package io.dropwizard.bundles.assets;

import io.dropwizard.ConfiguredBundle;
import io.dropwizard.setup.Bootstrap;
import io.dropwizard.setup.Environment;

import java.util.Map;

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import static;

 * An assets bundle (like io.dropwizard.assets.AssetsBundle) that utilizes configuration to provide
 * the ability to override how assets are loaded and cached.  Specifying an override is useful
 * during the development phase to allow assets to be loaded directly out of source directories
 * instead of the classpath and to force them to not be cached by the browser or the server.  This
 * allows developers to edit an asset, save and then immediately refresh the web browser and see the
 * updated assets.  No compilation or copy steps are necessary.
public class ConfiguredAssetsBundle implements ConfiguredBundle<AssetsBundleConfiguration> {
  private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ConfiguredAssetsBundle.class);

  private static final String DEFAULT_PATH = "/assets";
  public static final CacheBuilderSpec DEFAULT_CACHE_SPEC =
  private static final String DEFAULT_INDEX_FILE = "index.htm";
  private static final String DEFAULT_SERVLET_MAPPING_NAME = "assets";

  private final Iterable<Map.Entry<String, String>> resourcePathToUriMappings;
  private final CacheBuilderSpec cacheBuilderSpec;
  private final String indexFile;
  private final String assetsName;

   * Creates a new {@link ConfiguredAssetsBundle} which serves up static assets from
   * {@code src/main/resources/assets/*} as {@code /assets/*}.
   * @see ConfiguredAssetsBundle#ConfiguredAssetsBundle(String, String, String, String,
   * CacheBuilderSpec)
  public ConfiguredAssetsBundle() {

   * Creates a new {@link ConfiguredAssetsBundle} which will configure the service to serve the
   * static files located in {@code src/main/resources/${path}} as {@code /${path}}. For example,
   * given a {@code path} of {@code "/assets"}, {@code src/main/resources/assets/example.js} would
   * be served up from {@code /assets/example.js}.
   * @param path the classpath and URI root of the static asset files
   * @see ConfiguredAssetsBundle#ConfiguredAssetsBundle(String, String, String, String,
   * CacheBuilderSpec)
  public ConfiguredAssetsBundle(String path) {

   * Creates a new {@link ConfiguredAssetsBundle} which will configure the service to serve the
   * static files located in {@code src/main/resources/${resourcePath}} as {@code /${uriPath}}. For
   * example, given a {@code resourcePath} of {@code "/assets"} and a uriPath of {@code "/js"},
   * {@code src/main/resources/assets/example.js} would be served up from {@code /js/example.js}.
   * @param resourcePath the resource path (in the classpath) of the static asset files
   * @param uriPath      the uri path for the static asset files
   * @see ConfiguredAssetsBundle#ConfiguredAssetsBundle(String, String, String, String,
   * CacheBuilderSpec)
  public ConfiguredAssetsBundle(String resourcePath, String uriPath) {

   * Creates a new AssetsBundle which will configure the service to serve the static files
   * located in {@code src/main/resources/${resourcePath}} as {@code /${uriPath}}. If no file name
   * is in ${uriPath}, ${indexFile} is appended before serving. For example, given a
   * {@code resourcePath} of {@code "/assets"} and a uriPath of {@code "/js"},
   * {@code src/main/resources/assets/example.js} would be served up from {@code /js/example.js}.
   * @param resourcePath the resource path (in the classpath) of the static asset files
   * @param uriPath      the uri path for the static asset files
   * @param indexFile    the name of the index file to use
  public ConfiguredAssetsBundle(String resourcePath, String uriPath, String indexFile) {
    this(resourcePath, uriPath, indexFile, DEFAULT_SERVLET_MAPPING_NAME, DEFAULT_CACHE_SPEC);

   * Creates a new AssetsBundle which will configure the service to serve the static files
   * located in {@code src/main/resources/${resourcePath}} as {@code /${uriPath}}. If no file name
   * is in ${uriPath}, ${indexFile} is appended before serving. For example, given a
   * {@code resourcePath} of {@code "/assets"} and a uriPath of {@code "/js"},
   * {@code src/main/resources/assets/example.js} would be served up from {@code /js/example.js}.
   * @param resourcePath the resource path (in the classpath) of the static asset files
   * @param uriPath      the uri path for the static asset files
   * @param indexFile    the name of the index file to use
   * @param assetsName   the name of servlet mapping used for this assets bundle
  public ConfiguredAssetsBundle(String resourcePath, String uriPath, String indexFile,
                                String assetsName) {
    this(resourcePath, uriPath, indexFile, assetsName, DEFAULT_CACHE_SPEC);

   * Creates a new {@link ConfiguredAssetsBundle} which serves up static assets from
   * {@code src/main/resources/assets/*} as {@code /assets/*}.
   * @param cacheBuilderSpec the spec for the cache builder
   * @see ConfiguredAssetsBundle#ConfiguredAssetsBundle(Map, String, String, CacheBuilderSpec)
  public ConfiguredAssetsBundle(CacheBuilderSpec cacheBuilderSpec) {

   * Creates a new {@link ConfiguredAssetsBundle} which will configure the service to serve the
   * static files located in {@code src/main/resources/${path}} as {@code /${path}}. For example,
   * given a {@code path} of {@code "/assets"}, {@code src/main/resources/assets/example.js} would
   * be served up from {@code /assets/example.js}.
   * @param resourcePath     the resource path (in the classpath) of the static asset files
   * @param cacheBuilderSpec the spec for the cache builder
  public ConfiguredAssetsBundle(String resourcePath, CacheBuilderSpec cacheBuilderSpec) {
    this(resourcePath, resourcePath, DEFAULT_INDEX_FILE, DEFAULT_SERVLET_MAPPING_NAME,

   * Creates a new {@link ConfiguredAssetsBundle} which will configure the service to serve the
   * static files located in {@code src/main/resources/${resourcePath}} as {@code /${uriPath}}. For
   * example, given a {@code resourcePath} of {@code "/assets"} and a uriPath of {@code "/js"},
   * {@code src/main/resources/assets/example.js} would be served up from {@code /js/example.js}.
   * @param resourcePath     the resource path (in the classpath) of the static asset files
   * @param uriPath          the uri path for the static asset files
   * @param cacheBuilderSpec the spec for the cache builder
   * @see ConfiguredAssetsBundle#ConfiguredAssetsBundle(Map, String, String, CacheBuilderSpec)
  public ConfiguredAssetsBundle(String resourcePath, String uriPath,
                                CacheBuilderSpec cacheBuilderSpec) {
    this(resourcePath, uriPath, DEFAULT_INDEX_FILE, DEFAULT_SERVLET_MAPPING_NAME, cacheBuilderSpec);

   * Creates a new AssetsBundle which will configure the service to serve the static files
   * located in {@code src/main/resources/${resourcePath}} as {@code /${uriPath}}. If no file name
   * is in ${uriPath}, ${indexFile} is appended before serving. For example, given a
   * {@code resourcePath} of {@code "/assets"} and a uriPath of {@code "/js"},
   * {@code src/main/resources/assets/example.js} would be served up from {@code /js/example.js}.
   * @param resourcePath     the resource path (in the classpath) of the static asset files
   * @param uriPath          the uri path for the static asset files
   * @param indexFile        the name of the index file to use
   * @param cacheBuilderSpec the spec for the cache builder
   * @see ConfiguredAssetsBundle#ConfiguredAssetsBundle(Map, String, String, CacheBuilderSpec)
  public ConfiguredAssetsBundle(String resourcePath, String uriPath, String indexFile,
                                CacheBuilderSpec cacheBuilderSpec) {
    this(resourcePath, uriPath, indexFile, DEFAULT_SERVLET_MAPPING_NAME, cacheBuilderSpec);

   * Creates a new {@link ConfiguredAssetsBundle} which will configure the service to serve the
   * static files located in {@code src/main/resources/${resourcePath}} as {@code /${uriPath}}. For
   * example, given a {@code resourcePath} of {@code "/assets"} and a uriPath of {@code "/js"},
   * {@code src/main/resources/assets/example.js} would be served up from {@code /js/example.js}.
   * @param resourcePath     the resource path (in the classpath) of the static asset files
   * @param cacheBuilderSpec the spec for the cache builder
   * @param uriPath          the uri path for the static asset files
   * @param indexFile        the name of the index file to use
   * @param assetsName       the name of servlet mapping used for this assets bundle
  public ConfiguredAssetsBundle(String resourcePath, String uriPath, String indexFile,
                                String assetsName, CacheBuilderSpec cacheBuilderSpec) {
    this(ImmutableMap.<String, String>builder().put(resourcePath, uriPath).build(), indexFile,
        assetsName, cacheBuilderSpec);

   * Creates a new {@link ConfiguredAssetsBundle} which will configure the service to serve the
   * static files located in {@code src/main/resources/${resourcePath}} as {@code /${uriPath}}. For
   * example, given a {@code resourcePath} of {@code "/assets"} and a uriPath of {@code "/js"},
   * {@code src/main/resources/assets/example.js} would be served up from {@code /js/example.js}.
   * @param resourcePathToUriMappings a series of mappings from resource paths (in the classpath)
   *                                  to the uri path that hosts the resource
   * @see ConfiguredAssetsBundle#ConfiguredAssetsBundle(String, String, String, String,
   * CacheBuilderSpec)
  public ConfiguredAssetsBundle(Map<String, String> resourcePathToUriMappings) {

   * Creates a new AssetsBundle which will configure the service to serve the static files
   * located in {@code src/main/resources/${resourcePath}} as {@code /${uriPath}}. If no file name
   * is in ${uriPath}, ${indexFile} is appended before serving. For example, given a
   * {@code resourcePath} of {@code "/assets"} and a uriPath of {@code "/js"},
   * {@code src/main/resources/assets/example.js} would be served up from {@code /js/example.js}.
   * @param resourcePathToUriMappings a series of mappings from resource paths (in the classpath)
   *                                  to the uri path that hosts the resource
   * @param indexFile                 the name of the index file to use
  public ConfiguredAssetsBundle(Map<String, String> resourcePathToUriMappings, String indexFile) {
    this(resourcePathToUriMappings, indexFile, DEFAULT_SERVLET_MAPPING_NAME, DEFAULT_CACHE_SPEC);

   * Creates a new AssetsBundle which will configure the service to serve the static files
   * located in {@code src/main/resources/${resourcePath}} as {@code /${uriPath}}. If no file name
   * is in ${uriPath}, ${indexFile} is appended before serving. For example, given a
   * {@code resourcePath} of {@code "/assets"} and a uriPath of {@code "/js"},
   * {@code src/main/resources/assets/example.js} would be served up from {@code /js/example.js}.
   * @param resourcePathToUriMappings a series of mappings from resource paths (in the classpath)
   *                                  to the uri path that hosts the resource
   * @param indexFile                 the name of the index file to use
   * @param assetsName                the name of servlet mapping used for this assets bundle
  public ConfiguredAssetsBundle(Map<String, String> resourcePathToUriMappings, String indexFile,
                                String assetsName) {
    this(resourcePathToUriMappings, indexFile, assetsName, DEFAULT_CACHE_SPEC);

   * Creates a new {@link ConfiguredAssetsBundle} which will configure the service to serve the
   * static files located in {@code src/main/resources/${resourcePath}} as {@code /${uriPath}}. For
   * example, given a {@code resourcePath} of {@code "/assets"} and a uriPath of {@code "/js"},
   * {@code src/main/resources/assets/example.js} would be served up from {@code /js/example.js}.
   * @param resourcePathToUriMappings a series of mappings from resource paths (in the classpath)
   *                                  to the uri path that hosts the resource
   * @param cacheBuilderSpec          the spec for the cache builder
   * @see ConfiguredAssetsBundle#ConfiguredAssetsBundle(Map, String, String, CacheBuilderSpec)
  public ConfiguredAssetsBundle(Map<String, String> resourcePathToUriMappings,
                                CacheBuilderSpec cacheBuilderSpec) {

   * Creates a new AssetsBundle which will configure the service to serve the static files
   * located in {@code src/main/resources/${resourcePath}} as {@code /${uriPath}}. If no file name
   * is in ${uriPath}, ${indexFile} is appended before serving. For example, given a
   * {@code resourcePath} of {@code "/assets"} and a uriPath of {@code "/js"},
   * {@code src/main/resources/assets/example.js} would be served up from {@code /js/example.js}.
   * @param resourcePathToUriMappings a series of mappings from resource paths (in the classpath)
   *                                  to the uri path that hosts the resource
   * @param indexFile                 the name of the index file to use
   * @param cacheBuilderSpec          the spec for the cache builder
   * @see ConfiguredAssetsBundle#ConfiguredAssetsBundle(Map, String, String,
   * CacheBuilderSpec)
  public ConfiguredAssetsBundle(Map<String, String> resourcePathToUriMappings, String indexFile,
                                CacheBuilderSpec cacheBuilderSpec) {
    this(resourcePathToUriMappings, indexFile, DEFAULT_SERVLET_MAPPING_NAME, cacheBuilderSpec);

   * Creates a new {@link ConfiguredAssetsBundle} which will configure the service to serve the
   * static files located in {@code src/main/resources/${resourcePath}} as {@code /${uriPath}}. For
   * example, given a {@code resourcePath} of {@code "/assets"} and a uriPath of {@code "/js"},
   * {@code src/main/resources/assets/example.js} would be served up from {@code /js/example.js}.
   * @param resourcePathToUriMappings a series of mappings from resource paths (in the classpath)
   *                                  to the uri path that hosts the resource
   * @param cacheBuilderSpec          the spec for the cache builder
   * @param indexFile                 the name of the index file to use
   * @param assetsName                the name of servlet mapping used for this assets bundle
  public ConfiguredAssetsBundle(Map<String, String> resourcePathToUriMappings, String indexFile,
                                String assetsName, CacheBuilderSpec cacheBuilderSpec) {
    for (Map.Entry<String, String> mapping : resourcePathToUriMappings.entrySet()) {
      String resourcePath = mapping.getKey();
      checkArgument(resourcePath.startsWith("/"), "%s is not an absolute path", resourcePath);
      checkArgument(!"/".equals(resourcePath), "%s is the classpath root", resourcePath);
    this.resourcePathToUriMappings =
    this.cacheBuilderSpec = cacheBuilderSpec;
    this.indexFile = indexFile;
    this.assetsName = assetsName;

  public void initialize(Bootstrap<?> bootstrap) {
    // nothing to do

  public void run(AssetsBundleConfiguration bundleConfig, Environment env) throws Exception {
    AssetsConfiguration config = bundleConfig.getAssetsConfiguration();

    // Let the cache spec from the configuration override the one specified in the code
    CacheBuilderSpec spec = (config.getCacheSpec() != null)
        ? CacheBuilderSpec.parse(config.getCacheSpec())
        : cacheBuilderSpec;

    Iterable<Map.Entry<String, String>> overrides = config.getOverrides().entrySet();
    Iterable<Map.Entry<String, String>> mimeTypes = config.getMimeTypes().entrySet();

    Iterable<Map.Entry<String, String>> servletResourcePathToUriMappings;

    if (!config.getResourcePathToUriMappings().isEmpty()) {
      servletResourcePathToUriMappings = config.getResourcePathToUriMappings().entrySet();
    } else {
      servletResourcePathToUriMappings = resourcePathToUriMappings;
    AssetServlet servlet = new AssetServlet(servletResourcePathToUriMappings, indexFile,
        Charsets.UTF_8, spec, overrides, mimeTypes);

    for (Map.Entry<String, String> mapping : servletResourcePathToUriMappings) {
      String mappingPath = mapping.getValue();
      if (!mappingPath.endsWith("/")) {
        mappingPath += '/';
      mappingPath += "*";
      servlet.setCacheControlHeader(config.getCacheControlHeader());"Registering ConfiguredAssetBundle with name: {} for path {}", assetsName,
      env.servlets().addServlet(assetsName, servlet).addMapping(mappingPath);