 * 'BoxDecoratorImpl.java, in plugin ummisco.gama.ui.modeling, is part of the source code of the GAMA modeling and
 * simulation platform. (v. 1.8.1)
 * (c) 2007-2020 UMI 209 UMMISCO IRD/UPMC & Partners
 * Visit https://github.com/gama-platform/gama for license information and developers contact.
package msi.gama.lang.gaml.ui.editbox;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;

import org.eclipse.jface.util.IPropertyChangeListener;
import org.eclipse.jface.util.PropertyChangeEvent;
import org.eclipse.swt.custom.StyledText;
import org.eclipse.swt.custom.TextChangeListener;
import org.eclipse.swt.custom.TextChangedEvent;
import org.eclipse.swt.custom.TextChangingEvent;
import org.eclipse.swt.events.KeyEvent;
import org.eclipse.swt.events.KeyListener;
import org.eclipse.swt.events.ModifyEvent;
import org.eclipse.swt.events.ModifyListener;
import org.eclipse.swt.events.MouseAdapter;
import org.eclipse.swt.events.MouseEvent;
import org.eclipse.swt.events.MouseMoveListener;
import org.eclipse.swt.events.MouseTrackListener;
import org.eclipse.swt.events.PaintEvent;
import org.eclipse.swt.events.PaintListener;
import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.Color;
import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.GC;
import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.Image;
import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.Point;
import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.RGB;
import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.Rectangle;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.ColorDialog;

public class BoxDecoratorImpl implements IBoxDecorator {

	protected static final int ROUND_BOX_ARC = 5;
	protected IBoxProvider provider;
	protected boolean visible;
	protected IBoxSettings settings;
	protected StyledText boxText;
	protected BoxKeyListener boxKey;
	protected BoxModifyListener boxModify;
	protected BoxPaintListener boxPaint;
	protected BoxMouseMoveListener boxMouseMove;
	protected BoxMouseTrackListener boxMouseTrack;
	protected BoxTextChangeListener boxTextChange;
	protected BoxMouseClickListener boxMouseClick;
	protected FillBoxMouseClick fillMouseClick;
	protected SettingsChangeListener settingsChangeListener;
	protected RGB oldBackground;
	protected int oldIndent;
	protected boolean decorated;
	protected List<Box> boxes;
	protected boolean setCaretOffset;
	protected String builderName;
	protected IBoxBuilder builder;
	protected Box currentBox;
	protected Point oldCaretLoc;
	protected int oldXOffset = -1;
	protected int oldYOffset = -1;
	protected Rectangle oldClientArea;
	protected int fillBoxStart = -1;
	protected int fillBoxEnd = -1;
	protected int fillBoxLevel = -1;
	protected int stateMask;
	public boolean keyPressed;
	protected int charCount;

	public void enableUpdates(final boolean flag) {
		final boolean update = flag && !this.visible;
		this.visible = flag;
		if (update) {
			boxes = null;

	public IBoxProvider getProvider() {
		return provider;

	public void setProvider(final IBoxProvider newProvider) {
		this.provider = newProvider;

	public void setSettings(final IBoxSettings newSettings) {
		this.settings = newSettings;
		settingsChangeListener = new SettingsChangeListener();

	public void setStyledText(final StyledText newSt) {
		this.boxText = newSt;

	protected void buildBoxes() {
		final IBoxBuilder boxBuilder = getBuilder();
		if (boxBuilder == null) { return; }

		builder.setCaretOffset(setCaretOffset ? boxText.getCaretOffset() : -1);
		setCaretOffset = false;

		final StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder(boxText.getText());

		if (text.length() > 0 && text.charAt(text.length() - 1) != '\n') {

		boxes = boxBuilder.build();

		charCount = boxText.getCharCount();

	protected IBoxBuilder getBuilder() {
		if (settings.getBuilder() == null) { return null; }
		if (builder == null || builderName == null || !builderName.equals(settings.getBuilder())) {
			builderName = settings.getBuilder();
			builder = provider.createBoxBuilder(builderName);
		return builder;

	public void forceUpdate() {
		boxes = null;

	public void update() {
		if (decorated && visible) {
			if (builder != null
					&& (!builderName.equals(settings.getBuilder()) || builder.getTabSize() != boxText.getTabs())) {
				boxes = null;

			if (boxes == null) {


	void drawBackgroundBoxes() {
		if (boxes == null || !visible) { return; }

		final Rectangle r0 = boxText.getClientArea();

		if (r0.width < 1 || r0.height < 1) { return; }

		final int xOffset = boxText.getHorizontalPixel();
		final int yOffset = boxText.getTopPixel();

		final Image newImage = new Image(null, r0.width, r0.height);
		final GC gc = new GC(newImage);

		// fill background
		Color bc = settings.getColor(0);
		if (settings.getNoBackground() && oldBackground != null) {
			bc = new Color(null, oldBackground);
		if (bc != null) {
			final Rectangle rec = newImage.getBounds();
			fillRectangle(bc, gc, rec.x, rec.y, rec.width, rec.height);

		if (settings.getAlpha() > 0) {

		// fill boxes
		Box fillBox = null;
		final boolean checkFillbox = !settings.getFillOnMove();
		final Collection<Box> visibleBoxes = visibleBoxes();

		final boolean ex = settings.getExpandBox();

		for (final Box b : visibleBoxes) {
			if (checkFillbox && b.level == fillBoxLevel && b.start <= fillBoxStart && b.end >= fillBoxEnd) {
				fillBox = b;
			fillRectangle(settings.getColor(b.level + 1), gc, b.rec.x - xOffset, b.rec.y - yOffset,
					ex ? r0.width : b.rec.width, b.rec.height);

		// fill selected
		if (settings.getFillSelected()) {
			if (settings.getFillOnMove() && currentBox != null && stateMask == settings.getFillKeyModifierSWTInt()) {
				fillRectangle(settings.getFillSelectedColor(), gc, currentBox.rec.x - xOffset,
						currentBox.rec.y - yOffset, ex ? r0.width : currentBox.rec.width + 1,
						currentBox.rec.height + 1);
			} else if (fillBox != null) {
				fillRectangle(settings.getFillSelectedColor(), gc, fillBox.rec.x - xOffset, fillBox.rec.y - yOffset,
						ex ? r0.width : fillBox.rec.width + 1, fillBox.rec.height + 1);

		for (final Box b : visibleBoxes) {
			if (!b.isOn) {
				drawBox(gc, yOffset, xOffset, b, r0.width);

		for (final Box b : visibleBoxes) {
			if (b.isOn) {
				drawBox(gc, yOffset, xOffset, b, r0.width);

		final Image oldImage = boxText.getBackgroundImage();
		if (oldImage != null) {

		oldClientArea = r0;
		oldXOffset = xOffset;
		oldYOffset = yOffset;

	protected void drawBox(final GC gc, final int yOffset, final int xOffset, final Box b, final int exWidth) {
		drawRect(gc, b, b.rec.x - xOffset, b.rec.y - yOffset, settings.getExpandBox() ? exWidth : b.rec.width,

	private void drawRect(final GC gc, final Box b, final int x, final int y, final int width, final int height) {
		if (b.isOn && settings.getHighlightWidth() > 0 && settings.getHighlightColor(b.level) != null) {
			if (settings.getHighlightDrawLine()) {
				gc.drawLine(x, y, x, y + b.rec.height);
			} else {
				// 3D
				// gc.drawLine(x-1, y+3, x-1, y + b.rec.height+1);
				// gc.drawLine(x-1, y + b.rec.height +1, x+b.rec.width-1, y +
				// b.rec.height +1);
				// gc.drawPoint(x, y+b.rec.height);
				drawRectangle(gc, x, y, width, height);
		} else if (!b.isOn && settings.getBorderWidth() > 0 && settings.getBorderColor(b.level) != null) {
			if (settings.getBorderDrawLine()) {
				gc.drawLine(x, y + 1, x, y + b.rec.height - 1);
			} else {
				drawRectangle(gc, x, y, width, height);

	void drawRectangle(final GC gc, final int x, final int y, final int width, final int height) {
		if (settings.getRoundBox()) {
			gc.drawRoundRectangle(x, y, width, height, ROUND_BOX_ARC, ROUND_BOX_ARC);
		} else {
			gc.drawRectangle(x, y, width, height);

	void fillRectangle(final Color c, final GC gc, final int x, final int y, final int width, final int height) {
		if (c == null) { return; }

		if (settings.getRoundBox()) {
			gc.fillRoundRectangle(x, y, width, height, ROUND_BOX_ARC, ROUND_BOX_ARC);
		} else {
			if (settings.getFillGradient() && settings.getFillGradientColor() != null) {
				gc.fillGradientRectangle(x, y, width, height, false);
			} else {
				gc.fillRectangle(x, y, width, height);

	public void decorate(final boolean mouseDbClickColorChange) {
		decorated = false;
		if (boxText == null || settings == null) { return; }

		boxPaint = new BoxPaintListener();
		boxMouseMove = new BoxMouseMoveListener();
		boxMouseTrack = new BoxMouseTrackListener();
		boxTextChange = new BoxTextChangeListener();
		fillMouseClick = new FillBoxMouseClick();
		boxKey = new BoxKeyListener();
		boxModify = new BoxModifyListener();

		if (mouseDbClickColorChange) {
			boxMouseClick = new BoxMouseClickListener();

		final Color c = boxText.getBackground();
		if (c != null) {
			oldBackground = c.getRGB();
		oldIndent = boxText.getIndent();
		if (oldIndent < 3) {

		if (mouseDbClickColorChange) {

		decorated = true;

	public void undecorate() {
		if (boxText == null && !decorated) { return; }
		if (settingsChangeListener != null) {
		if (boxText == null || boxText.isDisposed()) { return; }
		decorated = false;
		if (boxMouseClick != null) {
		if (boxTextChange != null) {
		if (boxMouseTrack != null) {
		if (boxMouseMove != null) {
		if (boxPaint != null) {
		if (fillMouseClick != null) {
		if (boxModify != null) {
		if (boxKey != null) {
		if (oldBackground != null) {
			boxText.setBackground(new Color(null, oldBackground));
		} else {


	protected Collection<Box> visibleBoxes() {
		final Rectangle r0 = boxText.getClientArea();
		final int start = boxText.getHorizontalIndex() + boxText.getOffsetAtLine(boxText.getTopIndex());
		int end = boxText.getCharCount() - 1;
		final int lineIndex = boxText.getLineIndex(r0.height);
		if (lineIndex < boxText.getLineCount() - 1) {
			end = boxText.getOffsetAtLine(lineIndex);

		final List<Box> result = new ArrayList<>();
		for (final Box b : boxes) {
			if (b.intersects(start, end)) {

		return result;

	protected void calcBounds(final Collection<Box> boxes0) {
		final int yOffset = boxText.getTopPixel();
		final int xOffset = boxText.getHorizontalPixel();
		for (final Box b : boxes0) {
			if (b.rec == null) {
				final Point s = boxText.getLocationAtOffset(b.start);
				if (b.tabsStart > -1 && b.tabsStart != b.start) {
					final Point s1 = boxText.getLocationAtOffset(b.tabsStart);
					if (s1.x < s.x) {
						s.x = s1.x;
				final Point e = boxText.getLocationAtOffset(b.end);
				if (b.end != b.maxEndOffset) {
					final Point e1 = boxText.getLocationAtOffset(b.maxEndOffset);
					e.x = e1.x;
				final Rectangle rec2 = new Rectangle(s.x + xOffset - 2, s.y + yOffset - 1, e.x - s.x + 6,
						e.y - s.y + boxText.getLineHeight(b.end));
				b.rec = rec2;

	void updateWidth(final Box box) {
		Box b = box;
		Box p = b.parent;
		while (p != null && p.rec != null && p.rec.x + p.rec.width <= b.rec.x + b.rec.width) {
			p.rec.width += 5;
			b = p;
			p = p.parent;

	void updateWidth3(final Box box) {
		Box b = box;
		Box p = b.parent;
		while (p != null && p.rec != null && p.rec.x >= b.rec.x) {
			p.rec.width += p.rec.x - b.rec.x + 3;
			p.rec.x = b.rec.x - 3 > 0 ? b.rec.x - 3 : 0;
			b = p;
			p = p.parent;

	protected boolean turnOnBox(final int x0, final int y0) {
		if (boxes == null || !visible) { return false; }

		final int x = x0 + boxText.getHorizontalPixel();
		final int y = y0 + boxText.getTopPixel();

		return settings.getHighlightOne() ? turnOnOne(x, y) : turnOnAll(x, y);

	protected boolean turnOnAll(final int x, final int y) {
		boolean redraw = false;

		Box newCurrent = null;
		for (final Box b : visibleBoxes()) {
			if (contains(b.rec, x, y)) {
				if (!b.isOn) {
					b.isOn = true;
					redraw = true;
				if (newCurrent == null || newCurrent.offset < b.offset) {
					newCurrent = b;
			} else if (b.isOn) {
				b.isOn = false;
				redraw = true;
		if (!redraw) {
			redraw = newCurrent != currentBox;
		currentBox = newCurrent;

		return redraw;

	protected boolean turnOnOne(final int x, final int y) {
		Box newCurrent = null;
		for (final Box b : visibleBoxes()) {
			if (contains(b.rec, x, y)) {
				newCurrent = b;
			b.isOn = false;
		if (newCurrent != null) {
			newCurrent.isOn = true;
		final boolean redraw = newCurrent != currentBox;
		currentBox = newCurrent;
		return redraw;

	boolean contains(final Rectangle rec, final int x, final int y) {
		return x >= rec.x && y >= rec.y && x - rec.x < rec.width && y - rec.y < rec.height;

	boolean redrawIfClientAreaChanged() {
		if (oldClientArea == null || !oldClientArea.equals(boxText.getClientArea())) {
			return true;
		return false;

	void updateCaret() {
		oldCaretLoc = boxText.getLocationAtOffset(boxText.getCaretOffset());
		turnOnBox(oldCaretLoc.x > 0 ? oldCaretLoc.x - 1 : oldCaretLoc.x, oldCaretLoc.y);

	public boolean offsetMoved() {
		final int yOffset = boxText.getTopPixel();
		final int xOffset = boxText.getHorizontalPixel();
		if (xOffset != oldXOffset || yOffset != oldYOffset) {
			oldXOffset = xOffset;
			oldYOffset = yOffset;
			return true;
		return false;

	protected void carretMoved() {
		final Point newLoc = boxText.getLocationAtOffset(boxText.getCaretOffset());
		if (boxes != null && (oldCaretLoc == null || !oldCaretLoc.equals(newLoc))) {
			oldCaretLoc = newLoc;
			boolean build = false;
			if (!setCaretOffset && builder != null && builder.getCaretOffset() > -1
					&& builder.getCaretOffset() != boxText.getCaretOffset()) {
				build = true;
			if (turnOnBox(oldCaretLoc.x > 0 ? oldCaretLoc.x - 1 : oldCaretLoc.x, oldCaretLoc.y) || build) {

	private final class BoxModifyListener implements ModifyListener {

		public BoxModifyListener() {}

		public void modifyText(final ModifyEvent e) {
			// it is more efficient to not draw boxes in PaintListner
			// (especially on Linux)
			// and in this event caret offset is correct
			if (boxes == null) {

	private final class BoxKeyListener implements KeyListener {

		public BoxKeyListener() {}

		public void keyReleased(final KeyEvent e) {
			keyPressed = true;

		public void keyPressed(final KeyEvent e) {}

	class SettingsChangeListener implements IPropertyChangeListener {

		public void propertyChange(final PropertyChangeEvent event) {

	class BoxPaintListener implements PaintListener {

		volatile boolean paintMode;

		public void paintControl(final PaintEvent e) {
			if (paintMode) { return; }
			paintMode = true;
			try {
				// check charCount as workaround for no event when
				// StyledText.setContent()
				if (boxes == null || charCount != boxText.getCharCount()) {
				} else if (offsetMoved()) {
				} else {
			} catch (final Throwable t) {
				// EditBox.logError(this, "Box paint error", t);
			} finally {
				paintMode = false;

	class BoxMouseMoveListener implements MouseMoveListener {

		public void mouseMove(final MouseEvent e) {
			stateMask = e.stateMask;
			if (turnOnBox(e.x, e.y)) {

	class BoxMouseTrackListener implements MouseTrackListener {

		public void mouseEnter(final MouseEvent e) {}

		public void mouseExit(final MouseEvent e) {
			boolean redraw = false;
			if (boxes != null) {
				for (final Box b : boxes) {
					if (b.isOn) {
						redraw = true;
						b.isOn = false;
			if (redraw) {

		public void mouseHover(final MouseEvent e) {}

	class BoxTextChangeListener implements TextChangeListener {

		private void change() {
			boxes = null;
			setCaretOffset = true;

		public void textChanged(final TextChangedEvent event) {

		public void textChanging(final TextChangingEvent event) {}

		public void textSet(final TextChangedEvent event) {

	class BoxMouseClickListener extends MouseAdapter {

		public void mouseDoubleClick(final MouseEvent e) {
			final int x = e.x + boxText.getHorizontalPixel();
			final int y = e.y + boxText.getTopPixel();

			int level = -1;
			for (final Box b : visibleBoxes()) {
				if (contains(b.rec, x, y)) {
					if (level < b.level) {
						level = b.level;

			final ColorDialog colorDialog = new ColorDialog(boxText.getShell());
			final Color oldColor1 = settings.getColor(level);
			if (oldColor1 != null) {

			settings.setColor(level, colorDialog.open());


	class FillBoxMouseClick extends MouseAdapter {

		public void mouseDown(final MouseEvent e) {

			if (e.button != 1 || settings.getFillOnMove() || e.stateMask != settings.getFillKeyModifierSWTInt()) {
				if (keyPressed) {
					keyPressed = false;

			final int x = e.x + boxText.getHorizontalPixel();
			final int y = e.y + boxText.getTopPixel();

			Box fillBox = null;
			for (final Box b : visibleBoxes()) {
				if (contains(b.rec, x, y)) {
					fillBox = b;

			if (fillBox != null
					&& (fillBox.end != fillBoxEnd || fillBox.start != fillBoxStart || fillBox.level != fillBoxLevel)) {
				fillBoxEnd = fillBox.end;
				fillBoxLevel = fillBox.level;
				fillBoxStart = fillBox.start;
			} else {
				fillBoxEnd = -1;
				fillBoxStart = -1;
				fillBoxLevel = -1;

			if (keyPressed) {
				keyPressed = false;
				final Point newLoc = boxText.getLocationAtOffset(boxText.getCaretOffset());
				if (oldCaretLoc == null || !oldCaretLoc.equals(newLoc)) {
					oldCaretLoc = newLoc;


	// @Override
	// public void selectCurrentBox() {
	// if ( decorated && visible && boxes != null ) {
	// Box b = null;
	// Point p = boxText.getSelection();
	// if ( p == null || p.x == p.y ) {
	// b = currentBox;
	// } else {
	// for ( Box box : boxes ) {
	// if ( p.x <= box.start && p.y >= box.end - 1 ) {
	// b = box.parent;
	// break;
	// }
	// }
	// }
	// if ( b != null ) {
	// int end = Character.isWhitespace(boxText.getText(b.end - 1, b.end -
	// 1).charAt(0)) ? b.end - 1 : b.end;
	// boxText.setSelection(b.start, end);
	// Event event = new Event();
	// event.x = b.start;
	// event.y = end;
	// boxText.notifyListeners(SWT.Selection, event);
	// }
	// }
	// }
	// @Override
	// public void unselectCurrentBox() {
	// boxText.setSelection(boxText.getCaretOffset());
	// }
