
import static edu.kit.aifb.cumulus.TestUtils.SELECT_ALL_TRIPLES_PATTERN;
import static edu.kit.aifb.cumulus.TestUtils.buildLiteral;
import static edu.kit.aifb.cumulus.TestUtils.buildResource;
import static edu.kit.aifb.cumulus.TestUtils.clean;
import static edu.kit.aifb.cumulus.TestUtils.newTripleStore;
import static edu.kit.aifb.cumulus.TestUtils.numOfRes;
import static edu.kit.aifb.cumulus.util.Util.parseNX;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;

import java.util.Arrays;

import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.openrdf.model.Value;
import org.openrdf.model.vocabulary.OWL;
import org.openrdf.model.vocabulary.RDF;
import org.openrdf.model.vocabulary.RDFS;

import edu.kit.aifb.cumulus.AbstractCumulusTest;

 * Test case for triple deletion.
 * @author Andreas Wagner
 * @author Sebastian Schmidt
 * @author Andrea Gazzarini
 * @since 1.0
public class DeletionTest extends AbstractCumulusTest {

	private final int _howManyTriplesInDataset = 325;

	private Value[][] _patterns_triple = {
			new Value[] { buildResource(""), null, null },
			new Value[] { buildResource(""), null, null },
			new Value[] { buildResource(""), null, null },
			new Value[] { buildResource(""), null, null },

			// ?x y1 ?z
			new Value[] { null, buildResource(""), null },
			new Value[] { null, buildResource(""), null },

			// ?x ?y z1
			new Value[] { null, null, buildLiteral("2012-02-01T09:53:00Z", buildResource("")) },
			new Value[] { null, null, buildLiteral("2012-01-30T17:46:41Z", buildResource("")) },
			new Value[] { null, null, buildResource("") },
			new Value[] { null, null, buildResource("") },

			// ?x y1 z1
			new Value[] { null, OWL.SAMEAS, OWL.THING },
			new Value[] { null, OWL.SAMEAS, buildResource("") },
			new Value[] { null, RDFS.LABEL, buildLiteral("Data") },

			// x1 y1 ?z
			new Value[] { buildResource(""), RDFS.LABEL, null },
			new Value[] { buildResource(""), RDFS.ISDEFINEDBY, null },
			new Value[] { buildResource(""), RDFS.DOMAIN, null },

			// x1 ?y z1
			new Value[] { buildResource(""), null, buildLiteral("Thing") },
			new Value[] { buildResource(""), null, RDFS.CLASS },

			// x1 y1 z1
			new Value[] { buildResource(""), RDFS.LABEL, buildLiteral("Actor") },
			new Value[] { buildResource(""), RDFS.LABEL, buildLiteral("Organization") },
			new Value[] { buildResource(""),
					buildLiteral("2012-01-31T14:03:46Z", buildResource("")) }

	private Value[][] _pattern_quads = {
			new Value[] { null, null, null, buildResource("") },
			new Value[] {
					buildResource("") },
			new Value[] { null, null, null, buildResource("") }

	private Value[][] _pattern_emtpy_query_result = {
			new Value[] { buildResource(""), null, buildLiteral("Data") },
			new Value[] { null, RDFS.LABEL, buildResource("") },
			new Value[] { buildResource(""), null, null }

	private Value[][] _triple_not_existing = {
			new Value[] {
					buildLiteral("Data") },
			new Value[] {
					buildLiteral("2011-01-31T09:03:03Z", buildResource("")) },
			new Value[] {
					buildResource("") }

	private Value[] _query_pattern_results = { buildResource(""), null, null };
	private Value[] _query_pattern_no_results = { null, RDFS.LABEL, buildLiteral("Actor") };

	 * Setup fixture for the whole test case.
	 * @throws Exception never, otherwise the tests fail.
	public static void beforeAllTests() throws Exception {
		_tripleStore = newTripleStore();;

	 * Clean up after each test.
	 * @throws Exception never, otherwise the tests fail.
	public void afterEachTest() throws Exception {

	 * Setup fixture before each test.
	 * @throws Exception never, otherwise the tests fail.
	public void beforeTest() throws Exception {
		_tripleStore.bulkLoad(DATA_NT, RDFFormat.NTRIPLES);
		assertEquals(_howManyTriplesInDataset, numOfRes(_tripleStore.query(SELECT_ALL_TRIPLES_PATTERN)));

	 * Removes all data from the triple store.
	 * @throws Exception never, otherwise the tests fail.
	public void testRemoveAll() throws Exception {
		assertEquals(0, numOfRes(_tripleStore.query(SELECT_ALL_TRIPLES_PATTERN)));

	 * If a pattern doesn't match any triple then no deletion happens.
	 * @throws Exception never, otherwise the tests fail.
	public void testRemoveEmptyQuery() throws Exception {
		for (final Value[] pattern : _pattern_emtpy_query_result) {

			assertEquals("query: " + Arrays.toString(pattern), 0, numOfRes(_tripleStore.query(pattern)));


			assertEquals(_howManyTriplesInDataset, numOfRes(_tripleStore.query(SELECT_ALL_TRIPLES_PATTERN)));


	 * If a triple doesn't exist then no deletion happens.
	 * @throws Exception never, otherwise the tests fail.
	public void testRemoveNotExistingData() throws Exception {
		for (final Value[] triple : _triple_not_existing) {

			assertEquals("triple: " + Arrays.toString(triple), 0, numOfRes(_tripleStore.query(triple)));


			assertEquals(_howManyTriplesInDataset, numOfRes(_tripleStore.query(SELECT_ALL_TRIPLES_PATTERN)));


	 * Adds and then removes triples.
	 * @throws Exception never, otherwise the tests fail.
	public void testAddAndRemove() throws Exception {

				"<> <> <> . ")
				"<> <> <> . ")

		assertEquals(2, numOfRes(_tripleStore.query(new Value[] { null, RDF.TYPE, buildResource("") })));

		_tripleStore.removeData(_tripleStore.query(new Value[] { buildResource(""), null, null }));

		assertEquals(1, numOfRes(_tripleStore.query(new Value[] { null, RDF.TYPE, buildResource("") })));

	 * If a valid triple pattern is removed then all matching triples will be removed.
	 * @throws Exception never, otherwise the tests fail.
	public void testRemoveValidTriplePatterns() throws Exception {

		for (final Value[] pattern : _patterns_triple) {

			assertTrue("query: " + Arrays.toString(pattern), numOfRes(_tripleStore.query(pattern)) > 0);


			assertEquals("query: " + Arrays.toString(pattern), 0, numOfRes(_tripleStore.query(pattern)));

		assertEquals(6, numOfRes(_tripleStore.query(_query_pattern_results)));
		assertEquals(0, numOfRes(_tripleStore.query(_query_pattern_no_results)));

	 * Tests if the normal indexes are cleared correctly.
	 * @throws Exception never, otherwise the tests fail.
	public void testClear() throws Exception {
		assertEmptyIterator("clear(): Triple indexes", _tripleStore.query(SELECT_ALL_TRIPLES_PATTERN));