package org.apache.hadoop.hive.cassandra;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import org.apache.cassandra.thrift.CfDef;
import org.apache.cassandra.thrift.InvalidRequestException;
import org.apache.cassandra.thrift.KsDef;
import org.apache.cassandra.thrift.NotFoundException;
import org.apache.cassandra.thrift.SchemaDisagreementException;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.cassandra.serde.AbstractColumnSerDe;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.FieldSchema;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.MetaException;
import org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.Table;
import org.apache.thrift.TException;

 * A class to handle the transaction to cassandra backend database.
public class CassandraManager {
  final static public int DEFAULT_REPLICATION_FACTOR = 1;
  final static public String DEFAULT_STRATEGY = "org.apache.cassandra.locator.SimpleStrategy";

  //Cassandra Host Name
  private final String host;

  //Cassandra Host Port
  private final int port;

  //Cassandra proxy client
  private CassandraProxyClient clientHolder;

  //Whether or not use framed connection
  private boolean framedConnection;

  //table property
  private final Table tbl;

  //key space name
  private String keyspace;

  //column family name
  private String columnFamilyName;

   * Construct a cassandra manager object from meta table object.
  public CassandraManager(Table tbl) throws MetaException {
    Map<String, String> serdeParam = tbl.getSd().getSerdeInfo().getParameters();

    String cassandraHost = serdeParam.get(AbstractColumnSerDe.CASSANDRA_HOST);
    if (cassandraHost == null) {
      cassandraHost = AbstractColumnSerDe.DEFAULT_CASSANDRA_HOST;
    } = cassandraHost;

    String cassandraPortStr = serdeParam.get(AbstractColumnSerDe.CASSANDRA_PORT);
    if (cassandraPortStr == null) {
      cassandraPortStr = AbstractColumnSerDe.DEFAULT_CASSANDRA_PORT;

    try {
      port = Integer.parseInt(cassandraPortStr);
    } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
      throw new MetaException(AbstractColumnSerDe.CASSANDRA_PORT + " must be a number");

    this.tbl = tbl;

  private void init() {
    this.keyspace = getCassandraKeyspace();
    this.columnFamilyName = getCassandraColumnFamily();
    this.framedConnection = true;

   * Open connection to the cassandra server.
   * @throws MetaException
  public void openConnection() throws MetaException {
    try {
      clientHolder =  new CassandraProxyClient(host, port, framedConnection, true);
    } catch (CassandraException e) {
      throw new MetaException("Unable to connect to the server " + e.getMessage());

   * Close connection to the cassandra server.
  public void closeConnection() {
    if (clientHolder != null) {

   * Return a keyspace description for the given keyspace name from the cassandra host.
   * @param keyspace keyspace name
   * @return keyspace description
  public KsDef getKeyspaceDesc()
    throws NotFoundException, MetaException {
    try {
      return clientHolder.getProxyConnection().describe_keyspace(keyspace);
    } catch (TException e) {
      throw new MetaException("An internal exception prevented this action from taking place."
          + e.getMessage());
    } catch (InvalidRequestException e) {
      throw new MetaException("An internal exception prevented this action from taking place."
          + e.getMessage());

   * Get Column family based on the configuration in the table. If nothing is found, return null.
  private CfDef getColumnFamily(KsDef ks) {
    for (CfDef cf : ks.getCf_defs()) {
      if (cf.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(columnFamilyName)) {
        return cf;

    return null;

   * Get CfDef based on the configuration in the table.
  private CfDef getCfDef() throws MetaException {
    CfDef cf = new CfDef();


    return cf;

   * Create a keyspace with columns defined in the table.
  public KsDef createKeyspaceWithColumns()
    throws MetaException {
    try {
      KsDef ks = new KsDef();


      return ks;
    } catch (TException e) {
      throw new MetaException("Unable to create key space '" + keyspace + "'. Error:"
          + e.getMessage());
    } catch (InvalidRequestException e) {
      throw new MetaException("Unable to create key space '" + keyspace + "'. Error:"
          + e.getMessage());
    } catch (SchemaDisagreementException e) {
      throw new MetaException("Unable to create key space '" + keyspace + "'. Error:"
          + e.getMessage());


   * Create the column family if it doesn't exist.
   * @param ks
   * @return
   * @throws MetaException
  public CfDef createCFIfNotFound(KsDef ks) throws MetaException {
    CfDef cf = getColumnFamily(ks);
    if (cf == null) {
      return createColumnFamily();
    } else {
      return cf;

   * Create column family based on the configuration in the table.
  public CfDef createColumnFamily() throws MetaException {
    CfDef cf = getCfDef();
    try {
      return cf;
    } catch (TException e) {
      throw new MetaException("Unable to create column family '" + columnFamilyName + "'. Error:"
          + e.getMessage());
    } catch (InvalidRequestException e) {
      throw new MetaException("Unable to create column family '" + columnFamilyName + "'. Error:"
          + e.getMessage());
    } catch (SchemaDisagreementException e) {
      throw new MetaException("Unable to create column family '" + columnFamilyName + "'. Error:"
          + e.getMessage());


  private String getColumnType() throws MetaException {
    String prop = getPropertyFromTable(AbstractColumnSerDe.CASSANDRA_COL_MAPPING);
    List<String> mapping;
    if (prop != null) {
      mapping = AbstractColumnSerDe.parseColumnMapping(prop);
    } else {
      List<FieldSchema> schema = tbl.getSd().getCols();
      if (schema.size() ==0) {
        throw new MetaException("Can't find table column definitions");

      String[] colNames = new String[schema.size()];
      for (int i = 0; i < schema.size(); i++) {
        colNames[i] = schema.get(i).getName();

      String mappingStr = AbstractColumnSerDe.createColumnMappingString(colNames);
      mapping = Arrays.asList(mappingStr.split(","));

    boolean hasKey = false;
    boolean hasColumn = false;
    boolean hasValue = false;
    boolean hasSubColumn = false;

    for (String column : mapping) {
      if (column.equalsIgnoreCase(AbstractColumnSerDe.CASSANDRA_KEY_COLUMN)) {
          hasKey = true;
      } else if (column.equalsIgnoreCase(AbstractColumnSerDe.CASSANDRA_COLUMN_COLUMN)) {
          hasColumn = true;
      } else if (column.equalsIgnoreCase(AbstractColumnSerDe.CASSANDRA_SUBCOLUMN_COLUMN)) {
        hasSubColumn = true;
      } else if (column.equalsIgnoreCase(AbstractColumnSerDe.CASSANDRA_VALUE_COLUMN)) {
        hasValue = true;
      } else {
        return "Standard";

    if (hasKey && hasColumn && hasValue) {
      if (hasSubColumn) {
        return "Super";
      } else {
        return "Standard";
    } else {
      return "Standard";

   * Get replication factor from the table property.
   * @return replication factor
   * @throws MetaException error
  private int getReplicationFactor() throws MetaException {
    String prop = getPropertyFromTable(AbstractColumnSerDe.CASSANDRA_KEYSPACE_REPFACTOR);
    if (prop == null) {
    } else {
      try {
        return Integer.parseInt(prop);
      } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
        throw new MetaException(AbstractColumnSerDe.CASSANDRA_KEYSPACE_REPFACTOR + " must be a number");

   * Get replication strategy from the table property.
   * @return strategy
  private String getStrategy() {
    String prop = getPropertyFromTable(AbstractColumnSerDe.CASSANDRA_KEYSPACE_STRATEGY);
    if (prop == null) {
      return DEFAULT_STRATEGY;
    } else {
      return prop;

   * Get keyspace name from the table property.
   * @return keyspace name
  private String getCassandraKeyspace() {
    String tableName = getPropertyFromTable(AbstractColumnSerDe.CASSANDRA_KEYSPACE_NAME);

    if (tableName == null) {
      tableName = tbl.getDbName();

    tbl.getParameters().put(AbstractColumnSerDe.CASSANDRA_KEYSPACE_NAME, tableName);

    return tableName;

   * Get cassandra column family from table property.
   * @return cassandra column family name
  private String getCassandraColumnFamily() {
    String tableName = getPropertyFromTable(AbstractColumnSerDe.CASSANDRA_CF_NAME);

    if (tableName == null) {
      tableName = tbl.getTableName();

    tbl.getParameters().put(AbstractColumnSerDe.CASSANDRA_CF_NAME, tableName);

    return tableName;

   * Get the value for a given name from the table.
   * It first checks the table property. If it is not there, it checks the serde properties.
   * @param columnName given name
   * @return value
  private String getPropertyFromTable(String columnName) {
    String prop = tbl.getParameters().get(columnName);
    if (prop == null) {
      prop = tbl.getSd().getSerdeInfo().getParameters().get(columnName);

    return prop;

   * Drop the table defined in the query.
  public void dropTable() throws MetaException {
    try {
    } catch (TException e) {
      throw new MetaException("Unable to drop column family '" + columnFamilyName + "'. Error:"
          + e.getMessage());
    } catch (InvalidRequestException e) {
      throw new MetaException("Unable to drop column family '" + columnFamilyName + "'. Error:"
          + e.getMessage());
    } catch (SchemaDisagreementException e) {
      throw new MetaException("Unable to drop column family '" + columnFamilyName + "'. Error:"
          + e.getMessage());
