 * Copyright (c) 2015-2018 Skymind, Inc.
 * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
 * terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 which is available at
 * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
 * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

package org.deeplearning4j.nn.transferlearning;

import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
import lombok.val;
import org.deeplearning4j.nn.conf.*;
import org.deeplearning4j.nn.conf.distribution.Distribution;
import org.deeplearning4j.nn.conf.graph.GraphVertex;
import org.deeplearning4j.nn.conf.graph.LayerVertex;
import org.deeplearning4j.nn.conf.inputs.InputType;
import org.deeplearning4j.nn.conf.layers.FeedForwardLayer;
import org.deeplearning4j.nn.conf.layers.Layer;
import org.deeplearning4j.nn.graph.ComputationGraph;
import org.deeplearning4j.nn.graph.vertex.VertexIndices;
import org.deeplearning4j.nn.graph.vertex.impl.FrozenVertex;
import org.deeplearning4j.nn.graph.vertex.impl.InputVertex;
import org.deeplearning4j.nn.layers.FrozenLayer;
import org.deeplearning4j.nn.multilayer.MultiLayerNetwork;
import org.deeplearning4j.nn.weights.IWeightInit;
import org.deeplearning4j.nn.weights.WeightInit;
import org.deeplearning4j.nn.weights.WeightInitDistribution;
import org.nd4j.common.base.Preconditions;
import org.nd4j.linalg.api.buffer.DataType;
import org.nd4j.linalg.api.ndarray.INDArray;
import org.nd4j.linalg.factory.Nd4j;
import org.nd4j.common.primitives.Pair;
import org.nd4j.common.primitives.Triple;

import java.util.*;

 * The transfer learning API can be used to modify the architecture or the learning parameters of an existing multilayernetwork or computation graph.
 * It allows one to
 *  - change nOut of an existing layer
 *  - remove and add existing layers/vertices
 *  - fine tune learning configuration (learning rate, updater etc)
 *  - hold parameters for specified layers as a constant
public class TransferLearning {

    public static class Builder {
        private MultiLayerConfiguration origConf;
        private MultiLayerNetwork origModel;

        private MultiLayerNetwork editedModel;
        private FineTuneConfiguration finetuneConfiguration;
        private int frozenTill = -1;
        private int popN = 0;
        private boolean prepDone = false;
        private Set<Integer> editedLayers = new HashSet<>();
        private Map<Integer, Triple<Integer, IWeightInit, IWeightInit>> editedLayersMap =
                        new HashMap<>();
        private Map<Integer, Pair<Integer, IWeightInit>> nInEditedMap = new HashMap<>();
        private List<INDArray> editedParams = new ArrayList<>();
        private List<NeuralNetConfiguration> editedConfs = new ArrayList<>();
        private List<INDArray> appendParams = new ArrayList<>(); //these could be new arrays, and views from origParams
        private List<NeuralNetConfiguration> appendConfs = new ArrayList<>();

        private Map<Integer, InputPreProcessor> inputPreProcessors = new HashMap<>();

        private InputType inputType;
        private Boolean validateOutputLayerConfig;
        private DataType dataType;

         * Multilayer Network to tweak for transfer learning
         * @param origModel
        public Builder(MultiLayerNetwork origModel) {
            this.origModel = origModel;
            this.origConf = origModel.getLayerWiseConfigurations().clone();
            this.dataType = origModel.getLayerWiseConfigurations().getDataType();

            this.inputPreProcessors = origConf.getInputPreProcessors();

         * Fine tune configurations specified will overwrite the existing configuration if any
         * Usage example: specify a learning rate will set specified learning rate on all layers
         * Refer to the fineTuneConfiguration class for more details
         * @param finetuneConfiguration
         * @return Builder
        public Builder fineTuneConfiguration(FineTuneConfiguration finetuneConfiguration) {
            this.finetuneConfiguration = finetuneConfiguration;
            return this;

         * Specify a layer to set as a "feature extractor"
         * The specified layer and the layers preceding it will be "frozen" with parameters staying constant
         * @param layerNum
         * @return Builder
        public Builder setFeatureExtractor(int layerNum) {
            this.frozenTill = layerNum;
            return this;

         * Modify the architecture of a layer by changing nOut
         * Note this will also affect the layer that follows the layer specified, unless it is the output layer
         * @param layerNum The index of the layer to change nOut of
         * @param nOut     Value of nOut to change to
         * @param scheme   Weight Init scheme to use for params in layernum and layernum+1
         * @return Builder
        public Builder nOutReplace(int layerNum, int nOut, WeightInit scheme) {
            return nOutReplace(layerNum, nOut, scheme, scheme);

         * Modify the architecture of a layer by changing nOut
         * Note this will also affect the layer that follows the layer specified, unless it is the output layer
         * @param layerNum The index of the layer to change nOut of
         * @param nOut     Value of nOut to change to
         * @param dist     Distribution to use in conjunction with weight init DISTRIBUTION for params in layernum and layernum+1
         * @return Builder
         * @see org.deeplearning4j.nn.weights.WeightInit DISTRIBUTION
        public Builder nOutReplace(int layerNum, int nOut, Distribution dist) {
            return nOutReplace(layerNum, nOut, new WeightInitDistribution(dist), new WeightInitDistribution(dist));

         * Modify the architecture of a layer by changing nOut
         * Note this will also affect the layer that follows the layer specified, unless it is the output layer
         * Can specify different weight init schemes for the specified layer and the layer that follows it.
         * @param layerNum   The index of the layer to change nOut of
         * @param nOut       Value of nOut to change to
         * @param scheme     Weight Init scheme to use for params in the layerNum
         * @param schemeNext Weight Init scheme to use for params in the layerNum+1
         * @return Builder
        public Builder nOutReplace(int layerNum, int nOut, WeightInit scheme, WeightInit schemeNext) {
            if(scheme == WeightInit.DISTRIBUTION || schemeNext == WeightInit.DISTRIBUTION) {
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported!, Use " +
                        "nOutReplace(layerNum, nOut, new WeightInitDistribution(dist), new WeightInitDistribution(distNext)) instead!");
            return nOutReplace(layerNum, nOut, scheme.getWeightInitFunction(), schemeNext.getWeightInitFunction());

         * Modify the architecture of a layer by changing nOut
         * Note this will also affect the layer that follows the layer specified, unless it is the output layer
         * Can specify different weight init schemes for the specified layer and the layer that follows it.
         * @param layerNum The index of the layer to change nOut of
         * @param nOut     Value of nOut to change to
         * @param dist     Distribution to use for params in the layerNum
         * @param distNext Distribution to use for parmas in layerNum+1
         * @return Builder
         * @see org.deeplearning4j.nn.weights.WeightInitDistribution
        public Builder nOutReplace(int layerNum, int nOut, Distribution dist, Distribution distNext) {
            return nOutReplace(layerNum, nOut, new WeightInitDistribution(dist), new WeightInitDistribution(distNext));

         * Modify the architecture of a layer by changing nOut
         * Note this will also affect the layer that follows the layer specified, unless it is the output layer
         * Can specify different weight init schemes for the specified layer and the layer that follows it.
         * @param layerNum The index of the layer to change nOut of
         * @param nOut     Value of nOut to change to
         * @param scheme   Weight init scheme to use for params in layerNum
         * @param distNext Distribution to use for parmas in layerNum+1
         * @return Builder
         * @see org.deeplearning4j.nn.weights.WeightInitDistribution
        public Builder nOutReplace(int layerNum, int nOut, WeightInit scheme, Distribution distNext) {
            if(scheme == WeightInit.DISTRIBUTION) {
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported!, Use " +
                        "nOutReplace(int layerNum, int nOut, Distribution dist, Distribution distNext) instead!");
            return nOutReplace(layerNum, nOut, scheme.getWeightInitFunction(), new WeightInitDistribution(distNext));

         * Modify the architecture of a layer by changing nOut
         * Note this will also affect the layer that follows the layer specified, unless it is the output layer
         * Can specify different weight init schemes for the specified layer and the layer that follows it.
         * @param layerNum   The index of the layer to change nOut of
         * @param nOut       Value of nOut to change to
         * @param dist       Distribution to use for parmas in layerNum
         * @param schemeNext Weight init scheme to use for params in layerNum+1
         * @return Builder
         * @see org.deeplearning4j.nn.weights.WeightInitDistribution
        public Builder nOutReplace(int layerNum, int nOut, Distribution dist, WeightInit schemeNext) {
            return nOutReplace(layerNum, nOut, new WeightInitDistribution(dist), schemeNext.getWeightInitFunction());

         * Modify the architecture of a layer by changing nOut
         * Note this will also affect the layer that follows the layer specified, unless it is the output layer
         * Can specify different weight init schemes for the specified layer and the layer that follows it.
         * @param layerNum   The index of the layer to change nOut of
         * @param nOut       Value of nOut to change to
         * @param scheme     Weight Init scheme to use for params in the layerNum
         * @param schemeNext Weight Init scheme to use for params in the layerNum+1
        public Builder nOutReplace(int layerNum, int nOut, IWeightInit scheme, IWeightInit schemeNext) {
            Triple<Integer, IWeightInit, IWeightInit> t =
                            new Triple<>(nOut, scheme, schemeNext);
            editedLayersMap.put(layerNum, t);
            return this;

         * Modify the architecture of a vertex layer by changing nIn of the specified layer.<br>
         * Note that only the specified layer will be modified - all other layers will not be changed by this call.
         * @param layerNum The number of the layer to change nIn of
         * @param nIn      Value of nIn to change to
         * @param scheme   Weight init scheme to use for params in layerName
         * @return Builder
        public Builder nInReplace(int layerNum, int nIn, WeightInit scheme) {
            return nInReplace(layerNum, nIn, scheme, null);

         * Modify the architecture of a vertex layer by changing nIn of the specified layer.<br>
         * Note that only the specified layer will be modified - all other layers will not be changed by this call.
         * @param layerNum The number of the layer to change nIn of
         * @param nIn      Value of nIn to change to
         * @param scheme   Weight init scheme to use for params in layerName
         * @return Builder
        public Builder nInReplace(int layerNum, int nIn, WeightInit scheme, Distribution dist) {
            return nInReplace(layerNum, nIn, scheme.getWeightInitFunction(dist));

         * Modify the architecture of a vertex layer by changing nIn of the specified layer.<br>
         * Note that only the specified layer will be modified - all other layers will not be changed by this call.
         * @param layerNum The number of the layer to change nIn of
         * @param nIn      Value of nIn to change to
         * @param scheme   Weight init scheme to use for params in layerName
         * @return Builder
        public Builder nInReplace(int layerNum, int nIn, IWeightInit scheme) {
            Pair<Integer, IWeightInit> d = new Pair<>(nIn, scheme);
            nInEditedMap.put(layerNum, d);
            return this;

         * Helper method to remove the outputLayer of the net.
         * Only one of the two - removeOutputLayer() or removeLayersFromOutput(layerNum) - can be specified
         * When removing layers at the very least an output layer should be added with .addLayer(...)
         * @return Builder
        public Builder removeOutputLayer() {
            popN = 1;
            return this;

         * Remove last "n" layers of the net
         * At least an output layer must be added back in
         * @param layerNum number of layers to remove
         * @return Builder
        public Builder removeLayersFromOutput(int layerNum) {
            if (popN == 0) {
                popN = layerNum;
            } else {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Remove layers from can only be called once");
            return this;

         * Add layers to the net
         * Required if layers are removed. Can be called multiple times and layers will be added in the order with which they were called.
         * At the very least an outputLayer must be added (output layer should be added last - as per the note on order)
         * Learning configs (like updaters, learning rate etc) specified with the layer here will be honored
         * @param layer layer conf to add (similar to the NeuralNetConfiguration .list().layer(...)
         * @return Builder
        public Builder addLayer(Layer layer) {

            if (!prepDone) {

            // Use the fineTune config to create the required NeuralNetConfiguration + Layer instances
            //instantiate dummy layer to get the params

            //Build a nn config builder with settings from finetune. Set layer with the added layer
            //Issue: fine tune config has .learningRate(x), then I add a layer with .learningRate(y)...
            //We don't want that to be overridden
            NeuralNetConfiguration layerConf =

            val numParams = layer.initializer().numParams(layerConf);
            INDArray params;
            if (numParams > 0) {
                params = Nd4j.create(origModel.getLayerWiseConfigurations().getDataType(), 1, numParams);
                org.deeplearning4j.nn.api.Layer someLayer = layer.instantiate(layerConf, null, 0, params, true, dataType);
            } else {

            return this;

         * Specify the preprocessor for the added layers
         * for cases where they cannot be inferred automatically.
         * @param processor to be used on the data
         * @return Builder
        public Builder setInputPreProcessor(int layer, InputPreProcessor processor) {
            inputPreProcessors.put(layer, processor);
            return this;

        public Builder validateOutputLayerConfig(boolean validate){
            this.validateOutputLayerConfig = validate;
            return this;

         * Returns a model with the fine tune configuration and specified architecture changes.
         * .init() need not be called. Can be directly fit.
         * @return MultiLayerNetwork
        public MultiLayerNetwork build() {

            if (!prepDone) {

            editedModel = new MultiLayerNetwork(constructConf(), constructParams());
            if (frozenTill != -1) {
                org.deeplearning4j.nn.api.Layer[] layers = editedModel.getLayers();
                for (int i = frozenTill; i >= 0; i--) {
                    //Complication here: inner Layer (implementation) NeuralNetConfiguration.layer (config) should keep
                    // the original layer config. While network NNC should have the frozen layer, for to/from JSON etc
                    NeuralNetConfiguration origNNC = editedModel.getLayerWiseConfigurations().getConf(i);
                    NeuralNetConfiguration layerNNC = origNNC.clone();
                    layers[i] = new FrozenLayer(layers[i]);

                    if (origNNC.getVariables() != null) {
                        List<String> vars = origNNC.variables(true);
                        for (String s : vars) {

                    Layer origLayerConf = editedModel.getLayerWiseConfigurations().getConf(i).getLayer();
                    Layer newLayerConf = new org.deeplearning4j.nn.conf.layers.misc.FrozenLayer(origLayerConf);

            return editedModel;

        private void doPrep() {
            //first set finetune configs on all layers in model

            //editParams gets original model params
            for (int i = 0; i < origModel.getnLayers(); i++) {
                if (origModel.getLayer(i).numParams() > 0) {
                    //dup only if params are there
                } else {
            //apply changes to nout/nin if any in sorted order and save to editedParams
            if (!editedLayers.isEmpty()) {
                Integer[] editedLayersSorted = editedLayers.toArray(new Integer[editedLayers.size()]);
                for (int i = 0; i < editedLayersSorted.length; i++) {
                    int layerNum = editedLayersSorted[i];
                    nOutReplaceBuild(layerNum, editedLayersMap.get(layerNum).getLeft(),

                Integer[] editedLayersSorted = nInEditedMap.keySet().toArray(new Integer[nInEditedMap.size()]);
                for (Integer layerNum : editedLayersSorted) {
                    Pair<Integer,IWeightInit> d = nInEditedMap.get(layerNum);
                    nInReplaceBuild(layerNum, d.getFirst(), d.getSecond());

            //finally pop layers specified
            int i = 0;
            while (i < popN) {
                Integer layerNum = origModel.getnLayers() - i;
                if (inputPreProcessors.containsKey(layerNum)) {
                editedConfs.remove(editedConfs.size() - 1);
                editedParams.remove(editedParams.size() - 1);
            prepDone = true;


        private void fineTuneConfigurationBuild() {

            for (int i = 0; i < origConf.getConfs().size(); i++) {
                NeuralNetConfiguration layerConf;
                if (finetuneConfiguration != null) {
                    NeuralNetConfiguration nnc = origConf.getConf(i).clone();
                    layerConf = nnc;
                } else {
                    layerConf = origConf.getConf(i).clone();

        private void nInReplaceBuild(int layerNum, int nIn, IWeightInit init) {
            Preconditions.checkArgument(layerNum >= 0 && layerNum < editedConfs.size(), "Invalid layer index: must be 0 to " +
                    "numLayers-1 = %s includive, got %s", editedConfs.size(), layerNum);
            NeuralNetConfiguration layerConf = editedConfs.get(layerNum);
            Layer layerImpl = layerConf.getLayer(); //not a clone need to modify nOut in place
            Preconditions.checkArgument(layerImpl instanceof FeedForwardLayer, "nInReplace can only be applide on FeedForward layers;" +
                    "got layer of type %s", layerImpl.getClass().getSimpleName());
            FeedForwardLayer layerImplF = (FeedForwardLayer) layerImpl;
            long numParams = layerImpl.initializer().numParams(layerConf);
            INDArray params = Nd4j.create(origModel.getLayerWiseConfigurations().getDataType(), 1, numParams);
            org.deeplearning4j.nn.api.Layer someLayer = layerImpl.instantiate(layerConf, null, 0, params, true, dataType);
            editedParams.set(layerNum, someLayer.params());

        private void nOutReplaceBuild(int layerNum, int nOut, IWeightInit scheme, IWeightInit schemeNext) {
            Preconditions.checkArgument(layerNum >= 0 && layerNum < editedConfs.size(), "Invalid layer index: must be 0 to " +
                    "numLayers-1 = %s includive, got %s", editedConfs.size(), layerNum);

            NeuralNetConfiguration layerConf = editedConfs.get(layerNum);
            Layer layerImpl = layerConf.getLayer(); //not a clone need to modify nOut in place
            Preconditions.checkArgument(layerImpl instanceof FeedForwardLayer, "nOutReplace can only be applide on FeedForward layers;" +
                    "got layer of type %s", layerImpl.getClass().getSimpleName());
            FeedForwardLayer layerImplF = (FeedForwardLayer) layerImpl;
            long numParams = layerImpl.initializer().numParams(layerConf);
            INDArray params = Nd4j.create(origModel.getLayerWiseConfigurations().getDataType(), 1, numParams);
            org.deeplearning4j.nn.api.Layer someLayer = layerImpl.instantiate(layerConf, null, 0, params, true, dataType);
            editedParams.set(layerNum, someLayer.params());

            if (layerNum + 1 < editedConfs.size()) {
                layerConf = editedConfs.get(layerNum + 1);
                layerImpl = layerConf.getLayer(); //modify in place
                if(layerImpl instanceof FeedForwardLayer) {
                    layerImplF = (FeedForwardLayer) layerImpl;
                    numParams = layerImpl.initializer().numParams(layerConf);
                    if (numParams > 0) {
                        params = Nd4j.create(origModel.getLayerWiseConfigurations().getDataType(), 1, numParams);
                        someLayer = layerImpl.instantiate(layerConf, null, 0, params, true, dataType);
                        editedParams.set(layerNum + 1, someLayer.params());


        private INDArray constructParams() {
            //some params will be null for subsampling etc
            INDArray keepView = null;
            for (INDArray aParam : editedParams) {
                if (aParam != null) {
                    if (keepView == null) {
                        keepView = aParam;
                    } else {
                        keepView = Nd4j.hstack(keepView, aParam);
            if (!appendParams.isEmpty()) {
                INDArray appendView = Nd4j.hstack(appendParams);
                return Nd4j.hstack(keepView, appendView);
            } else {
                return keepView;

        private MultiLayerConfiguration constructConf() {
            //use the editedConfs list to make a new config
            List<NeuralNetConfiguration> allConfs = new ArrayList<>();

            //Set default layer names, if not set - as per NeuralNetConfiguration.ListBuilder.build()
            for (int i = 0; i < allConfs.size(); i++) {
                if (allConfs.get(i).getLayer().getLayerName() == null) {
                    allConfs.get(i).getLayer().setLayerName("layer" + i);

            MultiLayerConfiguration conf = new MultiLayerConfiguration.Builder().inputPreProcessors(inputPreProcessors)
                            .validateOutputLayerConfig(validateOutputLayerConfig == null ? true : validateOutputLayerConfig)
            if (finetuneConfiguration != null) {
            return conf;

    public static class GraphBuilder {
        private ComputationGraph origGraph;
        private ComputationGraphConfiguration origConfig;

        private FineTuneConfiguration fineTuneConfiguration;
        private ComputationGraphConfiguration.GraphBuilder editedConfigBuilder;

        private String[] frozenOutputAt;
        private boolean hasFrozen = false;
        private Set<String> editedVertices = new HashSet<>();
        private WorkspaceMode workspaceMode;
        private Boolean validateOutputLayerConfig = null;

        private Map<String,Integer> nInFromNewConfig = new HashMap<>();

         * Computation Graph to tweak for transfer learning
         * @param origGraph
        public GraphBuilder(ComputationGraph origGraph) {
            this.origGraph = origGraph;
            this.origConfig = origGraph.getConfiguration().clone();

         * Set parameters to selectively override existing learning parameters
         * Usage eg. specify a lower learning rate. This will get applied to all layers
         * @param fineTuneConfiguration
         * @return GraphBuilder
        public GraphBuilder fineTuneConfiguration(FineTuneConfiguration fineTuneConfiguration) {
            this.fineTuneConfiguration = fineTuneConfiguration;
            this.editedConfigBuilder = new ComputationGraphConfiguration.GraphBuilder(origConfig,

            Map<String, GraphVertex> vertices = this.editedConfigBuilder.getVertices();
            for (Map.Entry<String, GraphVertex> gv : vertices.entrySet()) {
                if (gv.getValue() instanceof LayerVertex) {
                    LayerVertex lv = (LayerVertex) gv.getValue();
                    NeuralNetConfiguration nnc = lv.getLayerConf().clone();
                    vertices.put(gv.getKey(), new LayerVertex(nnc, lv.getPreProcessor()));

            return this;

         * Specify a layer vertex to set as a "feature extractor"
         * The specified layer vertex and the layers on the path from an input vertex to it will be "frozen" with parameters staying constant
         * @param layerName
         * @return Builder
        public GraphBuilder setFeatureExtractor(String... layerName) {
            this.hasFrozen = true;
            this.frozenOutputAt = layerName;
            return this;

         * Modify the architecture of a vertex layer by changing nOut
         * Note this will also affect the vertex layer that follows the layer specified, unless it is the output layer
         * Currently does not support modifying nOut of layers that feed into non-layer vertices like merge, subset etc
         * To modify nOut for such vertices use remove vertex, followed by add vertex
         * Can specify different weight init schemes for the specified layer and the layer that follows it.
         * @param layerName The name of the layer to change nOut of
         * @param nOut      Value of nOut to change to
         * @param scheme    Weight init scheme to use for params in layerName and the layers following it
         * @return GraphBuilder
         * @see org.deeplearning4j.nn.weights.WeightInit DISTRIBUTION
        public GraphBuilder nOutReplace(String layerName, int nOut, WeightInit scheme) {
            return nOutReplace(layerName, nOut, scheme, scheme);

         * Modify the architecture of a vertex layer by changing nOut
         * Note this will also affect the vertex layer that follows the layer specified, unless it is the output layer
         * Currently does not support modifying nOut of layers that feed into non-layer vertices like merge, subset etc
         * To modify nOut for such vertices use remove vertex, followed by add vertex
         * Can specify different weight init schemes for the specified layer and the layer that follows it.
         * @param layerName The name of the layer to change nOut of
         * @param nOut      Value of nOut to change to
         * @param dist      Weight distribution scheme to use
         * @return GraphBuilder
         * @see org.deeplearning4j.nn.weights.WeightInit DISTRIBUTION
        public GraphBuilder nOutReplace(String layerName, int nOut, Distribution dist) {
            return nOutReplace(layerName, nOut, dist, dist);

         * Modified nOut of specified layer. Also affects layers following layerName unless they are output layers
         * @param layerName The name of the layer to change nOut of
         * @param nOut      Value of nOut to change to
         * @param dist      Weight distribution scheme to use for layerName
         * @param distNext  Weight distribution scheme for layers following layerName
         * @return GraphBuilder
         * @see org.deeplearning4j.nn.weights.WeightInit DISTRIBUTION
        public GraphBuilder nOutReplace(String layerName, int nOut, Distribution dist, Distribution distNext) {
            return nOutReplace(layerName, nOut, new WeightInitDistribution(dist), new WeightInitDistribution(distNext));

        public GraphBuilder nOutReplace(String layerName, int nOut, WeightInit scheme, Distribution dist) {
            if(scheme == WeightInit.DISTRIBUTION) {
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported!, Use " +
                        "nOutReplace(layerNum, nOut, new WeightInitDistribution(dist), new WeightInitDistribution(distNext)) instead!");
            return nOutReplace(layerName, nOut, scheme.getWeightInitFunction(), new WeightInitDistribution(dist));

        public GraphBuilder nOutReplace(String layerName, int nOut, Distribution dist, WeightInit scheme) {
            if(scheme == WeightInit.DISTRIBUTION) {
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported!, Use " +
                        "nOutReplace(layerNum, nOut, new WeightInitDistribution(dist), new WeightInitDistribution(distNext)) instead!");
            return nOutReplace(layerName, nOut, new WeightInitDistribution(dist), scheme.getWeightInitFunction());

        public GraphBuilder nOutReplace(String layerName, int nOut, WeightInit scheme, WeightInit schemeNext) {
            if(scheme == WeightInit.DISTRIBUTION || schemeNext == WeightInit.DISTRIBUTION) {
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported!, Use " +
                        "nOutReplace(layerNum, nOut, new WeightInitDistribution(dist), new WeightInitDistribution(distNext)) instead!");
            return nOutReplace(layerName, nOut, scheme.getWeightInitFunction(), schemeNext.getWeightInitFunction());

         * Modify the architecture of a vertex layer by changing nIn of the specified layer.<br>
         * Note that only the specified layer will be modified - all other layers will not be changed by this call.
         * @param layerName The name of the layer to change nIn of
         * @param nIn      Value of nIn to change to
         * @param scheme    Weight init scheme to use for params in layerName
         * @return GraphBuilder
        public GraphBuilder nInReplace(String layerName, int nIn, WeightInit scheme) {
            return nInReplace(layerName, nIn, scheme, null);

        public GraphBuilder validateOutputLayerConfig(boolean validateOutputLayerConfig){
            this.validateOutputLayerConfig = validateOutputLayerConfig;
            return this;

         * Modify the architecture of a vertex layer by changing nIn of the specified layer.<br>
         * Note that only the specified layer will be modified - all other layers will not be changed by this call.
         * @param layerName The name of the layer to change nIn of
         * @param nIn       Value of nIn to change to
         * @param scheme    Weight init scheme to use for params in layerName and the layers following it
         * @return GraphBuilder
        public GraphBuilder nInReplace(String layerName, int nIn, WeightInit scheme, Distribution dist) {
            return nInReplace(layerName, nIn, scheme.getWeightInitFunction(dist));

         * Modify the architecture of a vertex layer by changing nIn of the specified layer.<br>
         * Note that only the specified layer will be modified - all other layers will not be changed by this call.
         * @param layerName The name of the layer to change nIn of
         * @param nIn       Value of nIn to change to
         * @param scheme    Weight init scheme to use for params in layerName and the layers following it
         * @return GraphBuilder
        public GraphBuilder nInReplace(String layerName, int nIn, IWeightInit scheme) {
            Preconditions.checkState(origGraph.getVertex(layerName) != null, "Layer with name %s not found",
            Preconditions.checkState(origGraph.getVertex(layerName).hasLayer(), "nInReplace can only be applied" +
                    " on vertices with layers. Vertex %s does not have a layer", layerName);

            NeuralNetConfiguration layerConf = origGraph.getLayer(layerName).conf();
            Layer layerImpl = layerConf.getLayer().clone();

            Preconditions.checkState(layerImpl instanceof FeedForwardLayer, "Can only use nInReplace on FeedForward layers;" +
                    "got layer of type %s for layer name %s", layerImpl.getClass().getSimpleName(), layerName);

            FeedForwardLayer layerImplF = (FeedForwardLayer) layerImpl;

            if(editedVertices.contains(layerName) && editedConfigBuilder.getVertices().get(layerName) instanceof LayerVertex
                    && nInFromNewConfig.containsKey(layerName)){
                Layer l = ((LayerVertex)editedConfigBuilder.getVertices().get(layerName)).getLayerConf().getLayer();
                if(l instanceof FeedForwardLayer){

            editedConfigBuilder.removeVertex(layerName, false);
            LayerVertex lv = (LayerVertex) origConfig.getVertices().get(layerName);
            String[] lvInputs = origConfig.getVertexInputs().get(layerName).toArray(new String[0]);
            editedConfigBuilder.addLayer(layerName, layerImpl, lv.getPreProcessor(), lvInputs);

            return this;

        private GraphBuilder nOutReplace(String layerName, int nOut, IWeightInit scheme, IWeightInit schemeNext) {

            if (origGraph.getVertex(layerName).hasLayer()) {

                NeuralNetConfiguration layerConf = origGraph.getLayer(layerName).conf();
                Layer layerImpl = layerConf.getLayer().clone();
                FeedForwardLayer layerImplF = (FeedForwardLayer) layerImpl;

                if(editedVertices.contains(layerName) && editedConfigBuilder.getVertices().get(layerName) instanceof LayerVertex
                        && nInFromNewConfig.containsKey(layerName)){
                    Layer l = ((LayerVertex)editedConfigBuilder.getVertices().get(layerName)).getLayerConf().getLayer();
                    if(l instanceof FeedForwardLayer){

                editedConfigBuilder.removeVertex(layerName, false);
                LayerVertex lv = (LayerVertex) origConfig.getVertices().get(layerName);
                String[] lvInputs = origConfig.getVertexInputs().get(layerName).toArray(new String[0]);
                editedConfigBuilder.addLayer(layerName, layerImpl, lv.getPreProcessor(), lvInputs);

                //collect other vertices that have this vertex as inputs
                List<String> fanoutVertices = new ArrayList<>();
                for (Map.Entry<String, List<String>> entry : origConfig.getVertexInputs().entrySet()) {
                    String currentVertex = entry.getKey();
                    if (!currentVertex.equals(layerName)) {
                        if (entry.getValue().contains(layerName)) {

                //change nIn of fanout
                for (String fanoutVertexName : fanoutVertices) {
                    if (!origGraph.getVertex(fanoutVertexName).hasLayer()) {
                        throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
                                        "Cannot modify nOut of a layer vertex that feeds non-layer vertices. Use removeVertexKeepConnections followed by addVertex instead");
                    layerConf = origGraph.getLayer(fanoutVertexName).conf();
                    if(!(layerConf.getLayer() instanceof FeedForwardLayer))
                    layerImpl = layerConf.getLayer().clone();
                    layerImplF = (FeedForwardLayer) layerImpl;

                    nInFromNewConfig.put(fanoutVertexName, nOut);

                    editedConfigBuilder.removeVertex(fanoutVertexName, false);
                    lv = (LayerVertex) origConfig.getVertices().get(fanoutVertexName);
                    lvInputs = origConfig.getVertexInputs().get(fanoutVertexName).toArray(new String[0]);
                    editedConfigBuilder.addLayer(fanoutVertexName, layerImpl, lv.getPreProcessor(), lvInputs);
                    if(validateOutputLayerConfig != null) {
            } else {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("noutReplace can only be applied to layer vertices. " + layerName
                                + " is not a layer vertex");
            return this;

         * Remove the specified vertex from the computation graph but keep it's connections.
         * Note the expectation here is to then add back another vertex with the same name or else the graph will be left in an invalid state
         * Possibly with references to vertices that no longer exist
         * @param outputName
         * @return
        public GraphBuilder removeVertexKeepConnections(String outputName) {
            editedConfigBuilder.removeVertex(outputName, false);
            return this;

         * Remove specified vertex and it's connections from the computation graph
         * @param vertexName
         * @return
        public GraphBuilder removeVertexAndConnections(String vertexName) {
            editedConfigBuilder.removeVertex(vertexName, true);
            return this;

         * Add a layer of the specified configuration to the computation graph
         * @param layerName
         * @param layer
         * @param layerInputs
         * @return
        public GraphBuilder addLayer(String layerName, Layer layer, String... layerInputs) {
            editedConfigBuilder.addLayer(layerName, layer, null, layerInputs);
            return this;

         * Add a layer with a specified preprocessor
         * @param layerName
         * @param layer
         * @param preProcessor
         * @param layerInputs
         * @return
        public GraphBuilder addLayer(String layerName, Layer layer, InputPreProcessor preProcessor,
                        String... layerInputs) {
            editedConfigBuilder.addLayer(layerName, layer, preProcessor, layerInputs);
            return this;

         * Add a vertex of the given configuration to the computation graph
         * @param vertexName
         * @param vertex
         * @param vertexInputs
         * @return
        public GraphBuilder addVertex(String vertexName, GraphVertex vertex, String... vertexInputs) {
            editedConfigBuilder.addVertex(vertexName, vertex, vertexInputs);
            return this;

         * Set outputs to the computation graph, will add to ones that are existing
         * Also determines the order, like in ComputationGraphConfiguration
         * @param outputNames
         * @return
        public GraphBuilder setOutputs(String... outputNames) {
            return this;

        private void initBuilderIfReq() {
            if (editedConfigBuilder == null) {
                //No fine tune config has been set. One isn't required, but we need one to create the editedConfigBuilder
                //So: create an empty finetune config, which won't override anything
                //but keep the seed
                fineTuneConfiguration(new FineTuneConfiguration.Builder()

         * Sets new inputs for the computation graph. This method will remove any
         * pre-existing inputs.
         * @param inputs String names of each graph input.
         * @return {@code GraphBuilder} instance.
        public GraphBuilder setInputs(String... inputs) {
            return this;

         * Sets the input type of corresponding inputs.
         * @param inputTypes The type of input (such as convolutional).
         * @return {@code GraphBuilder} instance.
        public GraphBuilder setInputTypes(InputType... inputTypes) {
            return this;

        public GraphBuilder addInputs(String... inputNames) {
            return this;

        public GraphBuilder setWorkspaceMode(WorkspaceMode workspaceMode) {
            this.workspaceMode = workspaceMode;
            return this;

         * Returns a computation graph build to specifications.
         * Init has been internally called. Can be fit directly.
         * @return Computation graph
        public ComputationGraph build() {

            ComputationGraphConfiguration newConfig = editedConfigBuilder
                    .validateOutputLayerConfig(validateOutputLayerConfig == null ? true : validateOutputLayerConfig).build();
            if (this.workspaceMode != null)
            ComputationGraph newGraph = new ComputationGraph(newConfig);

            int[] topologicalOrder = newGraph.topologicalSortOrder();
            org.deeplearning4j.nn.graph.vertex.GraphVertex[] vertices = newGraph.getVertices();
            if (!editedVertices.isEmpty()) {
                //set params from orig graph as necessary to new graph
                for (int i = 0; i < topologicalOrder.length; i++) {

                    if (!vertices[topologicalOrder[i]].hasLayer())

                    org.deeplearning4j.nn.api.Layer layer = vertices[topologicalOrder[i]].getLayer();
                    String layerName = vertices[topologicalOrder[i]].getVertexName();
                    long range = layer.numParams();
                    if (range <= 0)
                        continue; //some layers have no params
                    if (editedVertices.contains(layerName))
                        continue; //keep the changed params
                    INDArray origParams = origGraph.getLayer(layerName).params();
                    layer.setParams(origParams.dup()); //copy over origGraph params
            } else {

            //Freeze layers as necessary. Note: we can't simply say "everything before frozen layer X needs to be frozen
            // also" as this won't always work. For example, in1->A->C, in2->B->C, freeze B; A shouldn't be frozen, even
            // if A is before B in the topological sort order.
            //How it should be handled: use the graph structure + topological sort order.
            // If a vertex is marked to be frozen: freeze it
            // Any descendants of a frozen layer should also be frozen
            if (hasFrozen) {

                //Store all frozen layers, and any vertices inheriting from said layers
                Set<String> allFrozen = new HashSet<>();
                Collections.addAll(allFrozen, frozenOutputAt);

                for (int i = topologicalOrder.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                    org.deeplearning4j.nn.graph.vertex.GraphVertex gv = vertices[topologicalOrder[i]];
                    if (allFrozen.contains(gv.getVertexName())) {
                        if (gv.hasLayer()) {
                            //Need to freeze this layer - both the layer implementation, and the layer configuration
                            org.deeplearning4j.nn.api.Layer l = gv.getLayer();

                            String layerName = gv.getVertexName();
                            LayerVertex currLayerVertex = (LayerVertex) newConfig.getVertices().get(layerName);
                            Layer origLayerConf = currLayerVertex.getLayerConf().getLayer();
                            Layer newLayerConf = new org.deeplearning4j.nn.conf.layers.misc.FrozenLayer(origLayerConf);
                            //Complication here(and reason for clone on next line): inner Layer (implementation)
                            // NeuralNetConfiguration.layer (config) should keep the original layer config. While network
                            // NNC should have the frozen layer
                            NeuralNetConfiguration newNNC = currLayerVertex.getLayerConf().clone();

                            //Make sure the underlying layer doesn't change:
                            List<String> vars = currLayerVertex.getLayerConf().variables(true);
                            for (String s : vars) {

                            //We also need to place the layer in the CompGraph Layer[] (replacing the old one)
                            //This could no doubt be done more efficiently
                            org.deeplearning4j.nn.api.Layer[] layers = newGraph.getLayers();
                            for (int j = 0; j < layers.length; j++) {
                                if (layers[j] == l) {
                                    layers[j] = gv.getLayer(); //Place the new frozen layer to replace the original layer
                        } else {
                            if(!(gv instanceof InputVertex)) {
                                GraphVertex currVertexConf = newConfig.getVertices().get(gv.getVertexName());
                                GraphVertex newVertexConf = new org.deeplearning4j.nn.conf.graph.FrozenVertex(currVertexConf);
                                newConfig.getVertices().put(gv.getVertexName(), newVertexConf);
                                vertices[topologicalOrder[i]] = new FrozenVertex(gv);

                        //Also: mark any inputs as to be frozen also
                        VertexIndices[] inputs = gv.getInputVertices();
                        if (inputs != null && inputs.length > 0) {
                            for (int j = 0; j < inputs.length; j++) {
                                int inputVertexIdx = inputs[j].getVertexIndex();
                                String alsoFreeze = vertices[inputVertexIdx].getVertexName();
            return newGraph;