package io.evercam;

import io.evercam.unirest.http.HttpResponse;
import io.evercam.unirest.http.JsonNode;
import io.evercam.unirest.http.Unirest;
import io.evercam.unirest.http.exceptions.UnirestException;
import org.json.JSONArray;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

public class Camera extends EvercamObject {
    static String URL = API.URL + "cameras";
    static String MEDIA_URL = API.MEDIA_URL + "cameras";

    Camera(JSONObject cameraJSONObject) {
        this.jsonObject = cameraJSONObject;

     * Create a new camera owned by the authenticating user
     * @param cameraDetail Evercam camera detail object that produced by CameraBuilder
     * @return Evercam camera object.
     * @throws EvercamException If camera is not successfully created.
     * @see CameraDetail
     * @see CameraBuilder
    public static Camera create(CameraDetail cameraDetail) throws EvercamException {
        Camera camera = null;
        if (API.hasUserKeyPair()) {
            try {
                JSONObject cameraJSONObject = buildJSONObject(cameraDetail);
                DefaultHttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient();
                HttpPost post = new HttpPost(URL);
                post.setHeader("Content-type", "application/json");
                post.setHeader("Accept", "application/json");
                post.setEntity(new StringEntity(cameraJSONObject.toString()));
       response = client.execute(post);
                String result = EntityUtils.toString(response.getEntity());
                int statusCode = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode();
                if (statusCode == CODE_UNAUTHORISED) {
                    throw new EvercamException(EvercamException.MSG_INVALID_AUTH);
                } else if (statusCode == CODE_ERROR) {
                    ErrorResponse errorResponse = new ErrorResponse(result);
                    throw new EvercamException(errorResponse.getProperErrorMessage());
                } else if (statusCode == CODE_CREATE || statusCode == CODE_OK) {
                    JsonNode jsonNode = new JsonNode(result);
                    JSONObject jsonObject = jsonNode.getObject().getJSONArray("cameras").getJSONObject(0);
                    camera = new Camera(jsonObject);
                } else if (statusCode == CODE_SERVER_ERROR) {
                    throw new EvercamException(EvercamException.MSG_SERVER_ERROR);
                } else if (statusCode == CODE_CONFLICT) {
                    ErrorResponse errorResponse = new ErrorResponse(result);
                    throw new EvercamException(errorResponse.getMessage());
                } else if (statusCode == CODE_APPLICATION_ERROR) {
                    throw new EvercamException("Application error");
                } else {
                    throw new EvercamException(statusCode + result);
            } catch (JSONException e) {
                throw new EvercamException(e);
            } catch (ClientProtocolException e) {
                throw new EvercamException(e);
            } catch (IOException e) {
                throw new EvercamException(e);
        } else {
            throw new EvercamException(EvercamException.MSG_USER_API_KEY_REQUIRED);
        return camera;

     * Delete a camera from Evercam along with any stored media.
     * @param cameraId the unique identifier of the camera
     * @return If the camera delete is successful, return true, otherwise return false.
     * @throws EvercamException If camera not exists or user unauthorized
    public static boolean delete(String cameraId) throws EvercamException {
        if (API.hasUserKeyPair()) {
            try {
                DefaultHttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient();
                HttpDelete delete = new HttpDelete(URL + '/' + cameraId + '/' + "?api_key=" + API.getUserKeyPair()[0] + "&api_id=" + API.getUserKeyPair()[1]);
                delete.setHeader("Content-type", "application/json");
                delete.setHeader("Accept", "application/json");
       response = client.execute(delete);
                String result = EntityUtils.toString(response.getEntity());
                int statusCode = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode();
                if (statusCode == CODE_OK) {
                    return true;
                } else if (statusCode == CODE_UNAUTHORISED) {
                    throw new EvercamException(EvercamException.MSG_INVALID_USER_KEY);
                } else if (statusCode == CODE_NOT_FOUND) {
                    throw new EvercamException(result);
                } else if (statusCode == CODE_SERVER_ERROR) {
                    throw new EvercamException(EvercamException.MSG_SERVER_ERROR);
                } else {
                    return false;
            } catch (ClientProtocolException e) {
                throw new EvercamException(e);
            } catch (IOException e) {
                throw new EvercamException(e);
        } else {
            throw new EvercamException(EvercamException.MSG_USER_API_KEY_REQUIRED);

     * Updates full or partial data for an existing camera
     * @param cameraDetail Evercam camera detail object that produced by PatchCameraBuilder
     * @return Evercam camera object.
     * @throws EvercamException If user unauthorized or error occurred with Evercam
     * @see CameraDetail
     * @see PatchCameraBuilder
    public static Camera patch(CameraDetail cameraDetail) throws EvercamException {
        Camera camera = null;
        if (API.hasUserKeyPair()) {
            try {
                JSONObject cameraJSONObject = buildJSONObject(cameraDetail);
                DefaultHttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient();
                HttpPatch patch = new HttpPatch(URL + '/' +;
                patch.setHeader("Content-type", "application/json");
                patch.setHeader("Accept", "application/json");
                patch.setEntity(new StringEntity(cameraJSONObject.toString()));
       response = client.execute(patch);
                String result = EntityUtils.toString(response.getEntity());
                int statusCode = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode();
                if (statusCode == CODE_UNAUTHORISED || statusCode == CODE_FORBIDDEN) {
                    throw new EvercamException(EvercamException.MSG_INVALID_AUTH);
                } else if (statusCode == CODE_ERROR) {
//                    try {
                        ErrorResponse errorResponse = new ErrorResponse(result);
                        String message = errorResponse.getMessage();
                        throw new EvercamException(message);

     /*                   JsonNode resultJsonObj = new JsonNode(result);
                        Iterator keyIterator = resultJsonObj.getArray().getJSONObject(0).optJSONObject("message").keys();
                        String key = null;
                            key = (String);
                        String errorMessageString = resultJsonObj.getArray().getJSONObject(0).optJSONObject("message").getJSONArray(key).getString(0);
                        if (errorMessageString != null || !errorMessageString.isEmpty()){
//                            ErrorResponse errorResponse = new ErrorResponse(result.getBody().getObject());
                            throw new EvercamException(errorMessageString);
                        }else {
                            ErrorResponse errorResponse = new ErrorResponse(result);
                            String message = errorResponse.getMessage();
                            throw new EvercamException(message);
//                    }catch (JSONException e){
//                        throw new EvercamException("Something went wrong. Please try again.");
//                    }
//                    ErrorResponse errorResponse = new ErrorResponse(result);
//                    String message = errorResponse.getMessage();
//                    throw new EvercamException(message);
                } else if (statusCode == CODE_OK) {
                    JsonNode jsonNode = new JsonNode(result);
                    JSONObject jsonObject = jsonNode.getObject().getJSONArray("cameras").getJSONObject(0);
                    camera = new Camera(jsonObject);
                } else if (statusCode == CODE_SERVER_ERROR) {
                    throw new EvercamException(EvercamException.MSG_SERVER_ERROR);
                } else {
                    throw new EvercamException(statusCode + " " + result);
            } catch (JSONException e) {
                throw new EvercamException(e);
            } catch (ClientProtocolException e) {
                throw new EvercamException(e);
            } catch (IOException e) {
                throw new EvercamException(e);
        } else {
            throw new EvercamException(EvercamException.MSG_USER_API_KEY_REQUIRED);
        return camera;

     * Fetch details of a camera from Evercam by camera unique identifier
     * @param cameraId         the camera's unique identifier with Evercam
     * @param includeThumbnail set to true to get base64 encoded 150x150 thumbnail with camera view
     * @return Evercam camera object with all data of this camera
     * @throws EvercamException If user unauthorized or error occurred with Evercam
    public static Camera getById(String cameraId, boolean includeThumbnail) throws EvercamException {
        String url = URL + '/' + cameraId;
        Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>();
        map.put("thumbnail", Boolean.toString(includeThumbnail));
        ArrayList<Camera> cameraArrayList = getByUrl(url, map);
        return cameraArrayList.isEmpty() ? null : cameraArrayList.get(0);

     * Returns the set of cameras associated with given conditions
     * API key pair has to be specified before calling this method
     * @param userId           unique Evercam username of the user, can be null
     * @param includeShared    whether or not to include cameras shared with the user in the fetch.
     * @param includeThumbnail whether or not to get base64 encoded 150x150 thumbnail with camera view for each camera
     * @return the camera list that associated with the specified user
     * @throws EvercamException
    public static ArrayList<Camera> getAll(String userId, boolean includeShared, boolean includeThumbnail) throws EvercamException {
        Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>();
        map.put("include_shared", Boolean.toString(includeShared));
        map.put("thumbnail", Boolean.toString(includeThumbnail));
        if (userId != null) {
            map.put("user_id", userId);

        return getByUrl(URL, map);

     * Returns data for a specified set of cameras.
     * @param idSetString comma separated list of camera identifiers for the cameras being queried.
     * @return the list of specified set of cameras
     * @throws EvercamException If user unauthorized or error occurred with Evercam
    public static ArrayList<Camera> getByIdSet(String idSetString) throws EvercamException {
        Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>();
        map.put("ids", idSetString);
        return getByUrl(URL, map);

     * Request camera live snapshot from Evercam.
     * @param cameraId the camera's unique identifier
     * @return the stream of camera live image
     * @throws EvercamException
    public static InputStream getLiveSnapshot(String cameraId) throws EvercamException {
        InputStream inputStream;
        if (API.hasUserKeyPair()) {
            try {
                HttpResponse response = Unirest.get(URL + "/" + cameraId + "/live/snapshot.jpg").queryString(API.userKeyPairMap())
                inputStream = response.getRawBody();
            } catch (UnirestException e) {
                throw new EvercamException(e);
        } else {
            throw new EvercamException(EvercamException.MSG_USER_API_KEY_REQUIRED);
        return inputStream;

     * PUT /cameras/{id}
     * Transfers the ownership of a camera from one user to another
     * @param cameraId The unique identifier for the camera.
     * @param userId   The Evercam user name or email address for the new camera owner.
     * @throws EvercamException if user key and id not specified
    public static Camera transfer(String cameraId, String userId) throws EvercamException {
        Camera transferredCamera;

        if (API.hasUserKeyPair()) {
            try {
                HttpResponse<JsonNode> response = Unirest.put(URL + '/' + cameraId)
                        .queryString("user_id", userId).queryString(API.userKeyPairMap()).asJson();
                JSONObject object = response.getBody().getObject();
                if (response.getStatus() == CODE_OK) {
                    transferredCamera = new Camera(object.getJSONArray("cameras").getJSONObject(0));
                } else {
                    ErrorResponse errorResponse = new ErrorResponse(object);
                    String message = errorResponse.getMessage();
                    throw new EvercamException(message);
            } catch (UnirestException e) {
                throw new EvercamException(e);
            } catch (JSONException e) {
                throw new EvercamException(e);
        } else {
            throw new EvercamException(EvercamException.MSG_USER_API_KEY_REQUIRED);

        return transferredCamera;

     * Check if camera details contain username and password or not.
     * @return True if username and password exists in camera model, otherwise return False.
    public boolean hasCredentials() {
        //FIXME: Should be replace by a better logic, for example by using 'owned' and 'rights' to tell the camera has credential parameters or not.
        return jsonObject.toString().contains("\"cam_username\":") && jsonObject.toString().contains("\"cam_password\":");

     * Return location object of this camera.
     * Return null if no location data associate with this camera.
     * @see Location
    public Location getLocation() throws EvercamException {
        if (jsonObject.isNull("location")) {
            return null;
        } else {
            JSONObject locationJsonObject = getJsonObjectByString("location");
            return new Location(locationJsonObject);

    public double getLat() throws EvercamException {
        if (jsonObject.isNull("location")) {
            return 0.0;
        } else {
            JSONObject locationJsonObject = getJsonObjectByString("location");
            try {
                return (float) locationJsonObject.getDouble("lat");
            } catch (JSONException e) {
                throw new EvercamException(e);

    public double getLng() throws EvercamException {
        if (jsonObject.isNull("location")) {
            return 0.0;
        } else {
            JSONObject locationJsonObject = getJsonObjectByString("location");
            try {
                return (float) locationJsonObject.getDouble("lng");
            } catch (JSONException e) {
                throw new EvercamException(e);

     * Return external host name of the camera, return an empty string if
     * the host name does not exist.
     * @return external host name of the camera
     * @throws EvercamException
    public String getExternalHost() throws EvercamException {
        External externalObject = getExternalObject();
        if (externalObject != null) {
            return externalObject.getHost();
        return "";

     * Return internal host name of the camera, return an empty string if
     * the host name does not exist.
     * @return internal host name of the camera
     * @throws EvercamException
    public String getInternalHost() throws EvercamException {
        Internal internalObject = getInternalObject();
        if (internalObject != null) {
            return internalObject.getHost();
        return "";

     * Return external HTTP port number of the camera,
     * return 0 if no internal HTTP port associated with this camera.
     * @return external HTTP port of the camera
     * @throws EvercamException
    public int getExternalHttpPort() throws EvercamException {
        External externalObject = getExternalObject();
        if (externalObject != null) {
            return externalObject.getHttp().getPort();
        return 0;

     * Return internal HTTP port number of the camera,
     * return 0 if no internal HTTP port associated with this camera.
     * @return internal HTTP port of the camera
     * @throws EvercamException
    public int getInternalHttpPort() throws EvercamException {
        Internal internalObject = getInternalObject();
        if (internalObject != null) {
            return internalObject.getHttp().getPort();
        return 0;

     * Return external RTSP port number of the camera,
     * return 0 if no external RTSP port associated with this camera.
     * @return external RTSP port of the camera
     * @throws EvercamException
    public int getExternalRtspPort() throws EvercamException {
        External externalObject = getExternalObject();
        if (externalObject != null) {
            return externalObject.getRtsp().getPort();
        return 0;

     * Return internal RTSP port number of the camera,
     * return 0 if no internal RTSP port associated with this camera.
     * @return internal RTSP port of the camera
     * @throws EvercamException
    public int getInternalRtspPort() throws EvercamException {
        Internal internalObject = getInternalObject();
        if (internalObject != null) {
            return internalObject.getRtsp().getPort();
        return 0;

     * Return camera's username. If no username associated with the camera,
     * return an empty string.
    public String getUsername() {
        return getStringNotNull("cam_username");

     * Return camera's password. If no password associated with the camera,
     * return an empty string.
    public String getPassword() {
        return getStringNotNull("cam_password");

     * Return unique Evercam identifier for the camera.
     * @throws EvercamException
    public String getId() {
        try {
            return jsonObject.getString("id");
        } catch (JSONException e) {
            return "";

     * Return username of camera owner.
     * @throws EvercamException
    public String getOwner() throws EvercamException {
        return getStringNotNull("owner");

     * Whether or not this camera is publically available.
     * @return True if this camera is publically available, otherwise return false.
     * @throws EvercamException
    public boolean isPublic() throws EvercamException {
        try {
            return jsonObject.getBoolean("is_public");
        } catch (JSONException e) {
            throw new EvercamException(e);

     * Whether the camera is publicly findable.
     * @return True if the camera is publicly findable, otherwise return false.
     * @throws EvercamException
    public boolean isDiscoverable() throws EvercamException {
        try {
            return jsonObject.getBoolean("discoverable");
        } catch (JSONException e) {
            throw new EvercamException(e);

     * Return human readable or friendly name for the camera.
     * @throws EvercamException
    public String getName() throws EvercamException {
        try {
            return jsonObject.getString("name");
        } catch (JSONException e) {
            throw new EvercamException(e);

     * Return unique identifier for the camera vendor.
     * @throws EvercamException
    public String getVendorId() throws EvercamException {
        return getStringNotNull("vendor_id");

     * Return the name for the camera vendor.
     * @throws EvercamException
    public String getVendorName() throws EvercamException {
        return getStringNotNull("vendor_name");

     * Return name of the IANA/tz timezone where this camera is located.
     * @throws EvercamException
    public String getTimezone() throws EvercamException {
        try {
            return jsonObject.getString("timezone");
        } catch (JSONException e) {
            throw new EvercamException(e);

     * Return the name of the camera model.
     * @throws EvercamException
    public String getModelName() throws EvercamException {
        try {
            return jsonObject.getString("model_name");
        } catch (JSONException e) {
            return "";

     * Return the unique identifier of the camera model.
     * @throws EvercamException
    public String getModelId() throws EvercamException {
        return getStringNotNull("model_id");

     * Return the physical network MAC address of the camera, return an
     * empty string if no MAC address associated with this camera.
    public String getMacAddress() {
        return getStringNotNull("mac_address");

     * Whether or not this camera is currently online.
     * @return True if this camera is currently online, otherwise return false.
    public boolean isOnline() {
        try {
            return jsonObject.getBoolean("is_online");
        } catch (JSONException e) {
            //Return false instead of throw a new exception
            //Because the exception occurs when online status is 'null'.
            return false;

     * Whether or not this camera is owned by the authenticated user.
     * @return True if this camera is owned by this user, otherwise return false.
     * @throws EvercamException
    public boolean isOwned() throws EvercamException {
        try {
            return jsonObject.getBoolean("owned");
        } catch (JSONException e) {
            throw new EvercamException(e);

     * Return internal web page URL for this camera.
     * Return an empty string if no internal url associated with this camera.
    public String getInternalCameraEndpoint() throws EvercamException {
        Internal internalObject = getInternalObject();
        if (internalObject != null) {
            return internalObject.getHttp().getCameraUrl();
        return "";

     * Return external web page URL for this camera.
     * Return an empty string if no external url associated with this camera.
    public String getExternalCameraEndpoint() throws EvercamException {
        External externalObject = getExternalObject();
        if (externalObject != null) {
            return externalObject.getHttp().getCameraUrl();
        return "";

     * Return internal full jpg URL of this camera that can be
     * used to request a camera live image. Return an empty string
     * if the URL does not exist.
     * @return full internal snapshot URL (jpg) of this camera.
     * @throws EvercamException
    public String getInternalJpgUrl() throws EvercamException {
        Internal internalObject = getInternalObject();
        if (internalObject != null) {
            return internalObject.getHttp().getJpgUrl();
        return "";

     * Return external full jpg URL of this camera that can be
     * used to request a camera live image. Return an empty string
     * if the URL does not exist.
     * @return full external snapshot URL (jpg) of this camera.
     * @throws EvercamException
    public String getExternalJpgUrl() throws EvercamException {
        External externalObject = getExternalObject();
        if (externalObject != null) {
            return externalObject.getHttp().getJpgUrl();
        return "";

     * Return internal RTSP stream (H264) URL of this camera for
     * video playing. Return an empty string if the URL does not exist.
     * @return full internal stream URL (h264) of this camera.
     * @throws EvercamException
    public String getInternalH264Url() throws EvercamException {
        Internal internalObject = getInternalObject();
        if (internalObject != null) {
            return internalObject.getRtsp().getH264Url();
        return "";

     * Return internal RTSP stream (H264) URL of this camera for
     * video playing. Return an empty string if the URL does not exist.
     * @return full internal stream URL (h264) of this camera.
     * @throws EvercamException
    public String getExternalH264Url() throws EvercamException {
        External externalObject = getExternalObject();
        if (externalObject != null) {
            return externalObject.getRtsp().getH264Url();
        return "";

     * Return the internal full stream URL (H264) with username and password
     * for the basic authentication of media player.
     * @return the H264 URL with credentials.
     * @throws EvercamException
    public String getInternalH264UrlWithCredential() throws EvercamException {
        return replaceUrlWithCredential(getInternalH264Url(), RTSP_PREFIX);

     * Return the external full stream URL (H264) with username and password
     * for the basic authentication of media player.
     * @return the H264 URL with credentials.
     * @throws EvercamException
    public String getExternalH264UrlWithCredential() throws EvercamException {
        return replaceUrlWithCredential(getExternalH264Url(), RTSP_PREFIX);

     * @param url    the full URL without credentials.
     * @param prefix the prefix of the URL.
     * @return the full URL with credentials as prefix://username:password@host
     * @throws EvercamException
    private String replaceUrlWithCredential(String url, String prefix) throws EvercamException {
        if (!url.isEmpty() && url.startsWith(prefix)) {
            return url.replace(prefix, prefix + getUsername() + ":" + getPassword() + "@");
        } else {
            return "";

     * Request for response with a specified URL and credentials for basic authentication.
     * Return as InputStream.
     * @param url      snapshot URL of this camera
     * @param username username for this camera
     * @param password password for this camera
     * @throws EvercamException If error happen with the HTTP request.
    public static InputStream getStreamFromUrl(String url, String username, String password) throws EvercamException {
        InputStream inputStream;
        try {
            HttpResponse response = Unirest.get(url).basicAuth(username, password).asBinary();
            inputStream = response.getRawBody();
        } catch (UnirestException e) {
            throw new EvercamException(e);
        return inputStream;

     * Request camera live snapshot from Evercam.
     * Equivalent with static method Camera.getSnapshotByCameraId(String),
     * with camera identifier auto filled for this camera object.
     * @return the stream of camera live image
     * @throws EvercamException
    public InputStream getLiveSnapshot() throws EvercamException {
        return getLiveSnapshot(getId());

     * Validate the specified URL in valid or not by send a HTTP request.
     * @param url the URL that need to be validated.
     * @return True if get a valid response, otherwise return false.
    private boolean isValidUrl(String url) {
        try {
            HttpResponse response = Unirest.get(url).asBinary();
            if (response.getStatus() != CODE_ERROR) {
                return true;
        } catch (UnirestException e) {
            //do nothing
        return false;

     * Return The array list that contains internal and/or external endpoint URL
     * of this camera (http://host:port).
    public ArrayList<String> getEndpoints() {
        ArrayList<String> endpointsArray = new ArrayList<String>();
        try {
            if (getInternalHost() != null && !getInternalHost().equals("null")) {
                String internalUrl = HTTP_PREFIX + getInternalHost() + ":" + getInternalHttpPort();
            if (getExternalHost() != null && !getExternalHost().equals("null")) {
                String externalUrl = HTTP_PREFIX + getExternalHost() + ":" + getExternalHttpPort();
        } catch (EvercamException e) {
        return endpointsArray;

     * Build camera's JSON object for API requests.
     * @param cameraDetail the produced camera detail object
     * @return a JSON object with all details for the camera
     * @throws JSONException
    private static JSONObject buildJSONObject(CameraDetail cameraDetail) throws JSONException {
        JSONObject cameraJSONObject = new JSONObject();
        cameraJSONObject.put("api_key", API.getUserKeyPair()[0]);
        cameraJSONObject.put("api_id", API.getUserKeyPair()[1]);
        if (cameraDetail.internalHost != null) {
            cameraJSONObject.put("internal_host", cameraDetail.internalHost);
        if (cameraDetail.internalHttpPort == null) {
            cameraJSONObject.put("internal_http_port", "");
        } else if (cameraDetail.internalHttpPort != 0) {
            cameraJSONObject.put("internal_http_port", cameraDetail.internalHttpPort);
        if (cameraDetail.internalRtspPort == null) {
            cameraJSONObject.put("internal_rtsp_port", "");
        } else if (cameraDetail.internalRtspPort != 0) {
            cameraJSONObject.put("internal_rtsp_port", cameraDetail.internalRtspPort);
        if (cameraDetail.externalHost != null) {
            cameraJSONObject.put("external_host", cameraDetail.externalHost);
        if (cameraDetail.externalHttpPort == null) {
            cameraJSONObject.put("external_http_port", "");
        } else if (cameraDetail.externalHttpPort != 0) {
            cameraJSONObject.put("external_http_port", cameraDetail.externalHttpPort);
        if (cameraDetail.externalRtspPort == null) {
            cameraJSONObject.put("external_rtsp_port", "");
        } else if (cameraDetail.externalRtspPort != 0) {
            cameraJSONObject.put("external_rtsp_port", cameraDetail.externalRtspPort);
        if (cameraDetail.jpgUrl != null) {
            cameraJSONObject.put("jpg_url", cameraDetail.jpgUrl);
        if (cameraDetail.mjpgUrl != null) {
            cameraJSONObject.put("mjpg_url", cameraDetail.mjpgUrl);
        if (cameraDetail.mpegUrl != null) {
            cameraJSONObject.put("mpeg_url", cameraDetail.mpegUrl);
        if (cameraDetail.h264Url != null) {
            cameraJSONObject.put("h264_url", cameraDetail.h264Url);
        if (cameraDetail.audioUrl != null) {
            cameraJSONObject.put("audio_url", cameraDetail.audioUrl);
        if (cameraDetail.isPublic != null) {
            cameraJSONObject.put("is_public", cameraDetail.isPublic);
        if (cameraDetail.isOnline != null) {
            cameraJSONObject.put("is_online", cameraDetail.isOnline);
        if (cameraDetail.cameraUsername != null) {
            cameraJSONObject.put("cam_username", cameraDetail.cameraUsername);
        if (cameraDetail.cameraPassword != null) {
            cameraJSONObject.put("cam_password", cameraDetail.cameraPassword);
        if ( != null) {
        if (cameraDetail.model != null) {
            cameraJSONObject.put("model", cameraDetail.model);
        if (cameraDetail.vendor != null) {
            cameraJSONObject.put("vendor", cameraDetail.vendor);
        if (cameraDetail.timezone != null) {
            cameraJSONObject.put("timezone", cameraDetail.timezone);
        if (cameraDetail.macAddress != null) {
            cameraJSONObject.put("mac_address", cameraDetail.macAddress);
        if (cameraDetail.locationLat != null) {
            cameraJSONObject.put("location_lat", cameraDetail.locationLat);
        if (cameraDetail.locationLng != null) {
            cameraJSONObject.put("location_lng", cameraDetail.locationLng);
        if (cameraDetail.locationLatString != null) {
            cameraJSONObject.put("location_lat", cameraDetail.locationLatString);
        if (cameraDetail.locationLngString != null) {
            cameraJSONObject.put("location_lng", cameraDetail.locationLngString);
        if (cameraDetail.isDiscoverable != null) {
            cameraJSONObject.put("discoverable", cameraDetail.isDiscoverable);
        return cameraJSONObject;

     * Return the 'internal' object of this camera.
     * Return null if it's a shared camera with no internal details.
    public Internal getInternalObject() throws EvercamException {
        try {
            JSONObject internalJsonObject = getJsonObjectByString("internal");
            return new Internal(internalJsonObject);
        } catch (EvercamException e) {
            return null;

     * Return the 'external' object of this camera.
     * Return null if it's a shared camera with no external details.
    public External getExternalObject() {
        try {
            JSONObject externalJsonObject = getJsonObjectByString("external");
            return new External(externalJsonObject);
        } catch (EvercamException e) {
            return null;

     * Return the dynamic DNS object of this camera.
    public ProxyUrl getProxyUrl() {
        try {
            JSONObject proxyUrlJsonObject = getJsonObjectByString("proxy_url");
            return new ProxyUrl(proxyUrlJsonObject);
        } catch (EvercamException e) {
            return null;

     * Return the authenticated user's rights on this camera
     * @throws EvercamException if no rights associated with the camera
    public Right getRights() throws EvercamException {
        try {
            String rightsString = jsonObject.getString("rights");
            return new Right(rightsString);
        } catch (JSONException e) {
            throw new EvercamException("No rights associated with this camera.");

     * Return the URL of latest snapshot thumbnail
    public String getThumbnailUrl() {
        final String THUMBNAIL_URL = MEDIA_URL + '/' + getId() + "/thumbnail";
        if(API.hasUserKeyPair()) {
            String apiKey = API.getUserKeyPair()[0];
            String apiId = API.getUserKeyPair()[1];
            return THUMBNAIL_URL + "?api_id=" + apiId + "&api_key=" + apiKey;
        return THUMBNAIL_URL;

     * Get camera list by requesting a specified URL and parameters as a map
    private static ArrayList<Camera> getByUrl(String url, Map<String, Object> parameterMap) throws EvercamException {
        ArrayList<Camera> cameraList = new ArrayList<Camera>();

        if (API.hasUserKeyPair()) {
            try {
                HttpResponse<JsonNode> response = Unirest.get(url).queryString(API.userKeyPairMap()).queryString(parameterMap)
                        .header("accept", "application/json").asJson();

                if (response.getStatus() == CODE_OK) {
                    JSONArray camerasJSONArray = response.getBody().getObject().getJSONArray("cameras");
                    for (int count = 0; count < camerasJSONArray.length(); count++) {
                        JSONObject cameraJSONObject = camerasJSONArray.getJSONObject(count);
                        cameraList.add(new Camera(cameraJSONObject));
                } else {
                    throw new EvercamException(response.getBody().toString());
            } catch (JSONException e) {
                throw new EvercamException(e);
            } catch (UnirestException e) {
                throw new EvercamException(e);
        } else {
            throw new EvercamException(EvercamException.MSG_USER_API_KEY_REQUIRED);
        return cameraList;

     * Tests if given camera parameters are correct
     * @param externalUrl    External camera URL, in format http://ip:port
     * @param jpgUrl         The snapshot URL ending
     * @param cameraUsername camera's username
     * @param cameraPassword camera's password
     * @return Return the snapshot if the snapshot is available, otherwise return null
     * @throws EvercamException
    public static Snapshot testSnapshot(String externalUrl, String jpgUrl, String cameraUsername, String
            cameraPassword, String vendor_id, String camera_exId) throws EvercamException {
        try {
            Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>();
            map.put("external_url", externalUrl);
            map.put("jpg_url", jpgUrl);
            map.put("cam_username", cameraUsername);
            map.put("cam_password", cameraPassword);

            String URL = (MEDIA_URL + "/test");
            HttpResponse<JsonNode> httpResponse =;
            int statusCode = httpResponse.getStatus();
            if (statusCode == CODE_OK) {
                return new Snapshot(httpResponse.getBody().getObject());
            } else{
                String message = httpResponse.getBody().getObject().getString("message");
                throw new EvercamException(message);
                JSONObject object = ((JsonNode)httpResponse.getBody()).getObject();
                ErrorResponse errorResponse = new ErrorResponse(object);
                String message = errorResponse.getMessage();
                throw new EvercamException(message);
        } catch (JSONException e) {
            throw new EvercamException(e);
        } catch (UnirestException e) {
            throw new EvercamException(e);