 * #%L
 * Fiji distribution of ImageJ for the life sciences.
 * %%
 * Copyright (C) 2007 - 2017 Fiji developers.
 * %%
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the
 * License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
 * License along with this program.  If not, see
 * <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html>.
 * #L%
package spim.fiji.datasetmanager;

import fiji.util.gui.GenericDialogPlus;
import ij.gui.GenericDialog;

import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;

import loci.formats.FormatTools;
import loci.formats.IFormatReader;
import mpicbg.spim.data.SpimData;
import mpicbg.spim.data.registration.ViewRegistrations;
import mpicbg.spim.data.sequence.Angle;
import mpicbg.spim.data.sequence.Channel;
import mpicbg.spim.data.sequence.FinalVoxelDimensions;
import mpicbg.spim.data.sequence.Illumination;
import mpicbg.spim.data.sequence.ImgLoader;
import mpicbg.spim.data.sequence.MissingViews;
import mpicbg.spim.data.sequence.SequenceDescription;
import mpicbg.spim.data.sequence.TimePoint;
import mpicbg.spim.data.sequence.TimePoints;
import mpicbg.spim.data.sequence.ViewDescription;
import mpicbg.spim.data.sequence.ViewSetup;
import mpicbg.spim.data.sequence.VoxelDimensions;
import mpicbg.spim.io.IOFunctions;
import net.imglib2.Cursor;
import net.imglib2.Dimensions;
import net.imglib2.FinalDimensions;
import net.imglib2.img.Img;
import net.imglib2.img.ImgFactory;
import net.imglib2.img.array.ArrayImgFactory;
import net.imglib2.img.array.ArrayImgs;
import net.imglib2.img.cell.CellImgFactory;
import net.imglib2.type.NativeType;
import net.imglib2.type.numeric.real.FloatType;
import net.imglib2.util.Util;
import spim.fiji.plugin.Apply_Transformation;
import spim.fiji.plugin.util.GUIHelper;
import spim.fiji.spimdata.SpimData2;
import spim.fiji.spimdata.boundingbox.BoundingBoxes;
import spim.fiji.spimdata.imgloaders.LegacyLightSheetZ1ImgLoader;
import spim.fiji.spimdata.imgloaders.LightSheetZ1ImgLoader;
import spim.fiji.spimdata.interestpoints.ViewInterestPoints;

public class LightSheetZ1 implements MultiViewDatasetDefinition
	public static String[] rotAxes = new String[] { "X-Axis", "Y-Axis", "Z-Axis" };

	public static String defaultFirstFile = "";
	public static boolean defaultModifyCal = false;
	public static boolean defaultRotAxis = false;
	public static boolean defaultApplyRotAxis = true;
	public static boolean defaultFixBioformats = false;

	private boolean fixBioformats = false;

	public String getTitle() { return "Zeiss Lightsheet Z.1 Dataset (LOCI Bioformats)"; }

	public String getExtendedDescription()
		return "This datset definition supports files saved by the Zeiss Lightsheet Z.1\n" +
				"microscope. By default, one file per time-point is saved by Zen, which includes\n" +
				"all angles, channels and illumination directions. We support this format and\n" +
				"most other combinations that can be saved.\n" +
				"\n" +
				"Note: if you want to process multiple CZI datasets that are actually one experi-\n" +
				"ment (e.g. two channels individually acquired), please re-save them in Zen as\n" +
				"CZI files containing only one 3d stack per file and use the dataset definition\n" +
				"'3d Image Stacks (LOCI Bioformats)'";

	public SpimData2 createDataset()
		final File cziFile = queryCZIFile();

		if ( cziFile == null )
			return null;

		final LightSheetZ1MetaData meta = new LightSheetZ1MetaData();

		if ( !meta.loadMetaData( cziFile ) )
			IOFunctions.println( "Failed to analyze file." );
			return null;

		if ( !showDialogs( meta ) )
			return null;

		final String directory = cziFile.getParent();
		final ImgFactory< ? extends NativeType< ? > > imgFactory = selectImgFactory( meta );

		// assemble timepints, viewsetups, missingviews and the imgloader
		final TimePoints timepoints = this.createTimePoints( meta );
		final ArrayList< ViewSetup > setups = this.createViewSetups( meta );
		final MissingViews missingViews = null;

		// instantiate the sequencedescription
		final SequenceDescription sequenceDescription = new SequenceDescription( timepoints, setups, null, missingViews );
		final ImgLoader imgLoader = new LightSheetZ1ImgLoader( cziFile, imgFactory, sequenceDescription );
		sequenceDescription.setImgLoader( imgLoader );

		// get the minimal resolution of all calibrations
		final double minResolution = Math.min( Math.min( meta.calX(), meta.calY() ), meta.calZ() );

		IOFunctions.println( "Minimal resolution in all dimensions is: " + minResolution );
		IOFunctions.println( "(The smallest resolution in any dimension; the distance between two pixels in the output image will be that wide)" );
		// create the initial view registrations (they are all the identity transform)
		final ViewRegistrations viewRegistrations = StackList.createViewRegistrations( sequenceDescription.getViewDescriptions(), minResolution );
		// create the initial view interest point object
		final ViewInterestPoints viewInterestPoints = new ViewInterestPoints();
		viewInterestPoints.createViewInterestPoints( sequenceDescription.getViewDescriptions() );

		// finally create the SpimData itself based on the sequence description and the view registration
		final SpimData2 spimData = new SpimData2( new File( directory ), sequenceDescription, viewRegistrations, viewInterestPoints, new BoundingBoxes() );

		if ( meta.applyAxis() )
			Apply_Transformation.applyAxis( spimData );

		// TODO: Remove BIOFORMATS bug workaround
		if ( fixBioformats )
			fixBioformats( spimData, cziFile, meta );

		return spimData;

	 * Creates the List of {@link ViewSetup} for the {@link SpimData} object.
	 * The {@link ViewSetup} are defined independent of the {@link TimePoint},
	 * each {@link TimePoint} should have the same {@link ViewSetup}s. The {@link MissingViews}
	 * class defines if some of them are missing for some of the {@link TimePoint}s
	 * @return
	protected ArrayList< ViewSetup > createViewSetups( final LightSheetZ1MetaData meta )
		final ArrayList< Channel > channels = new ArrayList< Channel >();
		for ( int c = 0; c < meta.numChannels(); ++c )
			channels.add( new Channel( c, meta.channels()[ c ] ) );

		final ArrayList< Illumination > illuminations = new ArrayList< Illumination >();
		for ( int i = 0; i < meta.numIlluminations(); ++i )
			illuminations.add( new Illumination( i, meta.illuminations()[ i ] ) );

		final ArrayList< Angle > angles = new ArrayList< Angle >();
		for ( int a = 0; a < meta.numAngles(); ++a )
			final Angle angle = new Angle( a, meta.angles()[ a ] );
				final double degrees = Double.parseDouble( meta.angles()[ a ] );
				double[] axis = null;

				if ( meta.rotationAxis() == 0 )
					axis = new double[]{ 1, 0, 0 };
				else if ( meta.rotationAxis() == 1 )
					axis = new double[]{ 0, 1, 0 };
				else if ( meta.rotationAxis() == 2 )
					axis = new double[]{ 0, 0, 1 };

				if ( axis != null && !Double.isNaN( degrees ) &&  !Double.isInfinite( degrees ) )
					angle.setRotation( axis, degrees );
			catch ( Exception e ) {};

			angles.add( angle );

		final ArrayList< ViewSetup > viewSetups = new ArrayList< ViewSetup >();
		for ( final Channel c : channels )
			for ( final Illumination i : illuminations )
				for ( final Angle a : angles )
					final VoxelDimensions voxelSize = new FinalVoxelDimensions( meta.calUnit(), meta.calX(), meta.calY(), meta.calZ() );
					final Dimensions dim = new FinalDimensions( meta.imageSizes().get( a.getId() ) );
					viewSetups.add( new ViewSetup( viewSetups.size(), null, dim, voxelSize, c, a, i ) );

		return viewSetups;

	 * Creates the {@link TimePoints} for the {@link SpimData} object
	protected TimePoints createTimePoints( final LightSheetZ1MetaData meta )
		final ArrayList< TimePoint > timepoints = new ArrayList< TimePoint >();

		for ( int t = 0; t < meta.numTimepoints(); ++t )
			timepoints.add( new TimePoint( t ) );

		return new TimePoints( timepoints );

	protected ImgFactory< ? extends NativeType< ? > > selectImgFactory( final LightSheetZ1MetaData meta )
		long maxNumPixels = 0;

		for ( int a = 0; a < meta.numAngles(); ++a )
			final int[] dim = meta.imageSizes().get( a );

			long n = 1;

			for ( int d = 0; d < dim.length; ++d )
				n *= (long)dim[ d ];

				if ( dim[ d ] <= 0 )
					IOFunctions.println( "Dimensions couldn't be read from metadata, using CellImg(256)." );
					return new CellImgFactory< FloatType >( 256 );

			maxNumPixels = Math.max( n, maxNumPixels );

		int smallerLog2 = (int)Math.ceil( Math.log( maxNumPixels ) / Math.log( 2 ) );

		String s = "Maximum number of pixels in any view: n=" + maxNumPixels + 
				" (2^" + (smallerLog2-1) + " < n < 2^" + smallerLog2 + " px), ";

		if ( smallerLog2 <= 31 )
			IOFunctions.println( s + "using ArrayImg." );
			return new ArrayImgFactory< FloatType >();
			IOFunctions.println( s + "using CellImg(256)." );
			return new CellImgFactory< FloatType >( 256 );

	protected boolean fixBioformats( final SpimData2 spimData, final File cziFile, final LightSheetZ1MetaData meta )
		final IFormatReader r;

		// if we already loaded the metadata in this run, use the opened file
		if ( meta.getReader() == null )
			r = LegacyLightSheetZ1ImgLoader.instantiateImageReader();
			r = meta.getReader();

			final boolean isLittleEndian = meta.isLittleEndian();
			final int pixelType = meta.pixelType();

			// open the file if not already done
				if ( meta.getReader() == null )
					IOFunctions.println( new Date( System.currentTimeMillis() ) + ": Opening '" + cziFile.getName() + "' for reading image data." );
					r.setId( cziFile.getAbsolutePath() );
			catch ( IllegalStateException e )
				r.setId( cziFile.getAbsolutePath() );

			// collect all Angles as their id defines the seriesId of Bioformats
			final HashMap< Angle, ViewDescription > map = new HashMap<>();
			final SequenceDescription sd = spimData.getSequenceDescription();

			for ( final ViewSetup vs : sd.getViewSetupsOrdered() )
				for ( final TimePoint t : sd.getTimePoints().getTimePointsOrdered() )
					final ViewDescription vd = sd.getViewDescription( t.getId(), vs.getId() );
					if ( vd.isPresent() )
						map.put( vd.getViewSetup().getAngle(), vd );

			for ( final Angle a : map.keySet() )
				final ViewDescription vd = map.get( a );
				final int width = (int)vd.getViewSetup().getSize().dimension( 0 );
				final int height = (int)vd.getViewSetup().getSize().dimension( 1 );
				final int depth = (int)vd.getViewSetup().getSize().dimension( 2 );
				final int numPx = width * height;

				// set the right angle
				r.setSeries( a.getId() );

				final byte[] b = new byte[ numPx * meta.bytesPerPixel() ];

				final Img< FloatType > slice = ArrayImgs.floats( width, height );

				int z;

				if ( depth <= 0 )
					IOFunctions.println( "Size couldn't be read from metadata, trying the hard way ... this is slow as it opens everything, but might solve the problem" );

					z = 0;

						final Cursor< FloatType > cursor = slice.localizingCursor();

							r.openBytes( r.getIndex( z, 0, vd.getTimePointId() ), b );

							if ( pixelType == FormatTools.UINT8 )
								LegacyLightSheetZ1ImgLoader.readBytesArray( b, cursor, numPx );
							else if ( pixelType == FormatTools.UINT16 )
								LegacyLightSheetZ1ImgLoader.readUnsignedShortsArray( b, cursor, numPx, isLittleEndian );
							else if ( pixelType == FormatTools.INT16 )
								LegacyLightSheetZ1ImgLoader.readSignedShortsArray( b, cursor, numPx, isLittleEndian );
							else if ( pixelType == FormatTools.UINT32 )
								LegacyLightSheetZ1ImgLoader.readUnsignedIntsArray( b, cursor, numPx, isLittleEndian );
							else if ( pixelType == FormatTools.FLOAT )
								LegacyLightSheetZ1ImgLoader.readFloatsArray( b, cursor, numPx, isLittleEndian );

						catch ( IllegalArgumentException e )
					while ( !allZero( slice ) );

					z = depth - 1;
					for ( z = depth - 1; z >= 0; --z )
						final Cursor< FloatType > cursor = slice.localizingCursor();
						r.openBytes( r.getIndex( z, 0, vd.getTimePointId() ), b );
						if ( pixelType == FormatTools.UINT8 )
							LegacyLightSheetZ1ImgLoader.readBytesArray( b, cursor, numPx );
						else if ( pixelType == FormatTools.UINT16 )
							LegacyLightSheetZ1ImgLoader.readUnsignedShortsArray( b, cursor, numPx, isLittleEndian );
						else if ( pixelType == FormatTools.INT16 )
							LegacyLightSheetZ1ImgLoader.readSignedShortsArray( b, cursor, numPx, isLittleEndian );
						else if ( pixelType == FormatTools.UINT32 )
							LegacyLightSheetZ1ImgLoader.readUnsignedIntsArray( b, cursor, numPx, isLittleEndian );
						else if ( pixelType == FormatTools.FLOAT )
							LegacyLightSheetZ1ImgLoader.readFloatsArray( b, cursor, numPx, isLittleEndian );
						if ( !allZero( slice ) )
					// size is one bigger than the last z-slice

				meta.imageSizes().put( a.getId(), new int[]{ width, height, z } );
				for ( final ViewSetup vs : sd.getViewSetupsOrdered() )
					if ( vs.getAngle().getId() == a.getId() )
						vs.setSize( new FinalDimensions( meta.imageSizes().get( a.getId() ) ) );
						IOFunctions.println( "Resetting image size for viewSetup: " + vs.getId() + ", old: " + width + "x" + height + "x" + depth + ", new: " + width + "x" + height + "x" + z );
		catch ( Exception e )
			IOFunctions.println( "File '" + cziFile.getAbsolutePath() + "' could not be opened: " + e );
			IOFunctions.println( "Stopping" );

			try { r.close(); } catch (IOException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); }
			return false;

		return true;

	private final static boolean allZero( final Img< FloatType > slice )
		for ( final FloatType t : slice )
			if ( t.get() != 0.0f )
				return false;

		return true;
	protected boolean showDialogs( final LightSheetZ1MetaData meta )
		GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog( "Lightsheet Z.1 Properties" );

		gd.addMessage( "Angles (" + meta.numAngles() + " present)", new Font( Font.SANS_SERIF, Font.BOLD, 13 ) );
		gd.addMessage( "" );

		for ( int a = 0; a < meta.numAngles(); ++a )
			gd.addStringField( "Angle_" + (a+1) + ":", meta.angles()[ a ] );

		gd.addMessage( "Channels (" + meta.numChannels() + " present)", new Font( Font.SANS_SERIF, Font.BOLD, 13 ) );
		gd.addMessage( "" );

		for ( int c = 0; c < meta.numChannels(); ++c )
			gd.addStringField( "Channel_" + (c+1) + ":", meta.channels()[ c ] );

		gd.addMessage( "Illumination Directions (" + meta.numIlluminations() + " present)", new Font( Font.SANS_SERIF, Font.BOLD, 13 ) );
		gd.addMessage( "" );

		for ( int i = 0; i < meta.numIlluminations(); ++i )
			gd.addStringField( "_______Illumination_" + (i+1) + ":", meta.illuminations()[ i ] );

		gd.addMessage( "Timepoints (" + meta.numTimepoints() + " present)", new Font( Font.SANS_SERIF, Font.BOLD, 13 ) );

		gd.addMessage( "Calibration", new Font( Font.SANS_SERIF, Font.BOLD, 13 ) );
		gd.addCheckbox( "Modify_calibration", defaultModifyCal );
		gd.addMessage( "Pixel Distance X: " + meta.calX() + " " + meta.calUnit() );
		gd.addMessage( "Pixel Distance Y: " + meta.calY() + " " + meta.calUnit() );
		gd.addMessage( "Pixel Distance Z: " + meta.calZ() + " " + meta.calUnit() );

		gd.addMessage( "Additional Meta Data", new Font( Font.SANS_SERIF, Font.BOLD, 13 ) );
		gd.addMessage( "" );
		gd.addCheckbox( "Modify_rotation_axis", defaultRotAxis );
		gd.addCheckbox( "Apply_rotation_to_dataset", defaultApplyRotAxis );

		// TODO: Remove BIOFORMATS bug workaround
		if ( meta.allImageSizesEqual() )
			gd.addMessage( "WARNING: All image stacks have the same size, this could be the Bioformats bug.", new Font( Font.SANS_SERIF, Font.BOLD, 13 ), Color.red );
			defaultFixBioformats = true;
		gd.addCheckbox( "Fix_Bioformats image stack size bug", defaultFixBioformats );

		gd.addMessage( "Acquisition Objective: " + meta.objective(), new Font( Font.SANS_SERIF, Font.ITALIC, 11 ) );
		gd.addMessage( "Rotation axis: " + meta.rotationAxisName() + " axis", new Font( Font.SANS_SERIF, Font.ITALIC, 11 ) );
		gd.addMessage( (meta.lightsheetThickness() < 0 ? "" : "Lighsheet thickness: " + meta.lightsheetThickness() + " um"), new Font( Font.SANS_SERIF, Font.ITALIC, 11 ) );
		gd.addMessage( "Pixel type: " + meta.pixelTypeString() + " (" + meta.bytesPerPixel() + " byte per pixel)", new Font( Font.SANS_SERIF, Font.ITALIC, 11 ) );

		IOFunctions.println( "Dataset directory: " + new File( meta.files()[ 0 ] ).getParent() );
		IOFunctions.println( "Dataset files:" );

		for ( int i = 0; i < meta.files().length; ++i )
			IOFunctions.println( new File( meta.files()[ i ] ).getName() );

		IOFunctions.println( "Image sizes:" );
		for ( int a = 0; a < meta.numAngles(); ++a )
			IOFunctions.println( "Angle " + meta.angles()[ a ] + ": " + Util.printCoordinates( meta.imageSizes().get( a ) ) + " px." );

		GUIHelper.addScrollBars( gd );


		if ( gd.wasCanceled() )
			return false;

		for ( int a = 0; a < meta.numAngles(); ++a )
			meta.angles()[ a ] = gd.getNextString();

		for ( int c = 0; c < meta.numChannels(); ++c )
			meta.channels()[ c ] = gd.getNextString();

		for ( int i = 0; i < meta.numIlluminations(); ++i )
			meta.illuminations()[ i ] = gd.getNextString();

		final boolean modifyCal = defaultModifyCal = gd.getNextBoolean();
		final boolean modifyAxis = defaultRotAxis = gd.getNextBoolean();
		meta.setApplyAxis( defaultApplyRotAxis = gd.getNextBoolean() );

		// TODO: Remove BIOFORMATS bug workaround
		fixBioformats = defaultFixBioformats = gd.getNextBoolean();

		if ( modifyAxis || modifyCal )
			gd = new GenericDialog( "Modify Meta Data" );

			if ( modifyCal )
				gd.addNumericField( "Pixel_distance_x", meta.calX(), 5 );
				gd.addNumericField( "Pixel_distance_y", meta.calY(), 5 );
				gd.addNumericField( "Pixel_distance_z", meta.calZ(), 5 );
				gd.addStringField( "Pixel_unit", meta.calUnit() );

			if ( modifyAxis )
				if ( meta.rotationAxis() < 0 )
					meta.setRotationAxis( 0 );

				gd.addChoice( "Rotation_around", rotAxes, rotAxes[ meta.rotationAxis() ] );


			if ( gd.wasCanceled() )
				return false;

			if ( modifyCal )
				meta.setCalX( gd.getNextNumber() );
				meta.setCalY( gd.getNextNumber() );
				meta.setCalZ( gd.getNextNumber() );
				meta.setCalUnit( gd.getNextString() );

			if ( modifyAxis )
				meta.setRotationAxis( gd.getNextChoiceIndex() );

		return true;

	protected File queryCZIFile()
		GenericDialogPlus gd = new GenericDialogPlus( "Define Lightsheet Z.1 Dataset" );
		gd.addFileField( "First_CZI file of the dataset", defaultFirstFile, 50 );
		if ( gd.wasCanceled() )
			return null;
		final File firstFile = new File( defaultFirstFile = gd.getNextString() );
		if ( !firstFile.exists() )
			IOFunctions.println( "File '" + firstFile.getAbsolutePath() + "' does not exist. Stopping" );
			return null;
			IOFunctions.println( "Investigating file '" + firstFile.getAbsolutePath() + "'." );
			return firstFile;

	public LightSheetZ1 newInstance() { return new LightSheetZ1(); }

	public static void main( String[] args )
		//defaultFirstFile = "/Volumes/My Passport/worm7/Track1(3).czi";
		//defaultFirstFile = "/Volumes/My Passport/Zeiss Olaf Lightsheet Z.1/130706_Aiptasia8.czi";
		//defaultFirstFile = "/Volumes/My Passport/Zeiss Olaf Lightsheet Z.1/abe_Arabidopsis1.czi";
		//defaultFirstFile = "/Volumes/My Passport/Zeiss Olaf Lightsheet Z.1/multiview.czi";
		defaultFirstFile = "/Users/spreibi/Downloads/007-H2B-GFP-LA-mKate2-220min-E03_E04.czi";
		//defaultFirstFile = "/Volumes/My Passport/Zeiss Olaf Lightsheet Z.1/worm7/Track1.czi";
		new LightSheetZ1().createDataset();