 * #%L
 * Fiji distribution of ImageJ for the life sciences.
 * %%
 * Copyright (C) 2007 - 2017 Fiji developers.
 * %%
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
 * License along with this program.  If not, see
 * <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html>.
 * #L%
package spim.fiji.datasetmanager;

import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Hashtable;

import loci.formats.FormatTools;
import loci.formats.IFormatReader;
import loci.formats.Modulo;
import loci.formats.meta.MetadataRetrieve;
import mpicbg.spim.io.IOFunctions;
import ome.units.quantity.Length;
import spim.fiji.spimdata.imgloaders.LegacyLightSheetZ1ImgLoader;

public class LightSheetZ1MetaData
	private String objective = "";
	private String calUnit = "um";
	private int rotationAxis = -1;
	private String channels[];
	private String angles[];
	private String illuminations[];
	private int numT = -1;
	private int numI = -1;
	private double calX, calY, calZ, lightsheetThickness = -1;
	private String[] files;
	private HashMap< Integer, int[] > imageSizes;
	private int pixelType = -1;
	private int bytesPerPixel = -1; 
	private String pixelTypeString = "";
	private boolean isLittleEndian;
	private IFormatReader r = null;
	private boolean applyAxis = true;

	public void setRotationAxis( final int rotAxis ) { this.rotationAxis = rotAxis; }
	public void setCalX( final double calX ) { this.calX = calX; }
	public void setCalY( final double calY ) { this.calY = calY; }
	public void setCalZ( final double calZ ) { this.calZ = calZ; }
	public void setCalUnit( final String calUnit ) { this.calUnit = calUnit; }

	public int numChannels() { return channels.length; }
	public int numAngles() { return angles.length; }
	public int numIlluminations() { return numI; }
	public int numTimepoints() { return numT; }
	public String objective() { return objective; }
	public int rotationAxis() { return rotationAxis; }
	public double calX() { return calX; }
	public double calY() { return calY; }
	public double calZ() { return calZ; }
	public String[] files() { return files; }
	public String[] channels() { return channels; }
	public String[] angles() { return angles; }
	public String[] illuminations() { return illuminations; }
	public HashMap< Integer, int[] > imageSizes() { return imageSizes; }
	public String calUnit() { return calUnit; }
	public double lightsheetThickness() { return lightsheetThickness; }
	public int pixelType() { return pixelType; }
	public int bytesPerPixel() { return bytesPerPixel; }
	public String pixelTypeString() { return pixelTypeString; }
	public boolean isLittleEndian() { return isLittleEndian; }
	public IFormatReader getReader() { return r; }

	public String rotationAxisName()
		if ( rotationAxis == 0 )
			return "X";
		else if ( rotationAxis == 1 )
			return "Y";
		else if ( rotationAxis == 2 )
			return "Z";
			return "Unknown";

	public boolean allImageSizesEqual()
		int[] size = null;
		boolean allEqual = true;
		for ( final int[] sizes : imageSizes().values() )
			if ( size == null )
				size = sizes.clone();
				for ( int d = 0; d < size.length; ++d )
					if ( size[ d ] != sizes[ d ] )
						allEqual = false;

		return allEqual;

	public boolean applyAxis() { return this.applyAxis; }
	public void setApplyAxis( final boolean apply ) { this.applyAxis = apply; }

	public boolean loadMetaData( final File cziFile )
		return loadMetaData( cziFile, false );

	public boolean loadMetaData( final File cziFile, final boolean keepFileOpen )
		final IFormatReader r = LegacyLightSheetZ1ImgLoader.instantiateImageReader();

		if ( !LegacyLightSheetZ1ImgLoader.createOMEXMLMetadata( r ) )
			try { r.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }
			IOFunctions.println( "Creating MetaDataStore failed. Stopping" );
			return false;

			r.setId( cziFile.getAbsolutePath() );

			this.pixelType = r.getPixelType();
			this.bytesPerPixel = FormatTools.getBytesPerPixel( pixelType ); 
			this.pixelTypeString = FormatTools.getPixelTypeString( pixelType );
			this.isLittleEndian = r.isLittleEndian();

			if ( !( pixelType == FormatTools.UINT8 || pixelType == FormatTools.UINT16 || pixelType == FormatTools.UINT32 || pixelType == FormatTools.FLOAT ) )
						"LightSheetZ1MetaData.loadMetaData(): PixelType " + pixelTypeString +
						" not supported yet. Please send me an email about this: [email protected] - stopping." );


				return false;

			//printMetaData( r );
		catch ( Exception e )
			IOFunctions.println( "File '" + cziFile.getAbsolutePath() + "' could not be opened: " + e );
			IOFunctions.println( "Stopping" );

			try { r.close(); } catch (IOException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); }
			return false;

		final Hashtable< String, Object > metaData = r.getGlobalMetadata();
		final int numA = r.getSeriesCount();

		System.out.println( "numA: "+ numA );
		// make sure every angle has the same amount of timepoints, channels, illuminations
		this.numT = -1;
		this.numI = -1;
		int numC = -1;
		// also collect the image sizes for each angle
		this.imageSizes = new HashMap< Integer, int[] >();

			final int numDigits = Integer.toString( numA ).length();

			for ( int a = 0; a < numA; ++a )
				r.setSeries( a );

				IOFunctions.println( "Querying information for angle/illumination #" + a );

				final int w = r.getSizeX();
				final int h = r.getSizeY();

				double dimZ = getDouble( metaData, "Information|Image|V|View|SizeZ #" + StackList.leadingZeros( Integer.toString( a+1 ), numDigits ) );

				if ( Double.isNaN( dimZ ) )
					dimZ = getDouble( metaData, "Information|Image|V|View|SizeZ #" + Integer.toString( a+1 ) );

				if ( Double.isNaN( dimZ ) )
					dimZ = getDouble( metaData, "SizeZ|View|V|Image|Information #" + StackList.leadingZeros( Integer.toString( a+1 ), numDigits ) );

				if ( Double.isNaN( dimZ ) )
					dimZ = getDouble( metaData, "SizeZ|View|V|Image|Information #" + Integer.toString( a+1 ) );

				if ( numA == 1 && Double.isNaN( dimZ ) )
					dimZ = getDouble( metaData, "Information|Image|SizeZ #1" );

				if ( Double.isNaN( dimZ ) )
						final int z = r.getSizeZ();

						if ( z <= 1 )
							IOFunctions.println( "Could not read stack size for angle " + a + ", trying the hard way later (w=" + w + ", h=" + h + ")" );
							dimZ = 0;
							IOFunctions.println( "Read stack size for angle " + a + " directly from Bioformats (w=" + w + ", h=" + h + ", d=" + z + ")" );
							dimZ = z;
					catch ( Exception e )
						IOFunctions.println( "Could not read stack size for angle (not even bioformats directly) " + a + ", trying the hard way later (w=" + w + ", h=" + h + ")" );
						dimZ = 0;

				final int d = (int)Math.round( dimZ );

				imageSizes.put( a, new int[]{ w, h, d } );

				IOFunctions.println( "(w=" + w + ", h=" + h + ", d=" + d + ")" );

				if ( numT >= 0 && numT != r.getSizeT() )
					IOFunctions.println( "Number of timepoints inconsistent across angles. Stopping." );
					return false;
					numT = r.getSizeT();
				// Illuminations are contained within the channel count; to
				// find the number of illuminations for the current angle:
				Modulo moduloC = r.getModuloC();

				if ( numI >= 0 && numI != moduloC.length() )
					IOFunctions.println( "Number of illumination directions inconsistent across angles. Stopping." );
					return false;
					numI = moduloC.length();

				if ( numC >= 0 && numC != r.getSizeC() / moduloC.length() )
					IOFunctions.println( "Number of channels directions inconsistent across angles. Stopping." );
					return false;
					numC = r.getSizeC() / moduloC.length();
		catch ( Exception e )
			IOFunctions.println( "An error occured parsing the main meta data: " + e + ". Stopping." );
			printMetaData( r );
			try { r.close(); } catch (IOException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); }
			return false;

		// query non-essential details
		this.channels = new String[ numC ];
		this.angles = new String[ numA ];
		this.illuminations = new String[ numI ];
		this.files = r.getSeriesUsedFiles();

		// only one debug ouput
		boolean printMetadata = false;

		for ( int i = 0; i < numI; ++i )
			illuminations[ i ] = String.valueOf( i );

		Object tmp;

			tmp = metaData.get( "Experiment|AcquisitionBlock|AcquisitionModeSetup|Objective #1" );
			objective = (tmp != null) ? tmp.toString() : "Unknown Objective";
		catch ( Exception e )
			IOFunctions.println( "An error occured parsing the objective used: " + e + "\n. Proceeding." );
			objective = "Unknown Objective";
			printMetaData( r );

			for ( int c = 0; c < numC; ++c )
				tmp = metaData.get( "Information|Image|Channel|IlluminationWavelength|SinglePeak #" + ( c+1 ) );
				//tmp = metaData.get( "Information|Image|Channel|Wavelength #" + ( c+1 ) );
				//tmp = metaData.get( "Experiment|AcquisitionBlock|MultiTrackSetup|TrackSetup|Attenuator|Laser #" + ( c+1 ) );

				channels[ c ] = (tmp != null) ? tmp.toString() : String.valueOf( c );

				if ( channels[ c ].contains( "-" ) )
					channels[ c ] = channels[ c ].substring( 0, channels[ c ].indexOf( "-" ) );

				if ( channels[ c ].toLowerCase().startsWith( "laser" ) )
					channels[ c ] = channels[ c ].substring( channels[ c ].toLowerCase().indexOf( "laser" ) + 5, channels[ c ].length() );

				if ( channels[ c ].toLowerCase().startsWith( "laser " ) )
					channels[ c ] = channels[ c ].substring( channels[ c ].toLowerCase().indexOf( "laser " ) + 6, channels[ c ].length() );

				channels[ c ] = channels[ c ].trim();

				if ( channels[ c ].length() == 0 )
					channels[ c ] = String.valueOf( c );

					channels[ c ] = Integer.toString( (int)Double.parseDouble( channels[ c ] ) );
				catch ( NumberFormatException e ) {}
		catch ( Exception e )
			IOFunctions.println( "An error occured parsing the channels: " + e + "\n. Proceeding." );
			for ( int c = 0; c < numC; ++c )
				channels[ c ] = String.valueOf( c );
			printMetadata = true;

			boolean allAnglesNegative = true;
			final int[] anglesTmp = new int[ numA ];

			for ( int a = 0; a < numA; ++a )
				tmp = metaData.get( "Information|Image|V|View|Offset #" + ( a+1 ) );
				anglesTmp[ a ] = (tmp != null) ? (int)Math.round( Double.parseDouble( tmp.toString() ) ) : a;

				if ( anglesTmp[ a ] > 0 )
					allAnglesNegative = false;

			if ( allAnglesNegative )
				for ( int a = 0; a < numA; ++a )
					anglesTmp[ a ] *= -1;

			for ( int a = 0; a < numA; ++a )
				angles[ a ] = String.valueOf( anglesTmp[ a ] );
		catch ( Exception e )
			IOFunctions.println( "An error occured parsing the rotation angles: " + e + "\n. Proceeding." );
			for ( int a = 0; a < numA; ++a )
				angles[ a ] = String.valueOf( a );
			printMetadata = true;

			tmp = metaData.get( "Information|Image|V|AxisOfRotation #1" );
			if ( tmp != null && tmp.toString().trim().length() >= 5 )
				IOFunctions.println( "Rotation axis: " + tmp );
				final String[] axes = tmp.toString().split( " " );

				if ( Double.parseDouble( axes[ 0 ] ) == 1.0 )
					rotationAxis = 0;
				else if ( Double.parseDouble( axes[ 1 ] ) == 1.0 )
					rotationAxis = 1;
				else if ( Double.parseDouble( axes[ 2 ] ) == 1.0 )
					rotationAxis = 2;
					rotationAxis = -1;
					printMetadata = true;
				rotationAxis = -1;
				printMetadata = true;
		catch ( Exception e )
			IOFunctions.println( "An error occured parsing the rotation axis: " + e + "\n. Proceeding." );
			rotationAxis = -1;
			printMetadata = true;

			for ( final String key : metaData.keySet() )
				if ( key.startsWith( "LsmTag|Name #" ) && metaData.get( key ).toString().trim().equals( "LightSheetThickness" ) )
					String lookup = "LsmTag " + key.substring( key.indexOf( '#' ), key.length() );
					tmp = metaData.get( lookup );

					if ( tmp != null )
						lightsheetThickness = Double.parseDouble( tmp.toString() );
						lightsheetThickness = -1;
		catch ( Exception e )
			IOFunctions.println( "An error occured parsing the lightsheet thickness: " + e + "\n. Proceeding." );
			lightsheetThickness = -1;
			printMetadata = true;

			final MetadataRetrieve retrieve = (MetadataRetrieve)r.getMetadataStore();

			float cal = 0;

			Length f = retrieve.getPixelsPhysicalSizeX( 0 );
			if ( f != null )
				cal = f.value().floatValue();

			if ( cal == 0 )
				cal = 1;
				IOFunctions.println( "LightSheetZ1: Warning, calibration for dimension X seems corrupted, setting to 1." );
			calX = cal;

			f = retrieve.getPixelsPhysicalSizeY( 0 );
			if ( f != null )
				cal = f.value().floatValue();

			if ( cal == 0 )
				cal = 1;
				IOFunctions.println( "LightSheetZ1: Warning, calibration for dimension Y seems corrupted, setting to 1." );
			calY = cal;

			f = retrieve.getPixelsPhysicalSizeZ( 0 );
			if ( f != null )
				cal = f.value().floatValue();

			if ( cal == 0 )
				cal = 1;
				IOFunctions.println( "LightSheetZ1: Warning, calibration for dimension Z seems corrupted, setting to 1." );
			calZ = cal;
		catch ( Exception e )
			IOFunctions.println( "An error occured parsing the calibration: " + e + "\n. Proceeding." );
			calX = calY = calZ = 1;
			printMetadata = true;

		if ( printMetadata )
			printMetaData( r );

		if ( !keepFileOpen )
			try { r.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }
			this.r = r;

		return true;

	protected static double getDouble( final Hashtable< String, Object > metadata, final String key )
		if ( metadata == null )
			throw new RuntimeException( "Missing metadata while looking for: " + key );

		final Object o = metadata.get( key );

		if ( o == null )
			final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
			for ( final String candidate : metadata.keySet() )
				builder.append( "\n" + candidate );
			//System.out.println( "Available keys:" + builder );

			IOFunctions.println( "Missing key " + key + " in LZ1 metadata" );
			return Double.NaN;

		return Double.parseDouble( o.toString() );

	public static void printMetaData( final IFormatReader r )
		printMetaData( r.getGlobalMetadata() );

	public static void printMetaData( final Hashtable< String, Object > metaData )
		System.out.println( "num keys: " + metaData.keySet().size() );
		System.out.println( "num objects: " + metaData.size() );

		ArrayList< String > entries = new ArrayList<String>();

		for ( final String s : metaData.keySet() )
			entries.add( "'" + s + "': " + metaData.get( s ) );

		Collections.sort( entries );

		for ( final String s : entries )
			System.out.println( s );