/* Soot - a J*va Optimization Framework
 * Copyright (C) 1997-2000 Etienne Gagnon.  All rights reserved.
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the
 * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

 * Modified by the Sable Research Group and others 1997-1999.  
 * See the 'credits' file distributed with Soot for the complete list of
 * contributors.  (Soot is distributed at http://www.sable.mcgill.ca/soot)

package soot.jimple.toolkits.typing;

import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;

import soot.ArrayType;
import soot.DoubleType;
import soot.FloatType;
import soot.IntType;
import soot.Local;
import soot.LongType;
import soot.NullType;
import soot.RefType;
import soot.SootMethodRef;
import soot.TrapManager;
import soot.Type;
import soot.Value;
import soot.jimple.AbstractStmtSwitch;
import soot.jimple.AddExpr;
import soot.jimple.AndExpr;
import soot.jimple.ArrayRef;
import soot.jimple.AssignStmt;
import soot.jimple.BinopExpr;
import soot.jimple.BreakpointStmt;
import soot.jimple.CastExpr;
import soot.jimple.CaughtExceptionRef;
import soot.jimple.ClassConstant;
import soot.jimple.CmpExpr;
import soot.jimple.CmpgExpr;
import soot.jimple.CmplExpr;
import soot.jimple.ConditionExpr;
import soot.jimple.DivExpr;
import soot.jimple.DoubleConstant;
import soot.jimple.DynamicInvokeExpr;
import soot.jimple.EnterMonitorStmt;
import soot.jimple.EqExpr;
import soot.jimple.ExitMonitorStmt;
import soot.jimple.FloatConstant;
import soot.jimple.GeExpr;
import soot.jimple.GotoStmt;
import soot.jimple.GtExpr;
import soot.jimple.IdentityStmt;
import soot.jimple.IfStmt;
import soot.jimple.InstanceFieldRef;
import soot.jimple.InstanceOfExpr;
import soot.jimple.IntConstant;
import soot.jimple.InterfaceInvokeExpr;
import soot.jimple.InvokeExpr;
import soot.jimple.InvokeStmt;
import soot.jimple.JimpleBody;
import soot.jimple.LeExpr;
import soot.jimple.LengthExpr;
import soot.jimple.LongConstant;
import soot.jimple.LookupSwitchStmt;
import soot.jimple.LtExpr;
import soot.jimple.MulExpr;
import soot.jimple.NeExpr;
import soot.jimple.NegExpr;
import soot.jimple.NewArrayExpr;
import soot.jimple.NewExpr;
import soot.jimple.NewMultiArrayExpr;
import soot.jimple.NopStmt;
import soot.jimple.NullConstant;
import soot.jimple.OrExpr;
import soot.jimple.RemExpr;
import soot.jimple.ReturnStmt;
import soot.jimple.ReturnVoidStmt;
import soot.jimple.ShlExpr;
import soot.jimple.ShrExpr;
import soot.jimple.SpecialInvokeExpr;
import soot.jimple.StaticFieldRef;
import soot.jimple.StaticInvokeExpr;
import soot.jimple.Stmt;
import soot.jimple.StringConstant;
import soot.jimple.SubExpr;
import soot.jimple.TableSwitchStmt;
import soot.jimple.ThrowStmt;
import soot.jimple.UshrExpr;
import soot.jimple.VirtualInvokeExpr;
import soot.jimple.XorExpr;

class ConstraintCollector extends AbstractStmtSwitch {
	private TypeResolver resolver;
	private boolean uses; // if true, include use constraints

	private JimpleBody stmtBody;

	public ConstraintCollector(TypeResolver resolver, boolean uses) {
		this.resolver = resolver;
		this.uses = uses;


	public void collect(Stmt stmt, JimpleBody stmtBody) {
		this.stmtBody = stmtBody;

	private void handleInvokeExpr(InvokeExpr ie) {
		if (!uses)
		// Handle the parameters
		SootMethodRef method = ie.getMethodRef();
		for (int i = 0; i < ie.getArgCount(); i++) {
			if (ie.getArg(i) instanceof Local) {
				Local local = (Local) ie.getArg(i);
				TypeVariable localType = resolver.typeVariable(local);
		if (ie instanceof InterfaceInvokeExpr) {
			InterfaceInvokeExpr invoke = (InterfaceInvokeExpr) ie;
			Value base = invoke.getBase();
			if (base instanceof Local) {
				Local local = (Local) base;
				TypeVariable localType = resolver.typeVariable(local);
		} else if (ie instanceof SpecialInvokeExpr) {
			SpecialInvokeExpr invoke = (SpecialInvokeExpr) ie;
			Value base = invoke.getBase();

			if (base instanceof Local) {
				Local local = (Local) base;
				TypeVariable localType = resolver.typeVariable(local);
		} else if (ie instanceof VirtualInvokeExpr) {
			VirtualInvokeExpr invoke = (VirtualInvokeExpr) ie;
			Value base = invoke.getBase();

			if (base instanceof Local) {
				Local local = (Local) base;
				TypeVariable localType = resolver.typeVariable(local);
		} else if (ie instanceof StaticInvokeExpr) {
			// no base to handle
		} else if (ie instanceof DynamicInvokeExpr) {
			DynamicInvokeExpr invoke = (DynamicInvokeExpr) ie;
			SootMethodRef bootstrapMethod = invoke.getBootstrapMethodRef();
			for (int i = 0; i < invoke.getBootstrapArgCount(); i++) {
				if (invoke.getArg(i) instanceof Local) {
					Local local = (Local) invoke.getBootstrapArg(i);
					TypeVariable localType = resolver.typeVariable(local);
		} else {
			throw new RuntimeException("Unhandled invoke expression type: " + ie.getClass());

	public void caseBreakpointStmt(BreakpointStmt stmt) {
		// Do nothing

	public void caseInvokeStmt(InvokeStmt stmt) {

	public void caseAssignStmt(AssignStmt stmt) {
		Value l = stmt.getLeftOp();
		Value r = stmt.getRightOp();

		TypeVariable left = null;
		TypeVariable right = null;

		// ******** LEFT ********

		if (l instanceof ArrayRef) {
			ArrayRef ref = (ArrayRef) l;
			Value base = ref.getBase();
			Value index = ref.getIndex();

			TypeVariable baseType = resolver.typeVariable((Local) base);
			left = baseType.element();

			if (index instanceof Local) {
				if (uses) {
					resolver.typeVariable((Local) index).addParent(resolver.typeVariable(IntType.v()));
		} else if (l instanceof Local) {
			left = resolver.typeVariable((Local) l);
		} else if (l instanceof InstanceFieldRef) {
			InstanceFieldRef ref = (InstanceFieldRef) l;

			if (uses) {
				TypeVariable baseType = resolver.typeVariable((Local) ref.getBase());

				left = resolver.typeVariable(ref.getField().getType());
		} else if (l instanceof StaticFieldRef) {
			if (uses) {
				StaticFieldRef ref = (StaticFieldRef) l;

				left = resolver.typeVariable(ref.getField().getType());
		} else {
			throw new RuntimeException("Unhandled assignment left hand side type: " + l.getClass());

		// ******** RIGHT ********

		if (r instanceof ArrayRef) {
			ArrayRef ref = (ArrayRef) r;
			Value base = ref.getBase();
			Value index = ref.getIndex();

			TypeVariable baseType = resolver.typeVariable((Local) base);
			right = baseType.element();

			if (index instanceof Local) {
				if (uses) {
					resolver.typeVariable((Local) index).addParent(resolver.typeVariable(IntType.v()));
		} else if (r instanceof DoubleConstant) {
			right = resolver.typeVariable(DoubleType.v());
		} else if (r instanceof FloatConstant) {
			right = resolver.typeVariable(FloatType.v());
		} else if (r instanceof IntConstant) {
			right = resolver.typeVariable(IntType.v());
		} else if (r instanceof LongConstant) {
			right = resolver.typeVariable(LongType.v());
		} else if (r instanceof NullConstant) {
			right = resolver.typeVariable(NullType.v());
		} else if (r instanceof StringConstant) {
			right = resolver.typeVariable(RefType.v("java.lang.String"));
		} else if (r instanceof ClassConstant) {
			right = resolver.typeVariable(RefType.v("java.lang.Class"));
		} else if (r instanceof BinopExpr) {
			// ******** BINOP EXPR ********

			BinopExpr be = (BinopExpr) r;

			Value lv = be.getOp1();
			Value rv = be.getOp2();

			TypeVariable lop;
			TypeVariable rop;

			// ******** LEFT ********
			if (lv instanceof Local) {
				lop = resolver.typeVariable((Local) lv);
			} else if (lv instanceof DoubleConstant) {
				lop = resolver.typeVariable(DoubleType.v());
			} else if (lv instanceof FloatConstant) {
				lop = resolver.typeVariable(FloatType.v());
			} else if (lv instanceof IntConstant) {
				lop = resolver.typeVariable(IntType.v());
			} else if (lv instanceof LongConstant) {
				lop = resolver.typeVariable(LongType.v());
			} else if (lv instanceof NullConstant) {
				lop = resolver.typeVariable(NullType.v());
			} else if (lv instanceof StringConstant) {
				lop = resolver.typeVariable(RefType.v("java.lang.String"));
			} else if (lv instanceof ClassConstant) {
				lop = resolver.typeVariable(RefType.v("java.lang.Class"));
			} else {
				throw new RuntimeException("Unhandled binary expression left operand type: " + lv.getClass());

			// ******** RIGHT ********
			if (rv instanceof Local) {
				rop = resolver.typeVariable((Local) rv);
			} else if (rv instanceof DoubleConstant) {
				rop = resolver.typeVariable(DoubleType.v());
			} else if (rv instanceof FloatConstant) {
				rop = resolver.typeVariable(FloatType.v());
			} else if (rv instanceof IntConstant) {
				rop = resolver.typeVariable(IntType.v());
			} else if (rv instanceof LongConstant) {
				rop = resolver.typeVariable(LongType.v());
			} else if (rv instanceof NullConstant) {
				rop = resolver.typeVariable(NullType.v());
			} else if (rv instanceof StringConstant) {
				rop = resolver.typeVariable(RefType.v("java.lang.String"));
			} else if (rv instanceof ClassConstant) {
				rop = resolver.typeVariable(RefType.v("java.lang.Class"));
			} else {
				throw new RuntimeException("Unhandled binary expression right operand type: " + rv.getClass());

			if ((be instanceof AddExpr) || (be instanceof SubExpr) || (be instanceof MulExpr)
					|| (be instanceof DivExpr) || (be instanceof RemExpr) || (be instanceof AndExpr)
					|| (be instanceof OrExpr) || (be instanceof XorExpr)) {
				if (uses) {
					TypeVariable common = resolver.typeVariable();

				if (left != null) {
			} else if ((be instanceof ShlExpr) || (be instanceof ShrExpr) || (be instanceof UshrExpr)) {
				if (uses) {

				right = lop;
			} else if ((be instanceof CmpExpr) || (be instanceof CmpgExpr) || (be instanceof CmplExpr)
					|| (be instanceof EqExpr) || (be instanceof GeExpr) || (be instanceof GtExpr)
					|| (be instanceof LeExpr) || (be instanceof LtExpr) || (be instanceof NeExpr)) {
				if (uses) {
					TypeVariable common = resolver.typeVariable();

				right = resolver.typeVariable(IntType.v());
			} else {
				throw new RuntimeException("Unhandled binary expression type: " + be.getClass());
		} else if (r instanceof CastExpr) {
			CastExpr ce = (CastExpr) r;

			right = resolver.typeVariable(ce.getCastType());
		} else if (r instanceof InstanceOfExpr) {
			right = resolver.typeVariable(IntType.v());
		} else if (r instanceof InvokeExpr) {
			InvokeExpr ie = (InvokeExpr) r;


			right = resolver.typeVariable(ie.getMethodRef().returnType());
		} else if (r instanceof NewArrayExpr) {
			NewArrayExpr nae = (NewArrayExpr) r;

			Type baseType = nae.getBaseType();

			if (baseType instanceof ArrayType) {
				right = resolver.typeVariable(ArrayType.v(((ArrayType) baseType).baseType,
						((ArrayType) baseType).numDimensions + 1));
			} else {
				right = resolver.typeVariable(ArrayType.v(baseType, 1));

			if (uses) {
				Value size = nae.getSize();
				if (size instanceof Local) {
					TypeVariable var = resolver.typeVariable((Local) size);
		} else if (r instanceof NewExpr) {
			NewExpr na = (NewExpr) r;

			right = resolver.typeVariable(na.getBaseType());
		} else if (r instanceof NewMultiArrayExpr) {
			NewMultiArrayExpr nmae = (NewMultiArrayExpr) r;

			right = resolver.typeVariable(nmae.getBaseType());

			if (uses) {
				for (int i = 0; i < nmae.getSizeCount(); i++) {
					Value size = nmae.getSize(i);
					if (size instanceof Local) {
						TypeVariable var = resolver.typeVariable((Local) size);
		} else if (r instanceof LengthExpr) {
			LengthExpr le = (LengthExpr) r;

			if (uses) {
				if (le.getOp() instanceof Local) {
					resolver.typeVariable((Local) le.getOp()).makeElement();

			right = resolver.typeVariable(IntType.v());
		} else if (r instanceof NegExpr) {
			NegExpr ne = (NegExpr) r;

			if (ne.getOp() instanceof Local) {
				right = resolver.typeVariable((Local) ne.getOp());
			} else if (ne.getOp() instanceof DoubleConstant) {
				right = resolver.typeVariable(DoubleType.v());
			} else if (ne.getOp() instanceof FloatConstant) {
				right = resolver.typeVariable(FloatType.v());
			} else if (ne.getOp() instanceof IntConstant) {
				right = resolver.typeVariable(IntType.v());
			} else if (ne.getOp() instanceof LongConstant) {
				right = resolver.typeVariable(LongType.v());
			} else {
				throw new RuntimeException("Unhandled neg expression operand type: " + ne.getOp().getClass());
		} else if (r instanceof Local) {
			right = resolver.typeVariable((Local) r);
		} else if (r instanceof InstanceFieldRef) {
			InstanceFieldRef ref = (InstanceFieldRef) r;

			if (uses) {
				TypeVariable baseType = resolver.typeVariable((Local) ref.getBase());

			right = resolver.typeVariable(ref.getField().getType());
		} else if (r instanceof StaticFieldRef) {
			StaticFieldRef ref = (StaticFieldRef) r;

			right = resolver.typeVariable(ref.getField().getType());
		} else {
			throw new RuntimeException("Unhandled assignment right hand side type: " + r.getClass());

		if (left != null && right != null) {

	public void caseIdentityStmt(IdentityStmt stmt) {
		Value l = stmt.getLeftOp();
		Value r = stmt.getRightOp();

		if (l instanceof Local) {
			TypeVariable left = resolver.typeVariable((Local) l);

			if (!(r instanceof CaughtExceptionRef)) {
				TypeVariable right = resolver.typeVariable(r.getType());
			} else {
				List<RefType> exceptionTypes = TrapManager.getExceptionTypesOf(stmt, stmtBody);
				Iterator<RefType> typeIt = exceptionTypes.iterator();

				while (typeIt.hasNext()) {
					Type t = typeIt.next();


				if (uses) {

	public void caseEnterMonitorStmt(EnterMonitorStmt stmt) {
		if (uses) {
			if (stmt.getOp() instanceof Local) {
				TypeVariable op = resolver.typeVariable((Local) stmt.getOp());


	public void caseExitMonitorStmt(ExitMonitorStmt stmt) {
		if (uses) {
			if (stmt.getOp() instanceof Local) {
				TypeVariable op = resolver.typeVariable((Local) stmt.getOp());


	public void caseGotoStmt(GotoStmt stmt) {

	public void caseIfStmt(IfStmt stmt) {
		if (uses) {
			ConditionExpr cond = (ConditionExpr) stmt.getCondition();

			BinopExpr expr = cond;
			Value lv = expr.getOp1();
			Value rv = expr.getOp2();

			TypeVariable lop;
			TypeVariable rop;

			// ******** LEFT ********
			if (lv instanceof Local) {
				lop = resolver.typeVariable((Local) lv);
			} else if (lv instanceof DoubleConstant) {
				lop = resolver.typeVariable(DoubleType.v());
			} else if (lv instanceof FloatConstant) {
				lop = resolver.typeVariable(FloatType.v());
			} else if (lv instanceof IntConstant) {
				lop = resolver.typeVariable(IntType.v());
			} else if (lv instanceof LongConstant) {
				lop = resolver.typeVariable(LongType.v());
			} else if (lv instanceof NullConstant) {
				lop = resolver.typeVariable(NullType.v());
			} else if (lv instanceof StringConstant) {
				lop = resolver.typeVariable(RefType.v("java.lang.String"));
			} else if (lv instanceof ClassConstant) {
				lop = resolver.typeVariable(RefType.v("java.lang.Class"));
			} else {
				throw new RuntimeException("Unhandled binary expression left operand type: " + lv.getClass());

			// ******** RIGHT ********
			if (rv instanceof Local) {
				rop = resolver.typeVariable((Local) rv);
			} else if (rv instanceof DoubleConstant) {
				rop = resolver.typeVariable(DoubleType.v());
			} else if (rv instanceof FloatConstant) {
				rop = resolver.typeVariable(FloatType.v());
			} else if (rv instanceof IntConstant) {
				rop = resolver.typeVariable(IntType.v());
			} else if (rv instanceof LongConstant) {
				rop = resolver.typeVariable(LongType.v());
			} else if (rv instanceof NullConstant) {
				rop = resolver.typeVariable(NullType.v());
			} else if (rv instanceof StringConstant) {
				rop = resolver.typeVariable(RefType.v("java.lang.String"));
			} else if (rv instanceof ClassConstant) {
				rop = resolver.typeVariable(RefType.v("java.lang.Class"));
			} else {
				throw new RuntimeException("Unhandled binary expression right operand type: " + rv.getClass());

			TypeVariable common = resolver.typeVariable();

	public void caseLookupSwitchStmt(LookupSwitchStmt stmt) {
		if (uses) {
			Value key = stmt.getKey();

			if (key instanceof Local) {
				resolver.typeVariable((Local) key).addParent(resolver.typeVariable(IntType.v()));

	public void caseNopStmt(NopStmt stmt) {

	public void caseReturnStmt(ReturnStmt stmt) {
		if (uses) {
			if (stmt.getOp() instanceof Local) {
				resolver.typeVariable((Local) stmt.getOp()).addParent(

	public void caseReturnVoidStmt(ReturnVoidStmt stmt) {

	public void caseTableSwitchStmt(TableSwitchStmt stmt) {
		if (uses) {
			Value key = stmt.getKey();

			if (key instanceof Local) {
				resolver.typeVariable((Local) key).addParent(resolver.typeVariable(IntType.v()));

	public void caseThrowStmt(ThrowStmt stmt) {
		if (uses) {
			if (stmt.getOp() instanceof Local) {
				TypeVariable op = resolver.typeVariable((Local) stmt.getOp());


	public void defaultCase(Stmt stmt) {
		throw new RuntimeException("Unhandled statement type: " + stmt.getClass());