 * Licensed to Elasticsearch under one or more contributor
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 * this work for additional information regarding copyright
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package org.elasticsearch.common.breaker;

import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
import org.elasticsearch.common.unit.ByteSizeValue;
import org.elasticsearch.indices.breaker.BreakerSettings;
import org.elasticsearch.indices.breaker.CircuitBreakerService;

import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;

 * Breaker that will check a parent's when incrementing
public class ChildMemoryCircuitBreaker implements CircuitBreaker {

    private final long memoryBytesLimit;
    private final BreakerSettings settings;
    private final double overheadConstant;
    private final AtomicLong used;
    private final AtomicLong trippedCount;
    private final Logger logger;
    private final CircuitBreakerService parent;
    private final String name;

     * Create a circuit breaker that will break if the number of estimated
     * bytes grows above the limit. All estimations will be multiplied by
     * the given overheadConstant. This breaker starts with 0 bytes used.
     * @param settings settings to configure this breaker
     * @param parent parent circuit breaker service to delegate tripped breakers to
     * @param name the name of the breaker
    public ChildMemoryCircuitBreaker(BreakerSettings settings,
                                     Logger logger,
                                     CircuitBreakerService parent,
                                     String name) {
        this(settings, null, logger, parent, name);

     * Create a circuit breaker that will break if the number of estimated
     * bytes grows above the limit. All estimations will be multiplied by
     * the given overheadConstant. Uses the given oldBreaker to initialize
     * the starting offset.
     * @param settings settings to configure this breaker
     * @param parent parent circuit breaker service to delegate tripped breakers to
     * @param name the name of the breaker
     * @param oldBreaker the previous circuit breaker to inherit the used value from (starting offset)
    public ChildMemoryCircuitBreaker(BreakerSettings settings,
                                     ChildMemoryCircuitBreaker oldBreaker,
                                     Logger logger,
                                     CircuitBreakerService parent,
                                     String name) {
        this.name = name;
        this.settings = settings;
        this.memoryBytesLimit = settings.getLimit();
        this.overheadConstant = settings.getOverhead();
        if (oldBreaker == null) {
            this.used = new AtomicLong(0);
            this.trippedCount = new AtomicLong(0);
        } else {
            this.used = oldBreaker.used;
            this.trippedCount = oldBreaker.trippedCount;
        this.logger = logger;
        if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
            logger.trace("creating ChildCircuitBreaker with settings {}", this.settings);
        this.parent = parent;

     * Method used to trip the breaker, delegates to the parent to determine
     * whether to trip the breaker or not
    private void circuitBreak(String fieldName, long bytesNeeded) {
        final String message = "[" + this.name + "] Data too large, data for [" + fieldName + "]" +
                " would be [" + bytesNeeded + "/" + new ByteSizeValue(bytesNeeded) + "]" +
                ", which is larger than the limit of [" +
                memoryBytesLimit + "/" + new ByteSizeValue(memoryBytesLimit) + "]";
        logger.debug("{}", message);
        throw new CircuitBreakingException(message, bytesNeeded, memoryBytesLimit);

     * Add a number of bytes, tripping the circuit breaker if the aggregated
     * estimates are above the limit. Automatically trips the breaker if the
     * memory limit is set to 0. Will never trip the breaker if the limit is
     * set < 0, but can still be used to aggregate estimations.
     * @param bytes number of bytes to add to the breaker
     * @return number of "used" bytes so far
    public double addEstimateBytesAndMaybeBreak(long bytes, String label) throws CircuitBreakingException {
        // short-circuit on no data allowed, immediately throwing an exception
        if (memoryBytesLimit == 0) {
            circuitBreak(label, bytes);

        long newUsed;
        // If there is no limit (-1), we can optimize a bit by using
        // .addAndGet() instead of looping (because we don't have to check a
        // limit), which makes the RamAccountingTermsEnum case faster.
        if (this.memoryBytesLimit == -1) {
            newUsed = noLimit(bytes, label);
        } else {
            newUsed = limit(bytes, label);

        // Additionally, we need to check that we haven't exceeded the parent's limit
        try {
            parent.checkParentLimit((long) (bytes * overheadConstant), label);
        } catch (CircuitBreakingException e) {
            // If the parent breaker is tripped, this breaker has to be
            // adjusted back down because the allocation is "blocked" but the
            // breaker has already been incremented
            throw e;
        return newUsed;

    private long noLimit(long bytes, String label) {
        long newUsed;
        newUsed = this.used.addAndGet(bytes);
        if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
            logger.trace("[{}] Adding [{}][{}] to used bytes [new used: [{}], limit: [-1b]]",
                this.name, new ByteSizeValue(bytes), label, new ByteSizeValue(newUsed));
        return newUsed;

    private long limit(long bytes, String label) {
        long newUsed;// Otherwise, check the addition and commit the addition, looping if
        // there are conflicts. May result in additional logging, but it's
        // trace logging and shouldn't be counted on for additions.
        long currentUsed;
        do {
            currentUsed = this.used.get();
            newUsed = currentUsed + bytes;
            long newUsedWithOverhead = (long) (newUsed * overheadConstant);
            if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
                logger.trace("[{}] Adding [{}][{}] to used bytes [new used: [{}], limit: {} [{}], estimate: {} [{}]]",
                        new ByteSizeValue(bytes), label, new ByteSizeValue(newUsed),
                        memoryBytesLimit, new ByteSizeValue(memoryBytesLimit),
                        newUsedWithOverhead, new ByteSizeValue(newUsedWithOverhead));
            if (memoryBytesLimit > 0 && newUsedWithOverhead > memoryBytesLimit) {
                logger.warn("[{}] New used memory {} [{}] for data of [{}] would be larger than configured breaker: {} [{}], breaking",
                        newUsedWithOverhead, new ByteSizeValue(newUsedWithOverhead), label,
                        memoryBytesLimit, new ByteSizeValue(memoryBytesLimit));
                circuitBreak(label, newUsedWithOverhead);
            // Attempt to set the new used value, but make sure it hasn't changed
            // underneath us, if it has, keep trying until we are able to set it
        } while (!this.used.compareAndSet(currentUsed, newUsed));
        return newUsed;

     * Add an <b>exact</b> number of bytes, not checking for tripping the
     * circuit breaker. This bypasses the overheadConstant multiplication.
     * Also does not check with the parent breaker to see if the parent limit
     * has been exceeded.
     * @param bytes number of bytes to add to the breaker
     * @return number of "used" bytes so far
    public long addWithoutBreaking(long bytes) {
        long u = used.addAndGet(bytes);
        if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
            logger.trace("[{}] Adjusted breaker by [{}] bytes, now [{}]", this.name, bytes, u);
        assert u >= 0 : "Used bytes: [" + u + "] must be >= 0";
        return u;

     * @return the number of aggregated "used" bytes so far
    public long getUsed() {
        return this.used.get();

     * @return the number of bytes that can be added before the breaker trips
    public long getLimit() {
        return this.memoryBytesLimit;

     * @return the constant multiplier the breaker uses for aggregations
    public double getOverhead() {
        return this.overheadConstant;

     * @return the number of times the breaker has been tripped
    public long getTrippedCount() {
        return this.trippedCount.get();

     * @return the name of the breaker
    public String getName() {
        return this.name;