 * A signal plotter.
 * @Copyright (c) 1997-2007 The Regents of the University of California. All
 * rights reserved.
 * Permission is hereby granted, without written agreement and without license
 * or royalty fees, to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
 * documentation for any purpose, provided that the above copyright notice and
 * the following two paragraphs appear in all copies of this software.
package ptolemy.plot;

// TO DO:
// - steps between points rather than connected lines.
// - cubic spline interpolation
// NOTE: The XOR drawing mode is needed in order to be able to erase
// plotted points and restore the grid line, tick marks, and boundary
// rectangle. This introduces a number of artifacts, particularly
// where lines cross. A better alternative in the long run would be
// use Java 2-D, which treats each notation on the screen as an object,
// and supports redrawing only damaged regions of the screen.
// NOTE: There are quite a few subjective spacing parameters, all
// given, unfortunately, in pixels. This means that as resolutions
// get better, this program may need to be adjusted.
import java.awt.BasicStroke;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Vector;

import ptolemy.plot.zoomBox.ZoomRectangle;

// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// // Plot

 * A flexible signal plotter. The plot can be configured and data can be
 * provided either through a file with commands or through direct invocation of
 * the public methods of the class.
 * <p>
 * When calling the public methods, in most cases the changes will not be
 * visible until paintComponent() is called. To request that this be done, call
 * repaint(). One exception is addPoint(), which makes the new point visible
 * immediately if the plot is visible on the screen and addPoint() is called
 * from the event dispatching thread.
 * <p>
 * This base class supports a simple file syntax that has largely been replaced
 * by the XML-based PlotML syntax. To read a file or a URL in this older syntax,
 * use the read() method. This older syntax contains any number commands, one
 * per line. Unrecognized commands and commands with syntax errors are ignored.
 * Comments are denoted by a line starting with a pound sign "#". The recognized
 * commands include those supported by the base class, plus a few more. The
 * commands are case insensitive, but are usually capitalized. The number of
 * data sets to be plotted does not need to be specified. Data sets are added as
 * needed. Each dataset can be optionally identified with color (see the base
 * class) or with unique marks. The style of marks used to denote a data point
 * is defined by one of the following commands:
 * <pre>
 * Marks: none
 *  Marks: points
 *  Marks: dots
 *  Marks: various
 *  Marks: pixels
 * </pre>
 * Here, "points" are small dots, while "dots" are larger. If "various" is
 * specified, then unique marks are used for the first ten data sets, and then
 * recycled. If "pixels" are specified, then each point is drawn as one pixel.
 * Using no marks is useful when lines connect the points in a plot, which is
 * done by default. However, if persistence is set, then you may want to choose
 * "pixels" because the lines may overlap, resulting in annoying gaps in the
 * drawn line. If the above directive appears before any DataSet directive, then
 * it specifies the default for all data sets. If it appears after a DataSet
 * directive, then it applies only to that data set.
 * <p>
 * To disable connecting lines, use:
 * <pre>
 * Lines: off
 * </pre>
 * To reenable them, use
 * <pre>
 * Lines: on
 * </pre>
 * You can also specify "impulses", which are lines drawn from a plotted point
 * down to the x axis. Plots with impulses are often called "stem plots." These
 * are off by default, but can be turned on with the command:
 * <pre>
 * Impulses: on
 * </pre>
 * or back off with the command
 * <pre>
 * Impulses: off
 * </pre>
 * If that command appears before any DataSet directive, then the command
 * applies to all data sets. Otherwise, it applies only to the current data set.
 * To create a bar graph, turn off lines and use any of the following commands:
 * <pre>
 * Bars: on
 *  Bars: &lt;i&gt;width&lt;/i&gt;
 *  Bars: &lt;i&gt;width, offset&lt;/i&gt;
 * </pre>
 * The <i>width</i> is a real number specifying the width of the bars in the
 * units of the x axis. The <i>offset</i> is a real number specifying how much
 * the bar of the <i>i</i><sup>th</sup> data set is offset from the previous
 * one. This allows bars to "peek out" from behind the ones in front. Note that
 * the frontmost data set will be the first one. To turn off bars, use
 * <pre>
 * Bars: off
 * </pre>
 * To specify data to be plotted, start a data set with the following command:
 * <pre>
 * DataSet: &lt;i&gt;string&lt;/i&gt;
 * </pre>
 * Here, <i>string</i> is a label that will appear in the legend. It is not
 * necessary to enclose the string in quotation marks. To start a new dataset
 * without giving it a name, use:
 * <pre>
 * DataSet:
 * </pre>
 * In this case, no item will appear in the legend. New datasets are plotted
 * <i>behind</i> the previous ones. If the following directive occurs:
 * <pre>
 * ReuseDataSets: on
 * </pre>
 * Then datasets with the same name will be merged. This makes it easier to
 * combine multiple datafiles that contain the same datasets into one file. By
 * default, this capability is turned off, so datasets with the same name are
 * not merged. The data itself is given by a sequence of commands with one of
 * the following forms:
 * <pre>
 * &lt;i&gt;x&lt;/i&gt;, &lt;i&gt;y&lt;/i&gt;
 *  draw: &lt;i&gt;x&lt;/i&gt;, &lt;i&gt;y&lt;/i&gt;
 *  move: &lt;i&gt;x&lt;/i&gt;, &lt;i&gt;y&lt;/i&gt;
 *  &lt;i&gt;x&lt;/i&gt;, &lt;i&gt;y&lt;/i&gt;, &lt;i&gt;yLowErrorBar&lt;/i&gt;, &lt;i&gt;yHighErrorBar&lt;/i&gt;
 *  draw: &lt;i&gt;x&lt;/i&gt;, &lt;i&gt;y&lt;/i&gt;, &lt;i&gt;yLowErrorBar&lt;/i&gt;, &lt;i&gt;yHighErrorBar&lt;/i&gt;
 *  move: &lt;i&gt;x&lt;/i&gt;, &lt;i&gt;y&lt;/i&gt;, &lt;i&gt;yLowErrorBar&lt;/i&gt;, &lt;i&gt;yHighErrorBar&lt;/i&gt;
 * </pre>
 * The "draw" command is optional, so the first two forms are equivalent. The
 * "move" command causes a break in connected points, if lines are being drawn
 * between points. The numbers <i>x</i> and <i>y</i> are arbitrary numbers as
 * supported by the Double parser in Java. If there are four numbers, then the
 * last two numbers are assumed to be the lower and upper values for error bars.
 * The numbers can be separated by commas, spaces or tabs.
 * <p>
 * Some of the methods, such as those that add points a plot, are executed in
 * the event thread, possibly some time after they are called. If they are
 * called from a thread different from the event thread, then the order in which
 * changes to the plot take effect may be surprising. We recommend that any code
 * you write that changes the plot in visible ways be executed in the event
 * thread. You can accomplish this using the following template:
 * <pre>
 * Runnable doAction = new Runnable() {
 *  public void run() {
 *  ... make changes here (e.g. setMarksStyle()) ...
 *  }
 *  };
 *  plot.deferIfNecessary(doAction);
 * </pre>
 * <p>
 * This plotter has some <A NAME="ptplot limitations">limitations</a>:
 * <ul>
 * <li>If you zoom in far enough, the plot becomes unreliable. In particular, if
 * the total extent of the plot is more than 2<sup>32</sup> times extent of the
 * visible area, quantization errors can result in displaying points or lines.
 * Note that 2<sup>32</sup> is over 4 billion.
 * <li>The limitations of the log axis facility are listed in the
 * <code>_gridInit()</code> method in the PlotBox class.
 * </ul>
 * @author Edward A. Lee, Christopher Brooks
 * @version $Id: Plot.java,v 1.248 2007/12/16 07:29:47 cxh Exp $
 * @since Ptolemy II 0.2
 * @Pt.ProposedRating Yellow (cxh)
 * @Pt.AcceptedRating Yellow (cxh)
public class Plot extends PlotBox {
	// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
	// // public methods ////

	private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

	public Plot() {
		plotBoxDrawsZoomRect = false;

	 * Add a legend (displayed at the upper right) for the specified data set
	 * with the specified string. Short strings generally fit better than long
	 * strings.
	 * @param dataset
	 *            The dataset index.
	 * @param legend
	 *            The label for the dataset.
	public synchronized void addLegend(int dataset, String legend) {

		if (!_reuseDatasets) {
			super.addLegend(dataset, legend);
		} else {
			// If _reuseDataSets is true, then look to see if we
			// already have a dataset with the same legend.
			String possibleLegend = getLegend(dataset);

			if ((possibleLegend == null) || ((possibleLegend != null) && !possibleLegend.equals(legend))) {
				super.addLegend(dataset, legend);

	 * In the specified data set, add the specified x, y point to the plot. Data
	 * set indices begin with zero. If the data set does not exist, create it.
	 * The fourth argument indicates whether the point should be connected by a
	 * line to the previous point. Regardless of the value of this argument, a
	 * line will not drawn if either there has been no previous point for this
	 * dataset or setConnected() has been called with a false argument.
	 * <p>
	 * In order to work well with swing and be thread safe, this method actually
	 * defers execution to the event dispatch thread, where all user interface
	 * actions are performed. Thus, the point will not be added immediately
	 * (unless you call this method from within the event dispatch thread). All
	 * the methods that do this deferring coordinate so that they are executed
	 * in the order that you called them.
	 * @param dataset
	 *            The data set index.
	 * @param x
	 *            The X position of the new point.
	 * @param y
	 *            The Y position of the new point.
	 * @param connected
	 *            If true, a line is drawn to connect to the previous point.
	public synchronized void addPoint(final int dataset, final double x, final double y, final boolean connected) {
		Runnable doAddPoint = new Runnable() {
			public void run() {
				_addPoint(dataset, x, y, 0, 0, connected, false);


	 * In the specified data set, add the specified x, y point to the plot with
	 * error bars. Data set indices begin with zero. If the dataset does not
	 * exist, create it. yLowEB and yHighEB are the lower and upper error bars.
	 * The sixth argument indicates whether the point should be connected by a
	 * line to the previous point. The new point will be made visible if the
	 * plot is visible on the screen. Otherwise, it will be drawn the next time
	 * the plot is drawn on the screen. This method is based on a suggestion by
	 * Michael Altmann <[email protected]>.
	 * <p>
	 * In order to work well with swing and be thread safe, this method actually
	 * defers execution to the event dispatch thread, where all user interface
	 * actions are performed. Thus, the point will not be added immediately
	 * (unless you call this method from within the event dispatch thread). All
	 * the methods that do this deferring coordinate so that they are executed
	 * in the order that you called them.
	 * @param dataset
	 *            The data set index.
	 * @param x
	 *            The X position of the new point.
	 * @param y
	 *            The Y position of the new point.
	 * @param yLowEB
	 *            The low point of the error bar.
	 * @param yHighEB
	 *            The high point of the error bar.
	 * @param connected
	 *            If true, a line is drawn to connect to the previous point.
	public synchronized void addPointWithErrorBars(final int dataset, final double x, final double y,
			final double yLowEB, final double yHighEB, final boolean connected) {
		Runnable doAddPoint = new Runnable() {
			public void run() {
				_addPoint(dataset, x, y, yLowEB, yHighEB, connected, true);


	 * Clear the plot of all data points. If the argument is true, then reset
	 * all parameters to their initial conditions, including the persistence,
	 * plotting format, and axes formats. For the change to take effect, you
	 * must call repaint().
	 * @param format
	 *            If true, clear the format controls as well.
	 *            <p>
	 *            In order to work well with swing and be thread safe, this
	 *            method actually defers execution to the event dispatch thread,
	 *            where all user interface actions are performed. Thus, the
	 *            clear will not be executed immediately (unless you call this
	 *            method from within the event dispatch thread). All the methods
	 *            that do this deferring coordinate so that they are executed in
	 *            the order that you called them.
	public synchronized void clear(final boolean format) {
		Runnable doClear = new Runnable() {
			public void run() {


	 * Clear the plot of data points in the specified dataset. This calls
	 * repaint() to request an update of the display.
	 * <p>
	 * In order to work well with swing and be thread safe, this method actually
	 * defers execution to the event dispatch thread, where all user interface
	 * actions are performed. Thus, the point will not be added immediately
	 * (unless you call this method from within the event dispatch thread). If
	 * you call this method, the addPoint() method, and the erasePoint() method
	 * in any order, they are assured of being processed in the order that you
	 * called them.
	 * @param dataset
	 *            The dataset to clear.
	public synchronized void clear(final int dataset) {
		Runnable doClear = new Runnable() {
			public void run() {


	 * Erase the point at the given index in the given dataset. If lines are
	 * being drawn, also erase the line to the next points (note: not to the
	 * previous point). The point is not checked to see whether it is in range,
	 * so care must be taken by the caller to ensure that it is.
	 * <p>
	 * In order to work well with swing and be thread safe, this method actually
	 * defers execution to the event dispatch thread, where all user interface
	 * actions are performed. Thus, the point will not be erased immediately
	 * (unless you call this method from within the event dispatch thread). All
	 * the methods that do this deferring coordinate so that they are executed
	 * in the order that you called them.
	 * @param dataset
	 *            The data set index.
	 * @param index
	 *            The index of the point to erase.
	public synchronized void erasePoint(final int dataset, final int index) {
		Runnable doErasePoint = new Runnable() {
			public void run() {
				_erasePoint(dataset, index);


	 * Rescale so that the data that is currently plotted just fits. This
	 * overrides the base class method to ensure that the protected variables
	 * _xBottom, _xTop, _yBottom, and _yTop are valid. This method calls
	 * repaint(), which eventually causes the display to be updated.
	 * <p>
	 * In order to work well with swing and be thread safe, this method actually
	 * defers execution to the event dispatch thread, where all user interface
	 * actions are performed. Thus, the fill will not occur immediately (unless
	 * you call this method from within the event dispatch thread). All the
	 * methods that do this deferring coordinate so that they are executed in
	 * the order that you called them.
	public synchronized void fillPlot() {
		Runnable doFill = new Runnable() {
			public void run() {


	 * Return whether the default is to connect subsequent points with a line.
	 * If the result is false, then points are not connected. When points are by
	 * default connected, individual points can be not connected by giving the
	 * appropriate argument to addPoint(). Also, a different default can be set
	 * for each dataset, overriding this global default.
	public boolean getConnected() {
		return _connected;

	 * Return whether a line will be drawn from any plotted point down to the x
	 * axis. A plot with such lines is also known as a stem plot.
	public boolean getImpulses() {
		return _impulses;

	 * Get the marks style, which is one of "none", "points", "dots", or
	 * "various".
	 * @return A string specifying the style for points.
	public synchronized String getMarksStyle() {
		// NOTE: If the number of marks increases, we will need to do
		// something better here...
		if (_marks == 0) {
			return "none";
		} else if (_marks == 1) {
			return "points";
		} else if (_marks == 2) {
			return "dots";
		} else if (_marks == 3) {
			return "various";
		} else {
			return "pixels";

	 * Return the actual number of data sets.
	 * @return The number of data sets that have been created.
	public synchronized int getNumDataSets() {
		return _points.size();

	 * Return false if setReuseDatasets() has not yet been called or if
	 * setReuseDatasets(false) has been called.
	 * @return false if setReuseDatasets() has not yet been called or if
	 *         setReuseDatasets(false) has been called.
	 * @since Ptplot 5.3
	 * @see #setReuseDatasets(boolean)
	public boolean getReuseDatasets() {
		return _reuseDatasets;

	 * Read a file with the old syntax (non-XML). Override the base class to
	 * register that we are reading a new data set.
	 * @param inputStream
	 *            The input stream.
	 * @exception IOException
	 *                If the stream cannot be read.
	public synchronized void read(InputStream inputStream) throws IOException {
		_firstInSet = true;
		_sawFirstDataSet = false;

	 * Create a sample plot. This is not actually done immediately unless the
	 * calling thread is the event dispatch thread. Instead, it is deferred to
	 * the event dispatch thread. It is important that the calling thread not
	 * hold a synchronize lock on the Plot object, or deadlock will result
	 * (unless the calling thread is the event dispatch thread).
	public synchronized void samplePlot() {
		// This needs to be done in the event thread.
		Runnable sample = new Runnable() {
			public void run() {
				synchronized (Plot.this) {
					// Create a sample plot.

					setTitle("Sample plot");
					setYRange(-4, 4);
					setXRange(0, 100);
					addYTick("-PI", -Math.PI);
					addYTick("-PI/2", -Math.PI / 2);
					addYTick("0", 0);
					addYTick("PI/2", Math.PI / 2);
					addYTick("PI", Math.PI);

					boolean first = true;

					for (int i = 0; i <= 100; i++) {
						double xvalue = i;

						// NOTE: jdk 1.3beta has a bug exhibited here.
						// The value of the second argument in the calls
						// to addPoint() below is corrupted the second
						// time that this method is called. The print
						// statement below shows that the value is
						// correct before the call.
						// System.out.println("x value: " + xvalue);
						// For some bizarre reason, this problem goes
						// away when this code is executed in the event
						// dispatch thread.
						addPoint(0, xvalue, 5 * Math.cos((Math.PI * i) / 20), !first);
						addPoint(1, xvalue, 4.5 * Math.cos((Math.PI * i) / 25), !first);
						addPoint(2, xvalue, 4 * Math.cos((Math.PI * i) / 30), !first);
						addPoint(3, xvalue, 3.5 * Math.cos((Math.PI * i) / 35), !first);
						addPoint(4, xvalue, 3 * Math.cos((Math.PI * i) / 40), !first);
						addPoint(5, xvalue, 2.5 * Math.cos((Math.PI * i) / 45), !first);
						addPoint(6, xvalue, 2 * Math.cos((Math.PI * i) / 50), !first);
						addPoint(7, xvalue, 1.5 * Math.cos((Math.PI * i) / 55), !first);
						addPoint(8, xvalue, 1 * Math.cos((Math.PI * i) / 60), !first);
						addPoint(9, xvalue, 0.5 * Math.cos((Math.PI * i) / 65), !first);
						first = false;
					} // for
				} // synchronized

			} // run method
		}; // Runnable class


	 * Turn bars on or off (for bar charts). Note that this is a global
	 * property, not per dataset.
	 * @param on
	 *            If true, turn bars on.
	public void setBars(boolean on) {
		// Ensure replot of offscreen buffer.
		_plotImage = null;
		_bars = on;

	 * Turn bars on and set the width and offset. Both are specified in units of
	 * the x axis. The offset is the amount by which the i < sup>th</sup> data
	 * set is shifted to the right, so that it peeks out from behind the earlier
	 * data sets.
	 * @param width
	 *            The width of the bars.
	 * @param offset
	 *            The offset per data set.
	public synchronized void setBars(double width, double offset) {
		// Ensure replot of offscreen buffer.
		_plotImage = null;
		barWidth = width;
		_barOffset = offset;
		_bars = true;

	 * If the argument is true, then the default is to connect subsequent points
	 * with a line. If the argument is false, then points are not connected.
	 * When points are by default connected, individual points can be not
	 * connected by giving the appropriate argument to addPoint(). Also, a
	 * different default can be set for each dataset, overriding this global
	 * default.
	 * @param on
	 *            If true, draw lines between points.
	 * @see #setConnected(boolean, int)
	public void setConnected(boolean on) {
		// Ensure replot of offscreen buffer.
		_plotImage = null;
		_connected = on;

	 * If the first argument is true, then by default for the specified dataset,
	 * points will be connected by a line. Otherwise, the points will not be
	 * connected. When points are by default connected, individual points can be
	 * not connected by giving the appropriate argument to addPoint(). Note that
	 * this method should be called before adding any points. Note further that
	 * this method should probably be called from the event thread.
	 * @param on
	 *            If true, draw lines between points.
	 * @param dataset
	 *            The dataset to which this should apply.
	 * @see #setConnected(boolean)
	public synchronized void setConnected(boolean on, int dataset) {
		// Ensure replot of offscreen buffer.
		_plotImage = null;

		Format fmt = _formats.elementAt(dataset);
		fmt.connected = on;
		fmt.connectedUseDefault = false;

	 * If the argument is true, then a line will be drawn from any plotted point
	 * down to the x axis. Otherwise, this feature is disabled. A plot with such
	 * lines is also known as a stem plot.
	 * @param on
	 *            If true, draw a stem plot.
	public synchronized void setImpulses(boolean on) {
		// Ensure replot of offscreen buffer.
		_plotImage = null;
		_impulses = on;

	 * If the first argument is true, then a line will be drawn from any plotted
	 * point in the specified dataset down to the x axis. Otherwise, this
	 * feature is disabled. A plot with such lines is also known as a stem plot.
	 * @param on
	 *            If true, draw a stem plot.
	 * @param dataset
	 *            The dataset to which this should apply.
	public synchronized void setImpulses(boolean on, int dataset) {
		// Ensure replot of offscreen buffer.
		_plotImage = null;

		Format fmt = _formats.elementAt(dataset);
		fmt.impulses = on;
		fmt.impulsesUseDefault = false;

	 * Set the marks style to "none", "points", "dots", or "various". In the
	 * last case, unique marks are used for the first ten data sets, then
	 * recycled. This method should be called only from the event dispatch
	 * thread.
	 * @param style
	 *            A string specifying the style for points.
	public synchronized void setMarksStyle(String style) {
		// Ensure replot of offscreen buffer.
		_plotImage = null;

		if (style.equalsIgnoreCase("none")) {
			_marks = 0;
		} else if (style.equalsIgnoreCase("points")) {
			_marks = 1;
		} else if (style.equalsIgnoreCase("dots")) {
			_marks = 2;
		} else if (style.equalsIgnoreCase("various")) {
			_marks = 3;
		} else if (style.equalsIgnoreCase("pixels")) {
			_marks = 4;

	 * Set the marks style to "none", "points", "dots", "various", or "pixels"
	 * for the specified dataset. In the last case, unique marks are used for
	 * the first ten data sets, then recycled.
	 * @param style
	 *            A string specifying the style for points.
	 * @param dataset
	 *            The dataset to which this should apply.
	public synchronized void setMarksStyle(String style, int dataset) {
		// Ensure replot of offscreen buffer.
		_plotImage = null;

		Format fmt = _formats.elementAt(dataset);

		if (style.equalsIgnoreCase("none")) {
			fmt.marks = 0;
		} else if (style.equalsIgnoreCase("points")) {
			fmt.marks = 1;
		} else if (style.equalsIgnoreCase("dots")) {
			fmt.marks = 2;
		} else if (style.equalsIgnoreCase("various")) {
			fmt.marks = 3;
		} else if (style.equalsIgnoreCase("pixels")) {
			fmt.marks = 4;

		fmt.marksUseDefault = false;

	 * Calling this method with a positive argument sets the persistence of the
	 * plot to the given number of points. Calling with a zero argument turns
	 * off this feature, reverting to infinite memory (unless sweeps persistence
	 * is set). If both sweeps and points persistence are set then sweeps take
	 * precedence.
	 * <p>
	 * Setting the persistence greater than zero forces the plot to be drawn in
	 * XOR mode, which allows points to be quickly and efficiently erased.
	 * However, there is a bug in Java (as of version 1.3), where XOR mode does
	 * not work correctly with double buffering. Thus, if you call this with an
	 * argument greater than zero, then we turn off double buffering for this
	 * panel <i>and all of its parents</i>. This actually happens on the next
	 * call to addPoint().
	public void setPointsPersistence(int persistence) {
		// Ensure replot of offscreen buffer.
		_plotImage = null;

		// NOTE: No file format. It's not clear it makes sense to have one.
		_pointsPersistence = persistence;

	 * If the argument is true, then datasets with the same name are merged into
	 * a single dataset.
	 * @param on
	 *            If true, then merge datasets.
	 * @see #getReuseDatasets()
	public void setReuseDatasets(boolean on) {
		// Ensure replot of offscreen buffer.
		_plotImage = null;
		_reuseDatasets = on;

	 * Calling this method with a positive argument sets the persistence of the
	 * plot to the given width in units of the horizontal axis. Calling with a
	 * zero argument turns off this feature, reverting to infinite memory
	 * (unless points persistence is set). If both X and points persistence are
	 * set then both are applied, meaning that points that are old by either
	 * criterion will be erased.
	 * <p>
	 * Setting the X persistence greater than zero forces the plot to be drawn
	 * in XOR mode, which allows points to be quickly and efficiently erased.
	 * However, there is a bug in Java (as of version 1.3), where XOR mode does
	 * not work correctly with double buffering. Thus, if you call this with an
	 * argument greater than zero, then we turn off double buffering for this
	 * panel <i>and all of its parents</i>. This actually happens on the next
	 * call to addPoint().
	public void setXPersistence(double persistence) {
		// Ensure replot of offscreen buffer.
		_plotImage = null;

		// NOTE: No file format. It's not clear it makes sense to have one.
		_xPersistence = persistence;

	 * Write plot data information to the specified output stream in PlotML.
	 * @param output
	 *            A buffered print writer.
	public synchronized void writeData(PrintWriter output) {

		for (int dataset = 0; dataset < _points.size(); dataset++) {
			StringBuffer options = new StringBuffer();

			Format fmt = _formats.elementAt(dataset);

			if (!fmt.connectedUseDefault) {
				if (_isConnected(dataset)) {
					options.append(" connected=\"yes\"");
				} else {
					options.append(" connected=\"no\"");

			if (!fmt.impulsesUseDefault) {
				if (fmt.impulses) {
					options.append(" stems=\"yes\"");
				} else {
					output.println(" stems=\"no\"");

			if (!fmt.marksUseDefault) {
				switch (fmt.marks) {
				case 0:
					options.append(" marks=\"none\"");

				case 1:
					options.append(" marks=\"points\"");

				case 2:
					options.append(" marks=\"dots\"");

				case 3:
					options.append(" marks=\"various\"");

				case 4:
					options.append(" marks=\"pixels\"");

			String legend = getLegend(dataset);

			if (legend != null) {
				options.append(" name=\"" + getLegend(dataset) + "\"");

			output.println("<dataset" + options.toString() + ">");

			// Write the data
			Vector<PlotPoint> pts = _points.elementAt(dataset);

			for (int pointnum = 0; pointnum < pts.size(); pointnum++) {
				PlotPoint pt = pts.elementAt(pointnum);

				if (!pt.connected) {
					output.print("<m ");
				} else {
					output.print("<p ");

				output.print("x=\"" + pt.x + "\" y=\"" + pt.y + "\"");

				if (pt.errorBar) {
					output.print(" lowErrorBar=\"" + pt.yLowEB + "\" highErrorBar=\"" + pt.yHighEB + "\"");



	 * Write plot format information to the specified output stream in PlotML,
	 * an XML scheme.
	 * @param output
	 *            A buffered print writer.
	public synchronized void writeFormat(PrintWriter output) {

		if (_reuseDatasets) {

		StringBuffer defaults = new StringBuffer();

		if (!_connected) {
			defaults.append(" connected=\"no\"");

		switch (_marks) {
		case 1:
			defaults.append(" marks=\"points\"");

		case 2:
			defaults.append(" marks=\"dots\"");

		case 3:
			defaults.append(" marks=\"various\"");

		case 4:
			defaults.append(" marks=\"pixels\"");

		// Write the defaults for formats that can be controlled by dataset
		if (_impulses) {
			defaults.append(" stems=\"yes\"");

		if (defaults.length() > 0) {
			output.println("<default" + defaults.toString() + "/>");

		if (_bars) {
			output.println("<barGraph width=\"" + barWidth + "\" offset=\"" + _barOffset + "\"/>");

	// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
	// // protected methods ////

	 * Check the argument to ensure that it is a valid data set index. If it is
	 * less than zero, throw an IllegalArgumentException (which is a runtime
	 * exception). If it does not refer to an existing data set, then fill out
	 * the _points Vector so that it does refer to an existing data set. All
	 * other dataset-related vectors are similarly filled out.
	 * @param dataset
	 *            The data set index.
	protected synchronized void _checkDatasetIndex(int dataset) {
		if (dataset < 0) {
			throw new IllegalArgumentException("Plot._checkDatasetIndex: Cannot"
					+ " give a negative number for the data set index.");

		while (dataset >= _points.size()) {
			_points.addElement(new Vector<PlotPoint>());
			_formats.addElement(new Format());

	 * Draw bar from the specified point to the y axis. If the specified point
	 * is below the y axis or outside the x range, do nothing. If the
	 * <i>clip</i> argument is true, then do not draw above the y range. Note
	 * that paintComponent() should be called before calling this method so that
	 * _xscale and _yscale are properly set. This method should be called only
	 * from the event dispatch thread. It is not synchronized, so its caller
	 * should be.
	 * @param graphics
	 *            The graphics context.
	 * @param dataset
	 *            The index of the dataset.
	 * @param xpos
	 *            The x position.
	 * @param ypos
	 *            The y position.
	 * @param clip
	 *            If true, then do not draw outside the range.
	protected void _drawBar(Graphics graphics, int dataset, long xpos, long ypos, boolean clip) {
		if (clip) {
			if (ypos < _uly) {
				ypos = _uly;

			if (ypos > _lry) {
				ypos = _lry;

		if ((ypos <= _lry) && (xpos <= _lrx) && (xpos >= _ulx)) {
			// left x position of bar.
			int barlx = (int) (xpos - ((barWidth * _xscale) / 2) + (dataset * _barOffset * _xscale));

			// right x position of bar
			int barrx = (int) (barlx + (barWidth * _xscale));

			if (barlx < _ulx) {
				barlx = _ulx;

			if (barrx > _lrx) {
				barrx = _lrx;

			// Make sure that a bar is always at least one pixel wide.
			if (barlx >= barrx) {
				barrx = barlx + 1;

			// The y position of the zero line.
			long zeroypos = _lry - (long) ((0 - _yMin) * _yscale);

			if (_lry < zeroypos) {
				zeroypos = _lry;

			if (_uly > zeroypos) {
				zeroypos = _uly;

			if ((_yMin >= 0) || (ypos <= zeroypos)) {
				graphics.fillRect(barlx, (int) ypos, barrx - barlx, (int) (zeroypos - ypos));
			} else {
				graphics.fillRect(barlx, (int) zeroypos, barrx - barlx, (int) (ypos - zeroypos));

	 * Draw an error bar for the specified yLowEB and yHighEB values. If the
	 * specified point is below the y axis or outside the x range, do nothing.
	 * If the <i>clip</i> argument is true, then do not draw above the y range.
	 * This method should be called only from the event dispatch thread. It is
	 * not synchronized, so its caller should be.
	 * @param graphics
	 *            The graphics context.
	 * @param dataset
	 *            The index of the dataset.
	 * @param xpos
	 *            The x position.
	 * @param yLowEBPos
	 *            The lower y position of the error bar.
	 * @param yHighEBPos
	 *            The upper y position of the error bar.
	 * @param clip
	 *            If true, then do not draw above the range.
	protected void _drawErrorBar(Graphics graphics, int dataset, long xpos, long yLowEBPos, long yHighEBPos,
			boolean clip) {
		_drawLine(graphics, dataset, xpos - _ERRORBAR_LEG_LENGTH, yHighEBPos, xpos + _ERRORBAR_LEG_LENGTH, yHighEBPos,
		_drawLine(graphics, dataset, xpos, yLowEBPos, xpos, yHighEBPos, clip);
		_drawLine(graphics, dataset, xpos - _ERRORBAR_LEG_LENGTH, yLowEBPos, xpos + _ERRORBAR_LEG_LENGTH, yLowEBPos,

	 * Draw a line from the specified point to the y axis. If the specified
	 * point is below the y axis or outside the x range, do nothing. If the
	 * <i>clip</i> argument is true, then do not draw above the y range. This
	 * method should be called only from the event dispatch thread. It is not
	 * synchronized, so its caller should be.
	 * @param graphics
	 *            The graphics context.
	 * @param xpos
	 *            The x position.
	 * @param ypos
	 *            The y position.
	 * @param clip
	 *            If true, then do not draw outside the range.
	protected void _drawImpulse(Graphics graphics, long xpos, long ypos, boolean clip) {
		if (clip) {
			if (ypos < _uly) {
				ypos = _uly;

			if (ypos > _lry) {
				ypos = _lry;

		if ((ypos <= _lry) && (xpos <= _lrx) && (xpos >= _ulx)) {
			// The y position of the zero line.
			double zeroypos = _lry - (long) ((0 - _yMin) * _yscale);

			if (_lry < zeroypos) {
				zeroypos = _lry;

			if (_uly > zeroypos) {
				zeroypos = _uly;

			_setWidth(graphics, 1f);
			graphics.drawLine((int) xpos, (int) ypos, (int) xpos, (int) zeroypos);

	 * Draw a line from the specified starting point to the specified ending
	 * point. The current color is used. If the <i>clip</i> argument is true,
	 * then draw only that portion of the line that lies within the plotting
	 * rectangle. This method draws a line one pixel wide. This method should be
	 * called only from the event dispatch thread. It is not synchronized, so
	 * its caller should be.
	 * @param graphics
	 *            The graphics context.
	 * @param dataset
	 *            The index of the dataset.
	 * @param startx
	 *            The starting x position.
	 * @param starty
	 *            The starting y position.
	 * @param endx
	 *            The ending x position.
	 * @param endy
	 *            The ending y position.
	 * @param clip
	 *            If true, then do not draw outside the range.
	protected void _drawLine(Graphics graphics, int dataset, long startx, long starty, long endx, long endy,
			boolean clip) {
		_drawLine(graphics, dataset, startx, starty, endx, endy, clip, 1f);

	 * Draw a line from the specified starting point to the specified ending
	 * point. The current color is used. If the <i>clip</i> argument is true,
	 * then draw only that portion of the line that lies within the plotting
	 * rectangle. The width argument is ignored if the graphics argument is not
	 * an instance of Graphics2D. This method should be called only from the
	 * event dispatch thread. It is not synchronized, so its caller should be.
	 * @param graphics
	 *            The graphics context.
	 * @param dataset
	 *            The index of the dataset.
	 * @param startx
	 *            The starting x position.
	 * @param starty
	 *            The starting y position.
	 * @param endx
	 *            The ending x position.
	 * @param endy
	 *            The ending y position.
	 * @param clip
	 *            If true, then do not draw outside the range.
	 * @param width
	 *            The thickness of the line.
	protected void _drawLine(Graphics graphics, int dataset, long startx, long starty, long endx, long endy,
			boolean clip, float width) {
		_setWidth(graphics, width);

		if (clip) {
			// Rule out impossible cases.
			if (!(((endx <= _ulx) && (startx <= _ulx)) || ((endx >= _lrx) && (startx >= _lrx))
					|| ((endy <= _uly) && (starty <= _uly)) || ((endy >= _lry) && (starty >= _lry)))) {
				// If the end point is out of x range, adjust
				// end point to boundary.
				// The integer arithmetic has to be done with longs so as
				// to not loose precision on extremely close zooms.
				if (startx != endx) {
					if (endx < _ulx) {
						endy = (int) (endy + (((starty - endy) * (_ulx - endx)) / (startx - endx)));
						endx = _ulx;
					} else if (endx > _lrx) {
						endy = (int) (endy + (((starty - endy) * (_lrx - endx)) / (startx - endx)));
						endx = _lrx;

				// If end point is out of y range, adjust to boundary.
				// Note that y increases downward
				if (starty != endy) {
					if (endy < _uly) {
						endx = (int) (endx + (((startx - endx) * (_uly - endy)) / (starty - endy)));
						endy = _uly;
					} else if (endy > _lry) {
						endx = (int) (endx + (((startx - endx) * (_lry - endy)) / (starty - endy)));
						endy = _lry;

				// Adjust current point to lie on the boundary.
				if (startx != endx) {
					if (startx < _ulx) {
						starty = (int) (starty + (((endy - starty) * (_ulx - startx)) / (endx - startx)));
						startx = _ulx;
					} else if (startx > _lrx) {
						starty = (int) (starty + (((endy - starty) * (_lrx - startx)) / (endx - startx)));
						startx = _lrx;

				if (starty != endy) {
					if (starty < _uly) {
						startx = (int) (startx + (((endx - startx) * (_uly - starty)) / (endy - starty)));
						starty = _uly;
					} else if (starty > _lry) {
						startx = (int) (startx + (((endx - startx) * (_lry - starty)) / (endy - starty)));
						starty = _lry;

			// Are the new points in range?
			if ((endx >= _ulx) && (endx <= _lrx) && (endy >= _uly) && (endy <= _lry) && (startx >= _ulx)
					&& (startx <= _lrx) && (starty >= _uly) && (starty <= _lry)) {
				graphics.drawLine((int) startx, (int) starty, (int) endx, (int) endy);
		} else {
			// draw unconditionally.
			graphics.drawLine((int) startx, (int) starty, (int) endx, (int) endy);

	 * Draw the axes and then plot all points. If the second argument is true,
	 * clear the display first. This method is called by paintComponent(). To
	 * cause it to be called you would normally call repaint(), which eventually
	 * causes paintComponent() to be called.
	 * <p>
	 * Note that this is synchronized so that points are not added by other
	 * threads while the drawing is occurring. This method should be called only
	 * from the event dispatch thread, consistent with swing policy.
	 * @param graphics
	 *            The graphics context.
	 * @param clearfirst
	 *            If true, clear the plot before proceeding.
	 * @param drawRectangle
	 *            The Rectangle to draw in.
	protected synchronized void _drawPlot(Graphics graphics, boolean clearfirst, Rectangle drawRectangle) {
		if (_graphics == null) {
			_graphics = graphics;
		} else if (graphics != _graphics) {
			// If the graphics has changed, then we don't care about
			// the previous values. Exporting to EPS uses a different
			// graphics, see test/onePointStem.plt for an example that
			// requires this change.
			_graphics = graphics;
			_prevx = new Vector<Long>();
			_prevy = new Vector<Long>();
			for (int dataset = 0; dataset < _points.size(); dataset++) {

		// We must call PlotBox._drawPlot() before calling _drawPlotPoint
		// so that _xscale and _yscale are set.
		super._drawPlot(graphics, clearfirst, drawRectangle);

		// Plot the points in reverse order so that the first colors
		// appear on top.
		for (int dataset = _points.size() - 1; dataset >= 0; dataset--) {
			Vector<PlotPoint> data = _points.elementAt(dataset);

			for (int pointnum = 0; pointnum < data.size(); pointnum++) {
				_drawPlotPoint(graphics, dataset, pointnum);

		ZoomRectangle z = getZoomBox();
		if (z != null) {
			z.paintZoomRectangle(this, graphics);

		_showing = true;

	 * Put a mark corresponding to the specified dataset at the specified x and
	 * y position. The mark is drawn in the current color. What kind of mark is
	 * drawn depends on the _marks variable and the dataset argument. If the
	 * fourth argument is true, then check the range and plot only points that
	 * are in range. This method should be called only from the event dispatch
	 * thread. It is not synchronized, so its caller should be.
	 * @param graphics
	 *            The graphics context.
	 * @param dataset
	 *            The index of the dataset.
	 * @param xpos
	 *            The x position.
	 * @param ypos
	 *            The y position.
	 * @param clip
	 *            If true, then do not draw outside the range.
	protected void _drawPoint(Graphics graphics, int dataset, long xpos, long ypos, boolean clip) {
		// If the point is not out of range, draw it.
		boolean pointinside = (ypos <= _lry) && (ypos >= _uly) && (xpos <= _lrx) && (xpos >= _ulx);

		if (!clip || pointinside) {
			int xposi = (int) xpos;
			int yposi = (int) ypos;

			// Check to see whether the dataset has a marks directive
			Format fmt = _formats.elementAt(dataset);
			int marks = _marks;

			if (!fmt.marksUseDefault) {
				marks = fmt.marks;

			// If the point is out of range, and being drawn, then it is
			// probably a legend point. When printing in black and white,
			// we want to use a line rather than a point for the legend.
			// (So that line patterns are visible). The only exception is
			// when the marks style uses distinct marks, or if there is
			// no line being drawn.
			// NOTE: It is unfortunate to have to test the class of graphics,
			// but there is no easy way around this that I can think of.
			if (!pointinside && (marks != 3) && _isConnected(dataset) && (graphics instanceof EPSGraphics)) {
				graphics.drawLine(xposi - 6, yposi, xposi + 6, yposi);
			} else {
				// Color display. Use normal legend.
				switch (marks) {
				case 0:

					// If no mark style is given, draw a filled rectangle.
					// This is used, for example, to draw the legend.
					graphics.fillRect(xposi - 6, yposi - 6, 6, 6);

				case 1:

					// points -- use 3-pixel ovals.
					graphics.fillOval(xposi - 1, yposi - 1, 3, 3);

				case 2:

					// dots
					graphics.fillOval(xposi - _radius, yposi - _radius, _diameter, _diameter);

				case 3:

					// various
					int[] xpoints;

					// various
					int[] ypoints;

					// Points are only distinguished up to _MAX_MARKS data sets.
					int mark = dataset % _MAX_MARKS;

					switch (mark) {
					case 0:

						// filled circle
						graphics.fillOval(xposi - _radius, yposi - _radius, _diameter, _diameter);

					case 1:

						// cross
						graphics.drawLine(xposi - _radius, yposi - _radius, xposi + _radius, yposi + _radius);
						graphics.drawLine(xposi + _radius, yposi - _radius, xposi - _radius, yposi + _radius);

					case 2:

						// square
						graphics.drawRect(xposi - _radius, yposi - _radius, _diameter, _diameter);

					case 3:

						// filled triangle
						xpoints = new int[4];
						ypoints = new int[4];
						xpoints[0] = xposi;
						ypoints[0] = yposi - _radius;
						xpoints[1] = xposi + _radius;
						ypoints[1] = yposi + _radius;
						xpoints[2] = xposi - _radius;
						ypoints[2] = yposi + _radius;
						xpoints[3] = xposi;
						ypoints[3] = yposi - _radius;
						graphics.fillPolygon(xpoints, ypoints, 4);

					case 4:

						// diamond
						xpoints = new int[5];
						ypoints = new int[5];
						xpoints[0] = xposi;
						ypoints[0] = yposi - _radius;
						xpoints[1] = xposi + _radius;
						ypoints[1] = yposi;
						xpoints[2] = xposi;
						ypoints[2] = yposi + _radius;
						xpoints[3] = xposi - _radius;
						ypoints[3] = yposi;
						xpoints[4] = xposi;
						ypoints[4] = yposi - _radius;
						graphics.drawPolygon(xpoints, ypoints, 5);

					case 5:

						// circle
						graphics.drawOval(xposi - _radius, yposi - _radius, _diameter, _diameter);

					case 6:

						// plus sign
						graphics.drawLine(xposi, yposi - _radius, xposi, yposi + _radius);
						graphics.drawLine(xposi - _radius, yposi, xposi + _radius, yposi);

					case 7:

						// filled square
						graphics.fillRect(xposi - _radius, yposi - _radius, _diameter, _diameter);

					case 8:

						// triangle
						xpoints = new int[4];
						ypoints = new int[4];
						xpoints[0] = xposi;
						ypoints[0] = yposi - _radius;
						xpoints[1] = xposi + _radius;
						ypoints[1] = yposi + _radius;
						xpoints[2] = xposi - _radius;
						ypoints[2] = yposi + _radius;
						xpoints[3] = xposi;
						ypoints[3] = yposi - _radius;
						graphics.drawPolygon(xpoints, ypoints, 4);

					case 9:

						// filled diamond
						xpoints = new int[5];
						ypoints = new int[5];
						xpoints[0] = xposi;
						ypoints[0] = yposi - _radius;
						xpoints[1] = xposi + _radius;
						ypoints[1] = yposi;
						xpoints[2] = xposi;
						ypoints[2] = yposi + _radius;
						xpoints[3] = xposi - _radius;
						ypoints[3] = yposi;
						xpoints[4] = xposi;
						ypoints[4] = yposi - _radius;
						graphics.fillPolygon(xpoints, ypoints, 5);


				case 4:

					// If the mark style is pixels, draw a filled rectangle.
					graphics.fillRect(xposi, yposi, 1, 1);

					// none

	 * Parse a line that gives plotting information. Return true if the line is
	 * recognized. Lines with syntax errors are ignored. It is not synchronized,
	 * so its caller should be.
	 * @param line
	 *            A command line.
	 * @return True if the line is recognized.
	protected boolean _parseLine(String line) {
		boolean connected = false;

		if (_isConnected(_currentdataset)) {
			connected = true;

		// parse only if the super class does not recognize the line.
		if (super._parseLine(line)) {
			return true;
		} else {
			// We convert the line to lower case so that the command
			// names are case insensitive
			String lcLine = line.toLowerCase();

			if (lcLine.startsWith("marks:")) {
				// If we have seen a dataset directive, then apply the
				// request to the current dataset only.
				String style = (line.substring(6)).trim();

				if (_sawFirstDataSet) {
					setMarksStyle(style, _currentdataset);
				} else {

				return true;
			} else if (lcLine.startsWith("numsets:")) {
				// Ignore. No longer relevant.
				return true;
			} else if (lcLine.startsWith("reusedatasets:")) {
				if (lcLine.indexOf("off", 16) >= 0) {
				} else {

				return true;
			} else if (lcLine.startsWith("dataset:")) {
				if (_reuseDatasets && (lcLine.length() > 0)) {
					String tlegend = (line.substring(8)).trim();
					_currentdataset = -1;

					int i;

					for (i = 0; i <= _maxDataset; i++) {
						if (getLegend(i).compareTo(tlegend) == 0) {
							_currentdataset = i;

					if (_currentdataset != -1) {
						return true;
					} else {
						_currentdataset = _maxDataset;

				// new data set
				_firstInSet = true;
				_sawFirstDataSet = true;

				if (lcLine.length() > 0) {
					String legend = (line.substring(8)).trim();

					if ((legend != null) && (legend.length() > 0)) {
						addLegend(_currentdataset, legend);

				_maxDataset = _currentdataset;
				return true;
			} else if (lcLine.startsWith("lines:")) {
				if (_sawFirstDataSet) {
					// Backward compatbility with xgraph here.
					// If we see some data sets, then they are drawn
					// with lines, if we then see a Lines: off
					// the current dataset and succeeding datasets
					// will be drawn without lines.
					// For each of the existing datasets, if
					// it fmt.connectedUseDefault is true, then
					// set fmt.connectedUseDefault to false and set
					// the value of fmt.connected
					Enumeration<Format> formats = _formats.elements();

					while (formats.hasMoreElements()) {
						Format format = formats.nextElement();

						if (format.connectedUseDefault) {
							format.connectedUseDefault = false;
							format.connected = _connected;

				if (lcLine.indexOf("off", 6) >= 0) {
				} else {

				return true;
			} else if (lcLine.startsWith("impulses:")) {
				// If we have not yet seen a dataset, then this is interpreted
				// as the global default. Otherwise, it is assumed to apply
				// only to the current dataset.
				if (_sawFirstDataSet) {
					if (lcLine.indexOf("off", 9) >= 0) {
						setImpulses(false, _currentdataset);
					} else {
						setImpulses(true, _currentdataset);
				} else {
					if (lcLine.indexOf("off", 9) >= 0) {
					} else {

				return true;
			} else if (lcLine.startsWith("bars:")) {
				if (lcLine.indexOf("off", 5) >= 0) {
				} else {

					int comma = line.indexOf(",", 5);
					String barwidth;
					String baroffset = null;

					if (comma > 0) {
						barwidth = (line.substring(5, comma)).trim();
						baroffset = (line.substring(comma + 1)).trim();
					} else {
						barwidth = (line.substring(5)).trim();

					try {
						// Use Double.parseDouble() and avoid creating a Double
						double bwidth = Double.parseDouble(barwidth);
						double boffset = _barOffset;

						if (baroffset != null) {
							boffset = Double.parseDouble(baroffset);

						setBars(bwidth, boffset);
					} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
						// ignore if format is bogus.

				return true;
			} else if (line.startsWith("move:")) {
				// a disconnected point
				connected = false;

				// deal with 'move: 1 2' and 'move:2 2'
				line = line.substring(5, line.length()).trim();
			} else if (line.startsWith("move")) {
				// a disconnected point
				connected = false;

				// deal with 'move 1 2' and 'move2 2'
				line = line.substring(4, line.length()).trim();
			} else if (line.startsWith("draw:")) {
				// a connected point, if connect is enabled.
				line = line.substring(5, line.length()).trim();
			} else if (line.startsWith("draw")) {
				// a connected point, if connect is enabled.
				line = line.substring(4, line.length()).trim();

			line = line.trim();

			// We can't use StreamTokenizer here because it can't
			// process numbers like 1E-01.
			// This code is somewhat optimized for speed, since
			// most data consists of two data points, we want
			// to handle that case as efficiently as possible.
			int fieldsplit = line.indexOf(",");

			if (fieldsplit == -1) {
				fieldsplit = line.indexOf(" ");

			if (fieldsplit == -1) {
				fieldsplit = line.indexOf("\t"); // a tab

			if (fieldsplit > 0) {
				String x = (line.substring(0, fieldsplit)).trim();
				String y = (line.substring(fieldsplit + 1)).trim();

				// Any more separators?
				int fieldsplit2 = y.indexOf(",");

				if (fieldsplit2 == -1) {
					fieldsplit2 = y.indexOf(" ");

				if (fieldsplit2 == -1) {
					fieldsplit2 = y.indexOf("\t"); // a tab

				if (fieldsplit2 > 0) {
					line = (y.substring(fieldsplit2 + 1)).trim();
					y = (y.substring(0, fieldsplit2)).trim();

				try {
					// Use Double.parseDouble() and avoid creating a Double.
					double xpt = Double.parseDouble(x);
					double ypt = Double.parseDouble(y);

					if (fieldsplit2 > 0) {
						// There was one separator after the y value, now
						// look for another separator.
						int fieldsplit3 = line.indexOf(",");

						if (fieldsplit3 == -1) {
							fieldsplit3 = line.indexOf(" ");

						// if (fieldsplit3 == -1) {
						// fieldsplit2 = line.indexOf("\t"); // a tab
						// }
						if (fieldsplit3 > 0) {
							// We have more numbers, assume that this is
							// an error bar
							String yl = (line.substring(0, fieldsplit3)).trim();
							String yh = (line.substring(fieldsplit3 + 1)).trim();
							double yLowEB = Double.parseDouble(yl);
							double yHighEB = Double.parseDouble(yh);
							connected = _addLegendIfNecessary(connected);
							addPointWithErrorBars(_currentdataset, xpt, ypt, yLowEB, yHighEB, connected);
							return true;
						} else {
							// It is unlikely that we have a fieldsplit2 >0
							// but not fieldsplit3 >0, but just in case:
							connected = _addLegendIfNecessary(connected);
							addPoint(_currentdataset, xpt, ypt, connected);
							return true;
					} else {
						// There were no more fields, so this is
						// a regular pt.
						connected = _addLegendIfNecessary(connected);
						addPoint(_currentdataset, xpt, ypt, connected);
						return true;
				} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
					// ignore if format is bogus.

		return false;

	 * If the graphics argument is an instance of Graphics2D, then set the
	 * current stroke to the specified width. Otherwise, do nothing.
	 * @param graphics
	 *            The graphics object.
	 * @param width
	 *            The width.
	protected void _setWidth(Graphics graphics, float width) {
		// For historical reasons, the API here only assumes Graphics
		// objects, not Graphics2D.
		if (graphics instanceof Graphics2D) {
			// We cache the two most common cases.
			if (width == 1f) {
				((Graphics2D) graphics).setStroke(_lineStroke1);
			} else if (width == 2f) {
				((Graphics2D) graphics).setStroke(_lineStroke2);
			} else {
				((Graphics2D) graphics).setStroke(new BasicStroke(width, BasicStroke.CAP_BUTT, BasicStroke.JOIN_ROUND));

	// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
	// // protected variables ////

	/** @serial The current dataset. */
	protected int _currentdataset = -1;

	/** @serial A vector of datasets. */
	protected Vector<Vector<PlotPoint>> _points = new Vector<Vector<PlotPoint>>();

	 * @serial An indicator of the marks style. See _parseLine method for
	 *         interpretation.
	protected int _marks;

	// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
	// // private methods ////

	 * Add a legend if necessary, return the value of the connected flag.
	private boolean _addLegendIfNecessary(boolean connected) {
		if ((!_sawFirstDataSet || (_currentdataset < 0)) && !_reuseDatasets) {
			// We did not set a DataSet line, but
			// we did get called with -<digit> args and
			// we did not see reusedatasets: yes
			_sawFirstDataSet = true;

		if (!_sawFirstDataSet && (getLegend(_currentdataset) == null)) {
			// We did not see a "DataSet" string yet,
			// nor did we call addLegend().
			_firstInSet = true;
			_sawFirstDataSet = true;
			addLegend(_currentdataset, "Set " + _currentdataset);

		if (_firstInSet && !_reuseDatasets) {
			connected = false;
			_firstInSet = false;

		return connected;

	 * In the specified data set, add the specified x, y point to the plot. Data
	 * set indices begin with zero. If the dataset argument is less than zero,
	 * throw an IllegalArgumentException (a runtime exception). If it refers to
	 * a data set that does not exist, create the data set. The fourth argument
	 * indicates whether the point should be connected by a line to the previous
	 * point. However, this argument is ignored if setConnected() has been
	 * called with a false argument. In that case, a point is never connected to
	 * the previous point. That argument is also ignored if the point is the
	 * first in the specified dataset. The point is drawn on the screen only if
	 * is visible. Otherwise, it is drawn the next time paintComponent() is
	 * called.
	 * This is not synchronized, so the caller should be. Moreover, this should
	 * only be called in the event dispatch thread. It should only be called via
	 * deferIfNecessary().
	private void _addPoint(int dataset, double x, double y, double yLowEB, double yHighEB, boolean connected,
			boolean errorBar) {
		// Ensure replot of offscreen buffer.
		_plotImage = null;


		if (_xlog) {
			if (x <= 0.0) {
				System.err.println("Can't plot non-positive X values "
						+ "when the logarithmic X axis value is specified: " + x);

			x = Math.log(x) * _LOG10SCALE;

		if (_ylog) {
			if (y <= 0.0) {
				System.err.println("Can't plot non-positive Y values "
						+ "when the logarithmic Y axis value is specified: " + y);

			y = Math.log(y) * _LOG10SCALE;

			if (errorBar) {
				if ((yLowEB <= 0.0) || (yHighEB <= 0.0)) {
					System.err.println("Can't plot non-positive Y values "
							+ "when the logarithmic Y axis value is specified: " + y);

				yLowEB = Math.log(yLowEB) * _LOG10SCALE;
				yHighEB = Math.log(yHighEB) * _LOG10SCALE;

		Vector<PlotPoint> pts = _points.elementAt(dataset);

		// If X persistence has been set, then delete any old points.
		if (_xPersistence > 0.0) {
			int numToDelete = 0;

			while (numToDelete < pts.size()) {
				PlotPoint old = (pts.elementAt(numToDelete));

				if ((x - old.originalx) <= _xPersistence) {


			for (int i = 0; i < numToDelete; i++) {
				erasePoint(dataset, 0);

		// Get the new size after deletions.
		int size = pts.size();

		PlotPoint pt = new PlotPoint();

		// Original value of x before wrapping.
		pt.originalx = x;

		// Modify x if wrapping.
		if (_wrap) {
			double width = _wrapHigh - _wrapLow;

			if (x < _wrapLow) {
				x += (width * Math.floor(1.0 + ((_wrapLow - x) / width)));
			} else if (x > _wrapHigh) {
				x -= (width * Math.floor(1.0 + ((x - _wrapHigh) / width)));

				// NOTE: Could quantization errors be a problem here?
				if (Math.abs(x - _wrapLow) < 0.00001) {
					x = _wrapHigh;

		// For auto-ranging, keep track of min and max.
		if (x < _xBottom) {
			_xBottom = x;

		if (x > _xTop) {
			_xTop = x;

		if (y < _yBottom) {
			_yBottom = y;

		if (y > _yTop) {
			_yTop = y;

		pt.x = x;
		pt.y = y;
		pt.connected = connected && _isConnected(dataset);

		if (errorBar) {
			if (yLowEB < _yBottom) {
				_yBottom = yLowEB;

			if (yLowEB > _yTop) {
				_yTop = yLowEB;

			if (yHighEB < _yBottom) {
				_yBottom = yHighEB;

			if (yHighEB > _yTop) {
				_yTop = yHighEB;

			pt.yLowEB = yLowEB;
			pt.yHighEB = yHighEB;
			pt.errorBar = true;

		// If this is the first point in the dataset, clear the connected bit.
		if (size == 0) {
			pt.connected = false;
		} else if (_wrap) {
			// Do not connect points if wrapping...
			PlotPoint old = (pts.elementAt(size - 1));

			if (old.x > x) {
				pt.connected = false;


		// If points persistence has been set, then delete one old point.
		if (_pointsPersistence > 0) {
			if (size > _pointsPersistence) {
				erasePoint(dataset, 0);

		// Draw the point on the screen only if the plot is showing.
		Graphics graphics = offScreenGraphics;

		// Need to check that graphics is not null because plot may have
		// been dismissed.
		if (_showing && (graphics != null)) {

			_drawPlotPoint(graphics, dataset, pts.size() - 1);

		if (_wrap && (Math.abs(x - _wrapHigh)) < 0.00001) {
			// Plot a second point at the low end of the range.
			_addPoint(dataset, _wrapLow, y, yLowEB, yHighEB, false, errorBar);

	 * Clear the plot of all data points. If the argument is true, then reset
	 * all parameters to their initial conditions, including the persistence,
	 * plotting format, and axes formats. For the change to take effect, you
	 * must call repaint().
	 * This is not synchronized, so the caller should be. Moreover, this should
	 * only be called in the event dispatch thread. It should only be called via
	 * deferIfNecessary().
	private void _clear(boolean format) {
		// Ensure replot of offscreen buffer.
		_plotImage = null;
		_currentdataset = -1;
		_points = new Vector<Vector<PlotPoint>>();
		_prevx = new Vector<Long>();
		_prevy = new Vector<Long>();
		_maxDataset = -1;
		_firstInSet = true;
		_sawFirstDataSet = false;
		_xyInvalid = true;

		if (format) {
			_showing = false;

			// Reset format controls
			_formats = new Vector<Format>();
			_marks = 0;
			_pointsPersistence = 0;
			_xPersistence = 0;
			_bars = false;
			barWidth = 0.5;
			_barOffset = 0.05;
			_connected = true;
			_impulses = false;
			_reuseDatasets = false;

	 * Clear the plot of data points in the specified dataset. This calls
	 * repaint() to request an update of the display.
	 * This is not synchronized, so the caller should be. Moreover, this should
	 * only be called in the event dispatch thread. It should only be called via
	 * deferIfNecessary().
	private void _clear(int dataset) {
		// Ensure replot of offscreen buffer.
		_plotImage = null;
		_xyInvalid = true;

		Vector<PlotPoint> points = _points.elementAt(dataset);

		// Vector.clear() is new in JDK1.2, so we use just
		// create a new Vector here so that we can compile
		// this with JDK1.1 for use in JDK1.1 browsers

		// _points.setElementAt(new Vector(), dataset);
		_points.setElementAt(points, dataset);

	 * Draw the specified point and associated lines, if any. Note that
	 * paintComponent() should be called before calling this method so that it
	 * calls _drawPlot(), which sets _xscale and _yscale. Note that this does
	 * not check the dataset index. It is up to the caller to do that.
	 * Note that this method is not synchronized, so the caller should be.
	 * Moreover this method should always be called from the event thread when
	 * being used to write to the screen.
	private void _drawPlotPoint(Graphics graphics, int dataset, int index) {
		if ((_pointsPersistence > 0) || (_xPersistence > 0.0)) {
			// To allow erasing to work by just redrawing the points.
			if (_background == null) {
				// java.awt.Component.setBackground(color) says that
				// if the color "parameter is null then this component
				// will inherit the background color of its parent."
			} else {

		// Set the color
		if (_usecolor) {
			int color = dataset % _colors.length;
		} else {

		Vector<PlotPoint> pts = _points.elementAt(dataset);
		PlotPoint pt = pts.elementAt(index);

		// Use long here because these numbers can be quite large
		// (when we are zoomed out a lot).
		long ypos = _lry - (long) ((pt.y - _yMin) * _yscale);
		long xpos = _ulx + (long) ((pt.x - _xMin) * _xscale);

		// Draw the line to the previous point.
		long prevx = _prevx.elementAt(dataset).longValue();
		long prevy = _prevy.elementAt(dataset).longValue();

		// Avoid drawing points and lines that are invisible.
		// Note that if the size of the dataset is 1, then we have only
		// one point, so we should be sure to draw it.
		if ((xpos != prevx) || (ypos != prevy) || (pts.size() == 1)) {
			// MIN_VALUE is a flag that there has been no previous x or y.
			if (pt.connected) {
				_drawLine(graphics, dataset, xpos, ypos, prevx, prevy, true, 2f);

			// Save the current point as the "previous" point for future
			// line drawing.
			_prevx.setElementAt(Long.valueOf(xpos), dataset);
			_prevy.setElementAt(Long.valueOf(ypos), dataset);

			// Draw decorations that may be specified on a per-dataset basis
			Format fmt = _formats.elementAt(dataset);

			if (fmt.impulsesUseDefault) {
				if (_impulses) {
					_drawImpulse(graphics, xpos, ypos, true);
			} else {
				if (fmt.impulses) {
					_drawImpulse(graphics, xpos, ypos, true);

			// Check to see whether the dataset has a marks directive
			int marks = _marks;

			if (!fmt.marksUseDefault) {
				marks = fmt.marks;

			if (marks != 0) {
				_drawPoint(graphics, dataset, xpos, ypos, true);

			if (_bars) {
				_drawBar(graphics, dataset, xpos, ypos, true);

		if (pt.errorBar) {
			_drawErrorBar(graphics, dataset, xpos, _lry - (long) ((pt.yLowEB - _yMin) * _yscale), _lry
					- (long) ((pt.yHighEB - _yMin) * _yscale), true);

		// Restore the color, in case the box gets redrawn.

		if ((_pointsPersistence > 0) || (_xPersistence > 0.0)) {
			// Restore paint mode in case axes get redrawn.

	 * Erase the point at the given index in the given dataset. If lines are
	 * being drawn, also erase the line to the next points (note: not to the
	 * previous point).
	 * This is not synchronized, so the caller should be. Moreover, this should
	 * only be called in the event dispatch thread. It should only be called via
	 * deferIfNecessary().
	private void _erasePoint(int dataset, int index) {
		// Ensure replot of offscreen buffer.
		_plotImage = null;


		// Plot has probably been dismissed. Return.
		Graphics graphics = offScreenGraphics;

		// Need to check that graphics is not null because plot may have
		// been dismissed.
		if (_showing && (graphics != null)) {
			// Set the color
			if ((_pointsPersistence > 0) || (_xPersistence > 0.0)) {
				// To allow erasing to work by just redrawing the points.
				if (_background == null) {
				} else {

			if (_usecolor) {
				int color = dataset % _colors.length;
			} else {

			Vector<PlotPoint> pts = _points.elementAt(dataset);
			PlotPoint pt = pts.elementAt(index);
			long ypos = _lry - (long) ((pt.y - _yMin) * _yscale);
			long xpos = _ulx + (long) ((pt.x - _xMin) * _xscale);

			// Erase line to the next point, if appropriate.
			if (index < (pts.size() - 1)) {
				PlotPoint nextp = pts.elementAt(index + 1);
				int nextx = _ulx + (int) ((nextp.x - _xMin) * _xscale);
				int nexty = _lry - (int) ((nextp.y - _yMin) * _yscale);

				// NOTE: I have no idea why I have to give this point backwards.
				if (nextp.connected) {
					_drawLine(graphics, dataset, nextx, nexty, xpos, ypos, true, 2f);

				nextp.connected = false;

			// Draw decorations that may be specified on a per-dataset basis
			Format fmt = _formats.elementAt(dataset);

			if (fmt.impulsesUseDefault) {
				if (_impulses) {
					_drawImpulse(graphics, xpos, ypos, true);
			} else {
				if (fmt.impulses) {
					_drawImpulse(graphics, xpos, ypos, true);

			// Check to see whether the dataset has a marks directive
			int marks = _marks;

			if (!fmt.marksUseDefault) {
				marks = fmt.marks;

			if (marks != 0) {
				_drawPoint(graphics, dataset, xpos, ypos, true);

			if (_bars) {
				_drawBar(graphics, dataset, xpos, ypos, true);

			if (pt.errorBar) {
				_drawErrorBar(graphics, dataset, xpos, _lry - (long) ((pt.yLowEB - _yMin) * _yscale), _lry
						- (long) ((pt.yHighEB - _yMin) * _yscale), true);

			// Restore the color, in case the box gets redrawn.

			if ((_pointsPersistence > 0) || (_xPersistence > 0.0)) {
				// Restore paint mode in case axes get redrawn.

		// The following is executed whether the plot is showing or not.
		// Remove the point from the model.
		Vector<PlotPoint> points = _points.elementAt(dataset);

		if (points != null) {
			// If this point is at the maximum or minimum x or y boundary,
			// then flag that boundary needs to be recalculated next time
			// fillPlot() is called.
			PlotPoint pt = points.elementAt(index);

			if (pt != null) {
				if ((pt.x == _xBottom) || (pt.x == _xTop) || (pt.y == _yBottom) || (pt.y == _yTop)) {
					_xyInvalid = true;


	 * Rescale so that the data that is currently plotted just fits. This
	 * overrides the base class method to ensure that the protected variables
	 * _xBottom, _xTop, _yBottom, and _yTop are valid. This method calls
	 * repaint(), which causes the display to be updated.
	 * This is not synchronized, so the caller should be. Moreover, this should
	 * only be called in the event dispatch thread. It should only be called via
	 * deferIfNecessary().
	private void _fillPlot() {
		if (_xyInvalid) {
			// Recalculate the boundaries based on currently visible data
			_xBottom = Double.MAX_VALUE;
			_xTop = -Double.MAX_VALUE;
			_yBottom = Double.MAX_VALUE;
			_yTop = -Double.MAX_VALUE;

			for (int dataset = 0; dataset < _points.size(); dataset++) {
				Vector<PlotPoint> points = _points.elementAt(dataset);

				for (int index = 0; index < points.size(); index++) {
					PlotPoint pt = points.elementAt(index);

					if (pt.x < _xBottom) {
						_xBottom = pt.x;

					if (pt.x > _xTop) {
						_xTop = pt.x;

					if (pt.y < _yBottom) {
						_yBottom = pt.y;

					if (pt.y > _yTop) {
						_yTop = pt.y;

		_xyInvalid = false;

		// If this is a bar graph, then make sure the Y range includes 0
		if (_bars) {
			if (_yBottom > 0.0) {
				_yBottom = 0.0;

			if (_yTop < 0.0) {
				_yTop = 0.0;


	// Return true if the specified dataset is connected by default.
	private boolean _isConnected(int dataset) {
		if (dataset < 0) {
			return _connected;


		Format fmt = _formats.elementAt(dataset);

		if (fmt.connectedUseDefault) {
			return _connected;
		} else {
			return fmt.connected;

	// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
	// // private variables ////

	/** @serial Number of points to persist for. */
	private int _pointsPersistence = 0;

	/** @serial Persistence in units of the horizontal axis. */
	private double _xPersistence = 0.0;

	/** @serial True if this is a bar plot. */
	private boolean _bars = false;

	/** @serial Width of a bar in x axis units. */
	private double barWidth = 0.5;

	/** @serial Offset per dataset in x axis units. */
	private double _barOffset = 0.05;

	/** @serial True if the points are connected. */
	private boolean _connected = true;

	/** @serial True if this is an impulse plot. */
	private boolean _impulses = false;

	/** @serial The highest data set used. */
	private int _maxDataset = -1;

	/** @serial True if we saw 'reusedatasets: on' in the file. */
	private boolean _reuseDatasets = false;

	/** @serial Is this the first datapoint in a set? */
	private boolean _firstInSet = true;

	/** @serial Have we seen a DataSet line in the current data file? */
	private boolean _sawFirstDataSet = false;

	/** @serial Give the radius of a point for efficiency. */
	private final int _radius = 3;

	/** @serial Give the diameter of a point for efficiency. */
	private final int _diameter = 6;

	/** @serial Information about the previously plotted point. */
	private Vector<Long> _prevx = new Vector<Long>();

	/** @serial Information about the previously plotted point. */
	private Vector<Long> _prevy = new Vector<Long>();

	// Half of the length of the error bar horizontal leg length;
	private static final int _ERRORBAR_LEG_LENGTH = 5;

	// Maximum number of different marks
	// NOTE: There are 11 colors in the base class. Combined with 10
	// marks, that makes 110 unique signal identities.
	private static final int _MAX_MARKS = 10;

	// A stroke of width 1.
	private static final BasicStroke _lineStroke1 = new BasicStroke(1f, BasicStroke.CAP_BUTT, BasicStroke.JOIN_ROUND);

	// A stroke of width 2.
	private static final BasicStroke _lineStroke2 = new BasicStroke(2f, BasicStroke.CAP_BUTT, BasicStroke.JOIN_ROUND);

	// The stroke to use for thin lines in the plot.
	// private static final BasicStroke _thinStroke = new BasicStroke(
	// 1f, BasicStroke.CAP_BUTT, BasicStroke.JOIN_ROUND);

	 * @serial Flag indicating validity of _xBottom, _xTop, _yBottom, and _yTop.
	private boolean _xyInvalid = true;

	/** @serial Set by _drawPlot(), and reset by clear(). */
	private boolean _showing = false;

	/** @serial Format information on a per data set basis. */
	private Vector<Format> _formats = new Vector<Format>();

	 * Initial value for elements in _prevx and _prevy that indicate we have not
	 * yet seen data.
	private static final Long _initialPreviousValue = Long.MIN_VALUE;

	 * Cached copy of graphics, needed to reset when we are exporting to EPS.
	private Graphics _graphics = null;

	// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
	// // inner classes ////
	private static class Format implements Serializable {
		// FindBugs suggests making this class static so as to decrease
		// the size of instances and avoid dangling references.

		private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

		// Indicate whether the current dataset is connected.
		public boolean connected;

		// Indicate whether the above variable should be ignored.
		public boolean connectedUseDefault = true;

		// Indicate whether a stem plot should be drawn for this data set.
		// This is ignored unless the following variable is set to false.
		public boolean impulses;

		// Indicate whether the above variable should be ignored.
		public boolean impulsesUseDefault = true;

		// Indicate what type of mark to use.
		// This is ignored unless the following variable is set to false.
		public int marks;

		// Indicate whether the above variable should be ignored.
		public boolean marksUseDefault = true;