package carpet.script.value;

import carpet.fakes.EntityInterface;
import carpet.fakes.ItemEntityInterface;
import carpet.fakes.LivingEntityInterface;
import carpet.fakes.MobEntityInterface;
import carpet.fakes.HungerManagerInterface;
import carpet.helpers.Tracer;
import carpet.patches.EntityPlayerMPFake;
import carpet.script.CarpetContext;
import carpet.script.EntityEventsGroup;
import carpet.script.argument.Vector3Argument;
import carpet.script.exception.InternalExpressionException;
import com.mojang.brigadier.StringReader;
import com.mojang.brigadier.exceptions.CommandSyntaxException;
import net.minecraft.nbt.StringTag;
import net.minecraft.nbt.Tag;
import net.minecraft.command.EntitySelector;
import net.minecraft.command.EntitySelectorReader;
import net.minecraft.entity.Entity;
import net.minecraft.entity.EntityPose;
import net.minecraft.entity.EntityType;
import net.minecraft.entity.EquipmentSlot;
import net.minecraft.entity.ItemEntity;
import net.minecraft.entity.LivingEntity;
import net.minecraft.entity.effect.StatusEffect;
import net.minecraft.entity.effect.StatusEffectInstance;
import net.minecraft.entity.mob.MobEntity;
import net.minecraft.entity.mob.MobEntityWithAi;
import net.minecraft.entity.passive.PassiveEntity;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.PlayerEntity;
import net.minecraft.nbt.CompoundTag;
import net.minecraft.predicate.entity.EntityPredicates;
import net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer;
import net.minecraft.server.command.ServerCommandSource;
import net.minecraft.text.LiteralText;
import net.minecraft.util.Identifier;
import net.minecraft.util.hit.BlockHitResult;
import net.minecraft.util.hit.EntityHitResult;
import net.minecraft.util.hit.HitResult;
import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos;
import net.minecraft.util.math.Direction;
import net.minecraft.util.math.MathHelper;
import net.minecraft.util.math.Vec3d;
import net.minecraft.util.registry.Registry;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.function.BiConsumer;
import java.util.function.BiFunction;
import java.util.function.Predicate;

import static carpet.script.value.NBTSerializableValue.nameFromRegistryId;
import static carpet.utils.MobAI.genericJump;

// TODO: decide whether copy(entity) should duplicate entity in the world.
public class EntityValue extends Value
    private final Entity entity;

    public EntityValue(Entity e)
        entity = e;

    private static final Map<String, EntitySelector> selectorCache = new HashMap<>();
    public static Collection<? extends Entity > getEntitiesFromSelector(ServerCommandSource source, String selector)
            EntitySelector entitySelector = selectorCache.get(selector);
            if (entitySelector != null)
                return entitySelector.getEntities(source.withMaxLevel(4));
            entitySelector = new EntitySelectorReader(new StringReader(selector), true).read();
            selectorCache.put(selector, entitySelector);
            return entitySelector.getEntities(source.withMaxLevel(4));
        catch (CommandSyntaxException e)
            throw new InternalExpressionException("Cannot select entities from "+selector);

    public Entity getEntity()
        return entity;

    public static ServerPlayerEntity getPlayerByValue(MinecraftServer server, Value value)
        ServerPlayerEntity player = null;
        if (value instanceof EntityValue)
            Entity e = ((EntityValue) value).getEntity();
            if (e instanceof ServerPlayerEntity)
                player = (ServerPlayerEntity) e;
            String playerName = value.getString();
            player = server.getPlayerManager().getPlayer(playerName);
        return player;

    public String getString()
        return entity.getName().getString();

    public boolean getBoolean()
        return true;

    public boolean equals(Object v)
        if (v instanceof EntityValue)
            return entity.getEntityId()==((EntityValue) v).entity.getEntityId();
        return super.equals((Value)v);

    public Value in(Value v)
        if (v instanceof ListValue)
            List<Value> values = ((ListValue) v).getItems();
            String what = values.get(0).getString();
            Value arg = null;
            if (values.size() == 2)
                arg = values.get(1);
            else if (values.size() > 2)
                arg = ListValue.wrap(values.subList(1,values.size()));
            return this.get(what, arg);
        String what = v.getString();
        return this.get(what, null);

    public String getTypeString()
        return "entity";

    public int hashCode()
        return entity.hashCode();

    public static Pair<EntityType<?>, Predicate<? super Entity>> getPredicate(String who)
        Pair<EntityType<?>, Predicate<? super Entity>> res = entityPredicates.get(who);
        if (res != null) return res;
        return res; //TODO add more here like search by tags, or type
        //if (who.startsWith('tag:'))
    private static final Map<String, Pair<EntityType<?>, Predicate<? super Entity>>> entityPredicates =
            new HashMap<String, Pair<EntityType<?>, Predicate<? super Entity>>>()
        put("*", Pair.of(null, EntityPredicates.VALID_ENTITY));
        put("living", Pair.of(null, (e) -> e instanceof LivingEntity && e.isAlive()));
        put("items", Pair.of(EntityType.ITEM, EntityPredicates.VALID_ENTITY));
        put("players", Pair.of(EntityType.PLAYER, EntityPredicates.VALID_ENTITY));
        put("!players", Pair.of(null, (e) -> !(e instanceof PlayerEntity) ));
    public Value get(String what, Value arg)
        if (!(featureAccessors.containsKey(what)))
            throw new InternalExpressionException("Unknown entity feature: "+what);
        return featureAccessors.get(what).apply(entity, arg);
    private static final Map<String, EquipmentSlot> inventorySlots = new HashMap<String, EquipmentSlot>(){{
        put("mainhand", EquipmentSlot.MAINHAND);
        put("offhand", EquipmentSlot.OFFHAND);
        put("head", EquipmentSlot.HEAD);
        put("chest", EquipmentSlot.CHEST);
        put("legs", EquipmentSlot.LEGS);
        put("feet", EquipmentSlot.FEET);
    private static final Map<String, BiFunction<Entity, Value, Value>> featureAccessors = new HashMap<String, BiFunction<Entity, Value, Value>>() {{
        //put("test", (e, a) -> a == null ? Value.NULL : new StringValue(a.getString()));
        put("removed", (entity, arg) -> new NumericValue(entity.removed));
        put("uuid",(e, a) -> new StringValue(e.getUuidAsString()));
        put("id",(e, a) -> new NumericValue(e.getEntityId()));
        put("pos", (e, a) -> ListValue.of(new NumericValue(e.getX()), new NumericValue(e.getY()), new NumericValue(e.getZ())));
        put("location", (e, a) -> ListValue.of(new NumericValue(e.getX()), new NumericValue(e.getY()), new NumericValue(e.getZ()), new NumericValue(e.yaw), new NumericValue(e.pitch)));
        put("x", (e, a) -> new NumericValue(e.getX()));
        put("y", (e, a) -> new NumericValue(e.getY()));
        put("z", (e, a) -> new NumericValue(e.getZ()));
        put("motion", (e, a) ->
            Vec3d velocity = e.getVelocity();
            return ListValue.of(new NumericValue(velocity.x), new NumericValue(velocity.y), new NumericValue(velocity.z));
        put("motion_x", (e, a) -> new NumericValue(e.getVelocity().x));
        put("motion_y", (e, a) -> new NumericValue(e.getVelocity().y));
        put("motion_z", (e, a) -> new NumericValue(e.getVelocity().z));
        put("name", (e, a) -> new StringValue(e.getName().getString()));
        put("display_name", (e, a) -> new StringValue(e.getDisplayName().getString()));
        put("command_name", (e, a) -> new StringValue(e.getEntityName()));
        put("custom_name", (e, a) -> e.hasCustomName()?new StringValue(e.getCustomName().getString()):Value.NULL);
        put("type", (e, a) -> new StringValue(nameFromRegistryId(Registry.ENTITY_TYPE.getId(e.getType()))));
        put("is_riding", (e, a) -> new NumericValue(e.hasVehicle()));
        put("is_ridden", (e, a) -> new NumericValue(e.hasPassengers()));
        put("passengers", (e, a) -> ListValue.wrap(e.getPassengerList().stream().map(EntityValue::new).collect(Collectors.toList())));
        put("mount", (e, a) -> (e.getVehicle()!=null)?new EntityValue(e.getVehicle()):Value.NULL);
        put("unmountable", (e, a) -> new NumericValue(((EntityInterface)e).isPermanentVehicle()));
        put("tags", (e, a) -> ListValue.wrap(e.getScoreboardTags().stream().map(StringValue::new).collect(Collectors.toList())));
        put("has_tag", (e, a) -> new NumericValue(e.getScoreboardTags().contains(a.getString())));
        put("yaw", (e, a)-> new NumericValue(e.yaw));
        put("pitch", (e, a)-> new NumericValue(e.pitch));
        put("look", (e, a) -> {
            Vec3d look = e.getRotationVector();
            return ListValue.of(new NumericValue(look.x),new NumericValue(look.y),new NumericValue(look.z));
        put("is_burning", (e, a) -> new NumericValue(e.isOnFire()));
        //put("fire", (e, a) -> new NumericValue(e.getFire())); needs mixing
        put("silent", (e, a)-> new NumericValue(e.isSilent()));
        put("gravity", (e, a) -> new NumericValue(!e.hasNoGravity()));
        put("immune_to_fire", (e, a) -> new NumericValue(e.isFireImmune()));

        put("invulnerable", (e, a) -> new NumericValue(e.isInvulnerable()));
        put("dimension", (e, a) -> new StringValue(nameFromRegistryId(Registry.DIMENSION_TYPE.getId(e.dimension))));
        put("height", (e, a) -> new NumericValue(e.getDimensions(EntityPose.STANDING).height));
        put("width", (e, a) -> new NumericValue(e.getDimensions(EntityPose.STANDING).width));
        put("eye_height", (e, a) -> new NumericValue(e.getStandingEyeHeight()));
        put("age", (e, a) -> new NumericValue(e.age));
        put("breeding_age", (e, a) -> e instanceof PassiveEntity?new NumericValue(((PassiveEntity) e).getBreedingAge()):Value.NULL);
        put("despawn_timer", (e, a) -> e instanceof LivingEntity?new NumericValue(((LivingEntity) e).getDespawnCounter()):Value.NULL);
        put("item", (e, a) -> (e instanceof ItemEntity)?ListValue.fromItemStack(((ItemEntity) e).getStack()):Value.NULL);
        put("count", (e, a) -> (e instanceof ItemEntity)?new NumericValue(((ItemEntity) e).getStack().getCount()):Value.NULL);
        put("pickup_delay", (e, a) -> (e instanceof ItemEntity)?new NumericValue(((ItemEntityInterface) e).getPickupDelayCM()):Value.NULL);
        put("portal_cooldown", (e , a) ->new NumericValue(((EntityInterface)e).getPortalTimer()));
        put("portal_timer", (e , a) ->new NumericValue(e.netherPortalCooldown));
        // ItemEntity -> despawn timer via ssGetAge
        put("is_baby", (e, a) -> (e instanceof LivingEntity)?new NumericValue(((LivingEntity) e).isBaby()):Value.NULL);
        put("target", (e, a) -> {
            if (e instanceof MobEntity)
                LivingEntity target = ((MobEntity) e).getTarget(); // there is also getAttacking in living....
                if (target != null)
                    return new EntityValue(target);
            return Value.NULL;
        put("home", (e, a) -> {
            if (e instanceof MobEntity)
                return (((MobEntity) e).getPositionTargetRange () > 0)?new BlockValue(null, (ServerWorld) e.getEntityWorld(), ((MobEntityWithAi) e).getPositionTarget()):Value.FALSE;
            return Value.NULL;
        put("pose", (e, a) -> new StringValue(e.getPose().name().toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT)));
        put("sneaking", (e, a) -> e.isSneaking()?Value.TRUE:Value.FALSE);
        put("sprinting", (e, a) -> e.isSprinting()?Value.TRUE:Value.FALSE);
        put("swimming", (e, a) -> e.isSwimming()?Value.TRUE:Value.FALSE);
        put("persistence", (e, a) -> {
            if (e instanceof MobEntity) return new NumericValue(((MobEntity) e).isPersistent());
            return Value.NULL;
        put("hunger", (e, a) -> {
            if(e instanceof PlayerEntity) return new NumericValue(((PlayerEntity) e).getHungerManager().getFoodLevel());
            return Value.NULL;
        put("saturation", (e, a) -> {
            if(e instanceof PlayerEntity) return new NumericValue(((PlayerEntity) e).getHungerManager().getSaturationLevel());
            return Value.NULL;

        put("exhaustion",(e, a)->{
            if(e instanceof PlayerEntity) return new NumericValue(((HungerManagerInterface)((PlayerEntity) e).getHungerManager()).getExhaustionCM());
            return Value.NULL;

        put("jumping", (e, a) -> {
            if (e instanceof LivingEntity)
                return  ((LivingEntityInterface) e).isJumpingCM()?Value.TRUE:Value.FALSE;
            return Value.NULL;
        put("gamemode", (e, a) -> {
            if (e instanceof  ServerPlayerEntity)
                return new StringValue(((ServerPlayerEntity) e).interactionManager.getGameMode().getName());
            return Value.NULL;
        put("gamemode_id", (e, a) -> {
            if (e instanceof  ServerPlayerEntity)
                return new NumericValue(((ServerPlayerEntity) e).interactionManager.getGameMode().getId());
            return Value.NULL;

        put("permission_level", (e, a) -> {
            if (e instanceof  ServerPlayerEntity)
                ServerPlayerEntity spe = (ServerPlayerEntity) e;
                for (int i=4; i>=0; i--)
                    if (spe.allowsPermissionLevel(i))
                        return new NumericValue(i);

                return new NumericValue(0);
            return Value.NULL;

        put("player_type", (e, a) -> {
            if (e instanceof PlayerEntity)
                if (e instanceof EntityPlayerMPFake) return new StringValue(((EntityPlayerMPFake) e).isAShadow?"shadow":"fake");
                PlayerEntity p = (PlayerEntity)e;
                MinecraftServer server = p.getEntityWorld().getServer();
                if (server.isDedicated()) return new StringValue("multiplayer");
                boolean runningLan = server.isRemote();
                if (!runningLan) return new StringValue("singleplayer");
                boolean isowner = server.isOwner(p.getGameProfile());
                if (isowner) return new StringValue("lan_host");
                return new StringValue("lan player");
                // realms?
            return Value.NULL;

        put("team", (e, a) -> e.getScoreboardTeam()==null?Value.NULL:new StringValue(e.getScoreboardTeam().getName()));

        put("ping", (e, a) -> {
            if (e instanceof  ServerPlayerEntity)
                ServerPlayerEntity spe = (ServerPlayerEntity) e;
                return new NumericValue(spe.pingMilliseconds);
            return Value.NULL;

        // isGlowing
        put("effect", (e, a) ->
            if (!(e instanceof LivingEntity))
                return Value.NULL;
            if (a == null)
                List<Value> effects = new ArrayList<>();
                for (StatusEffectInstance p : ((LivingEntity) e).getStatusEffects())
                        new StringValue(p.getTranslationKey().replaceFirst("^effect\\.minecraft\\.", "")),
                        new NumericValue(p.getAmplifier()),
                        new NumericValue(p.getDuration())
                return ListValue.wrap(effects);
            String effectName = a.getString();
            StatusEffect potion = Registry.STATUS_EFFECT.get(new Identifier(effectName));
            if (potion == null)
                throw new InternalExpressionException("No such an effect: "+effectName);
            if (!((LivingEntity) e).hasStatusEffect(potion))
                return Value.NULL;
            StatusEffectInstance pe = ((LivingEntity) e).getStatusEffect(potion);
            return ListValue.of( new NumericValue(pe.getAmplifier()), new NumericValue(pe.getDuration()) );

        put("health", (e, a) ->
            if (e instanceof LivingEntity)
                return new NumericValue(((LivingEntity) e).getHealth());
            //if (e instanceof ItemEntity)
            //    e.h consider making item health public
            return Value.NULL;
        put("holds", (e, a) -> {
            EquipmentSlot where = EquipmentSlot.MAINHAND;
            if (a != null)
                where = inventorySlots.get(a.getString());
            if (where == null)
                throw new InternalExpressionException("Unknown inventory slot: "+a.getString());
            if (e instanceof LivingEntity)
                return ListValue.fromItemStack(((LivingEntity)e).getEquippedStack(where));
            return Value.NULL;

        put("selected_slot", (e, a) -> {
           if (e instanceof PlayerEntity)
               return new NumericValue(((PlayerEntity) e).inventory.selectedSlot);
           return null;

        put("facing", (e, a) -> {
            int index = 0;
            if (a != null)
                index = (6+(int)NumericValue.asNumber(a).getLong())%6;
            if (index < 0 || index > 5)
                throw new InternalExpressionException("Facing order should be between -6 and 5");

            return new StringValue(Direction.getEntityFacingOrder(e)[index].asString());

        put("trace", (e, a) ->
            float reach = 4.5f;
            boolean entities = true;
            boolean liquids = false;
            boolean blocks = true;

            if (a!=null)
                if (!(a instanceof ListValue))
                    reach = (float) NumericValue.asNumber(a).getDouble();
                    List<Value> args = ((ListValue) a).getItems();
                    if (args.size()==0)
                        throw new InternalExpressionException("'trace' needs more arguments");
                    reach = (float) NumericValue.asNumber(args.get(0)).getDouble();
                    if (args.size() > 1)
                        entities = false;
                        blocks = false;
                        for (int i = 1; i < args.size(); i++)
                            String what = args.get(i).getString();
                            if (what.equalsIgnoreCase("entities"))
                                entities = true;
                            else if (what.equalsIgnoreCase("blocks"))
                                blocks = true;
                            else if (what.equalsIgnoreCase("liquids"))
                                liquids = true;
                            else throw new InternalExpressionException("Incorrect tracing: "+what);
            else if (e instanceof ServerPlayerEntity && ((ServerPlayerEntity) e).interactionManager.isCreative())
                reach = 5.0f;

            HitResult hitres;
            if (entities && !blocks)
                hitres = Tracer.rayTraceEntities(e, 1, reach, reach*reach);
            else if (entities)
                hitres = Tracer.rayTrace(e, 1, reach, liquids);
                hitres = Tracer.rayTraceBlocks(e, 1, reach, liquids);

            if (hitres == null) return Value.NULL;
            switch (hitres.getType())
                case MISS: return Value.NULL;
                case BLOCK: return new BlockValue(null, (ServerWorld) e.getEntityWorld(), ((BlockHitResult)hitres).getBlockPos() );
                case ENTITY: return new EntityValue(((EntityHitResult)hitres).getEntity());
            return Value.NULL;

        put("nbt",(e, a) -> {
            CompoundTag nbttagcompound = e.toTag((new CompoundTag()));
            if (a==null)
                return new NBTSerializableValue(nbttagcompound);
            return new NBTSerializableValue(nbttagcompound).get(a);

        put("category",(e,a)->{return new StringValue(e.getType().getCategory().toString().toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT));});

    public void set(String what, Value toWhat)
        if (!(featureModifiers.containsKey(what)))
            throw new InternalExpressionException("Unknown entity action: " + what);
            featureModifiers.get(what).accept(entity, toWhat);
        catch (NullPointerException npe)
            throw new InternalExpressionException("'modify' for '"+what+"' expects a value");
        catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException ind)
            throw new InternalExpressionException("Wrong number of arguments for `modify` option: "+what);

    private static void updatePosition(Entity e, double x, double y, double z, float yaw, float pitch)
        if (
                !Double.isFinite(x) || Double.isNaN(x) ||
                !Double.isFinite(y) || Double.isNaN(y) ||
                !Double.isFinite(z) || Double.isNaN(z) ||
                !Float.isFinite(yaw) || Float.isNaN(yaw) ||
                !Float.isFinite(pitch) || Float.isNaN(pitch)
        if (e instanceof ServerPlayerEntity)
            // this forces position but doesn't angles for some reason. Need both in the API in the future.
            EnumSet<PlayerPositionLookS2CPacket.Flag> set  = EnumSet.noneOf(PlayerPositionLookS2CPacket.Flag.class);
            ((ServerPlayerEntity)e).networkHandler.teleportRequest(x, y, z, yaw, pitch, set );
            e.refreshPositionAndAngles(x, y, z, yaw, pitch);
            ((ServerWorld) e.getEntityWorld()).getChunkManager().sendToNearbyPlayers(e, new EntityPositionS2CPacket(e));


    private static void updateVelocity(Entity e)
        e.velocityModified = true;
        //((ServerWorld)e.getEntityWorld()).method_14178().sendToNearbyPlayers(e, new EntityVelocityUpdateS2CPacket(e));

    private static final Map<String, BiConsumer<Entity, Value>> featureModifiers = new HashMap<String, BiConsumer<Entity, Value>>() {{
        put("remove", (entity, value) -> entity.remove());
        put("age", (e, v) -> e.age = Math.abs((int)NumericValue.asNumber(v).getLong()) );
        put("health", (e, v) -> {
            float health = (float) NumericValue.asNumber(v).getDouble();
            if (health <= 0f && e instanceof ServerPlayerEntity)
                ServerPlayerEntity player = (ServerPlayerEntity) e;
                if (player.container != null)
                    // if player dies with open container, then that causes NPE on the client side
                    // its a client side bug that may never surface unless vanilla gets into scripting at some point
                    // bug: #228
                ((LivingEntity) e).setHealth(health);
            if (e instanceof LivingEntity) ((LivingEntity) e).setHealth(health);
        // todo add handling of the source for extra effects
        /*put("damage", (e, v) -> {
            float dmgPoints;
            DamageSource source;
            if (v instanceof ListValue && ((ListValue) v).getItems().size() > 1)
                   List<Value> vals = ((ListValue) v).getItems();
                   dmgPoints = (float) NumericValue.asNumber(v).getDouble();
                   source = DamageSource ... yeah...

        put("kill", (e, v) -> e.kill());
        put("location", (e, v) ->
            if (!(v instanceof ListValue))
                throw new InternalExpressionException("Expected a list of 5 parameters as a second argument");
            List<Value> coords = ((ListValue) v).getItems();
                    (float) NumericValue.asNumber(coords.get(3)).getDouble(),
                    (float) NumericValue.asNumber(coords.get(4)).getDouble()
        put("pos", (e, v) ->
            if (!(v instanceof ListValue))
                throw new InternalExpressionException("Expected a list of 3 parameters as a second argument");
            List<Value> coords = ((ListValue) v).getItems();
        put("x", (e, v) ->
            updatePosition(e, NumericValue.asNumber(v).getDouble(), e.getY(), e.getZ(), e.yaw, e.pitch);
        put("y", (e, v) ->
            updatePosition(e, e.getX(), NumericValue.asNumber(v).getDouble(), e.getZ(), e.yaw, e.pitch);
        put("z", (e, v) ->
            updatePosition(e, e.getX(), e.getY(), NumericValue.asNumber(v).getDouble(), e.yaw, e.pitch);
        put("yaw", (e, v) ->
            updatePosition(e, e.getX(), e.getY(), e.getZ(), ((float)NumericValue.asNumber(v).getDouble()) % 360, e.pitch);
        put("pitch", (e, v) ->
            updatePosition(e, e.getX(), e.getY(), e.getZ(), e.yaw, MathHelper.clamp((float)NumericValue.asNumber(v).getDouble(), -90, 90));


        put("move", (e, v) ->
            if (!(v instanceof ListValue))
                throw new InternalExpressionException("Expected a list of 3 parameters as a second argument");
            List<Value> coords = ((ListValue) v).getItems();
                    e.getX() + NumericValue.asNumber(coords.get(0)).getDouble(),
                    e.getY() + NumericValue.asNumber(coords.get(1)).getDouble(),
                    e.getZ() + NumericValue.asNumber(coords.get(2)).getDouble(),

        put("motion", (e, v) ->
            if (!(v instanceof ListValue))
                throw new InternalExpressionException("Expected a list of 3 parameters as a second argument");
            List<Value> coords = ((ListValue) v).getItems();
        put("motion_x", (e, v) ->
            Vec3d velocity = e.getVelocity();
            e.setVelocity(NumericValue.asNumber(v).getDouble(), velocity.y, velocity.z);
        put("motion_y", (e, v) ->
            Vec3d velocity = e.getVelocity();
            e.setVelocity(velocity.x, NumericValue.asNumber(v).getDouble(), velocity.z);
        put("motion_z", (e, v) ->
            Vec3d velocity = e.getVelocity();
            e.setVelocity(velocity.x, velocity.y, NumericValue.asNumber(v).getDouble());

        put("accelerate", (e, v) ->
            if (!(v instanceof ListValue))
                throw new InternalExpressionException("Expected a list of 3 parameters as a second argument");
            List<Value> coords = ((ListValue) v).getItems();

        put("custom_name", (e, v) -> {
            if (v instanceof NullValue)
            boolean showName = false;
            if (v instanceof ListValue)
                showName = ((ListValue) v).getItems().get(1).getBoolean();
                v = ((ListValue) v).getItems().get(0);
            e.setCustomName(new LiteralText(v.getString()));

        put("persistence", (e, v) ->
            if (!(e instanceof MobEntity)) return;
            if (v == null) v = Value.TRUE;

        put("dismount", (e, v) -> e.stopRiding() );
        put("mount", (e, v) -> {
            if (v instanceof EntityValue)
                e.startRiding(((EntityValue) v).getEntity(),true);
            if (e instanceof ServerPlayerEntity)
                ((ServerPlayerEntity)e).networkHandler.sendPacket(new EntityPassengersSetS2CPacket(e));
        put("unmountable", (e, v) ->{
            if (v == null)
                v = Value.TRUE;
        put("drop_passengers", (e, v) -> e.removeAllPassengers());
        put("mount_passengers", (e, v) -> {
            if (v==null)
                throw new InternalExpressionException("'mount_passengers' needs entities to ride");
            if (v instanceof EntityValue)
                ((EntityValue) v).getEntity().startRiding(e);
            else if (v instanceof ListValue)
                for (Value element : ((ListValue) v).getItems())
                    if (element instanceof EntityValue)
                        ((EntityValue) element).getEntity().startRiding(e);
        put("tag", (e, v) -> {
            if (v==null)
                throw new InternalExpressionException("'tag' requires parameters");
            if (v instanceof ListValue)
                for (Value element : ((ListValue) v).getItems()) e.addScoreboardTag(element.getString());
        put("clear_tag", (e, v) -> {
            if (v==null)
                throw new InternalExpressionException("'clear_tag' requires parameters");
            if (v instanceof ListValue)
                for (Value element : ((ListValue) v).getItems()) e.removeScoreboardTag(element.getString());
        //put("target", (e, v) -> {
        //    // attacks indefinitely - might need to do it through tasks
        //    if (e instanceof MobEntity)
        //    {
        //        LivingEntity elb = assertEntityArgType(LivingEntity.class, v);
        //        ((MobEntity) e).setTarget(elb);
        //    }
        put("breeding_age", (e, v) ->
            if (e instanceof PassiveEntity)
                ((PassiveEntity) e).setBreedingAge((int)NumericValue.asNumber(v).getLong());
        put("talk", (e, v) -> {
            // attacks indefinitely
            if (e instanceof MobEntity)
                ((MobEntity) e).playAmbientSound();
        put("home", (e, v) -> {
            if (!(e instanceof MobEntityWithAi))
            MobEntityWithAi ec = (MobEntityWithAi)e;
            if (v == null)
                throw new InternalExpressionException("'home' requires at least one position argument, and optional distance, or null to cancel");
            if (v instanceof NullValue)
                ec.setPositionTarget(BlockPos.ORIGIN, -1);
                Map<String,Goal> tasks = ((MobEntityInterface)ec).getTemporaryTasks();

            BlockPos pos;
            int distance = 16;

            if (v instanceof BlockValue)
                pos = ((BlockValue) v).getPos();
                if (pos == null) throw new InternalExpressionException("Block is not positioned in the world");
            else if (v instanceof ListValue)
                List<Value> lv = ((ListValue) v).getItems();
                Vector3Argument locator = Vector3Argument.findIn(lv, 0, false);
                pos = new BlockPos(locator.vec.x, locator.vec.y, locator.vec.z);
                if (lv.size() > locator.offset)
                    distance = (int) NumericValue.asNumber(lv.get(locator.offset)).getLong();
            else throw new InternalExpressionException("'home' requires at least one position argument, and optional distance");

            ec.setPositionTarget(pos, distance);
            Map<String,Goal> tasks = ((MobEntityInterface)ec).getTemporaryTasks();
            if (!tasks.containsKey("home"))
                Goal task = new GoToWalkTargetGoal(ec, 1.0D);
                tasks.put("home", task);
                ((MobEntityInterface)ec).getAI(false).add(10, task);
        }); //requires mixing

        put("pickup_delay", (e, v) ->
            if (e instanceof ItemEntity)
                ((ItemEntity) e).setPickupDelay((int)NumericValue.asNumber(v).getLong());

        put("despawn_timer", (e, v) ->
            if (e instanceof LivingEntity)
                ((LivingEntity) e).setDespawnCounter((int)NumericValue.asNumber(v).getLong());

        put("portal_cooldown", (e , v) ->
            if (v==null)
                throw new InternalExpressionException("'portal_cooldown' requires a value to set");
            e.netherPortalCooldown = NumericValue.asNumber(v).getInt();

        put("portal_timer", (e , v) ->
            if (v==null)
                throw new InternalExpressionException("'portal_timer' requires a value to set");
            ((EntityInterface) e).setPortalTimer(NumericValue.asNumber(v).getInt());

        put("ai", (e, v) ->
            if (e instanceof MobEntity)
                ((MobEntity) e).setAiDisabled(!v.getBoolean());

        put("no_clip", (e, v) ->
            if (v == null)
                e.noClip = true;
                e.noClip = v.getBoolean();
        put("effect", (e, v) ->
            if (!(e instanceof LivingEntity)) return;
            LivingEntity le = (LivingEntity)e;
            if (v == null)
            else if (v instanceof ListValue)
                List<Value> lv = ((ListValue) v).getItems();
                if (lv.size() >= 1 && lv.size() <= 5)
                    String effectName = lv.get(0).getString();
                    StatusEffect effect = Registry.STATUS_EFFECT.get(new Identifier(effectName));
                    if (effect == null)
                        throw new InternalExpressionException("Wrong effect name: "+effectName);
                    if (lv.size() == 1)
                    int duration = (int)NumericValue.asNumber(lv.get(1)).getLong();
                    if (duration <= 0)
                    int amplifier = 0;
                    if (lv.size() > 2)
                        amplifier = (int)NumericValue.asNumber(lv.get(2)).getLong();
                    boolean showParticles = true;
                    if (lv.size() > 3)
                        showParticles = lv.get(3).getBoolean();
                    boolean showIcon = true;
                    if (lv.size() > 4)
                        showIcon = lv.get(4).getBoolean();
                    le.addStatusEffect(new StatusEffectInstance(effect, duration, amplifier, showParticles, showIcon));
                String effectName = v.getString();
                StatusEffect effect = Registry.STATUS_EFFECT.get(new Identifier(effectName));
                if (effect == null)
                    throw new InternalExpressionException("Wrong effect name: "+effectName);
            throw new InternalExpressionException("'effect' needs either no arguments (clear) or effect name, duration, and optional amplifier, show particles and show icon");

        put("gamemode", (e,v)->{
            if(!(e instanceof ServerPlayerEntity)) return;
            GameMode toSet = v instanceof NumericValue ?
                    GameMode.byId(((NumericValue) v).getInt(), null) :
                    GameMode.byName(v.getString().toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT), null);
            if (toSet != null) ((ServerPlayerEntity) e).setGameMode(toSet);

            if(!(e instanceof LivingEntity)) return;
            ((LivingEntity) e).setJumping(v.getBoolean());

            if (e instanceof LivingEntity)

        put("silent",(e,v)-> e.setSilent(v.getBoolean()));

        put("gravity",(e,v)-> e.setNoGravity(!v.getBoolean()));

        put("invulnerable",(e,v)-> e.setInvulnerable(v.getBoolean()));

        put("fire",(e,v)-> e.setFireTicks((int)NumericValue.asNumber(v).getLong()));

        put("hunger", (e, v)-> {
            if(e instanceof PlayerEntity) ((PlayerEntity) e).getHungerManager().setFoodLevel((int) NumericValue.asNumber(v).getLong());

        put("exhaustion", (e, v)-> {
            if(e instanceof PlayerEntity) ((HungerManagerInterface) ((PlayerEntity) e).getHungerManager()).setExhaustionCM(NumericValue.asNumber(v).getFloat());

        put("add_exhaustion", (e, v)-> {
            if(e instanceof PlayerEntity) ((PlayerEntity) e).getHungerManager().addExhaustion((int) NumericValue.asNumber(v).getLong());

        put("saturation", (e, v)-> {
            if(e instanceof PlayerEntity) ((PlayerEntity) e).getHungerManager().setSaturationLevelClient((float)NumericValue.asNumber(v).getLong());

        put("nbt", (e, v) -> {
            if (!(e instanceof PlayerEntity))
                UUID uUID = e.getUuid();
                Value tagValue = NBTSerializableValue.fromValue(v);
                if (tagValue instanceof NBTSerializableValue)
                    e.fromTag(((NBTSerializableValue) tagValue).getCompoundTag());
        put("nbt_merge", (e, v) -> {
            if (!(e instanceof PlayerEntity))
                UUID uUID = e.getUuid();
                Value tagValue = NBTSerializableValue.fromValue(v);
                if (tagValue instanceof NBTSerializableValue)
                    CompoundTag nbttagcompound = e.toTag((new CompoundTag()));
                    nbttagcompound.copyFrom(((NBTSerializableValue) tagValue).getCompoundTag());

        // "dimension"      []
        // "item"           []
        // "count",         []
        // "effect_"name    []

    public void setEvent(CarpetContext cc, String eventName, FunctionValue fun, List<Value> args)
        EntityEventsGroup.EntityEventType event = EntityEventsGroup.EntityEventType.byName.get(eventName);
        if (event == null)
            throw new InternalExpressionException("Unknown entity event: " + eventName);
        ((EntityInterface)entity).getEventContainer().addEvent(event, cc, fun, args);

    public Tag toTag(boolean force)
        if (!force) throw new NBTSerializableValue.IncompatibleTypeException(this);
        CompoundTag tag = new CompoundTag();
        tag.put("Data", getEntity().toTag( new CompoundTag()));
        tag.put("Name", StringTag.of(Registry.ENTITY_TYPE.getId(entity.getType()).toString()));
        return tag;