.asType());
      ExecutableType methodMirror =
          MoreTypes.asExecutable(typeUtils.asMemberOf(builderTypeMirror, method));
      if (TYPE_EQUIVALENCE.equivalent(methodMirror.getReturnType(), builderType.asType())) {
        TypeMirror parameterType = Iterables.getOnlyElement(methodMirror.getParameterTypes());
            propertyName, new PropertySetter(method, parameterType, function.get()));
      } else {
            method, "Setter methods must return %s%s", builderType, typeParamsString());

  // A frequent source of problems is where the JavaBeans conventions have been followed for
  // most but not all getters. Then AutoValue considers that they haven't been followed at all,
  // so you might have a property called getFoo where you thought it was called just foo, and
  // you might not understand why your setter called setFoo is rejected (it would have to be called
  // setGetFoo).
  private void checkForFailedJavaBean(ExecutableElement rejectedSetter) {
    ImmutableSet<ExecutableElement> allGetters = getterToPropertyName.keySet();
    ImmutableSet<ExecutableElement> prefixedGetters =
    if (prefixedGetters.size() < allGetters.size()
        && prefixedGetters.size() >= allGetters.size() / 2) {
          "This might be because you are using the getFoo() convention"
              + " for some but not all methods. These methods don't follow the convention: %s",
          difference(allGetters, prefixedGetters));

   * Returns an {@code Optional} describing how to convert a value from the setter's parameter type
   * to the getter's return type, or {@code Optional.empty()} if the conversion isn't possible. An
   * error will have been reported in the latter case. We can convert if they are already the same
   * type, when the returned function will be the identity; or if the setter type can be copied
   * using a method like {@code ImmutableList.copyOf} or {@code Optional.of}, when the returned
   * function will be something like {@code s -> "Optional.of(" + s + ")"}.
  private Optional<Function<String, String>> getSetterFunction(
      ExecutableElement valueGetter, ExecutableElement setter) {
    VariableElement parameterElement = Iterables.getOnlyElement(setter.getParameters());
    boolean nullableParameter =
        nullableAnnotationFor(parameterElement, parameterElement.asType()).isPresent();
    TypeMirror targetType = getterToPropertyType.get(valueGetter);
    ExecutableType finalSetter =
            typeUtils.asMemberOf(MoreTypes.asDeclared(builderType.asType()), setter));
    TypeMirror parameterType = finalSetter.getParameterTypes().get(0);
    // Two types are assignable to each other if they are the same type, or if one is primitive and
    // the other is the corresponding boxed type. There might be other cases where this is true, but
    // we're likely to want to accept those too.
    if (typeUtils.isAssignable(parameterType, targetType)
        && typeUtils.isAssignable(targetType, parameterType)) {
      if (nullableParameter) {
        boolean nullableProperty =
            nullableAnnotationFor(valueGetter, valueGetter.getReturnType()).isPresent();
        if (!nullableProperty) {
              "Parameter of setter method is @Nullable but property method %s.%s() is not",
              autoValueClass, valueGetter.getSimpleName());
          return Optional.empty();
      return Optional.of(s -> s);

    // Parameter type is not equal to property type, but might be convertible with copyOf.
    ImmutableList<ExecutableElement> copyOfMethods = copyOfMethods(targetType, nullableParameter);
    if (!copyOfMethods.isEmpty()) {
      return getConvertingSetterFunction(copyOfMethods, valueGetter, setter, parameterType);
        "Parameter type %s of setter method should be %s to match getter %s.%s",
        parameterType, targetType, autoValueClass, valueGetter.getSimpleName());
    return Optional.empty();

   * Returns an {@code Optional} describing how to convert a value from the setter's parameter type
   * to the getter's return type using one of the given methods, or {@code Optional.empty()} if the
   * conversion isn't possible. An error will have been reported in the latter case.
  private Optional<Function<String, String>> getConvertingSetterFunction(
      ImmutableList<ExecutableElement> copyOfMethods,
      ExecutableElement valueGetter,
      ExecutableElement setter,
      TypeMirror parameterType) {
    DeclaredType targetType = MoreTypes.asDeclared(getterToPropertyType.get(valueGetter));
    for (ExecutableElement copyOfMethod : copyOfMethods) {
      Optional<Function<String, String>> function =
          getConvertingSetterFunction(copyOfMethod, targetType, parameterType);
      if (function.isPresent()) {
        return function;
    String targetTypeSimpleName = targetType.asElement().getSimpleName().toString();
        "Parameter type %s of setter method should be %s to match getter %s.%s,"
            + " or it should be a type that can be passed to %s.%s to produce %s",
    return Optional.empty();

   * Returns an {@code Optional} containing a function to use {@code copyOfMethod} to copy the
   * {@code parameterType} to the {@code targetType}, or {@code Optional.empty()} if the method
   * can't be used. For example, we might have a property of type {@code ImmutableSet<T>} and our
   * setter has a parameter of type {@code Set<? extends T>}. Can we use {@code ImmutableSet<E>
   * ImmutableSet.copyOf(Collection<? extends E>)} to set the property? What about {@code
   * ImmutableSet<E> ImmutableSet.copyOf(E[])}?
   * <p>The example here is deliberately complicated, in that it has a type parameter of its own,
   * presumably because the {@code @AutoValue} class is {@code Foo<T>}. One subtle point is that the
   * builder will then be {@code Builder<T>} where this {@code T} is a <i>different</i> type
   * variable. However, we've used {@link TypeVariables} to ensure that the {@code T} in {@code
   * ImmutableSet<T>} is actually the one from {@code Builder<T>} instead of the original one from
   * {@code Foo<T>}.}
   * @param copyOfMethod the candidate method to do the copy, {@code
   *     ImmutableSet.copyOf(Collection<? extends E>)} or {@code ImmutableSet.copyOf(E[])} in the
   *     examples.
   * @param targetType the type of the property to be set, {@code ImmutableSet<T>} in the example.
   * @param parameterType the type of the setter parameter, {@code Set<? extends T>} in the example.
   * @return a function that maps a string parameter to a method call using that parameter. For
   *     example it might map {@code foo} to {@code ImmutableList.copyOf(foo)}.
  private Optional<Function<String, String>> getConvertingSetterFunction(
      ExecutableElement copyOfMethod, DeclaredType targetType, TypeMirror parameterType) {
    // We have a parameter type, for example Set<? extends T>, and we want to know if it can be
    // passed to the given copyOf method, which might for example be one of these methods from
    // ImmutableSet:
    //    public static <E> ImmutableSet<E> copyOf(Collection<? extends E> elements)
    //    public static <E> ImmutableSet<E> copyOf(E[] elements)
    // Additionally, if it can indeed be passed to the method, we want to know whether the result
    // (here ImmutableSet<? extends T>) is compatible with the property to be set.
    // We can't use Types.asMemberOf to do the substitution for us, because the methods in question
    // are static. So even if our target type is ImmutableSet<String>, if we ask what the type of
    // copyOf is in ImmutableSet<String> it will still tell us <T> Optional<T> (T).
    // Instead, we do the variable substitutions ourselves.
    if (TypeVariables.canAssignStaticMethodResult(
        copyOfMethod, parameterType, targetType, typeUtils)) {
      String method = TypeEncoder.encodeRaw(targetType) + "." + copyOfMethod.getSimpleName();
      return Optional.of(s -> method + "(" + s + ")");
    return Optional.empty();

   * Returns {@code copyOf} methods from the given type. These are static methods with a single
   * parameter, called {@code copyOf} or {@code copyOfSorted} for Guava collection types, and called
   * {@code of} or {@code ofNullable} for {@code Optional}. All of Guava's concrete immutable
   * collection types have at least one such method, but we will also accept other classes with an
   * appropriate {@code copyOf} method, such as {@link java.util.EnumSet}.
  private ImmutableList<ExecutableElement> copyOfMethods(
      TypeMirror targetType, boolean nullableParameter) {
    if (!targetType.getKind().equals(TypeKind.DECLARED)) {
      return ImmutableList.of();
    ImmutableSet<String> copyOfNames;
    Optionalish optionalish = Optionalish.createIfOptional(targetType);
    if (optionalish == null) {
      copyOfNames = ImmutableSet.of("copyOfSorted", "copyOf");
    } else {
      copyOfNames = ImmutableSet.of(nullableParameter ? optionalish.ofNullable() : "of");
    TypeElement targetTypeElement = MoreElements.asType(typeUtils.asElement(targetType));
    ImmutableList.Builder<ExecutableElement> copyOfMethods = ImmutableList.builder();
    for (String copyOfName : copyOfNames) {
      for (ExecutableElement method :
          ElementFilter.methodsIn(targetTypeElement.getEnclosedElements())) {
        if (method.getSimpleName().contentEquals(copyOfName)
            && method.getParameters().size() == 1
            && method.getModifiers().contains(Modifier.STATIC)) {
    return copyOfMethods.build();

   * Returns the return type of the given method from the builder. This should be the final type of
   * the method when any bound type variables are substituted. Consider this example:
   * <pre>{@code
   * abstract static class ParentBuilder<B extends ParentBuilder> {
   *   B setFoo(String s);
   * }
   * abstract static class ChildBuilder extends ParentBuilder<ChildBuilder> {
   *   ...
   * }
   * }</pre>
   * If the builder is {@code ChildBuilder} then the return type of {@code setFoo} is also {@code
   * ChildBuilder}, and not {@code B} as its {@code getReturnType()} method would claim.
   * <p>If the caller is in a version of Eclipse with <a
   * href="https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=382590">this bug</a> then the {@code
   * asMemberOf} call will fail if the method is inherited from an interface. We work around that
   * for methods in the {@code @AutoValue} class using {@link EclipseHack#methodReturnTypes} but we
   * don't try to do so here because it should be much less likely. You might need to change {@code
   * ParentBuilder} from an interface to an abstract class to make it work, but you'll often need to
   * do that anyway.
  TypeMirror builderMethodReturnType(ExecutableElement builderMethod) {
    DeclaredType builderTypeMirror = MoreTypes.asDeclared(builderType.asType());
    TypeMirror methodMirror;
    try {
      methodMirror = typeUtils.asMemberOf(builderTypeMirror, builderMethod);
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
      // Presumably we've hit the Eclipse bug cited.
      return builderMethod.getReturnType();
    return MoreTypes.asExecutable(methodMirror).getReturnType();

  private static String prefixWithSet(String propertyName) {
    // This is not internationalizationally correct, but it corresponds to what
    // Introspector.decapitalize does.
    return "set" + Character.toUpperCase(propertyName.charAt(0)) + propertyName.substring(1);

  private String typeParamsString() {
    return TypeSimplifier.actualTypeParametersString(autoValueClass);