 * Copyright 2017 Google Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package com.google.firebase.auth;

import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkArgument;
import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkNotNull;
import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkState;

import com.google.api.client.json.JsonFactory;
import com.google.api.client.util.Clock;
import com.google.api.core.ApiFuture;
import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting;
import com.google.common.base.Strings;
import com.google.common.base.Supplier;
import com.google.common.base.Suppliers;
import com.google.firebase.FirebaseApp;
import com.google.firebase.ImplFirebaseTrampolines;
import com.google.firebase.auth.FirebaseUserManager.EmailLinkType;
import com.google.firebase.auth.FirebaseUserManager.UserImportRequest;
import com.google.firebase.auth.ListUsersPage.DefaultUserSource;
import com.google.firebase.auth.ListUsersPage.PageFactory;
import com.google.firebase.auth.UserRecord.CreateRequest;
import com.google.firebase.auth.UserRecord.UpdateRequest;
import com.google.firebase.auth.internal.FirebaseTokenFactory;
import com.google.firebase.internal.CallableOperation;
import com.google.firebase.internal.FirebaseService;
import com.google.firebase.internal.NonNull;
import com.google.firebase.internal.Nullable;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;

 * This class is the entry point for all server-side Firebase Authentication actions.
 * <p>You can get an instance of FirebaseAuth via {@link FirebaseAuth#getInstance(FirebaseApp)} and
 * then use it to perform a variety of authentication-related operations, including generating
 * custom tokens for use by client-side code, verifying Firebase ID Tokens received from clients, or
 * creating new FirebaseApp instances that are scoped to a particular authentication UID.
public class FirebaseAuth {

  private static final String SERVICE_ID = FirebaseAuth.class.getName();

  private static final String ERROR_CUSTOM_TOKEN = "ERROR_CUSTOM_TOKEN";

  private final Object lock = new Object();
  private final AtomicBoolean destroyed = new AtomicBoolean(false);

  private final FirebaseApp firebaseApp;
  private final Supplier<FirebaseTokenFactory> tokenFactory;
  private final Supplier<? extends FirebaseTokenVerifier> idTokenVerifier;
  private final Supplier<? extends FirebaseTokenVerifier> cookieVerifier;
  private final Supplier<? extends FirebaseUserManager> userManager;
  private final JsonFactory jsonFactory;

  private FirebaseAuth(Builder builder) {
    this.firebaseApp = checkNotNull(builder.firebaseApp);
    this.tokenFactory = threadSafeMemoize(builder.tokenFactory);
    this.idTokenVerifier = threadSafeMemoize(builder.idTokenVerifier);
    this.cookieVerifier = threadSafeMemoize(builder.cookieVerifier);
    this.userManager = threadSafeMemoize(builder.userManager);
    this.jsonFactory = firebaseApp.getOptions().getJsonFactory();

   * Gets the FirebaseAuth instance for the default {@link FirebaseApp}.
   * @return The FirebaseAuth instance for the default {@link FirebaseApp}.
  public static FirebaseAuth getInstance() {
    return FirebaseAuth.getInstance(FirebaseApp.getInstance());

   * Gets an instance of FirebaseAuth for a specific {@link FirebaseApp}.
   * @param app The {@link FirebaseApp} to get a FirebaseAuth instance for.
   * @return A FirebaseAuth instance.
  public static synchronized FirebaseAuth getInstance(FirebaseApp app) {
    FirebaseAuthService service = ImplFirebaseTrampolines.getService(app, SERVICE_ID,
    if (service == null) {
      service = ImplFirebaseTrampolines.addService(app, new FirebaseAuthService(app));
    return service.getInstance();

   * Creates a new Firebase session cookie from the given ID token and options. The returned JWT
   * can be set as a server-side session cookie with a custom cookie policy.
   * @param idToken The Firebase ID token to exchange for a session cookie.
   * @param options Additional options required to create the cookie.
   * @return A Firebase session cookie string.
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the ID token is null or empty, or if options is null.
   * @throws FirebaseAuthException If an error occurs while generating the session cookie.
  public String createSessionCookie(
      @NonNull String idToken, @NonNull SessionCookieOptions options) throws FirebaseAuthException {
    return createSessionCookieOp(idToken, options).call();

   * Similar to {@link #createSessionCookie(String, SessionCookieOptions)} but performs the
   * operation asynchronously.
   * @param idToken The Firebase ID token to exchange for a session cookie.
   * @param options Additional options required to create the cookie.
   * @return An {@code ApiFuture} which will complete successfully with a session cookie string.
   *     If an error occurs while generating the cookie or if the specified ID token is invalid,
   *     the future throws a {@link FirebaseAuthException}.
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the ID token is null or empty, or if options is null.
  public ApiFuture<String> createSessionCookieAsync(
      @NonNull String idToken, @NonNull SessionCookieOptions options) {
    return createSessionCookieOp(idToken, options).callAsync(firebaseApp);

  private CallableOperation<String, FirebaseAuthException> createSessionCookieOp(
      final String idToken, final SessionCookieOptions options) {
    checkArgument(!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(idToken), "idToken must not be null or empty");
    checkNotNull(options, "options must not be null");
    final FirebaseUserManager userManager = getUserManager();
    return new CallableOperation<String, FirebaseAuthException>() {
      protected String execute() throws FirebaseAuthException {
        return userManager.createSessionCookie(idToken, options);

   * Parses and verifies a Firebase session cookie.
   * <p>If verified successfully, returns a parsed version of the cookie from which the UID and the
   * other claims can be read. If the cookie is invalid, throws a {@link FirebaseAuthException}.
   * <p>This method does not check whether the cookie has been revoked. See
   * {@link #verifySessionCookie(String, boolean)}.
   * @param cookie A Firebase session cookie string to verify and parse.
   * @return A {@link FirebaseToken} representing the verified and decoded cookie.
  public FirebaseToken verifySessionCookie(String cookie) throws FirebaseAuthException {
    return verifySessionCookie(cookie, false);

   * Parses and verifies a Firebase session cookie.
   * <p>If {@code checkRevoked} is true, additionally verifies that the cookie has not been
   * revoked.
   * <p>If verified successfully, returns a parsed version of the cookie from which the UID and the
   * other claims can be read. If the cookie is invalid or has been revoked while
   * {@code checkRevoked} is true, throws a {@link FirebaseAuthException}.
   * @param cookie A Firebase session cookie string to verify and parse.
   * @param checkRevoked A boolean indicating whether to check if the cookie was explicitly
   *     revoked.
   * @return A {@link FirebaseToken} representing the verified and decoded cookie.
  public FirebaseToken verifySessionCookie(
      String cookie, boolean checkRevoked) throws FirebaseAuthException {
    return verifySessionCookieOp(cookie, checkRevoked).call();

   * Similar to {@link #verifySessionCookie(String)} but performs the operation asynchronously.
   * @param cookie A Firebase session cookie string to verify and parse.
   * @return An {@code ApiFuture} which will complete successfully with the parsed cookie, or
   *     unsuccessfully with the failure Exception.
  public ApiFuture<FirebaseToken> verifySessionCookieAsync(String cookie) {
    return verifySessionCookieAsync(cookie, false);

   * Similar to {@link #verifySessionCookie(String, boolean)} but performs the operation
   * asynchronously.
   * @param cookie A Firebase session cookie string to verify and parse.
   * @param checkRevoked A boolean indicating whether to check if the cookie was explicitly
   *     revoked.
   * @return An {@code ApiFuture} which will complete successfully with the parsed cookie, or
   *     unsuccessfully with the failure Exception.
  public ApiFuture<FirebaseToken> verifySessionCookieAsync(String cookie, boolean checkRevoked) {
    return verifySessionCookieOp(cookie, checkRevoked).callAsync(firebaseApp);

  private CallableOperation<FirebaseToken, FirebaseAuthException> verifySessionCookieOp(
      final String cookie, final boolean checkRevoked) {
    checkArgument(!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(cookie), "Session cookie must not be null or empty");
    final FirebaseTokenVerifier sessionCookieVerifier = getSessionCookieVerifier(checkRevoked);
    return new CallableOperation<FirebaseToken, FirebaseAuthException>() {
      public FirebaseToken execute() throws FirebaseAuthException {
        return sessionCookieVerifier.verifyToken(cookie);

  FirebaseTokenVerifier getSessionCookieVerifier(boolean checkRevoked) {
    FirebaseTokenVerifier verifier = cookieVerifier.get();
    if (checkRevoked) {
      FirebaseUserManager userManager = getUserManager();
      verifier = RevocationCheckDecorator.decorateSessionCookieVerifier(verifier, userManager);
    return verifier;

   * Creates a Firebase custom token for the given UID. This token can then be sent back to a client
   * application to be used with the
   * <a href="/docs/auth/admin/create-custom-tokens#sign_in_using_custom_tokens_on_clients">signInWithCustomToken</a>
   * authentication API.
   * <p>{@link FirebaseApp} must have been initialized with service account credentials to use
   * call this method.
   * @param uid The UID to store in the token. This identifies the user to other Firebase services
   *     (Realtime Database, Firebase Auth, etc.). Should be less than 128 characters.
   * @return A Firebase custom token string.
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the specified uid is null or empty, or if the app has not
   *     been initialized with service account credentials.
   * @throws FirebaseAuthException If an error occurs while generating the custom token.
  public String createCustomToken(@NonNull String uid) throws FirebaseAuthException {
    return createCustomToken(uid, null);

   * Creates a Firebase custom token for the given UID, containing the specified additional
   * claims. This token can then be sent back to a client application to be used with the
   * <a href="/docs/auth/admin/create-custom-tokens#sign_in_using_custom_tokens_on_clients">signInWithCustomToken</a>
   * authentication API.
   * <p>This method attempts to generate a token using:
   * <ol>
   *   <li>the private key of {@link FirebaseApp}'s service account credentials, if provided at
   *   initialization.
   *   <li>the <a href="https://cloud.google.com/iam/reference/rest/v1/projects.serviceAccounts/signBlob">IAM service</a>
   *   if a service account email was specified via
   *   {@link com.google.firebase.FirebaseOptions.Builder#setServiceAccountId(String)}.
   *   <li>the <a href="https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/standard/java/appidentity/">App Identity
   *   service</a> if the code is deployed in the Google App Engine standard environment.
   *   <li>the <a href="https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/storing-retrieving-metadata">
   *   local Metadata server</a> if the code is deployed in a different GCP-managed environment
   *   like Google Compute Engine.
   * </ol>
   * <p>This method throws an exception when all the above fail.
   * @param uid The UID to store in the token. This identifies the user to other Firebase services
   *     (Realtime Database, Firebase Auth, etc.). Should be less than 128 characters.
   * @param developerClaims Additional claims to be stored in the token (and made available to
   *     security rules in Database, Storage, etc.). These must be able to be serialized to JSON
   *     (e.g. contain only Maps, Arrays, Strings, Booleans, Numbers, etc.)
   * @return A Firebase custom token string.
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the specified uid is null or empty.
   * @throws IllegalStateException If the SDK fails to discover a viable approach for signing
   *     tokens.
   * @throws FirebaseAuthException If an error occurs while generating the custom token.
  public String createCustomToken(@NonNull String uid,
      @Nullable Map<String, Object> developerClaims) throws FirebaseAuthException {
    return createCustomTokenOp(uid, developerClaims).call();

   * Similar to {@link #createCustomToken(String)} but performs the operation asynchronously.
   * @param uid The UID to store in the token. This identifies the user to other Firebase services
   *     (Realtime Database, Firebase Auth, etc.). Should be less than 128 characters.
   * @return An {@code ApiFuture} which will complete successfully with the created Firebase custom
   *     token, or unsuccessfully with the failure Exception.
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the specified uid is null or empty, or if the app has not
   *     been initialized with service account credentials.
  public ApiFuture<String> createCustomTokenAsync(@NonNull String uid) {
    return createCustomTokenAsync(uid, null);

   * Similar to {@link #createCustomToken(String, Map)} but performs the operation
   * asynchronously.
   * @param uid The UID to store in the token. This identifies the user to other Firebase services
   *     (Realtime Database, Storage, etc.). Should be less than 128 characters.
   * @param developerClaims Additional claims to be stored in the token (and made available to
   *     security rules in Database, Storage, etc.). These must be able to be serialized to JSON
   *     (e.g. contain only Maps, Arrays, Strings, Booleans, Numbers, etc.)
   * @return An {@code ApiFuture} which will complete successfully with the created Firebase custom
   *     token, or unsuccessfully with the failure Exception.
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the specified uid is null or empty, or if the app has not
   *     been initialized with service account credentials.
  public ApiFuture<String> createCustomTokenAsync(
      @NonNull String uid, @Nullable Map<String, Object> developerClaims) {
    return createCustomTokenOp(uid, developerClaims).callAsync(firebaseApp);

  private CallableOperation<String, FirebaseAuthException> createCustomTokenOp(
      final String uid, final Map<String, Object> developerClaims) {
    checkArgument(!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(uid), "uid must not be null or empty");
    final FirebaseTokenFactory tokenFactory = this.tokenFactory.get();
    return new CallableOperation<String, FirebaseAuthException>() {
      public String execute() throws FirebaseAuthException {
        try {
          return tokenFactory.createSignedCustomAuthTokenForUser(uid, developerClaims);
        } catch (IOException e) {
          throw new FirebaseAuthException(ERROR_CUSTOM_TOKEN,
              "Failed to generate a custom token", e);

   * Parses and verifies a Firebase ID Token.
   * <p>A Firebase application can identify itself to a trusted backend server by sending its
   * Firebase ID Token (accessible via the {@code getToken} API in the Firebase Authentication
   * client) with its requests. The backend server can then use the {@code verifyIdToken()} method
   * to verify that the token is valid. This method ensures that the token is correctly signed,
   * has not expired, and it was issued to the Firebase project associated with this
   * {@link FirebaseAuth} instance.
   * <p>This method does not check whether a token has been revoked. Use
   * {@link #verifyIdToken(String, boolean)} to perform an additional revocation check.
   * @param token A Firebase ID token string to parse and verify.
   * @return A {@link FirebaseToken} representing the verified and decoded token.
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the token is null, empty, or if the {@link FirebaseApp}
   *     instance does not have a project ID associated with it.
   * @throws FirebaseAuthException If an error occurs while parsing or validating the token.
  public FirebaseToken verifyIdToken(@NonNull String token) throws FirebaseAuthException {
    return verifyIdToken(token, false);

   * Parses and verifies a Firebase ID Token.
   * <p>A Firebase application can identify itself to a trusted backend server by sending its
   * Firebase ID Token (accessible via the {@code getToken} API in the Firebase Authentication
   * client) with its requests. The backend server can then use the {@code verifyIdToken()} method
   * to verify that the token is valid. This method ensures that the token is correctly signed,
   * has not expired, and it was issued to the Firebase project associated with this
   * {@link FirebaseAuth} instance.
   * <p>If {@code checkRevoked} is set to true, this method performs an additional check to see
   * if the ID token has been revoked since it was issues. This requires making an additional
   * remote API call.
   * @param token A Firebase ID token string to parse and verify.
   * @param checkRevoked A boolean denoting whether to check if the tokens were revoked.
   * @return A {@link FirebaseToken} representing the verified and decoded token.
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the token is null, empty, or if the {@link FirebaseApp}
   *     instance does not have a project ID associated with it.
   * @throws FirebaseAuthException If an error occurs while parsing or validating the token.
  public FirebaseToken verifyIdToken(
      @NonNull String token, boolean checkRevoked) throws FirebaseAuthException {
    return verifyIdTokenOp(token, checkRevoked).call();

   * Similar to {@link #verifyIdToken(String)} but performs the operation asynchronously.
   * @param token A Firebase ID Token to verify and parse.
   * @return An {@code ApiFuture} which will complete successfully with the parsed token, or
   *     unsuccessfully with a {@link FirebaseAuthException}.
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the token is null, empty, or if the {@link FirebaseApp}
   *     instance does not have a project ID associated with it.
  public ApiFuture<FirebaseToken> verifyIdTokenAsync(@NonNull String token) {
    return verifyIdTokenAsync(token, false);

   * Similar to {@link #verifyIdToken(String, boolean)} but performs the operation asynchronously.
   * @param token A Firebase ID Token to verify and parse.
   * @param checkRevoked A boolean denoting whether to check if the tokens were revoked.
   * @return An {@code ApiFuture} which will complete successfully with the parsed token, or
   *     unsuccessfully with a {@link FirebaseAuthException}.
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the token is null, empty, or if the {@link FirebaseApp}
   *     instance does not have a project ID associated with it.
  public ApiFuture<FirebaseToken> verifyIdTokenAsync(@NonNull String token, boolean checkRevoked) {
    return verifyIdTokenOp(token, checkRevoked).callAsync(firebaseApp);

  private CallableOperation<FirebaseToken, FirebaseAuthException> verifyIdTokenOp(
      final String token, final boolean checkRevoked) {
    checkArgument(!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(token), "ID token must not be null or empty");
    final FirebaseTokenVerifier verifier = getIdTokenVerifier(checkRevoked);
    return new CallableOperation<FirebaseToken, FirebaseAuthException>() {
      protected FirebaseToken execute() throws FirebaseAuthException {
        return verifier.verifyToken(token);

  FirebaseTokenVerifier getIdTokenVerifier(boolean checkRevoked) {
    FirebaseTokenVerifier verifier = idTokenVerifier.get();
    if (checkRevoked) {
      FirebaseUserManager userManager = getUserManager();
      verifier = RevocationCheckDecorator.decorateIdTokenVerifier(verifier, userManager);
    return verifier;

   * Revokes all refresh tokens for the specified user.
   * <p>Updates the user's tokensValidAfterTimestamp to the current UTC time expressed in
   * milliseconds since the epoch and truncated to 1 second accuracy. It is important that the
   * server on which this is called has its clock set correctly and synchronized.
   * <p>While this will revoke all sessions for a specified user and disable any new ID tokens for
   * existing sessions from getting minted, existing ID tokens may remain active until their
   * natural expiration (one hour).
   * To verify that ID tokens are revoked, use {@link #verifyIdTokenAsync(String, boolean)}.
   * @param uid The user id for which tokens are revoked.
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the user ID is null or empty.
   * @throws FirebaseAuthException If an error occurs while revoking tokens.
  public void revokeRefreshTokens(@NonNull String uid) throws FirebaseAuthException {

   * Similar to {@link #revokeRefreshTokens(String)} but performs the operation asynchronously.
   * @param uid The user id for which tokens are revoked.
   * @return An {@code ApiFuture} which will complete successfully or fail with a
   *     {@link FirebaseAuthException} in the event of an error.
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the user ID is null or empty.
  public ApiFuture<Void> revokeRefreshTokensAsync(@NonNull String uid) {
    return revokeRefreshTokensOp(uid).callAsync(firebaseApp);

  private CallableOperation<Void, FirebaseAuthException> revokeRefreshTokensOp(final String uid) {
    checkArgument(!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(uid), "uid must not be null or empty");
    final FirebaseUserManager userManager = getUserManager();
    return new CallableOperation<Void, FirebaseAuthException>() {
      protected Void execute() throws FirebaseAuthException {
        int currentTimeSeconds = (int) (System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000);
        UpdateRequest request = new UpdateRequest(uid).setValidSince(currentTimeSeconds);
        userManager.updateUser(request, jsonFactory);
        return null;

   * Gets the user data corresponding to the specified user ID.
   * @param uid A user ID string.
   * @return A {@link UserRecord} instance.
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the user ID string is null or empty.
   * @throws FirebaseAuthException If an error occurs while retrieving user data.
  public UserRecord getUser(@NonNull String uid) throws FirebaseAuthException {
    return getUserOp(uid).call();

   * Similar to {@link #getUser(String)} but performs the operation asynchronously.
   * @param uid A user ID string.
   * @return An {@code ApiFuture} which will complete successfully with a {@link UserRecord}
   *     instance. If an error occurs while retrieving user data or if the specified user ID does
   *     not exist, the future throws a {@link FirebaseAuthException}.
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the user ID string is null or empty.
  public ApiFuture<UserRecord> getUserAsync(@NonNull String uid) {
    return getUserOp(uid).callAsync(firebaseApp);

  private CallableOperation<UserRecord, FirebaseAuthException> getUserOp(final String uid) {
    checkArgument(!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(uid), "uid must not be null or empty");
    final FirebaseUserManager userManager = getUserManager();
    return new CallableOperation<UserRecord, FirebaseAuthException>() {
      protected UserRecord execute() throws FirebaseAuthException {
        return userManager.getUserById(uid);

   * Gets the user data corresponding to the specified user email.
   * @param email A user email address string.
   * @return A {@link UserRecord} instance.
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the email is null or empty.
   * @throws FirebaseAuthException If an error occurs while retrieving user data.
  public UserRecord getUserByEmail(@NonNull String email) throws FirebaseAuthException {
    return getUserByEmailOp(email).call();

   * Similar to {@link #getUserByEmail(String)} but performs the operation asynchronously.
   * @param email A user email address string.
   * @return An {@code ApiFuture} which will complete successfully with a {@link UserRecord}
   *     instance. If an error occurs while retrieving user data or if the email address does not
   *     correspond to a user, the future throws a {@link FirebaseAuthException}.
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the email is null or empty.
  public ApiFuture<UserRecord> getUserByEmailAsync(@NonNull String email) {
    return getUserByEmailOp(email).callAsync(firebaseApp);

  private CallableOperation<UserRecord, FirebaseAuthException> getUserByEmailOp(
      final String email) {
    checkArgument(!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(email), "email must not be null or empty");
    final FirebaseUserManager userManager = getUserManager();
    return new CallableOperation<UserRecord, FirebaseAuthException>() {
      protected UserRecord execute() throws FirebaseAuthException {
        return userManager.getUserByEmail(email);

   * Gets the user data corresponding to the specified user phone number.
   * @param phoneNumber A user phone number string.
   * @return A a {@link UserRecord} instance.
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the phone number is null or empty.
   * @throws FirebaseAuthException If an error occurs while retrieving user data.
  public UserRecord getUserByPhoneNumber(@NonNull String phoneNumber) throws FirebaseAuthException {
    return getUserByPhoneNumberOp(phoneNumber).call();

   * Gets the user data corresponding to the specified user phone number.
   * @param phoneNumber A user phone number string.
   * @return An {@code ApiFuture} which will complete successfully with a {@link UserRecord}
   *     instance. If an error occurs while retrieving user data or if the phone number does not
   *     correspond to a user, the future throws a {@link FirebaseAuthException}.
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the phone number is null or empty.
  public ApiFuture<UserRecord> getUserByPhoneNumberAsync(@NonNull String phoneNumber) {
    return getUserByPhoneNumberOp(phoneNumber).callAsync(firebaseApp);

  private CallableOperation<UserRecord, FirebaseAuthException> getUserByPhoneNumberOp(
      final String phoneNumber) {
    checkArgument(!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(phoneNumber), "phone number must not be null or empty");
    final FirebaseUserManager userManager = getUserManager();
    return new CallableOperation<UserRecord, FirebaseAuthException>() {
      protected UserRecord execute() throws FirebaseAuthException {
        return userManager.getUserByPhoneNumber(phoneNumber);

   * Gets the user data corresponding to the specified identifiers.
   * <p>There are no ordering guarantees; in particular, the nth entry in the users result list is
   * not guaranteed to correspond to the nth entry in the input parameters list.
   * <p>A maximum of 100 identifiers may be specified. If more than 100 identifiers are
   * supplied, this method throws an {@link IllegalArgumentException}.
   * @param identifiers The identifiers used to indicate which user records should be returned. Must
   *     have 100 or fewer entries.
   * @return The corresponding user records.
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException If any of the identifiers are invalid or if more than 100
   *     identifiers are specified.
   * @throws NullPointerException If the identifiers parameter is null.
   * @throws FirebaseAuthException If an error occurs while retrieving user data.
  public GetUsersResult getUsers(@NonNull Collection<UserIdentifier> identifiers)
      throws FirebaseAuthException {
    return getUsersOp(identifiers).call();

   * Gets the user data corresponding to the specified identifiers.
   * <p>There are no ordering guarantees; in particular, the nth entry in the users result list is
   * not guaranteed to correspond to the nth entry in the input parameters list.
   * <p>A maximum of 100 identifiers may be specified. If more than 100 identifiers are
   * supplied, this method throws an {@link IllegalArgumentException}.
   * @param identifiers The identifiers used to indicate which user records should be returned.
   *     Must have 100 or fewer entries.
   * @return An {@code ApiFuture} that resolves to the corresponding user records.
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException If any of the identifiers are invalid or if more than 100
   *     identifiers are specified.
   * @throws NullPointerException If the identifiers parameter is null.
  public ApiFuture<GetUsersResult> getUsersAsync(@NonNull Collection<UserIdentifier> identifiers) {
    return getUsersOp(identifiers).callAsync(firebaseApp);

  private CallableOperation<GetUsersResult, FirebaseAuthException> getUsersOp(
      @NonNull final Collection<UserIdentifier> identifiers) {
    checkNotNull(identifiers, "identifiers must not be null");
    checkArgument(identifiers.size() <= FirebaseUserManager.MAX_GET_ACCOUNTS_BATCH_SIZE,
        "identifiers parameter must have <= " + FirebaseUserManager.MAX_GET_ACCOUNTS_BATCH_SIZE
        + " entries.");

    final FirebaseUserManager userManager = getUserManager();
    return new CallableOperation<GetUsersResult, FirebaseAuthException>() {
      protected GetUsersResult execute() throws FirebaseAuthException {
        Set<UserRecord> users = userManager.getAccountInfo(identifiers);
        Set<UserIdentifier> notFound = new HashSet<>();
        for (UserIdentifier id : identifiers) {
          if (!isUserFound(id, users)) {
        return new GetUsersResult(users, notFound);

  private boolean isUserFound(UserIdentifier id, Collection<UserRecord> userRecords) {
    for (UserRecord userRecord : userRecords) {
      if (id.matches(userRecord)) {
        return true;
    return false;

   * Gets a page of users starting from the specified {@code pageToken}. Page size is
   * limited to 1000 users.
   * @param pageToken A non-empty page token string, or null to retrieve the first page of users.
   * @return A {@link ListUsersPage} instance.
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the specified page token is empty.
   * @throws FirebaseAuthException If an error occurs while retrieving user data.
  public ListUsersPage listUsers(@Nullable String pageToken) throws FirebaseAuthException {
    return listUsers(pageToken, FirebaseUserManager.MAX_LIST_USERS_RESULTS);

   * Gets a page of users starting from the specified {@code pageToken}.
   * @param pageToken A non-empty page token string, or null to retrieve the first page of users.
   * @param maxResults Maximum number of users to include in the returned page. This may not
   *     exceed 1000.
   * @return A {@link ListUsersPage} instance.
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the specified page token is empty, or max results value
   *     is invalid.
   * @throws FirebaseAuthException If an error occurs while retrieving user data.
  public ListUsersPage listUsers(
      @Nullable String pageToken, int maxResults) throws FirebaseAuthException {
    return listUsersOp(pageToken, maxResults).call();

   * Similar to {@link #listUsers(String)} but performs the operation asynchronously.
   * @param pageToken A non-empty page token string, or null to retrieve the first page of users.
   * @return An {@code ApiFuture} which will complete successfully with a {@link ListUsersPage}
   *     instance. If an error occurs while retrieving user data, the future throws an exception.
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the specified page token is empty.
  public ApiFuture<ListUsersPage> listUsersAsync(@Nullable String pageToken) {
    return listUsersAsync(pageToken, FirebaseUserManager.MAX_LIST_USERS_RESULTS);

   * Similar to {@link #listUsers(String, int)} but performs the operation asynchronously.
   * @param pageToken A non-empty page token string, or null to retrieve the first page of users.
   * @param maxResults Maximum number of users to include in the returned page. This may not
   *     exceed 1000.
   * @return An {@code ApiFuture} which will complete successfully with a {@link ListUsersPage}
   *     instance. If an error occurs while retrieving user data, the future throws an exception.
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the specified page token is empty, or max results value
   *     is invalid.
  public ApiFuture<ListUsersPage> listUsersAsync(@Nullable String pageToken, int maxResults) {
    return listUsersOp(pageToken, maxResults).callAsync(firebaseApp);

  private CallableOperation<ListUsersPage, FirebaseAuthException> listUsersOp(
      @Nullable final String pageToken, final int maxResults) {
    final FirebaseUserManager userManager = getUserManager();
    final PageFactory factory = new PageFactory(
        new DefaultUserSource(userManager, jsonFactory), maxResults, pageToken);
    return new CallableOperation<ListUsersPage, FirebaseAuthException>() {
      protected ListUsersPage execute() throws FirebaseAuthException {
        return factory.create();

   * Creates a new user account with the attributes contained in the specified
   * {@link CreateRequest}.
   * @param request A non-null {@link CreateRequest} instance.
   * @return A {@link UserRecord} instance corresponding to the newly created account.
   * @throws NullPointerException if the provided request is null.
   * @throws FirebaseAuthException if an error occurs while creating the user account.
  public UserRecord createUser(@NonNull CreateRequest request) throws FirebaseAuthException {
    return createUserOp(request).call();

   * Similar to {@link #createUser(CreateRequest)} but performs the operation asynchronously.
   * @param request A non-null {@link CreateRequest} instance.
   * @return An {@code ApiFuture} which will complete successfully with a {@link UserRecord}
   *     instance corresponding to the newly created account. If an error occurs while creating the
   *     user account, the future throws a {@link FirebaseAuthException}.
   * @throws NullPointerException if the provided request is null.
  public ApiFuture<UserRecord> createUserAsync(@NonNull CreateRequest request) {
    return createUserOp(request).callAsync(firebaseApp);

  private CallableOperation<UserRecord, FirebaseAuthException> createUserOp(
      final CreateRequest request) {
    checkNotNull(request, "create request must not be null");
    final FirebaseUserManager userManager = getUserManager();
    return new CallableOperation<UserRecord, FirebaseAuthException>() {
      protected UserRecord execute() throws FirebaseAuthException {
        String uid = userManager.createUser(request);
        return userManager.getUserById(uid);

   * Updates an existing user account with the attributes contained in the specified
   * {@link UpdateRequest}.
   * @param request A non-null {@link UpdateRequest} instance.
   * @return A {@link UserRecord} instance corresponding to the updated user account.
   *     account, the task fails with a {@link FirebaseAuthException}.
   * @throws NullPointerException if the provided update request is null.
   * @throws FirebaseAuthException if an error occurs while updating the user account.
  public UserRecord updateUser(@NonNull UpdateRequest request) throws FirebaseAuthException {
    return updateUserOp(request).call();

   * Similar to {@link #updateUser(UpdateRequest)} but performs the operation asynchronously.
   * @param request A non-null {@link UpdateRequest} instance.
   * @return An {@code ApiFuture} which will complete successfully with a {@link UserRecord}
   *     instance corresponding to the updated user account. If an error occurs while updating the
   *     user account, the future throws a {@link FirebaseAuthException}.
  public ApiFuture<UserRecord> updateUserAsync(@NonNull UpdateRequest request) {
    return updateUserOp(request).callAsync(firebaseApp);

  private CallableOperation<UserRecord, FirebaseAuthException> updateUserOp(
      final UpdateRequest request) {
    checkNotNull(request, "update request must not be null");
    final FirebaseUserManager userManager = getUserManager();
    return new CallableOperation<UserRecord, FirebaseAuthException>() {
      protected UserRecord execute() throws FirebaseAuthException {
        userManager.updateUser(request, jsonFactory);
        return userManager.getUserById(request.getUid());

   * Sets the specified custom claims on an existing user account. A null claims value removes
   * any claims currently set on the user account. The claims should serialize into a valid JSON
   * string. The serialized claims must not be larger than 1000 characters.
   * @param uid A user ID string.
   * @param claims A map of custom claims or null.
   * @throws FirebaseAuthException If an error occurs while updating custom claims.
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the user ID string is null or empty, or the claims
   *     payload is invalid or too large.
  public void setCustomUserClaims(@NonNull String uid,
      @Nullable Map<String, Object> claims) throws FirebaseAuthException {
    setCustomUserClaimsOp(uid, claims).call();

   * @deprecated Use {@link #setCustomUserClaims(String, Map)} instead.
  public void setCustomClaims(@NonNull String uid,
      @Nullable Map<String, Object> claims) throws FirebaseAuthException {
    setCustomUserClaims(uid, claims);

   * Similar to {@link #setCustomUserClaims(String, Map)} but performs the operation asynchronously.
   * @param uid A user ID string.
   * @param claims A map of custom claims or null.
   * @return An {@code ApiFuture} which will complete successfully when the user account has been
   *     updated. If an error occurs while deleting the user account, the future throws a
   *     {@link FirebaseAuthException}.
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the user ID string is null or empty.
  public ApiFuture<Void> setCustomUserClaimsAsync(
      @NonNull String uid, @Nullable Map<String, Object> claims) {
    return setCustomUserClaimsOp(uid, claims).callAsync(firebaseApp);

  private CallableOperation<Void, FirebaseAuthException> setCustomUserClaimsOp(
      final String uid, final Map<String, Object> claims) {
    checkArgument(!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(uid), "uid must not be null or empty");
    final FirebaseUserManager userManager = getUserManager();
    return new CallableOperation<Void, FirebaseAuthException>() {
      protected Void execute() throws FirebaseAuthException {
        final UpdateRequest request = new UpdateRequest(uid).setCustomClaims(claims);
        userManager.updateUser(request, jsonFactory);
        return null;

   * Deletes the user identified by the specified user ID.
   * @param uid A user ID string.
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the user ID string is null or empty.
   * @throws FirebaseAuthException If an error occurs while deleting the user.
  public void deleteUser(@NonNull String uid) throws FirebaseAuthException {

   * Similar to {@link #deleteUser(String)} but performs the operation asynchronously.
   * @param uid A user ID string.
   * @return An {@code ApiFuture} which will complete successfully when the specified user account
   *     has been deleted. If an error occurs while deleting the user account, the future throws a
   *     {@link FirebaseAuthException}.
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the user ID string is null or empty.
  public ApiFuture<Void> deleteUserAsync(String uid) {
    return deleteUserOp(uid).callAsync(firebaseApp);

  private CallableOperation<Void, FirebaseAuthException> deleteUserOp(final String uid) {
    checkArgument(!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(uid), "uid must not be null or empty");
    final FirebaseUserManager userManager = getUserManager();
    return new CallableOperation<Void, FirebaseAuthException>() {
      protected Void execute() throws FirebaseAuthException {
        return null;

   * Deletes the users specified by the given identifiers.
   * <p>Deleting a non-existing user does not generate an error (the method is idempotent).
   * Non-existing users are considered to be successfully deleted and are therefore included in the
   * DeleteUsersResult.getSuccessCount() value.
   * <p>A maximum of 1000 identifiers may be supplied. If more than 1000 identifiers are
   * supplied, this method throws an {@link IllegalArgumentException}.
   * <p>This API has a rate limit of 1 QPS. Exceeding the limit may result in a quota exceeded
   * error. If you want to delete more than 1000 users, we suggest adding a delay to ensure you
   * don't exceed this limit.
   * @param uids The uids of the users to be deleted. Must have <= 1000 entries.
   * @return The total number of successful/failed deletions, as well as the array of errors that
   *     correspond to the failed deletions.
   * @throw IllegalArgumentException If any of the identifiers are invalid or if more than 1000
   *     identifiers are specified.
   * @throws FirebaseAuthException If an error occurs while deleting users.
  public DeleteUsersResult deleteUsers(List<String> uids) throws FirebaseAuthException {
    return deleteUsersOp(uids).call();

   * Similar to {@link #deleteUsers(List)} but performs the operation asynchronously.
   * @param uids The uids of the users to be deleted. Must have <= 1000 entries.
   * @return An {@code ApiFuture} that resolves to the total number of successful/failed
   *     deletions, as well as the array of errors that correspond to the failed deletions. If an
   *     error occurs while deleting the user account, the future throws a
   *     {@link FirebaseAuthException}.
   * @throw IllegalArgumentException If any of the identifiers are invalid or if more than 1000
   *     identifiers are specified.
  public ApiFuture<DeleteUsersResult> deleteUsersAsync(List<String> uids) {
    return deleteUsersOp(uids).callAsync(firebaseApp);

  private CallableOperation<DeleteUsersResult, FirebaseAuthException> deleteUsersOp(
      final List<String> uids) {
    checkNotNull(uids, "uids must not be null");
    for (String uid : uids) {
    checkArgument(uids.size() <= FirebaseUserManager.MAX_DELETE_ACCOUNTS_BATCH_SIZE,
        "uids parameter must have <= " + FirebaseUserManager.MAX_DELETE_ACCOUNTS_BATCH_SIZE
        + " entries.");
    final FirebaseUserManager userManager = getUserManager();
    return new CallableOperation<DeleteUsersResult, FirebaseAuthException>() {
      protected DeleteUsersResult execute() throws FirebaseAuthException {
        return userManager.deleteUsers(uids);

   * Imports the provided list of users into Firebase Auth. You can import a maximum of 1000 users
   * at a time.  This operation is optimized for bulk imports and does not check identifier
   * uniqueness which could result in duplications.
   * <p>{@link UserImportOptions} is required to import users with passwords. See
   * {@link #importUsers(List, UserImportOptions)}.
   * @param users A non-empty list of users to be imported. Length must not exceed 1000.
   * @return A {@link UserImportResult} instance.
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the users list is null, empty or has more than 1000
   *     elements. Or if at least one user specifies a password.
   * @throws FirebaseAuthException If an error occurs while importing users.
  public UserImportResult importUsers(List<ImportUserRecord> users) throws FirebaseAuthException {
    return importUsers(users, null);

   * Imports the provided list of users into Firebase Auth. At most 1000 users can be imported at a
   * time. This operation is optimized for bulk imports and will ignore checks on identifier
   * uniqueness which could result in duplications.
   * @param users A non-empty list of users to be imported. Length must not exceed 1000.
   * @param options a {@link UserImportOptions} instance or null. Required when importing users
   *     with passwords.
   * @return A {@link UserImportResult} instance.
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the users list is null, empty or has more than 1000
   *     elements. Or if at least one user specifies a password, and options is null.
   * @throws FirebaseAuthException If an error occurs while importing users.
  public UserImportResult importUsers(List<ImportUserRecord> users,
      @Nullable UserImportOptions options) throws FirebaseAuthException {
    return importUsersOp(users, options).call();

   * Similar to {@link #importUsers(List)} but performs the operation asynchronously.
   * @param users A non-empty list of users to be imported. Length must not exceed 1000.
   * @return An {@code ApiFuture} which will complete successfully when the user accounts are
   *      imported. If an error occurs while importing the users, the future throws a
   *     {@link FirebaseAuthException}.
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the users list is null, empty or has more than 1000
   *     elements. Or if at least one user specifies a password.
  public ApiFuture<UserImportResult> importUsersAsync(List<ImportUserRecord> users) {
    return importUsersAsync(users, null);

   * Similar to {@link #importUsers(List, UserImportOptions)} but performs the operation
   * asynchronously.
   * @param users A non-empty list of users to be imported. Length must not exceed 1000.
   * @param options a {@link UserImportOptions} instance or null. Required when importing users
   *     with passwords.
   * @return An {@code ApiFuture} which will complete successfully when the user accounts are
   *      imported. If an error occurs while importing the users, the future throws a
   *     {@link FirebaseAuthException}.
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the users list is null, empty or has more than 1000
   *     elements. Or if at least one user specifies a password, and options is null.
  public ApiFuture<UserImportResult> importUsersAsync(List<ImportUserRecord> users,
      @Nullable UserImportOptions options) {
    return importUsersOp(users, options).callAsync(firebaseApp);

  private CallableOperation<UserImportResult, FirebaseAuthException> importUsersOp(
      final List<ImportUserRecord> users, final UserImportOptions options) {
    final UserImportRequest request = new UserImportRequest(users, options, jsonFactory);
    final FirebaseUserManager userManager = getUserManager();
    return new CallableOperation<UserImportResult, FirebaseAuthException>() {
      protected UserImportResult execute() throws FirebaseAuthException {
        return userManager.importUsers(request);

   * Generates the out-of-band email action link for password reset flows for the specified email
   * address.
   * @param email The email of the user whose password is to be reset.
   * @return A password reset link.
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the email address is null or empty.
   * @throws FirebaseAuthException If an error occurs while generating the link.
  public String generatePasswordResetLink(@NonNull String email) throws FirebaseAuthException {
    return generatePasswordResetLink(email, null);

   * Generates the out-of-band email action link for password reset flows for the specified email
   * address.
   * @param email The email of the user whose password is to be reset.
   * @param settings The action code settings object which defines whether
   *     the link is to be handled by a mobile app and the additional state information to be
   *     passed in the deep link.
   * @return A password reset link.
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the email address is null or empty.
   * @throws FirebaseAuthException If an error occurs while generating the link.
  public String generatePasswordResetLink(
      @NonNull String email, @Nullable ActionCodeSettings settings) throws FirebaseAuthException {
    return generateEmailActionLinkOp(EmailLinkType.PASSWORD_RESET, email, settings).call();

   * Similar to {@link #generatePasswordResetLink(String)} but performs the operation
   * asynchronously.
   * @param email The email of the user whose password is to be reset.
   * @return An {@code ApiFuture} which will complete successfully with the generated email action
   *     link. If an error occurs while generating the link, the future throws a
   *     {@link FirebaseAuthException}.
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the email address is null or empty.
  public ApiFuture<String> generatePasswordResetLinkAsync(@NonNull String email) {
    return generatePasswordResetLinkAsync(email, null);

   * Similar to {@link #generatePasswordResetLink(String, ActionCodeSettings)} but performs the
   * operation asynchronously.
   * @param email The email of the user whose password is to be reset.
   * @param settings The action code settings object which defines whether
   *     the link is to be handled by a mobile app and the additional state information to be
   *     passed in the deep link.
   * @return An {@code ApiFuture} which will complete successfully with the generated email action
   *     link. If an error occurs while generating the link, the future throws a
   *     {@link FirebaseAuthException}.
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the email address is null or empty.
  public ApiFuture<String> generatePasswordResetLinkAsync(
      @NonNull String email, @Nullable ActionCodeSettings settings) {
    return generateEmailActionLinkOp(EmailLinkType.PASSWORD_RESET, email, settings)

   * Generates the out-of-band email action link for email verification flows for the specified
   * email address.
   * @param email The email of the user to be verified.
   * @return An email verification link.
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the email address is null or empty.
   * @throws FirebaseAuthException If an error occurs while generating the link.
  public String generateEmailVerificationLink(@NonNull String email) throws FirebaseAuthException {
    return generateEmailVerificationLink(email, null);

   * Generates the out-of-band email action link for email verification flows for the specified
   * email address, using the action code settings provided.
   * @param email The email of the user to be verified.
   * @return An email verification link.
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the email address is null or empty.
   * @throws FirebaseAuthException If an error occurs while generating the link.
  public String generateEmailVerificationLink(
      @NonNull String email, @Nullable ActionCodeSettings settings) throws FirebaseAuthException {
    return generateEmailActionLinkOp(EmailLinkType.VERIFY_EMAIL, email, settings).call();

   * Similar to {@link #generateEmailVerificationLink(String)} but performs the
   * operation asynchronously.
   * @param email The email of the user to be verified.
   * @return An {@code ApiFuture} which will complete successfully with the generated email action
   *     link. If an error occurs while generating the link, the future throws a
   *     {@link FirebaseAuthException}.
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the email address is null or empty.
  public ApiFuture<String> generateEmailVerificationLinkAsync(@NonNull String email) {
    return generateEmailVerificationLinkAsync(email, null);

   * Similar to {@link #generateEmailVerificationLink(String, ActionCodeSettings)} but performs the
   * operation asynchronously.
   * @param email The email of the user to be verified.
   * @param settings The action code settings object which defines whether
   *     the link is to be handled by a mobile app and the additional state information to be
   *     passed in the deep link.
   * @return An {@code ApiFuture} which will complete successfully with the generated email action
   *     link. If an error occurs while generating the link, the future throws a
   *     {@link FirebaseAuthException}.
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the email address is null or empty.
  public ApiFuture<String> generateEmailVerificationLinkAsync(
      @NonNull String email, @Nullable ActionCodeSettings settings) {
    return generateEmailActionLinkOp(EmailLinkType.VERIFY_EMAIL, email, settings)

   * Generates the out-of-band email action link for email link sign-in flows, using the action
   * code settings provided.
   * @param email The email of the user signing in.
   * @param settings The action code settings object which defines whether
   *     the link is to be handled by a mobile app and the additional state information to be
   *     passed in the deep link.
   * @return An email verification link.
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the email address is null or empty.
   * @throws FirebaseAuthException If an error occurs while generating the link.
  public String generateSignInWithEmailLink(
      @NonNull String email, @NonNull ActionCodeSettings settings) throws FirebaseAuthException {
    return generateEmailActionLinkOp(EmailLinkType.EMAIL_SIGNIN, email, settings).call();

   * Similar to {@link #generateSignInWithEmailLink(String, ActionCodeSettings)} but performs the
   * operation asynchronously.
   * @param email The email of the user signing in.
   * @param settings The action code settings object which defines whether
   *     the link is to be handled by a mobile app and the additional state information to be
   *     passed in the deep link.
   * @return An {@code ApiFuture} which will complete successfully with the generated email action
   *     link. If an error occurs while generating the link, the future throws a
   *     {@link FirebaseAuthException}.
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the email address is null or empty.
   * @throws NullPointerException If the settings is null.
  public ApiFuture<String> generateSignInWithEmailLinkAsync(
          String email, @NonNull ActionCodeSettings settings) {
    return generateEmailActionLinkOp(EmailLinkType.EMAIL_SIGNIN, email, settings)

  FirebaseUserManager getUserManager() {
    return this.userManager.get();

  private CallableOperation<String, FirebaseAuthException> generateEmailActionLinkOp(
          final EmailLinkType type, final String email, final ActionCodeSettings settings) {
    checkArgument(!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(email), "email must not be null or empty");
    if (type == EmailLinkType.EMAIL_SIGNIN) {
      checkNotNull(settings, "ActionCodeSettings must not be null when generating sign-in links");
    final FirebaseUserManager userManager = getUserManager();
    return new CallableOperation<String, FirebaseAuthException>() {
      protected String execute() throws FirebaseAuthException {
        return userManager.getEmailActionLink(type, email, settings);

  private <T> Supplier<T> threadSafeMemoize(final Supplier<T> supplier) {
    return Suppliers.memoize(new Supplier<T>() {
      public T get() {
        synchronized (lock) {
          return supplier.get();

  private void checkNotDestroyed() {
    synchronized (lock) {
      checkState(!destroyed.get(), "FirebaseAuth instance is no longer alive. This happens when "
          + "the parent FirebaseApp instance has been deleted.");

  private void destroy() {
    synchronized (lock) {

  private static FirebaseAuth fromApp(final FirebaseApp app) {
    return FirebaseAuth.builder()
        .setTokenFactory(new Supplier<FirebaseTokenFactory>() {
          public FirebaseTokenFactory get() {
            return FirebaseTokenUtils.createTokenFactory(app, Clock.SYSTEM);
        .setIdTokenVerifier(new Supplier<FirebaseTokenVerifier>() {
          public FirebaseTokenVerifier get() {
            return FirebaseTokenUtils.createIdTokenVerifier(app, Clock.SYSTEM);
        .setCookieVerifier(new Supplier<FirebaseTokenVerifier>() {
          public FirebaseTokenVerifier get() {
            return FirebaseTokenUtils.createSessionCookieVerifier(app, Clock.SYSTEM);
        .setUserManager(new Supplier<FirebaseUserManager>() {
          public FirebaseUserManager get() {
            return new FirebaseUserManager(app);

  static Builder builder() {
    return new Builder();

  static class Builder {
    private FirebaseApp firebaseApp;
    private Supplier<FirebaseTokenFactory> tokenFactory;
    private Supplier<? extends FirebaseTokenVerifier> idTokenVerifier;
    private Supplier<? extends FirebaseTokenVerifier> cookieVerifier;
    private Supplier<FirebaseUserManager> userManager;

    private Builder() { }

    Builder setFirebaseApp(FirebaseApp firebaseApp) {
      this.firebaseApp = firebaseApp;
      return this;

    Builder setTokenFactory(Supplier<FirebaseTokenFactory> tokenFactory) {
      this.tokenFactory = tokenFactory;
      return this;

    Builder setIdTokenVerifier(Supplier<? extends FirebaseTokenVerifier> idTokenVerifier) {
      this.idTokenVerifier = idTokenVerifier;
      return this;

    Builder setCookieVerifier(Supplier<? extends FirebaseTokenVerifier> cookieVerifier) {
      this.cookieVerifier = cookieVerifier;
      return this;

    Builder setUserManager(Supplier<FirebaseUserManager> userManager) {
      this.userManager = userManager;
      return this;

    FirebaseAuth build() {
      return new FirebaseAuth(this);

  private static class FirebaseAuthService extends FirebaseService<FirebaseAuth> {

    FirebaseAuthService(FirebaseApp app) {
      super(SERVICE_ID, FirebaseAuth.fromApp(app));

    public void destroy() {