package com.github.dvdme.ForecastIOLib;

import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;

import com.eclipsesource.json.Json;
import com.eclipsesource.json.JsonArray;
import com.eclipsesource.json.JsonObject;

public class ForecastIO {

	private static final String ForecastIOURL = "";
	private final DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ");
	private String ForecastIOApiKey = "";
	private String unitsURL;
	private String timeURL;
	private String excludeURL;
	private String langURL;
	private boolean extend;
    private int connectTimeout = 30000;
    private int readTimeout = 30000;

	private String Cache_Control;
	private String Expires;
	private String X_Forecast_API_Calls;
	private String X_Response_Time;
	private String rawResponse;
	private Proxy proxy_to_use;

	public static final String UNITS_US = "us";
	public static final String UNITS_SI = "si";
	public static final String UNITS_CA = "ca";
	public static final String UNITS_UK = "uk";
	public static final String UNITS_AUTO = "auto";

	public static final String LANG_BOSNIAN = "bs";
	public static final String LANG_GERMAN = "de";
	public static final String LANG_ENGLISH = "en";
	public static final String LANG_SPANISH = "es";
	public static final String LANG_FRENCH = "fr";
	public static final String LANG_ITALIAN = "it";
	public static final String LANG_DUTCH = "nl";
	public static final String LANG_POLISH = "pl";
	public static final String LANG_PORTUGUESE = "pt";
	public static final String LANG_TETUM = "tet";
	public static final String LANG_PIG_LATIN = "x-pig-latin";
	public static final String LANG_RUSSIAN = "ru";

	private JsonObject forecast;

	private JsonObject currently;
	private JsonObject minutely;
	private JsonObject hourly;
	private JsonObject daily;
	private JsonObject flags;
	private JsonArray alerts;

	public ForecastIO(String API_KEY){

		if (API_KEY.length()==32) {
			this.ForecastIOApiKey = API_KEY;
			this.forecast = new JsonObject();
			this.currently = new JsonObject();
			this.minutely = new JsonObject();
			this.hourly = new JsonObject();
			this.daily = new JsonObject();
			this.flags = new JsonObject();
			this.alerts = new JsonArray();
			this.timeURL = null;
			this.excludeURL = null;
			this.extend = false;
			this.unitsURL = UNITS_AUTO;
			this.langURL = LANG_ENGLISH;
			this.proxy_to_use = null;
		else {
			System.err.println("The API Key doesn't seam to be valid.");
	}//construtor - end

	public ForecastIO(String LATITUDE, String LONGITUDE, String API_KEY){	

		if (API_KEY.length()==32) {
			this.ForecastIOApiKey = API_KEY;
			this.forecast = new JsonObject();
			this.currently = new JsonObject();
			this.minutely = new JsonObject();
			this.hourly = new JsonObject();
			this.daily = new JsonObject();
			this.flags = new JsonObject();
			this.alerts = new JsonArray();
			this.timeURL = null;
			this.excludeURL = null;
			this.extend = false;
			this.unitsURL = UNITS_AUTO;
			this.langURL = LANG_ENGLISH;
			this.proxy_to_use = null;

			getForecast(LATITUDE, LONGITUDE);
		else {
			System.err.println("The API Key doesn't seam to be valid.");

	}//construtor - end

	public ForecastIO(String LATITUDE, String LONGITUDE, String PROXYNAME, int PROXYPORT, String API_KEY){	

		if (API_KEY.length()==32) {
			this.ForecastIOApiKey = API_KEY;
			this.forecast = new JsonObject();
			this.currently = new JsonObject();
			this.minutely = new JsonObject();
			this.hourly = new JsonObject();
			this.daily = new JsonObject();
			this.flags = new JsonObject();
			this.alerts = new JsonArray();
			this.timeURL = null;
			this.excludeURL = null;
			this.extend = false;
			this.unitsURL = UNITS_AUTO;
			this.langURL = LANG_ENGLISH;
			this.proxy_to_use = new Proxy(Proxy.Type.HTTP, new InetSocketAddress(PROXYNAME, PROXYPORT));

			getForecast(LATITUDE, LONGITUDE);
		else {
			System.err.println("The API Key doesn't seam to be valid.");

	}//construtor - end
	public ForecastIO(String LATITUDE, String LONGITUDE, String UNITS, String LANG, String API_KEY){	

		if (API_KEY.length()==32) {
			this.ForecastIOApiKey = API_KEY;
			this.forecast = new JsonObject();
			this.currently = new JsonObject();
			this.minutely = new JsonObject();
			this.hourly = new JsonObject();
			this.daily = new JsonObject();
			this.flags = new JsonObject();
			this.alerts = new JsonArray();
			this.timeURL = null;
			this.excludeURL = null;
			this.extend = false;
			this.proxy_to_use = null;
			getForecast(LATITUDE, LONGITUDE);
		} else {
			System.err.println("The API Key doesn't seam to be valid.");

	}//construtor - end
	public ForecastIO(String LATITUDE, String LONGITUDE, String UNITS, String LANG, String PROXYNAME, int PROXYPORT, String API_KEY){	

		if (API_KEY.length()==32) {
			this.ForecastIOApiKey = API_KEY;
			this.forecast = new JsonObject();
			this.currently = new JsonObject();
			this.minutely = new JsonObject();
			this.hourly = new JsonObject();
			this.daily = new JsonObject();
			this.flags = new JsonObject();
			this.alerts = new JsonArray();
			this.timeURL = null;
			this.excludeURL = null;
			this.extend = false;
			this.proxy_to_use = new Proxy(Proxy.Type.HTTP, new InetSocketAddress(PROXYNAME, PROXYPORT));
			getForecast(LATITUDE, LONGITUDE);
		} else {
			System.err.println("The API Key doesn't seam to be valid.");

	}//construtor - end

	 * Returns the latitude that is setted for the request.
	 * @return A Double number with the latitude.
	public Double getLatitude(){
		return this.forecast.get("latitude").asDouble();

	 * Returns the longitude that is setted for the request.
	 * @return A Double number with the longitude.
	public Double getLongitude(){
		return this.forecast.get("longitude").asDouble();

	 * Returns the timezone that is setted.
	 * @return A String with the timezone.
	public String getTimezone(){
		return this.forecast.get("timezone").asString();

	 * Returns the time that is setted for the request.
	 * @return A String with the time
	public String getTime() {
		return timeURL;

	 * Sets the time for the request.
	 * Format should be passed as follows:<br>
	 * [YYYY]-[MM]-[DD]T[HH]:[MM]:[SS]{+,-}[HH][MM]<br>
	 * The last {+,-}[HH][MM] is the timezone<br>
	 * Example:<br>
	 * [2013-05-06T12:00:00-0400]<br>
	 * For more information refer to the API Docs:
	 * <a href=""></a>
	 * @param time in the described format
	public void setTime(String time) {
		this.timeURL = time;
	 * Sets the time for the request.
	 * Time is parsed as follows:<br>
	 * [YYYY]-[MM]-[DD]T[HH]:[MM]:[SS]{+,-}[HH][MM]<br>
	 * The last {+,-}[HH][MM] is the timezone<br>
	 * Example:<br>
	 * [2013-05-06T12:00:00-0400]<br>
	 * For more information refer to the API Docs:
	 * <a href=""></a>
	 * @param time to be parsed
	public void setTime(Date time){
		this.timeURL = dateFormat.format(time);

	 * Returns the excluded fields that are setted for the request.
	 * @return A String with the fields excluded
	public String getExcludeURL() {
		return excludeURL;

	 * Sets the fields to be excluded in the request.<br>
	 * Format should be as follows:<br>
	 * [field1,field2,fieldN] with no spaces
	 * For more information refer to the API Docs:
	 * <a href=""></a>
	 * @param excludeURL in the described format
	public void setExcludeURL(String excludeURL) {
		this.excludeURL = excludeURL;
	 * Sets the http-proxy to use.
	 * @param PROXYNAME hostname or ip of the proxy to use (e.g. ""). If proxyname equals null, no proxy will be used.
	 * @param PROXYPORT port of the proxy to use (e.g. 8080)
	public void setHTTPProxy(String PROXYNAME, int PROXYPORT) {
		if (PROXYNAME == null) {
			this.proxy_to_use = null;
		else {
			this.proxy_to_use = new Proxy(Proxy.Type.HTTP, new InetSocketAddress(PROXYNAME, PROXYPORT));

	 * Returns if the hourly report should be extended in the request.
	 * @return true or false
	public boolean isExtend() {
		return extend;

	 * Sets if the hourly report should be extended in the request.
	 * For more information refer to the API Docs:
	 * <a href=""></a>
	 * @param extend true or false to extend or not the request
	public void setExtend(boolean extend) {
		this.extend = extend;

     * @return the connection timeout in milliseconds.
    public int getConnectTimeout() {
        return connectTimeout;

     * Sets the connection timeout in milliseconds.
     * @param connectTimeout timeout in milliseonds.
    public void setConnectTimeout(int connectTimeout) {
        this.connectTimeout = connectTimeout;

     * @return the read timeout in milliseconds.
    public int getReadTimeout() {
        return readTimeout;

     * Sets the read timeout in milliseconds.
     * @param readTimeout timeout in milliseonds.
    public void setReadTimeout(int readTimeout) {
        this.readTimeout = readTimeout;

	 * Returns the timezone offset in an double
	 * For more information refer to the API Docs:
	 * <a href=""></a>
	 * @return double with the offset
	public double offsetValue(){
		return this.forecast.get("offset").asDouble();

	 * Returns the offset as a String with '+' or '-' sign. 
	 * For more information refer to the API Docs:
	 * <a href=""></a>
	 * @return String with the offset
	public String offset(){
			return ""+this.forecast.get("offset").asDouble();
		else if(this.forecast.get("offset").asDouble()>0)
			return ""+"+"+this.forecast.get("offset").asDouble();
			return "";

	 * Returns the units that are set in the request.
	 * @return String with the units set
	public String getUnits(){
		return this.unitsURL;

	 * Sets the units to be passed in the request. If the units are unavailable, auto is set.<br>
	 * Units can be set with constants like  ForecastIO.UNITS_AUTO.
	 * For more information refer to the API Docs:
	 * <a href=""></a>
	 * @param units the units to be set. Units can set with a constant like ForecastIO.UNITS_SI.
	 * (If the units are invalid the API will return an error)
	public void setUnits(String units){
		this.unitsURL = units;

	 * Returns the language that are set in the request.
	 * @return String with the language set
	public String getLang(){
		return this.langURL;

	 * Sets the language to be passed in the request. If the language is not unavailable, english is set.<br>
	 * Units can be set with constants like  ForecastIO.LANG_ENGLISH.
	 * For more information refer to the API Docs:
	 * <a href=""></a>
	 * @param lang the language to set. this can be set with the constant ForecastIO.LANG_ENGLISH (example for english). 
	 * If a constant is not available for a given an available API language it can be set with the language code.
	 * (If the language is invalid the API will return an error)
	public void setLang(String lang){
		this.langURL = lang;


	 * Returns the currently data point
	 * @return JsonObject with the data point
	public JsonObject getCurrently(){
		return this.currently;

	 * Returns the minutely data block
	 * @return JsonObject with the data block
	public JsonObject getMinutely(){
		return this.minutely;

	 * Returns the hourly data block
	 * @return JsonObject with the data block
	public JsonObject getHourly(){
		return this.hourly;

	 * Returns the flags data 
	 * @return JsonObject with the data
	public JsonObject getFlags(){
		return this.flags;

	 * Returns the alerts data 
	 * @return JsonObject with the data
	public JsonArray getAlerts(){
		return this.alerts;

	 * Returns the daily data block
	 * @return JsonObject with the data block
	public JsonObject getDaily(){
		return this.daily;

	 * Checks if there is any currently data available
	 * @return true or false
	public boolean hasCurrently(){
		if(this.currently == null)
			return false;
			return true;

	 * Checks if there is any minutely data available
	 * @return true or false
	public boolean hasMinutely(){
		if(this.minutely == null)
			return false;
			return true;

	 * Checks if there is any hourly data available
	 * @return true or false
	public boolean hasHourly(){
		if(this.hourly == null)
			return false;
			return true;

	 * Checks if there is any daily data available
	 * @return true or false
	public boolean hasDaily(){
		if(this.daily == null)
			return false;
			return true;

	 * Checks if there is any flags data available
	 * @return true or false
	public boolean hasFlags(){
		if(this.flags == null)
			return false;
			return true;

	 * Checks if there is any flags data available
	 * @return true or false
	public boolean hasAlerts(){
		if(this.alerts == null)
			return false;
			return true;

	private String urlBuilder(String LATITUDE, String LONGITUDE){
		StringBuilder url = new StringBuilder("");
		return url.toString();

	 * Does another query to the API and updates the data
	 * This only updates the data in ForecastIO class
	 * @return True if successful
	public boolean update(){
		boolean b = getForecast(String.valueOf(getLatitude()), String.valueOf(getLongitude()));
		return b;

	 * Gets the forecast reports for the given coordinates with the set options
	 * @param LATITUDE the geographical latitude
	 * @param LONGITUDE the geographical longitude
	 * @return True if successful 
	public boolean getForecast(String LATITUDE, String LONGITUDE) {

		try {
			String reply = httpGET( urlBuilder(LATITUDE, LONGITUDE) );
			if(reply == null)
				return false;
			this.forecast = Json.parse(reply).asObject();
			//this.forecast = JsonObject.readFrom(reply);
		} catch (NullPointerException e) {
			System.err.println("Unable to connect to the API: "+e.getMessage());
			return false;

		return getForecast(this.forecast);

	}//getForecast - end

	 * This change was suggested and made by github user brobzilla to add
	 * the ability to use an external http library. I found this to be a
	 * nice suggestion and improvement. However, because http libraries 
	 * usually return the raw string response, I find that it would be
	 * useful to add a getForecast method that receives the response
	 * String as parameter.   

	 * Parses the forecast reports for the given coordinates with the set options
	 * Useful to use with an external http library
	 * @param http_response String
	 * @return boolean

	public boolean getForecast(String http_response) {
		this.forecast = Json.parse(http_response).asObject();
		//this.forecast = JsonObject.readFrom(http_response);
		return getForecast(this.forecast);

	 * Parses the forecast reports for the given coordinates with the setted options
	 * Useful to use with an external http library
	 * Hint: The getForecast(String http_response) could be more useful since it receives 
	 *       the raw response String instead of the JsonObect. 
	 * @param forecast JsonObject
	 * @return true if successful

	public boolean getForecast(JsonObject forecast) {
		this.forecast = forecast;
		try {
			this.currently = forecast.get("currently").asObject();
		} catch (NullPointerException e) {
			this.currently = null;
		try {
			this.minutely = forecast.get("minutely").asObject();
		} catch (NullPointerException e) {
			this.minutely = null;
		try {
			this.hourly = forecast.get("hourly").asObject();
		} catch (NullPointerException e) {
			this.hourly = null;
		try {
			this.daily = forecast.get("daily").asObject();
		} catch (NullPointerException e) {
			this.daily = null;
		try {
			this.flags = forecast.get("flags").asObject();
		} catch (NullPointerException e) {
			this.flags = null;
		try {
			this.alerts = forecast.get("alerts").asArray();
		} catch (NullPointerException e) {
			this.alerts = null;

		return true;
	}//getForecast - end

	 * Returns the url that is created by internal UrlBuilder method.
	 * Useful to use with an external http library
	 * @param LATITUDE the geographical latitude
	 * @param LONGITUDE the geographical longitude
	 * @return url string.
	public String getUrl(String LATITUDE, String LONGITUDE) {
		return urlBuilder(LATITUDE, LONGITUDE);

	 * Returns the Cache-Control response header value
	 * @return the string with the header value
	public String getHeaderCache_Control() {
		return Cache_Control;

	 * Returns the Expires response header value
	 * @return the string with the header value
	public String getHeaderExpires() {
		return Expires;

	 * Returns the X-Forecast-API-Calls response header value<br>
	 * This is the number os API calls made today from one given API Key.
	 * @return the string with the header value
	public String getHeaderX_Forecast_API_Calls() {
		return X_Forecast_API_Calls;

	 * Returns the X-Response-Time response header value
	 * @return the string with the header value
	public String getHeaderX_Response_Time() {
		return X_Response_Time;
	 * Returns the raw JSON response
	 * @return the string with the JSON response
	public String getRawResponse() {
		return rawResponse;

	private String httpGET(String requestURL) {

		URL request = null;
		HttpURLConnection connection = null;
		//Scanner scanner = null;
		BufferedReader reader = null;
		String s = "";
		String response = "";

		try {
			request = new URL(requestURL);
			// check, if a proxy was defined, if so, use it for the connection
			if (this.proxy_to_use != null) {
				connection = (HttpURLConnection) request.openConnection(this.proxy_to_use);
			else {
				connection = (HttpURLConnection) request.openConnection();
			connection.setRequestProperty("Accept-Encoding", "gzip, deflate");

			Cache_Control = connection.getHeaderField("Cache-Control");
			Expires = connection.getHeaderField("Expires");
			X_Forecast_API_Calls = connection.getHeaderField("X-Forecast-API-Calls");
			X_Response_Time = connection.getHeaderField("X-Response-Time");

			if(connection.getResponseCode() == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK){
                //obtain the encoding returned by the server
                String encoding = connection.getContentEncoding();

				try {
                    //create the appropriate stream wrapper based on the encoding type
					//use UTF-8 when parsing the JSON responses

                    if (encoding != null && encoding.equalsIgnoreCase("gzip")) {
						reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader( new GZIPInputStream( connection.getInputStream() ), "UTF-8"));
					} else if (encoding != null && encoding.equalsIgnoreCase("deflate")) {
                        reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader( new InflaterInputStream( connection.getInputStream(), new Inflater(true) ), "UTF-8"));
                    } else {
						reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader( connection.getInputStream(),"UTF-8" ));

                    while( (s = reader.readLine()) != null )
                        response = s;

				} catch (IOException e){
					System.err.println("Error: "+e.getMessage());
				} finally {
					if (reader != null) {
						try {
							reader = null;
						} catch (IOException e) {
							System.err.println("Error: "+e.getMessage());

			} //if HTTP_OK - End
			// else if HttpURLConnection Not Ok
			else {

				try {
					reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader( connection.getErrorStream() ));
					while( (s = reader.readLine()) != null )
						response = s;
				} catch (IOException e){
					System.err.println("Error: "+e.getMessage());
				} finally {
					if (reader != null) {
						try {
							reader = null;
						} catch (IOException e) {
							System.err.println("Error: "+e.getMessage());
				//If response is not ok print error and return null
				System.err.println("Bad Response: " + response + "\n");
				return null;

			} //else if HttpURLConnection Not Ok - End
		} catch (IOException e) {
			System.err.println("Error: "+e.getMessage());		
			response = null;
		} finally {		
		rawResponse = response;
		return response;
	}//httpGET - end

}//public class - end