 * 'GamlLinkWithEditorOutlineContribution.java, in plugin ummisco.gama.ui.modeling, is part of the source code of the
 * GAMA modeling and simulation platform.
 * (v. 1.8.1)
 * (c) 2007-2020 UMI 209 UMMISCO IRD/UPMC & Partners
 * Visit https://github.com/gama-platform/gama for license information and developers contact.
package msi.gama.lang.gaml.ui.outline;

import org.eclipse.jface.action.Action;
import org.eclipse.xtext.ui.editor.outline.actions.LinkWithEditorOutlineContribution;

import ummisco.gama.ui.resources.GamaIcons;

 * The class GamlLinkWithEditorOutlineContribution.
 * @author drogoul
 * @since 24 nov. 2014
public class GamlLinkWithEditorOutlineContribution extends LinkWithEditorOutlineContribution {

	public GamlLinkWithEditorOutlineContribution() {}

	protected void configureAction(final Action action) {
