
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import freemarker.template.TemplateException;
import io.vertx.core.AsyncResult;
import io.vertx.core.CompositeFuture;
import io.vertx.core.Future;
import io.vertx.core.Handler;
import io.vertx.core.Promise;
import io.vertx.core.Vertx;
import io.vertx.core.json.JsonArray;
import io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject;
import io.vertx.core.logging.Logger;
import io.vertx.core.logging.LoggerFactory;
import io.vertx.pgclient.PgConnectOptions;
import io.vertx.pgclient.PgConnection;
import io.vertx.pgclient.PgPool;
import io.vertx.sqlclient.PoolOptions;
import io.vertx.sqlclient.PreparedStatement;
import io.vertx.sqlclient.Row;
import io.vertx.sqlclient.RowIterator;
import io.vertx.sqlclient.RowSet;
import io.vertx.sqlclient.RowStream;
import io.vertx.sqlclient.Transaction;
import io.vertx.sqlclient.Tuple;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import javax.crypto.SecretKey;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.folio.cql2pgjson.util.Cql2PgUtil;
import org.postgresql.copy.CopyManager;
import org.postgresql.core.BaseConnection;

 * @author shale
 * currently does not support binary data unless base64 encoded
public class PostgresClient {

  public static final String     DEFAULT_SCHEMA           = "public";
  public static final String     DEFAULT_JSONB_FIELD_NAME = "jsonb";

  static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PostgresClient.class);

  /** default analyze threshold value in milliseconds */
  static final long              EXPLAIN_QUERY_THRESHOLD_DEFAULT = 1000;

  static final String COUNT_FIELD = "count";

  private static final String    ID_FIELD                 = "id";
  private static final String    RETURNING_ID             = " RETURNING id ";

  private static final String    CONNECTION_RELEASE_DELAY = "connectionReleaseDelay";
  private static final String    MAX_POOL_SIZE = "maxPoolSize";
  /** default release delay in milliseconds; after this time an idle database connection is closed */
  private static final int       DEFAULT_CONNECTION_RELEASE_DELAY = 60000;
  private static final String    POSTGRES_LOCALHOST_CONFIG = "/postgres-conf.json";
  private static final int       EMBEDDED_POSTGRES_PORT   = 6000;

  private static final int       STREAM_GET_DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE = 100;

  private static final String    SELECT = "SELECT ";
  private static final String    UPDATE = "UPDATE ";
  private static final String    DELETE = "DELETE ";
  private static final String    FROM   = " FROM ";
  private static final String    SET    = " SET ";
  private static final String    WHERE  = " WHERE ";
  private static final String    INSERT_CLAUSE = "INSERT INTO ";

  private static final String    _PASSWORD = "password"; //NOSONAR
  private static final String    _USERNAME = "username";
  private static final String    HOST      = "host";
  private static final String    PORT      = "port";
  private static final String    DATABASE  = "database";
  private static final String    DEFAULT_IP = ""; //NOSONAR

  private static final String    STATS_KEY = PostgresClient.class.getName();

  private static final String    GET_STAT_METHOD = "get";
  private static final String    COUNT_STAT_METHOD = "count";
  private static final String    SAVE_STAT_METHOD = "save";
  private static final String    UPDATE_STAT_METHOD = "update";
  private static final String    DELETE_STAT_METHOD = "delete";
  private static final String    EXECUTE_STAT_METHOD = "execute";

  private static final String    PROCESS_RESULTS_STAT_METHOD = "processResults";

  private static final String    SPACE = " ";
  private static final String    DOT = ".";
  private static final String    COMMA = ",";
  private static final String    SEMI_COLON = ";";

  private static EmbeddedPostgres embeddedPostgres;
  private static boolean         embeddedMode             = false;
  private static String          configPath               = null;
  private static ObjectMapper    mapper                   = ObjectMapperTool.getMapper();

  private static MultiKeyMap<Object, PostgresClient> connectionPool = MultiKeyMap.multiKeyMap(new HashedMap<>());

  private static final String    MODULE_NAME              = PomReader.INSTANCE.getModuleName();

  private static final Pattern POSTGRES_IDENTIFIER = Pattern.compile("^[a-zA-Z_][0-9a-zA-Z_]{0,62}$");
  private static final Pattern POSTGRES_DOLLAR_QUOTING =
      // \\B = a non-word boundary, the first $ must not be part of an identifier (foo$bar$baz)
      Pattern.compile("[^\\n\\r]*?\\B(\\$\\w*\\$).*?\\1[^\\n\\r]*", Pattern.DOTALL);
  private static final Pattern POSTGRES_COPY_FROM_STDIN =
      // \\b = a word boundary
      Pattern.compile("^\\s*COPY\\b.*\\bFROM\\s+STDIN\\b.*", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);

  private static int embeddedPort            = -1;

  /** analyze threshold value in milliseconds */
  private static long explainQueryThreshold = EXPLAIN_QUERY_THRESHOLD_DEFAULT;

  private final Vertx vertx;
  private JsonObject postgreSQLClientConfig = null;
  private final Messages messages           = Messages.getInstance();
  private PgPool client;
  private final String tenantId;
  private final String schemaName;

  protected PostgresClient(Vertx vertx, String tenantId) throws Exception {
    this.tenantId = tenantId;
    this.vertx = vertx;
    this.schemaName = convertToPsqlStandard(tenantId);

   * test constructor for unit testing
  private PostgresClient() {
    this.tenantId = "test";
    this.vertx = null;
    this.schemaName = convertToPsqlStandard(tenantId);
    log.warn("Instantiating test Postgres client! Only use with tests!");

  static PostgresClient testClient() {
    explainQueryThreshold = 0;
    return new PostgresClient();

   * Log the duration since startNanoTime as a debug message.
   * @param description  text for the log entry
   * @param sql  additional text for the log entry
   * @param startNanoTime  start time as returned by System.nanoTime()
  private void logTimer(String description, String sql, long startNanoTime) {
    if (! log.isDebugEnabled()) {
    logTimer(description, sql, startNanoTime, System.nanoTime());

   * Log the duration between startNanoTime and endNanoTime as a debug message.
   * @param description  text for the log entry
   * @param sql  additional text for the log entry
   * @param startNanoTime  start time in nanoseconds
   * @param endNanoTime  end time in nanoseconds
  private void logTimer(String description, String sql, long startNanoTime, long endNanoTime) {
    log.debug(description + " timer: " + sql + " took " + ((endNanoTime - startNanoTime) / 1000000) + " ms");

   * Log the duration since startNanoTime at the StatsTracker and as a debug message.
   * @param descriptionKey  key for StatsTracker and text for the log entry
   * @param sql  additional text for the log entry
   * @param startNanoTime  start time as returned by System.nanoTime()
  private void statsTracker(String descriptionKey, String sql, long startNanoTime) {
    long endNanoTime = System.nanoTime();
    StatsTracker.addStatElement(STATS_KEY + DOT + descriptionKey, (endNanoTime - startNanoTime));
    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
      logTimer(descriptionKey, sql, startNanoTime, endNanoTime);

   * Enable or disable using embedded specific defaults for the
   * PostgreSQL configuration. They are used if there is no
   * postgres json config file.
   * <p>
   * This function must be invoked before calling the constructor.
   * <p>
   * The embedded specific defaults are:
   * <ul>
   * <li><code>username = "username"</code></li>
   * <li><code>password = "password"</code></li>
   * <li><code>host = ""</code></li>
   * <li><code>port = 6000</code></li>
   * <li><code>database = "postgres"</code></li>
   * </ul>
   * @param embed - whether to use embedded specific defaults
  public static void setIsEmbedded(boolean embed){
    embeddedMode = embed;

   * Set the port that overwrites to port of the embedded PostgreSQL.
   * This port overwrites any default port and any port set in the
   * DB_PORT environment variable or the
   * PostgreSQL configuration file. It is only used when <code>isEmbedded() == true</code>
   * when invoking the constructor.
   * <p>
   * This function must be invoked before calling the constructor.
   * <p>
   * Use -1 to not overwrite the port.
   * <p>-1 is the default.
   * @param port  the port for embedded PostgreSQL, or -1 to not overwrite the port
  public static void setEmbeddedPort(int port){
    embeddedPort = port;

   * @return the port number to use for embedded PostgreSQL, or -1 for not overwriting the
   *         port number of the configuration.
   * @see #setEmbeddedPort(int)
  public static int getEmbeddedPort() {
    return embeddedPort;
   * True if embedded specific defaults for the
   * PostgreSQL configuration should be used if there is no
   * postgres json config file.
   * @return true for using embedded specific defaults
   * @see #setIsEmbedded(boolean)
  public static boolean isEmbedded(){
    return embeddedMode;

   * Set the path to the PostgreSQL connection configuration,
   * must be called before getInstance() to take affect.
   * <p>
   * This function must be invoked before calling the constructor.
   * @param path  new path, or null to use the default path "/postgres-conf.json"
  public static void setConfigFilePath(String path){
    configPath = path;

   * @return the path to the PostgreSQL connection configuration file;
   *   this is never null
  public static String getConfigFilePath(){
    if(configPath == null){
    return configPath;

  static void setExplainQueryThreshold(long ms) {
    explainQueryThreshold = ms;

  static Long getExplainQueryThreshold() {
    return explainQueryThreshold;

   * Instance for the tenantId from connectionPool or created and
   * added to connectionPool.
   * @param vertx the Vertx to use
   * @param tenantId the tenantId the instance is for
   * @return the PostgresClient instance, or null on error
  private static PostgresClient getInstanceInternal(Vertx vertx, String tenantId) {
    // assumes a single thread vertx model so no sync needed
    PostgresClient postgresClient = connectionPool.get(vertx, tenantId);
    try {
      if (postgresClient == null) {
        postgresClient = new PostgresClient(vertx, tenantId);
        connectionPool.put(vertx, tenantId, postgresClient);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
    return postgresClient;

   * Instance for the Postgres' default schema public.
   * @param vertx the Vertx to use
   * @return the PostgresClient instance, or null on error
  public static PostgresClient getInstance(Vertx vertx) {
    return getInstanceInternal(vertx, DEFAULT_SCHEMA);

   * Instance for the tenantId.
   * @param vertx the Vertx to use
   * @param tenantId the tenantId the instance is for
   * @return the PostgresClient instance, or null on error
  public static PostgresClient getInstance(Vertx vertx, String tenantId) {
    if (DEFAULT_SCHEMA.equals(tenantId)) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("tenantId must not be default schema " + DEFAULT_SCHEMA);
    return getInstanceInternal(vertx, tenantId);

  /* if the password in the config file is encrypted then use the secret key
   * that should have been set via the admin api to decode it and use that to connect
   * note that in embedded mode (such as unit tests) the postgres embedded is started before the
   * verticle is deployed*/
  private static String decodePassword(String password) throws Exception {
    String key = AES.getSecretKey();
    if(key != null){
      SecretKey sk = AES.getSecretKeyObject(key);
      String decoded = AES.decryptPassword(password, sk);
      return decoded;
    /* no key , so nothing to decode */
    return password;

  /** this function is intended to receive the tenant id as a password
   * encrypt the tenant id with the secret key and use the encrypted
   * password as the actual password for the tenant user in the DB.
   * In order to then know the password - you need to take the tenant id
   * and encrypt it with the secret key and then you have the tenant's password */
  private static String createPassword(String password) throws Exception {
    String key = AES.getSecretKey();
    if(key != null){
      SecretKey sk = AES.getSecretKeyObject(key);
      String newPassword = AES.encryptPasswordAsBase64(password, sk);
      return newPassword;
    /** no key , so nothing to encrypt, the password will be the tenant id */
    return password;

   * @return this instance's PgPool that allows connections to be made
  PgPool getClient() {
    return client;

   * Set this instance's PgPool that can connect to Postgres.
   * @param client  the new client
  void setClient(PgPool client) {
    this.client = client;

   * Close the SQL client of this PostgresClient instance.
   * @param whenDone invoked with the close result; additional close invocations
   *                 are always successful.
  public void closeClient(Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> whenDone) {
    if (client == null) {
    PgPool clientToClose = client;
    client = null;
    connectionPool.removeMultiKey(vertx, tenantId);  // remove (vertx, tenantId, this) entry

   * Close all SQL clients stored in the connection pool.
  public static void closeAllClients() {
    List<Future> list = new ArrayList<>(connectionPool.size());
    // copy of values() because closeClient will delete them from connectionPool
    for (PostgresClient client : connectionPool.values().toArray(new PostgresClient [0])) {
      Promise<Object> promise = Promise.promise();
      client.closeClient(f -> promise.complete());


  static PgConnectOptions createPgConnectOptions(JsonObject sqlConfig) {
    PgConnectOptions pgConnectOptions = new PgConnectOptions();
    String host = sqlConfig.getString(HOST);
    if (host != null) {
    Integer port = sqlConfig.getInteger(PORT);
    if (port != null) {
    String username = sqlConfig.getString(_USERNAME);
    if (username != null) {
    String password = sqlConfig.getString(_PASSWORD);
    if (password != null) {
    String database = sqlConfig.getString(DATABASE);
    if (database != null) {
    Integer connectionReleaseDelay = sqlConfig.getInteger(CONNECTION_RELEASE_DELAY, DEFAULT_CONNECTION_RELEASE_DELAY);
    return pgConnectOptions;

  private void init() throws Exception {

    /** check if in pom.xml this prop is declared in order to work with encrypted
     * passwords for postgres embedded - this is a dev mode only feature */
    String secretKey = System.getProperty("postgres_secretkey_4_embeddedmode");

    if (secretKey != null) {

    postgreSQLClientConfig = getPostgreSQLClientConfig(tenantId, schemaName, Envs.allDBConfs());

    if (isEmbedded()) {

    client = createPgPool(vertx, postgreSQLClientConfig);

  static PgPool createPgPool(Vertx vertx, JsonObject configuration) {
    PgConnectOptions connectOptions = createPgConnectOptions(configuration);

    PoolOptions poolOptions = new PoolOptions();
    poolOptions.setMaxSize(configuration.getInteger(MAX_POOL_SIZE, 4));

    return PgPool.pool(vertx, connectOptions, poolOptions);

   * Get PostgreSQL configuration, invokes setIsEmbedded(true) if needed.
   * @return configuration for PostgreSQL
   * @throws Exception  on password decryption or encryption failure
  @SuppressWarnings("squid:S2068")  /* Suppress "Credentials should not be hard-coded" -
    The docker container does not expose the embedded postges port.
    Moving the hard-coded credentials into some default config file
    doesn't remove them from the build. */
  static JsonObject getPostgreSQLClientConfig(String tenantId, String schemaName, JsonObject environmentVariables)
      throws Exception {
    // static function for easy unit testing
    JsonObject config = environmentVariables;

    if (config.size() > 0) {"DB config read from environment variables");
    } else {
      //no env variables passed in, read for module's config file
      config = LoadConfs.loadConfig(getConfigFilePath());
      // LoadConfs.loadConfig writes its own log message
    if (config == null) {
      if (NetworkUtils.isLocalPortFree(EMBEDDED_POSTGRES_PORT)) {"No DB configuration found, starting embedded postgres with default config");
      } else {"No DB configuration found, using default config, port is already in use");
      config = new JsonObject();
      config.put(_USERNAME, _USERNAME);
      config.put(_PASSWORD, _PASSWORD);
      config.put(HOST, DEFAULT_IP);
      config.put(DATABASE, "postgres");
    Object v = config.remove(;
    if (v instanceof Long) {
      PostgresClient.setExplainQueryThreshold((Long) v);
    if (tenantId.equals(DEFAULT_SCHEMA)) {
      config.put(_PASSWORD, decodePassword( config.getString(_PASSWORD) ));
    } else {"Using schema: " + tenantId);
      config.put(_USERNAME, schemaName);
      config.put(_PASSWORD, createPassword(tenantId));
    if(embeddedPort != -1 && embeddedMode){
      //over ride the declared default port - coming from the config file and use the
      //passed in port as well. useful when multiple modules start up an embedded postgres
      //in a single server.
      config.put(PORT, embeddedPort);
    return config;

   * Log postgreSQLClientConfig.
  @SuppressWarnings("squid:S2068")  // Suppress "Credentials should not be hard-coded"
                                    // "'password' detected in this expression".
                                    // False positive: Password is configurable, here we remove it from the log.
  private void logPostgresConfig() {
    if (! log.isInfoEnabled()) {
    JsonObject passwordRedacted = postgreSQLClientConfig.copy();
    passwordRedacted.put(_PASSWORD, "...");"postgreSQLClientConfig = " + passwordRedacted.encode());

   * Get connection configuration.
   * The following properties are returned (some of which are optional):
   * username, password, host, port, database, connectionReleaseDelay, maxPoolSize.
   * Originally based on driver
   * <a href="">
   *   Configuration
   *   </a>.
   * which is no longer in actual use.
   * @return
  public JsonObject getConnectionConfig(){
    return postgreSQLClientConfig;

  public static JsonObject pojo2JsonObject(Object entity) throws JsonProcessingException {
    if (entity == null) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Entity can not be null");
    if (entity instanceof JsonObject) {
      return ((JsonObject) entity);
    } else {
      return new JsonObject(mapper.writeValueAsString(entity));

   * Start a SQL transaction.
   * <p>Use the AsyncResult<SQLConnection> result to invoke any of the
   * functions that take that result as first parameter for the commands
   * within the transaction.
   * <p>To close the open connection invoke the END or ROLLBACK
   * function. Note that after a failing operation (for example some UPDATE)
   * both the connection and the transaction remain open to let the caller
   * decide what to do.
   * @param done - the result is the current connection
  public void startTx(Handler<AsyncResult<SQLConnection>> done) {
    getConnection(res -> {
      if (res.failed()) {
        log.error(res.cause().getMessage(), res.cause());
      try {
        SQLConnection pgTransaction = new SQLConnection(res.result(),
            res.result().begin(), null);
      } catch (Exception e) {
        log.error(e.getMessage(), e);

  static void finalizeTx(AsyncResult<Void> txResult, PgConnection conn, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> done ) {
    if (conn != null) {
    if (txResult.failed() && !"Transaction already completed".equals(txResult.cause().getMessage())) {
   * Rollback a SQL transaction started on the connection. This closes the connection.
   * @see #startTx(Handler)
   * @param trans the connection with an open transaction
   * @param done  success or failure
  public void rollbackTx(AsyncResult<SQLConnection> trans, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> done) {
    try {
      if (trans.failed()) {
      trans.result().tx.rollback(res -> finalizeTx(res, trans.result().conn, done));
    } catch (Exception e) {

   * Ends a SQL transaction (commit) started on the connection. This closes the connection.
   * @see #startTx(Handler)
   * @param trans  the connection with an open transaction
   * @param done  success or failure
  public void endTx(AsyncResult<SQLConnection> trans, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> done) {
    try {
      if (trans.failed()) {
      trans.result().tx.commit(res -> finalizeTx(res, trans.result().conn, done));
    } catch (Exception e) {

   * The returned handler first closes the SQLConnection and then passes on the AsyncResult to handler.
   * <p>The returned Handler ignores (but logs) any failure when opening the connection (conn) or
   * closing the connection and always passes on the AsyncResult<T>. This is in contrast to
   * io.vertx.ext.sql.HandlerUtil.closeAndHandleResult where the connection
   * closing failure suppresses any result or failure of the AsyncResult<T> input.
   * @param conn  the SQLConnection to close
   * @param handler  where to pass on the input AsyncResult
   * @return the Handler
   <T> Handler<AsyncResult<T>> closeAndHandleResult(
      AsyncResult<SQLConnection> conn, Handler<AsyncResult<T>> handler) {

    return ar -> {
      if (conn.failed()) {
        log.error("Opening SQLConnection failed: " + conn.cause().getMessage(), conn.cause());
      SQLConnection sqlConnection = conn.result();
      if (sqlConnection.conn != null) {

   * Insert entity into table. Create a new id UUID and return it via replyHandler.
   * @param table database table (without schema)
   * @param entity a POJO (plain old java object)
   * @param replyHandler returns any errors and the result.
  public void save(String table, Object entity, Handler<AsyncResult<String>> replyHandler) {
    getSQLConnection(conn -> save(conn, table, /* id */ null, entity,
        /* returnId */ true, /* upsert */ false, /* convertEntity */ true, closeAndHandleResult(conn, replyHandler)));

   * Insert entity into table.
   * @param table database table (without schema)
   * @param entity a POJO (plain old java object)
   * @param returnId true to return the id of the inserted record, false to return an empty string
   * @param replyHandler returns any errors and the result.
  public void save(String table, Object entity, boolean returnId, Handler<AsyncResult<String>> replyHandler) {
    getSQLConnection(conn -> save(conn, table, /* id */ null, entity,
        returnId, /* upsert */ false, /* convertEntity */ true, closeAndHandleResult(conn, replyHandler)));

   * Insert entity into table.
   * @param table database table (without schema)
   * @param id primary key for the record, or null if one should be created
   * @param entity a POJO (plain old java object)
   * @param replyHandler returns any errors and the result (see returnId).
  public void save(String table, String id, Object entity, Handler<AsyncResult<String>> replyHandler) {
    getSQLConnection(conn -> save(conn, table, id, entity,
        /* returnId */ true, /* upsert */ false, /* convertEntity */ true, closeAndHandleResult(conn, replyHandler)));

   * Insert entity into table and return the updated entity.
   * @param table database table (without schema)
   * @param id primary key for the record
   * @param entity a POJO (plain old java object)
   * @param replyHandler returns any errors and the entity after applying any database INSERT triggers
  <T> void saveAndReturnUpdatedEntity(String table, String id, T entity, Handler<AsyncResult<T>> replyHandler) {
    getSQLConnection(conn -> saveAndReturnUpdatedEntity(conn, table, id, entity, closeAndHandleResult(conn, replyHandler)));

   * Insert entity into table.
   * @param table database table (without schema)
   * @param id primary key for the record, or null if one should be created
   * @param entity a POJO (plain old java object)
   * @param returnId true to return the id of the inserted record, false to return an empty string
   * @param replyHandler returns any errors and the result (see returnId).
  public void save(String table, String id, Object entity,
      boolean returnId, Handler<AsyncResult<String>> replyHandler) {
    getSQLConnection(conn -> save(conn, table, id, entity,
        returnId, /* upsert */ false, /* convertEntity */ true,
        closeAndHandleResult(conn, replyHandler)));

   * Insert entity into table.
   * @param table database table (without schema)
   * @param id primary key for the record, or null if one should be created
   * @param entity a POJO (plain old java object)
   * @param returnId true to return the id of the inserted record, false to return an empty string
   * @param upsert whether to update if the record with that id already exists (INSERT or UPDATE)
   * @param replyHandler returns any errors and the result (see returnId).
  public void save(String table, String id, Object entity,
      boolean returnId, boolean upsert, Handler<AsyncResult<String>> replyHandler) {
    getSQLConnection(conn -> save(conn, table, id, entity,
        returnId, upsert, /* convertEntity */ true, closeAndHandleResult(conn, replyHandler)));

   * Insert entity into table, or update it if it already exists.
   * @param table database table (without schema)
   * @param id primary key for the record, or null if one should be created
   * @param entity a POJO (plain old java object)
   * @param replyHandler returns any errors and the id of the entity.
  public void upsert(String table, String id, Object entity, Handler<AsyncResult<String>> replyHandler) {
    getSQLConnection(conn -> save(conn, table, id, entity,
        /* returnId */ true, /* upsert */ true, /* convertEntity */ true, closeAndHandleResult(conn, replyHandler)));

   * Insert or update.
   * <p>Needed if upserting binary data as base64 where converting it to a json will corrupt the data
   * otherwise this function is not needed as the default is true
   * example:
   *     byte[] data = ......;
   *     JsonArray jsonArray = new JsonArray().add(data);
   *     .upsert(TABLE_NAME, id, jsonArray, false, replyHandler -> {

   * @param table database table (without schema)
   * @param id primary key for the record, or null if one should be created
   * @param entity either a POJO, or a JsonArray containing a byte[] element, see convertEntity
   * @param convertEntity true if entity is a POJO, false if entity is a JsonArray
   * @param replyHandler returns any errors and the result (see returnId).
  public void upsert(String table, String id, Object entity, boolean convertEntity,
      Handler<AsyncResult<String>> replyHandler) {
    getSQLConnection(conn -> save(conn, table, id, entity,
        /* returnId */ true, /* upsert */ true, /* convertEntity */ convertEntity,
        closeAndHandleResult(conn, replyHandler)));

   * Insert entity into table.
   * @param table database table (without schema)
   * @param id primary key for the record, or null if one should be created
   * @param entity either a POJO, or a JsonArray containing a byte[] element, see convertEntity
   * @param returnId true to return the id of the inserted record, false to return an empty string
   * @param upsert whether to update if the record with that id already exists (INSERT or UPDATE)
   * @param convertEntity true if entity is a POJO, false if entity is a JsonArray
   * @param replyHandler returns any errors and the result (see returnId).
  public void save(String table, String id, Object entity, boolean returnId, boolean upsert, boolean convertEntity,
      Handler<AsyncResult<String>> replyHandler) {
    getSQLConnection(conn -> save(conn, table, id, entity,
        returnId, upsert, convertEntity, closeAndHandleResult(conn, replyHandler)));

   * Save entity in table using the sqlConnection. Return the
   * created id via the replyHandler.
   * @param sqlConnection connection with transaction
   * @param table where to insert the entity record
   * @param entity the record to insert, a POJO (plain old java object)
   * @param replyHandler where to report success status and the created id
  public void save(AsyncResult<SQLConnection> sqlConnection, String table, Object entity,
    Handler<AsyncResult<String>> replyHandler) {
    save(sqlConnection, table, /* id */ null, entity,
        /* returnId */ true, /* upsert */ false, /* convertEntity */ true, replyHandler);

   * Save entity in table. Use the transaction of sqlConnection. Return the id
   * of the id field (primary key) via the replyHandler. If id (primary key) and
   * the id of entity (jsonb field) are different you may need a trigger in the
   * database to sync them.
   * @param sqlConnection connection (for example with transaction)
   * @param table where to insert the entity record
   * @param id  the value for the id field (primary key); if null a new random UUID is created for it.
   * @param entity  the record to insert, a POJO (plain old java object)
   * @param replyHandler  where to report success status and the final id of the id field
  public void save(AsyncResult<SQLConnection> sqlConnection, String table, String id, Object entity,
      Handler<AsyncResult<String>> replyHandler) {
    save(sqlConnection, table, id, entity,
        /* returnId */ true, /* upsert */ false, /* convertEntity */ true, replyHandler);

   * Save entity in table. Use the transaction of sqlConnection. Return the id
   * of the id field (primary key) via the replyHandler. If id (primary key) and
   * the id of entity (jsonb field) are different you may need a trigger in the
   * database to sync them.
   * @param sqlConnection connection (for example with transaction)
   * @param table where to insert the entity record
   * @param id  the value for the id field (primary key); if null a new random UUID is created for it.
   * @param entity  the record to insert, a POJO (plain old java object)
   * @param returnId true to return the id of the inserted record, false to return an empty string
   * @param upsert whether to update if the record with that id already exists (INSERT or UPDATE)
   * @param replyHandler  where to report success status and the final id of the id field
  public void save(AsyncResult<SQLConnection> sqlConnection, String table, String id, Object entity,
      boolean returnId, boolean upsert,
      Handler<AsyncResult<String>> replyHandler) {
    save(sqlConnection, table, id, entity, returnId, upsert, /* convertEntity */ true, replyHandler);

   * Save entity in table. Use the transaction of sqlConnection. Return the id
   * of the id field (primary key) via the replyHandler. If id (primary key) and
   * the id of entity (jsonb field) are different you may need a trigger in the
   * database to sync them.
   * @param sqlConnection connection (for example with transaction)
   * @param table where to insert the entity record
   * @param id  the value for the id field (primary key); if null a new random UUID is created for it.
   * @param entity  the record to insert, either a POJO or a JsonArray, see convertEntity
   * @param returnId true to return the id of the inserted record, false to return an empty string
   * @param upsert whether to update if the record with that id already exists (INSERT or UPDATE)
   * @param convertEntity true if entity is a POJO, false if entity is a JsonArray
   * @param replyHandler  where to report success status and the final id of the id field
  @SuppressWarnings({"squid:S00107"})   // Method has more than 7 parameters
  public void save(AsyncResult<SQLConnection> sqlConnection, String table, String id, Object entity,
                   boolean returnId, boolean upsert, boolean convertEntity,
                   Handler<AsyncResult<String>> replyHandler) {

    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
      log.debug("save (with connection and id) called on " + table);
    try {
      if (sqlConnection.failed()) {
      long start = System.nanoTime();
      String sql = INSERT_CLAUSE + schemaName + DOT + table
          + " (id, jsonb) VALUES ($1, " + (convertEntity ? "$2" : "$2::text") + ")"
          + (upsert ? " ON CONFLICT (id) DO UPDATE SET jsonb=EXCLUDED.jsonb" : "")
          + " RETURNING " + (returnId ? "id" : "''");
          id == null ? UUID.randomUUID() : UUID.fromString(id),
          convertEntity ? pojo2JsonObject(entity) : ((JsonArray)entity).getString(0)
      ), query -> {
        statsTracker(SAVE_STAT_METHOD, table, start);
        if (query.failed()) {
        } else {
          RowSet<Row> result = query.result();
          String res = result.iterator().next().getValue(0).toString();
    } catch (Exception e) {
      log.error(e.getMessage(), e);

   * Save entity in table and return the updated entity.
   * @param sqlConnection connection (for example with transaction)
   * @param table where to insert the entity record
   * @param id  the value for the id field (primary key); if null a new random UUID is created for it.
   * @param entity  the record to insert, a POJO
   * @param replyHandler  where to report success status and the entity after applying any database INSERT triggers
  private <T> void saveAndReturnUpdatedEntity(AsyncResult<SQLConnection> sqlConnection, String table, String id, T entity,
      Handler<AsyncResult<T>> replyHandler) {"save (with connection and id) called on " + table);

    if (sqlConnection.failed()) {
      log.error(sqlConnection.cause().getMessage(), sqlConnection.cause());

    try {
      long start = System.nanoTime();
      String sql = INSERT_CLAUSE + schemaName + DOT + table
          + " (id, jsonb) VALUES ($1, $2) RETURNING jsonb";

          Tuple.of(id == null ? UUID.randomUUID() : UUID.fromString(id),
          pojo2JsonObject(entity)), query -> {
        statsTracker(SAVE_STAT_METHOD, table, start);
        if (query.failed()) {
          log.error(query.cause().getMessage(), query.cause());
        try {
          RowSet<Row> result = query.result();
          String updatedEntityString = result.iterator().next().getValue(0).toString();
          T updatedEntity = (T) mapper.readValue(updatedEntityString, entity.getClass());
        } catch (Exception e) {
          log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      log.error(e.getMessage(), e);

   * Insert the entities into table using a single INSERT statement.
   * @param table  destination table to insert into
   * @param entities  each array element is a String with the content for the JSONB field of table; if id is missing a random id is generated
   * @param replyHandler  result, containing the id field for each inserted element of entities
  public void saveBatch(String table, JsonArray entities, Handler<AsyncResult<RowSet<Row>>> replyHandler) {
    getSQLConnection(conn -> saveBatch(conn, table, entities, closeAndHandleResult(conn, replyHandler)));

   * Upsert the entities into table using a single INSERT statement.
   * @param table  destination table to insert into
   * @param entities  each array element is a String with the content for the JSONB field of table; if id is missing a random id is generated
   * @param replyHandler  result, containing the id field for each inserted element of entities
  public void upsertBatch(String table, JsonArray entities, Handler<AsyncResult<RowSet<Row>>> replyHandler) {
    getSQLConnection(conn -> upsertBatch(conn, table, entities, closeAndHandleResult(conn, replyHandler)));

   * Insert the entities into table using a single INSERT statement.
   * @param sqlConnection  the connection to run on, may be on a transaction
   * @param table  destination table to insert into
   * @param entities  each array element is a String with the content for the JSONB field of table; if id is missing a random id is generated
   * @param replyHandler  result, containing the id field for each inserted element of entities
  public void saveBatch(AsyncResult<SQLConnection> sqlConnection, String table,
      JsonArray entities, Handler<AsyncResult<RowSet<Row>>> replyHandler) {
    saveBatch(sqlConnection, /* upsert */ false, table, entities, replyHandler);

   * Upsert the entities into table using a single INSERT statement.
   * @param sqlConnection  the connection to run on, may be on a transaction
   * @param table  destination table to insert into
   * @param entities  each array element is a String with the content for the JSONB field of table; if id is missing a random id is generated
   * @param replyHandler  result, containing the id field for each inserted element of entities
  public void upsertBatch(AsyncResult<SQLConnection> sqlConnection, String table,
      JsonArray entities, Handler<AsyncResult<RowSet<Row>>> replyHandler) {
    saveBatch(sqlConnection, /* upsert */ true, table, entities, replyHandler);

   * Insert or upsert the entities into table using a single INSERT statement.
   * @param sqlConnection  the connection to run on, may be on a transaction
   * @param upsert  true for upsert, false for insert with fail on duplicate id
   * @param table  destination table to insert into
   * @param entities  each array element is a String with the content for the JSONB field of table; if id is missing a random id is generated
   * @param replyHandler  result, containing the id field for each inserted element of entities
  private void saveBatch(AsyncResult<SQLConnection> sqlConnection, boolean upsert, String table,
      JsonArray entities, Handler<AsyncResult<RowSet<Row>>> replyHandler) {

    try {
      List<Tuple> list = new ArrayList<>();
      if (entities != null) {
        for (int i = 0; i < entities.size(); i++) {
          String json = entities.getString(i);
          JsonObject jsonObject = new JsonObject(json);
          String id = jsonObject.getString("id");
          list.add(Tuple.of(id == null ? UUID.randomUUID() : UUID.fromString(id),
      saveBatchInternal(sqlConnection, upsert, table, list, replyHandler);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      log.error(e.getMessage(), e);

  private void saveBatchInternal(AsyncResult<SQLConnection> sqlConnection, boolean upsert, String table,
                                  List<Tuple> batch, Handler<AsyncResult<RowSet<Row>>> replyHandler) {

    try {
      long start = System.nanoTime();"starting: saveBatch size=" + batch.size());
      String sql = INSERT_CLAUSE + schemaName + DOT + table + " (id, jsonb) VALUES ($1, $2)"
          + (upsert ? " ON CONFLICT (id) DO UPDATE SET jsonb = EXCLUDED.jsonb" : "")
          + RETURNING_ID;
      if (sqlConnection.failed()) {
      PgConnection connection = sqlConnection.result().conn;

      connection.preparedQuery(sql).executeBatch(batch, queryRes -> {
        if (queryRes.failed()) {
          log.error("saveBatch size=" + batch.size()
                  + SPACE
                  + queryRes.cause().getMessage(),
          statsTracker("saveBatchFailed", table, start);
        statsTracker("saveBatch", table, start);
        if (queryRes.result() != null) {
        } else {
          replyHandler.handle(Future.succeededFuture(new LocalRowSet(0)));
    } catch (Exception e) {
      log.error(e.getMessage(), e);

   * Save a list of POJOs.
   * POJOs are converted to a JSON String and saved in a single INSERT call.
   * A random id is generated if POJO's id is null.
   * @param table  destination table to insert into
   * @param entities  each list element is a POJO
   * @param replyHandler result, containing the id field for each inserted POJO
  public <T> void saveBatch(String table, List<T> entities,
      Handler<AsyncResult<RowSet<Row>>> replyHandler) {

    getSQLConnection(conn -> saveBatch(conn, table, entities, closeAndHandleResult(conn, replyHandler)));

   * Upsert a list of POJOs.
   * POJOs are converted to a JSON String and saved or updated in a single INSERT call.
   * A random id is generated if POJO's id is null.
   * If a record with the id already exists it is updated (upsert).
   * @param table  destination table to insert into
   * @param entities  each list element is a POJO
   * @param replyHandler result, containing the id field for each inserted POJO
  public <T> void upsertBatch(String table, List<T> entities,
      Handler<AsyncResult<RowSet<Row>>> replyHandler) {

    getSQLConnection(conn -> upsertBatch(conn, table, entities, closeAndHandleResult(conn, replyHandler)));

   * Save a list of POJOs.
   * POJOs are converted to a JSON String and saved in a single INSERT call.
   * A random id is generated if POJO's id is null.
   * @param sqlConnection  the connection to run on, may be on a transaction
   * @param table  destination table to insert into
   * @param entities  each list element is a POJO
   * @param replyHandler result, containing the id field for each inserted POJO
  public <T> void saveBatch(AsyncResult<SQLConnection> sqlConnection, String table,
      List<T> entities, Handler<AsyncResult<RowSet<Row>>> replyHandler) {
    saveBatch(sqlConnection, /* upsert */ false, table, entities, replyHandler);

   * Upsert a list of POJOs.
   * POJOs are converted to a JSON String and saved or updated in a single INSERT call.
   * A random id is generated if POJO's id is null.
   * If a record with the id already exists it is updated (upsert).
   * @param sqlConnection  the connection to run on, may be on a transaction
   * @param table  destination table to insert into
   * @param entities  each list element is a POJO
   * @param replyHandler result, containing the id field for each inserted POJO
  public <T> void upsertBatch(AsyncResult<SQLConnection> sqlConnection, String table,
      List<T> entities, Handler<AsyncResult<RowSet<Row>>> replyHandler) {
    saveBatch(sqlConnection, /* upsert */ true, table, entities, replyHandler);

  private <T> void saveBatch(AsyncResult<SQLConnection> sqlConnection,
      boolean upsert, String table, List<T> entities, Handler<AsyncResult<RowSet<Row>>> replyHandler) {

    try {
      List<Tuple> batch = new ArrayList<>();
      if (entities == null || entities.isEmpty()) {

        RowSet<Row> rowSet = new LocalRowSet(0).withColumns(Arrays.asList("id"));
      // We must use reflection, the POJOs don't have a interface/superclass in common.
      Method getIdMethod = entities.get(0).getClass().getDeclaredMethod("getId");
      for (Object entity : entities) {
        Object obj = getIdMethod.invoke(entity);
        UUID id = obj == null ? UUID.randomUUID() : UUID.fromString((String) obj);
        batch.add(Tuple.of(id, pojo2JsonObject(entity)));
      saveBatchInternal(sqlConnection, upsert, table, batch, replyHandler);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      log.error("saveBatch error " + e.getMessage(), e);

   * update a specific record associated with the key passed in the id arg
   * @param table - table to save to (must exist)
   * @param entity - pojo to save
   * @param id - key of the entity being updated
   * @param replyHandler
  public void update(String table, Object entity, String id, Handler<AsyncResult<RowSet<Row>>> replyHandler) {
    StringBuilder where = new StringBuilder().append(WHERE).append(ID_FIELD).append('=');
    Cql2PgUtil.appendQuoted(id, where);  // proper masking prevents SQL injection
    update(table, entity, DEFAULT_JSONB_FIELD_NAME, where.toString(), false, replyHandler);

   * Update 1...n records matching the filter
   * <br>
   * Criterion Examples:
   * <br>
   * 1. can be mapped from a string in the following format [{"field":"''","value":"","op":""}]
   * <pre>
   *    Criterion a = json2Criterion("[{\"field\":\"'fund_distributions'->[]->'amount'->>'sum'\",\"value\":120,\"op\":\"<\"}]"); //denotes funds_distribution is an array of objects
   *    Criterion a = json2Criterion("[{"field":"'po_line_status'->>'value'","value":"SENT","op":"like"},{"field":"'owner'->>'value'","value":"MITLIBMATH","op":"="}, {"op":"AND"}]");
   *    (see postgres query syntax for more examples in the
   * </pre>
   * 2. Simple Criterion
   * <pre>
   *    Criteria b = new Criteria();
   *    b.field.add("'note'");
   *    b.operation = "=";
   *    b.value = "a";
   *    b.isArray = true; //denotes that the queried field is an array with multiple values
   *    Criterion a = new Criterion(b);
   * </pre>
   * 3. For a boolean field called rush = false OR note[] contains 'a'
   * <pre>
   *    Criteria d = new Criteria();
   *    d.field.add("'rush'");
   *    d.operation = Criteria.OP_IS_FALSE;
   *    d.value = null;
   *    Criterion a = new Criterion();
   *    a.addCriterion(d, Criteria.OP_OR, b);
   * </pre>
   * 4. for the following json:
   * <pre>
   *      "price": {
   *        "sum": "150.0",
   *         "po_currency": {
   *           "value": "USD",
   *           "desc": "US Dollar"
   *         }
   *       },
   *    Criteria c = new Criteria();
   *    c.addField("'price'").addField("'po_currency'").addField("'value'");
   *    c.operation = Criteria.OP_LIKE;
   *    c.value = "USD";
   * </pre>
   * @param table - table to update
   * @param entity - pojo to set for matching records
   * @param filter - see example below
   * @param returnUpdatedIds - return ids of updated records
   * @param replyHandler
  public void update(String table, Object entity, Criterion filter, boolean returnUpdatedIds,
                     Handler<AsyncResult<RowSet<Row>>> replyHandler)
    String where = null;
    if(filter != null){
      where = filter.toString();
    update(table, entity, DEFAULT_JSONB_FIELD_NAME, where, returnUpdatedIds, replyHandler);

  public void update(String table, Object entity, CQLWrapper filter, boolean returnUpdatedIds,
                     Handler<AsyncResult<RowSet<Row>>> replyHandler)
    String where = "";
    if(filter != null){
      where = filter.toString();
    update(table, entity, DEFAULT_JSONB_FIELD_NAME, where, returnUpdatedIds, replyHandler);

  public void update(AsyncResult<SQLConnection> conn, String table, Object entity, CQLWrapper filter,
                     boolean returnUpdatedIds, Handler<AsyncResult<RowSet<Row>>> replyHandler) {
    String where = "";
    try {
      if (filter != null) {
        where = filter.toString();
      update(conn, table, entity, DEFAULT_JSONB_FIELD_NAME, where, returnUpdatedIds, replyHandler);
    } catch (Exception e) {

  public void update(AsyncResult<SQLConnection> conn, String table, Object entity, String jsonbField,
                     String whereClause, boolean returnUpdatedIds, Handler<AsyncResult<RowSet<Row>>> replyHandler) {
    if (conn.failed()) {
    long start = System.nanoTime();
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    StringBuilder returning = new StringBuilder();
    if (returnUpdatedIds) {
    try {
      String q = UPDATE + schemaName + DOT + table + SET + jsonbField + " = $1::jsonb " + whereClause
          + SPACE + returning;
      log.debug("update query = " + q);
      conn.result().conn.preparedQuery(q).execute(Tuple.of(pojo2JsonObject(entity)), query -> {
        if (query.failed()) {
          log.error(query.cause().getMessage(), query.cause());
        statsTracker(UPDATE_STAT_METHOD, table, start);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      log.error(e.getMessage(), e);

  public void update(String table, Object entity, String jsonbField, String whereClause, boolean returnUpdatedIds,
                     Handler<AsyncResult<RowSet<Row>>> replyHandler) {
    getSQLConnection(conn -> update(conn, table, entity, jsonbField, whereClause, returnUpdatedIds,
        closeAndHandleResult(conn, replyHandler)));

   * update a section / field / object in the pojo -
   * <br>
   * for example:
   * <br> if a json called po_line contains the following field
   * <pre>
   *     "po_line_status": {
   *       "value": "SENT",
   *       "desc": "sent to vendor"
   *     },
   * </pre>
   *  this translates into a po_line_status object within the po_line object - to update the entire object / section
   *  create an updateSection object pushing into the section the po line status as the field and the value (string / json / etc...) to replace it with
   *  <pre>
   *  a = new UpdateSection();
   *  a.addField("po_line_status");
   *  a.setValue(new JsonObject("{\"value\":\"SOMETHING_NEW4\",\"desc\":\"sent to vendor again\"}"));
   *  </pre>
   * Note that postgres does not update inplace the json but rather will create a new json with the
   * updated section and then reference the id to that newly created json
   * <br>
   * Queries generated will look something like this:
   * <pre>
   * update test.po_line set jsonb = jsonb_set(jsonb, '{po_line_status}', '{"value":"SOMETHING_NEW4","desc":"sent to vendor"}') where _id = 19;
   * update test.po_line set jsonb = jsonb_set(jsonb, '{po_line_status, value}', '"SOMETHING_NEW5"', false) where _id = 15;
   * </pre>
   * @param table - table to update
   * @param section - see UpdateSection class
   * @param when - Criterion object
   * @param replyHandler
  public void update(String table, UpdateSection section, Criterion when, boolean returnUpdatedIdsCount,
                     Handler<AsyncResult<RowSet<Row>>> replyHandler) {
    long start = System.nanoTime();
    getConnection(res -> {
      if (res.succeeded()) {
        PgConnection connection = res.result();
        try {
          String value = section.getValue().replace("'", "''");
          String where = when == null ? "" : when.toString();
          String returning = returnUpdatedIdsCount ? RETURNING_ID : "";
          String q = UPDATE + schemaName + DOT + table + SET + DEFAULT_JSONB_FIELD_NAME
              + " = jsonb_set(" + DEFAULT_JSONB_FIELD_NAME + ","
              + section.getFieldsString() + ", '" + value + "', false) " + where + returning;
          log.debug("update query = " + q);
          connection.query(q).execute(query -> {
            statsTracker(UPDATE_STAT_METHOD, table, start);
            if (query.failed()) {
              log.error(query.cause().getMessage(), query.cause());
            } else {
        } catch (Exception e) {
          if (connection != null){
          log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
      } else {
        log.error(res.cause().getMessage(), res.cause());

   * Delete by id.
   * @param table table name without schema
   * @param id primary key value of the record to delete
  public void delete(String table, String id, Handler<AsyncResult<RowSet<Row>>> replyHandler) {
    getSQLConnection(conn -> delete(conn, table, id, closeAndHandleResult(conn, replyHandler)));

   * Delete by id.
   * @param connection where to run, can be within a transaction
   * @param table table name without schema
   * @param id primary key value of the record to delete
   * @param replyHandler
  public void delete(AsyncResult<SQLConnection> connection, String table, String id,
      Handler<AsyncResult<RowSet<Row>>> replyHandler) {

    try {
      if (connection.failed()) {
          "DELETE FROM " + schemaName + DOT + table + WHERE + ID_FIELD + "=$1")
          .execute(Tuple.of(UUID.fromString(id)), replyHandler);
    } catch (Exception e) {

   * Delete by CQL wrapper.
   * @param table table name without schema
   * @param cql which records to delete
  public void delete(String table, CQLWrapper cql, Handler<AsyncResult<RowSet<Row>>> replyHandler) {
    getSQLConnection(conn -> delete(conn, table, cql, closeAndHandleResult(conn, replyHandler)));

   * Delete by CQL wrapper.
   * @param connection where to run, can be within a transaction
   * @param table table name without schema
   * @param cql which records to delete
  public void delete(AsyncResult<SQLConnection> connection, String table, CQLWrapper cql,
      Handler<AsyncResult<RowSet<Row>>> replyHandler) {
    try {
      String where = cql == null ? "" : cql.toString();
      doDelete(connection, table, where, replyHandler);
    } catch (Exception e) {

   * Delete based on filter
   * @param table table name without schema
   * @param filter
   * @param replyHandler
  public void delete(String table, Criterion filter, Handler<AsyncResult<RowSet<Row>>> replyHandler) {
    getSQLConnection(conn -> delete(conn, table, filter, closeAndHandleResult(conn, replyHandler)));

   * Delete as part of a transaction
   * @param conn where to run, can be within a transaction
   * @param table table name without schema
   * @param filter which records to delete
  public void delete(AsyncResult<SQLConnection> conn, String table, Criterion filter,
      Handler<AsyncResult<RowSet<Row>>> replyHandler) {
    try {
      String where = filter == null ? "" : filter.toString();
      doDelete(conn, table, where, replyHandler);
    } catch (Exception e) {

   * delete based on jsons matching the field/value pairs in the pojo (which is first converted to json and then similar jsons are searched)
   *  --> do not use on large tables without checking as the @> will not use a btree
   * @param table
   * @param entity
   * @param replyHandler
  public void delete(String table, Object entity, Handler<AsyncResult<RowSet<Row>>> replyHandler) {
    getSQLConnection(conn -> delete(conn, table, entity, closeAndHandleResult(conn, replyHandler)));

  public void delete(AsyncResult<SQLConnection> connection, String table, Object entity,
      Handler<AsyncResult<RowSet<Row>>> replyHandler) {
    try {
      long start = System.nanoTime();
      if (connection.failed()) {
      String sql = DELETE + FROM + schemaName + DOT + table + WHERE + DEFAULT_JSONB_FIELD_NAME + "@>$1";
      log.debug("delete by entity, query = " + sql + "; $1=" + entity);
      connection.result().conn.preparedQuery(sql).execute(Tuple.of(pojo2JsonObject(entity)), delete -> {
        statsTracker(DELETE_STAT_METHOD, table, start);
        if (delete.failed()) {
          log.error(delete.cause().getMessage(), delete.cause());
    } catch (Exception e) {

  private void doDelete(AsyncResult<SQLConnection> connection, String table, String where,
      Handler<AsyncResult<RowSet<Row>>> replyHandler) {
    try {
      long start = System.nanoTime();
      String sql = DELETE + FROM + schemaName + DOT + table + " " + where;
      log.debug("doDelete query = " + sql);
      if (connection.failed()) {
      connection.result().conn.query(sql).execute(query -> {
        statsTracker(DELETE_STAT_METHOD, table, start);
        if (query.failed()) {
          log.error(query.cause().getMessage(), query.cause());
    } catch (Exception e) {
      log.error(e.getMessage(), e);

   * @param <T>
   * @param table
   * @param clazz
   * @param fieldName
   * @param where
   * @param returnCount
   * @param returnIdField
   * @param setId - unused, the database trigger will always set jsonb->'id' automatically
   * @param replyHandler
   * @deprecated use get with CQLWrapper or Criterion instead
  public <T> void get(String table, Class<T> clazz, String fieldName, String where,
      boolean returnCount, boolean returnIdField, boolean setId,
      Handler<AsyncResult<Results<T>>> replyHandler) {
    get(table, clazz, fieldName, where, returnCount, returnIdField, setId, null /* facets */, replyHandler);

   * @param <T>
   * @param table
   * @param clazz
   * @param fieldName
   * @param where
   * @param returnCount
   * @param returnIdField
   * @param setId - unused, the database trigger will always set jsonb->'id' automatically
   * @param facets
   * @param replyHandler
   * @deprecated use get with CQLWrapper or Criterion instead
  public <T> void get(String table, Class<T> clazz, String fieldName, String where,
      boolean returnCount, boolean returnIdField, boolean setId, List<FacetField> facets,
      Handler<AsyncResult<Results<T>>> replyHandler) {
    get(table, clazz, fieldName, where, returnCount, returnIdField, setId, facets, null /*distinctOn*/, replyHandler);

 * @param <T>
 * @param table
 * @param clazz
 * @param fieldName
 * @param where
 * @param returnCount
 * @param returnIdField
 * @param setId - unused, the database trigger will always set jsonb->'id' automatically
 * @param facets
 * @param distinctOn
 * @param replyHandler
 * @deprecated use get with CQLWrapper or Criterion instead
  public <T> void get(String table, Class<T> clazz, String fieldName, String where,
    boolean returnCount, boolean returnIdField, boolean setId, List<FacetField> facets, String distinctOn,
    Handler<AsyncResult<Results<T>>> replyHandler) {

    CQLWrapper wrapper = new CQLWrapper().setWhereClause(where);
      -> doGet(conn, table, clazz, fieldName, wrapper, returnCount, returnIdField, facets, distinctOn,
        closeAndHandleResult(conn, replyHandler)));

  static class QueryHelper {

    String table;
    List<FacetField> facets;
    String selectQuery;
    String countQuery;
    int offset;
    int limit;
    public QueryHelper(String table) {
      this.table = table;

  static class TotaledResults {
    final RowSet<Row> set;
    final Integer total;
    public TotaledResults(RowSet<Row> set, Integer total) {
      this.set = set; = total;

   * low-level getter based on CQLWrapper
   * @param <T>
   * @param conn
   * @param table
   * @param clazz
   * @param fieldName
   * @param wrapper
   * @param returnCount
   * @param returnIdField
   * @param facets
   * @param distinctOn
   * @param replyHandler
  private <T> void doGet(
    AsyncResult<SQLConnection> conn, String table, Class<T> clazz,
    String fieldName, CQLWrapper wrapper, boolean returnCount, boolean returnIdField,
    List<FacetField> facets, String distinctOn, Handler<AsyncResult<Results<T>>> replyHandler
  ) {

    if (conn.failed()) {
      log.error(conn.cause().getMessage(), conn.cause());
    PgConnection connection = conn.result().conn;
    try {
      QueryHelper queryHelper = buildQueryHelper(table, fieldName, wrapper, returnIdField, facets, distinctOn);
      if (returnCount) {
        processQueryWithCount(connection, queryHelper, GET_STAT_METHOD,
          totaledResults -> processResults(totaledResults.set,, queryHelper.offset, queryHelper.limit, clazz), replyHandler);
      } else {
        processQuery(connection, queryHelper, null, GET_STAT_METHOD,
          totaledResults -> processResults(totaledResults.set,, queryHelper.offset, queryHelper.limit, clazz), replyHandler);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      log.error(e.getMessage(), e);

   * Streamed GET with CQLWrapper (T variant, no facets)
   * @param <T>
   * @param table
   * @param entity
   * @param fieldName usually "jsonb"
   * @param filter usually CQL query
   * @param returnIdField
   * @param distinctOn may be null
   * @param streamHandler called for each record
   * @param replyHandler called when query is complete
   * @deprecated This function is deprecated because either you'll have to
   * buffer whole HTTP buffer in memory to produce HTTP status; or you'll have to
   * return a fake error. Furthermore, this API does not provide totalCount
   * Use streamGet with {@link PostgresClientStreamResult} instead.
   * {@link #streamGet(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object, java.lang.String,
   *, boolean, java.lang.String,
   *         io.vertx.core.Handler, io.vertx.core.Handler)}
  @SuppressWarnings({"squid:S00107"})  // has more than 7 parameters
  public <T> void streamGet(String table, T entity, String fieldName,
    CQLWrapper filter, boolean returnIdField, String distinctOn,
    Handler<T> streamHandler, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> replyHandler) {

    Class<T> clazz = (Class<T>) entity.getClass();
    streamGet(table, clazz, fieldName, filter, returnIdField, distinctOn,
      res -> {
        if (res.failed()) {
        PostgresClientStreamResult<T> streamResult = res.result();
        streamResult.endHandler(x -> replyHandler.handle(Future.succeededFuture()));
        streamResult.exceptionHandler(e -> replyHandler.handle(Future.failedFuture(e)));

   * Stream GET with CQLWrapper, no facets {@link}
   * @param <T>
   * @param table
   * @param clazz
   * @param fieldName
   * @param filter
   * @param returnIdField
   * @param distinctOn may be null
   * @param replyHandler AsyncResult; on success with result {@link}
  public <T> void streamGet(String table, Class<T> clazz, String fieldName,
    CQLWrapper filter, boolean returnIdField, String distinctOn,
    Handler<AsyncResult<PostgresClientStreamResult<T>>> replyHandler) {

    streamGet(table, clazz, fieldName, filter, returnIdField, distinctOn,
      null, 0, replyHandler);

   * Stream GET with CQLWrapper, no facets {@link}
    * @param <T>
    * @param table
    * @param clazz
    * @param fieldName
    * @param filter
    * @param returnIdField
    * @param distinctOn may be null
    * @param queryTimeout query timeout in milliseconds, or 0 for no timeout
    * @param replyHandler AsyncResult; on success with result {@link PostgresClientStreamResult}
   @SuppressWarnings({"squid:S00107"})    // Method has >7 parameters
  public <T> void streamGet(String table, Class<T> clazz, String fieldName,
       CQLWrapper filter, boolean returnIdField, String distinctOn,
       int queryTimeout, Handler<AsyncResult<PostgresClientStreamResult<T>>> replyHandler) {

    streamGet(table, clazz, fieldName, filter, returnIdField, distinctOn,
      null, queryTimeout, replyHandler);

   * Stream GET with CQLWrapper and facets {@link}
   * @param <T>
   * @param table
   * @param clazz
   * @param fieldName
   * @param filter
   * @param returnIdField must be true if facets are in passed
   * @param distinctOn may be null
   * @param facets for no facets: null or Collections.emptyList()
   * @param replyHandler AsyncResult; on success with result {@link}
  @SuppressWarnings({"squid:S00107"})    // Method has >7 parameters
  public <T> void streamGet(String table, Class<T> clazz, String fieldName,
    CQLWrapper filter, boolean returnIdField, String distinctOn,
    List<FacetField> facets, Handler<AsyncResult<PostgresClientStreamResult<T>>> replyHandler) {

    getSQLConnection(0, conn ->
        streamGet(conn, table, clazz, fieldName, filter, returnIdField,
            distinctOn, facets, replyHandler));

   * Stream GET with CQLWrapper and facets {@link}
   * @param <T>
   * @param table
   * @param clazz
   * @param fieldName
   * @param filter
   * @param returnIdField must be true if facets are in passed
   * @param distinctOn may be null
   * @param facets for no facets: null or Collections.emptyList()
   * @param queryTimeout query timeout in milliseconds, or 0 for no timeout
   * @param replyHandler AsyncResult; on success with result {@link PostgresClientStreamResult}
  @SuppressWarnings({"squid:S00107"})    // Method has >7 parameters
  public <T> void streamGet(String table, Class<T> clazz, String fieldName,
      CQLWrapper filter, boolean returnIdField, String distinctOn,
      List<FacetField> facets, int queryTimeout,
      Handler<AsyncResult<PostgresClientStreamResult<T>>> replyHandler) {

    getSQLConnection(queryTimeout, conn ->
        streamGet(conn, table, clazz, fieldName, filter, returnIdField,
            distinctOn, facets, replyHandler));

   * streamGet with existing transaction/connection
   * @param <T>
   * @param connResult
   * @param table
   * @param clazz
   * @param fieldName
   * @param wrapper
   * @param returnIdField
   * @param distinctOn
   * @param facets
   * @param replyHandler
  @SuppressWarnings({"squid:S00107"})    // Method has >7 parameters
  <T> void streamGet(AsyncResult<SQLConnection> connResult,
    String table, Class<T> clazz, String fieldName, CQLWrapper wrapper,
    boolean returnIdField, String distinctOn, List<FacetField> facets,
    Handler<AsyncResult<PostgresClientStreamResult<T>>> replyHandler) {

    if (connResult.failed()) {
      log.error(connResult.cause().getMessage(), connResult.cause());
    doStreamGetCount(connResult.result(), table, clazz, fieldName, wrapper, returnIdField,
        distinctOn, facets, replyHandler);

   * private for now, might be public later (and renamed)
   * @param <T>
   * @param connection
   * @param table
   * @param clazz
   * @param fieldName
   * @param wrapper
   * @param returnIdField
   * @param distinctOn
   * @param facets
   * @param replyHandler
  @SuppressWarnings({"squid:S00107"})    // Method has >7 parameters
  private <T> void doStreamGetCount(SQLConnection connection,
    String table, Class<T> clazz, String fieldName, CQLWrapper wrapper,
    boolean returnIdField, String distinctOn, List<FacetField> facets,
    Handler<AsyncResult<PostgresClientStreamResult<T>>> replyHandler) {

    try {
      QueryHelper queryHelper = buildQueryHelper(table,
        fieldName, wrapper, returnIdField, facets, distinctOn);

      connection.conn.query(queryHelper.countQuery).execute(countQueryResult -> {
        if (countQueryResult.failed()) {
        ResultInfo resultInfo = new ResultInfo();
        doStreamGetQuery(connection, queryHelper, resultInfo, clazz, replyHandler);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      log.error(e.getMessage(), e);

  <T> void doStreamGetQuery(SQLConnection connection, QueryHelper queryHelper,
                            ResultInfo resultInfo, Class<T> clazz,
                            Handler<AsyncResult<PostgresClientStreamResult<T>>> replyHandler) {
    // decide if we need to close transaction+connection ourselves
    final PgConnection closeConnection = connection.tx == null ? connection.conn : null;
    if (closeConnection != null) {
    connection.conn.prepare(queryHelper.selectQuery, prepareRes -> {
      if (prepareRes.failed()) {
        log.error(prepareRes.cause().getMessage(), prepareRes.cause());
      PreparedStatement pq = prepareRes.result();
      RowStream<Row> stream = pq.createStream(STREAM_GET_DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE, Tuple.tuple());
      PostgresClientStreamResult<T> streamResult = new PostgresClientStreamResult(resultInfo);
      doStreamRowResults(stream, clazz, closeConnection, queryHelper,
          streamResult, replyHandler);

  private static List<String> getColumnNames(Row row)
    List<String> columnNames = new ArrayList<>();
    for (int i = 0; row.getColumnName(i) != null; i++) {
    return columnNames;

  private void closeIfNonNull(PgConnection pgConnection) {
    if (pgConnection != null) {

  <T> void doStreamRowResults(RowStream<Row> sqlRowStream, Class<T> clazz,
    PgConnection pgConnection, QueryHelper queryHelper,
    PostgresClientStreamResult<T> streamResult,
    Handler<AsyncResult<PostgresClientStreamResult<T>>> replyHandler) {

    ResultInfo resultInfo = streamResult.resultInto();
    Promise<PostgresClientStreamResult<T>> promise = Promise.promise();
    ResultsHelper<T> resultsHelper = new ResultsHelper<>(clazz);
    boolean isAuditFlavored = isAuditFlavored(resultsHelper.clazz);
    Map<String, Method> externalColumnSetters = new HashMap<>();
    AtomicInteger resultCount = new AtomicInteger();
    sqlRowStream.handler(r -> {
      try {
        // for first row, get column names
        if (resultsHelper.offset == 0) {
          List<String> columnNames = getColumnNames(r);
              resultsHelper.clazz, isAuditFlavored, externalColumnSetters);
        T objRow = (T) deserializeRow(resultsHelper, externalColumnSetters, isAuditFlavored, r);
        if (!resultsHelper.facet) {
          if (!promise.future().isComplete()) { // end of facets (if any) .. produce result
            resultsHelper.facets.forEach((k, v) -> resultInfo.getFacets().add(v));
      } catch (Exception e) {
        if (!promise.future().isComplete()) {
        sqlRowStream.close(); // does not really stop stream for vertx-pg-client
        log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
    }).endHandler(v2 -> {
          queryHelper.offset, queryHelper.limit));
      try {
        if (!promise.future().isComplete()) {
      } catch (Exception ex) {
    }).exceptionHandler(e -> {
      if (!promise.future().isComplete()) {

  QueryHelper buildQueryHelper(
    String table, String fieldName, CQLWrapper wrapper,
    boolean returnIdField, List<FacetField> facets,
    String distinctOn) throws IOException, TemplateException {

    if (wrapper == null) {
      wrapper = new CQLWrapper();

    String addIdField = "";
    if (returnIdField) {
      addIdField = COMMA + ID_FIELD;

    if (!"null".equals(fieldName) && fieldName.contains("*")) {
      // if we are requesting all fields (*) , then dont add the id field to the select
      // this will return two id columns which will create ambiguity in facet queries
      addIdField = "";

    QueryHelper queryHelper = new QueryHelper(table);

    String countOn = "*";
    String distinctOnClause = "";
    if (distinctOn != null && !distinctOn.isEmpty()) {
      distinctOnClause = String.format("DISTINCT ON(%s) ", distinctOn);
      countOn = String.format("DISTINCT(%s)", distinctOn);
    queryHelper.selectQuery = SELECT + distinctOnClause + fieldName + addIdField
      + FROM + schemaName + DOT + table + SPACE + wrapper.toString();
    queryHelper.countQuery = SELECT + "COUNT(" + countOn + ")"
      + FROM + schemaName + DOT + table + SPACE + wrapper.getWhereClause();

    if (facets != null && !facets.isEmpty()) {
      String mainQuery = SELECT + distinctOnClause + fieldName + addIdField
          + FROM + schemaName + DOT + table + SPACE + wrapper.getWithoutLimOff();

      FacetManager facetManager = buildFacetManager(wrapper, queryHelper, mainQuery, facets);
      // this method call invokes freemarker templating
      queryHelper.selectQuery = facetManager.generateFacetQuery();
    if (!wrapper.getWhereClause().isEmpty()) {
      // only do estimation when filter is in use (such as CQL).
      String estQuery = SELECT + distinctOnClause + fieldName + addIdField
          + FROM + schemaName + DOT + table + SPACE + wrapper.getWhereClause();
      queryHelper.countQuery = SELECT + "count_estimate('"
        + org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(estQuery)
        + "')";
    int offset = wrapper.getOffset().get();
    if (offset != -1) {
      queryHelper.offset = offset;
    int limit = wrapper.getLimit().get();
    queryHelper.limit = limit != -1 ? limit : Integer.MAX_VALUE;
    return queryHelper;

  <T> void processQueryWithCount(
    PgConnection connection, QueryHelper queryHelper, String statMethod,
    Function<TotaledResults, T> resultSetMapper, Handler<AsyncResult<T>> replyHandler) {
    long start = System.nanoTime();

    log.debug("Attempting count query: " + queryHelper.countQuery);
    connection.query(queryHelper.countQuery).execute(countQueryResult -> {
      try {
        if (countQueryResult.failed()) {
          log.error("query with count: " + countQueryResult.cause().getMessage()
            + " - " + queryHelper.countQuery, countQueryResult.cause());

        int total = countQueryResult.result().iterator().next().getInteger(0);

        long countQueryTime = (System.nanoTime() - start);
        StatsTracker.addStatElement(STATS_KEY + COUNT_STAT_METHOD, countQueryTime);
        log.debug("timer: get " + queryHelper.countQuery + " (ns) " + countQueryTime);

        if (total <= queryHelper.offset) {
          log.debug("Skipping query due to no results expected!");
          RowSet<Row> emptySet = null;
          replyHandler.handle(Future.succeededFuture(resultSetMapper.apply(new TotaledResults(emptySet, total))));

        processQuery(connection, queryHelper, total, statMethod, resultSetMapper, replyHandler);
      } catch (Exception e) {
        log.error(e.getMessage(), e);

  <T> void processQuery(
    PgConnection connection, QueryHelper queryHelper, Integer total, String statMethod,
    Function<TotaledResults, T> resultSetMapper, Handler<AsyncResult<T>> replyHandler
  ) {
    try {
      queryAndAnalyze(connection, queryHelper.selectQuery, statMethod, query -> {
        if (query.failed()) {
        replyHandler.handle(Future.succeededFuture(resultSetMapper.apply(new TotaledResults(query.result(), total))));
    } catch (Exception e) {
      log.error(e.getMessage(), e);

  private FacetManager buildFacetManager(CQLWrapper wrapper, QueryHelper queryHelper,
    String mainQuery, List<FacetField> facets) {

    FacetManager fm = new FacetManager(schemaName + DOT + queryHelper.table);
    if (wrapper.getWhereClause().isEmpty()) {
      fm.setWhere(" " + wrapper.getWhereClause());
    return fm;

   * pass in an entity that is fully / partially populated and the query will return all records matching the
   * populated fields in the entity - note that this queries the jsonb object, so should not be used to query external
   * fields
   * @param <T>  type of the query entity and the result entity
   * @param table  database table to query
   * @param entity  contains the fields to use for the query
   * @param replyHandler  the result contains the entities found
  public <T> void get(String table, T entity, boolean returnCount,
      Handler<AsyncResult<Results<T>>> replyHandler) {
    get(table, entity, returnCount, true /*returnIdField*/, replyHandler);

  public <T> void get(String table, T entity, boolean returnCount, boolean returnIdField,
      Handler<AsyncResult<Results<T>>> replyHandler) {
    get(table, entity, new String[]{DEFAULT_JSONB_FIELD_NAME}, returnCount, returnIdField, replyHandler);

  public <T> void get(String table, T entity, String[] fields, boolean returnCount, boolean returnIdField,
      Handler<AsyncResult<Results<T>>> replyHandler) {
    get(table, entity, fields, returnCount, returnIdField, -1, -1, replyHandler);

  public <T> void get(String table, T entity, String[] fields, boolean returnCount,
    boolean returnIdField, int offset, int limit,
    Handler<AsyncResult<Results<T>>> replyHandler) {

    Criterion criterion = new Criterion();
    if (offset != -1) {
      criterion.setOffset(new Offset(offset));
    if (limit != -1) {
      criterion.setLimit(new Limit(limit));
    String fieldsStr = Arrays.toString(fields);
    Class<T> clazz = (Class<T>) entity.getClass();
    get(null, table, clazz, fieldsStr.substring(1, fieldsStr.length() - 1),
      criterion, returnCount, returnIdField, null, replyHandler);

   * select query
   * @param table - table to query
   * @param clazz - class of objects to be returned
   * @param filter - see Criterion class
   * @param returnCount - whether to return the amount of records matching the query
   * @param replyHandler
   * @throws Exception
  public <T> void get(String table, Class<T> clazz, Criterion filter, boolean returnCount,
      Handler<AsyncResult<Results<T>>> replyHandler) {
    get(table, clazz, filter, returnCount, false /*setId*/, replyHandler);

   * @param setId - unused, the database trigger will always set jsonb->'id' automatically
  public <T> void get(String table, Class<T> clazz, String[] fields, CQLWrapper filter,
      boolean returnCount, boolean setId,
      Handler<AsyncResult<Results<T>>> replyHandler) {
    get(table, clazz, fields, filter, returnCount, setId, null /*facets*/, replyHandler);

   * @param setId - unused, the database trigger will always set jsonb->'id' automatically
  public <T> void get(String table, Class<T> clazz, String[] fields, CQLWrapper filter,
    boolean returnCount, boolean setId, List<FacetField> facets,
    Handler<AsyncResult<Results<T>>> replyHandler) {

    String distinctOn = null;
    boolean returnIdField = true;
    get(table, clazz, fields, filter, returnCount, returnIdField, facets, distinctOn, replyHandler);

  <T> void get(String table, Class<T> clazz, String[] fields, CQLWrapper filter,
    boolean returnCount, boolean returnIdField, List<FacetField> facets, String distinctOn,
    Handler<AsyncResult<Results<T>>> replyHandler) {

    String fieldsStr = Arrays.toString(fields);
    String fieldName = fieldsStr.substring(1, fieldsStr.length() - 1);
    get(table, clazz, fieldName, filter, returnCount, returnIdField, facets, distinctOn, replyHandler);

  <T> void get(String table, Class<T> clazz, String fieldName, CQLWrapper filter,
    boolean returnCount, boolean returnIdField, List<FacetField> facets, String distinctOn,
    Handler<AsyncResult<Results<T>>> replyHandler) {

      -> doGet(conn, table, clazz, fieldName, filter, returnCount, returnIdField, facets, distinctOn,
        closeAndHandleResult(conn, replyHandler)));

   * @param <T>
   * @param table
   * @param clazz
   * @param fields
   * @param filter
   * @param returnCount
   * @param setId - unused, the database trigger will always set jsonb->'id' automatically
   * @param replyHandler
   * @deprecated use get with CQLWrapper or Criterion instead
  public <T> void get(String table, Class<T> clazz, String[] fields, String filter,
      boolean returnCount, boolean setId,
      Handler<AsyncResult<Results<T>>> replyHandler) {
    String where = "";
    if(filter != null){
      where = filter;
    String fieldsStr = Arrays.toString(fields);
    get(table, clazz, fieldsStr.substring(1, fieldsStr.length()-1), where, returnCount, true, setId, replyHandler);

   * @param <T>
   * @param table
   * @param clazz
   * @param filter
   * @param returnCount
   * @param setId - unused, the database trigger will always set jsonb->'id' automatically
   * @param replyHandler
   * @deprecated use get with CQLWrapper or Criterion instead
  public <T> void get(String table, Class<T> clazz, String filter,
      boolean returnCount, boolean setId,
      Handler<AsyncResult<Results<T>>> replyHandler) {
    String where = "";
    if(filter != null){
      where = filter;
    get(table, clazz, new String[]{DEFAULT_JSONB_FIELD_NAME}, where, returnCount, setId, replyHandler);

  public <T> void get(String table, Class<T> clazz, String[] fields, CQLWrapper filter,
      boolean returnCount, Handler<AsyncResult<Results<T>>> replyHandler) {
    get(table, clazz, fields, filter, returnCount, false /* setId */, replyHandler);

  public <T> void get(String table, Class<T> clazz, CQLWrapper filter, boolean returnCount,
      Handler<AsyncResult<Results<T>>> replyHandler) {
    get(table, clazz, new String[]{DEFAULT_JSONB_FIELD_NAME}, filter, returnCount, false /*setId*/, replyHandler);

   * @param setId - unused, the database trigger will always set jsonb->'id' automatically
   * @deprecated use {@link #get(String, Class, CQLWrapper, boolean, Handler)} instead.
  public <T> void get(String table, Class<T> clazz, CQLWrapper filter, boolean returnCount, boolean setId,
      Handler<AsyncResult<Results<T>>> replyHandler) {
    get(table, clazz, new String[]{DEFAULT_JSONB_FIELD_NAME}, filter, returnCount, setId, replyHandler);

  public <T> void get(String table, Class<T> clazz, CQLWrapper filter,
      boolean returnCount, List<FacetField> facets,
      Handler<AsyncResult<Results<T>>> replyHandler) {
    get(table, clazz, new String[]{DEFAULT_JSONB_FIELD_NAME}, filter, returnCount, false /* setId */, facets, replyHandler);

   * @param setId - unused, the database trigger will always set jsonb->'id' automatically
   * @deprecated use {@link #get(String, Class, CQLWrapper, boolean, List, Handler)} instead.
  public <T> void get(String table, Class<T> clazz, CQLWrapper filter,
      boolean returnCount, boolean setId, List<FacetField> facets,
      Handler<AsyncResult<Results<T>>> replyHandler) {
    get(table, clazz, filter, returnCount, facets, replyHandler);

   * @param setId - unused, the database trigger will always set jsonb->'id' automatically
  public <T> void get(String table, Class<T> clazz, Criterion filter, boolean returnCount, boolean setId,
      Handler<AsyncResult<Results<T>>> replyHandler) {
    get(table, clazz, filter, returnCount, setId, null, replyHandler);

   * @param setId - unused, the database trigger will always set jsonb->'id' automatically
  public <T> void get(AsyncResult<SQLConnection> conn, String table, Class<T> clazz, Criterion filter,
    boolean returnCount, boolean setId,
      Handler<AsyncResult<Results<T>>> replyHandler) {
    get(conn, table, clazz, filter, returnCount, setId, null, replyHandler);

   * select query
   * @param table - table to query
   * @param clazz - class of objects to be returned
   * @param filter - see Criterion class
   * @param returnCount - whether to return the amount of records matching the query
   * @param setId - unused, the database trigger will always set jsonb->'id' automatically
   * @param replyHandler
   * @throws Exception
  public <T> void get(String table, Class<T> clazz, Criterion filter, boolean returnCount, boolean setId,
      List<FacetField> facets, Handler<AsyncResult<Results<T>>> replyHandler) {

    get(null, table, clazz, filter, returnCount, setId, facets, replyHandler);

   * @param setId - unused, the database trigger will always set jsonb->'id' automatically
  @SuppressWarnings({"squid:S00107"})   // Method has more than 7 parameters
  public <T> void get(AsyncResult<SQLConnection> conn, String table, Class<T> clazz,
    Criterion filter, boolean returnCount, boolean setId,
    List<FacetField> facets, Handler<AsyncResult<Results<T>>> replyHandler) {

    get(conn, table, clazz, DEFAULT_JSONB_FIELD_NAME, filter, returnCount,
      false, facets, replyHandler);

  @SuppressWarnings({"squid:S00107"})   // Method has more than 7 parameters
  <T> void get(AsyncResult<SQLConnection> conn, String table, Class<T> clazz,
    String fieldName, Criterion filter, boolean returnCount, boolean returnIdField,
    List<FacetField> facets, Handler<AsyncResult<Results<T>>> replyHandler) {

    CQLWrapper cqlWrapper = new CQLWrapper(filter);
    if (conn == null) {
      get(table, clazz, fieldName, cqlWrapper, returnCount,
        returnIdField, facets, null, replyHandler);
    } else {
      doGet(conn, table, clazz, fieldName, cqlWrapper, returnCount,
        returnIdField, facets, null, replyHandler);

   * A FunctionalInterface that may throw an Exception.
   * @param <T>  input type
   * @param <R>  output type
   * @param <E>  the type of Exception
  public interface FunctionWithException<T, R, E extends Exception> {
     * @param t  some input
     * @return some output
     * @throws Exception of type E
    R apply(T t) throws E;

   * Get the jsonb by id.
   * @param table  the table to search in
   * @param id  the value of the id field
   * @param function  how to convert the (String encoded) JSON
   * @param replyHandler  the result after applying function
  private <R> void getById(String table, String id,
                           FunctionWithException<String, R, Exception> function,
                           Handler<AsyncResult<R>> replyHandler) {
    getConnection(res -> {
      if (res.failed()) {
      PgConnection connection = res.result();
          + FROM + schemaName + DOT + table
          + WHERE + ID_FIELD + "= $1";
      try {
        connection.preparedQuery(sql).execute(Tuple.of(UUID.fromString(id)), query -> {
          if (query.failed()) {
          RowSet<Row> result = query.result();
          if (result.size() == 0) {
          try {
            String entity = result.iterator().next().getValue(0).toString();
            R r = function.apply(entity);
          } catch (Exception e) {
      } catch (Exception e) {

   * Get the jsonb by id and return it as a String.
   * @param table  the table to search in
   * @param id  the value of the id field
   * @param replyHandler  the result; the JSON is encoded as a String
  public void getByIdAsString(String table, String id, Handler<AsyncResult<String>> replyHandler) {
    getById(table, id, string -> string, replyHandler);

   * Get the jsonb by id and return it as a JsonObject.
   * @param table  the table to search in
   * @param id  the value of the id field
   * @param replyHandler  the result; the JSON is encoded as a JsonObject
  public void getById(String table, String id, Handler<AsyncResult<JsonObject>> replyHandler) {
    getById(table, id, JsonObject::new, replyHandler);

   * Get the jsonb by id and return it as a pojo of type T.
   * @param table  the table to search in
   * @param id  the value of the id field
   * @param clazz  the type of the pojo
   * @param replyHandler  the result; the JSON is converted into a T pojo.
  public <T> void getById(String table, String id, Class<T> clazz,
      Handler<AsyncResult<T>> replyHandler) {
    getById(table, id, json -> mapper.readValue(json, clazz), replyHandler);

   * Get jsonb by id for a list of ids.
   * <p>
   * The result is a map of all found records where the key is the id
   * and the value is the jsonb.
   * @param table  the table to search in
   * @param ids  the values of the id field
   * @param function  how to convert the (String encoded) JSON
   * @param replyHandler  the result after applying function
  private <R> void getById(String table, JsonArray ids,
      FunctionWithException<String, R, Exception> function,
      Handler<AsyncResult<Map<String,R>>> replyHandler) {
    if (ids == null || ids.isEmpty()) {
    getConnection(res -> {
      if (res.failed()) {
      Tuple list = Tuple.tuple();
      for (int i = 0; i < ids.size(); i++) {

      PgConnection connection = res.result();
      StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder()
          .append(SELECT).append(ID_FIELD).append(", ").append(DEFAULT_JSONB_FIELD_NAME)
          .append(WHERE).append(ID_FIELD).append(" IN ($1");
      for (int i = 2; i <= ids.size(); i++) {
        sql.append(", $" + i);
      connection.preparedQuery(sql.toString()).execute(list, query -> {
        if (query.failed()) {
        try {
          Map<String,R> result = new HashMap<>();
          Iterator<Row> iterator = query.result().iterator();
          while (iterator.hasNext()) {
            Row row =;
            result.put(row.getValue(0).toString(), function.apply(row.getValue(1).toString()));
        } catch (Exception e) {

   * Get the jsonb by id for a list of ids and return each jsonb as a String.
   * @param table  the table to search in
   * @param ids  the values of the id field
   * @param replyHandler  the result; the JSON is encoded as a String
  public void getByIdAsString(String table, JsonArray ids,
      Handler<AsyncResult<Map<String,String>>> replyHandler) {
    getById(table, ids, string -> string, replyHandler);

   * Get the jsonb by id for a list of ids and return each jsonb as a JsonObject.
   * @param table  the table to search in
   * @param ids  the values of the id field
   * @param replyHandler  the result; the JSON is encoded as a JsonObject
  public void getById(String table, JsonArray ids,
      Handler<AsyncResult<Map<String,JsonObject>>> replyHandler) {
    getById(table, ids, JsonObject::new, replyHandler);

   * Get the jsonb by id for a list of ids and return each jsonb as pojo of type T.
   * @param table  the table to search in
   * @param ids  the values of the id field
   * @param clazz  the type of the pojo
   * @param replyHandler  the result; the JSON is encoded as a T pojo
  public <T> void getById(String table, JsonArray ids, Class<T> clazz,
      Handler<AsyncResult<Map<String,T>>> replyHandler) {
    getById(table, ids, json -> mapper.readValue(json, clazz), replyHandler);

  static class ResultsHelper<T> {
    final List<T> list;
    final Map<String,> facets;
    final RowSet<Row> resultSet;
    final Class<T> clazz;
    int total;
    int offset;
    boolean facet;
    public ResultsHelper(RowSet<Row> resultSet, int total, Class<T> clazz) {
      this.list = new ArrayList<>();
      this.facets = new HashMap<>();
      this.resultSet = resultSet;
      this.clazz= clazz; = total;
      this.offset = 0;
    public ResultsHelper(Class<T> clazz) {
      this.list = new ArrayList<>();
      this.facets = new HashMap<>();
      this.resultSet = null;
      this.clazz= clazz;
      this.offset = 0;

   * converts a result set into pojos - handles 3 types of queries:
   * 1. a regular query will return N rows, where each row contains Y columns. one of those columns is the jsonb
   * column which is mapped into a pojo. each row will also contain the count column (if count was requested for
   * the query), other fields , like updated date may also be returned if they were requested in the select.
   *    1a. note that there is an attempt to map external (non jsonb) columns to fields in the pojo. for example,
   *    a column called update_date will attempt to map its value to a field called updateDate in the pojo. however,
   *    for this to happen, the query must select the update_date -> select id,jsonb,update_date from ....
   * 2. a facet query returns 2 columns, a uuid and a jsonb column. the results of the query are returned as
   * id and json rows. facets are returned as jsonb values:
   * {"facetValues": [{"count": 542,"value": "11 ed."}], "type": "name"}
   * (along with a static '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000' uuid)
   * the count for a facet query is returned in the following manner:
   * {"count": 501312} , with a static uuid as the facets
   * 3. audit queries - queries that query an audit table, meaning the clazz parameter passed in has a jsonb member.
   * @param rs
   * @param total
   * @param clazz
   * @return
  <T> Results<T> processResults(RowSet<Row> rs, Integer total, int offset, int limit, Class<T> clazz) {
    long start = System.nanoTime();

    if (total == null) {
      // NOTE: this may not be an accurate total, may be better for it to be 0 or null
      total = rs.rowCount();

    ResultsHelper<T> resultsHelper = new ResultsHelper<>(rs, total, clazz);


    ResultInfo resultInfo = new ResultInfo();
    resultsHelper.facets.forEach((k , v) -> resultInfo.getFacets().add(v));
    Integer totalRecords = getTotalRecords(resultsHelper.list.size(),, offset, limit);

    Results<T> results = new Results<>();

    statsTracker(PROCESS_RESULTS_STAT_METHOD, clazz.getSimpleName(), start);
    return results;

   * @param resultsHelper
  <T> void deserializeResults(ResultsHelper<T> resultsHelper) {

    if (resultsHelper.resultSet == null) {
    boolean isAuditFlavored = isAuditFlavored(resultsHelper.clazz);

    Map<String, Method> externalColumnSetters = new HashMap<>();
    RowIterator<Row> iterator = resultsHelper.resultSet.iterator();
    while (iterator.hasNext()) {
      Row row =;
      try {
        T objRow = (T) deserializeRow(resultsHelper, externalColumnSetters, isAuditFlavored, row);
        if (!resultsHelper.facet) {
      } catch (Exception e) {
        log.error(e.getMessage(), e);

   * @param resultsHelper
   * @param externalColumnSetters
   * @param isAuditFlavored
   * @param row
  <T> Object deserializeRow(
    ResultsHelper<T> resultsHelper, Map<String, Method> externalColumnSetters,
    boolean isAuditFlavored, Row row
  ) throws IOException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException {

    Object jo = row.getValue(DEFAULT_JSONB_FIELD_NAME);
    Object o = null;
    resultsHelper.facet = false;

    if (!isAuditFlavored && jo != null) {
      try {
        // is this a facet entry - if so process it, otherwise will throw an exception
        // and continue trying to map to the pojos
        o =  mapper.readValue(jo.toString(),; of = ( o; facet = resultsHelper.facets.get(of.getType());
        if (facet == null) {
          resultsHelper.facets.put(of.getType(), of);
        } else {
        resultsHelper.facet = true;
        return o;
      } catch (Exception e) {
        o = mapper.readValue(jo.toString(), resultsHelper.clazz);
    } else {
      o = resultsHelper.clazz.newInstance();

    populateExternalColumns(externalColumnSetters, o, row);

    return o;

   * an exception to having the jsonb column and the fields within the json
   * get mapped to the corresponding clazz is a case where the
   * clazz has a jsonb field (member), for example an audit class which contains a field called
   * jsonb - meaning it encapsulates the real object for example for auditing purposes
   * (contains the jsonb object as well as some other fields). In such a
   * case, do not map the clazz to the content of the jsonb - but rather set the jsonb named field of the clazz
   * with the jsonb column value
   * @param clazz
   * @return
  <T> boolean isAuditFlavored(Class<T> clazz) {
    boolean isAuditFlavored = false;
    try {
      isAuditFlavored = true;
    } catch (NoSuchFieldException nse) {
      if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
        log.debug("non audit table, no " + DEFAULT_JSONB_FIELD_NAME + " found in json");
    return isAuditFlavored;

   * get the class methods in order to populate jsonb object from external columns
   * abiding to audit mode
   * @param columnNames
   * @param clazz
   * @param isAuditFlavored
   * @param externalColumnSetters
  <T> void collectExternalColumnSetters(List<String> columnNames, Class<T> clazz, boolean isAuditFlavored,
                                        Map<String, Method> externalColumnSetters) {
    for (String columnName : columnNames) {
      if ((isAuditFlavored || !columnName.equals(DEFAULT_JSONB_FIELD_NAME)) && !columnName.equals(ID_FIELD)) {
        String methodName = databaseFieldToPojoSetter(columnName);
        for (Method method : clazz.getMethods()) {
          if (method.getName().equals(methodName)) {
            externalColumnSetters.put(columnName, method);

   * populate jsonb object with values from external columns - for example:
   * if there is an update_date column in the record - try to populate a field updateDate in the
   * jsonb object - this allows to use the DB for things like triggers to populate the update_date
   * automatically, but still push them into the jsonb object - the json schema must declare this field
   * as well - also support the audit mode descrbed above.
   * NOTE: that the query must request any field it wants to get populated into the jsonb obj
   * @param externalColumnSetters
   * @param o
   * @param row
  void populateExternalColumns(Map<String, Method> externalColumnSetters, Object o, Row row)
      throws InvocationTargetException, IllegalAccessException {
    for (Map.Entry<String, Method> entry : externalColumnSetters.entrySet()) {
      String columnName = entry.getKey();
      Method method = entry.getValue();
      String[] stringArray = row.getStringArray(columnName);
      if (stringArray != null) {
        method.invoke(o, Arrays.asList(stringArray));
      } else {
        method.invoke(o, row.getValue(columnName));

   * assumes column names are all lower case with multi word column names
   * separated by an '_'
   * @param str
   * @return
  String databaseFieldToPojoSetter(String str) {
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(str);
    sb.replace(0, 1, String.valueOf(Character.toUpperCase(sb.charAt(0))));
    for (int i = 0; i < sb.length(); i++) {
        if (sb.charAt(i) == '_') {
            sb.replace(i, i + 1, String.valueOf(Character.toUpperCase(sb.charAt(i))));
    return "set" + sb.toString();

   * Run a select query.
   * <p>To update see {@link #execute(String, Handler)}.
   * @param sql - the sql query to run
   * @param replyHandler  the query result or the failure
  public void select(String sql, Handler<AsyncResult<RowSet<Row>>> replyHandler) {
    getSQLConnection(conn -> select(conn, sql, closeAndHandleResult(conn, replyHandler)));

   * Run a select query.
   * <p>To update see {@link #execute(String, Handler)}.
   *  @param sql - the sql query to run
   * @param queryTimeout query timeout in milliseconds, or 0 for no timeout
     * @param replyHandler the query result or the failure
    public void select(String sql, int queryTimeout, Handler<AsyncResult<RowSet<Row>>> replyHandler) {
          conn -> select(conn, sql, closeAndHandleResult(conn, replyHandler))

  static void queryAndAnalyze(PgConnection conn, String sql, String statMethod,
    Handler<AsyncResult<RowSet<Row>>> replyHandler) {

    long start = System.nanoTime();
    conn.query(sql).execute(res -> {
      long queryTime = (System.nanoTime() - start);
      StatsTracker.addStatElement(STATS_KEY + statMethod, queryTime);
      if (res.failed()) {
        log.error("queryAndAnalyze: " + res.cause().getMessage() + " - "
          + sql, res.cause());
      if (queryTime >= explainQueryThreshold * 1000000) {
        final String explainQuery = "EXPLAIN ANALYZE " + sql;
        conn.query(explainQuery).execute(explain -> {
          replyHandler.handle(res); // not before, so we have conn if it gets closed
          if (explain.failed()) {
            log.warn(explainQuery + ": ", explain.cause().getMessage(), explain.cause());
          StringBuilder e = new StringBuilder(explainQuery);
          RowIterator<Row> iterator = explain.result().iterator();
          while (iterator.hasNext()) {
            Row row =;
      } else {

   * Run a select query.
   * <p>This never closes the connection conn.
   * <p>To update see {@link #execute(AsyncResult, String, Handler)}.
   * @param conn  The connection on which to execute the query on.
   * @param sql  The sql query to run.
   * @param replyHandler  The query result or the failure.
  public void select(AsyncResult<SQLConnection> conn, String sql, Handler<AsyncResult<RowSet<Row>>> replyHandler) {
    try {
      if (conn.failed()) {
      queryAndAnalyze(conn.result().conn, sql, GET_STAT_METHOD, replyHandler);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      log.error("select sql: " + e.getMessage() + " - " + sql, e);

   * Run a parameterized/prepared select query.
   * <p>To update see {@link #execute(String, Tuple, Handler)}.
   * @param sql  The sql query to run.
   * @param params  The parameters for the placeholders in sql.
   * @param replyHandler  The query result or the failure.
  public void select(String sql, Tuple params, Handler<AsyncResult<RowSet<Row>>> replyHandler) {
    getSQLConnection(conn -> select(conn, sql, params, closeAndHandleResult(conn, replyHandler)));

   * Run a parameterized/prepared select query.
   * <p>This never closes the connection conn.
   * <p>To update see {@link #execute(AsyncResult, String, Tuple, Handler)}.
   * @param conn  The connection on which to execute the query on.
   * @param sql  The sql query to run.
   * @param params  The parameters for the placeholders in sql.
   * @param replyHandler  The query result or the failure.
  public void select(AsyncResult<SQLConnection> conn, String sql, Tuple params,
      Handler<AsyncResult<RowSet<Row>>> replyHandler) {
    try {
      if (conn.failed()) {
      conn.result().conn.preparedQuery(sql).execute(params, replyHandler);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      log.error("select sql: " + e.getMessage() + " - " + sql, e);

   * Run a select query and return the first record, or null if there is no result.
   * <p>To update see {@link #execute(String, Handler)}.
   * @param sql  The sql query to run.
   * @param replyHandler  The query result or the failure.
  public void selectSingle(String sql, Handler<AsyncResult<Row>> replyHandler) {
    getSQLConnection(conn -> selectSingle(conn, sql, closeAndHandleResult(conn, replyHandler)));

   * Run a select query and return the first record, or null if there is no result.
   * <p>This never closes the connection conn.
   * <p>To update see {@link #execute(AsyncResult, String, Handler)}.
   * @param conn  The connection on which to execute the query on.
   * @param sql  The sql query to run.
   * @param replyHandler  The query result or the failure.
  public void selectSingle(AsyncResult<SQLConnection> conn, String sql, Handler<AsyncResult<Row>> replyHandler) {
    selectSingle(conn, sql, Tuple.tuple(), replyHandler);

   * Run a parameterized/prepared select query and return the first record, or null if there is no result.
   * <p>To update see {@link #execute(String, Handler)}.
   * @param sql  The sql query to run.
   * @param params  The parameters for the placeholders in sql.
   * @param replyHandler  The query result or the failure.
  public void selectSingle(String sql, Tuple params, Handler<AsyncResult<Row>> replyHandler) {
    getSQLConnection(conn -> selectSingle(conn, sql, params, closeAndHandleResult(conn, replyHandler)));

  static void selectReturn(AsyncResult<RowSet<Row>> res, Handler<AsyncResult<Row>> replyHandler) {
    if (res.failed()) {
    try {
      if (!res.result().iterator().hasNext()) {
    } catch (Exception e) {
      log.error(e.getMessage(), e);

     * Run a parameterized/prepared select query and return the first record, or null if there is no result.
     * <p>This never closes the connection conn.
     * <p>To update see {@link #execute(AsyncResult, String, Handler)}.
     * @param conn  The connection on which to execute the query on.
     * @param sql  The sql query to run.
     * @param params  The parameters for the placeholders in sql.
     * @param replyHandler  The query result or the failure.
  public void selectSingle(AsyncResult<SQLConnection> conn, String sql, Tuple params,
                           Handler<AsyncResult<Row>> replyHandler) {
    try {
      if (conn.failed()) {
      if (params.size() == 0) {
        conn.result().conn.query(sql).execute(res -> selectReturn(res, replyHandler));
      } else {
        conn.result().conn.preparedQuery(sql).execute(params, res -> selectReturn(res, replyHandler));
    } catch (Exception e) {
      log.error(e.getMessage(), e);

   * Run a parameterized/prepared select query returning with an SQLRowStream.
   * <p>This never closes the connection conn.
   * @param conn  The connection on which to execute the query on.
   * @param sql  The sql query to run.
   * @param replyHandler  The query result or the failure.
  public void selectStream(AsyncResult<SQLConnection> conn, String sql,
      Handler<AsyncResult<RowStream<Row>>> replyHandler) {
    selectStream(conn, sql, Tuple.tuple(), replyHandler);

   * Run a parameterized/prepared select query returning with an SQLRowStream.
   * <p>This never closes the connection conn.
   * @param conn  The connection on which to execute the query on.
   * @param sql  The sql query to run.
   * @param params  The parameters for the placeholders in sql.
   * @param replyHandler  The query result or the failure.
  public void selectStream(AsyncResult<SQLConnection> conn, String sql, Tuple params,
                           Handler<AsyncResult<RowStream<Row>>> replyHandler) {
     selectStream(conn, sql, params, STREAM_GET_DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE, replyHandler);

  void selectStream(AsyncResult<SQLConnection> conn, String sql, Tuple params, int chunkSize,
      Handler<AsyncResult<RowStream<Row>>> replyHandler) {
    try {
      if (conn.failed()) {
      final Transaction tx = conn.result().tx;
      tx.prepare(sql, res -> {
        if (res.failed()) {
          log.error(res.cause().getMessage(), res.cause());
        PreparedStatement pq = res.result();
        RowStream<Row> rowStream = pq.createStream(chunkSize, params);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      log.error("select stream sql: " + e.getMessage() + " - " + sql, e);

     * Execute an INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE statement.
     * @param sql - the sql to run
     * @param replyHandler - the result handler with UpdateResult
  public void execute(String sql, Handler<AsyncResult<RowSet<Row>>> replyHandler)  {
    execute(sql, Tuple.tuple(), replyHandler);

   * Get vertx-pg-client connection
   * @param replyHandler
  public void getConnection(Handler<AsyncResult<PgConnection>> replyHandler) {
    getClient().getConnection(x -> {
      if (x.failed()) {
      try {
        replyHandler.handle(Future.succeededFuture((PgConnection) x.result()));
      } catch (Exception e) {

  void getSQLConnection(Handler<AsyncResult<SQLConnection>> handler) {
    getSQLConnection(0, handler);

  void getSQLConnection(int queryTimeout, Handler<AsyncResult<SQLConnection>> handler) {
    getConnection(res -> {
      if (res.failed()) {

      PgConnection pgConnection = res.result();

      if (queryTimeout == 0) {
        handler.handle(Future.succeededFuture(new SQLConnection(pgConnection, null, null)));

      long timerId = vertx.setTimer(queryTimeout, id -> pgConnection.cancelRequest(ar -> {
        if (ar.succeeded()) {
              String.format("Cancelling request due to timeout after : %d ms",
        } else {
          log.warn("Failed to send cancelling request", ar.cause());

      SQLConnection sqlConnection = new SQLConnection(pgConnection, null, timerId);

  private void cancelConnectionTimeoutTimer(SQLConnection sqlConnection) {
    Long timeId = sqlConnection.timerId;
    if (timeId != null) {

   * Execute a parameterized/prepared INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE statement.
   * @param sql  The SQL statement to run.
   * @param params The parameters for the placeholders in sql.
   * @param replyHandler
  public void execute(String sql, Tuple params, Handler<AsyncResult<RowSet<Row>>> replyHandler)  {
    getSQLConnection(conn -> execute(conn, sql, params, closeAndHandleResult(conn, replyHandler)));

   * Send an INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE statement within a transaction.
   * <p>Example:
   * <pre>
   *  postgresClient.startTx(beginTx -> {
   *        try {
   *          postgresClient.execute(beginTx, sql, reply -> {...
   * </pre>
   * @param conn - connection - see {@link #startTx(Handler)}
   * @param sql - the sql to run
   * @param replyHandler - reply handler with UpdateResult
  public void execute(AsyncResult<SQLConnection> conn, String sql,
                      Handler<AsyncResult<RowSet<Row>>> replyHandler){
    execute(conn, sql, Tuple.tuple(), replyHandler);

   * Send an INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE parameterized/prepared statement within a transaction.
   * <p>Example:
   * <pre>
   *  postgresClient.startTx(beginTx -> {
   *        try {
   *          postgresClient.execute(beginTx, sql, params, reply -> {...
   * </pre>
   * @param conn - connection - see {@link #startTx(Handler)}
   * @param sql - the sql to run
   * @param replyHandler - reply handler with UpdateResult
  public void execute(AsyncResult<SQLConnection> conn, String sql, Tuple params,
                      Handler<AsyncResult<RowSet<Row>>> replyHandler) {
    try {
      if (conn.failed()) {
      PgConnection connection = conn.result().conn;
      long start = System.nanoTime();
      // more than optimization.. preparedQuery does not work for multiple SQL statements
      if (params.size() == 0) {
        connection.query(sql).execute(query -> {
          statsTracker(EXECUTE_STAT_METHOD, sql, start);
      } else {
        connection.preparedQuery(sql).execute(params, query -> {
          statsTracker(EXECUTE_STAT_METHOD, sql, start);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      log.error(e.getMessage(), e);

   * Create a parameterized/prepared INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE statement and
   * run it with a list of sets of parameters.
   * <p>Example:
   * <pre>
   *  postgresClient.startTx(beginTx -> {
   *        try {
   *          postgresClient.execute(beginTx, sql, params, reply -> {...
   * </pre>
   * @param conn - connection - see {@link #startTx(Handler)}
   * @param sql - the sql to run
   * @param params - there is one list entry for each sql invocation containing the parameters for the placeholders.
   * @param replyHandler - reply handler with one UpdateResult for each list entry of params.
  public void execute(AsyncResult<SQLConnection> conn, String sql, List<Tuple> params,
                      Handler<AsyncResult<List<RowSet<Row>>>> replyHandler) {
    try {
      if (conn.failed()) {
      PgConnection sqlConnection = conn.result().conn;
      List<RowSet<Row>> results = new ArrayList<>(params.size());
      Iterator<Tuple> iterator = params.iterator();
      Runnable task = new Runnable() {
        public void run() {
          if (! iterator.hasNext()) {
          Tuple params1 =;
          sqlConnection.preparedQuery(sql).execute(params1, query -> {
            if (query.failed()) {
    } catch (Exception e) {
      log.error(e.getMessage(), e);

   * Create a parameterized/prepared INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE statement and
   * run it with a list of sets of parameters. Wrap all in a transaction.
   * @param sql - the sql to run
   * @param params - there is one list entry for each sql invocation containing the parameters for the placeholders.
   * @param replyHandler - reply handler with one UpdateResult for each list entry of params.
  public void execute(String sql, List<Tuple> params, Handler<AsyncResult<List<RowSet<Row>>>> replyHandler) {

    startTx(res -> {
      if (res.failed()) {
      execute(res, sql, params, result -> {
        if (result.failed()) {
          rollbackTx(res, rollback -> replyHandler.handle(result));
        endTx(res, end -> {
          if (end.failed()) {

   * For queries where you only want to populate the where clause
   * <br/>
   * See {@link #persistentlyCacheResult(String, String, Handler) }
   * @param cacheName
   * @param tableName
   * @param filter
   * @param replyHandler
  public void persistentlyCacheResult(String cacheName, String tableName,
                                      CQLWrapper filter, Handler<AsyncResult<Integer>> replyHandler) {
    String where = "";
    if (filter != null) {
      try {
        where = filter.toString();
      } catch (Exception e) {
        log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
    String q = "SELECT * FROM " + schemaName + DOT + tableName + SPACE + where;
    persistentlyCacheResult(cacheName, q, replyHandler);

   * For queries where you only want to populate the where clause
   * <br/>
   * See {@link #persistentlyCacheResult(String, String, Handler) }
   * @param cacheName
   * @param tableName
   * @param filter
   * @param replyHandler
  public void persistentlyCacheResult(String cacheName, String tableName,
                                      Criterion filter, Handler<AsyncResult<Integer>> replyHandler) {
    String where = "";
    if (filter != null) {
      where = filter.toString();
    String q = "SELECT * FROM " + schemaName + DOT + tableName + SPACE + where;
    persistentlyCacheResult(cacheName, q, replyHandler);

   * Create a table, a type of materialized view, with the results of a specific query.
   * This can be very helpful when the query is complex and the data is relatively static.
   * This will create a table populated with the results from the query (sql2cache).
   * Further queries can then be run on this table (cacheName) instead of re-executing the complex
   * sql query over and over again.
   * <br/>
   * 1. The table will not track subsequent changes to the source tables
   * <br/>
   * 2. The table should be DROPPED when not needed anymore
   * <br/>
   * 3. To Refresh the table, DROP and Re-call this function
   * <br/>
   * Use carefully, index support on created table to be added
   * @param cacheName - name of the table holding the results of the query
   * @param sql2cache - the sql query to use to populate the table
   * @param replyHandler
  public void persistentlyCacheResult(String cacheName, String sql2cache, Handler<AsyncResult<Integer>> replyHandler) {
    getSQLConnection(conn -> persistentlyCacheResult(conn, cacheName, sql2cache, closeAndHandleResult(conn, replyHandler)));

  private void persistentlyCacheResult(AsyncResult<SQLConnection> conn, String cacheName, String sql2cache, Handler<AsyncResult<Integer>> replyHandler) {
    try {
      if (conn.failed()) {
      long start = System.nanoTime();
      PgConnection connection = conn.result().conn;
          + schemaName + DOT + cacheName +" AS " + sql2cache;;
          query -> {
            statsTracker("persistentlyCacheResult", "CREATE TABLE AS", start);
            if (query.failed()) {
            } else {
    } catch (Exception e) {
      log.error(e.getMessage(), e);

  public void removePersistentCacheResult(String cacheName, Handler<AsyncResult<Integer>> replyHandler) {
    getSQLConnection(conn -> removePersistentCacheResult(conn, cacheName, closeAndHandleResult(conn, replyHandler)));

  private void removePersistentCacheResult(AsyncResult<SQLConnection> conn, String cacheName,
                                           Handler<AsyncResult<Integer>> replyHandler){
    try {
      if (conn.failed()) {
      long start = System.nanoTime();
      PgConnection connection = conn.result().conn;
      connection.query("DROP TABLE " + schemaName + DOT + cacheName).execute(query -> {
        statsTracker("removePersistentCacheResult", "DROP TABLE " + cacheName, start);
        if (query.failed()) {
        } else {
    } catch (Exception e) {
      log.error(e.getMessage(), e);

   * @param identifier  the identifier to check
   * @return if the identifier is a valid Postgres identifier and does not contain
   *          letters with diacritical marks or non-Latin letters
  public boolean isValidPostgresIdentifier(String identifier) {
    return POSTGRES_IDENTIFIER.matcher(identifier).matches();

   * Drop the database if it exists.
   * @param database  database name
   * @throws SQLException  on database error
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException  if database name is too long, contains
   *          illegal characters or letters with diacritical marks or non-Latin letters
  public void dropCreateDatabase(String database) throws SQLException {
    if (! isValidPostgresIdentifier(database)) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal character in database name: " + database);

    try (Connection connection = getStandaloneConnection("postgres", true);
        Statement statement = connection.createStatement()) {
      statement.executeUpdate("DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS " + database); //NOSONAR
      statement.executeUpdate("CREATE DATABASE " + database); //NOSONAR

   * Split string into lines.
  private static List<String> lines(String string) {
    return Arrays.asList(string.split("\\r\\n|\\n|\\r"));

   * Split the sqlFile into SQL statements.
   * <a href="">
   * Dollar-quoted string constants</a> with $$ or $[0-9a-zA-Z_]+$ are preserved.
  static String [] splitSqlStatements(String sqlFile) {
    List<String> lines = new ArrayList<>();
    Matcher matcher = POSTGRES_DOLLAR_QUOTING.matcher(sqlFile);
    int searchStart = 0;
    while (matcher.find()) {
      lines.addAll(lines(sqlFile.substring(searchStart, matcher.start())));
      searchStart = matcher.end();
    return lines.toArray(new String [0]);

  static String [] preprocessSqlStatements(String sqlFile) throws Exception {
    StringBuilder singleStatement = new StringBuilder();
    String[] allLines = splitSqlStatements(sqlFile);
    List<String> execStatements = new ArrayList<>();
    boolean inCopy = false;
    for (int i = 0; i < allLines.length; i++) {
      if (allLines[i].toUpperCase().matches("^\\s*(CREATE USER|CREATE ROLE).*") && AES.getSecretKey() != null) {
        final Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("PASSWORD\\s*'(.+?)'\\s*", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
        final Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(allLines[i]);
          /** password argument indicated in the create user / role statement */
          String newPassword = createPassword(;
          allLines[i] = matcher.replaceFirst(" PASSWORD '" + newPassword +"' ");
      if (allLines[i].trim().startsWith("\ufeff--") || allLines[i].trim().length() == 0 || allLines[i].trim().startsWith("--")) {
        // this is an sql comment, skip
      } else if (POSTGRES_COPY_FROM_STDIN.matcher(allLines[i]).matches()) {
        inCopy = true;
      } else if (inCopy && (allLines[i].trim().equals("\\."))) {
        inCopy = false;
        execStatements.add( singleStatement.toString() );
        singleStatement = new StringBuilder();
      } else if (allLines[i].trim().endsWith(SEMI_COLON) && !inCopy) {
        execStatements.add( singleStatement.append(SPACE + allLines[i]).toString() );
        singleStatement = new StringBuilder();
      } else {
        if (inCopy)  {
        } else {
    String lastStatement = singleStatement.toString();
    if (! lastStatement.trim().isEmpty()) {
    return execStatements.toArray(new String[]{});

   * Will connect to a specific database and execute the commands in the .sql file
   * against that database.<p />
   * NOTE: NOT tested on all types of statements - but on a lot
   * @param sqlFile - string of sqls with executable statements
   * @param stopOnError - stop on first error
   * @return Future with list of statements that failed; the list may be empty
  public Future<List<String>> runSQLFile(String sqlFile, boolean stopOnError) {
    Promise<List<String>> promise = Promise.promise();
    runSQLFile(sqlFile, stopOnError, promise.future());
    return promise.future();

   * Will connect to a specific database and execute the commands in the .sql file
   * against that database.<p />
   * NOTE: NOT tested on all types of statements - but on a lot
   * @param sqlFile - string of sqls with executable statements
   * @param stopOnError - stop on first error
   * @param replyHandler - the handler's result is the list of statements that failed; the list may be empty
  public void runSQLFile(String sqlFile, boolean stopOnError,
      Handler<AsyncResult<List<String>>> replyHandler){
    try {
      execute(preprocessSqlStatements(sqlFile), stopOnError, replyHandler);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      log.error(e.getMessage(), e);

  private Connection getStandaloneConnection(String newDB, boolean superUser) throws SQLException {
    String host = postgreSQLClientConfig.getString(HOST);
    int port = postgreSQLClientConfig.getInteger(PORT);
    String user = postgreSQLClientConfig.getString(_USERNAME);
    String pass = postgreSQLClientConfig.getString(_PASSWORD);
    String db = postgreSQLClientConfig.getString(DATABASE);

    if(newDB != null){
      db = newDB;
        pass = newDB;
        user = newDB;
    return DriverManager.getConnection(
      "jdbc:postgresql://"+host+":"+port+"/"+db, user , pass);

   * Copy files via the COPY FROM postgres syntax
   * Support 3 modes
   * 1. In line (STDIN) Notice the mandatory \. at the end of all entries to import
   * COPY config_data (jsonb) FROM STDIN ENCODING 'UTF8';
   * {"module":"SETTINGS","config_name":"locale","update_date":"1.1.2017","code":"","description":"currency code","default": false,"enabled": true,"value": "kr"}
   * \.
   * 2. Copy from a data file packaged in the jar
   * COPY config_data (jsonb) FROM 'data/' ENCODING 'UTF8';
   * 3. Copy from a file on disk (absolute path)
   * COPY config_data (jsonb) FROM 'C:\\Git\\configuration\\mod-configuration-server\\src\\main\\resources\\data\\' ENCODING 'UTF8';

   * @param copyInStatement
   * @param connection
   * @throws Exception
  private void copyIn(String copyInStatement, Connection connection) throws Exception {
    long totalInsertedRecords = 0;
    CopyManager copyManager = new CopyManager((BaseConnection) connection);
      //run as is
      int sep = copyInStatement.indexOf("\n");
      String copyIn = copyInStatement.substring(0, sep);
      String data = copyInStatement.substring(sep+1);
      totalInsertedRecords = copyManager.copyIn(copyIn, new StringReader(data));
      //copy from a file,
      String[] valuesInQuotes = StringUtils.substringsBetween(copyInStatement , "'", "'");
      if(valuesInQuotes.length == 0){
        log.warn("SQL statement: COPY FROM, has no STDIN and no file path wrapped in ''");
        throw new Exception("SQL statement: COPY FROM, has no STDIN and no file path wrapped in ''");
      //do not read from the file system for now as this needs to support data files packaged in
      //the jar, read files into memory and load - consider improvements to this
      String filePath = valuesInQuotes[0];
      String data;
      if(new File(filePath).isAbsolute()){
        data = FileUtils.readFileToString(new File(filePath), "UTF8");
        try {
          //assume running from within a jar,
          data = ResourceUtils.resource2String(filePath);
        } catch (Exception e) {
          //from IDE
          data = ResourceUtils.resource2String("/"+filePath);
      copyInStatement = copyInStatement.replace("'"+filePath+"'", "STDIN");
      totalInsertedRecords = copyManager.copyIn(copyInStatement, new StringReader(data));
    }"Inserted " + totalInsertedRecords + " via COPY IN. Tenant: " + tenantId);

  private void execute(String[] sql, boolean stopOnError,
      Handler<AsyncResult<List<String>>> replyHandler){

    long s = System.nanoTime();"Executing multiple statements with id " + Arrays.hashCode(sql));
    List<String> results = new ArrayList<>();
    vertx.executeBlocking(dothis -> {
      Connection connection = null;
      Statement statement = null;
      boolean error = false;
      try {

        /* this should be  super user account that is in the config file */
        connection = getStandaloneConnection(null, false);
        statement = connection.createStatement();

        for (int j = 0; j < sql.length; j++) {
          try {
  "trying to execute: " + sql[j].substring(0, Math.min(sql[j].length()-1, 1000)));
            if(sql[j].trim().toUpperCase().startsWith("COPY ")){
              copyIn(sql[j], connection);
              statement.executeUpdate(sql[j]); //NOSONAR
  "Successfully executed: " + sql[j].substring(0, Math.min(sql[j].length()-1, 400)));
          } catch (Exception e) {
            error = true;
        try {
            log.error("Rollback for: " + Arrays.hashCode(sql));
  "Successfully committed: " + Arrays.hashCode(sql));
        } catch (Exception e) {
          error = true;
          log.error("Commit failed " + Arrays.hashCode(sql) + SPACE + e.getMessage(), e);
      catch(Exception e){
        log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
        error = true;
      finally {
        try {
          if(statement != null) statement.close();
        } catch (Exception e) {
          log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
        try {
          if(connection != null) connection.close();
        } catch (Exception e) {
          log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
    }, done -> {
      logTimer(EXECUTE_STAT_METHOD, "" + Arrays.hashCode(sql), s);

  private static void rememberEmbeddedPostgres() {
     embeddedPostgres = new EmbeddedPostgres(Version.Main.V10);

   * Start an embedded PostgreSQL.
   * doesn't change the configuration.
   * @throws IOException  when starting embedded PostgreSQL fails
  public void startEmbeddedPostgres() throws IOException {
    // starting Postgres
    if (embeddedPostgres == null) {
      int port = postgreSQLClientConfig.getInteger(PORT);
      String username = postgreSQLClientConfig.getString(_USERNAME);
      String password = postgreSQLClientConfig.getString(_PASSWORD);
      String database = postgreSQLClientConfig.getString(DATABASE);

      String locale = "en_US.UTF-8";
      String operatingSystem = System.getProperty("").toLowerCase();
      if (operatingSystem.contains("win")) {
        locale = "american_usa";
      embeddedPostgres.start("localhost", port, database, username, password,
        Arrays.asList("-E", "UTF-8", "--locale", locale));
      Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread(PostgresClient::stopEmbeddedPostgres));"embedded postgres started on port " + port);
    } else {"embedded postgres is already running...");

   * .sql files
   * @param path
  public void importFileEmbedded(String path) {
    // starting Postgres
    if (embeddedMode) {
      if (embeddedPostgres != null) {
        Optional<PostgresProcess> optionalPostgresProcess = embeddedPostgres.getProcess();
        if (optionalPostgresProcess.isPresent()) {
"embedded postgress import starting....");
          PostgresProcess postgresProcess = optionalPostgresProcess.get();
          postgresProcess.importFromFile(new File(path));
"embedded postgress import complete....");
        } else {
          log.warn("embedded postgress is not running...");
      } else {"embedded postgress not enabled");

   * This is a blocking call - run in an execBlocking statement
   * import data in a tab delimited file into columns of an existing table
   * Using only default values of the COPY FROM STDIN Postgres command
   * @param path - path to the file
   * @param tableName - name of the table to import the content into
  public void importFile(String path, String tableName) {

    long recordsImported[] = new long[]{-1};
    vertx.<String>executeBlocking(dothis -> {
      try {
        String host = postgreSQLClientConfig.getString(HOST);
        int port = postgreSQLClientConfig.getInteger(PORT);
        String user = postgreSQLClientConfig.getString(_USERNAME);
        String pass = postgreSQLClientConfig.getString(_PASSWORD);
        String db = postgreSQLClientConfig.getString(DATABASE);"Connecting to " + db);

        Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(
          "jdbc:postgresql://"+host+":"+port+"/"+db, user , pass);"Copying text data rows from stdin");

        CopyManager copyManager = new CopyManager((BaseConnection) con);

        FileReader fileReader = new FileReader(path);
        recordsImported[0] = copyManager.copyIn("COPY "+tableName+" FROM STDIN", fileReader );

      } catch (Exception e) {
        log.error(messages.getMessage("en", MessageConsts.ImportFailed), e);;

    }, whendone -> {

      if(whendone.succeeded()){"Done importing file: " + path + ". Number of records imported: " + recordsImported[0]);
      else{"Failed importing file: " + path);



  public static void stopEmbeddedPostgres() {
    if (embeddedPostgres != null) {
      LogUtil.formatLogMessage(PostgresClient.class.getName(), "stopEmbeddedPostgres", "called stop on embedded postgress ...");
      embeddedPostgres = null;
      embeddedMode = false;

  public static String convertToPsqlStandard(String tenantId){
    return tenantId.toLowerCase() + "_" + MODULE_NAME;

  public static String getModuleName(){
    return MODULE_NAME;

   * @return the tenantId of this PostgresClient
  String getTenantId() {
    return tenantId;

   * @return the PostgreSQL schema name for the tenantId and the module name of this PostgresClient.
   *   A PostgreSQL schema name is of the form tenant_module and is used to address tables:
   *   "SELECT * FROM tenant_module.table"
  String getSchemaName() {
    return schemaName;

   * Function to correct estimated result count:
   * If the resultsCount is equal to 0, the result should be not more than offset
   * If the resultsCount is equal to limit, the result should be not less than offset + limit
   * Otherwise it should be equal to offset + resultsCount
   * @param resultsCount the count of rows, that are returned from database
   * @param estimateCount the estimate result count from returned by database
   * @param offset database offset
   * @param limit database limit
   * @return corrected results count
  static Integer getTotalRecords(int resultsCount, Integer estimateCount, int offset, int limit) {
    if (estimateCount == null) {
      return null;
    if (limit == 0) {
      return estimateCount;
    if (resultsCount == 0) {
      return Math.min(offset, estimateCount);
    } else if (resultsCount == limit) {
      return Math.max(offset + limit, estimateCount);
    return offset + resultsCount;
