 * A labeled box for signal plots.
 * @Copyright (c) 1997-2008 The Regents of the University of California. All
 * rights reserved.
 * Permission is hereby granted, without written agreement and without license
 * or royalty fees, to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
 * documentation for any purpose, provided that the above copyright notice and
 * the following two paragraphs appear in all copies of this software.
package ptolemy.plot;

import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Component;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.EventQueue;
import java.awt.FlowLayout;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.FontMetrics;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.awt.RenderingHints;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.awt.event.InputEvent;
import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
import java.awt.event.KeyListener;
import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
import java.awt.event.MouseListener;
import java.awt.event.MouseMotionListener;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.awt.print.PageFormat;
import java.awt.print.Printable;
import java.awt.print.PrinterException;
import java.awt.print.PrinterJob;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.BufferedWriter;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.io.OutputStreamWriter;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.io.Writer;
import java.net.URL;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Vector;

import javax.print.attribute.HashPrintRequestAttributeSet;
import javax.print.attribute.PrintRequestAttributeSet;
import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
import javax.swing.JButton;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;

import ptolemy.plot.zoomBox.ZoomRectangle;
import ptolemy.util.FileUtilities;
import ptolemy.util.StringUtilities;

// TO DO:
// - Augment getColorByName to support a full complement of colors
// (get the color list from Tycho).
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// // PlotBox

 * This class provides a labeled box within which to place a data plot. A title,
 * X and Y axis labels, tick marks, and a legend are all supported. Zooming in
 * and out is supported. To zoom in, drag the mouse downwards to draw a box. To
 * zoom out, drag the mouse upward.
 * <p>
 * The box can be configured either through a file with commands or through
 * direct invocation of the public methods of the class.
 * <p>
 * When calling the methods, in most cases the changes will not be visible until
 * paintComponent() has been called. To request that this be done, call
 * repaint().
 * <p>
 * A small set of key bindings are provided for convenience. They are:
 * <ul>
 * <li>Cntrl-c: Export the plot to the clipboard (in PlotML).
 * <li>D: Dump the plot to standard output (in PlotML).
 * <li>E: Export the plot to standard output in EPS format.
 * <li>F: Fill the plot.
 * <li>H or ?: Display a simple help message.
 * <li>Cntrl-D or Q: quit
 * </ul>
 * These commands are provided in a menu by the PlotFrame class. Note that
 * exporting to the clipboard is not allowed in applets (it used to be), so this
 * will result in an error message.
 * <p>
 * At this time, the two export commands produce encapsulated postscript tuned
 * for black-and-white printers. In the future, more formats may supported.
 * Exporting to the clipboard and to standard output, in theory, is allowed for
 * applets, unlike writing to a file. Thus, these key bindings provide a simple
 * mechanism to obtain a high-resolution image of the plot from an applet,
 * suitable for incorporation in a document. However, in some browsers,
 * exporting to standard out triggers a security violation. You can use the JDK
 * appletviewer instead.
 * <p>
 * To read commands from a file or URL, the preferred technique is to use one of
 * the classes in the plotml package. That package supports both PlotML, an XML
 * extension for plots, and a historical file format specific to ptplot. The
 * historical file format is understood by the read() method in this class. The
 * syntax of the historical format, documented below, is rudimentary, and will
 * probably not be extended as ptplot evolves. Nonetheless, we document it here
 * since it is directly supported by this class.
 * <p>
 * The historical format for the file allows any number commands, one per line.
 * Unrecognized commands and commands with syntax errors are ignored. Comments
 * are denoted by a line starting with a pound sign "#". The recognized commands
 * include:
 * <pre>
 * TitleText: &lt;i&gt;string&lt;/i&gt;
 *  XLabel: &lt;i&gt;string&lt;/i&gt;
 *  YLabel: &lt;i&gt;string&lt;/i&gt;
 * </pre>
 * These commands provide a title and labels for the X (horizontal) and Y
 * (vertical) axes. A <i>string</i> is simply a sequence of characters, possibly
 * including spaces. There is no need here to surround them with quotation
 * marks, and in fact, if you do, the quotation marks will be included in the
 * labels.
 * <p>
 * The ranges of the X and Y axes can be optionally given by commands like:
 * <pre>
 * XRange: &lt;i&gt;min&lt;/i&gt;, &lt;i&gt;max&lt;/i&gt;
 *  YRange: &lt;i&gt;min&lt;/i&gt;, &lt;i&gt;max&lt;/i&gt;
 * </pre>
 * The arguments <i>min</i> and <i>max</i> are numbers, possibly including a
 * sign and a decimal point. If they are not specified, then the ranges are
 * computed automatically from the data and padded slightly so that datapoints
 * are not plotted on the axes.
 * <p>
 * The tick marks for the axes are usually computed automatically from the
 * ranges. Every attempt is made to choose reasonable positions for the tick
 * marks regardless of the data ranges (powers of ten multiplied by 1, 2, or 5
 * are used). However, they can also be specified explicitly using commands
 * like:
 * <pre>
 * XTicks: &lt;i&gt;label position, label position, ...&lt;/i&gt;
 *  YTicks: &lt;i&gt;label position, label position, ...&lt;/i&gt;
 * </pre>
 * A <i>label</i> is a string that must be surrounded by quotation marks if it
 * contains any spaces. A <i>position</i> is a number giving the location of the
 * tick mark along the axis. For example, a horizontal axis for a frequency
 * domain plot might have tick marks as follows:
 * <pre>
 * XTicks: -PI -3.14159, -PI/2 -1.570795, 0 0, PI/2 1.570795, PI 3.14159
 * </pre>
 * Tick marks could also denote years, months, days of the week, etc.
 * <p>
 * The X and Y axes can use a logarithmic scale with the following commands:
 * <pre>
 * XLog: on
 *  YLog: on
 * </pre>
 * The grid labels represent powers of 10. Note that if a logarithmic scale is
 * used, then the values must be positive. Non-positive values will be silently
 * dropped. Note further that when using logarithmic axes that the log of input
 * data is taken as the data is added to the plot. This means that
 * <pre>
 * XLog: on
 * </pre>
 * or
 * <pre>
 * YLog: on
 * </pre>
 * should appear before any data. Also, the value of the XTicks, YTicks, XRange
 * or YRange directives should be in log units. So,
 * <pre>
 * XTicks: 1K 3
 * </pre>
 * will display the string
 * <pre>
 * 1K
 * </pre>
 * at the 1000 mark.
 * <p>
 * By default, tick marks are connected by a light grey background grid. This
 * grid can be turned off with the following command:
 * <pre>
 * Grid: off
 * </pre>
 * It can be turned back on with
 * <pre>
 * Grid: on
 * </pre>
 * Also, by default, the first ten data sets are shown each in a unique color.
 * The use of color can be turned off with the command:
 * <pre>
 * Color: off
 * </pre>
 * It can be turned back on with
 * <pre>
 * Color: on
 * </pre>
 * Finally, the rather specialized command
 * <pre>
 * Wrap: on
 * </pre>
 * enables wrapping of the X (horizontal) axis, which means that if a point is
 * added with X out of range, its X value will be modified modulo the range so
 * that it lies in range. This command only has an effect if the X range has
 * been set explicitly. It is designed specifically to support oscilloscope-like
 * behavior, where the X value of points is increasing, but the display wraps it
 * around to left. A point that lands on the right edge of the X range is
 * repeated on the left edge to give a better sense of continuity. The feature
 * works best when points do land precisely on the edge, and are plotted from
 * left to right, increasing in X.
 * <p>
 * All of the above commands can also be invoked directly by calling the the
 * corresponding public methods from some Java procedure.
 * <p>
 * This class uses features of JDK 1.2, and hence if used in an applet, it can
 * only be viewed by a browser that supports JDK 1.2, or a plugin.
 * @author Edward A. Lee, Christopher Brooks, Contributors: Jun Wu
 *         ([email protected]), William Wu, Robert Kroeger
 * @version $Id: PlotBox.java,v 2008/04/01 01:19:02 cxh Exp $
 * @since Ptolemy II 0.2
 * @Pt.ProposedRating Yellow (cxh)
 * @Pt.AcceptedRating Yellow (cxh)
public class PlotBox extends JPanel implements Printable {
	// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
	// // constructor ////

	private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

	protected boolean plotBoxDrawsZoomRect = true;

	/** Construct a plot box with a default configuration. */
	public PlotBox() {
		// If we make this transparent, the background shows through.
		// However, we assume that the user will set the background.
		// NOTE: A component is transparent by default (?).
		// setOpaque(false);

		// Create a right-justified layout with spacing of 2 pixels.
		setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.RIGHT, 2, 2));
		addMouseListener(new ZoomListener());
		addKeyListener(new CommandListener());
		addMouseMotionListener(new DragListener());

		// Request the focus so that key events are heard.
		// NOTE: no longer needed?
		// requestFocus();

	// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
	// // public methods ////

	 * Add a legend (displayed at the upper right) for the specified data set
	 * with the specified string. Short strings generally fit better than long
	 * strings. If the string is empty, or the argument is null, then no legend
	 * is added.
	 * @param dataset
	 *            The dataset index.
	 * @param legend
	 *            The label for the dataset.
	 * @see #renameLegend(int, String)
	public synchronized void addLegend(int dataset, String legend) {
		// Changing legend means we need to repaint the offscreen buffer.
		_plotImage = null;

		if ((legend == null) || legend.equals("")) {


	 * Specify a tick mark for the X axis. The label given is placed on the axis
	 * at the position given by <i>position</i>. If this is called once or more,
	 * automatic generation of tick marks is disabled. The tick mark will appear
	 * only if it is within the X range.
	 * @param label
	 *            The label for the tick mark.
	 * @param position
	 *            The position on the X axis.
	public synchronized void addXTick(String label, double position) {
		// Changing legend means we need to repaint the offscreen buffer.
		_plotImage = null;

		if (_xticks == null) {
			_xticks = new Vector<Double>();
			_xticklabels = new Vector<String>();


	 * Specify a tick mark for the Y axis. The label given is placed on the axis
	 * at the position given by <i>position</i>. If this is called once or more,
	 * automatic generation of tick marks is disabled. The tick mark will appear
	 * only if it is within the Y range.
	 * @param label
	 *            The label for the tick mark.
	 * @param position
	 *            The position on the Y axis.
	public synchronized void addYTick(String label, double position) {
		// Changing legend means we need to repaint the offscreen buffer.
		_plotImage = null;

		if (_yticks == null) {
			_yticks = new Vector<Double>();
			_yticklabels = new Vector<String>();


	 * If the argument is true, clear the axes. I.e., set all parameters
	 * controlling the axes to their initial conditions. For the change to take
	 * effect, call repaint(). If the argument is false, do nothing.
	 * @param axes
	 *            If true, clear the axes parameters.
	public synchronized void clear(boolean axes) {
		// We need to repaint the offscreen buffer.
		_plotImage = null;

		_xBottom = Double.MAX_VALUE;
		_xTop = -Double.MAX_VALUE;
		_yBottom = Double.MAX_VALUE;
		_yTop = -Double.MAX_VALUE;

		if (axes) {
			// Protected members first.
			_yMax = 0;
			_yMin = 0;
			_xMax = 0;
			_xMin = 0;
			_xRangeGiven = false;
			_yRangeGiven = false;
			_originalXRangeGiven = false;
			_originalYRangeGiven = false;
			_rangesGivenByZooming = false;
			_xlog = false;
			_ylog = false;
			_grid = true;
			_wrap = false;
			_usecolor = true;

			// Private members next...
			_xlabel = null;
			_ylabel = null;
			_title = null;
			_legendStrings = new Vector<String>();
			_legendDatasets = new Vector<Integer>();
			_xticks = null;
			_xticklabels = null;
			_yticks = null;
			_yticklabels = null;

	 * Clear all legends. This will show up on the next redraw.
	public synchronized void clearLegends() {
		// Changing legend means we need to repaint the offscreen buffer.
		_plotImage = null;

		_legendStrings = new Vector<String>();
		_legendDatasets = new Vector<Integer>();

	 * If this method is called in the event thread, then simply execute the
	 * specified action. Otherwise, if there are already deferred actions, then
	 * add the specified one to the list. Otherwise, create a list of deferred
	 * actions, if necessary, and request that the list be processed in the
	 * event dispatch thread.
	 * Note that it does not work nearly as well to simply schedule the action
	 * yourself on the event thread because if there are a large number of
	 * actions, then the event thread will not be able to keep up. By grouping
	 * these actions, we avoid this problem.
	 * This method is not synchronized, so the caller should be.
	 * @param action
	 *            The Runnable object to execute.
	public void deferIfNecessary(Runnable action) {
		// In swing, updates to showing graphics must be done in the
		// event thread. If we are in the event thread, then proceed.
		// Otherwise, queue a request or add to a pending request.
		if (EventQueue.isDispatchThread()) {
		} else {
			if (_deferredActions == null) {
				_deferredActions = new LinkedList<Runnable>();

			// Add the specified action to the list of actions to perform.

			// If it hasn't already been requested, request that actions
			// be performed in the event dispatch thread.
			if (!_actionsDeferred) {
				Runnable doActions = new Runnable() {
					public void run() {

				try {
					// NOTE: Using invokeAndWait() here risks causing
					// deadlock. Don't do it!
				} catch (Exception ex) {
					// Ignore InterruptedException.
					// Other exceptions should not occur.

				_actionsDeferred = true;

	 * Export a description of the plot. Currently, only EPS is supported. But
	 * in the future, this may cause a dialog box to open to allow the user to
	 * select a format. If the argument is null, then the description goes to
	 * the clipboard. Otherwise, it goes to the specified file. To send it to
	 * standard output, use <code>System.out</code> as an argument.
	 * @param out
	 *            An output stream to which to send the description.
	public synchronized void export(OutputStream out) {
		try {
			EPSGraphics g = new EPSGraphics(out, _width, _height);
			_drawPlot(g, false);
		} catch (RuntimeException ex) {
			String message = "Export failed: " + ex.getMessage();
			JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, message, "Ptolemy Plot Message", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);

			// Rethrow the exception so that we don't report success,
			// and so the stack trace is displayed on standard out.
			throw (RuntimeException) ex.fillInStackTrace();

	// I wanted the ability to use the Plot object in a servlet and to
	// write out the resultant images. The following routines,
	// particularly exportImage(), permit this. I also had to make some
	// minor changes elsewhere. Rob Kroeger, May 2001.
	// NOTE: This code has been modified by EAL to conform with Ptolemy II
	// coding style.

	 * Create a BufferedImage and draw this plot to it. The size of the returned
	 * image matches the current size of the plot. This method can be used, for
	 * example, by a servlet to produce an image, rather than requiring an
	 * applet to instantiate a PlotBox.
	 * @return An image filled by the plot.
	public synchronized BufferedImage exportImage() {
		Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle(_preferredWidth, _preferredHeight);
		return exportImage(new BufferedImage(rectangle.width, rectangle.height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB),
				rectangle, _defaultImageRenderingHints(), false);

	 * Create a BufferedImage the size of the given rectangle and draw this plot
	 * to it at the position specified by the rectangle. The plot is rendered
	 * using anti-aliasing.
	 * @param rectangle
	 *            The size of the plot. This method can be used, for example, by
	 *            a servlet to produce an image, rather than requiring an applet
	 *            to instantiate a PlotBox.
	 * @return An image containing the plot.
	public synchronized BufferedImage exportImage(Rectangle rectangle) {
		return exportImage(new BufferedImage(rectangle.width, rectangle.height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB),
				rectangle, _defaultImageRenderingHints(), false);

	 * Draw this plot onto the specified image at the position of the specified
	 * rectangle with the size of the specified rectangle. The plot is rendered
	 * using anti-aliasing. This can be used to paint a number of different
	 * plots onto a single buffered image. This method can be used, for example,
	 * by a servlet to produce an image, rather than requiring an applet to
	 * instantiate a PlotBox.
	 * @param bufferedImage
	 *            Image onto which the plot is drawn.
	 * @param rectangle
	 *            The size and position of the plot in the image.
	 * @param hints
	 *            Rendering hints for this plot.
	 * @param transparent
	 *            Indicator that the background of the plot should not be
	 *            painted.
	 * @return The modified bufferedImage.
	public synchronized BufferedImage exportImage(BufferedImage bufferedImage, Rectangle rectangle,
			RenderingHints hints, boolean transparent) {
		Graphics2D graphics = bufferedImage.createGraphics();

		if (!transparent) {
			graphics.setColor(Color.white); // set the background color

		_drawPlot(graphics, false, rectangle);
		return bufferedImage;

	 * Draw this plot onto the provided image. This method does not paint the
	 * background, so the plot is transparent. The plot fills the image, and is
	 * rendered using anti-aliasing. This method can be used to overlay multiple
	 * plots on the same image, although you must use care to ensure that the
	 * axes and other labels are identical. Hence, it is usually better to
	 * simply combine data sets into a single plot.
	 * @param bufferedImage
	 *            The image onto which to render the plot.
	 * @return The modified bufferedImage.
	public synchronized BufferedImage exportImage(BufferedImage bufferedImage) {
		return exportImage(bufferedImage, new Rectangle(bufferedImage.getWidth(), bufferedImage.getHeight()),
				_defaultImageRenderingHints(), true);

	 * Rescale so that the data that is currently plotted just fits. This is
	 * done based on the protected variables _xBottom, _xTop, _yBottom, and
	 * _yTop. It is up to derived classes to ensure that variables are valid.
	 * This method calls repaint(), which eventually causes the display to be
	 * updated.
	public synchronized void fillPlot() {
		// NOTE: These used to be _setXRange() and _setYRange() to avoid
		// confusing this with user-specified ranges. But we want to treat
		// a fill command as a user specified range.
		// EAL, 6/12/00.
		setXRange(_xBottom, _xTop);
		setYRange(_yBottom, _yTop);

		// Reacquire the focus so that key bindings work.
		// NOTE: no longer needed?
		// requestFocus();

	 * Return whether the plot uses color.
	 * @return True if the plot uses color.
	public boolean getColor() {
		return _usecolor;

	 * Get the point colors.
	 * @return Array of colors
	 * @see #setColors(Color[])
	public Color[] getColors() {
		return _colors;

	 * Convert a color name into a Color. Currently, only a very limited set of
	 * color names is supported: black, white, red, green, and blue.
	 * @param name
	 *            A color name, or null if not found.
	 * @return An instance of Color.
	public static Color getColorByName(String name) {
		try {
			// Check to see if it is a hexadecimal
			if (name.startsWith("#")) {
				name = name.substring(1);

			Color col = new Color(Integer.parseInt(name, 16));
			return col;
		} catch (NumberFormatException e) {

		// FIXME: This is a poor excuse for a list of colors and values.
		// We should use a hash table here.
		// Note that Color decode() wants the values to start with 0x.
		String[][] names = { { "black", "00000" }, { "white", "ffffff" }, { "red", "ff0000" }, { "green", "00ff00" },
				{ "blue", "0000ff" } };

		for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
			if (name.equals(names[i][0])) {
				try {
					Color col = new Color(Integer.parseInt(names[i][1], 16));
					return col;
				} catch (NumberFormatException e) {

		return null;

	 * Return whether the grid is drawn.
	 * @return True if a grid is drawn.
	public boolean getGrid() {
		return _grid;

	 * Get the legend for a dataset, or null if there is none. The legend would
	 * have been set by addLegend().
	 * @param dataset
	 *            The dataset index.
	 * @return The legend label, or null if there is none.
	public synchronized String getLegend(int dataset) {
		int idx = _legendDatasets.indexOf(Integer.valueOf(dataset), 0);

		if (idx != -1) {
			return _legendStrings.elementAt(idx);
		return null;

	 * Given a legend string, return the corresponding dataset or -1 if no
	 * legend was added with that legend string The legend would have been set
	 * by addLegend().
	 * @param legend
	 *            The String naming the legend
	 * @return The legend dataset, or -1 if not found.
	 * @since Ptplot 5.2p1
	public synchronized int getLegendDataset(String legend) {
		int index = _legendStrings.indexOf(legend);

		if (index == -1) {
			return -1;

		return _legendDatasets.get(index).intValue();

	 * If the size of the plot has been set by setSize(), then return that size.
	 * Otherwise, return what the superclass returns (which is undocumented, but
	 * apparently imposes no maximum size). Currently (JDK 1.3), only BoxLayout
	 * pays any attention to this.
	 * @return The maximum desired size.

	// public synchronized Dimension getMaximumSize() {
	// if (_sizeHasBeenSet) {
	// return new Dimension(_preferredWidth, _preferredHeight);
	// } else {
	// return super.getMaximumSize();
	// }
	// }
	 * Get the minimum size of this component. This is simply the dimensions
	 * specified by setSize(), if this has been called. Otherwise, return
	 * whatever the base class returns, which is undocumented.
	 * @return The minimum size.

	// public synchronized Dimension getMinimumSize() {
	// if (_sizeHasBeenSet) {
	// return new Dimension(_preferredWidth, _preferredHeight);
	// } else {
	// return super.getMinimumSize();
	// }
	// }
	 * Get the current plot rectangle. Note that Rectangle returned by this
	 * method is calculated from the values of {@link #_ulx}, {@link #_uly},
	 * {@link #_lrx} and {@link #_lry}. The value passed in by
	 * setPlotRectangle() is not directly used, thus calling getPlotRectangle()
	 * may not return the same rectangle that was passed in with
	 * setPlotRectangle().
	 * @return Rectangle
	 * @see #setPlotRectangle(Rectangle)
	public Rectangle getPlotRectangle() {
		return new Rectangle(_ulx, _uly, _lrx - _ulx, _lry - _uly);

	 * Get the preferred size of this component. This is simply the dimensions
	 * specified by setSize(), if this has been called, or the default width and
	 * height otherwise (500 by 300).
	 * @return The preferred size.
	public synchronized Dimension getPreferredSize() {
		return new Dimension(_preferredWidth, _preferredHeight);

	 * Get the title of the graph, or an empty string if there is none.
	 * @return The title.
	public synchronized String getTitle() {
		if (_title == null) {
			return "";

		return _title;

	 * Get the range for X values of the data points registered so far. Usually,
	 * derived classes handle managing the range by checking each new point
	 * against the current range.
	 * @return An array of two doubles where the first element is the minimum
	 *         and the second element is the maximum.
	 * @see #getXRange()
	public synchronized double[] getXAutoRange() {
		double[] result = new double[2];
		result[0] = _xBottom;
		result[1] = _xTop;
		return result;

	 * Get the label for the X (horizontal) axis, or null if none has been set.
	 * @return The X label.
	public synchronized String getXLabel() {
		return _xlabel;

	 * Return whether the X axis is drawn with a logarithmic scale.
	 * @return True if the X axis is logarithmic.
	public boolean getXLog() {
		return _xlog;

	 * Get the X range. If {@link #setXRange(double, double)} has been called,
	 * then this method returns the values passed in as arguments to
	 * setXRange(double, double). If setXRange(double, double) has not been
	 * called, then this method returns the range of the data to be plotted,
	 * which might not be all of the data due to zooming.
	 * @return An array of two doubles where the first element is the minimum
	 *         and the second element is the maximum.
	 * @see #getXAutoRange()
	public synchronized double[] getXRange() {
		double[] result = new double[2];

		if (_xRangeGiven) {
			result[0] = _xlowgiven;
			result[1] = _xhighgiven;
		} else {
			// Have to first correct for the padding.
			result[0] = _xMin + ((_xMax - _xMin) * _padding);
			result[1] = _xMax - ((_xMax - _xMin) * _padding);

		return result;

	 * Get the X ticks that have been specified, or null if none. The return
	 * value is an array with two vectors, the first of which specifies the X
	 * tick locations (as instances of Double), and the second of which
	 * specifies the corresponding labels.
	 * @return The X ticks.
	public synchronized Vector<?>[] getXTicks() {
		if (_xticks == null) {
			return null;

		Vector<?>[] result = new Vector[2];
		result[0] = _xticks;
		result[1] = _xticklabels;
		return result;

	 * Get the range for Y values of the data points registered so far. Usually,
	 * derived classes handle managing the range by checking each new point
	 * against the range.
	 * @return An array of two doubles where the first element is the minimum
	 *         and the second element is the maximum.
	 * @see #getYRange()
	public synchronized double[] getYAutoRange() {
		double[] result = new double[2];
		result[0] = _yBottom;
		result[1] = _yTop;
		return result;

	 * Get the label for the Y (vertical) axis, or null if none has been set.
	 * @return The Y label.
	public String getYLabel() {
		return _ylabel;

	 * Return whether the Y axis is drawn with a logarithmic scale.
	 * @return True if the Y axis is logarithmic.
	public boolean getYLog() {
		return _ylog;

	 * Get the Y range. If {@link #setYRange(double, double)} has been called,
	 * then this method returns the values passed in as arguments to
	 * setYRange(double, double). If setYRange(double, double) has not been
	 * called, then this method returns the range of the data to be plotted,
	 * which might not be all of the data due to zooming.
	 * @return An array of two doubles where the first element is the minimum
	 *         and the second element is the maximum.
	 * @see #getYAutoRange()
	public synchronized double[] getYRange() {
		double[] result = new double[2];

		if (_yRangeGiven) {
			result[0] = _ylowgiven;
			result[1] = _yhighgiven;
		} else {
			// Have to first correct for the padding.
			result[0] = _yMin + ((_yMax - _yMin) * _padding);
			result[1] = _yMax - ((_yMax - _yMin) * _padding);

		return result;

	 * Get the Y ticks that have been specified, or null if none. The return
	 * value is an array with two vectors, the first of which specifies the Y
	 * tick locations (as instances of Double), and the second of which
	 * specifies the corresponding labels.
	 * @return The Y ticks.
	public synchronized Vector<?>[] getYTicks() {
		if (_yticks == null) {
			return null;

		Vector<?>[] result = new Vector<?>[2];
		result[0] = _yticks;
		result[1] = _yticklabels;
		return result;

	 * Paint the component contents, which in this base class is only the axes.
	 * @param graphics
	 *            The graphics context.
	public synchronized void paintComponent(Graphics graphics) {
		// super.paintComponent(graphics);
		// _drawPlot(graphics, true);
		BufferedImage newPlotImage = _plotImage;

		if (newPlotImage == null) {
			Rectangle bounds = getBounds();
			newPlotImage = new BufferedImage(bounds.width, bounds.height, BufferedImage.TYPE_3BYTE_BGR);
			_plotImage = newPlotImage;

			offScreenGraphics = newPlotImage.createGraphics();
			offScreenGraphics.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);
			offScreenGraphics.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_RENDERING, RenderingHints.VALUE_RENDER_SPEED);
			_drawPlot(offScreenGraphics, true);

		// Blit the offscreen image onto the screen.
		graphics.drawImage(newPlotImage, 0, 0, null);

		// Acquire the focus so that key bindings work.
		// NOTE: no longer needed?
		// requestFocus();

	 * Print the plot to a printer, represented by the specified graphics
	 * object.
	 * @param graphics
	 *            The context into which the page is drawn.
	 * @param format
	 *            The size and orientation of the page being drawn.
	 * @param index
	 *            The zero based index of the page to be drawn.
	 * @return PAGE_EXISTS if the page is rendered successfully, or NO_SUCH_PAGE
	 *         if pageIndex specifies a non-existent page.
	 * @exception PrinterException
	 *                If the print job is terminated.
	public synchronized int print(Graphics graphics, PageFormat format, int index) throws PrinterException {

		if (graphics == null) {
			return Printable.NO_SUCH_PAGE;

		// We only print on one page.
		if (index >= 1) {
			return Printable.NO_SUCH_PAGE;

		Graphics2D graphics2D = (Graphics2D) graphics;

		// Scale the printout to fit the pages.
		// Contributed by Laurent ETUR, Schlumberger Riboud Product Center
		double scalex = format.getImageableWidth() / getWidth();
		double scaley = format.getImageableHeight() / getHeight();
		double scale = Math.min(scalex, scaley);
		graphics2D.translate((int) format.getImageableX(), (int) format.getImageableY());
		graphics2D.scale(scale, scale);
		_drawPlot(graphics, true);
		return Printable.PAGE_EXISTS;

	 * Read commands and/or plot data from an input stream in the old (non-XML)
	 * file syntax. To update the display, call repaint(), or make the plot
	 * visible with setVisible(true).
	 * <p>
	 * To read from standard input, use:
	 * <pre>
	 * read(System.in);
	 * </pre>
	 * To read from a url, use:
	 * <pre>
	 * read(url.openStream());
	 * </pre>
	 * To read a URL from within an applet, use:
	 * <pre>
	 * URL url = new URL(getDocumentBase(), urlSpec);
	 * read(url.openStream());
	 * </pre>
	 * Within an application, if you have an absolute URL, use:
	 * <pre>
	 * URL url = new URL(urlSpec);
	 * read(url.openStream());
	 * </pre>
	 * To read from a file, use:
	 * <pre>
	 * read(new FileInputStream(filename));
	 * </pre>
	 * @param in
	 *            The input stream.
	 * @exception IOException
	 *                If the stream cannot be read.
	public synchronized void read(InputStream in) throws IOException {
		try {
			// NOTE: I tried to use exclusively the jdk 1.1 Reader classes,
			// but they provide no support like DataInputStream, nor
			// support for URL accesses. So I use the older classes
			// here in a strange mixture.
			BufferedReader din = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in));

			try {
				String line = din.readLine();

				while (line != null) {
					line = din.readLine();
			} finally {
		} catch (IOException e) {
			_errorMsg = new String[2];
			_errorMsg[0] = "Failure reading input data.";
			_errorMsg[1] = e.getMessage();
			throw e;

	 * Read a single line command provided as a string. The commands can be any
	 * of those in the ASCII file format.
	 * @param command
	 *            A command.
	public synchronized void read(String command) {

	 * Remove the legend (displayed at the upper right) for the specified data
	 * set. If the dataset is not found, nothing will occur. The PlotBox must be
	 * repainted in order for this to take effect.
	 * @param dataset
	 *            The dataset index.
	public synchronized void removeLegend(int dataset) {
		final int len = _legendDatasets.size();
		int foundIndex = -1;
		boolean found = false;

		for (int i = 0; (i < len) && !found; ++i) {
			if (_legendDatasets.get(i).intValue() == dataset) {
				foundIndex = i;
				found = true;

		if (found) {

	 * Rename a legend.
	 * @param dataset
	 *            The dataset of the legend to be renamed. If there is no
	 *            dataset with this value, then nothing happens.
	 * @param newName
	 *            The new name of legend.
	 * @see #addLegend(int, String)
	public synchronized void renameLegend(int dataset, String newName) {
		int index = _legendDatasets.indexOf(Integer.valueOf(dataset), 0);

		if (index != -1) {
			_legendStrings.setElementAt(newName, index);

			// Changing legend means we need to repaint the offscreen buffer.
			_plotImage = null;

	 * Reset the X and Y axes to the ranges that were first specified using
	 * setXRange() and setYRange(). If these methods have not been called, then
	 * reset to the default ranges. This method calls repaint(), which
	 * eventually causes the display to be updated.
	public synchronized void resetAxes() {
		setXRange(_originalXlow, _originalXhigh);
		setYRange(_originalYlow, _originalYhigh);

	 * Do nothing in this base class. Derived classes might want to override
	 * this class to give an example of their use.
	public void samplePlot() {
		// Empty default implementation.

	 * Set the background color.
	 * @param background
	 *            The background color.
	public synchronized void setBackground(Color background) {
		// Changing legend means we need to repaint the offscreen buffer.
		_plotImage = null;

		_background = background;

	 * Move and resize this component. The new location of the top-left corner
	 * is specified by x and y, and the new size is specified by width and
	 * height. This overrides the base class method to make a record of the new
	 * size.
	 * @param x
	 *            The new x-coordinate of this component.
	 * @param y
	 *            The new y-coordinate of this component.
	 * @param width
	 *            The new width of this component.
	 * @param height
	 *            The new height of this component.
	public synchronized void setBounds(int x, int y, int width, int height) {
		_width = width;
		_height = height;

		// Resizing the component means we need to redraw the buffer.
		_plotImage = null;

		super.setBounds(x, y, _width, _height);

	 * If the argument is true, make a fill button visible at the upper right.
	 * This button auto-scales the plot. NOTE: The button may infringe on the
	 * title space, if the title is long. In an application, it is preferable to
	 * provide a menu with the fill command. This way, when printing the plot,
	 * the printed plot will not have a spurious button. Thus, this method
	 * should be used only by applets, which normally do not have menus. This
	 * method should only be called from within the event dispatch thread, since
	 * it interacts with swing.
	public synchronized void setButtons(boolean visible) {
		// Changing legend means we need to repaint the offscreen buffer.
		_plotImage = null;

		if (_printButton == null) {
			// Load the image by using the absolute path to the gif.
			URL img = null;
			try {
				// FindBugs: Usage of GetResource may be unsafe if
				// class is extended
				img = FileUtilities.nameToURL("$CLASSPATH/ptolemy/plot/img/print.gif", null, null);
			} catch (IOException ex) {

			if (img != null) {
				ImageIcon printIcon = new ImageIcon(img);
				_printButton = new JButton(printIcon);
			} else {
				// Backup in case something goes wrong with the
				// class loader.
				_printButton = new JButton("P");

			// FIXME: If we failed to get an image, then the letter "P"
			// Is not likely to fit into a 20x20 button.
			_printButton.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(20, 20));
			_printButton.setToolTipText("Print the plot.");
			_printButton.addActionListener(new ButtonListener());


		if (_resetButton == null) {
			// Load the image by using the absolute path to the gif.
			URL img = null;
			try {
				// FindBugs: Usage of GetResource may be unsafe if
				// class is extended
				img = FileUtilities.nameToURL("$CLASSPATH/ptolemy/plot/img/reset.gif", null, null);
			} catch (IOException ex) {
			if (img != null) {
				ImageIcon resetIcon = new ImageIcon(img);
				_resetButton = new JButton(resetIcon);
			} else {
				// Backup in case something goes wrong with the
				// class loader.
				_resetButton = new JButton("R");

			// FIXME: If we failed to get an image, then the letter "R"
			// Is not likely to fit into a 20x20 button.
			_resetButton.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(20, 20));
			_resetButton.setToolTipText("Reset X and Y ranges to their original values");
			_resetButton.addActionListener(new ButtonListener());


		if (_formatButton == null) {
			// Load the image by using the absolute path to the gif.
			URL img = null;
			try {
				// FindBugs: Usage of GetResource may be unsafe if
				// class is extended
				img = FileUtilities.nameToURL("$CLASSPATH/ptolemy/plot/img/format.gif", null, null);
			} catch (IOException ex) {
			if (img != null) {
				ImageIcon formatIcon = new ImageIcon(img);
				_formatButton = new JButton(formatIcon);
			} else {
				// Backup in case something goes wrong with the
				// class loader.
				_formatButton = new JButton("S");

			// FIXME: If we failed to get an image, then the letter "S"
			// Is not likely to fit into a 20x20 button.
			_formatButton.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(20, 20));
			_formatButton.setToolTipText("Set the plot format");
			_formatButton.addActionListener(new ButtonListener());


		if (_fillButton == null) {
			// Load the image by using the absolute path to the gif.
			URL img = null;
			try {
				// FindBugs: Usage of GetResource may be unsafe if
				// class is extended
				img = FileUtilities.nameToURL("$CLASSPATH/ptolemy/plot/img/fill.gif", null, null);
			} catch (IOException ex) {
			if (img != null) {
				ImageIcon fillIcon = new ImageIcon(img);
				_fillButton = new JButton(fillIcon);
			} else {
				// Backup in case something goes wrong with the
				// class loader.
				_fillButton = new JButton("F");

			// FIXME: If we failed to get an image, then the letter "F"
			// Is not likely to fit into a 20x20 button.
			_fillButton.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(20, 20));
			_fillButton.setToolTipText("Rescale the plot to fit the data");
			_fillButton.addActionListener(new ButtonListener());


		// Request the focus so that key events are heard.
		// NOTE: no longer needed?
		// requestFocus();

	 * If the argument is false, draw the plot without using color (in black and
	 * white). Otherwise, draw it in color (the default).
	 * @param useColor
	 *            False to draw in back and white.
	public synchronized void setColor(boolean useColor) {
		// Changing legend means we need to repaint the offscreen buffer.
		_plotImage = null;

		_usecolor = useColor;

	 * Set the point colors. Note that the default colors have been carefully
	 * selected to maximize readability and that it is easy to use colors that
	 * result in a very ugly plot.
	 * @param colors
	 *            Array of colors to use in succession for data sets.
	 * @see #getColors()
	public synchronized void setColors(Color[] colors) {
		// Changing legend means we need to repaint the offscreen buffer.
		_plotImage = null;

		_colors = colors;

	 * Set the foreground color.
	 * @param foreground
	 *            The foreground color.
	public synchronized void setForeground(Color foreground) {
		// Changing legend means we need to repaint the offscreen buffer.
		_plotImage = null;

		_foreground = foreground;

	 * Control whether the grid is drawn.
	 * @param grid
	 *            If true, a grid is drawn.
	public synchronized void setGrid(boolean grid) {
		// Changing legend means we need to repaint the offscreen buffer.
		_plotImage = null;

		_grid = grid;

	 * Set the label font, which is used for axis labels and legend labels. The
	 * font names understood are those understood by java.awt.Font.decode().
	 * @param name
	 *            A font name.
	public synchronized void setLabelFont(String name) {
		// Changing legend means we need to repaint the offscreen buffer.
		_plotImage = null;
		_labelFont = Font.decode(name);
		_labelFontMetrics = getFontMetrics(_labelFont);

	 * Set the plot rectangle inside the axes. This method can be used to create
	 * two plots that share the same axes.
	 * @param rectangle
	 *            Rectangle space inside axes.
	 * @see #getPlotRectangle()
	public synchronized void setPlotRectangle(Rectangle rectangle) {
		// Changing legend means we need to repaint the offscreen buffer.
		_plotImage = null;

		_specifiedPlotRectangle = rectangle;

	 * Set the size of the plot. This overrides the base class to make it work.
	 * In particular, it records the specified size so that getMinimumSize() and
	 * getPreferredSize() return the specified value. However, it only works if
	 * the plot is placed in its own JPanel. This is because the JPanel asks the
	 * contained component for its preferred size before determining the size of
	 * the panel. If the plot is placed directly in the content pane of a
	 * JApplet, then, mysteriously, this method has no effect.
	 * @param width
	 *            The width, in pixels.
	 * @param height
	 *            The height, in pixels.
	public synchronized void setSize(int width, int height) {
		// Changing legend means we need to repaint the offscreen buffer.
		_plotImage = null;

		_width = width;
		_height = height;
		_preferredWidth = width;
		_preferredHeight = height;

		// _sizeHasBeenSet = true;
		super.setSize(width, height);

	 * Set the title of the graph.
	 * @param title
	 *            The title.
	public synchronized void setTitle(String title) {
		// Changing legend means we need to repaint the offscreen buffer.
		_plotImage = null;

		_title = title;

	 * Set the title font. The font names understood are those understood by
	 * java.awt.Font.decode().
	 * @param name
	 *            A font name.
	public synchronized void setTitleFont(String name) {
		// Changing legend means we need to repaint the offscreen buffer.
		_plotImage = null;
		_titleFont = Font.decode(name);
		_titleFontMetrics = getFontMetrics(_titleFont);

	 * Specify whether the X axis is wrapped. If it is, then X values that are
	 * out of range are remapped to be in range using modulo arithmetic. The X
	 * range is determined by the most recent call to setXRange() (or the most
	 * recent zoom). If the X range has not been set, then use the default X
	 * range, or if data has been plotted, then the current fill range.
	 * @param wrap
	 *            If true, wrapping of the X axis is enabled.
	public synchronized void setWrap(boolean wrap) {
		// Changing legend means we need to repaint the offscreen buffer.
		_plotImage = null;

		_wrap = wrap;

		if (!_xRangeGiven) {
			if (_xBottom > _xTop) {
				// have nothing to go on.
				setXRange(0, 0);
			} else {
				setXRange(_xBottom, _xTop);

		_wrapLow = _xlowgiven;
		_wrapHigh = _xhighgiven;

	 * Set the label for the X (horizontal) axis.
	 * @param label
	 *            The label.
	public synchronized void setXLabel(String label) {
		// Changing legend means we need to repaint the offscreen buffer.
		_plotImage = null;

		_xlabel = label;

	 * Specify whether the X axis is drawn with a logarithmic scale. If you
	 * would like to have the X axis drawn with a logarithmic axis, then
	 * setXLog(true) should be called before adding any data points.
	 * @param xlog
	 *            If true, logarithmic axis is used.
	public synchronized void setXLog(boolean xlog) {
		// Changing legend means we need to repaint the offscreen buffer.
		_plotImage = null;

		_xlog = xlog;

	 * Set the X (horizontal) range of the plot. If this is not done explicitly,
	 * then the range is computed automatically from data available when the
	 * plot is drawn. If min and max are identical, then the range is
	 * arbitrarily spread by 1.
	 * @param min
	 *            The left extent of the range.
	 * @param max
	 *            The right extent of the range.
	public synchronized void setXRange(double min, double max) {
		// Changing legend means we need to repaint the offscreen buffer.
		_plotImage = null;

		_xRangeGiven = true;
		_xlowgiven = min;
		_xhighgiven = max;
		_setXRange(min, max);


	 * Set the label for the Y (vertical) axis.
	 * @param label
	 *            The label.
	public synchronized void setYLabel(String label) {
		// Changing legend means we need to repaint the offscreen buffer.
		_plotImage = null;

		_ylabel = label;

	 * Specify whether the Y axis is drawn with a logarithmic scale. If you
	 * would like to have the Y axis drawn with a logarithmic axis, then
	 * setYLog(true) should be called before adding any data points.
	 * @param ylog
	 *            If true, logarithmic axis is used.
	public synchronized void setYLog(boolean ylog) {
		// Changing legend means we need to repaint the offscreen buffer.
		_plotImage = null;

		_ylog = ylog;

	 * Set the Y (vertical) range of the plot. If this is not done explicitly,
	 * then the range is computed automatically from data available when the
	 * plot is drawn. If min and max are identical, then the range is
	 * arbitrarily spread by 0.1.
	 * @param min
	 *            The bottom extent of the range.
	 * @param max
	 *            The top extent of the range.
	public synchronized void setYRange(double min, double max) {
		// Changing legend means we need to repaint the offscreen buffer.
		_plotImage = null;

		_yRangeGiven = true;
		_ylowgiven = min;
		_yhighgiven = max;
		_setYRange(min, max);


	 * Write the current data and plot configuration to the specified stream in
	 * PlotML syntax. PlotML is an XML extension for plot data. The written
	 * information is standalone, in that it includes the DTD (document type
	 * definition). This makes is somewhat verbose. To get smaller files, use
	 * the two argument version of write(). The output is buffered, and is
	 * flushed and closed before exiting. Derived classes should override
	 * writeFormat and writeData rather than this method.
	 * @param out
	 *            An output stream.
	public void write(OutputStream out) {
		write(out, null);

	 * Write the current data and plot configuration to the specified stream in
	 * PlotML syntax. PlotML is an XML scheme for plot data. The URL (relative
	 * or absolute) for the DTD is given as the second argument. If that
	 * argument is null, then the PlotML PUBLIC DTD is referenced, resulting in
	 * a file that can be read by a PlotML parser without any external file
	 * references, as long as that parser has local access to the DTD. The
	 * output is buffered, and is flushed and closed before exiting. Derived
	 * classes should override writeFormat and writeData rather than this
	 * method.
	 * @param out
	 *            An output stream.
	 * @param dtd
	 *            The reference (URL) for the DTD, or null to use the PUBLIC
	 *            DTD.
	public synchronized void write(OutputStream out, String dtd) {
		write(new OutputStreamWriter(out), dtd);

	 * Write the current data and plot configuration to the specified stream in
	 * PlotML syntax. PlotML is an XML scheme for plot data. The URL (relative
	 * or absolute) for the DTD is given as the second argument. If that
	 * argument is null, then the PlotML PUBLIC DTD is referenced, resulting in
	 * a file that can be read by a PlotML parser without any external file
	 * references, as long as that parser has local access to the DTD. The
	 * output is buffered, and is flushed before exiting.
	 * @param out
	 *            An output writer.
	 * @param dtd
	 *            The reference (URL) for the DTD, or null to use the PUBLIC
	 *            DTD.
	public synchronized void write(Writer out, String dtd) {
		// Auto-flush is disabled.
		PrintWriter output = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(out), false);

		if (dtd == null) {
			output.println("<?xml version=\"1.0\" standalone=\"yes\"?>");
			output.println("<!DOCTYPE plot PUBLIC \"-//UC Berkeley//DTD PlotML 1//EN\"");
			output.println("    \"http://ptolemy.eecs.berkeley.edu/xml/dtd/PlotML_1.dtd\">");
		} else {
			output.println("<?xml version=\"1.0\" standalone=\"no\"?>");
			output.println("<!DOCTYPE plot SYSTEM \"" + dtd + "\">");

		output.println("<!-- Ptolemy plot, version " + PTPLOT_RELEASE + " , PlotML format. -->");

		// NOTE: We used to close the stream, but if this is part
		// of an exportMoML operation, that is the wrong thing to do.
		// if (out != System.out) {
		// output.close();
		// }

	 * Write plot data information to the specified output stream in PlotML. In
	 * this base class, there is no data to write, so this method returns
	 * without doing anything.
	 * @param output
	 *            A buffered print writer.
	public synchronized void writeData(PrintWriter output) {

	 * Write plot format information to the specified output stream in PlotML.
	 * Derived classes should override this method to first call the parent
	 * class method, then add whatever additional format information they wish
	 * to add to the stream.
	 * @param output
	 *            A buffered print writer.
	public synchronized void writeFormat(PrintWriter output) {
		// NOTE: If you modify this, you should change the _DTD variable
		// accordingly.
		if (_title != null) {
			output.println("<title>" + _title + "</title>");

		if (_xlabel != null) {
			output.println("<xLabel>" + _xlabel + "</xLabel>");

		if (_ylabel != null) {
			output.println("<yLabel>" + _ylabel + "</yLabel>");

		if (_xRangeGiven) {
			output.println("<xRange min=\"" + _xlowgiven + "\" max=\"" + _xhighgiven + "\"/>");

		if (_yRangeGiven) {
			output.println("<yRange min=\"" + _ylowgiven + "\" max=\"" + _yhighgiven + "\"/>");

		if ((_xticks != null) && (_xticks.size() > 0)) {

			int last = _xticks.size() - 1;

			for (int i = 0; i <= last; i++) {
				output.println("  <tick label=\"" + _xticklabels.elementAt(i) + "\" position=\"" + _xticks.elementAt(i)
						+ "\"/>");


		if ((_yticks != null) && (_yticks.size() > 0)) {

			int last = _yticks.size() - 1;

			for (int i = 0; i <= last; i++) {
				output.println("  <tick label=\"" + _yticklabels.elementAt(i) + "\" position=\"" + _yticks.elementAt(i)
						+ "\"/>");


		if (_xlog) {

		if (_ylog) {

		if (!_grid) {

		if (_wrap) {

		if (!_usecolor) {

	 * Zoom in or out to the specified rectangle. This method calls repaint().
	 * @param lowx
	 *            The low end of the new X range.
	 * @param lowy
	 *            The low end of the new Y range.
	 * @param highx
	 *            The high end of the new X range.
	 * @param highy
	 *            The high end of the new Y range.
	public synchronized void zoom(double lowx, double lowy, double highx, double highy) {
		setXRange(lowx, highx);
		setYRange(lowy, highy);

	// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
	// // public variables ////
	public static final String PTPLOT_RELEASE = "5.7";

	// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
	// // protected methods ////

	 * Draw the axes using the current range, label, and title information. If
	 * the second argument is true, clear the display before redrawing. This
	 * method is called by paintComponent(). To cause it to be called you would
	 * normally call repaint(), which eventually causes paintComponent() to be
	 * called.
	 * <p>
	 * Note that this is synchronized so that points are not added by other
	 * threads while the drawing is occurring. This method should be called only
	 * from the event dispatch thread, consistent with swing policy.
	 * @param graphics
	 *            The graphics context.
	 * @param clearfirst
	 *            If true, clear the plot before proceeding.
	protected synchronized void _drawPlot(Graphics graphics, boolean clearfirst) {
		Rectangle bounds = getBounds();
		_drawPlot(graphics, clearfirst, bounds);

	 * Draw the axes using the current range, label, and title information, at
	 * the size of the specified rectangle. If the second argument is true,
	 * clear the display before redrawing. This method is called by
	 * paintComponent(). To cause it to be called you would normally call
	 * repaint(), which eventually causes paintComponent() to be called.
	 * <p>
	 * Note that this is synchronized so that points are not added by other
	 * threads while the drawing is occurring. This method should be called only
	 * from the event dispatch thread, consistent with swing policy.
	 * @param graphics
	 *            The graphics context.
	 * @param clearfirst
	 *            If true, clear the plot before proceeding.
	 * @param drawRect
	 *            A specification of the size.
	protected synchronized void _drawPlot(Graphics graphics, boolean clearfirst, Rectangle drawRect) {
		// Ignore if there is no graphics object to draw on.
		if (graphics == null) {


		 * NOTE: The following seems to be unnecessary with Swing... if
		 * (clearfirst) { // NOTE: calling clearRect() here permits the
		 * background // color to show through, but it messes up printing. //
		 * Printing results in black-on-black title and axis labels.
		 * graphics.setColor(_background); graphics.drawRect(0, 0,
		 * drawRect.width, drawRect.height); graphics.setColor(Color.black); }

		// If an error message has been set, display it and return.
		if (_errorMsg != null) {
			int fheight = _labelFontMetrics.getHeight() + 2;
			int msgy = fheight;

			for (int i = 0; i < _errorMsg.length; i++) {
				graphics.drawString(_errorMsg[i], 10, msgy);
				msgy += fheight;


		// Make sure we have an x and y range
		if (!_xRangeGiven) {
			if (_xBottom > _xTop) {
				// have nothing to go on.
				_setXRange(0, 0);
			} else {
				_setXRange(_xBottom, _xTop);

		if (!_yRangeGiven) {
			if (_yBottom > _yTop) {
				// have nothing to go on.
				_setYRange(0, 0);
			} else {
				_setYRange(_yBottom, _yTop);

		// If user specified a plot rectangle, compute
		// a working plot rectangle which lies inside the
		// drawRect at the user specified coordinates
		Rectangle workingPlotRectangle = null;

		if (_specifiedPlotRectangle != null) {
			workingPlotRectangle = new Rectangle(Math.max(0, _specifiedPlotRectangle.x), Math.max(0,
					_specifiedPlotRectangle.y), Math.min(drawRect.width, _specifiedPlotRectangle.width), Math.min(
					drawRect.height, _specifiedPlotRectangle.height));

		// Vertical space for title, if appropriate.
		// NOTE: We assume a one-line title.
		int titley = 0;
		int titlefontheight = _titleFontMetrics.getHeight();

		if (_title == null) {
			// NOTE: If the _title is null, then set it to the empty
			// string to solve the problem where the fill button overlaps
			// the legend if there is no title. The fix here would
			// be to modify the legend printing text so that it takes
			// into account the case where there is no title by offsetting
			// just enough for the button.
			_title = "";

		if ((_title != null) || (_yExp != 0)) {
			titley = titlefontheight + _topPadding;

		// Number of vertical tick marks depends on the height of the font
		// for labeling ticks and the height of the window.
		Font previousFont = graphics.getFont();
		graphics.setColor(_foreground); // foreground color not set here --Rob.

		int labelheight = _labelFontMetrics.getHeight();
		int halflabelheight = labelheight / 2;

		// Draw scaling annotation for x axis.
		// NOTE: 5 pixel padding on bottom.
		int ySPos = drawRect.height - 5;
		int xSPos = drawRect.width - _rightPadding;

		if (_xlog) {
			_xExp = (int) Math.floor(_xtickMin);

		if ((_xExp != 0) && (_xticks == null)) {
			String superscript = Integer.toString(_xExp);
			xSPos -= _superscriptFontMetrics.stringWidth(superscript);

			if (!_xlog) {
				graphics.drawString(superscript, xSPos, ySPos - halflabelheight);
				xSPos -= _labelFontMetrics.stringWidth("x10");
				graphics.drawString("x10", xSPos, ySPos);

			// NOTE: 5 pixel padding on bottom
			_bottomPadding = ((3 * labelheight) / 2) + 5;

		// NOTE: 5 pixel padding on the bottom.
		if ((_xlabel != null) && (_bottomPadding < (labelheight + 5))) {
			_bottomPadding = labelheight + 5;

		// Compute the space needed around the plot, starting with vertical.
		// NOTE: padding of 5 pixels below title.
		if (workingPlotRectangle != null) {
			_uly = workingPlotRectangle.y;
		} else {
			_uly = titley + 5;

		// NOTE: 3 pixels above bottom labels.
		if (workingPlotRectangle != null) {
			_lry = workingPlotRectangle.y + workingPlotRectangle.height;
		} else {
			_lry = drawRect.height - labelheight - _bottomPadding - 3;

		int height = _lry - _uly;
		_yscale = height / (_yMax - _yMin);
		_ytickscale = height / (_ytickMax - _ytickMin);

		// //////////////// vertical axis
		// Number of y tick marks.
		// NOTE: subjective spacing factor.
		int ny = 2 + (height / (labelheight + 10));

		// Compute y increment.
		double yStep = _roundUp((_ytickMax - _ytickMin) / ny);

		// Compute y starting point so it is a multiple of yStep.
		double yStart = yStep * Math.ceil(_ytickMin / yStep);

		// NOTE: Following disables first tick. Not a good idea?
		// if (yStart == _ytickMin) yStart += yStep;
		// Define the strings that will label the y axis.
		// Meanwhile, find the width of the widest label.
		// The labels are quantized so that they don't have excess resolution.
		int widesty = 0;

		// These do not get used unless ticks are automatic, but the
		// compiler is not smart enough to allow us to reference them
		// in two distinct conditional clauses unless they are
		// allocated outside the clauses.
		String[] ylabels = new String[ny];
		int[] ylabwidth = new int[ny];

		int ind = 0;

		if (_yticks == null) {
			Vector<Double> ygrid = null;

			if (_ylog) {
				ygrid = _gridInit(yStart, yStep, true, null);

			// automatic ticks
			// First, figure out how many digits after the decimal point
			// will be used.
			int numfracdigits = _numFracDigits(yStep);

			// NOTE: Test cases kept in case they are needed again.
			// System.out.println("0.1 with 3 digits: " + _formatNum(0.1, 3));
			// System.out.println("0.0995 with 3 digits: " +
			// _formatNum(0.0995, 3));
			// System.out.println("0.9995 with 3 digits: " +
			// _formatNum(0.9995, 3));
			// System.out.println("1.9995 with 0 digits: " +
			// _formatNum(1.9995, 0));
			// System.out.println("1 with 3 digits: " + _formatNum(1, 3));
			// System.out.println("10 with 0 digits: " + _formatNum(10, 0));
			// System.out.println("997 with 3 digits: " + _formatNum(997, 3));
			// System.out.println("0.005 needs: " + _numFracDigits(0.005));
			// System.out.println("1 needs: " + _numFracDigits(1));
			// System.out.println("999 needs: " + _numFracDigits(999));
			// System.out.println("999.0001 needs: "+_numFracDigits(999.0001));
			// System.out.println("0.005 integer digits: " +
			// _numIntDigits(0.005));
			// System.out.println("1 integer digits: " + _numIntDigits(1));
			// System.out.println("999 integer digits: " + _numIntDigits(999));
			// System.out.println("-999.0001 integer digits: " +
			// _numIntDigits(999.0001));
			double yTmpStart = yStart;

			if (_ylog) {
				yTmpStart = _gridStep(ygrid, yStart, yStep, _ylog);

			for (double ypos = yTmpStart; ypos <= _ytickMax; ypos = _gridStep(ygrid, ypos, yStep, _ylog)) {
				// Prevent out of bounds exceptions
				if (ind >= ny) {

				String yticklabel;

				if (_ylog) {
					yticklabel = _formatLogNum(ypos, numfracdigits);
				} else {
					yticklabel = _formatNum(ypos, numfracdigits);

				ylabels[ind] = yticklabel;

				int lw = _labelFontMetrics.stringWidth(yticklabel);
				ylabwidth[ind++] = lw;

				if (lw > widesty) {
					widesty = lw;
		} else {
			// explicitly specified ticks
			Enumeration<String> nl = _yticklabels.elements();

			while (nl.hasMoreElements()) {
				String label = nl.nextElement();
				int lw = _labelFontMetrics.stringWidth(label);

				if (lw > widesty) {
					widesty = lw;

		// Next we do the horizontal spacing.
		if (workingPlotRectangle != null) {
			_ulx = workingPlotRectangle.x;
		} else {
			if (_ylabel != null) {
				_ulx = widesty + _labelFontMetrics.stringWidth("W") + _leftPadding;
			} else {
				_ulx = widesty + _leftPadding;

		int legendwidth = _drawLegend(graphics, drawRect.width - _rightPadding, _uly);

		if (workingPlotRectangle != null) {
			_lrx = workingPlotRectangle.x + workingPlotRectangle.width;
		} else {
			_lrx = drawRect.width - legendwidth - _rightPadding;

		int width = _lrx - _ulx;
		_xscale = width / (_xMax - _xMin);

		_xtickscale = width / (_xtickMax - _xtickMin);

		// Background for the plotting rectangle.
		// Always use a white background because the dataset colors
		// were designed for a white background.
		graphics.fillRect(_ulx, _uly, width, height);

		graphics.drawRect(_ulx, _uly, width, height);

		// NOTE: subjective tick length.
		int tickLength = 5;
		int xCoord1 = _ulx + tickLength;
		int xCoord2 = _lrx - tickLength;

		if (_yticks == null) {
			// auto-ticks
			Vector<Double> ygrid = null;
			double yTmpStart = yStart;

			if (_ylog) {
				ygrid = _gridInit(yStart, yStep, true, null);
				yTmpStart = _gridStep(ygrid, yStart, yStep, _ylog);
				ny = ind;

			ind = 0;

			// Set to false if we don't need the exponent
			boolean needExponent = _ylog;

			for (double ypos = yTmpStart; ypos <= _ytickMax; ypos = _gridStep(ygrid, ypos, yStep, _ylog)) {
				// Prevent out of bounds exceptions
				if (ind >= ny) {

				int yCoord1 = _lry - (int) ((ypos - _ytickMin) * _ytickscale);

				// The lowest label is shifted up slightly to avoid
				// colliding with x labels.
				int offset = 0;

				if ((ind > 0) && !_ylog) {
					offset = halflabelheight;

				graphics.drawLine(_ulx, yCoord1, xCoord1, yCoord1);
				graphics.drawLine(_lrx, yCoord1, xCoord2, yCoord1);

				if (_grid && (yCoord1 != _uly) && (yCoord1 != _lry)) {
					graphics.drawLine(xCoord1, yCoord1, xCoord2, yCoord1);

				// Check to see if any of the labels printed contain
				// the exponent. If we don't see an exponent, then print it.
				if (_ylog && (ylabels[ind].indexOf('e') != -1)) {
					needExponent = false;

				// NOTE: 4 pixel spacing between axis and labels.
				graphics.drawString(ylabels[ind], _ulx - ylabwidth[ind++] - 4, yCoord1 + offset);

			if (_ylog) {
				// Draw in grid lines that don't have labels.
				Vector<Double> unlabeledgrid = _gridInit(yStart, yStep, false, ygrid);

				if (unlabeledgrid.size() > 0) {
					// If the step is greater than 1, clamp it to 1 so that
					// we draw the unlabeled grid lines for each
					// integer interval.
					double tmpStep = (yStep > 1.0) ? 1.0 : yStep;

					for (double ypos = _gridStep(unlabeledgrid, yStart, tmpStep, _ylog); ypos <= _ytickMax; ypos = _gridStep(
							unlabeledgrid, ypos, tmpStep, _ylog)) {
						int yCoord1 = _lry - (int) ((ypos - _ytickMin) * _ytickscale);

						if (_grid && (yCoord1 != _uly) && (yCoord1 != _lry)) {
							graphics.drawLine(_ulx + 1, yCoord1, _lrx - 1, yCoord1);

				if (needExponent) {
					// We zoomed in, so we need the exponent
					_yExp = (int) Math.floor(yTmpStart);
				} else {
					_yExp = 0;

			// Draw scaling annotation for y axis.
			if (_yExp != 0) {
				graphics.drawString("x10", 2, titley);
				graphics.drawString(Integer.toString(_yExp), _labelFontMetrics.stringWidth("x10") + 2, titley
						- halflabelheight);
		} else {
			// ticks have been explicitly specified
			Enumeration<Double> nt = _yticks.elements();
			Enumeration<String> nl = _yticklabels.elements();

			while (nl.hasMoreElements()) {
				String label = nl.nextElement();
				double ypos = (nt.nextElement()).doubleValue();

				if ((ypos > _yMax) || (ypos < _yMin)) {

				int yCoord1 = _lry - (int) ((ypos - _yMin) * _yscale);
				int offset = 0;

				if (ypos < (_lry - labelheight)) {
					offset = halflabelheight;

				graphics.drawLine(_ulx, yCoord1, xCoord1, yCoord1);
				graphics.drawLine(_lrx, yCoord1, xCoord2, yCoord1);

				if (_grid && (yCoord1 != _uly) && (yCoord1 != _lry)) {
					graphics.drawLine(xCoord1, yCoord1, xCoord2, yCoord1);

				// NOTE: 3 pixel spacing between axis and labels.
				graphics.drawString(label, _ulx - _labelFontMetrics.stringWidth(label) - 3, yCoord1 + offset);

		// ////////////////// horizontal axis
		int yCoord1 = _uly + tickLength;
		int yCoord2 = _lry - tickLength;
		int charwidth = _labelFontMetrics.stringWidth("8");

		if (_xticks == null) {
			// auto-ticks
			// Number of x tick marks.
			// Need to start with a guess and converge on a solution here.
			int nx = 10;
			double xStep = 0.0;
			int numfracdigits = 0;

			if (_xlog) {
				// X axes log labels will be at most 6 chars: -1E-02
				nx = 2 + (width / ((charwidth * 6) + 10));
			} else {
				// Limit to 10 iterations
				int count = 0;

				while (count++ <= 10) {
					xStep = _roundUp((_xtickMax - _xtickMin) / nx);

					// Compute the width of a label for this xStep
					numfracdigits = _numFracDigits(xStep);

					// Number of integer digits is the maximum of two endpoints
					int intdigits = _numIntDigits(_xtickMax);
					int inttemp = _numIntDigits(_xtickMin);

					if (intdigits < inttemp) {
						intdigits = inttemp;

					// Allow two extra digits (decimal point and sign).
					int maxlabelwidth = charwidth * (numfracdigits + 2 + intdigits);

					// Compute new estimate of number of ticks.
					int savenx = nx;

					// NOTE: 10 additional pixels between labels.
					// NOTE: Try to ensure at least two tick marks.
					nx = 2 + (width / (maxlabelwidth + 10));

					if (((nx - savenx) <= 1) || ((savenx - nx) <= 1)) {

			xStep = _roundUp((_xtickMax - _xtickMin) / nx);
			numfracdigits = _numFracDigits(xStep);

			// Compute x starting point so it is a multiple of xStep.
			double xStart = xStep * Math.ceil(_xtickMin / xStep);

			// NOTE: Following disables first tick. Not a good idea?
			// if (xStart == _xMin) xStart += xStep;
			Vector<Double> xgrid = null;
			double xTmpStart = xStart;

			if (_xlog) {
				xgrid = _gridInit(xStart, xStep, true, null);

				// xgrid = _gridInit(xStart, xStep);
				xTmpStart = _gridRoundUp(xgrid, xStart);

			// Set to false if we don't need the exponent
			boolean needExponent = _xlog;

			// Label the x axis. The labels are quantized so that
			// they don't have excess resolution.
			for (double xpos = xTmpStart; xpos <= _xtickMax; xpos = _gridStep(xgrid, xpos, xStep, _xlog)) {
				String xticklabel;

				if (_xlog) {
					xticklabel = _formatLogNum(xpos, numfracdigits);

					if (xticklabel.indexOf('e') != -1) {
						needExponent = false;
				} else {
					xticklabel = _formatNum(xpos, numfracdigits);

				xCoord1 = _ulx + (int) ((xpos - _xtickMin) * _xtickscale);
				graphics.drawLine(xCoord1, _uly, xCoord1, yCoord1);
				graphics.drawLine(xCoord1, _lry, xCoord1, yCoord2);

				if (_grid && (xCoord1 != _ulx) && (xCoord1 != _lrx)) {
					graphics.drawLine(xCoord1, yCoord1, xCoord1, yCoord2);

				int labxpos = xCoord1 - (_labelFontMetrics.stringWidth(xticklabel) / 2);

				// NOTE: 3 pixel spacing between axis and labels.
				graphics.drawString(xticklabel, labxpos, _lry + 3 + labelheight);

			if (_xlog) {
				// Draw in grid lines that don't have labels.
				// If the step is greater than 1, clamp it to 1 so that
				// we draw the unlabeled grid lines for each
				// integer interval.
				double tmpStep = (xStep > 1.0) ? 1.0 : xStep;

				// Recalculate the start using the new step.
				xTmpStart = tmpStep * Math.ceil(_xtickMin / tmpStep);

				Vector<Double> unlabeledgrid = _gridInit(xTmpStart, tmpStep, false, xgrid);

				if (unlabeledgrid.size() > 0) {
					for (double xpos = _gridStep(unlabeledgrid, xTmpStart, tmpStep, _xlog); xpos <= _xtickMax; xpos = _gridStep(
							unlabeledgrid, xpos, tmpStep, _xlog)) {
						xCoord1 = _ulx + (int) ((xpos - _xtickMin) * _xtickscale);

						if (_grid && (xCoord1 != _ulx) && (xCoord1 != _lrx)) {
							graphics.drawLine(xCoord1, _uly + 1, xCoord1, _lry - 1);

				if (needExponent) {
					_xExp = (int) Math.floor(xTmpStart);
					graphics.drawString(Integer.toString(_xExp), xSPos, ySPos - halflabelheight);
					xSPos -= _labelFontMetrics.stringWidth("x10");
					graphics.drawString("x10", xSPos, ySPos);
				} else {
					_xExp = 0;
		} else {
			// ticks have been explicitly specified
			Enumeration<Double> nt = _xticks.elements();
			Enumeration<String> nl = _xticklabels.elements();

			// Code contributed by Jun Wu ([email protected])
			double preLength = 0.0;

			while (nl.hasMoreElements()) {
				String label = nl.nextElement();
				double xpos = (nt.nextElement()).doubleValue();

				// If xpos is out of range, ignore.
				if ((xpos > _xMax) || (xpos < _xMin)) {

				// Find the center position of the label.
				xCoord1 = _ulx + (int) ((xpos - _xMin) * _xscale);

				// Find the start position of x label.
				int labxpos = xCoord1 - (_labelFontMetrics.stringWidth(label) / 2);

				// If the labels are not overlapped, proceed.
				if (labxpos > preLength) {
					// calculate the length of the label
					preLength = xCoord1 + (_labelFontMetrics.stringWidth(label) / 2) + 10;

					// Draw the label.
					// NOTE: 3 pixel spacing between axis and labels.
					graphics.drawString(label, labxpos, _lry + 3 + labelheight);

					// Draw the label mark on the axis
					graphics.drawLine(xCoord1, _uly, xCoord1, yCoord1);
					graphics.drawLine(xCoord1, _lry, xCoord1, yCoord2);

					// Draw the grid line
					if (_grid && (xCoord1 != _ulx) && (xCoord1 != _lrx)) {
						graphics.drawLine(xCoord1, yCoord1, xCoord1, yCoord2);

		ZoomRectangle z = zoomBox;
		if (plotBoxDrawsZoomRect && z != null) {
			z.paintZoomRectangle(this, graphics);

		// ////////////////// Draw title and axis labels now.
		// Center the title and X label over the plotting region, not
		// the window.

		if (_title != null) {

			int titlex = _ulx + ((width - _titleFontMetrics.stringWidth(_title)) / 2);
			graphics.drawString(_title, titlex, titley);


		if (_xlabel != null) {
			int labelx = _ulx + ((width - _labelFontMetrics.stringWidth(_xlabel)) / 2);
			graphics.drawString(_xlabel, labelx, ySPos);

		int charcenter = 2 + (_labelFontMetrics.stringWidth("W") / 2);

		if (_ylabel != null) {
			int yl = _ylabel.length();

			if (graphics instanceof Graphics2D) {
				int starty = (_uly + ((_lry - _uly) / 2) + (_labelFontMetrics.stringWidth(_ylabel) / 2)) - charwidth;
				Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) graphics;

				// NOTE: Fudge factor so label doesn't touch axis labels.
				int startx = (charcenter + halflabelheight) - 2;
				g2d.rotate(Math.toRadians(-90), startx, starty);
				g2d.drawString(_ylabel, startx, starty);
				g2d.rotate(Math.toRadians(90), startx, starty);
			} else {
				// Not graphics 2D, no support for rotation.
				// Vertical label is fairly complex to draw.
				int starty = (_uly + ((_lry - _uly) / 2)) - (yl * halflabelheight) + labelheight;

				for (int i = 0; i < yl; i++) {
					String nchar = _ylabel.substring(i, i + 1);
					int cwidth = _labelFontMetrics.stringWidth(nchar);
					graphics.drawString(nchar, charcenter - (cwidth / 2), starty);
					starty += labelheight;


	 * @return the _ulx
	public int get_ulx() {
		return _ulx;

	 * @return the _uly
	public int get_uly() {
		return _uly;

	 * @return the _lrx
	public int get_lrx() {
		return _lrx;

	 * @return the _lry
	public int get_lry() {
		return _lry;

	 * Put a mark corresponding to the specified dataset at the specified x and
	 * y position. The mark is drawn in the current color. In this base class, a
	 * point is a filled rectangle 6 pixels across. Note that marks greater than
	 * about 6 pixels in size will not look very good since they will overlap
	 * axis labels and may not fit well in the legend. The <i>clip</i> argument,
	 * if <code>true</code>, states that the point should not be drawn if it is
	 * out of range.
	 * Note that this method is not synchronized, so the caller should be.
	 * Moreover this method should always be called from the event thread when
	 * being used to write to the screen.
	 * @param graphics
	 *            The graphics context.
	 * @param dataset
	 *            The index of the data set.
	 * @param xpos
	 *            The X position.
	 * @param ypos
	 *            The Y position.
	 * @param clip
	 *            If true, do not draw if out of range.
	protected void _drawPoint(Graphics graphics, int dataset, long xpos, long ypos, boolean clip) {
		// Ignore if there is no graphics object to draw on.
		if (graphics == null) {

		boolean pointinside = (ypos <= _lry) && (ypos >= _uly) && (xpos <= _lrx) && (xpos >= _ulx);

		if (!pointinside && clip) {

		graphics.fillRect((int) xpos - 6, (int) ypos - 6, 6, 6);

	 * Display basic information in its own window.
	protected void _help() {
		String message = "Ptolemy plot package\n" + "By: Edward A. Lee\n" + "and Christopher Brooks\n" + "Version "
				+ PTPLOT_RELEASE + ", Build: $Id: PlotBox.java,v 2008/04/01 01:19:02 cxh Exp $\n\n"
				+ "Key bindings:\n" + "   Cntrl-c:  copy plot to clipboard (EPS format), if permitted\n"
				+ "   D: dump plot data to standard out\n" + "   E: export plot to standard out (EPS format)\n"
				+ "   F: fill plot\n" + "   H or ?: print help message (this message)\n" + "   Cntrl-D or Q: quit\n"
				+ "For more information, see\n" + "http://ptolemy.eecs.berkeley.edu/java/ptplot\n";
		JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, message, "Ptolemy Plot Help Window", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);

	 * Parse a line that gives plotting information. In this base class, only
	 * lines pertaining to the title and labels are processed. Everything else
	 * is ignored. Return true if the line is recognized. It is not
	 * synchronized, so its caller should be.
	 * @param line
	 *            A line of text.
	protected boolean _parseLine(String line) {
		// If you modify this method, you should also modify write()
		// We convert the line to lower case so that the command
		// names are case insensitive.
		String lcLine = line.toLowerCase();

		if (lcLine.startsWith("#")) {
			// comment character
			return true;
		} else if (lcLine.startsWith("titletext:")) {
			return true;
		} else if (lcLine.startsWith("title:")) {
			// Tolerate alternative tag.
			return true;
		} else if (lcLine.startsWith("xlabel:")) {
			return true;
		} else if (lcLine.startsWith("ylabel:")) {
			return true;
		} else if (lcLine.startsWith("xrange:")) {
			int comma = line.indexOf(",", 7);

			if (comma > 0) {
				String min = (line.substring(7, comma)).trim();
				String max = (line.substring(comma + 1)).trim();

				try {
					Double dmin = Double.valueOf(min);
					Double dmax = Double.valueOf(max);
					setXRange(dmin.doubleValue(), dmax.doubleValue());
				} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
					// ignore if format is bogus.

			return true;
		} else if (lcLine.startsWith("yrange:")) {
			int comma = line.indexOf(",", 7);

			if (comma > 0) {
				String min = (line.substring(7, comma)).trim();
				String max = (line.substring(comma + 1)).trim();

				try {
					Double dmin = Double.valueOf(min);
					Double dmax = Double.valueOf(max);
					setYRange(dmin.doubleValue(), dmax.doubleValue());
				} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
					// ignore if format is bogus.

			return true;
		} else if (lcLine.startsWith("xticks:")) {
			// example:
			// XTicks "label" 0, "label" 1, "label" 3
			_parsePairs(line.substring(7), true);
			return true;
		} else if (lcLine.startsWith("yticks:")) {
			// example:
			// YTicks "label" 0, "label" 1, "label" 3
			_parsePairs(line.substring(7), false);
			return true;
		} else if (lcLine.startsWith("xlog:")) {
			if (lcLine.indexOf("off", 5) >= 0) {
				_xlog = false;
			} else {
				_xlog = true;

			return true;
		} else if (lcLine.startsWith("ylog:")) {
			if (lcLine.indexOf("off", 5) >= 0) {
				_ylog = false;
			} else {
				_ylog = true;

			return true;
		} else if (lcLine.startsWith("grid:")) {
			if (lcLine.indexOf("off", 5) >= 0) {
				_grid = false;
			} else {
				_grid = true;

			return true;
		} else if (lcLine.startsWith("wrap:")) {
			if (lcLine.indexOf("off", 5) >= 0) {
				_wrap = false;
			} else {
				_wrap = true;

			return true;
		} else if (lcLine.startsWith("color:")) {
			if (lcLine.indexOf("off", 6) >= 0) {
				_usecolor = false;
			} else {
				_usecolor = true;

			return true;

		return false;

	 * Set the padding multiple. The plot rectangle can be "padded" in each
	 * direction -x, +x, -y, and +y. If the padding is set to 0.05 (and the
	 * padding is used), then there is 10% more length on each axis than set by
	 * the setXRange() and setYRange() methods, 5% in each direction.
	 * @param padding
	 *            The padding multiple.
	protected void _setPadding(double padding) {
		// Changing legend means we need to repaint the offscreen buffer.
		_plotImage = null;

		_padding = padding;

	// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
	// // protected variables ////
	// The range of the data to be plotted.
	protected transient double _yMax = 0;

	// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
	// // protected variables ////
	// The range of the data to be plotted.
	protected transient double _yMin = 0;

	// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
	// // protected variables ////
	// The range of the data to be plotted.
	protected transient double _xMax = 0;

	// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
	// // protected variables ////
	// The range of the data to be plotted.
	protected transient double _xMin = 0;

	 * The factor we pad by so that we don't plot points on the axes.
	protected double _padding = 0.05;

	// Whether the ranges have been given.
	protected transient boolean _xRangeGiven = false;

	protected transient boolean _yRangeGiven = false;

	protected transient boolean _rangesGivenByZooming = false;

	 * @serial The given X and Y ranges. If they have been given the top and
	 *         bottom of the x and y ranges. This is different from _xMin and
	 *         _xMax, which actually represent the range of data that is
	 *         plotted. This represents the range specified (which may be
	 *         different due to zooming).
	protected double _xlowgiven;

	 * @serial The given X and Y ranges. If they have been given the top and
	 *         bottom of the x and y ranges. This is different from _xMin and
	 *         _xMax, which actually represent the range of data that is
	 *         plotted. This represents the range specified (which may be
	 *         different due to zooming).
	protected double _xhighgiven;

	 * @serial The given X and Y ranges. If they have been given the top and
	 *         bottom of the x and y ranges. This is different from _xMin and
	 *         _xMax, which actually represent the range of data that is
	 *         plotted. This represents the range specified (which may be
	 *         different due to zooming).
	protected double _ylowgiven;

	 * @serial The given X and Y ranges. If they have been given the top and
	 *         bottom of the x and y ranges. This is different from _xMin and
	 *         _xMax, which actually represent the range of data that is
	 *         plotted. This represents the range specified (which may be
	 *         different due to zooming).
	protected double _yhighgiven;

	/** @serial The minimum X value registered so for, for auto ranging. */
	protected double _xBottom = Double.MAX_VALUE;

	/** @serial The maximum X value registered so for, for auto ranging. */
	protected double _xTop = -Double.MAX_VALUE;

	/** @serial The minimum Y value registered so for, for auto ranging. */
	protected double _yBottom = Double.MAX_VALUE;

	/** @serial The maximum Y value registered so for, for auto ranging. */
	protected double _yTop = -Double.MAX_VALUE;

	/** @serial Whether to draw the axes using a logarithmic scale. */
	protected boolean _xlog = false;

	/** @serial Whether to draw the axes using a logarithmic scale. */
	protected boolean _ylog = false;

	// For use in calculating log base 10. A log times this is a log base 10.
	protected static final double _LOG10SCALE = 1 / Math.log(10);

	/** @serial Whether to draw a background grid. */
	protected boolean _grid = true;

	/** @serial Whether to wrap the X axis. */
	protected boolean _wrap = false;

	/** @serial The high range of the X axis for wrapping. */
	protected double _wrapHigh;

	/** @serial The low range of the X axis for wrapping. */
	protected double _wrapLow;

	/** @serial Color of the background, settable from HTML. */
	protected Color _background = Color.white;

	/** @serial Color of the foreground, settable from HTML. */
	protected Color _foreground = Color.black;

	 * @serial Top padding. Derived classes can increment these to make space
	 *         around the plot.
	protected int _topPadding = 10;

	 * @serial Bottom padding. Derived classes can increment these to make space
	 *         around the plot.
	protected int _bottomPadding = 5;

	 * @serial Right padding. Derived classes can increment these to make space
	 *         around the plot.
	protected int _rightPadding = 10;

	 * @serial Left padding. Derived classes can increment these to make space
	 *         around the plot.
	protected int _leftPadding = 10;

	// The naming convention is: "_ulx" = "upper left x", where "x" is
	// the horizontal dimension.

	/** The x value of the upper left corner of the plot rectangle in pixels. */
	protected int _ulx = 1;

	/** The y value of the upper left corner of the plot rectangle in pixels. */
	protected int _uly = 1;

	 * The x value of the lower right corner of the plot rectangle in pixels.
	protected int _lrx = 100;

	 * The y value of the lower right corner of the plot rectangle in pixels.
	protected int _lry = 100;

	 * User specified plot rectangle, null if none specified.
	 * @see #setPlotRectangle(Rectangle)
	protected Rectangle _specifiedPlotRectangle = null;

	 * Scaling used for the vertical axis in plotting points. The units are
	 * pixels/unit, where unit is the units of the Y axis.
	protected double _yscale = 1.0;

	 * Scaling used for the horizontal axis in plotting points. The units are
	 * pixels/unit, where unit is the units of the X axis.
	protected double _xscale = 1.0;

	/** @serial Indicator whether to use _colors. */
	protected boolean _usecolor = true;

	// Default _colors, by data set.
	// There are 11 colors so that combined with the
	// 10 marks of the Plot class, we can distinguish 110
	// distinct data sets.
	static protected Color[] _colors = { new Color(0xff0000), // red
			new Color(0x0000ff), // blue
			new Color(0x00aaaa), // cyan-ish
			new Color(0x000000), // black
			new Color(0xffa500), // orange
			new Color(0x53868b), // cadetblue4
			new Color(0xff7f50), // coral
			new Color(0x45ab1f), // dark green-ish
			new Color(0x90422d), // sienna-ish
			new Color(0xa0a0a0), // grey-ish
			new Color(0x14ff14), // green-ish

	/** @serial Width and height of component in pixels. */
	protected int _width = 500;

	/** @serial Width and height of component in pixels. */
	protected int _height = 300;

	/** @serial Width and height of component in pixels. */
	protected int _preferredWidth = 500;

	/** @serial Width and height of component in pixels. */
	protected int _preferredHeight = 300;

	/** @serial Indicator that size has been set. */

	// protected boolean _sizeHasBeenSet = false;

	// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
	// // private methods ////

	 * Draw the legend in the upper right corner and return the width (in
	 * pixels) used up. The arguments give the upper right corner of the region
	 * where the legend should be placed.
	private int _drawLegend(Graphics graphics, int urx, int ury) {
		// Ignore if there is no graphics object to draw on.
		if (graphics == null) {
			return 0;

		// FIXME: consolidate all these for efficiency
		Font previousFont = graphics.getFont();

		int spacing = _labelFontMetrics.getHeight();

		Enumeration<String> v = _legendStrings.elements();
		Enumeration<Integer> i = _legendDatasets.elements();
		int ypos = ury + spacing;
		int maxwidth = 0;

		while (v.hasMoreElements()) {
			String legend = v.nextElement();

			// NOTE: relies on _legendDatasets having the same num. of entries.
			int dataset = i.nextElement().intValue();

			if (dataset >= 0) {
				if (_usecolor) {
					// Points are only distinguished up to the number of colors
					int color = dataset % _colors.length;

				_drawPoint(graphics, dataset, urx - 3, ypos - 3, false);


				int width = _labelFontMetrics.stringWidth(legend);

				if (width > maxwidth) {
					maxwidth = width;

				graphics.drawString(legend, urx - 15 - width, ypos);
				ypos += spacing;

		return 22 + maxwidth; // NOTE: subjective spacing parameter.

	 * @return the zoomBox
	protected ZoomRectangle getZoomBox() {
		return zoomBox;

	 * @param zoomBox
	 *            the zoomBox to set
	protected void setZoomBox(ZoomRectangle zoomBox) {
		this.zoomBox = zoomBox;

	// Execute all actions pending on the deferred action list.
	// The list is cleared and the _actionsDeferred variable is set
	// to false, even if one of the deferred actions fails.
	// This method should only be invoked in the event dispatch thread.
	// It is synchronized, so the integrity of the deferred actions list
	// is ensured, since modifications to that list occur only in other
	// synchronized methods.
	private synchronized void _executeDeferredActions() {
		try {
			Iterator<Runnable> actions = _deferredActions.iterator();

			while (actions.hasNext()) {
				Runnable action = actions.next();
		} finally {
			_actionsDeferred = false;

	 * Return the number as a String for use as a label on a logarithmic axis.
	 * Since this is a log plot, number passed in will not have too many digits
	 * to cause problems. If the number is an integer, then we print 1e<num>. If
	 * the number is not an integer, then print only the fractional components.
	private String _formatLogNum(double num, int numfracdigits) {
		String results;
		int exponent = (int) num;

		// Determine the exponent, prepending 0 or -0 if necessary.
		if ((exponent >= 0) && (exponent < 10)) {
			results = "0" + exponent;
		} else {
			if ((exponent < 0) && (exponent > -10)) {
				results = "-0" + (-exponent);
			} else {
				results = Integer.toString(exponent);

		// Handle the mantissa.
		if (num >= 0.0) {
			if ((num - (int) (num)) < 0.001) {
				results = "1e" + results;
			} else {
				results = _formatNum(Math.pow(10.0, (num - (int) num)), numfracdigits);
		} else {
			if ((-num - (int) (-num)) < 0.001) {
				results = "1e" + results;
			} else {
				results = _formatNum(Math.pow(10.0, (num - (int) num)) * 10, numfracdigits);

		return results;

	 * Return a string for displaying the specified number using the specified
	 * number of digits after the decimal point. NOTE: java.text.NumberFormat in
	 * Netscape 4.61 has a bug where it fails to round numbers instead it
	 * truncates them. As a result, we don't use java.text.NumberFormat, instead
	 * We use the method from Ptplot1.3
	private String _formatNum(double num, int numfracdigits) {
		// When java.text.NumberFormat works under Netscape,
		// uncomment the next block of code and remove
		// the code after it.
		// Ptplot developers at UCB can access a test case at:
		// http://ptolemy.eecs.berkeley.edu/~ptII/ptIItree/ptolemy/plot/adm/trunc/trunc-jdk11.html
		// The plot will show two 0.7 values on the x axis if the bug
		// continues to exist.
		// if (_numberFormat == null) {
		// // Cache the number format so that we don't have to get
		// // info about local language etc. from the OS each time.
		// _numberFormat = NumberFormat.getInstance();
		// }
		// _numberFormat.setMinimumFractionDigits(numfracdigits);
		// _numberFormat.setMaximumFractionDigits(numfracdigits);
		// return _numberFormat.format(num);
		// The section below is from Ptplot1.3
		// First, round the number.
		double fudge = 0.5;

		if (num < 0.0) {
			fudge = -0.5;

		String numString = Double.toString(num + (fudge * Math.pow(10.0, -numfracdigits)));

		// Next, find the decimal point.
		int dpt = numString.lastIndexOf(".");
		StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();

		if (dpt < 0) {
			// The number we are given is an integer.
			if (numfracdigits <= 0) {
				// The desired result is an integer.
				return result.toString();

			// Append a decimal point and some zeros.

			for (int i = 0; i < numfracdigits; i++) {

			return result.toString();
		} else {
			// There are two cases. First, there may be enough digits.
			int shortby = numfracdigits - (numString.length() - dpt - 1);

			if (shortby <= 0) {
				int numtocopy = dpt + numfracdigits + 1;

				if (numfracdigits == 0) {
					// Avoid copying over a trailing decimal point.
					numtocopy -= 1;

				result.append(numString.substring(0, numtocopy));
				return result.toString();
			} else {

				for (int i = 0; i < shortby; i++) {

				return result.toString();

	 * Determine what values to use for log axes. Based on initGrid() from
	 * xgraph.c by David Harrison.
	private Vector<Double> _gridInit(double low, double step, boolean labeled, Vector<Double> oldgrid) {
		// How log axes work:
		// _gridInit() creates a vector with the values to use for the
		// log axes. For example, the vector might contain
		// {0.0 0.301 0.698}, which could correspond to
		// axis labels {1 1.2 1.5 10 12 15 100 120 150}
		// _gridStep() gets the proper value. _gridInit is cycled through
		// for each integer log value.
		// Bugs in log axes:
		// * Sometimes not enough grid lines are displayed because the
		// region is small. This bug is present in the oriignal xgraph
		// binary, which is the basis of this code. The problem is that
		// as ratio gets closer to 1.0, we need to add more and more
		// grid marks.
		Vector<Double> grid = new Vector<Double>(10);

		// grid.addElement(Double.valueOf(0.0));
		double ratio = Math.pow(10.0, step);
		int ngrid = 1;

		if (labeled) {
			// Set up the number of grid lines that will be labeled
			if (ratio <= 3.5) {
				if (ratio > 2.0) {
					ngrid = 2;
				} else if (ratio > 1.26) {
					ngrid = 5;
				} else if (ratio > 1.125) {
					ngrid = 10;
				} else {
					ngrid = (int) Math.rint(1.0 / step);
		} else {
			// Set up the number of grid lines that will not be labeled
			if (ratio > 10.0) {
				ngrid = 1;
			} else if (ratio > 3.0) {
				ngrid = 2;
			} else if (ratio > 2.0) {
				ngrid = 5;
			} else if (ratio > 1.125) {
				ngrid = 10;
			} else {
				ngrid = 100;

			// Note: we should keep going here, but this increases the
			// size of the grid array and slows everything down.

		int oldgridi = 0;

		for (int i = 0; i < ngrid; i++) {
			double gridval = (i * 1.0) / ngrid * 10;
			double logval = _LOG10SCALE * Math.log(gridval);

			if (logval == Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) {
				logval = 0.0;

			// If oldgrid is not null, then do not draw lines that
			// were already drawn in oldgrid. This is necessary
			// so we avoid obliterating the tick marks on the plot borders.
			if ((oldgrid != null) && (oldgridi < oldgrid.size())) {
				// Cycle through the oldgrid until we find an element
				// that is equal to or greater than the element we are
				// trying to add.
				while ((oldgridi < oldgrid.size()) && (oldgrid.elementAt(oldgridi).doubleValue() < logval)) {

				if (oldgridi < oldgrid.size()) {
					// Using == on doubles is bad if the numbers are close,
					// but not exactly equal.
					if (Math.abs(oldgrid.elementAt(oldgridi).doubleValue() - logval) > 0.00001) {
				} else {
			} else {

		// _gridCurJuke and _gridBase are used in _gridStep();
		_gridCurJuke = 0;

		if (low == -0.0) {
			low = 0.0;

		_gridBase = Math.floor(low);

		double x = low - _gridBase;

		// Set gridCurJuke so that the value in grid is greater than
		// or equal to x. This sets us up to process the first point.
		for (_gridCurJuke = -1; ((_gridCurJuke + 1) < grid.size())
				&& (x >= grid.elementAt(_gridCurJuke + 1).doubleValue()); _gridCurJuke++) {

		return grid;

	 * Round pos up to the nearest value in the grid.
	private double _gridRoundUp(Vector<Double> grid, double pos) {
		double x = pos - Math.floor(pos);
		int i;

		for (i = 0; (i < grid.size()) && (x >= grid.elementAt(i).doubleValue()); i++) {

		if (i >= grid.size()) {
			return pos;
		return Math.floor(pos) + grid.elementAt(i).doubleValue();

	 * Used to find the next value for the axis label. For non-log axes, we just
	 * return pos + step. For log axes, we read the appropriate value in the
	 * grid Vector, add it to _gridBase and return the sum. We also take care to
	 * reset _gridCurJuke if necessary. Note that for log axes, _gridInit() must
	 * be called before calling _gridStep(). Based on stepGrid() from xgraph.c
	 * by David Harrison.
	private double _gridStep(Vector<Double> grid, double pos, double step, boolean logflag) {
		if (logflag) {
			if (++_gridCurJuke >= grid.size()) {
				_gridCurJuke = 0;
				_gridBase += Math.ceil(step);

			if (_gridCurJuke >= grid.size()) {
				return pos + step;

			return _gridBase + grid.elementAt(_gridCurJuke).doubleValue();
		return pos + step;

	 * Return the number of fractional digits required to display the given
	 * number. No number larger than 15 is returned (if more than 15 digits are
	 * required, 15 is returned).
	private int _numFracDigits(double num) {
		int numdigits = 0;

		while ((numdigits <= 15) && (num != Math.floor(num))) {
			num *= 10.0;
			numdigits += 1;

		return numdigits;

	 * Return the number of integer digits required to display the given number.
	 * No number larger than 15 is returned (if more than 15 digits are
	 * required, 15 is returned).
	private int _numIntDigits(double num) {
		int numdigits = 0;

		while ((numdigits <= 15) && ((int) num != 0.0)) {
			num /= 10.0;
			numdigits += 1;

		return numdigits;

	 * Parse a string of the form: "word num, word num, word num, ..." where the
	 * word must be enclosed in quotes if it contains spaces, and the number is
	 * interpreted as a floating point number. Ignore any incorrectly formatted
	 * fields. I <i>xtick</i> is true, then interpret the parsed string to
	 * specify the tick labels on the x axis. Otherwise, do the y axis.
	private void _parsePairs(String line, boolean xtick) {
		// Clear current ticks first.
		if (xtick) {
			_xticks = null;
			_xticklabels = null;
		} else {
			_yticks = null;
			_yticklabels = null;

		int start = 0;
		boolean cont = true;

		while (cont) {
			int comma = line.indexOf(",", start);
			String pair = null;

			if (comma > start) {
				pair = (line.substring(start, comma)).trim();
			} else {
				pair = (line.substring(start)).trim();
				cont = false;

			int close = -1;
			int open = 0;

			if (pair.startsWith("\"")) {
				close = pair.indexOf("\"", 1);
				open = 1;
			} else {
				close = pair.indexOf(" ");

			if (close > 0) {
				String label = pair.substring(open, close);
				String index = (pair.substring(close + 1)).trim();

				try {
					double idx = (Double.valueOf(index)).doubleValue();

					if (xtick) {
						addXTick(label, idx);
					} else {
						addYTick(label, idx);
				} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
					System.err.println("Warning from PlotBox: " + "Unable to parse ticks: " + e.getMessage());

					// ignore if format is bogus.

			start = comma + 1;
			comma = line.indexOf(",", start);

	 * Return a default set of rendering hints for image export, which specifies
	 * the use of anti-aliasing.
	private RenderingHints _defaultImageRenderingHints() {
		RenderingHints hints = new RenderingHints(null);
		hints.put(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);
		return hints;

	 * Given a number, round up to the nearest power of ten times 1, 2, or 5.
	 * Note: The argument must be strictly positive.
	private double _roundUp(double val) {
		int exponent = (int) Math.floor(Math.log(val) * _LOG10SCALE);
		val *= Math.pow(10, -exponent);

		if (val > 5.0) {
			val = 10.0;
		} else if (val > 2.0) {
			val = 5.0;
		} else if (val > 1.0) {
			val = 2.0;

		val *= Math.pow(10, exponent);
		return val;

	 * Internal implementation of setXRange, so that it can be called when
	 * autoranging.
	private void _setXRange(double min, double max) {
		// We check to see if the original range has been given here
		// because if we check in setXRange(), then we will not catch
		// the case where we have a simple plot file that consists of just
		// data points
		// 1. Create a file that consists of two data points
		// 1 1
		// 2 3
		// 2. Start up plot on it
		// $PTII/bin/ptplot foo.plt
		// 3. Zoom in
		// 4. Hit reset axes
		// 5. The bug is that the axes do not reset to the initial settings
		// Changing the range means we have to replot.
		_plotImage = null;

		if (!_originalXRangeGiven) {
			_originalXlow = min;
			_originalXhigh = max;
			_originalXRangeGiven = true;

		// If values are invalid, try for something reasonable.
		if (min > max) {
			min = -1.0;
			max = 1.0;
		} else if (min == max) {
			min -= 1.0;
			max += 1.0;

		// if (_xRangeGiven) {
		// The user specified the range, so don't pad.
		// _xMin = min;
		// _xMax = max;
		// } else {
		// Pad slightly so that we don't plot points on the axes.
		_xMin = min - ((max - min) * _padding);
		_xMax = max + ((max - min) * _padding);

		// }
		// Find the exponent.
		double largest = Math.max(Math.abs(_xMin), Math.abs(_xMax));
		_xExp = (int) Math.floor(Math.log(largest) * _LOG10SCALE);

		// Use the exponent only if it's larger than 1 in magnitude.
		if ((_xExp > 1) || (_xExp < -1)) {
			double xs = 1.0 / Math.pow(10.0, _xExp);
			_xtickMin = _xMin * xs;
			_xtickMax = _xMax * xs;
		} else {
			_xtickMin = _xMin;
			_xtickMax = _xMax;
			_xExp = 0;

	 * Internal implementation of setYRange, so that it can be called when
	 * autoranging.
	private void _setYRange(double min, double max) {
		// See comment in _setXRange() about why this is necessary.
		// Changing the range means we have to replot.
		_plotImage = null;

		if (!_originalYRangeGiven) {
			_originalYlow = min;
			_originalYhigh = max;
			_originalYRangeGiven = true;

		// If values are invalid, try for something reasonable.
		if (min > max) {
			min = -1.0;
			max = 1.0;
		} else if (min == max) {
			min -= 0.1;
			max += 0.1;

		// if (_yRangeGiven) {
		// The user specified the range, so don't pad.
		// _yMin = min;
		// _yMax = max;
		// } else {
		// Pad slightly so that we don't plot points on the axes.
		_yMin = min - ((max - min) * _padding);
		_yMax = max + ((max - min) * _padding);

		// }
		// Find the exponent.
		double largest = Math.max(Math.abs(_yMin), Math.abs(_yMax));
		_yExp = (int) Math.floor(Math.log(largest) * _LOG10SCALE);

		// Use the exponent only if it's larger than 1 in magnitude.
		if ((_yExp > 1) || (_yExp < -1)) {
			double ys = 1.0 / Math.pow(10.0, _yExp);
			_ytickMin = _yMin * ys;
			_ytickMax = _yMax * ys;
		} else {
			_ytickMin = _yMin;
			_ytickMax = _yMax;
			_yExp = 0;

	 * Zoom in or out based on the box that has been drawn. The argument gives
	 * the lower right corner of the box. This method is not synchronized
	 * because it is called within the UI thread, and making it synchronized
	 * causes a deadlock.
	 * @param x The final x position.
	 * @param y The final y position.
	void _zoomEnd(int x, int y) {
		ZoomRectangle selectedZoom = zoomBox;
		zoomBox = null;

		Graphics graphics = offScreenGraphics;

		// Ignore if there is no graphics object to draw on.
		if (graphics == null) {

		if (selectedZoom != null) {
			selectedZoom.setEnd(x, y);
			if (selectedZoom.isZoomingIn()) {
				// NOTE: ignore if total drag less than 5 pixels.
				if ((Math.abs(selectedZoom.getX1() - selectedZoom.getX2()) > 5)
						&& (Math.abs(selectedZoom.getY1() - selectedZoom.getY2()) > 5)) {
					double a = _xMin + ((selectedZoom.getX1() - _ulx) / _xscale);
					double b = _xMin + ((selectedZoom.getX2() - _ulx) / _xscale);

					// NOTE: It used to be that it was problematic to set
					// the X range here because it conflicted with the wrap
					// mechanism. But now the wrap mechanism saves the state
					// of the X range when the setWrap() method is called,
					// so this is safe.
					// EAL 6/12/00.
					if (a < b) {
						setXRange(a, b);
					} else {
						setXRange(b, a);

					a = _yMax - ((selectedZoom.getY1() - _uly) / _yscale);
					b = _yMax - ((selectedZoom.getY2() - _uly) / _yscale);

					if (a < b) {
						setYRange(a, b);
					} else {
						setYRange(b, a);
			} else if (selectedZoom.isZoomingOut()) {
				// Calculate zoom factor.
				double a = Math.abs(selectedZoom.getX1() - selectedZoom.getX2()) / 10.0 - 1;
				double b = Math.abs(selectedZoom.getY1() - selectedZoom.getY2()) / 10.0 - 1;

				double newx1 = _xMax + ((_xMax - _xMin) * a / 4);
				double newx2 = _xMin - ((_xMax - _xMin) * a / 4);

				// NOTE: To limit zooming out to the fill area, uncomment
				// this...
				// if (newx1 > _xTop) newx1 = _xTop;
				// if (newx2 < _xBottom) newx2 = _xBottom;
				double newy1 = _yMax + ((_yMax - _yMin) * b / 4);
				double newy2 = _yMin - ((_yMax - _yMin) * b / 4);

				// NOTE: To limit zooming out to the fill area, uncomment
				// this...
				// if (newy1 > _yTop) newy1 = _yTop;
				// if (newy2 < _yBottom) newy2 = _yBottom;
				zoom(newx2, newy2, newx1, newy1);

		_plotImage = null;

	 * Draw a box for an interactive zoom box. The starting point (the upper
	 * left corner of the box) is taken to be that specified by the startZoom()
	 * method. The argument gives the lower right corner of the box. If a
	 * previous box has been drawn, erase it first. This method is not
	 * synchronized because it is called within the UI thread, and making it
	 * synchronized causes a deadlock.
	 * @param x The x position.
	 * @param y The y position.
	void _zoomBox(int x, int y) {
		if (zoomBox != null) {
			zoomBox.setEnd(x, y);
			_plotImage = null;

	 * Set the starting point for an interactive zoom box (the upper left
	 * corner). This method is not synchronized because it is called within the
	 * UI thread, and making it synchronized causes a deadlock.
	 * @param x The x position.
	 * @param y The y position.
	void _zoomStart(int x, int y) {
		zoomBox = new ZoomRectangle(this, x, y);

	// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
	// // private variables ////
	private ZoomRectangle zoomBox;

	/** @serial Indicator of whether actions are deferred. */
	private boolean _actionsDeferred = false;

	/** @serial List of deferred actions. */
	private List<Runnable> _deferredActions;

	 * @serial The range of the plot as labeled (multiply by 10^exp for actual
	 *         range.
	private double _ytickMax = 0.0;

	 * @serial The range of the plot as labeled (multiply by 10^exp for actual
	 *         range.
	private double _ytickMin = 0.0;

	 * @serial The range of the plot as labeled (multiply by 10^exp for actual
	 *         range.
	private double _xtickMax = 0.0;

	 * @serial The range of the plot as labeled (multiply by 10^exp for actual
	 *         range.
	private double _xtickMin = 0.0;

	 * @serial The power of ten by which the range numbers should be multiplied.
	private int _yExp = 0;

	 * @serial The power of ten by which the range numbers should be multiplied.
	private int _xExp = 0;

	/** @serial Scaling used in making tick marks. */
	private double _ytickscale = 0.0;

	/** @serial Scaling used in making tick marks. */
	private double _xtickscale = 0.0;

	/** @serial Font information. */
	private Font _labelFont = null;

	/** @serial Font information. */
	private final Font _superscriptFont = null;

	/** @serial Font information. */
	private Font _titleFont = null;

	/** @serial FontMetric information. */
	private FontMetrics _labelFontMetrics = DefaultFonts.LABElFONtMETRICS;
	/** @serial FontMetric information. */
	private final FontMetrics _superscriptFontMetrics = DefaultFonts.SUPErSCRIPtFONtMETRICS;
	/** @serial FontMetric information. */
	private FontMetrics _titleFontMetrics = DefaultFonts.TITLeFONtMETRICS;
	// Number format cache used by _formatNum.
	// See the comment in _formatNum for more information.
	// private transient NumberFormat _numberFormat = null;
	// Used for log axes. Index into vector of axis labels.
	private transient int _gridCurJuke = 0;

	// Used for log axes. Base of the grid.
	private transient double _gridBase = 0.0;

	// An array of strings for reporting errors.
	private transient String[] _errorMsg;

	/** @serial The title and label strings. */
	private String _xlabel;

	/** @serial The title and label strings. */
	private String _ylabel;

	/** @serial The title and label strings. */
	private String _title;

	/** @serial Legend information. */
	private Vector<String> _legendStrings = new Vector<String>();

	/** @serial Legend information. */
	private Vector<Integer> _legendDatasets = new Vector<Integer>();

	/** @serial If XTicks or YTicks are given/ */
	private Vector<Double> _xticks = null;

	/** @serial If XTicks or YTicks are given/ */
	private Vector<String> _xticklabels = null;

	/** @serial If XTicks or YTicks are given/ */
	private Vector<Double> _yticks = null;

	/** @serial If XTicks or YTicks are given/ */
	private Vector<String> _yticklabels = null;

	// A button for filling the plot
	private transient JButton _fillButton = null;

	// A button for formatting the plot
	private transient JButton _formatButton = null;

	// Indicator of whether X and Y range has been first specified.
	boolean _originalXRangeGiven = false;

	// Indicator of whether X and Y range has been first specified.
	boolean _originalYRangeGiven = false;

	// First values specified to setXRange() and setYRange().
	double _originalXlow = 0.0;

	// First values specified to setXRange() and setYRange().
	double _originalXhigh = 0.0;

	// First values specified to setXRange() and setYRange().
	double _originalYlow = 0.0;

	// First values specified to setXRange() and setYRange().
	double _originalYhigh = 0.0;

	// An offscreen buffer for improving plot performance.
	protected transient BufferedImage _plotImage = null;

	// A button for printing the plot
	private transient JButton _printButton = null;

	// A button for filling the plot
	private transient JButton _resetButton = null;

	protected Graphics2D offScreenGraphics;

	// // inner classes ////
	class ButtonListener implements ActionListener {
		public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {
			if (event.getSource() == _fillButton) {
			} else if (event.getSource() == _printButton) {
				// FIXME: Code duplication with PlotFrame._printCrossPlatform
				PrintRequestAttributeSet aset = new HashPrintRequestAttributeSet();
				PrinterJob job = PrinterJob.getPrinterJob();

				// [email protected]: Get the Page Format and use it.
				// PageFormat format = job.pageDialog(job.defaultPage());
				// job.setPrintable(PlotBox.this, format);

				if (job.printDialog(aset)) {
					try {
					} catch (Exception ex) {
						Component ancestor = getTopLevelAncestor();
						JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(ancestor, "Printing failed:\n" + ex.toString(), "Print Error",
			} else if (event.getSource() == _resetButton) {
			} else if (event.getSource() == _formatButton) {
				PlotFormatter fmt = new PlotFormatter(PlotBox.this);

	public class ZoomListener implements MouseListener {
		 * (non-Javadoc)
		 * @see
		 * java.awt.event.MouseListener#mouseClicked(java.awt.event.MouseEvent)
		public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent event) {

		 * (non-Javadoc)
		 * @see
		 * java.awt.event.MouseListener#mouseEntered(java.awt.event.MouseEvent)
		public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent event) {

		 * (non-Javadoc)
		 * @see
		 * java.awt.event.MouseListener#mouseExited(java.awt.event.MouseEvent)
		public void mouseExited(MouseEvent event) {

		 * (non-Javadoc)
		 * @see
		 * java.awt.event.MouseListener#mousePressed(java.awt.event.MouseEvent)
		public void mousePressed(final MouseEvent event) {
			// http://developer.java.sun.com/developer/bugParade/bugs/4072703.html
			// BUTTON1_MASK still not set for MOUSE_PRESSED events
			// suggests:
			// Workaround
			// Assume that a press event with no modifiers must be button 1.
			// This has the serious drawback that it is impossible to be sure
			// that button 1 hasn't been pressed along with one of the other
			// buttons.
			// This problem affects Netscape 4.61 under Digital Unix and
			// 4.51 under Solaris
			if (((event.getModifiers() & InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK) != 0) || (event.getModifiers() == 0)) {
				PlotBox.this._zoomStart(event.getX(), event.getY());

		 * (non-Javadoc)
		 * @see
		 * java.awt.event.MouseListener#mouseReleased(java.awt.event.MouseEvent)
		public void mouseReleased(final MouseEvent event) {
			if (((event.getModifiers() & InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK) != 0) || (event.getModifiers() == 0)) {
				PlotBox.this._zoomEnd(event.getX(), event.getY());

	 * The {@code DragListener} calls PlotBox._zoomBox whenever the mouse is
	 * moved while the left button is pressed.
	 * @author reimann
	public class DragListener implements MouseMotionListener {
		 * (non-Javadoc)
		 * @see
		 * java.awt.event.MouseMotionListener#mouseDragged(java.awt.event.MouseEvent
		 * )
		public void mouseDragged(final MouseEvent event) {
			if (((event.getModifiers() & InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK) != 0) || (event.getModifiers() == 0)) {
				PlotBox.this._zoomBox(event.getX(), event.getY());

		 * (non-Javadoc)
		 * @see
		 * java.awt.event.MouseMotionListener#mouseMoved(java.awt.event.MouseEvent
		 * )
		public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent event) {

	class CommandListener implements KeyListener {
		public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) {
			int keycode = e.getKeyCode();

			switch (keycode) {
			case KeyEvent.VK_CONTROL:
				_control = true;

			case KeyEvent.VK_SHIFT:
				_shift = true;

			case KeyEvent.VK_C:

				if (_control) {
					// The "null" sends the output to the clipboard.

					String message = "Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) " + "exported to clipboard.";
					JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(PlotBox.this, message, "Ptolemy Plot Message",


			case KeyEvent.VK_D:

				if (!_control && _shift) {

					String message = "Plot data sent to standard out.";
					JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(PlotBox.this, message, "Ptolemy Plot Message",

				if (_control) {
					// xgraph and many other Unix apps use Control-D to exit


			case KeyEvent.VK_E:

				if (!_control && _shift) {

					String message = "Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) " + "exported to standard out.";
					JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(PlotBox.this, message, "Ptolemy Plot Message",


			case KeyEvent.VK_F:

				if (!_control && _shift) {


			case KeyEvent.VK_H:

				if (!_control && _shift) {


			case KeyEvent.VK_Q:

				if (!_control) {
					// xv uses q to quit.


			case KeyEvent.VK_SLASH:

				if (_shift) {
					// Question mark is SHIFT-SLASH


				// None

		public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) {
			int keycode = e.getKeyCode();

			switch (keycode) {
			case KeyEvent.VK_CONTROL:
				_control = false;

			case KeyEvent.VK_SHIFT:
				_shift = false;

				// None

		// The keyTyped method is broken in jdk 1.1.4.
		// It always gets "unknown key code".
		public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e) {

		private boolean _control = false;

		private boolean _shift = false;

	public void reactivateAutoScale() {
		_xRangeGiven = false;
		_yRangeGiven = false;


	public static enum Action {

	public void registerListener(ActionListener actionListener) {

	public void removeListener(ActionListener actionListener) {

	protected void fireAction(Action action) {
		ActionEvent actionEvent = new ActionEvent(this, ActionEvent.ACTION_PERFORMED, action.toString());
		for (ActionListener actionListener : listeners) {

	private final Set<ActionListener> listeners = new HashSet<ActionListener>();