 * Copyright (c) 2004-2011 Actuate Corporation.
 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
 * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
 * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
 * Contributors:
 * Actuate Corporation - initial API and implementation

package org.eclipse.birt.chart.ui.swt.composites;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

import org.eclipse.birt.chart.exception.ChartException;
import org.eclipse.birt.chart.model.attribute.ActionType;
import org.eclipse.birt.chart.model.attribute.ActionValue;
import org.eclipse.birt.chart.model.attribute.AttributeFactory;
import org.eclipse.birt.chart.model.attribute.AxisType;
import org.eclipse.birt.chart.model.attribute.Cursor;
import org.eclipse.birt.chart.model.attribute.CursorType;
import org.eclipse.birt.chart.model.attribute.FormatSpecifier;
import org.eclipse.birt.chart.model.attribute.MultiURLValues;
import org.eclipse.birt.chart.model.attribute.ScriptValue;
import org.eclipse.birt.chart.model.attribute.SeriesValue;
import org.eclipse.birt.chart.model.attribute.TooltipValue;
import org.eclipse.birt.chart.model.attribute.TriggerCondition;
import org.eclipse.birt.chart.model.attribute.URLValue;
import org.eclipse.birt.chart.model.attribute.impl.MultiURLValuesImpl;
import org.eclipse.birt.chart.model.attribute.impl.TextImpl;
import org.eclipse.birt.chart.model.attribute.impl.TooltipValueImpl;
import org.eclipse.birt.chart.model.component.impl.LabelImpl;
import org.eclipse.birt.chart.model.data.Action;
import org.eclipse.birt.chart.model.data.Trigger;
import org.eclipse.birt.chart.model.data.impl.ActionImpl;
import org.eclipse.birt.chart.model.data.impl.TriggerImpl;
import org.eclipse.birt.chart.ui.extension.i18n.Messages;
import org.eclipse.birt.chart.ui.swt.interfaces.IAssistField;
import org.eclipse.birt.chart.ui.swt.interfaces.IDataServiceProvider;
import org.eclipse.birt.chart.ui.swt.interfaces.IExpressionButton;
import org.eclipse.birt.chart.ui.swt.interfaces.IUIServiceProvider;
import org.eclipse.birt.chart.ui.swt.wizard.ChartAdapter;
import org.eclipse.birt.chart.ui.swt.wizard.ChartWizardContext;
import org.eclipse.birt.chart.ui.util.ChartUIUtil;
import org.eclipse.birt.chart.ui.util.ChartUIUtil.EAttributeAccessor;
import org.eclipse.birt.chart.util.LiteralHelper;
import org.eclipse.birt.chart.util.TriggerSupportMatrix;
import org.eclipse.birt.core.ui.frameworks.taskwizard.WizardBase;
import org.eclipse.birt.core.ui.swt.custom.TextCombo;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EStructuralFeature;
import org.eclipse.jface.window.Window;
import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
import org.eclipse.swt.custom.StackLayout;
import org.eclipse.swt.custom.StyleRange;
import org.eclipse.swt.custom.StyledText;
import org.eclipse.swt.events.DisposeEvent;
import org.eclipse.swt.events.DisposeListener;
import org.eclipse.swt.events.SelectionEvent;
import org.eclipse.swt.events.SelectionListener;
import org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridData;
import org.eclipse.swt.layout.GridLayout;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Combo;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Event;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Group;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Label;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Listener;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Text;

 * Interactivity UI composite
public class TriggerDataComposite extends Composite implements

	public static final int ENABLE_URL_PARAMETERS = 1;

	public static final int DISABLE_CATEGORY_SERIES = 1 << 1;

	public static final int DISABLE_VALUE_SERIES = 1 << 2;

	public static final int DISABLE_VALUE_SERIES_NAME = 1 << 3;

	public static final int ENABLE_SHOW_TOOLTIP_VALUE = 1 << 4;

	public static final int ENABLE_TOOLTIP_FORMATTER = 1 << 5;

	private Group grpValue = null;

	private Composite cmpURL = null;

	private MultipleHyperlinksComposite multiHyperlinksComposite = null;

	// private Text txtBaseURL = null;

	// private Text txtTarget = null;

	private Group grpParameters = null;

	private Text txtBaseParm = null;

	private Text txtValueParm = null;

	private Text txtSeriesParm = null;

	private Composite cmpCallback = null;

	private Composite cmpDefault = null;

	private Composite cmpScript = null;

	private Text txtScript = null;

	private IExpressionButton btnScriptExpBuilder = null;

	private Composite cmpTooltip = null;

	// private Spinner iscDelay = null;

	private Text txtTooltipText = null;

	private Button btnFormat = null;

	private IExpressionButton btnTooltipExpBuilder = null;

	private Composite cmpVisiblity = null;

	private Composite cmpHighlight = null;

	private Composite cmpDPVisibility = null;

	// private Text txtSeriesDefinition = null;

	private StackLayout slValues = null;

	private TextCombo cmbTriggerType = null;

	private Combo cmbActionType = null;

	private ChartWizardContext wizardContext;

	private Button btnBaseURL;

	private Button btnAdvanced;

	private String sBaseURL = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$

	private boolean bAdvanced = false;

	private EList<Trigger> triggersList;

	private EObject cursorContainer;

	private Map<String, Trigger> triggersMap;

	private String lastTriggerType;

	private FormatSpecifier formatSpecifier = null;

	// Indicates whether the trigger will be saved when UI is disposed
	private boolean needSaveWhenDisposing = false;

	private final static int INDEX_1_URL_REDIRECT = 1;
	private final static int INDEX_2_TOOLTIP = 2;
	private final static int INDEX_3_TOOGLE_VISABILITY = 3;
	private final static int INDEX_4_SCRIPT = 4;
	private final static int INDEX_5_HIGHLIGHT = 5;
	private final static int INDEX_6_CALLBACK = 6;
	private final static int INDEX_7_TOOGLE_DATAPOINT = 7;

	private TriggerSupportMatrix triggerMatrix;

	private int optionalStyle;

	private Combo cmbCursorType = null;

	private Button btnCursorImage;

	private final TriggerCondition[] conditionFilter;
	private final CursorType[] cursorFilter;

	 * Interactivity UI constructor
	 * @param parent
	 *            composite parent
	 * @param style
	 *            composite style
	 * @param triggers
	 *            trigger model
	 * @param cursorContainer
	 *            cursor model container
	 * @param wizardContext
	 *            wizard context
	 * @param iInteractivityType
	 *            interactivity type. See {@link TriggerSupportMatrix}
	 * @param optionalStyle
	 *            optional UI settings
	public TriggerDataComposite( Composite parent, int style,
			EList<Trigger> triggers, EObject cursorContainer,
			ChartWizardContext wizardContext, int iInteractivityType,
			int optionalStyle )
		super( parent, style );
		this.wizardContext = wizardContext;
		this.optionalStyle = optionalStyle;
		this.triggersList = triggers;
		this.cursorContainer = cursorContainer;
		this.triggerMatrix = wizardContext.getUIFactory( )
				.createSupportMatrix( wizardContext.getOutputFormat( ),
						iInteractivityType );
		this.conditionFilter = triggerMatrix.getConditionFilters( );
		this.cursorFilter = triggerMatrix.getCursorFilters( );
		init( );

		placeComponents( );

		addDisposeListener( new DisposeListener( ) {

			public void widgetDisposed( DisposeEvent e )
				if ( needSaveWhenDisposing )
					// Only save when it's needed
					updateTrigger( cmbTriggerType.getText( ) );
		} );

	protected TriggerSupportMatrix createSupportMatrix( int iInteractivityType )
		return new TriggerSupportMatrix( wizardContext.getOutputFormat( ),
				iInteractivityType );

	private void init( )
		this.setSize( getParent( ).getClientArea( ).width,
				getParent( ).getClientArea( ).height );

		triggersMap = new HashMap<String, Trigger>( );
		for ( int i = 0; i < triggersList.size( ); i++ )
			Trigger trigger = triggersList.get( i );
			triggersMap.put( LiteralHelper.triggerConditionSet.getDisplayNameByName( trigger.getCondition( )
					.getName( ) ),
					trigger );

	private void addFormatButtonListener( )
		if ( btnFormat != null )
			btnFormat.addListener( SWT.Selection, new Listener( ) {

				public void handleEvent( Event event )
					FormatSpecifierDialog editor = new FormatSpecifierDialog( btnFormat.getShell( ),
							AxisType.values( ),
							"" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
					if ( editor.open( ) == Window.OK )
						formatSpecifier = editor.getFormatSpecifier( );
						updateTrigger( cmbTriggerType.getText( ) );
			} );

	private void placeComponents( )
		// Layout for the content composite
		GridLayout glCMPTrigger = new GridLayout( );
		glCMPTrigger.numColumns = 3;
		glCMPTrigger.horizontalSpacing = 16;
		glCMPTrigger.verticalSpacing = 5;

		// Layout for the Action Details group
		slValues = new StackLayout( );

		// Layout for url value composite
		GridLayout glURL = new GridLayout( );
		glURL.marginWidth = 2;
		glURL.marginHeight = 6;
		glURL.horizontalSpacing = 6;
		glURL.numColumns = 3;

		// Layout for script value composite
		GridLayout glParameter = new GridLayout( );
		glParameter.marginWidth = 2;
		glParameter.marginHeight = 6;
		glParameter.horizontalSpacing = 6;
		glParameter.numColumns = 3;

		// Main content composite
		this.setLayout( glCMPTrigger );

		Label lblTriggerEvent = new Label( this, SWT.NONE );
		GridData gdLBLTriggerEvent = new GridData( );
		gdLBLTriggerEvent.horizontalIndent = 4;
		lblTriggerEvent.setLayoutData( gdLBLTriggerEvent );
		lblTriggerEvent.setText( Messages.getString( "TriggerDataComposite.Lbl.Event" ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$

		cmbTriggerType = new TextCombo( this, SWT.NONE );
		GridData gdCMBTriggerType = new GridData( GridData.FILL_HORIZONTAL );
		gdCMBTriggerType.horizontalSpan = 2;
		cmbTriggerType.setLayoutData( gdCMBTriggerType );
		cmbTriggerType.addListener( TextCombo.SELECTION_EVENT, new Listener( ) {

			public void handleEvent( Event event )
				updateTrigger( lastTriggerType );
				updateActionTypeItems( );
				Trigger trigger = triggersMap.get( cmbTriggerType.getText( ) );
				// Only display supported trigger
				if ( trigger != null && triggerMatrix.check( trigger ) )
					cmbActionType.setText( getActionText( trigger ) );
					cmbActionType.select( 0 );
				updateUI( trigger );
				switchUI( );
				lastTriggerType = cmbTriggerType.getText( );
		} );
		ChartUIUtil.addScreenReaderAccessbility( cmbTriggerType,  lblTriggerEvent.getText( ) );
		Label lblActionType = new Label( this, SWT.NONE );
		GridData gdLBLActionType = new GridData( );
		gdLBLActionType.horizontalIndent = 4;
		lblActionType.setLayoutData( gdLBLActionType );
		lblActionType.setText( Messages.getString( "TriggerDataComposite.Lbl.Action" ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$

		cmbActionType = new Combo( this, SWT.DROP_DOWN | SWT.READ_ONLY );
		GridData gdCMBActionType = new GridData( GridData.FILL_HORIZONTAL );
		gdCMBActionType.horizontalSpan = 2;
		cmbActionType.setLayoutData( gdCMBActionType );
		cmbActionType.addSelectionListener( this );
		cmbActionType.setVisibleItemCount( 10 );

		Label lblCursorType = new Label( this, SWT.NONE );
		GridData gdLBLCursorType = new GridData( );
		gdLBLCursorType.horizontalIndent = 4;
		lblCursorType.setLayoutData( gdLBLCursorType );
		lblCursorType.setText( Messages.getString( "TriggerDataComposite.Lbl.Cursor" ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$

		cmbCursorType = new Combo( this, SWT.DROP_DOWN | SWT.READ_ONLY );
		GridData gdCMBCursorType = new GridData( GridData.FILL_HORIZONTAL );
		cmbCursorType.setLayoutData( gdCMBCursorType );
		cmbCursorType.addSelectionListener( this );
		cmbCursorType.setVisibleItemCount( 30 );

		btnCursorImage = new Button( this, SWT.NONE );
		btnCursorImage.setText( Messages.getString( "TriggerDataComposite.Lbl.Image" ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$
		GridData gdBTNCursorImage = new GridData( );
		btnCursorImage.setLayoutData( gdBTNCursorImage );
		btnCursorImage.addSelectionListener( this );
		btnCursorImage.setEnabled( false );

		grpValue = new Group( this, SWT.NONE );
		GridData gdGRPValue = new GridData( GridData.FILL_BOTH );
		gdGRPValue.horizontalSpan = 3;
		grpValue.setLayoutData( gdGRPValue );
		grpValue.setText( Messages.getString( "TriggerDataComposite.Lbl.ActionDetails" ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$
		grpValue.setLayout( slValues );

		// Composite for default value
		cmpDefault = new Composite( grpValue, SWT.NONE );

		// Composite for callback value
		cmpCallback = new Composite( grpValue, SWT.NONE );
		cmpCallback.setLayout( new GridLayout( ) );

		addDescriptionLabel( cmpCallback,
				Messages.getString( "TriggerDataComposite.Label.CallbackDescription" ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$

		// Composite for highlight value
		cmpHighlight = new Composite( grpValue, SWT.NONE );
		cmpHighlight.setLayout( new GridLayout( ) );

		addDescriptionLabel( cmpHighlight,
				Messages.getString( "TriggerDataComposite.Label.HighlightDescription" ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$

		// Composite for Toogle Visibility value
		cmpVisiblity = new Composite( grpValue, SWT.NONE );
		cmpVisiblity.setLayout( new GridLayout( ) );

		addDescriptionLabel( cmpVisiblity,
				Messages.getString( "TriggerDataComposite.Label.VisiblityDescription" ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$

		// Composite for Toogle DataPoint Visibility value
		cmpDPVisibility = new Composite( grpValue, SWT.NONE );
		cmpDPVisibility.setLayout( new GridLayout( ) );

		addDescriptionLabel( cmpDPVisibility,
				Messages.getString( "TriggerDataComposite.Label.DPVisibilityDescription" ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$

		// Composite for script value
		cmpScript = new Composite( grpValue, SWT.NONE );
		cmpScript.setLayout( new GridLayout( 2, false ) );

		Label lblScript = new Label( cmpScript, SWT.NONE );
			GridData gdLBLScript = new GridData( GridData.VERTICAL_ALIGN_BEGINNING );
			lblScript.setLayoutData( gdLBLScript );
			lblScript.setText( Messages.getString( "TriggerDataComposite.Lbl.Script" ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$
		txtScript = new Text( cmpScript, SWT.MULTI
				| SWT.H_SCROLL );
			GridData gd = new GridData( GridData.FILL_BOTH );
			gd.verticalSpan = 2;
			txtScript.setLayoutData( gd );
			txtScript.setToolTipText( Messages.getString( "TriggerDataComposite.Tooltip.InputScript" ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$

			btnScriptExpBuilder = (IExpressionButton) wizardContext.getUIServiceProvider( )
					.invoke( IUIServiceProvider.Command.EXPRESS_BUTTON_CREATE,
							wizardContext.getExtendedItem( ),
							getExpressionBuilderScriptCommand( ),
							null );
		catch ( ChartException e )
			WizardBase.displayException( e );

		// Composite for tooltip value
		cmpTooltip = new Composite( grpValue, SWT.NONE );
		cmpTooltip.setLayout( new GridLayout( 3, false ) );

		// Deprecate delay attribute: #132289
		// Label lblDelay = new Label( cmpTooltip, SWT.NONE );
		// GridData gdLBLDelay = new GridData( );
		// lblDelay.setLayoutData( gdLBLDelay );
		// lblDelay.setText( Messages.getString(
		// "TriggerDataComposite.Lbl.TooltipDelay" ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$
		// iscDelay = new Spinner( cmpTooltip, SWT.BORDER );
		// GridData gdISCDelay = new GridData( GridData.FILL_HORIZONTAL );
		// gdISCDelay.horizontalSpan = 2;
		// iscDelay.setLayoutData( gdISCDelay );
		// iscDelay.setMaximum( 5000 );
		// iscDelay.setMinimum( 100 );
		// iscDelay.setIncrement( 100 );
		// iscDelay.setSelection( 200 );

		Label lblText = new Label( cmpTooltip, SWT.NONE );
		lblText.setText( Messages.getString( "TriggerDataComposite.Lbl.TooltipText" ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$

			GridData lblGd = new GridData( );
			lblGd.horizontalSpan = 3;
			lblText.setLayoutData( lblGd );

			txtTooltipText = new Text( cmpTooltip, SWT.BORDER
					| SWT.MULTI
					| SWT.V_SCROLL );
			GridData gdTXTTooltipText = new GridData( GridData.FILL_BOTH );
			gdTXTTooltipText.horizontalSpan = 3;
			txtTooltipText.setLayoutData( gdTXTTooltipText );

			// Create the dummy instance to keep consistency
			btnTooltipExpBuilder = new IExpressionButton( ) {

				public void setExpression( String expr )
					txtTooltipText.setText( expr );

				public void setEnabled( boolean bEnabled )
					txtTooltipText.setEnabled( bEnabled );

				public boolean isEnabled( )
					return txtTooltipText.isEnabled( );

				public String getExpression( )
					return txtTooltipText.getText( );

				public String getDisplayExpression( )
					return getExpression( );

				public void addListener( Listener listener )
					// not implemented

				public void setAccessor( EAttributeAccessor<String> accessor )
					// not implemented

				public String getExpressionType( )
					return null;

				public boolean isCube( )
					return false;

				public void setBindingName( String bindingName,
						boolean bNotifyEvents )
					// not implemented

				public void setExpression( String expr, boolean bNotifyEvents )
					// not implemented

				public void setAssitField( IAssistField assistField )
					// not implemented

				public void setPredefinedQuery( Object[] predefinedQuery )
					// not implemented
			txtTooltipText = new Text( cmpTooltip, SWT.BORDER | SWT.SINGLE );
			txtTooltipText.setLayoutData( new GridData( GridData.FILL_HORIZONTAL ) );

				btnTooltipExpBuilder = (IExpressionButton) wizardContext.getUIServiceProvider( )
						.invoke( IUIServiceProvider.Command.EXPRESS_BUTTON_CREATE,
								wizardContext.getExtendedItem( ),
								getExpressionBuilderTooltipCommand( ),
								null );
			catch ( ChartException e )
				WizardBase.displayException( e );

			addDescriptionLabel( cmpTooltip,
					Messages.getString( "TriggerDataComposite.Label.TooltipUsingDataLabelOfSeries" ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$
		txtTooltipText.addListener( SWT.FocusOut, new Listener( ) {

			public void handleEvent( Event event )
				updateTrigger( cmbTriggerType.getText( ) );
		} );

			btnFormat = new Button( cmpTooltip, SWT.PUSH );
			btnFormat.setText( Messages.getString( "TriggerDataComposite.Btn.Format" ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$

		// Composite for url value
		createURLComposite( glURL, glParameter );

		multiHyperlinksComposite = new MultipleHyperlinksComposite( grpValue,
				optionalStyle );

		populateLists( );

	 * @param glURL
	 * @param glParameter
	private void createURLComposite( GridLayout glURL, GridLayout glParameter )
		final boolean bEnableURLParameters = ( ( optionalStyle & ENABLE_URL_PARAMETERS ) == ENABLE_URL_PARAMETERS );

		cmpURL = new Composite( grpValue, SWT.NONE );
		cmpURL.setLayout( glURL );

		Label lblBaseURL = new Label( cmpURL, SWT.NONE );
		GridData gdLBLBaseURL = new GridData( );
		gdLBLBaseURL.horizontalIndent = 2;
		lblBaseURL.setLayoutData( gdLBLBaseURL );
		lblBaseURL.setText( Messages.getString( "TriggerDataComposite.Lbl.BaseURL" ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$

		btnBaseURL = new Button( cmpURL, SWT.NONE );
			GridData gd = new GridData( );
			btnBaseURL.setLayoutData( gd );
			btnBaseURL.setText( Messages.getString( "TriggerDataComposite.Text.EditBaseURL" ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$
			btnBaseURL.setToolTipText( Messages.getString( "TriggerDataComposite.Tooltip.InvokeURLBuilder" ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$
			btnBaseURL.addSelectionListener( this );
			btnBaseURL.setEnabled( wizardContext.getUIServiceProvider( )
					.isInvokingSupported( ) );
			// Bugzilla#193463 URI has been supported in standalone mode
			// btnBaseURL.setVisible( wizardContext.getUIServiceProvider( )
			// .isEclipseModeSupported( ) );

		Label lblDefine = new Label( cmpURL, SWT.WRAP );
			GridData gd = new GridData( );
			gd.horizontalIndent = 2;
			gd.horizontalSpan = 3;
			gd.widthHint = 200;
			lblDefine.setLayoutData( gd );
			lblDefine.setText( Messages.getString( "TriggerDataComposite.Label.Description" ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$

		btnAdvanced = new Button( cmpURL, SWT.NONE );
			GridData gd = new GridData( );
			gd.horizontalSpan = 2;
			btnAdvanced.setLayoutData( gd );
			btnAdvanced.setText( getAdvancedButtonText( bAdvanced ) );
			btnAdvanced.setToolTipText( Messages.getString( "TriggerDataComposite.Tooltip.Advanced" ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$
			btnAdvanced.addSelectionListener( this );
			btnAdvanced.setEnabled( bEnableURLParameters );

		// Label lblTarget = new Label( cmpURL, SWT.NONE );
		// GridData gdLBLTarget = new GridData( );
		// gdLBLTarget.horizontalIndent = 2;
		// lblTarget.setLayoutData( gdLBLTarget );
		// lblTarget.setText( Messages.getString(
		// "TriggerDataComposite.Lbl.Target" ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$
		// txtTarget = new Text( cmpURL, SWT.BORDER );
		// GridData gdTXTTarget = new GridData( GridData.FILL_HORIZONTAL );
		// gdTXTTarget.horizontalSpan = 2;
		// txtTarget.setLayoutData( gdTXTTarget );

		grpParameters = new Group( cmpURL, SWT.NONE );
		GridData gdGRPParameters = new GridData( GridData.FILL_HORIZONTAL );
		gdGRPParameters.horizontalSpan = 3;
		grpParameters.setLayoutData( gdGRPParameters );
		grpParameters.setLayout( glParameter );
		grpParameters.setText( Messages.getString( "TriggerDataComposite.Lbl.ParameterNames" ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$
		grpParameters.setVisible( bAdvanced );

		StyledText stParameters = new StyledText( grpParameters, SWT.WRAP
				| SWT.READ_ONLY );
			GridData gd = new GridData( );
			gd.horizontalIndent = 2;
			gd.horizontalSpan = 3;
			gd.widthHint = 200;
			stParameters.setLayoutData( gd );
			stParameters.setText( Messages.getString( "TriggerDataComposite.Label.OptionalURLParameters" ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$
			StyleRange[] sr = {
			new StyleRange( 0,
					this.getForeground( ),
					this.getBackground( ),
					SWT.ITALIC ),
					new StyleRange( 4,
							stParameters.getText( ).length( ) - 4,
							this.getForeground( ),
							this.getBackground( ),
							SWT.NORMAL )
			stParameters.setStyleRanges( sr );
			stParameters.setBackground( this.getBackground( ) );

		Label lblBaseParm = new Label( grpParameters, SWT.NONE );
			GridData gdLBLBaseParm = new GridData( );
			gdLBLBaseParm.horizontalIndent = 2;
			lblBaseParm.setLayoutData( gdLBLBaseParm );
			lblBaseParm.setText( Messages.getString( "TriggerDataComposite.Lbl.CategorySeries" ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$
			lblBaseParm.setToolTipText( Messages.getString( "TriggerDataComposite.Tooltip.ParameterCategory" ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$

		txtBaseParm = new Text( grpParameters, SWT.BORDER );
		GridData gdTXTBaseParm = new GridData( GridData.FILL_HORIZONTAL );
		gdTXTBaseParm.horizontalSpan = 2;
		txtBaseParm.setLayoutData( gdTXTBaseParm );
		txtBaseParm.setToolTipText( Messages.getString( "TriggerDataComposite.Tooltip.ParameterCategory" ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$
		txtBaseParm.setEnabled( bEnableURLParameters
		Label lblValueParm = new Label( grpParameters, SWT.NONE );
			GridData gdLBLValueParm = new GridData( );
			gdLBLValueParm.horizontalIndent = 2;
			lblValueParm.setLayoutData( gdLBLValueParm );
			lblValueParm.setText( Messages.getString( "TriggerDataComposite.Lbl.ValueSeries" ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$
			lblValueParm.setToolTipText( Messages.getString( "TriggerDataComposite.Tooltip.ParameterValue" ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$

		txtValueParm = new Text( grpParameters, SWT.BORDER );
		GridData gdTXTValueParm = new GridData( GridData.FILL_HORIZONTAL );
		gdTXTValueParm.horizontalSpan = 2;
		txtValueParm.setLayoutData( gdTXTValueParm );
		txtValueParm.setToolTipText( Messages.getString( "TriggerDataComposite.Tooltip.ParameterValue" ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$
		txtValueParm.setEnabled( bEnableURLParameters
				&& ( ( optionalStyle & DISABLE_VALUE_SERIES ) != DISABLE_VALUE_SERIES ) );

		Label lblSeriesParm = new Label( grpParameters, SWT.NONE );
			GridData gdLBLSeriesParm = new GridData( );
			gdLBLSeriesParm.horizontalIndent = 2;
			lblSeriesParm.setLayoutData( gdLBLSeriesParm );
			lblSeriesParm.setText( Messages.getString( "TriggerDataComposite.Lbl.ValueSeriesName" ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$
			lblSeriesParm.setToolTipText( Messages.getString( "TriggerDataComposite.Tooltip.ParameterSeries" ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$

		txtSeriesParm = new Text( grpParameters, SWT.BORDER );
		GridData gdTXTSeriesParm = new GridData( GridData.FILL_HORIZONTAL );
		gdTXTSeriesParm.horizontalSpan = 2;
		txtSeriesParm.setLayoutData( gdTXTSeriesParm );
		txtSeriesParm.setToolTipText( Messages.getString( "TriggerDataComposite.Tooltip.ParameterSeries" ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$
		txtSeriesParm.setEnabled( bEnableURLParameters

	private void populateLists( )
		final String[] triggerTypes;
		if ( conditionFilter == null )
			// All
			triggerTypes = LiteralHelper.triggerConditionSet.getDisplayNames( );
			// Filtered
			triggerTypes = new String[conditionFilter.length];
			for ( int i = 0; i < conditionFilter.length; i++ )
				triggerTypes[i] = LiteralHelper.triggerConditionSet.getDisplayNameByName( conditionFilter[i].getName( ) );
		cmbTriggerType.setItems( triggerTypes );
		if ( cmbTriggerType.getItemCount( ) > 0 )
			cmbTriggerType.select( 0 );

		Trigger firstTrigger = null;
		for ( int i = 0; i < triggerTypes.length; i++ )
			if ( triggersMap.containsKey( triggerTypes[i] ) )
				Trigger trigger = triggersMap.get( triggerTypes[i] );
				// Only display supported trigger
				if ( triggerMatrix.check( trigger ) )
					cmbTriggerType.markSelection( triggerTypes[i] );
					if ( firstTrigger == null )
						firstTrigger = trigger;
						// Select first trigger
						cmbTriggerType.setText( triggerTypes[i] );

		// Initializes the value of last trigger type
		this.lastTriggerType = cmbTriggerType.getText( );

		// Updates ActionType combo according to Trigger condition
		updateActionTypeItems( );

		if ( firstTrigger != null )
			cmbActionType.setText( LiteralHelper.actionTypeSet.getDisplayNameByName( firstTrigger.getAction( )
					.getType( )
					.getName( ) ) );
			updateUI( firstTrigger );
			cmbActionType.select( 0 );
			slValues.topControl = cmpDefault;

		if ( btnFormat != null )
			if ( firstTrigger != null
					&& firstTrigger.getAction( ) != null
					&& firstTrigger.getAction( ).getType( ) == ActionType.SHOW_TOOLTIP_LITERAL )
				TooltipValue tv = (TooltipValue) firstTrigger.getAction( )
						.getValue( );
				formatSpecifier = tv.getFormatSpecifier( );
			addFormatButtonListener( );

		// Initializes the cursor type list.
		updateCursorTypeItems( );
		updateImageButtonState( );
		updateCursorArea( );

	 * Updates Combo items after TriggerCondition change
	private void updateActionTypeItems( )
		TriggerCondition condition = TriggerCondition.getByName( LiteralHelper.triggerConditionSet.getNameByDisplayName( cmbTriggerType.getText( ) ) );
		if ( condition != null )
			cmbActionType.setItems( this.triggerMatrix.getSupportedActionsDisplayName( condition ) );

			// Add extra item for NONE
			// #234902
			cmbActionType.add( Messages.getString( "TriggerDataComposite.Lbl.None." + condition.getName( ) ), 0 ); //$NON-NLS-1$

	private void updateCursorTypeItems( )
		final String[] cursorDisplayNames;
		if ( cursorFilter == null )
			// All
			cursorDisplayNames = LiteralHelper.cursorSet.getDisplayNames( );
			// Filtered
			cursorDisplayNames = new String[cursorFilter.length];
			for ( int i = 0; i < cursorFilter.length; i++ )
				cursorDisplayNames[i] = LiteralHelper.cursorSet.getDisplayNameByName( cursorFilter[i].getName( ) );
		cmbCursorType.setItems( cursorDisplayNames );
		if ( cmbCursorType.getItemCount( ) > 0 )
			Cursor c = getMouseCursor( );
			if ( c != null && c.getType( ) != null )
				cmbCursorType.setText( LiteralHelper.cursorSet.getDisplayNameByName( c.getType( )
						.getName( ) ) );
				if ( cmbCursorType.getSelectionIndex( ) < 0 )
					cmbCursorType.select( 0 );
					setMouseCursor( CursorType.getByName( LiteralHelper.cursorSet.getNameByDisplayName( cmbCursorType.getText( ) ) ) );
			else if ( cmbCursorType.getSelectionIndex( ) < 0 )
				cmbCursorType.select( 0 );

	 * Provides a mapper method to switch trigger Combo text to fixed index
	 * constants.
	 * @return fixed index defined as constants
	private int getTriggerIndex( )
		// Order by usage frequency
		if ( cmbActionType.getText( )
				.equals( LiteralHelper.actionTypeSet.getDisplayNameByName( ActionType.SHOW_TOOLTIP_LITERAL.getName( ) ) ) )
			return INDEX_2_TOOLTIP;
		if ( cmbActionType.getText( )
				.equals( LiteralHelper.actionTypeSet.getDisplayNameByName( ActionType.URL_REDIRECT_LITERAL.getName( ) ) ) )
		if ( cmbActionType.getText( )
				.equals( LiteralHelper.actionTypeSet.getDisplayNameByName( ActionType.INVOKE_SCRIPT_LITERAL.getName( ) ) ) )
			return INDEX_4_SCRIPT;
		if ( cmbActionType.getText( )
				.equals( LiteralHelper.actionTypeSet.getDisplayNameByName( ActionType.HIGHLIGHT_LITERAL.getName( ) ) ) )
			return INDEX_5_HIGHLIGHT;
		if ( cmbActionType.getText( )
				.equals( LiteralHelper.actionTypeSet.getDisplayNameByName( ActionType.TOGGLE_VISIBILITY_LITERAL.getName( ) ) ) )
		if ( cmbActionType.getText( )
				.equals( LiteralHelper.actionTypeSet.getDisplayNameByName( ActionType.TOGGLE_DATA_POINT_VISIBILITY_LITERAL.getName( ) ) ) )
		if ( cmbActionType.getText( )
				.equals( LiteralHelper.actionTypeSet.getDisplayNameByName( ActionType.CALL_BACK_LITERAL.getName( ) ) ) )
			return INDEX_6_CALLBACK;
		return 0;

	private Label addDescriptionLabel( Composite parent, int horizontalSpan,
			String description )
		Label label = new Label( parent, SWT.WRAP );
			GridData gd = new GridData( GridData.FILL_HORIZONTAL );
			gd.widthHint = 200;
			gd.horizontalSpan = horizontalSpan;
			label.setLayoutData( gd );
			label.setText( description );
		return label;

	 * Marks UI will save the trigger when closing
	public void markSaveWhenClosing( )
		this.needSaveWhenDisposing = true;

	public void setTrigger( Trigger trigger )
		if ( trigger == null )
			clear( );
		cmbTriggerType.setText( LiteralHelper.triggerConditionSet.getDisplayNameByName( trigger.getCondition( )
				.getName( ) ) );
		updateActionTypeItems( );

		if ( triggerMatrix.check( trigger ) )
			cmbActionType.setText( LiteralHelper.actionTypeSet.getDisplayNameByName( trigger.getAction( )
					.getType( )
					.getName( ) ) );
			cmbActionType.select( 0 );
		updateUI( trigger );

	private void initUI( )
		final String BLANK_STRING = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
		// case INDEX_1_URL_REDIRECT :
		txtBaseParm.setText( BLANK_STRING );
		txtValueParm.setText( BLANK_STRING );
		txtSeriesParm.setText( BLANK_STRING );
		// case INDEX_2_TOOLTIP :
		txtTooltipText.setText( BLANK_STRING );
		// case INDEX_4_SCRIPT :
		txtScript.setText( BLANK_STRING );
		formatSpecifier = null;

	 * Update UI values according to specified trigger model values.
	 * @param trigger
	private void updateUI( Trigger trigger )
		if ( trigger == null )
			initUI( );

		switch ( getTriggerIndex( ) )
				this.slValues.topControl = multiHyperlinksComposite;
				ActionValue value = trigger.getAction( ).getValue( );
				if ( value instanceof MultiURLValues )
					MultiURLValues urlValues = (MultiURLValues) trigger.getAction( )
							.getValue( );
					multiHyperlinksComposite.populateUIValues( urlValues );
				else if ( value instanceof URLValue )
					ChartAdapter.beginIgnoreNotifications( );

					MultiURLValues muv = MultiURLValuesImpl.create( );
					URLValue uv = (URLValue) value;
					org.eclipse.birt.chart.model.component.Label l = LabelImpl.create( );
					l.setCaption( TextImpl.create( Messages.getString( "TriggerDataComposite.TemporaryName.Hyperlink" ) ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$
					uv.setLabel( l );
					muv.getURLValues( ).add( uv );
					muv.setTooltip( uv.getTooltip( ) );
					muv.eAdapters( ).addAll( value.eAdapters( ) );
					trigger.getAction( ).setValue( muv );
					multiHyperlinksComposite.populateUIValues( muv );

					ChartAdapter.endIgnoreNotifications( );
					// Null case
					ChartAdapter.beginIgnoreNotifications( );
					MultiURLValues urlValues = MultiURLValuesImpl.create( );
					trigger.getAction( ).setValue( urlValues );
					urlValues.eAdapters( ).addAll( trigger.eAdapters( ) );
					multiHyperlinksComposite.populateUIValues( urlValues );
					ChartAdapter.endIgnoreNotifications( );
//					this.slValues.topControl = cmpURL;
//					URLValue urlValue = (URLValue) trigger.getAction( )
//							.getValue( );
//					sBaseURL = urlValue.getBaseUrl( );
//					// txtBaseURL.setText( sBaseURL );
//					// txtTarget.setText( ( urlValue.getTarget( ).length( ) > 0
//					// )
//					// ? urlValue.getTarget( ) : "" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
//					txtBaseParm.setText( ( urlValue.getBaseParameterName( )
//							.length( ) > 0 ) ? urlValue.getBaseParameterName( )
//							: "" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
//					txtValueParm.setText( ( urlValue.getValueParameterName( )
//							.length( ) > 0 ) ? urlValue.getValueParameterName( )
//							: "" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
//					txtSeriesParm.setText( ( urlValue.getSeriesParameterName( )
//							.length( ) > 0 ) ? urlValue.getSeriesParameterName( )
//							: "" ); //$NON-NLS-1$	
			case INDEX_2_TOOLTIP :
				this.slValues.topControl = cmpTooltip;
				TooltipValue tooltipValue = (TooltipValue) trigger.getAction( )
						.getValue( );
				// iscDelay.setSelection( tooltipValue.getDelay( ) );
				btnTooltipExpBuilder.setExpression( tooltipValue.getText( ) );
				formatSpecifier = tooltipValue.getFormatSpecifier( );
				this.slValues.topControl = cmpVisiblity;
			case INDEX_4_SCRIPT :
				this.slValues.topControl = cmpScript;
				ScriptValue scriptValue = (ScriptValue) trigger.getAction( )
						.getValue( );
				btnScriptExpBuilder.setExpression( scriptValue.getScript( ) );
				this.slValues.topControl = cmpHighlight;
				// SeriesValue highlightSeriesValue = (SeriesValue)
				// trigger.getAction( )
				// .getValue( );
				// txtSeriesDefinition.setText( ( highlightSeriesValue.getName(
				// )
				// .length( ) > 0 ) ? highlightSeriesValue.getName( ) : "" );
				// //$NON-NLS-1$
			case INDEX_6_CALLBACK :
				this.slValues.topControl = cmpCallback;
				this.slValues.topControl = cmpDPVisibility;
			default :
				this.slValues.topControl = cmpDefault;
		grpValue.layout( );

	 * Returns the trigger instance according to current UI values.
	 * @return trigger from UI values
	public Trigger getTrigger( )
		if ( cmbActionType.getSelectionIndex( ) == 0 )
			return null;
		ActionValue value = null;
		switch ( getTriggerIndex( ) )
				// Must copy here to avoid chain set
				MultiURLValues muv = multiHyperlinksComposite.getURLValues( );
				value = ( muv != null ) ? muv.copyInstance( ) : muv;
			case INDEX_2_TOOLTIP :
				value = TooltipValueImpl.create( 200, "" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
				( (TooltipValue) value ).setText( btnTooltipExpBuilder.getExpression( ) );
				( (TooltipValue) value ).setFormatSpecifier( formatSpecifier );
				value = AttributeFactory.eINSTANCE.createSeriesValue( );
				( (SeriesValue) value ).setName( "" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
			case INDEX_4_SCRIPT :
				value = AttributeFactory.eINSTANCE.createScriptValue( );
				( (ScriptValue) value ).setScript( btnScriptExpBuilder.getExpression( ) );
				value = AttributeFactory.eINSTANCE.createSeriesValue( );
				( (SeriesValue) value ).setName( "" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
				value = AttributeFactory.eINSTANCE.createSeriesValue( );
				( (SeriesValue) value ).setName( "" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
			default :
		Action action = ActionImpl.create( ActionType.getByName( LiteralHelper.actionTypeSet.getNameByDisplayName( cmbActionType.getText( ) ) ),
				value );
		return TriggerImpl.create( TriggerCondition.getByName( LiteralHelper.triggerConditionSet.getNameByDisplayName( lastTriggerType == null ? cmbTriggerType.getText( )
				: lastTriggerType ) ),
				action );

	public void clear( )
		if ( cmbTriggerType.getItemCount( ) > 0 )
			cmbTriggerType.select( 0 );
		if ( cmbActionType.getItemCount( ) > 0 )
			cmbActionType.select( 0 );
		if ( cmbCursorType.getItemCount( ) > 0 )
			cmbCursorType.select( 0 );
		switchUI( );

	 * Update UI components and values for according to selected trigger type.
	private void switchUI( )
		switch ( getTriggerIndex( ) )
				Trigger trigger = triggersMap.get( cmbTriggerType.getText( ) );
				if ( trigger == null
						|| !( trigger.getAction( ).getValue( ) instanceof MultiURLValues ) )
					multiHyperlinksComposite.populateUIValues( MultiURLValuesImpl.create( ) );
					multiHyperlinksComposite.populateUIValues( (MultiURLValues) trigger.getAction( )
							.getValue( ) );
				this.slValues.topControl = multiHyperlinksComposite;
			case INDEX_2_TOOLTIP :
				this.slValues.topControl = cmpTooltip;
				this.slValues.topControl = cmpVisiblity;
			case INDEX_4_SCRIPT :
				this.slValues.topControl = cmpScript;
				this.slValues.topControl = cmpHighlight;
			case INDEX_6_CALLBACK :
				this.slValues.topControl = cmpCallback;
				this.slValues.topControl = cmpDPVisibility;
			default :
				this.slValues.topControl = cmpDefault;
		grpValue.layout( );

	 * (non-Javadoc)
	 * @see
	 * org.eclipse.swt.events.SelectionListener#widgetSelected(org.eclipse.swt
	 * .events.SelectionEvent)
	public void widgetSelected( SelectionEvent e )
		if ( e.getSource( ).equals( cmbActionType ) )
			String triggerType = cmbTriggerType.getText( );
			if ( cmbActionType.getSelectionIndex( ) == 0 )
				cmbTriggerType.unmarkSelection( triggerType );
				Object trigger = triggersMap.get( triggerType );
				if ( trigger != null )
					triggersMap.remove( triggerType );
					triggersList.remove( trigger );
				cmbTriggerType.markSelection( triggerType );
				// #48981 update the trigger when trigger isn't null.
				Object trigger = triggersMap.get( triggerType );
				if ( trigger == null )
					updateTrigger( triggerType );
			cmbTriggerType.setText( triggerType );
			switchUI( );
		else if ( e.getSource( ).equals( btnBaseURL ) )
				if ( wizardContext != null )
					sBaseURL = wizardContext.getUIServiceProvider( )
							.invoke( getHyperlinkBuilderCommand( ),
									wizardContext.getExtendedItem( ),
									null );
			catch ( ChartException ex )
				WizardBase.displayException( ex );
		else if ( e.getSource( ).equals( btnAdvanced ) )
			bAdvanced = !bAdvanced;
			btnAdvanced.setText( getAdvancedButtonText( bAdvanced ) );
			grpParameters.setVisible( bAdvanced );
			this.slValues.topControl = cmpURL;
			grpValue.layout( true, true );
		else if ( e.getSource( ) == cmbCursorType )
			setMouseCursor( CursorType.getByName( LiteralHelper.cursorSet.getNameByDisplayName( cmbCursorType.getText( ) ) ) );
			updateImageButtonState( );
		else if ( e.getSource( ) == btnCursorImage )
			Cursor c = getMouseCursor( );

			CursorImageDialog idlg = new CursorImageDialog( this.getShell( ), c );
			idlg.open( );

		updateCursorArea( );

	private void updateImageButtonState( )
		Cursor c = getMouseCursor( );
		if ( c != null && c.getType( ) == CursorType.CUSTOM )
			btnCursorImage.setEnabled( true );
		btnCursorImage.setEnabled( false );

	 * (non-Javadoc)
	 * @see
	 * org.eclipse.swt.events.SelectionListener#widgetDefaultSelected(org.eclipse
	 * .swt.events.SelectionEvent)
	public void widgetDefaultSelected( SelectionEvent e )

	private String getActionText( Trigger trigger )
		return LiteralHelper.actionTypeSet.getDisplayNameByName( trigger.getAction( )
				.getType( )
				.getName( ) );

	 * Get modified trigger object instead of old.
	 * @param triggerType
	private void updateTrigger( String triggerType )
		if ( triggerType == null || triggerType.length( ) == 0 )

		if ( cmbActionType.getSelectionIndex( ) <= 0 )
			cmbTriggerType.unmarkSelection( triggerType );
		cmbTriggerType.markSelection( triggerType );

		Trigger oldTrigger = triggersMap.get( triggerType );
		Trigger newTrigger = getTrigger( );
		if ( oldTrigger != null )
			int index = triggersList.indexOf( oldTrigger );
			if ( index >= 0 )
				triggersList.set( index, newTrigger );
			triggersList.add( newTrigger );
		triggersMap.put( triggerType, newTrigger );

		updateCursorArea( );

	private String getAdvancedButtonText( boolean bAdvanced )
		if ( bAdvanced )
			return Messages.getString( "TriggerDataComposite.Text.OpenAdvanced" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
		return Messages.getString( "TriggerDataComposite.Text.Advanced" ); //$NON-NLS-1$


	private int getExpressionBuilderScriptCommand( )
		int type = this.triggerMatrix.getType( );
		if ( ( type & TriggerSupportMatrix.TYPE_DATAPOINT ) == TriggerSupportMatrix.TYPE_DATAPOINT )

	private int getExpressionBuilderTooltipCommand( )
		// Bugzilla#202386: Tooltips never support chart variables.
		int type = this.triggerMatrix.getType( );
		if ( ( type & TriggerSupportMatrix.TYPE_DATAPOINT ) == TriggerSupportMatrix.TYPE_DATAPOINT )
			boolean useCube = wizardContext.getDataServiceProvider( )
					.checkState( IDataServiceProvider.HAS_CUBE )
					|| wizardContext.getDataServiceProvider( )
							.checkState( IDataServiceProvider.SHARE_CROSSTAB_QUERY );
			if ( useCube )

	private int getHyperlinkBuilderCommand( )
		int type = this.triggerMatrix.getType( );
		if ( ( type & TriggerSupportMatrix.TYPE_DATAPOINT ) == TriggerSupportMatrix.TYPE_DATAPOINT )
			boolean useCube = wizardContext.getDataServiceProvider( )
					.checkState( IDataServiceProvider.HAS_CUBE )
					|| wizardContext.getDataServiceProvider( )
							.checkState( IDataServiceProvider.SHARE_CROSSTAB_QUERY );
			if ( useCube )
				// Remove column bindings in data cube case
		if ( ( type & TriggerSupportMatrix.TYPE_LEGEND ) == TriggerSupportMatrix.TYPE_LEGEND )
			return IUIServiceProvider.COMMAND_HYPERLINK_LEGEND;
		return IUIServiceProvider.COMMAND_HYPERLINK;

	private Cursor getMouseCursor( )
		EStructuralFeature esf = cursorContainer.eClass( )
				.getEStructuralFeature( "cursor" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
		return (Cursor) cursorContainer.eGet( esf );

	private void setMouseCursor( CursorType type )
		Cursor c = getMouseCursor( );
		if ( c == null )
			EStructuralFeature esf = cursorContainer.eClass( )
					.getEStructuralFeature( "cursor" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
			c = AttributeFactory.eINSTANCE.createCursor( );
			cursorContainer.eSet( esf, c );
			c.eAdapters( ).addAll( cursorContainer.eAdapters( ) );

		c.setType( type );

	private void updateCursorArea( )
		boolean enableCursor = ( this.triggersList.size( ) > 0 )
				|| ( cmbActionType.getSelectionIndex( ) > 0 );
		cmbCursorType.setEnabled( enableCursor );
		if ( !enableCursor )
			cmbCursorType.select( 0 );
			setMouseCursor( null );
		btnCursorImage.setEnabled( btnCursorImage.isEnabled( ) && enableCursor );