package erogenousbeef.core.multiblock;

import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Set;

import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound;
import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity;
import erogenousbeef.core.common.BeefCoreLog;
import erogenousbeef.core.common.CoordTriplet;

 * This class contains the base logic for "multiblock controllers". Conceptually, they are
 * meta-TileEntities. They govern the logic for an associated group of TileEntities.
 * Subordinate TileEntities implement the IMultiblockPart class and, generally, should not have an update() loop.
public abstract class MultiblockControllerBase {
	public static final short DIMENSION_UNBOUNDED = -1;

	// Multiblock stuff - do not mess with
	protected World worldObj;
	// Disassembled -> Assembled; Assembled -> Disassembled OR Paused; Paused -> Assembled
	protected enum AssemblyState { Disassembled, Assembled, Paused };
	protected AssemblyState assemblyState;

	protected HashSet<IMultiblockPart> connectedParts;
	/** This is a deterministically-picked coordinate that identifies this
	 * multiblock uniquely in its dimension.
	 * Currently, this is the coord with the lowest X, Y and Z coordinates, in that order of evaluation.
	 * i.e. If something has a lower X but higher Y/Z coordinates, it will still be the reference.
	 * If something has the same X but a lower Y coordinate, it will be the reference. Etc.
	private CoordTriplet referenceCoord;

	 * Minimum bounding box coordinate. Blocks do not necessarily exist at this coord if your machine
	 * is not a cube/rectangular prism.
	private CoordTriplet minimumCoord;

	 * Maximum bounding box coordinate. Blocks do not necessarily exist at this coord if your machine
	 * is not a cube/rectangular prism.
	private CoordTriplet maximumCoord;
	 * Set to true whenever a part is removed from this controller.
	private boolean shouldCheckForDisconnections;
	 * Set whenever we validate the multiblock
	private MultiblockValidationException lastValidationException;
	protected boolean debugMode;
	protected MultiblockControllerBase(World world) {
		// Multiblock stuff
		worldObj = world;
		connectedParts  = new HashSet<IMultiblockPart>();

		referenceCoord = null;
		assemblyState = AssemblyState.Disassembled;

		minimumCoord = null;
		maximumCoord = null;

		shouldCheckForDisconnections = true;
		lastValidationException = null;
		debugMode = false;

	public void setDebugMode(boolean active) {
		debugMode = active;
	public boolean isDebugMode() { return debugMode; }
	 * Call when a block with cached save-delegate data is added to the multiblock.
	 * The part will be notified that the data has been used after this call completes.
	 * @param part The NBT tag containing this controller's data.
	public abstract void onAttachedPartWithMultiblockData(IMultiblockPart part, NBTTagCompound data);
	 * Check if a block is being tracked by this machine.
	 * @param blockCoord Coordinate to check.
	 * @return True if the tile entity at blockCoord is being tracked by this machine, false otherwise.
	public boolean hasBlock(CoordTriplet blockCoord) {
		return connectedParts.contains(blockCoord);
	 * Attach a new part to this machine.
	 * @param part The part to add.
	public void attachBlock(IMultiblockPart part) {
		IMultiblockPart candidate;
		CoordTriplet coord = part.getWorldLocation();

		if(!connectedParts.add(part)) {
			BeefCoreLog.warning("[%s] Controller %s is double-adding part %d @ %s. This is unusual. If you encounter odd behavior, please tear down the machine and rebuild it.", (worldObj.isRemote?"CLIENT":"SERVER"), hashCode(), part.hashCode(), coord);

		if(part.hasMultiblockSaveData()) {
			NBTTagCompound savedData = part.getMultiblockSaveData();
			onAttachedPartWithMultiblockData(part, savedData);
		if(this.referenceCoord == null) {
			referenceCoord = coord;
		else if(coord.compareTo(referenceCoord) < 0) {
			TileEntity te = this.worldObj.getTileEntity(referenceCoord.x, referenceCoord.y, referenceCoord.z);
			referenceCoord = coord;
		else {
		if(minimumCoord != null) {
			if(part.xCoord < minimumCoord.x) { minimumCoord.x = part.xCoord; }
			if(part.yCoord < minimumCoord.y) { minimumCoord.y = part.yCoord; }
			if(part.zCoord < minimumCoord.z) { minimumCoord.z = part.zCoord; }
		if(maximumCoord != null) {
			if(part.xCoord > maximumCoord.x) { maximumCoord.x = part.xCoord; }
			if(part.yCoord > maximumCoord.y) { maximumCoord.y = part.yCoord; }
			if(part.zCoord > maximumCoord.z) { maximumCoord.z = part.zCoord; }
		MultiblockRegistry.addDirtyController(worldObj, this);

	 * Called when a new part is added to the machine. Good time to register things into lists.
	 * @param newPart The part being added.
	protected abstract void onBlockAdded(IMultiblockPart newPart);

	 * Called when a part is removed from the machine. Good time to clean up lists.
	 * @param oldPart The part being removed.
	protected abstract void onBlockRemoved(IMultiblockPart oldPart);
	 * Called when a machine is assembled from a disassembled state.
	protected abstract void onMachineAssembled();
	 * Called when a machine is restored to the assembled state from a paused state.
	protected abstract void onMachineRestored();

	 * Called when a machine is paused from an assembled state
	 * This generally only happens due to chunk-loads and other "system" events.
	protected abstract void onMachinePaused();
	 * Called when a machine is disassembled from an assembled state.
	 * This happens due to user or in-game actions (e.g. explosions)
	protected abstract void onMachineDisassembled();
	 * Callback whenever a part is removed (or will very shortly be removed) from a controller.
	 * Do housekeeping/callbacks, also nulls min/max coords.
	 * @param part The part being removed.
	private void onDetachBlock(IMultiblockPart part) {
		// Strip out this part

		minimumCoord = maximumCoord = null;
		if(referenceCoord != null && referenceCoord.equals(part.xCoord, part.yCoord, part.zCoord)) {
			referenceCoord = null;
		shouldCheckForDisconnections = true;
	 * Call to detach a block from this machine. Generally, this should be called
	 * when the tile entity is being released, e.g. on block destruction.
	 * @param part The part to detach from this machine.
	 * @param chunkUnloading Is this entity detaching due to the chunk unloading? If true, the multiblock will be paused instead of broken.
	public void detachBlock(IMultiblockPart part, boolean chunkUnloading) {
		if(chunkUnloading && this.assemblyState == AssemblyState.Assembled) {
			this.assemblyState = AssemblyState.Paused;

		// Strip out this part
		if(!connectedParts.remove(part)) {
			BeefCoreLog.warning("[%s] Double-removing part (%d) @ %d, %d, %d, this is unexpected and may cause problems. If you encounter anomalies, please tear down the reactor and rebuild it.", worldObj.isRemote?"CLIENT":"SERVER", part.hashCode(), part.xCoord, part.yCoord, part.zCoord);

		if(connectedParts.isEmpty()) {
			// Destroy/unregister
			MultiblockRegistry.addDeadController(this.worldObj, this);

		MultiblockRegistry.addDirtyController(this.worldObj,  this);

		// Find new save delegate if we need to.
		if(referenceCoord == null) {

	 * Helper method so we don't check for a whole machine until we have enough blocks
	 * to actually assemble it. This isn't as simple as xmax*ymax*zmax for non-cubic machines
	 * or for machines with hollow/complex interiors.
	 * @return The minimum number of blocks connected to the machine for it to be assembled.
	protected abstract int getMinimumNumberOfBlocksForAssembledMachine();

	 * Returns the maximum X dimension size of the machine, or -1 (DIMENSION_UNBOUNDED) to disable
	 * dimension checking in X. (This is not recommended.)
	 * @return The maximum X dimension size of the machine, or -1 
	protected abstract int getMaximumXSize();

	 * Returns the maximum Z dimension size of the machine, or -1 (DIMENSION_UNBOUNDED) to disable
	 * dimension checking in X. (This is not recommended.)
	 * @return The maximum Z dimension size of the machine, or -1 
	protected abstract int getMaximumZSize();

	 * Returns the maximum Y dimension size of the machine, or -1 (DIMENSION_UNBOUNDED) to disable
	 * dimension checking in X. (This is not recommended.)
	 * @return The maximum Y dimension size of the machine, or -1 
	protected abstract int getMaximumYSize();
	 * Returns the minimum X dimension size of the machine. Must be at least 1, because nothing else makes sense.
	 * @return The minimum X dimension size of the machine
	protected int getMinimumXSize() { return 1; }

	 * Returns the minimum Y dimension size of the machine. Must be at least 1, because nothing else makes sense.
	 * @return The minimum Y dimension size of the machine
	protected int getMinimumYSize() { return 1; }

	 * Returns the minimum Z dimension size of the machine. Must be at least 1, because nothing else makes sense.
	 * @return The minimum Z dimension size of the machine
	protected int getMinimumZSize() { return 1; }
	 * @return An exception representing the last error encountered when trying to assemble this
	 * multiblock, or null if there is no error.
	public MultiblockValidationException getLastValidationException() { return lastValidationException; }
	 * Checks if a machine is whole. If not, throws an exception with the reason why.
	protected abstract void isMachineWhole() throws MultiblockValidationException;
	 * Check if the machine is whole or not.
	 * If the machine was not whole, but now is, assemble the machine.
	 * If the machine was whole, but no longer is, disassemble the machine.
	 * @return 
	public void checkIfMachineIsWhole() {
		AssemblyState oldState = this.assemblyState;
		boolean isWhole;
		lastValidationException = null;
		try {
			isWhole = true;
		} catch (MultiblockValidationException e) {
			lastValidationException = e;
			isWhole = false;
		if(isWhole) {
			// This will alter assembly state
		else if(oldState == AssemblyState.Assembled) {
			// This will alter assembly state
		// Else Paused, do nothing
	 * Called when a machine becomes "whole" and should begin
	 * functioning as a game-logically finished machine.
	 * Calls onMachineAssembled on all attached parts.
	private void assembleMachine(AssemblyState oldState) {
		for(IMultiblockPart part : connectedParts) {
		this.assemblyState = AssemblyState.Assembled;
		if(oldState == assemblyState.Paused) {
		else {
	 * Called when the machine needs to be disassembled.
	 * It is not longer "whole" and should not be functional, usually
	 * as a result of a block being removed.
	 * Calls onMachineBroken on all attached parts.
	private void disassembleMachine() {
		for(IMultiblockPart part : connectedParts) {
		this.assemblyState = AssemblyState.Disassembled;
	 * Assimilate another controller into this controller.
	 * Acquire all of the other controller's blocks and attach them
	 * to this one.
	 * @param other The controller to merge into this one.
	public void assimilate(MultiblockControllerBase other) {
		CoordTriplet otherReferenceCoord = other.getReferenceCoord();
		if(otherReferenceCoord != null && getReferenceCoord().compareTo(otherReferenceCoord) >= 0) {
			throw new IllegalArgumentException("The controller with the lowest minimum-coord value must consume the one with the higher coords");

		TileEntity te;
		Set<IMultiblockPart> partsToAcquire = new HashSet<IMultiblockPart>(other.connectedParts);

		// releases all blocks and references gently so they can be incorporated into another multiblock
		for(IMultiblockPart acquiredPart : partsToAcquire) {
			// By definition, none of these can be the minimum block.
			if(acquiredPart.isInvalid()) { continue; }

	 * Called when this machine is consumed by another controller.
	 * Essentially, forcibly tear down this object.
	 * @param otherController The controller consuming this controller.
	private void _onAssimilated(MultiblockControllerBase otherController) {
		if(referenceCoord != null) {
			if(worldObj.getChunkProvider().chunkExists(referenceCoord.getChunkX(), referenceCoord.getChunkZ())) {
				TileEntity te = this.worldObj.getTileEntity(referenceCoord.x, referenceCoord.y, referenceCoord.z);
				if(te instanceof IMultiblockPart) {
			this.referenceCoord = null;

	 * Callback. Called after this controller assimilates all the blocks
	 * from another controller.
	 * Use this to absorb that controller's game data.
	 * @param assimilated The controller whose uniqueness was added to our own.
	protected abstract void onAssimilate(MultiblockControllerBase assimilated);
	 * Callback. Called after this controller is assimilated into another controller.
	 * All blocks have been stripped out of this object and handed over to the
	 * other controller.
	 * This is intended primarily for cleanup.
	 * @param assimilator The controller which has assimilated this controller.
	protected abstract void onAssimilated(MultiblockControllerBase assimilator);
	 * Driver for the update loop. If the machine is assembled, runs
	 * the game logic update method.
	 * @see erogenousbeef.core.multiblock.MultiblockControllerBase#update() //TODO Fix this Javadoc
	public final void updateMultiblockEntity() {
		if(connectedParts.isEmpty()) {
			// This shouldn't happen, but just in case...
			MultiblockRegistry.addDeadController(this.worldObj, this);

		if(this.assemblyState != AssemblyState.Assembled) {
			// Not assembled - don't run game logic

		if(worldObj.isRemote) {
		else if(updateServer()) {
			// If this returns true, the server has changed its internal data. 
			// If our chunks are loaded (they should be), we must mark our chunks as dirty.
			if(minimumCoord != null && maximumCoord != null &&
					 this.worldObj.checkChunksExist(minimumCoord.x, minimumCoord.y, minimumCoord.z,
							 						maximumCoord.x, maximumCoord.y, maximumCoord.z)) {
				int minChunkX = minimumCoord.x >> 4;
				int minChunkZ = minimumCoord.z >> 4;
				int maxChunkX = maximumCoord.x >> 4;
				int maxChunkZ = maximumCoord.z >> 4;
				for(int x = minChunkX; x <= maxChunkX; x++) {
					for(int z = minChunkZ; z <= maxChunkZ; z++) {
						// Ensure that we save our data, even if the our save delegate is in has no TEs.
						Chunk chunkToSave = this.worldObj.getChunkFromChunkCoords(x, z);
		// Else: Server, but no need to save data.
	 * The server-side update loop! Use this similarly to a TileEntity's update loop.
	 * You do not need to call your superclass' update() if you're directly
	 * derived from MultiblockControllerBase. This is a callback.
	 * Note that this will only be called when the machine is assembled.
	 * @return True if the multiblock should save data, i.e. its internal game state has changed. False otherwise.
	protected abstract boolean updateServer();
	 * Client-side update loop. Generally, this shouldn't do anything, but if you want
	 * to do some interpolation or something, do it here.
	protected abstract void updateClient();
	// Validation helpers
	 * The "frame" consists of the outer edges of the machine, plus the corners.
	 * @param world World object for the world in which this controller is located.
	 * @param x X coordinate of the block being tested
	 * @param y Y coordinate of the block being tested
	 * @param z Z coordinate of the block being tested
	 * @throws MultiblockValidationException if the tested block is not allowed on the machine's frame
	protected void isBlockGoodForFrame(World world, int x, int y, int z) throws MultiblockValidationException {
		throw new MultiblockValidationException(String.format("%d, %d, %d - Block is not valid for use in the machine's interior", x, y, z));

	 * The top consists of the top face, minus the edges.
	 * @param world World object for the world in which this controller is located.
	 * @param x X coordinate of the block being tested
	 * @param y Y coordinate of the block being tested
	 * @param z Z coordinate of the block being tested
	 * @throws MultiblockValidationException if the tested block is not allowed on the machine's top face
	protected void isBlockGoodForTop(World world, int x, int y, int z) throws MultiblockValidationException {
		throw new MultiblockValidationException(String.format("%d, %d, %d - Block is not valid for use in the machine's interior", x, y, z));
	 * The bottom consists of the bottom face, minus the edges.
	 * @param world World object for the world in which this controller is located.
	 * @param x X coordinate of the block being tested
	 * @param y Y coordinate of the block being tested
	 * @param z Z coordinate of the block being tested
	 * @throws MultiblockValidationException if the tested block is not allowed on the machine's bottom face
	protected void isBlockGoodForBottom(World world, int x, int y, int z) throws MultiblockValidationException {
		throw new MultiblockValidationException(String.format("%d, %d, %d - Block is not valid for use in the machine's interior", x, y, z));
	 * The sides consists of the N/E/S/W-facing faces, minus the edges.
	 * @param world World object for the world in which this controller is located.
	 * @param x X coordinate of the block being tested
	 * @param y Y coordinate of the block being tested
	 * @param z Z coordinate of the block being tested
	 * @throws MultiblockValidationException if the tested block is not allowed on the machine's side faces
	protected void isBlockGoodForSides(World world, int x, int y, int z) throws MultiblockValidationException {
		throw new MultiblockValidationException(String.format("%d, %d, %d - Block is not valid for use in the machine's interior", x, y, z));
	 * The interior is any block that does not touch blocks outside the machine.
	 * @param world World object for the world in which this controller is located.
	 * @param x X coordinate of the block being tested
	 * @param y Y coordinate of the block being tested
	 * @param z Z coordinate of the block being tested
	 * @throws MultiblockValidationException if the tested block is not allowed in the machine's interior
	protected void isBlockGoodForInterior(World world, int x, int y, int z) throws MultiblockValidationException {
		throw new MultiblockValidationException(String.format("%d, %d, %d - Block is not valid for use in the machine's interior", x, y, z));
	 * @return The reference coordinate, the block with the lowest x, y, z coordinates, evaluated in that order.
	public CoordTriplet getReferenceCoord() {
		if(referenceCoord == null) { selectNewReferenceCoord(); }
		return referenceCoord;
	 * @return The number of blocks connected to this controller.
	public int getNumConnectedBlocks() { return connectedParts.size(); }

	public abstract void writeToNBT(NBTTagCompound data);
	public abstract void readFromNBT(NBTTagCompound data);

	 * Force this multiblock to recalculate its minimum and maximum coordinates
	 * from the list of connected parts.
	public void recalculateMinMaxCoords() {
		minimumCoord = new CoordTriplet(Integer.MAX_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
		maximumCoord = new CoordTriplet(Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MIN_VALUE);

		for(IMultiblockPart part : connectedParts) {
			if(part.xCoord < minimumCoord.x) { minimumCoord.x = part.xCoord; }
			if(part.xCoord > maximumCoord.x) { maximumCoord.x = part.xCoord; }
			if(part.yCoord < minimumCoord.y) { minimumCoord.y = part.yCoord; }
			if(part.yCoord > maximumCoord.y) { maximumCoord.y = part.yCoord; }
			if(part.zCoord < minimumCoord.z) { minimumCoord.z = part.zCoord; }
			if(part.zCoord > maximumCoord.z) { maximumCoord.z = part.zCoord; }
	 * @return The minimum bounding-box coordinate containing this machine's blocks.
	public CoordTriplet getMinimumCoord() {
		if(minimumCoord == null) { recalculateMinMaxCoords(); }
		return minimumCoord.copy();

	 * @return The maximum bounding-box coordinate containing this machine's blocks.
	public CoordTriplet getMaximumCoord() {
		if(maximumCoord == null) { recalculateMinMaxCoords(); }
		return maximumCoord.copy();

	 * Called when the save delegate's tile entity is being asked for its description packet
	 * @param data A fresh compound tag to write your multiblock data into
	public abstract void formatDescriptionPacket(NBTTagCompound data);

	 * Called when the save delegate's tile entity receiving a description packet
	 * @param data A compound tag containing multiblock data to import
	public abstract void decodeDescriptionPacket(NBTTagCompound data);

	 * @return True if this controller has no associated blocks, false otherwise
	public boolean isEmpty() {
		return connectedParts.isEmpty();

	 * Tests whether this multiblock should consume the other multiblock
	 * and become the new multiblock master when the two multiblocks
	 * are adjacent. Assumes both multiblocks are the same type.
	 * @param otherController The other multiblock controller.
	 * @return True if this multiblock should consume the other, false otherwise.
	public boolean shouldConsume(MultiblockControllerBase otherController) {
		if(!otherController.getClass().equals(getClass())) {
			throw new IllegalArgumentException("Attempting to merge two multiblocks with different master classes - this should never happen!");
		if(otherController == this) { return false; } // Don't be silly, don't eat yourself.
		int res = _shouldConsume(otherController);
		if(res < 0) { return true; }
		else if(res > 0) { return false; }
		else {
			// Strip dead parts from both and retry
			BeefCoreLog.warning("[%s] Encountered two controllers with the same reference coordinate. Auditing connected parts and retrying.", worldObj.isRemote?"CLIENT":"SERVER");
			res = _shouldConsume(otherController);
			if(res < 0) { return true; }
			else if(res > 0) { return false; }
			else {
				BeefCoreLog.error("My Controller (%d): size (%d), parts: %s", hashCode(), connectedParts.size(), getPartsListString());
				BeefCoreLog.error("Other Controller (%d): size (%d), coords: %s", otherController.hashCode(), otherController.connectedParts.size(), otherController.getPartsListString());
				throw new IllegalArgumentException("[" + (worldObj.isRemote?"CLIENT":"SERVER") + "] Two controllers with the same reference coord that somehow both have valid parts - this should never happen!"); 

	private int _shouldConsume(MultiblockControllerBase otherController) {
		CoordTriplet myCoord = getReferenceCoord();
		CoordTriplet theirCoord = otherController.getReferenceCoord();
		// Always consume other controllers if their reference coordinate is null - this means they're empty and can be assimilated on the cheap
		if(theirCoord == null) { return -1; }
		else { return myCoord.compareTo(theirCoord); }
	private String getPartsListString() {
		StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
		boolean first = true;
		for(IMultiblockPart part : connectedParts) {
			if(!first) {
				sb.append(", ");
			sb.append(String.format("(%d: %d, %d, %d)", part.hashCode(), part.xCoord, part.yCoord, part.zCoord));
			first = false;
		return sb.toString();
	 * Checks all of the parts in the controller. If any are dead or do not exist in the world, they are removed.
	private void auditParts() {
		HashSet<IMultiblockPart> deadParts = new HashSet<IMultiblockPart>();
		for(IMultiblockPart part : connectedParts) {
			if(part.isInvalid() || worldObj.getTileEntity(part.xCoord, part.yCoord, part.zCoord) != part) {
		BeefCoreLog.warning("[%s] Controller found %d dead parts during an audit, %d parts remain attached", worldObj.isRemote?"CLIENT":"SERVER", deadParts.size(), connectedParts.size());

	 * Called when this machine may need to check for blocks that are no
	 * longer physically connected to the reference coordinate.
	 * @return
	public Set<IMultiblockPart> checkForDisconnections() {
		if(!this.shouldCheckForDisconnections) {
			return null;
		if(this.isEmpty()) {
			MultiblockRegistry.addDeadController(worldObj, this);
			return null;
		TileEntity te;
		IChunkProvider chunkProvider = worldObj.getChunkProvider();

		// Invalidate our reference coord, we'll recalculate it shortly
		referenceCoord = null;
		// Reset visitations and find the minimum coordinate
		Set<IMultiblockPart> deadParts = new HashSet<IMultiblockPart>();
		CoordTriplet c;
		IMultiblockPart referencePart = null;

		int originalSize = connectedParts.size();

		for(IMultiblockPart part : connectedParts) {
			// This happens during chunk unload.
			if(!chunkProvider.chunkExists(part.xCoord >> 4, part.zCoord >> 4) || part.isInvalid()) {
			if(worldObj.getTileEntity(part.xCoord, part.yCoord, part.zCoord) != part) {

			c = part.getWorldLocation();
			if(referenceCoord == null) {
				referenceCoord = c;
				referencePart = part;
			else if(c.compareTo(referenceCoord) < 0) {
				referenceCoord = c;
				referencePart = part;
		if(referencePart == null || isEmpty()) {
			// There are no valid parts remaining. The entire multiblock was unloaded during a chunk unload. Halt.
			shouldCheckForDisconnections = false;
			MultiblockRegistry.addDeadController(worldObj, this);
			return null;
		else {

		// Now visit all connected parts, breadth-first, starting from reference coord's part
		IMultiblockPart part;
		LinkedList<IMultiblockPart> partsToCheck = new LinkedList<IMultiblockPart>();
		IMultiblockPart[] nearbyParts = null;
		int visitedParts = 0;

		while(!partsToCheck.isEmpty()) {
			part = partsToCheck.removeFirst();

			nearbyParts = part.getNeighboringParts(); // Chunk-safe on server, but not on client
			for(IMultiblockPart nearbyPart : nearbyParts) {
				// Ignore different machines
				if(nearbyPart.getMultiblockController() != this) {

				if(!nearbyPart.isVisited()) {
		// Finally, remove all parts that remain disconnected.
		Set<IMultiblockPart> removedParts = new HashSet<IMultiblockPart>();
		for(IMultiblockPart orphanCandidate : connectedParts) {
			if (!orphanCandidate.isVisited()) {
				orphanCandidate.onOrphaned(this, originalSize, visitedParts);

		// Trim any blocks that were invalid, or were removed.
		// Cleanup. Not necessary, really.
		// Juuuust in case.
		if(referenceCoord == null) {
		// We've run the checks from here on out.
		shouldCheckForDisconnections = false;
		return removedParts;

	 * Detach all parts. Return a set of all parts which still
	 * have a valid tile entity. Chunk-safe.
	 * @return A set of all parts which still have a valid tile entity.
	public Set<IMultiblockPart> detachAllBlocks() {
		if(worldObj == null) { return new HashSet<IMultiblockPart>(); }
		IChunkProvider chunkProvider = worldObj.getChunkProvider();
		for(IMultiblockPart part : connectedParts) {
			if(chunkProvider.chunkExists(part.xCoord >> 4, part.zCoord >> 4)) {

		Set<IMultiblockPart> detachedParts = connectedParts;
		connectedParts = new HashSet<IMultiblockPart>();
		return detachedParts;

	 * @return True if this multiblock machine is considered assembled and ready to go.
	public boolean isAssembled() {
		return this.assemblyState == AssemblyState.Assembled;
	private void selectNewReferenceCoord() {
		IChunkProvider chunkProvider = worldObj.getChunkProvider();
		TileEntity theChosenOne = null;
		referenceCoord = null;

		for(IMultiblockPart part : connectedParts) {
			if(part.isInvalid() || !chunkProvider.chunkExists(part.xCoord >> 4, part.zCoord >> 4)) {
				// Chunk is unloading, skip this coord to prevent chunk thrashing

			if(referenceCoord == null || referenceCoord.compareTo(part.xCoord, part.yCoord, part.zCoord) > 0) {
				referenceCoord = part.getWorldLocation();
				theChosenOne = part;

		if(theChosenOne != null) {
	 * Marks the reference coord dirty & updateable.
	 * On the server, this will mark the for a data-update, so that
	 * nearby clients will receive an updated description packet from the server
	 * after a short time. The block's chunk will also be marked dirty and the
	 * block's chunk will be saved to disk the next time chunks are saved.
	 * On the client, this will mark the block for a rendering update.
	protected void markReferenceCoordForUpdate() {
		CoordTriplet rc = getReferenceCoord();
		if(worldObj != null && rc != null) {
			worldObj.markBlockForUpdate(rc.x, rc.y, rc.z);
	 * Marks the reference coord dirty.
	 * On the server, this marks the reference coord's chunk as dirty; the block (and chunk)
	 * will be saved to disk the next time chunks are saved. This does NOT mark it dirty for
	 * a description-packet update.
	 * On the client, does nothing.
	 * @see MultiblockControllerBase#markReferenceCoordForUpdate()
	protected void markReferenceCoordDirty() {
		if(worldObj == null || worldObj.isRemote) { return; }

		CoordTriplet referenceCoord = getReferenceCoord();
		if(referenceCoord == null) { return; }

		TileEntity saveTe = worldObj.getTileEntity(referenceCoord.x, referenceCoord.y, referenceCoord.z);
		worldObj.markTileEntityChunkModified(referenceCoord.x, referenceCoord.y, referenceCoord.z, saveTe);
