package com.commercetools.sync.inventories;

import com.commercetools.sync.commons.BaseSync;
import com.commercetools.sync.inventories.helpers.InventoryEntryIdentifier;
import com.commercetools.sync.inventories.helpers.InventoryReferenceResolver;
import com.commercetools.sync.inventories.helpers.InventorySyncStatistics;
import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressFBWarnings;
import io.sphere.sdk.channels.Channel;
import io.sphere.sdk.channels.ChannelRole;
import io.sphere.sdk.commands.UpdateAction;
import io.sphere.sdk.inventory.InventoryEntry;
import io.sphere.sdk.inventory.InventoryEntryDraft;
import io.sphere.sdk.models.ResourceIdentifier;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.ImmutablePair;

import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletionStage;

import static com.commercetools.sync.commons.utils.SyncUtils.batchElements;
import static com.commercetools.sync.inventories.utils.InventorySyncUtils.buildActions;
import static java.lang.String.format;
import static java.util.Optional.ofNullable;
import static java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.completedFuture;
import static java.util.function.Function.identity;
import static;
import static;
import static org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.isBlank;

 * Default implementation of inventories sync process.
public final class InventorySync extends BaseSync<InventoryEntryDraft, InventorySyncStatistics, InventorySyncOptions> {

    private static final String CTP_INVENTORY_FETCH_FAILED = "Failed to fetch existing inventory entries of SKUs %s.";
    private static final String CTP_INVENTORY_ENTRY_UPDATE_FAILED = "Failed to update inventory entry of SKU '%s' and "
        + "supply channel id '%s'.";
    private static final String INVENTORY_DRAFT_HAS_NO_SKU = "Failed to process inventory entry without SKU.";
    private static final String INVENTORY_DRAFT_IS_NULL = "Failed to process null inventory draft.";
    private static final String FAILED_TO_PROCESS = "Failed to process the InventoryEntryDraft with SKU:'%s'. "
        + "Reason: %s";

    private final InventoryService inventoryService;
    private final InventoryReferenceResolver referenceResolver;

     * Takes a {@link InventorySyncOptions} instance to instantiate a new {@link InventorySync} instance that could be
     * used to sync inventory drafts with the given inventory entries in the CTP project specified in the injected
     * {@link InventorySyncOptions} instance.
     * @param syncOptions the container of all the options of the sync process including the CTP project client and/or
     *                    configuration and other sync-specific options.
    public InventorySync(@Nonnull final InventorySyncOptions syncOptions) {
        this(syncOptions, new InventoryServiceImpl(syncOptions),
            new ChannelServiceImpl(syncOptions, Collections.singleton(ChannelRole.INVENTORY_SUPPLY)),
            new TypeServiceImpl(syncOptions));

    InventorySync(@Nonnull final InventorySyncOptions syncOptions, @Nonnull final InventoryService inventoryService,
                  @Nonnull final ChannelService channelService, @Nonnull final TypeService typeService) {
        super(new InventorySyncStatistics(), syncOptions);
        this.inventoryService = inventoryService;
        this.referenceResolver = new InventoryReferenceResolver(syncOptions, typeService, channelService);

     * Iterates through the whole {@code inventories} list and accumulates its valid drafts to batches. Every batch
     * is then processed by {@link InventorySync#processBatch(List)}.
     * <p><strong>Inherited doc:</strong>
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @param inventoryEntryDrafts {@link List} of {@link InventoryEntryDraft} resources that would be synced into CTP
     *                             project.
     * @return {@link CompletionStage} with {@link InventorySyncStatistics} holding statistics of all sync
     *                                           processes performed by this sync instance
    protected CompletionStage<InventorySyncStatistics> process(
        @Nonnull final List<InventoryEntryDraft> inventoryEntryDrafts) {

        final List<List<InventoryEntryDraft>> batches = batchElements(inventoryEntryDrafts, syncOptions.getBatchSize());
        return syncBatches(batches, CompletableFuture.completedFuture(statistics));

     * Fetches existing {@link InventoryEntry} objects from CTP project that correspond to passed {@code batchOfDrafts}.
     * Having existing inventory entries fetched, {@code batchOfDrafts} is compared and synced with fetched objects by
     * {@link InventorySync#syncBatch(Set, List)} function. When fetching existing inventory entries results in
     * an empty optional then {@code batchOfDrafts} isn't processed.
     * @param batch batch of drafts that need to be synced
     * @return {@link CompletionStage} of {@link Void} that indicates method progress.
    protected CompletionStage<InventorySyncStatistics> processBatch(@Nonnull final List<InventoryEntryDraft> batch) {

        final List<InventoryEntryDraft> validDrafts = batch

        if (validDrafts.isEmpty()) {
            return completedFuture(statistics);

        final Set<String> skus =;

        return inventoryService.fetchInventoryEntriesBySkus(skus)
            .thenCompose(fetchResponse -> {
                final Set<InventoryEntry> fetchedInventoryEntries = fetchResponse.getKey();
                final Throwable exception = fetchResponse.getValue();

                if (exception != null) {
                    final String errorMessage = format(CTP_INVENTORY_FETCH_FAILED, skus);
                    handleError(errorMessage, exception, skus.size());
                    return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(null);
                } else {
                    return syncBatch(fetchedInventoryEntries, validDrafts);
            .thenApply(ignored -> {
                return statistics;

     * Checks if a draft is valid for further processing. If so, then returns {@code true}. Otherwise handles an error
     * and returns {@code false}. A valid draft is a {@link InventoryEntryDraft} object that is not {@code null} and its
     * SKU is not empty.
     * @param draft nullable draft
     * @return boolean that indicate if given {@code draft} is valid for sync
    private boolean validateDraft(@Nullable final InventoryEntryDraft draft) {
        if (draft == null) {
            handleError(INVENTORY_DRAFT_IS_NULL, null, 1);
        } else if (isBlank(draft.getSku())) {
            handleError(INVENTORY_DRAFT_HAS_NO_SKU, null, 1);
        } else {
            return true;
        return false;

     * Given a list of inventory entry {@code drafts}, this method resolves the references of each entry and attempts to
     * sync it to the CTP project depending whether the references resolution was successful. In addition the given
     * {@code oldInventories} list is converted to a {@link Map} of an identifier to an inventory entry, for a resources
     * comparison reason.
     * @param oldInventories inventory entries from CTP
     * @param inventoryEntryDrafts drafts that need to be synced
     * @return a future which contains an empty result after execution of the update
    private CompletionStage<Void> syncBatch(
        @Nonnull final Set<InventoryEntry> oldInventories,
        @Nonnull final List<InventoryEntryDraft> inventoryEntryDrafts) {

        final Map<InventoryEntryIdentifier , InventoryEntry> oldInventoryMap =
  , identity()));

        return CompletableFuture.allOf(inventoryEntryDrafts
            .map(newInventoryEntry ->
                    .thenCompose(resolvedDraft -> syncDraft(oldInventoryMap, resolvedDraft))
                    .exceptionally(completionException -> {
                        final String errorMessage = format(FAILED_TO_PROCESS,
                            newInventoryEntry.getSku(), completionException.getMessage());
                        handleError(errorMessage, completionException, 1);
                        return Optional.empty();

     * Checks if the {@code resolvedDraft} matches with an old existing inventory entry. If it does, it tries to update
     * it. If it doesn't, it creates it.
     * @param oldInventories map of {@link InventoryEntryIdentifier} to old {@link InventoryEntry} instances
     * @param resolvedDraft inventory entry draft which has its references resolved
     * @return a future which contains an empty result after execution of the update
    private CompletionStage<Optional<InventoryEntry>> syncDraft(
        @Nonnull final Map<InventoryEntryIdentifier , InventoryEntry> oldInventories,
        @Nonnull final InventoryEntryDraft resolvedDraft) {

        final InventoryEntry oldInventory = oldInventories.get(InventoryEntryIdentifier.of(resolvedDraft));

        return ofNullable(oldInventory)
            .map(type -> buildActionsAndUpdate(oldInventory, resolvedDraft))
            .orElseGet(() -> applyCallbackAndCreate(resolvedDraft));

     * Given an existing {@link InventoryEntry} and a new {@link InventoryEntryDraft}, the method calculates all the
     * update actions required to synchronize the existing entry to be the same as the new one. If there are update
     * actions found, a request is made to CTP to update the existing entry, otherwise it doesn't issue a request.
     * <p>The {@code statistics} instance is updated accordingly to whether the CTP request was carried
     * out successfully or not. If an exception was thrown on executing the request to CTP, the error handling method
     * is called.
     * @param entry existing inventory entry that could be updated.
     * @param draft draft containing data that could differ from data in {@code entry}.
     *              <strong>Sku isn't compared</strong>
     * @return a future which contains an empty result after execution of the update.
    @SuppressFBWarnings("NP_NONNULL_PARAM_VIOLATION") //
    private CompletionStage<Optional<InventoryEntry>> buildActionsAndUpdate(
        @Nonnull final InventoryEntry entry,
        @Nonnull final InventoryEntryDraft draft) {

        final List<UpdateAction<InventoryEntry>> updateActions = buildActions(entry, draft, syncOptions);

        final List<UpdateAction<InventoryEntry>> beforeUpdateCallBackApplied =
            syncOptions.applyBeforeUpdateCallBack(updateActions, draft, entry);

        if (!beforeUpdateCallBackApplied.isEmpty()) {
            return inventoryService
                .updateInventoryEntry(entry, beforeUpdateCallBackApplied)
                .thenCompose(updateResponse -> {
                    final InventoryEntry updatedInventoryEntry = updateResponse.getKey();
                    final Throwable sphereException = updateResponse.getValue();
                    if (sphereException != null) {
                        final ResourceIdentifier<Channel> supplyChannel = draft.getSupplyChannel();
                        final String errorMessage = format(CTP_INVENTORY_ENTRY_UPDATE_FAILED, draft.getSku(),
                            supplyChannel != null ? supplyChannel.getId() : null);
                        handleError(errorMessage, sphereException, 1);
                        return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(Optional.empty());
                    } else {
                        return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(Optional.of(updatedInventoryEntry));
        return completedFuture(null);

     * Given an inventory entry {@code draft}, issues a request to the CTP project to create a corresponding Inventory
     * Entry.
     * <p>The {@code statistics} instance is updated accordingly to whether the CTP request was carried
     * out successfully or not. If an exception was thrown on executing the request to CTP, the error handling method
     * is called.
     * @param inventoryEntryDraft the inventory entry draft to create the inventory entry from.
     * @return a future which contains an empty result after execution of the create.
    private CompletionStage<Optional<InventoryEntry>> applyCallbackAndCreate(
        @Nonnull final InventoryEntryDraft inventoryEntryDraft) {

        return syncOptions
            .map(draft -> inventoryService
                .thenApply(inventoryEntryOptional -> {
                    if (inventoryEntryOptional.isPresent()) {
                    } else {
                    return inventoryEntryOptional;

     * Given a {@link String} {@code errorMessage} and a {@link Throwable} {@code exception}, this method calls the
     * optional error callback specified in the {@code syncOptions} and updates the {@code statistics} instance by
     * incrementing the total number of failed categories to sync.
     * @param errorMessage The error message describing the reason(s) of failure.
     * @param exception    The exception that called caused the failure, if any.
    private void handleError(@Nonnull final String errorMessage, @Nullable final Throwable exception,
                             final int failedTimes) {
        syncOptions.applyErrorCallback(errorMessage, exception);