
   Derby - Class com.pivotal.gemfirexd.internal.impl.drda.DRDAStatement

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 * Changes for GemFireXD distributed data platform (some marked by "GemStone changes")
 * Portions Copyright (c) 2010-2015 Pivotal Software, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you
 * may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You
 * may obtain a copy of the License at
 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
 * permissions and limitations under the License. See accompanying
 * LICENSE file.

package com.pivotal.gemfirexd.internal.impl.drda;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.sql.CallableStatement;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.ParameterMetaData;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Set;
import java.lang.reflect.Array;

import com.gemstone.gemfire.cache.Region;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.cache.PartitionedRegion;
import com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.cache.PartitionedRegionDataStore;
import com.pivotal.gemfirexd.internal.engine.Misc;
import com.pivotal.gemfirexd.internal.iapi.error.PublicAPI;
import com.pivotal.gemfirexd.internal.iapi.error.StandardException;
import com.pivotal.gemfirexd.internal.iapi.jdbc.EngineConnection;
import com.pivotal.gemfirexd.internal.iapi.jdbc.EnginePreparedStatement;
import com.pivotal.gemfirexd.internal.iapi.reference.JDBC30Translation;
import com.pivotal.gemfirexd.internal.iapi.services.sanity.SanityManager;
import com.pivotal.gemfirexd.internal.iapi.sql.StatementType;
import com.pivotal.gemfirexd.internal.iapi.sql.conn.LanguageConnectionContext;
import com.pivotal.gemfirexd.internal.iapi.sql.execute.ExecutionContext;
import com.pivotal.gemfirexd.internal.iapi.util.StringUtil;
import com.pivotal.gemfirexd.internal.impl.jdbc.EmbedPreparedStatement;
import com.pivotal.gemfirexd.internal.impl.jdbc.EmbedStatement;
import com.pivotal.gemfirexd.internal.impl.jdbc.TransactionResourceImpl;
import com.pivotal.gemfirexd.internal.impl.sql.GenericPreparedStatement;
import com.pivotal.gemfirexd.internal.shared.common.SingleHopInformation;
import com.pivotal.gemfirexd.internal.shared.common.reference.SQLState;

	DRDAStatement stores information about the statement being executed
// GemStone changes BEGIN
// GemStone changes END
class DRDAStatement

	// Since DRDAStatements are reused, ALL variables (except those noted in 
	// the comments for reset method) should be set to their default values 
	// in reset().

	protected String typDefNam;		//TYPDEFNAM for this statement
	protected int byteOrder;		//deduced from typDefNam, save String comparisons
	protected int ccsidSBC;			//CCSID for single byte characters
	protected int ccsidDBC;			//CCSID for double byte characters
	protected int ccsidMBC;			//CCSID for mixed byte characters
	protected String ccsidSBCEncoding;	//Java encoding for CCSIDSBC
	protected String ccsidDBCEncoding;	//Java encoding for CCSIDDBC
	protected String ccsidMBCEncoding;	//Java encoding for CCSIDMBC

	protected Database database;		// Database this statement is created for
	private   Pkgnamcsn pkgnamcsn;		// Package name/section # and  consistency token
	protected ConsistencyToken pkgcnstkn;       // Consistency token for the first result set
 	protected String pkgid;              // package id
 	protected int pkgsn;		// section number
	int withHoldCursor = -1;	 // hold cursor after commit attribute.
	protected int isolationLevel;         //JCC isolation level for Statement
	protected String cursorName;
	protected int scrollType = ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY;			// Sensitive or Insensitive scroll attribute
	protected int concurType = ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY;;			// Concurency type
	protected long rowCount;			// Number of rows we have processed
	protected byte [] rslsetflg;		// Result Set Flags
	protected int maxrslcnt;			// Maximum Result set count
	protected PreparedStatement ps;     // Prepared statement
	protected ParameterMetaData stmtPmeta; // param metadata
	protected boolean isCall;
	protected String procName;			// callable statement's method name
	private   int[] outputTypes;		// jdbc type for output parameter or NOT_OUTPUT_PARAM
	                                    // if not an output parameter.
	private int[] outputPrecision;
	private int[] outputScale;
	protected static int NOT_OUTPUT_PARAM = -100000;
	protected boolean outputExpected;	// expect output from a callable statement
// GemStone changes BEGIN
	// for unprepared queries; we don't use stmt since ResultSet
	// holdability and other parameters may be different
	protected Statement pstmt;
	protected String sqlText;
	protected transient int sqldaType;
	protected transient int pstmtParseWriterMark;
	/** indicates batch stmt execution */
	protected boolean batchOutput;
	/** batch stmt execution result */
	protected transient int[] batchResult;
	/** number of results in batch execution */
	protected transient int numBatchResults;
	/** any exception in addBatch that is delayed till execute */
	protected transient Exception addBatchEx;
	private transient boolean sendSingleHopInfo;
// GemStone changes END
	private Statement stmt;				// SQL statement

	private DRDAResultSet currentDrdaRs;  // Current ResultSet
	private Hashtable resultSetTable;     // Hashtable with resultsets            
	private ArrayList resultSetKeyList;  // ordered list of hash keys
	private int numResultSets = 0;  

	private volatile String status = "INIT";
	private long executionBeginTime = 0;
	private long statementAccessFrequency = 0;
	private transient boolean sendStatementID = false; 
	/** This class is used to keep track of the statement's parameters
	 * as they are received from the client. It uses arrays to track
	 * the DRDA type, the length in bytes and the externalness of each
	 * parameter. Arrays of int/byte are used rather than ArrayLists
	 * of Integer/Byte in order to re-use the same storage each time
	 * the statement is executed. */
	private static class DrdaParamState {
		// The last parameter may be streamed. 
		// We need to keep a record of it so we can drain it if it is not 
		// used.
		// Only the last parameter with an EXTDTA will be streamed. 
		//(See DRDAConnThread.readAndSetAllExtParams()). 
		private EXTDTAReaderInputStream streamedParameter = null;
		private int typeLstEnd_ = 0;
		private byte[] typeLst_ = new byte[10];
		private int[]  lenLst_ = new int[10];
		private int extLstEnd_ = 0;
		private int[]  extLst_ = new int[10];

		private static Object growArray(Object array) {
			final int oldLen = Array.getLength(array);
			Object tmp =
			System.arraycopy(array, 0, tmp, 0, oldLen);
			return tmp;

		 * <code>clear</code> resets the arrays so that new parameters
		 * will be added at the beginning. No initialization or
		 * releasing of storage takes place unless the trim argument
		 * is true.
		 * @param trim - if true; release excess storage
		protected void clear(boolean trim) {
			streamedParameter = null;
			typeLstEnd_ = 0;
			extLstEnd_ = 0;
			if (trim && typeLst_.length > 10) {
				typeLst_ = new byte[10];
				lenLst_ = new int[10];
				extLst_ = new int[10];

		 * <code>addDrdaParam</code> adds a new parameter with its
		 * DRDA type and byte length. The arrays are automatically
		 * grown if needed.
		 * @param t a <code>byte</code> value, the DRDA type of the
		 * parameter being added
		 * @param s an <code>int</code> value, the length in bytes of
		 * the parameter being added
		protected void addDrdaParam(byte t, int s) {
			if (typeLstEnd_ >= typeLst_.length) {
				typeLst_ = (byte[])growArray(typeLst_);
				lenLst_ = (int[])growArray(lenLst_);
			typeLst_[typeLstEnd_] = t;
			lenLst_[typeLstEnd_] = s;

		 * <code>getDrdaParamCount</code> return the number of
		 * parameters added so far (since last clear).
		 * @return an <code>int</code> value, the number of parameters
		protected int  getDrdaParamCount() { return typeLstEnd_; }

		 * <code>getDrdaType</code> returns a byte that represents the
		 * DRDA type of the ith parameter.
		 * @param i an <code>int</code> value, a parameter position
		 * (zero-based)
		 * @return a <code>byte</code> value, the DRDA type
		protected byte getDrdaType(int i) { return typeLst_[i]; }

		 * <code>getDrdaLen</code> returns the length in bytes of the
		 * ith parameter.
		 * @param i an <code>int</code> value, a parameter position
		 * (zero-based)
		 * @return an <code>int</code> value
		protected int getDrdaLen(int i) { return lenLst_[i]; }

		 * <code>addExtPos</code> marks parameter i as external. The
		 * array is grown as needed.
		 * @param p an <code>int</code> value, a parameter position
		 * (zero-based)
		protected void addExtPos(int p) {
			if (extLstEnd_ >= extLst_.length) {
				extLst_ = (int[])growArray(extLst_);
			extLst_[extLstEnd_] = p;

		 * <code>getExtPosCount</code> returns the number of
		 * parameters marked as external so far (since last clear).
		 * @return an <code>int</code> value, the number of external
		 * parameters.
		protected int getExtPosCount() { return extLstEnd_; }

		 * <code>getExtPos</code> returns the actual parameter position
		 * of the ith external parameter.
		 * @param i an <code>int</code> value, index into the list of
		 * external parameters, zero-based
		 * @return an <code>int</code> value, the parameter position
		 * of the ith external parameter (zero-based)
		protected int getExtPos(int i) { return extLst_[i]; }
		 * Read the rest of the streamed parameter if not consumed
		 * by the executing statement.  DERBY-3085
		 * @throws IOException
		protected void drainStreamedParameter() throws IOException
			if (streamedParameter != null)
				// we drain the buffer 1000 bytes at a time.
				// 1000 is just a random selection that doesn't take
				// too much memory. Perhaps something else would be 
				// more efficient?
				byte[] buffer = new byte[1000];
				int i;
				do {
					i= streamedParameter.read(buffer,0,1000);
				}  while (i != -1);

		public void setStreamedParameter(EXTDTAReaderInputStream eis) {
			streamedParameter = eis;    
	private DrdaParamState drdaParamState_ = new DrdaParamState();

	// Query options  sent on EXCSQLSTT
	// These the default for ResultSets created for this statement.
	// These can be overriden by OPNQRY or CNTQRY,
	protected int nbrrow;			// number of fetch or insert rows
	protected int qryrowset;			// Query row set
	protected int blksize;				// Query block size
	protected int maxblkext;			// Maximum number of extra blocks
	protected int outovropt;			// Output Override option
	protected boolean qryrfrtbl;		// Query refresh answer set table
	private int qryprctyp = CodePoint.QRYBLKCTL_DEFAULT;   // Protocol type

	boolean needsToSendParamData = false;
	boolean explicitlyPrepared = false;    //Prepared with PRPSQLSTT (reusable)
	 * If this changes, we need to re-send result set metadata to client, since
	 * a change indicates the engine has recompiled the prepared statement.
	long versionCounter;

// Gemstone changes BEGIN
  private LanguageConnectionContext ctx;
//  public void setLocalExecutionOfThisStmntInLcc(boolean flag) {
//    this.ctx.setExecuteLocallyAsSHOPExecution(flag);
//  }
  public void setSendSingleHopInLccToFalse() {
//Gemstone changes END

	// constructor
	 * DRDAStatement constructor
	 * @param database
	DRDAStatement (Database database) 
		this.database = database;
		this.currentDrdaRs = new DRDAResultSet();

	 * set TypDef values
	protected void setTypDefValues()
		// initialize statement values to current database values
		this.typDefNam = database.typDefNam;
		this.byteOrder = database.byteOrder;
		this.ccsidSBC = database.ccsidSBC;
		this.ccsidDBC = database.ccsidDBC;
		this.ccsidMBC = database.ccsidMBC;
		this.ccsidSBCEncoding = database.ccsidSBCEncoding;
		this.ccsidDBCEncoding = database.ccsidDBCEncoding;
		this.ccsidMBCEncoding = database.ccsidMBCEncoding;
	 * Set database
	 * @param database
	protected void setDatabase(Database database)
		this.database = database;
	 * Set statement
	 * @param conn	Connection
	 * @exception SQLException
	protected void setStatement(Connection conn)
		throws SQLException
		stmt = conn.createStatement();
		//beetle 3849 -  see  prepareStatement for details
		if (cursorName != null)
	 * Get the statement
	 * @return statement
	 * @exception SQLException
	protected Statement getStatement() 
		throws SQLException
		return stmt;

	/**Set resultSet defaults to match 
	 * the statement defaults sent on EXCSQLSTT
	 * This might be overridden on OPNQRY or CNTQRY

	protected void setRsDefaultOptions(DRDAResultSet drs)
		drs.nbrrow = nbrrow;
 		drs.qryrowset = qryrowset;
 		drs.blksize = blksize;
 		drs.maxblkext = maxblkext;
 		drs.outovropt = outovropt;
 		drs.rslsetflg = rslsetflg;
		drs.scrollType = scrollType;
		drs.concurType = concurType;
		drs.qryrowset = qryrowset;

	 * Get the extData Objects
	 *  @return ArrayList with extdta
	protected ArrayList getExtDtaObjects()
		return currentDrdaRs.getExtDtaObjects();

	 * Set the extData Objects
	protected void  setExtDtaObjects(ArrayList a)

	public void setSplitQRYDTA(byte []data)
	        if(data != null) {
	          setStatus("SPLIT RESULTS (REMAINING " + data.length + " BYTES)");
	public byte[]getSplitQRYDTA()
		return currentDrdaRs.getSplitQRYDTA();
	 * Add extDtaObject
	 * @param o - object to  add
	 * @param jdbcIndex - jdbc index for parameter
	protected void  addExtDtaObject (Object o, int jdbcIndex )

	 * Clear externalized lob objects in current result set
	protected void  clearExtDtaObjects ()

	 * Is lob object nullable
	 * @param index - offset starting with 0
	 * @return true if object is nullable
	protected boolean isExtDtaValueNullable(int index)
		return currentDrdaRs.isExtDtaValueNullable(index);

	 * Set query options sent on OPNQRY and pass options down to the
	 * current <code>DRDAResultSet</code> object.
	 * @param blksize QRYBLKSZ (Query Block Size)
	 * @param qryblkctl QRYPRCTYP (Query Protocol Type)
	 * @param maxblkext MAXBLKEXT (Maximum Number of Extra Blocks)
	 * @param outovropt OUTOVROPT (Output Override Option)
	 * @param qryrowset QRYROWSET (Query Rowset Size)
	 * @param qryclsimpl QRYCLSIMP (Query Close Implicit)
	 * @see DRDAResultSet#setOPNQRYOptions(int, int, int, int, int, int)
	protected void setOPNQRYOptions(int blksize, int qryblkctl,
								  int maxblkext, int outovropt,int qryrowset,int qryclsimpl)
		this.blksize = blksize;
		this.qryprctyp = qryblkctl;
		this.maxblkext = maxblkext;
		this.outovropt = outovropt;
		this.qryrowset = qryrowset;
		currentDrdaRs.setOPNQRYOptions( blksize, qryblkctl, maxblkext, 
				outovropt, qryrowset, qryclsimpl);

	 * Set query options sent on CNTQRY
	protected void setQueryOptions(int blksize, boolean qryrelscr, 
									long qryrownbr,
									boolean qryfrtbl,int nbrrow,int maxblkext,
									int qryscrorn, boolean qryrowsns,
									boolean qryblkrst,
									boolean qryrtndta,int qryrowset,
									int rtnextdta)
		currentDrdaRs.blksize = blksize;
		currentDrdaRs.qryrelscr = qryrelscr;
		currentDrdaRs.qryrownbr = qryrownbr;
		currentDrdaRs.qryrfrtbl = qryrfrtbl;
		currentDrdaRs.nbrrow = nbrrow;
		currentDrdaRs.maxblkext = maxblkext;
		currentDrdaRs.qryscrorn = qryscrorn;
		currentDrdaRs.qryrowsns = qryrowsns;
		currentDrdaRs.qryblkrst = qryblkrst;
		currentDrdaRs.qryrtndta = qryrtndta;
		currentDrdaRs.qryrowset = qryrowset;
		currentDrdaRs.rtnextdta = rtnextdta;

	protected void setQryprctyp(int qryprctyp)
		this.qryprctyp = qryprctyp;

	protected int  getQryprctyp()
		throws SQLException
		return currentDrdaRs.getQryprctyp();

	protected void setQryrownbr(long qryrownbr)
		currentDrdaRs.qryrownbr = qryrownbr;

	protected long  getQryrownbr()
		return currentDrdaRs.qryrownbr;

	protected int  getQryrowset()
		return currentDrdaRs.qryrowset;

	protected int getBlksize()
		return currentDrdaRs.blksize;

	protected void setQryrtndta(boolean qryrtndta)
		currentDrdaRs.qryrtndta = qryrtndta;

	protected boolean  getQryrtndta()
		return currentDrdaRs.qryrtndta;

	protected void setQryscrorn(int qryscrorn)
		currentDrdaRs.qryscrorn = qryscrorn;

	protected int  getQryscrorn()
		return currentDrdaRs.qryscrorn;

	protected void setScrollType(int scrollType)
		currentDrdaRs.scrollType = scrollType;

	protected int  getScrollType()
		return currentDrdaRs.scrollType;

	 * is this a scrollable cursor?
	 * return true if this is not a forward only cursor
	protected boolean isScrollable()
		return (getScrollType() != ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY);

	protected void setConcurType(int scrollType)
		currentDrdaRs.concurType = scrollType;

	protected int  getConcurType()
		return currentDrdaRs.concurType;

	protected void 	setOutovr_drdaType(int[] outovr_drdaType) 
	   currentDrdaRs.outovr_drdaType = outovr_drdaType;

	protected int[] 	getOutovr_drdaType() 
		return currentDrdaRs.outovr_drdaType;
	protected boolean hasdata()
		return currentDrdaRs.hasdata;
	protected void  setHasdata(boolean hasdata)
		currentDrdaRs.hasdata = hasdata;
		if (hasdata) {
		  setStatus("HAS MORE DATA");

	 * This method is used to initialize the default statement of the database
	 * for re-use. It is different from reset() method since default statements
	 * get initiliazed differently. e.g: stmt variable used in default statement
	 * is created only once in Database.makeConnection. 
	 * TODO: Need to see what exactly it means to initialize the default 
	 * statement. (DERBY-1002)
	protected void initialize() 

	protected PreparedStatement explicitPrepare(String sqlStmt, boolean createQueryInfo) throws SQLException
		explicitlyPrepared = true;
		// Gemstone changes BEGIN
                if (!createQueryInfo) {
                  if (SanityManager.TraceSingleHop) {
                            "DRDAStatement::explicitPrepare setting marker bucketSet indicating no query info creation");
                      .setExecuteLocally(BUCKET_FLAG, null, false, null);
		// Gemstone changes END
		return prepare(sqlStmt);

	protected boolean wasExplicitlyPrepared()
		return explicitlyPrepared;

// GemStone changes BEGIN
	private static final Set<Integer> BUCKET_FLAG = Collections
	    .unmodifiableSet(new HashSet<Integer>(1));

        protected final Statement implicitPrepare(String sqlStmt)
            throws SQLException {
          // save current prepare iso level
          int saveIsolationLevel = -1;
          boolean isolationSet = false;
          if (pkgnamcsn != null
              && isolationLevel != Connection.TRANSACTION_NONE) {
            saveIsolationLevel = database.getPrepareIsolation();
            isolationSet = true;


          pstmt = database.getConnection().createStatement(scrollType,
              concurType, withHoldCursor);
          this.sqlText = sqlStmt;

          // beetle 3849 - Need to change the cursor name to what
          // JCC thinks it will be, since there is no way in the
          // protocol to communicate the actual cursor name. JCC keeps
          // a mapping from the client cursor names to the DB2 style cursor names
          if (cursorName != null) { // cursorName not null means we are dealing
                                    // with dynamic packages
          if (isolationSet) {
          return pstmt;

        protected final boolean isPrepared() {
          return this.ps != null;

        protected final Statement getUnderlyingStatement() {
	  if (this.ps != null) {
	    return this.ps;
	  return this.pstmt;

        protected final void resetBatch() {
          this.batchOutput = false;
          this.batchResult = null;
          this.numBatchResults = 0;
          this.addBatchEx = null;
          this.sendSingleHopInfo = false;
          this.sendStatementID = false;
          if (this.ctx != null) {
            if (SanityManager.TraceSingleHop) {
                  "DRDAStatement::resetBatch resetting bucketSet in lcc to null and lcc is: "
                      + this.ctx);
            this.ctx.setExecuteLocally(null, null, false, null);
// GemStone changes END
	 * Create a prepared statement
	 * @param sqlStmt - SQL statement
	 * @exception SQLException
	protected PreparedStatement prepare(String sqlStmt)   throws SQLException
		// save current prepare iso level
		int saveIsolationLevel = -1;
		boolean isolationSet = false;
		if (pkgnamcsn !=null && 
			isolationLevel != Connection.TRANSACTION_NONE)
			saveIsolationLevel = database.getPrepareIsolation();
			isolationSet = true;

		if (isCallableSQL(sqlStmt))
			isCall = true;
			ps = database.getConnection().prepareCall(
				sqlStmt, scrollType, concurType, withHoldCursor);
// Gemstone changes BEGIN
		  /* original code
			ps = database.getConnection().prepareStatement(
				sqlStmt, scrollType, concurType, withHoldCursor);
		  EngineConnection conn = database.getConnection();
		  this.ctx = conn.getLanguageConnectionContext();
                  if (SanityManager.TraceSingleHop) {
                        "DRDAStatement::prepare stmt = " + this + " pkgnamcsn: "
                            + pkgnamcsn + " this.sql: " + sqlStmt + ", bucketset: "
                            + this.ctx.getBucketIdsForLocalExecution()
                            + " and sendSingleHopInfo is: " + this.sendSingleHopInfo
                            + " lcc: " + this.ctx);
		  ps = conn.prepareStatement(
                      sqlStmt, scrollType, concurType, withHoldCursor);
		  if (!(ps instanceof EmbedPreparedStatement)) {
		    this.ctx = null;
// Gemstone changes END

		// beetle 3849  -  Need to change the cursor name to what
		// JCC thinks it will be, since there is no way in the 
		// protocol to communicate the actual cursor name.  JCC keeps 
		// a mapping from the client cursor names to the DB2 style cursor names
		if (cursorName != null)//cursorName not null means we are dealing with dynamic pacakges
		if (isolationSet)
		if (ps instanceof EmbedPreparedStatement)
		        versionCounter = ((EnginePreparedStatement)ps).getVersionCounter();
		return ps;

	 * Get prepared statement
	 * @return prepared statement
	protected PreparedStatement getPreparedStatement() throws SQLException
		return ps;

	 * Executes the prepared statement and populates the resultSetTable.
	 * Access to the various resultSets is then possible by using
	 * setCurrentDrdaResultSet(String pkgnamcsn)  to set the current
	 * resultSet and then calling getResultSet() or the other access 
	 * methods to get resultset data.
	 * @return true if the execution has resultSets
	protected boolean execute() throws SQLException
// GemStone changes BEGIN
	  return execute(false);

	 * Add a new batch of parameters for batch prepared statement execution.
	protected void addBatch() throws SQLException {
	  // delay any addBatch exceptions till execute
	  if (this.addBatchEx == null) {
	    try {
	    } catch (RuntimeException ex) {
	      this.addBatchEx = ex;
	    } catch (SQLException sqle) {
	      this.addBatchEx = sqle;
	  try {
	  } catch (IOException ioe) {
	    throw TransactionResourceImpl.wrapInSQLException(ioe);

	protected boolean execute(boolean batchExecute) throws SQLException {
		boolean hasResultSet;
		Statement s = this.ps;
		try {
		  if (batchExecute) {
		    final Exception addBatchEx = this.addBatchEx;
		    if (addBatchEx != null) {
		      if (addBatchEx instanceof SQLException) {
		        throw (SQLException)addBatchEx;
		      else {
		        throw (RuntimeException)addBatchEx;
		    setStatus("EXECUTING BATCH");
		    this.executionBeginTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
		    this.batchResult = this.ps.executeBatch();
		    hasResultSet = false;
		  else if (this.ps != null) {
		    this.batchResult = null;
                    setStatus("EXECUTING PREPAREDSTATEMENT");
                    this.executionBeginTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
		    hasResultSet = this.ps.execute();
		    if (!hasResultSet) {
                      setStatus("CHECKING BUCKET HOSTED");
		  else {
		    this.batchResult = null;
		    s = this.pstmt;
                    setStatus("EXECUTING STATEMENT");
                    this.executionBeginTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
		    hasResultSet = this.pstmt.execute(this.sqlText);
                    if (!hasResultSet) {
		  // DERBY-3085 - We need to make sure we drain the streamed parameter
		  // if not used by the server, for example if an update statement does not 
		  // update any rows, the parameter won't be used.  Network Server will
		  // stream only the last parameter with an EXTDTA. This is stored when the
		  // parameter is set and drained now after statement execution if needed.
		} catch (IOException ioe) { 
                  setStatus("IOException " + ioe.getMessage());
		  throw TransactionResourceImpl.wrapInSQLException(ioe);
		} finally {
		/* (original code)
		boolean hasResultSet = ps.execute();
		// DERBY-3085 - We need to make sure we drain the streamed parameter
		// if not used by the server, for example if an update statement does not 
		// update any rows, the parameter won't be used.  Network Server will
		// stream only the last parameter with an EXTDTA. This is stored when the
		// parameter is set and drained now after statement execution if needed.
		try {
		} catch (IOException e) { 
// GemStone changes END
		// java.sql.Statement says any result sets that are opened
		// when the statement is re-executed must be closed; this
		// is handled by the call to "ps.execute()" above--but we
		// also have to reset our 'numResultSets' counter, since
		// all previously opened result sets are now invalid.
		numResultSets = 0;

		ResultSet rs = null;
		boolean isCallable = (ps instanceof java.sql.CallableStatement);
		if (isCallable)
			needsToSendParamData = true;

		do {
// GemStone changes BEGIN
			rs = s.getResultSet();
			/* (original code)
			rs = ps.getResultSet();
// GemStone changes END
			if (rs !=null)
				//For callable statement, get holdability of statement generating the result set
// GemStone changes BEGIN
				  addResultSet(rs, rs.getHoldability());
				  /* (original code)
					addResultSet(rs, ((EngineResultSet) rs).getHoldability());
// GemStone changes END
				hasResultSet = true;
			// For normal selects we are done, but procedures might
			// have more resultSets
		}while (isCallable && getMoreResults(Statement.KEEP_CURRENT_RESULT));

		return hasResultSet;

	 * clear out type data for parameters.
	 * Unfortunately we currently overload the resultSet type info
	 * rsDRDATypes et al with parameter info.
	 * RESOLVE: Need to separate this
   protected void finishParams()
		needsToSendParamData = false;

	 * Set the pkgid sec num for this statement and the 
	 * consistency token that will be used for the first resultSet.
	 * For dyamic packages The package name is encoded as follows
	 * SYS(S/L)(H/N)xyy 
	 * where 'S' represents Small package and 'L' large 
	 *                      (ignored by Derby) 
	 * Where 'H' represents WITH HOLD, and 'N' represents NO WITH HOLD. 
	 *                      (May be overridden by SQLATTR for WITH
	 *                       HOLD")
	 * Where 'www' is the package iteration (ignored by Derby)
	 * Where 'x' is the isolation level: 0=NC, 1=UR, 2=CS, 3=RS, 4=RR 
	 * Where 'yy' is the package iteration 00 through FF 
	 * Where 'zz' is unique for each platform
	 * Happilly, these values correspond precisely to the internal Derby
	 * isolation levels  in ExecutionContext.java
	 * x   Isolation Level                                           
	 * --  ---------------------
	 * 0   NC  (java.sql.Connection.TRANSACTION_NONE)
	 * 1   UR  (java.sql.Connection.TRANACTION_READ_UNCOMMITTED)
	 * 2   CS  (java.sql.Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED)
	 * 3   RS  (java.sql.Connection.TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ)
	 * 4   RR  (java.sql.Connection.TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE)
	 * static packages have preset isolation levels 
	 * (see getStaticPackageIsolation)
	 * @param pkgnamcsn  package id section number and token from the client
	protected void setPkgnamcsn(Pkgnamcsn pkgnamcsn)
		this.pkgnamcsn =  pkgnamcsn;
		// Store the consistency string for the first ResultSet.
		// this will be used to calculate consistency strings for the 
		// other result sets.
		pkgid = pkgnamcsn.getPkgid();

		if (isDynamicPkgid(pkgid))
			isolationLevel = Integer.parseInt(pkgid.substring(5,6));
			 *   generate DB2-style cursorname
			 *   example value : SQL_CURSN200C1
			 *   where 
			 *      SQL_CUR is db2 cursor name prefix;
			 *      S - Small package , L -Large package
			 *      N - normal cursor, H - hold cursor 
			 *      200 - package id as sent by jcc 
			 *      C - tack-on code for cursors
			 *      1 - section number sent by jcc		 

			// cursor name
			// trim the SYS off the pkgid so it wont' be in the cursor name
			String shortPkgid = pkgid.substring(pkgid.length() -5 , pkgid.length());
			pkgsn = pkgnamcsn.getPkgsn();
			this.cursorName = "SQL_CUR" +  shortPkgid + "C" + pkgsn ;
		else // static package
			isolationLevel = getStaticPackageIsolation(pkgid);

		this.pkgcnstkn = pkgnamcsn.getPkgcnstkn();


	 * get the isolation level for a static package.
	 * @param pkgid - Package identifier string (e.g. SYSSTAT)
	 * @return isolation
	private int getStaticPackageIsolation(String pkgid)
		// SYSSTAT is used for metadata. and is the only static package used
		// for JCC. Other static packages will need to be supported for 
		// CCC. Maybe a static hash table would then be in order.
		if (pkgid.equals("SYSSTAT"))
			return ExecutionContext.UNSPECIFIED_ISOLATION_LEVEL;

	 * Get pkgnamcsn
	 * @return pkgnamcsn
	protected Pkgnamcsn getPkgnamcsn() 
		return pkgnamcsn;

	 * Get result set
	 * @return result set
	protected ResultSet getResultSet() 
		return currentDrdaRs.getResultSet();
	 * Gets the current DRDA ResultSet
	 * @return DRDAResultSet
	protected DRDAResultSet getCurrentDrdaResultSet()
		return currentDrdaRs ;

 	 * Set currentDrdaResultSet 
	 * @param rsNum   The result set number starting with 0
	protected void setCurrentDrdaResultSet(int rsNum)
		ConsistencyToken consistToken = getResultSetPkgcnstkn(rsNum);
		if (currentDrdaRs.pkgcnstkn == consistToken)
		currentDrdaRs = getDrdaResultSet(consistToken);


 	 * Set currentDrdaResultSet 
	 * @param pkgnamcsn  The pkgid section number and unique resultset
	 *                    consistency token
	protected void setCurrentDrdaResultSet(Pkgnamcsn pkgnamcsn)
		pkgid = pkgnamcsn.getPkgid();
		pkgsn = pkgnamcsn.getPkgsn();
		ConsistencyToken consistToken = pkgnamcsn.getPkgcnstkn();
		DRDAResultSet newDrdaRs = getDrdaResultSet(consistToken);
		if (newDrdaRs != null)
			currentDrdaRs = newDrdaRs;

	 * get DRDAResultSet by consistency token
	private DRDAResultSet getDrdaResultSet(ConsistencyToken consistToken)
		if ( resultSetTable   == null || 
			 (currentDrdaRs != null &&
			  currentDrdaRs.pkgcnstkn == consistToken ))
			return currentDrdaRs;
			return (DRDAResultSet) (resultSetTable.get(consistToken));
	 * get DRDAResultSet by result set number
	private DRDAResultSet getDrdaResultSet(int rsNum)
		ConsistencyToken consistToken = getResultSetPkgcnstkn(rsNum);
		return getDrdaResultSet(consistToken);

	/** Add a new resultSet to this statement.
	 * Set as the current result set if  there is not an 
	 * existing current resultset.
	 * @param value - ResultSet to add
	 * @param holdValue - Holdability of the ResultSet 
	 * @return    Consistency token  for this resultSet
	 *            For a single resultSet that is the same as the statement's 
	 *            For multiple resultSets just the consistency token is changed 
	protected ConsistencyToken addResultSet(ResultSet value, int holdValue) throws SQLException

		DRDAResultSet newDrdaRs = null;

		int rsNum = numResultSets;
		ConsistencyToken newRsPkgcnstkn = calculateResultSetPkgcnstkn(rsNum);

		if (rsNum == 0)
			newDrdaRs = currentDrdaRs;

			newDrdaRs = new DRDAResultSet();

			// Multiple resultSets we neeed to setup the hash table
			if (resultSetTable == null)
				// If hashtable doesn't exist, create it and store resultSet 0
				// before we store our new resultSet.
				// For just a single resultSet we don't ever create the Hashtable.
				resultSetTable = new Hashtable();
				resultSetTable.put(pkgcnstkn, currentDrdaRs);
				resultSetKeyList = new ArrayList();
				resultSetKeyList.add(0, pkgcnstkn);

			resultSetTable.put(newRsPkgcnstkn, newDrdaRs);
			resultSetKeyList.add(rsNum, newRsPkgcnstkn);

		newDrdaRs.withHoldCursor = holdValue;
		return newRsPkgcnstkn;

	 * @return 	number of result sets
	protected int getNumResultSets()
		return numResultSets;
	 * @param rsNum result set starting with 0
	 * @return  consistency token (key) for the result set	 
	protected ConsistencyToken getResultSetPkgcnstkn(int rsNum)
		if (rsNum == 0)
			return pkgcnstkn;
			return (ConsistencyToken) resultSetKeyList.get(rsNum);			   

	 *@return ResultSet DRDA DataTypes

	protected int[] getRsDRDATypes()
		return currentDrdaRs.getRsDRDATypes();


	 *  Close the current resultSet
	protected void rsClose() throws SQLException
		if (currentDrdaRs.getResultSet() == null) 

                setStatus("CLOSING RESULTSET remaining " + numResultSets);
		needsToSendParamData = false;		
		if (numResultSets <= 0) {

	 * Explicitly close the result set by CLSQRY
	 * needed to check for double close.
	protected void CLSQRY()

	 * @return whether CLSQRY has been called on the
	 *         current result set.
	protected boolean wasExplicitlyClosed()
		return currentDrdaRs.wasExplicitlyClosed();

	 * This method closes the JDBC objects and frees up all references held by
	 * this object.
	 * @throws SQLException
	protected void close()  throws SQLException
		if (ps != null)
		if (stmt != null)
// GemStone changes BEGIN
		if (pstmt != null) {
		  pstmt = null;
		sqlText = null;
		sqldaType = 0;
		pstmtParseWriterMark = 0;
		executionBeginTime = 0;
		statementAccessFrequency = 0;
// GemStone changes END
		resultSetTable = null;
		resultSetKeyList = null;
		ps = null;
		stmtPmeta = null;
		stmt = null;
		rslsetflg = null;
		procName = null;
		outputTypes = null;
		outputPrecision = null;
		outputScale = null;
		// Clear parameters and release excess storage
	 * This method resets the state of this DRDAStatement object so that it can
	 * be re-used. This method should reset all variables of this class except 
	 * the following:
     * 1. database - This variable gets initialized in the constructor and by
     * call to setDatabase.
     * 2. members which get initialized in setPkgnamcsn (pkgnamcsn, pkgcnstkn, 
     * pkgid, pkgsn, isolationLevel, cursorName). pkgnamcsn is the key used to 
     * find if the DRDAStatement can be re-used. Hence its value will not change 
     * when the object is re-used.
	protected void reset() 
		withHoldCursor = -1;
		scrollType = ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY;	
		concurType = ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY;;
		rowCount = 0;
		rslsetflg = null;
		maxrslcnt = 0;
		ps = null;
		stmtPmeta = null;
		isCall = false;
		procName = null;
		outputTypes = null;
		outputExpected = false;
		stmt = null;
// GemStone changes BEGIN
		pstmt = null;
		sqlText = null;
		sqldaType = 0;
		pstmtParseWriterMark = 0;
		executionBeginTime = 0;
		statementAccessFrequency = 0;
// GemStone changes END
		resultSetTable = null;
		resultSetKeyList = null;
		numResultSets = 0;
		// Clear parameters without releasing storage
		nbrrow = 0;
		qryrowset = 0;	
		blksize = 0;		
		maxblkext = 0;	
		outovropt = 0;	
		qryrfrtbl = false;
		qryprctyp = CodePoint.QRYBLKCTL_DEFAULT;

		needsToSendParamData = false;
		explicitlyPrepared = false;

	 * is Statement closed
	 * @return whether the statement is closed
	protected boolean rsIsClosed()
		return currentDrdaRs.isClosed();
	 * Set state to SUSPENDED (result set is opened)
	protected void rsSuspend()

	 * set resultset/out parameter precision
	 * @param index - starting with 1
	 * @param precision
	protected void setRsPrecision(int index, int precision)

	 * get resultset /out paramter precision
	 * @param index -starting with 1
	 * @return precision of column
	protected int getRsPrecision(int index)
		return currentDrdaRs.getRsPrecision(index);

	 * set resultset/out parameter scale
	 * @param index - starting with 1
	 * @param scale
	protected void setRsScale(int index, int scale)
		currentDrdaRs.setRsScale(index, scale);

	 * get resultset /out paramter scale
	 * @param index -starting with 1
	 * @return scale of column
	protected int  getRsScale(int index)
		return currentDrdaRs.getRsScale(index);

	 * set result  DRDAType
	 * @param index - starting with 1
	 * @param type
	protected  void setRsDRDAType(int index, int type)

	/** Clears the parameter state (type, length and ext information)
	 * stored in this statement, but does not release any
	 * storage. This reduces the cost of re-executing the statement
	 * since no new storage needs to be allocated. */
	protected void clearDrdaParams() {

	/** Get the number of external parameters in this
	 * statement. External means parameters that are transmitted in a
	 * separate DSS in the DRDA protocol.
	 * @return the number of external parameters
	protected int getExtPositionCount() {
		return drdaParamState_.getExtPosCount();

	/** Get the parameter position of the i'th external parameter
	 * @param i - zero-based index into list of external parameters
	 * @return the parameter position of the i'th external parameter
	protected int getExtPosition(int i) {
		return drdaParamState_.getExtPos(i);

	/** Mark the pos'th parameter as external
	 * @param pos - zero-based index into list of external parameters
	protected void addExtPosition(int pos) {

	/** Get the number of parameters, internal and external, that has
	 * been added to this statement.
	 * @return the number of parameters
	protected int getDrdaParamCount() {
		return drdaParamState_.getDrdaParamCount();

	/** Add another parameter to this statement.
	 * @param t - type of the parameter
	 * @param l - length in bytes of the parameter
	protected void addDrdaParam(byte t, int l) {
		drdaParamState_.addDrdaParam(t, l);

    protected void setStreamedParameter(EXTDTAReaderInputStream eis)
	 * get parameter DRDAType
	 * @param index - starting with 1
	 * @return  DRDA Type of column
 	protected int getParamDRDAType(int index) {
		return drdaParamState_.getDrdaType(index-1);

	 * returns drda length of parameter as sent by client.
	 * @param index - starting with 1
	 * @return data length

	protected int getParamLen(int index)
		return drdaParamState_.getDrdaLen(index-1);

	 *  get parameter precision or DB2 max (31)
	 *  @param index parameter index starting with 1
	 *  @return  precision
	protected int getParamPrecision(int index) throws SQLException
		if (ps != null && ps instanceof CallableStatement)
			ParameterMetaData pmeta = getParameterMetaData();

			return Math.min(pmeta.getPrecision(index),

			return -1;
	 *  get parameter scale or DB2 max (31)
	 *  @param index parameter index starting with 1
	 *  @return  scale
	protected int getParamScale(int index) throws SQLException
		if (ps != null && ps instanceof CallableStatement)
			ParameterMetaData pmeta = getParameterMetaData();
			return Math.min(pmeta.getScale(index),FdocaConstants.NUMERIC_MAX_PRECISION);
			return -1;

	 * get the number of result set columns for the current resultSet
	 * @return number of columns

	protected int getNumRsCols()
		int[] rsDrdaTypes = getRsDRDATypes();
		if (rsDrdaTypes != null)
			return rsDrdaTypes.length;
			return 0;

	 * get  resultset/out parameter DRDAType
	 * @param index - starting with 1
	 * @return  DRDA Type of column
	protected int getRsDRDAType(int index)
		return currentDrdaRs.getRsDRDAType(index);

	 * get resultset/out parameter DRDALen
	 * @param index starting with 1
	 * @return length of drda data
	protected int getRsLen(int index)
		return currentDrdaRs.getRsLen(index);

	 * @param rsNum  - result set # starting with 0 
	public String getResultSetCursorName(int rsNum) throws SQLException
		DRDAResultSet drdaRs = getDrdaResultSet(rsNum);
		return drdaRs.getResultSetCursorName();			


	public String toDebugString(String indent)
		String s ="";
		String sql = getSQLText();
		if (sql != null) {
                  s += indent + pkgid + pkgsn ;
                  s += "\t" + sql;
		} else {
		  //statement is null
		  s += indent + sql;
		return s;
	public void setSendStatementUUID(boolean flag) {
	  this.sendStatementID = flag;
	public boolean needStatementUUID() {
	  return this.sendStatementID;
	public String getStatementUUID() {
	  if (ps != null && (ps instanceof EmbedStatement)) {
	    return ((EmbedStatement)ps).getStatementUUID();
	  } else if (pstmt != null && ((pstmt instanceof EmbedStatement))) {
	    return ((EmbedStatement)pstmt).getStatementUUID();
	  } else if (stmt != null && ((stmt instanceof EmbedStatement))) {
	    return ((EmbedStatement)stmt).getStatementUUID();
	  return null;
        public long getExecutionBeginTime() {
          return this.executionBeginTime;
        public long getEstimatedMemoryUsage() throws StandardException {
          if (ps != null) {
            return ((EmbedStatement)ps).getEstimatedMemoryUsage();
          } else if (pstmt != null) {
            return ((EmbedStatement)pstmt).getEstimatedMemoryUsage();
          } else if (stmt != null) {
            return ((EmbedStatement)stmt).getEstimatedMemoryUsage();
          } else {
            return 0;
        // only for prep statements
        public long getAccessFrequency() {
          if (ps != null) {
            return this.statementAccessFrequency;
          } else {
            return 0;
	/**  For a single result set, just echo the consistency token that the client sent us.
	 * For subsequent resultSets, just subtract the resultset number from
	 * the consistency token and that will differentiate the result sets.
	 * This seems to be what DB2 does
	 * @param rsNum  - result set # starting with 0
	 * @return  Consistency token for result set

	protected ConsistencyToken calculateResultSetPkgcnstkn(int rsNum)
		ConsistencyToken consistToken = pkgcnstkn;

		if (rsNum == 0 || pkgcnstkn == null)
			return consistToken;
			BigInteger consistTokenBi =
				new BigInteger(consistToken.getBytes());
			BigInteger rsNumBi = BigInteger.valueOf(rsNum);
			consistTokenBi = consistTokenBi.subtract(rsNumBi);
			consistToken = new ConsistencyToken(consistTokenBi.toByteArray());
		return consistToken;

	protected boolean isCallableStatement()
		return isCall;

	private boolean isCallableSQL(String sql)
		java.util.StringTokenizer tokenizer = new java.util.StringTokenizer
			(sql, "\t\n\r\f=? (");
		 String firstToken = tokenizer.nextToken();
		 if (StringUtil.SQLEqualsIgnoreCase(firstToken, 
											"call")) // captures CALL...and ?=CALL...
			 return true;
		 return false;

	private void setupCallableStatementParams(CallableStatement cs) throws SQLException
		ParameterMetaData pmeta = getParameterMetaData();
		int numElems = pmeta.getParameterCount();

		for ( int i = 0; i < numElems; i ++)
			boolean outputFlag = false;
			int parameterMode = pmeta.getParameterMode(i + 1);
			int parameterType = pmeta.getParameterType(i + 1);
                        int parameterPrecision = pmeta.getPrecision(i + 1);
                        int parameterScale = pmeta.getScale(i + 1);

			switch (parameterMode) {
				case JDBC30Translation.PARAMETER_MODE_IN:
				case JDBC30Translation.PARAMETER_MODE_OUT:
				case JDBC30Translation.PARAMETER_MODE_IN_OUT:
					outputFlag = true;
				case JDBC30Translation.PARAMETER_MODE_UNKNOWN:
					// It's only unknown if array
					String objectType = pmeta.getParameterClassName(i+1);
					parameterType =
					if (parameterType  != NOT_OUTPUT_PARAM)
						outputFlag = true;

			if (outputFlag)
				if (outputTypes == null) //not initialized yet, since previously none output
					outputTypes = new int[numElems];
					outputPrecision = new int [numElems];
					outputScale = new int [numElems];
					for (int j = 0; j < numElems; j++) {
						outputTypes[j] = NOT_OUTPUT_PARAM;  //default init value
						outputPrecision[j] = NOT_OUTPUT_PARAM;
						outputScale[j] = NOT_OUTPUT_PARAM;
				// save the output type so we can register when we parse
				// the SQLDTA
				outputTypes[i] = parameterType;
				outputPrecision[i] = parameterPrecision;
				outputScale[i] = parameterScale;                

		Given an object class  name get the paramameter type if the 
		parameter mode is unknown.
		Arrays except for byte arrrays are assumed to be output parameters
		TINYINT output parameters are going to be broken because there
		is no way to differentiate them from binary input parameters.
		@param objectName Class name of object being evaluated.
		indicating if this an output parameter
		@return type from java.sql.Types
	protected static int getOutputParameterTypeFromClassName(String
		if (objectName.endsWith("[]"))
					// For byte[] we are going to assume it is input.
			// For TINYINT output params you gotta use 
			//  object Integer[] or use a procedure				   
					if (objectName.equals("byte[]"))
						return NOT_OUTPUT_PARAM;
							//isOutParam[offset] = false;
							//return java.sql.Types.VARBINARY;
					// Known arrays are output parameters
					// otherwise we pass it's a JAVA_OBJECT
					if (objectName.equals("java.lang.Byte[]"))
						return java.sql.Types.TINYINT;
					if (objectName.equals("byte[][]"))
						return java.sql.Types.VARBINARY;
					if (objectName.equals("java.lang.String[]"))
						return java.sql.Types.VARCHAR; 
					if (objectName.equals("int[]") || 
						return java.sql.Types.INTEGER;
					else if (objectName.equals("long[]")
							 || objectName.equals("java.lang.Long[]"))
						return java.sql.Types.BIGINT;
					else if (objectName.equals("java.math.BigDecimal[]"))
						return java.sql.Types.NUMERIC;
					else if (objectName.equals("boolean[]")  || 
						return java.sql.Types.BIT;
					else if (objectName.equals("short[]"))
						return java.sql.Types.SMALLINT;
					else if (objectName.equals("float[]") ||
						return java.sql.Types.REAL;
					else if (objectName.equals("double[]") ||
						return java.sql.Types.DOUBLE;
					else if (objectName.equals("java.sql.Date[]"))
						return java.sql.Types.DATE;
					else if (objectName.equals("java.sql.Time[]"))
						return java.sql.Types.TIME;
					else if (objectName.equals("java.sql.Timestamp[]"))
						return java.sql.Types.TIMESTAMP;
		// Not one of the ones we know. This must be a JAVA_OBJECT
		//isOutParam[offset] = false;				
		//return java.sql.Types.JAVA_OBJECT;

	public void registerAllOutParams() throws SQLException
		if (isCall && (outputTypes != null))
			for (int i = 1; i <= outputTypes.length; i ++)
	public void registerOutParam(int paramNum) throws SQLException
		CallableStatement cs;
		if (isOutputParam(paramNum))
			cs = (CallableStatement) ps;
			cs.registerOutParameter(paramNum, getOutputParamType(paramNum));

	protected boolean hasOutputParams()
		return (outputTypes != null);

	 * is  parameter an ouput parameter
	 * @param paramNum parameter number starting with 1.
	 * return true if this is an output parameter.
	boolean isOutputParam(int paramNum)
		if (outputTypes != null)
			return (outputTypes[paramNum - 1] != NOT_OUTPUT_PARAM);
		return false;
	 * get type for output parameter. 
	 * @param paramNum - parameter number starting with 1
	 * @return jdbcType or NOT_OUTPUT_PARAM if this is not an output parameter
	int getOutputParamType(int paramNum)
		if (outputTypes != null)
			return (outputTypes[ paramNum - 1 ]);

         * get scale for output parameter. 
         * @param paramNum - parameter number starting with 1
         * @return scale or NOT_OUTPUT_PARAM if this is not an output parameter
        int getOutputParamScale(int paramNum){
            if (outputScale != null)
                return (outputScale[paramNum -1]);
            return NOT_OUTPUT_PARAM;

         * get precision  for output parameter. 
         * @param paramNum - parameter number starting with 1
         * @return precision or NOT_OUTPUT_PARAM if this is not an output parameter
        int getOutputParamPrecision(int paramNum){
            if (outputPrecision != null)
                return (outputPrecision[paramNum -1]);
            return NOT_OUTPUT_PARAM;
	private boolean isDynamicPkgid(String pkgid)
		char size = pkgid.charAt(3);
		//  separate attribute used for holdability in 5.1.60
		// this is just for checking that it is a dynamic package
		char holdability = pkgid.charAt(4); 			                                    
		return (pkgid.substring(0,3).equals("SYS") && (size == 'S' ||
													   size == 'L')
				&& (holdability == 'H' || holdability == 'N'));

	private  void parsePkgidToFindHoldability()
		if (withHoldCursor != -1)
		//First, check if holdability was passed as a SQL attribute "WITH HOLD" for this prepare. If yes, then withHoldCursor
		//should not get overwritten by holdability from package name and that is why the check for -1
		if (isDynamicPkgid(pkgid))
			if(pkgid.charAt(4) == 'N')
				withHoldCursor = ResultSet.CLOSE_CURSORS_AT_COMMIT;
				withHoldCursor = ResultSet.HOLD_CURSORS_OVER_COMMIT;
			withHoldCursor = ResultSet.HOLD_CURSORS_OVER_COMMIT;

	 * Retrieve the ParameterMetaData for the prepared statement. 
	 * @return ParameterMetaData for the prepared statement. 
	 * Note: there is no separate BrokeredParameterSetMetaData.
	protected ParameterMetaData getParameterMetaData() throws SQLException
		if (stmtPmeta != null)
			return stmtPmeta;

		stmtPmeta = ps.getParameterMetaData();
        return stmtPmeta;
	 * get more results using reflection.
	 * @param current - flag to pass to Statement.getMoreResults(current)
	 * @return true if there are more results.
	 * @throws SQLException
	 * @see java.sql.Statement#getMoreResults
	private boolean getMoreResults(int current) throws SQLException
        return getPreparedStatement().getMoreResults(current);

	 * Use reflection to retrieve SQL Text for EmbedPreparedStatement  
	 * or BrokeredPreparedStatement.
	 * @return SQL text
	public String getSQLText() 
// GemStone changes BEGIN
	        if (this.ps == null) {
	            return this.sqlText;
// GemSton changes END
	   String retVal = null;
		Class[] emptyPARAM = {};
		Object[] args = null;
		try {
			Method sh = getPreparedStatement().getClass().getMethod("getSQLText",emptyPARAM);
			retVal = (String) sh.invoke(getPreparedStatement(),args);
		catch (Exception e)
			//  do nothing we will just return a null string
		return retVal;

	 * Method to decide whether the ResultSet should be closed
	 * implicitly based on the QRYCLSIMP value sent from the
	 * client. Only forward-only result sets should be implicitly
	 * closed. Some clients do not expect result sets to be closed
	 * implicitly if the protocol is LMTBLKPRC.
	 * @param lmtblkprcOK <code>true</code> if the client expects
	 * QRYCLSIMP to be respected for the LMTBLKPRC protocol
	 * @return implicit close boolean
	 * @exception SQLException
	boolean isRSCloseImplicit(boolean lmtblkprcOK) throws SQLException {
			(currentDrdaRs.qryclsimp == CodePoint.QRYCLSIMP_YES) &&
			!isScrollable() &&
			(lmtblkprcOK ||
			 (currentDrdaRs.getQryprctyp() != CodePoint.LMTBLKPRC));

// Gemstone changes BEGIN
  public void setSendSingleHopInfo(boolean flag) {
    this.sendSingleHopInfo = flag;
  public boolean needSendSingleHopInfo() {
    return this.sendSingleHopInfo;

  public SingleHopInformation fillAndGetSingleHopInformation() {
    if (this.ps != null && this.ps instanceof EmbedPreparedStatement) {
      return ((EmbedPreparedStatement)this.ps).fillAndGetSingleHopInformation();
    return null;

  public void checkBucketsStillHosted() throws SQLException {
    if (SanityManager.TraceSingleHop) {
          "DRDAStatement::checkBucketStillHosted called");
    if (this.ctx == null) {
    Set<Integer> bset = this.ctx.getBucketIdsForLocalExecution();
    if (bset == null || bset.isEmpty()) {
    if (ps == null) {
    EmbedPreparedStatement eps = (EmbedPreparedStatement)ps;

    GenericPreparedStatement gps = eps.getGPS();

    if (gps == null) {

    int stmntType = gps.getStatementType();
    boolean chkPrimaryBuckets = ((stmntType == StatementType.UPDATE) ||
        (stmntType == StatementType.DELETE));

    PartitionedRegion lr = gps.getPartitionedRegion();
    if (lr != null) {
      PartitionedRegionDataStore pds = lr.getDataStore();
      if (pds != null) {
        final int movedBucket = pds
            .areAllBucketsHosted(bset, chkPrimaryBuckets);
        if (SanityManager.TraceSingleHop) {
              "DRDAStatement::checkBucketsStillHosted region: " + lr
                  + " hosts bucket set: " + bset + " = "
                  + movedBucket + ", chkPrimaryBuckets: "
                  + chkPrimaryBuckets + ", statement type: " + stmntType);
        if (movedBucket >= 0) {
          StandardException se = StandardException.newException(
              SQLState.GFXD_NODE_BUCKET_MOVED, movedBucket,
          throw PublicAPI.wrapStandardException(se);

  public void setSchema(String schemaName) throws SQLException {

  public String getSchema() throws SQLException {
    return this.database.getConnection().getSchema();

  public void setRegionName(String regionName) {
    if (this.ctx != null) {
      EmbedPreparedStatement eps = (EmbedPreparedStatement)ps;

      GenericPreparedStatement gps = eps.getGPS();

  public Region<?, ?> getRegion() {
    if (this.ctx != null) {
      EmbedPreparedStatement eps = (EmbedPreparedStatement)ps;

      GenericPreparedStatement gps = eps.getGPS();
      return gps.getPartitionedRegion();
    else {
      return null;

  GenericPreparedStatement gps;

  public void incSingleHopStats() {
    if (this.ctx != null && this.ctx.statsEnabled()) {
      if (this.gps == null) {
        EmbedPreparedStatement eps = (EmbedPreparedStatement)ps;
        gps = eps.getGPS();
  public void setStatus(String s) {
    status = s;

  public String getStatus() {
    return status;
// Gemstone changes END