 * COPYRIGHT (C) 2014-2019 WEN YU ([email protected]) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
 * This program and the accompanying materials
 * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
 * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
 * Any modifications to this file must keep this entire header intact.
 * Change History - most recent changes go on top of previous changes
 * JPGReader.java
 * Who   Date       Description
 * ====  =========  =================================================
 * WY    18Jun2019  Added code to read APP1
 * WY    18Jun2019  Added code to read APP2/APP13
 * WY    12Jan2016  Cleaned up stale code
  * Decodes and shows images in JPEG format.
  * Current version is a baseline JFIF compatible one. It supports Adobe
  * APP14 color transform - YCCK, CMYK, YCCK inverted. Progressive DCT
  * is not supported!
  * @author Wen Yu, [email protected]
  * @version 1.0 04/23/2007
package com.icafe4j.image.reader;

import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import com.icafe4j.image.compression.UnsupportedCompressionException;
import com.icafe4j.image.compression.huffman.HuffmanTbl;
import com.icafe4j.image.jpeg.DHTReader;
import com.icafe4j.image.jpeg.DQTReader;
import com.icafe4j.image.jpeg.HTable;
import com.icafe4j.image.jpeg.Marker;
import com.icafe4j.image.jpeg.QTable;
import com.icafe4j.image.jpeg.SOFReader;
import com.icafe4j.image.jpeg.SOSReader;
import com.icafe4j.image.jpeg.Segment;
import com.icafe4j.image.meta.Metadata;
import com.icafe4j.image.meta.MetadataType;
import com.icafe4j.image.meta.adobe.IRB;
import com.icafe4j.image.meta.adobe.ImageResourceID;
import com.icafe4j.image.meta.adobe._8BIM;
import com.icafe4j.image.meta.icc.ICCProfile;
import com.icafe4j.image.meta.iptc.IPTC;
import com.icafe4j.image.meta.jpeg.JpegExif;
import com.icafe4j.image.meta.jpeg.JpegXMP;
import com.icafe4j.image.meta.xmp.XMP;
import com.icafe4j.image.jpeg.Component;
import com.icafe4j.io.IOUtils;
import com.icafe4j.string.StringUtils;
import com.icafe4j.string.XMLUtils;
import com.icafe4j.util.ArrayUtils;

import static com.icafe4j.image.jpeg.JPGConsts.*;

public class JPGReader extends ImageReader {
	// Create a map to hold all the metadata and thumbnails
	private Map<MetadataType, Metadata> metadataMap = new HashMap<MetadataType, Metadata>();
	// Used to read multiple segment ICCProfile
	private ByteArrayOutputStream iccProfileStream = null;
	// Used to read multiple segment Adobe APP13
	private ByteArrayOutputStream eightBIMStream = null;
	// Used to read multiple segment XMP
	private byte[] extendedXMP = null;
	private String xmpGUID = ""; // 32 byte ASCII hex string
	// Tables definition
	// For JFIF there are normally two quantization tables, but for
	// other format there can be up to 4 quantization tables!
	private int quant_tbl[][] = new int[4][];
	private HuffmanTbl dc_hufftbl[] = new HuffmanTbl[4];
	private HuffmanTbl ac_hufftbl[] = new HuffmanTbl[4];
	private Map<Integer, Component> components = new HashMap<Integer, Component>(4);
	// Obtain a logger instance
	private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(JPGReader.class);
	public BufferedImage read1(InputStream is) throws Exception	{
		boolean finished = false;
		int length = 0;
		short marker;
		Marker emarker;
		/* Each SOFReader is associated with a single SOF segment
		 * Usually there is only one SOF segment, but for hierarchical
		 * JPEG, there could be more than one SOF
		List<SOFReader> readers = new ArrayList<SOFReader>();
		// The very first marker should be the start_of_image marker!	
		if(Marker.fromShort(IOUtils.readShortMM(is)) != Marker.SOI)
			throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid JPEG image, expected SOI marker not found!");
		marker = IOUtils.readShortMM(is);
		while (!finished) {
			if (Marker.fromShort(marker) == Marker.EOI)	{
				finished = true;
			} else { // Read markers
				emarker = Marker.fromShort(marker);
				switch (emarker) {
					case JPG: // JPG and JPGn shouldn't appear in the image.
					case JPG0:
					case JPG13:
				    case TEM: // The only stand alone marker besides SOI, EOI, and RSTn. 
						marker = IOUtils.readShortMM(is);
				    case PADDING:	
				    	int nextByte = 0;
				    	while((nextByte = IOUtils.read(is)) == 0xff) {;}
				    	marker = (short)((0xff<<8)|nextByte);
				    case DQT:
				    	marker = IOUtils.readShortMM(is);
				    case DHT:
				    	marker = IOUtils.readShortMM(is);
				    case SOS:
				    	SOFReader reader = readers.get(readers.size() - 1);
						marker = readSOS(is, reader);
				    case SOF0:
	                case SOF1:
	                case SOF2:
	                	readers.add(readSOF(is, emarker));
						marker = IOUtils.readShortMM(is);
				    case SOF3:
			        case SOF5:
	                case SOF6:
	                case SOF7:
	                case SOF9:
	                case SOF10:
	                case SOF11:
	                case SOF13:
	                case SOF14:
	                case SOF15:	                	
	                    throw new UnsupportedCompressionException(emarker.getDescription() + " is not supported by this decoder!");
	                case APP1:
	                	marker = IOUtils.readShortMM(is);
				    case APP2:
						marker = IOUtils.readShortMM(is);
				    case APP13:
				    	marker = IOUtils.readShortMM(is);
				    case APP14:
				    	marker = IOUtils.readShortMM(is);
				    	length = IOUtils.readUnsignedShortMM(is);					
				    	byte[] buf = new byte[length - 2];					   
				    	IOUtils.readFully(is, buf);				
				    	marker = IOUtils.readShortMM(is);
		// Add extendedXMP to XMP if any
		if(extendedXMP != null) {
			XMP xmp = ((XMP)metadataMap.get(MetadataType.XMP));
			if(xmp != null)
		// Now it's time to join multiple segments ICC_PROFILE and/or XMP		
		if(iccProfileStream != null) { // We have ICCProfile data
			ICCProfile icc_profile = new ICCProfile(iccProfileStream.toByteArray());
			metadataMap.put(MetadataType.ICC_PROFILE, icc_profile);
		if(eightBIMStream != null) {
			IRB irb = new IRB(eightBIMStream.toByteArray());	
			metadataMap.put(MetadataType.PHOTOSHOP_IRB, irb);
			_8BIM iptc = irb.get8BIM(ImageResourceID.IPTC_NAA.getValue());
			// Extract IPTC as stand-alone meta
			if(iptc != null) {
				metadataMap.put(MetadataType.IPTC, new IPTC(iptc.getData()));
		return null;
	private void readAPP1(InputStream is) throws IOException {
		int length = IOUtils.readUnsignedShortMM(is);
		byte[] temp = new byte[length - 2];
		IOUtils.readFully(is, temp);
		// Check for EXIF
		if(temp.length >= EXIF_ID.length() && new String(temp, 0, EXIF_ID.length()).equals(EXIF_ID)) {
			// We found EXIF
			JpegExif exif = new JpegExif(ArrayUtils.subArray(temp, EXIF_ID.length(), length - EXIF_ID.length() - 2));
			metadataMap.put(MetadataType.EXIF, exif);
		} else if(temp.length >= XMP_ID.length() && new String(temp, 0, XMP_ID.length()).equals(XMP_ID) ||
				temp.length >= NON_STANDARD_XMP_ID.length() && new String(temp, 0, NON_STANDARD_XMP_ID.length()).equals(NON_STANDARD_XMP_ID)) {
			// We found XMP, add it to metadata list (We may later revise it if we have ExtendedXMP)
			XMP xmp = new JpegXMP(ArrayUtils.subArray(temp, XMP_ID.length(), length - XMP_ID.length() - 2));
			metadataMap.put(MetadataType.XMP, xmp);
			// Retrieve XMP GUID if available
			xmpGUID = XMLUtils.getAttribute(xmp.getXmpDocument(), "rdf:Description", "xmpNote:HasExtendedXMP");
		} else if(temp.length >= XMP_EXT_ID.length() && new String(temp, 0, XMP_EXT_ID.length()).equals(XMP_EXT_ID)) {
			// We found ExtendedXMP, add the data to ExtendedXMP memory buffer				
			int i = XMP_EXT_ID.length();
			// 128-bit MD5 digest of the full ExtendedXMP serialization
			byte[] guid = ArrayUtils.subArray(temp, i, 32);
			if(Arrays.equals(guid, xmpGUID.getBytes())) { // We have matched the GUID, copy it
				i += 32;
				long extendedXMPLength = IOUtils.readUnsignedIntMM(temp, i);
				i += 4;
				if(extendedXMP == null)
					extendedXMP = new byte[(int)extendedXMPLength];
				// Offset for the current segment
				long offset = IOUtils.readUnsignedIntMM(temp, i);
				i += 4;
				byte[] xmpBytes = ArrayUtils.subArray(temp, i, length - XMP_EXT_ID.length() - 42);
				System.arraycopy(xmpBytes, 0, extendedXMP, (int)offset, xmpBytes.length);
	private void readAPP2(InputStream is) throws IOException {
		int len = ICC_PROFILE_ID.length();
		byte[] temp = new byte[len];
		int length = IOUtils.readUnsignedShortMM(is);
		IOUtils.readFully(is, temp);
		// ICC_PROFILE segment.
		if (Arrays.equals(temp, ICC_PROFILE_ID.getBytes())) {
			temp = new byte[length - len - 2];
		    IOUtils.readFully(is, temp);
		    if(iccProfileStream == null)
				iccProfileStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
			iccProfileStream.write(ArrayUtils.subArray(temp, 2, length - len - 4));
		} else {
  			IOUtils.skipFully(is, length - len - 2);
	private void readAPP13(InputStream is) throws IOException {
		int len = PHOTOSHOP_IRB_ID.length();
		byte[] temp = new byte[len];
		int length = IOUtils.readUnsignedShortMM(is);
		IOUtils.readFully(is, temp);
		if (Arrays.equals(temp, PHOTOSHOP_IRB_ID.getBytes())) {
			temp = new byte[length - len - 2];
			IOUtils.readFully(is, temp);
			if(eightBIMStream == null)
				eightBIMStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
		} else {
  			IOUtils.skipFully(is, length - len - 2);
	private void readAPP14(InputStream is) throws IOException {	
		String[] app14Info = {"DCTEncodeVersion: ", "APP14Flags0: ", "APP14Flags1: ", "ColorTransform: "};		
		int expectedLen = 14; // Expected length of this segment is 14.
		int length = IOUtils.readUnsignedShortMM(is);
		if (length >= expectedLen) { 
			byte[] data = new byte[length - 2];
			IOUtils.readFully(is, data, 0, length - 2);
			byte[] buf = ArrayUtils.subArray(data, 0, 5);
			if(Arrays.equals(buf, ADOBE_ID.getBytes())) {
				for (int i = 0, j = 5; i < 3; i++, j += 2) {
					LOGGER.info("{}{}", app14Info[i], StringUtils.shortToHexStringMM(IOUtils.readShortMM(data, j)));
				LOGGER.debug("{}{}", app14Info[3], (((data[11]&0xff) == 0)? "Unknown (RGB or CMYK)":
					((data[11]&0xff) == 1)? "YCbCr":"YCCK" ));
	private void read_DQT(InputStream is)throws IOException {
		// Define quantization table segment
		int len = IOUtils.readUnsignedShortMM(is);
        byte buf[] = new byte[len - 2];
        IOUtils.readFully(is, buf);
    	DQTReader reader = new DQTReader(new Segment(Marker.DQT, len, buf));    	
    	List<QTable> qTables = reader.getTables();
    	for(QTable table : qTables) {
			int destination_id = table.getID();
			quant_tbl[destination_id] = table.getData();
    	LOGGER.debug("\n{}", qTablesToString(qTables));
	private static String qTablesToString(List<QTable> qTables) {
		StringBuilder qtTables = new StringBuilder();
		qtTables.append("Quantization table information =>:\n");
		int count = 0;
		for(QTable table : qTables) {
			int QT_precision = table.getPrecision();
			int[] qTable = table.getData();
			qtTables.append("precision of QT is " + QT_precision + "\n");
			qtTables.append("Quantization table #" + table.getID() + ":\n");
		   	if(QT_precision == 0) {
				for (int j = 0; j < 64; j++) {
					if (j != 0 && j%8 == 0) {
					qtTables.append(qTable[j] + " ");			
			} else { // 16 bit big-endian
				for (int j = 0; j < 64; j++) {
					if (j != 0 && j%8 == 0) {
					qtTables.append(qTable[j] + " ");	
		qtTables.append("Total number of Quantation tables: " + count + "\n");
		qtTables.append("End of quantization table information\n");
		return qtTables.toString();		
	// Process define Huffman table
	private void read_DHT(InputStream is) throws IOException {
		// Define Huffman table segment
		int len = IOUtils.readUnsignedShortMM(is);
        byte buf[] = new byte[len - 2];
        IOUtils.readFully(is, buf);
    	DHTReader reader = new DHTReader(new Segment(Marker.DHT, len, buf));
		List<HTable> dcTables = reader.getDCTables();
		List<HTable> acTables = reader.getACTables();
		for(HTable table : dcTables)
			dc_hufftbl[table.getID()] = new HuffmanTbl(table.getBits(), table.getValues());
		for(HTable table : acTables)
			ac_hufftbl[table.getID()] = new HuffmanTbl(table.getBits(), table.getValues());
		LOGGER.debug("\n{}", hTablesToString(dcTables));
		LOGGER.debug("\n{}", hTablesToString(acTables));

	private static String hTablesToString(List<HTable> hTables) {
		final String[] HT_class_table = {"DC Component", "AC Component"};
		StringBuilder hufTable = new StringBuilder();
		hufTable.append("Huffman table information =>:\n");
		for(HTable table : hTables)	{
			hufTable.append("Class: " + table.getClazz() + " (" + HT_class_table[table.getClazz()] + ")\n");
			hufTable.append("Huffman table #: " + table.getID() + "\n");
			byte[] bits = table.getBits();
			byte[] values = table.getValues();
		    int count = 0;
			for (int i = 0; i < bits.length; i++) {
				count += (bits[i]&0xff);
            hufTable.append("Number of codes: " + count + "\n");
            if (count > 256)
            	throw new RuntimeException("Invalid huffman code count: " + count);			
            int j = 0;
			for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
				hufTable.append("Codes of length " + (i+1) + " (" + (bits[i]&0xff) +  " total): [ ");
				for (int k = 0; k < (bits[i]&0xff); k++) {
					hufTable.append((values[j++]&0xff) + " ");
			hufTable.append("<= End of Huffman table information>>\n");
		return hufTable.toString();
	private SOFReader readSOF(InputStream is, Marker marker) throws IOException {		
		int len = IOUtils.readUnsignedShortMM(is);
		byte buf[] = new byte[len - 2];
		IOUtils.readFully(is, buf);
		Segment segment = new Segment(marker, len, buf);		
		SOFReader reader = new SOFReader(segment);
		LOGGER.debug("\n{}", sofToString(reader));
		return reader;
	private static String sofToString(SOFReader reader) {
		StringBuilder sof = new StringBuilder();		
		sof.append("SOF information =>\n");
		sof.append("Precision: " + reader.getPrecision() + "\n");
		sof.append("Image height: " + reader.getFrameHeight() +"\n");
		sof.append("Image width: " + reader.getFrameWidth() + "\n");
		sof.append("# of Components: " + reader.getNumOfComponents() + "\n");
		sof.append("(1 = grey scaled, 3 = color YCbCr or YIQ, 4 = color CMYK)\n");		
		for(Component component : reader.getComponents()) {
			sof.append("Component ID: " + component.getId() + "\n");
			sof.append("Herizontal sampling factor: " + component.getHSampleFactor() + "\n");
			sof.append("Vertical sampling factor: " + component.getVSampleFactor() + "\n");
			sof.append("Quantization table #: " + component.getQTableNumber() + "\n");
			sof.append("DC table number: " + component.getDCTableNumber() + "\n");
			sof.append("AC table number: " + component.getACTableNumber() + "\n");
		sof.append("<= End of SOF information\n");
		return sof.toString();
	// This method is very slow if not wrapped in some kind of cache stream but it works for multiple
	// SOSs in case of progressive JPEG
	private short readSOS(InputStream is, SOFReader sofReader) throws IOException {
		int len = IOUtils.readUnsignedShortMM(is);
		byte buf[] = new byte[len - 2];
		IOUtils.readFully(is, buf);
		Segment segment = new Segment(Marker.SOS, len, buf);
		new SOSReader(segment, sofReader);
		// Actual image data follow.
		int nextByte = 0;
		short marker = 0;	
		while((nextByte = IOUtils.read(is)) != -1) {
			if(nextByte == 0xff) {
				nextByte = IOUtils.read(is);
				if (nextByte == -1) {
					return Marker.EOI.getValue();
				if (nextByte != 0x00) {
					marker = (short)((0xff<<8)|nextByte);
					switch (Marker.fromShort(marker)) {										
						case RST0:  
						case RST1:
						case RST2:
						case RST3:
						case RST4:
						case RST5:
						case RST6:
						case RST7:
		if (nextByte == -1) {
			return Marker.EOI.getValue();

		if(Marker.fromShort(marker) == Marker.UNKNOWN) return Marker.EOI.getValue();

		return marker;
	// Returns all the metadata as a map
	public Map<MetadataType, Metadata> getMetadata() {
		return metadataMap;
	public BufferedImage read(InputStream is) throws Exception {
		return javax.imageio.ImageIO.read(is);
		//return read1(is);