 * Copyright (c) 2004, 2007 Actuate Corporation.
 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
 * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
 * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
 * Contributors:
 * Actuate Corporation - initial API and implementation

package org.eclipse.birt.chart.ui.swt.wizard.format;

import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;

import org.eclipse.birt.chart.model.Chart;
import org.eclipse.birt.chart.ui.swt.ChartPreviewPainter;
import org.eclipse.birt.chart.ui.swt.interfaces.ITaskPopupSheet;
import org.eclipse.birt.chart.ui.swt.interfaces.ITaskPreviewable;
import org.eclipse.birt.chart.ui.swt.wizard.ChartWizard;
import org.eclipse.birt.chart.ui.swt.wizard.ChartWizardContext;
import org.eclipse.birt.chart.ui.util.ChartUIConstants;
import org.eclipse.birt.chart.ui.util.UIHelper;
import org.eclipse.birt.core.ui.frameworks.taskwizard.TreeCompoundTask;
import org.eclipse.birt.core.ui.frameworks.taskwizard.interfaces.ITask;
import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
import org.eclipse.swt.events.ShellEvent;
import org.eclipse.swt.events.ShellListener;
import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.GC;
import org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridData;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Canvas;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Text;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget;

 * UI constants for chart builder
public class SubtaskSheetImpl extends
		SubtaskSheetBase<Chart, ChartWizardContext> implements

	private Shell popupShell;

	private ITaskPopupSheet popupSheet;

	private static boolean POPUP_ATTACHING = false;

	private Map<String, Button> popupButtonRegistry = new HashMap<String, Button>( 6 );

	private Map<String, ITaskPopupSheet> popupSheetRegistry = new HashMap<String, ITaskPopupSheet>( 6 );

	private Map<String, String> lastPopupRegistry = new HashMap<String, String>( 3 );

	public SubtaskSheetImpl( )
		super( );

	public Object onHide( )
		// No need to clear popup selection because it's closed automatically
		ChartWizard.POPUP_CLOSING_BY_USER = false;
		detachPopup( );
		ChartWizard.POPUP_CLOSING_BY_USER = true;

		popupButtonRegistry.clear( );
		popupSheetRegistry.clear( );
		return super.onHide( );

	 * Detaches the popup dialogue if the name is same with the widget. Called
	 * when clicking buttons manually.
	 * @param widget
	 *            the button widget
	 * @return detach result
	protected boolean detachPopup( Widget widget )
		if ( widget instanceof Button
				&& popupShell != null
				&& !popupShell.isDisposed( )
				&& !isButtonSelected( ) )
			getWizard( ).detachPopup( );
			popupShell = null;

			// Clear selection if user unselected the button.
			setCurrentPopupSelection( null );
			getParentTask( ).setPopupSelection( null );
			return true;
		return false;

	public boolean detachPopup( )
		if ( popupShell != null && !popupShell.isDisposed( ) )
			getWizard( ).detachPopup( );
			popupShell = null;
			return true;
		return false;

	protected Shell createPopupShell( )
		Shell shell = getWizard( ).createPopupContainer( );
		shell.addShellListener( this );
		shell.setImage( UIHelper.getImage( "icons/obj16/chartbuilder.gif" ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$
		return shell;

	 * Selects all registered buttons
	 * @param isSelected
	 *            selection status
	final protected void selectAllButtons( boolean isSelected )
		Iterator<Button> buttons = popupButtonRegistry.values( ).iterator( );
		while ( buttons.hasNext( ) )
			buttons.next( ).setSelection( isSelected );

	 * Checks if there's a selected button.
	protected boolean isButtonSelected( )
		Iterator<Button> buttons = popupButtonRegistry.values( ).iterator( );
		while ( buttons.hasNext( ) )
			if ( buttons.next( ).getSelection( ) )
				return true;
		return false;

	 * Checks whether the specified widget is registered in current subtask
	protected boolean isRegistered( Widget widget )
		Iterator<Button> buttons = popupButtonRegistry.values( ).iterator( );
		while ( buttons.hasNext( ) )
			if ( buttons.next( ).equals( widget ) )
				return true;
		return false;

	 * Returns all registered toggle buttons.
	protected Collection<Button> getToggleButtons( )
		return popupButtonRegistry.values( );

	protected void refreshPopupSheet( )
		if ( popupShell != null && !popupShell.isDisposed( ) )
			popupSheet.refreshComponent( popupShell );

	 * Creates a toggle button to popup and registers it. Note that all toggle
	 * buttons are registered, each button enable should call
	 * setToggleButtonEnabled().
	 * @param parent
	 *            control parent
	 * @param buttonId
	 *            button id without node path
	 * @param popupName
	 *            button text and registry key
	 * @param popupSheet
	 *            popup sheet
	 * @param bEnabled
	 *            enabled state
	 * @return button control
	protected Button createToggleButton( Composite parent, String buttonId,
			String popupName, ITaskPopupSheet popupSheet, boolean bEnabled )
		Button button = new Button( parent, SWT.TOGGLE );
		button.setText( popupName );

		// Use GC to calculate the button width
		GC gc = new GC( parent );
		int width = Math.max( 80, gc.textExtent( popupName ).x + 17 );
		gc.dispose( );

		// To set the span for Button if width is too long
		// int horizontalSpan = width / 66;

		GridData gd = new GridData( );
		gd.widthHint = width;
		// gd.horizontalSpan = horizontalSpan;
		button.setLayoutData( gd );

		String id = getNodePath( ) + buttonId;
		// Save the button id for holding the same type of buttons
		button.setData( buttonId );
		popupButtonRegistry.put( id, button );
		popupSheetRegistry.put( id, popupSheet );
		if ( !getContext( ).isEnabled( id ) )
			// Disable the button if it's registered as disabled
			button.setEnabled( false );
			button.setEnabled( bEnabled );

		return button;

	 * Creates a toggle button to popup and registers it. Note that all toggle
	 * buttons are registered, each button enable should call
	 * setToggleButtonEnabled().
	 * @param parent
	 *            control parent
	 * @param buttonId
	 *            button id without node path
	 * @param popupName
	 *            button text and registry key
	 * @param popupSheet
	 *            popup sheet
	 * @return button control
	protected Button createToggleButton( Composite parent, String buttonId,
			String popupName, ITaskPopupSheet popupSheet )
		return createToggleButton( parent,
				true );

	 * Updates popup sheet
	 * @param buttonId
	 *            button id without node path
	 * @param popupSheet
	 *            popup sheet
	 * @since 3.7
	protected void updatePopupSheet( String buttonId, ITaskPopupSheet popupSheet )
		String id = getNodePath( ) + buttonId;
		if ( popupSheetRegistry.containsKey( id ) )
			popupSheetRegistry.put( id, popupSheet );

	 * Finds the toggle button by exclusive id or button id
	 * @param buttonId
	 *            exclusive id or button id
	 * @return the toggle button or null
	protected Button getToggleButton( String buttonId )
		Button button = popupButtonRegistry.get( buttonId );
		if ( button == null )
			button = popupButtonRegistry.get( getNodePath( ) + buttonId );
		return button;
	protected boolean getToggleButtonSelection( String buttonId )
		Button button = popupButtonRegistry.get( buttonId );
		if ( button == null )
			button = popupButtonRegistry.get( getNodePath( ) + buttonId );
		if ( button != null )
			return button.getSelection( );
		return false;

	protected void setToggleButtonEnabled( String buttonId, boolean isEnabled )
		String id = getNodePath( ) + buttonId;
		if ( getToggleButton( id ) == null )

		if ( getContext( ).isEnabled( id ) )
			getToggleButton( id ).setEnabled( isEnabled );
			getToggleButton( id ).setEnabled( false );

	public void shellActivated( ShellEvent e )
		// TODO Auto-generated method stub


	public void shellClosed( ShellEvent e )
		Control focusControl = Display.getDefault( ).getFocusControl( );
		if ( focusControl instanceof Text )
			// Focus saving the text by focus out
			focusControl.notifyListeners( SWT.FocusOut, null );

		if ( e.widget.equals( popupShell ) )
				selectAllButtons( false );

			if ( ChartWizard.POPUP_CLOSING_BY_USER )
				// Clear selection if user closed the popup.
				setCurrentPopupSelection( null );
				getParentTask( ).setPopupSelection( null );

	public void shellDeactivated( ShellEvent e )
		// TODO Auto-generated method stub


	public void shellDeiconified( ShellEvent e )
		// TODO Auto-generated method stub


	public void shellIconified( ShellEvent e )
		// TODO Auto-generated method stub


	public boolean attachPopup( String buttonId )
		// If general selection is null or not existent, to open subtask
		// selection.
		boolean affectTaskSelection = true;
		String id = buttonId == null ? null : getNodePath( ) + buttonId;
		if ( id == null || !popupSheetRegistry.containsKey( id ) )
			buttonId = getCurrentPopupSelection( );
			id = buttonId == null ? null : getNodePath( ) + buttonId;
			// Keep task selection since user doesn't change it
			affectTaskSelection = false;

		// If subtask selection is null, do nothing.
		if ( buttonId == null )
			return false;

		detachPopup( );

		if ( popupSheetRegistry.containsKey( id )
				&& getToggleButton( id ).isEnabled( ) )
			// Select the button
			selectAllButtons( false );
			getToggleButton( id ).setSelection( true );

			// Store last popup selection
			setCurrentPopupSelection( buttonId );
			if ( affectTaskSelection )
				getParentTask( ).setPopupSelection( buttonId );

			// Open the popup
			popupShell = createPopupShell( );
			popupSheet = popupSheetRegistry.get( id );
			popupSheet.getUI( popupShell );

			getWizard( ).attachPopup( popupSheet.getTitle( ), -1, -1 );

			return true;
		return false;

	private String getCurrentPopupSelection( )
		return lastPopupRegistry.get( getContext( ).getWizardID( ) );

	private void setCurrentPopupSelection( String lastPopup )
		lastPopupRegistry.put( getContext( ).getWizardID( ), lastPopup );

	public boolean isPreviewable( )
		// Doesn't support preview by default
		return false;

	public ChartPreviewPainter createPreviewPainter( )
		return null;

	public void doPreview( )


	public Canvas getPreviewCanvas( )
		return null;
	public void setParentTask( ITask parentTask )
		assert parentTask instanceof TreeCompoundTask;
		super.setParentTask( parentTask );

	protected TreeCompoundTask getParentTask( )
		return (TreeCompoundTask) super.getParentTask( );