package us.codecraft.xsoup;

import org.jsoup.helper.StringUtil;
import org.jsoup.helper.Validate;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

 * A character queue with parsing helpers.
 * <br>
 * Most code borrowed from {@link org.jsoup.parser.TokenQueue}
 * @author Jonathan Hedley
 * @see org.jsoup.parser.TokenQueue
public class XTokenQueue {
    private String queue;
    private int pos = 0;

    private static final char ESC = '\\'; // escape char for chomp balanced.

    private static final String[] quotes = {"\"", "'"};

    private static final char singleQuote = '\'';

    private static final char doubleQuote = '"';

     * Create a new TokenQueue.
     * @param data string of data to back queue.
    public XTokenQueue(String data) {
        queue = data;

     * Is the queue empty?
     * @return true if no data left in queue.
    public boolean isEmpty() {
        return remainingLength() == 0;

    private int remainingLength() {
        return queue.length() - pos;

     * Retrieves but does not remove the first character from the queue.
     * @return First character, or 0 if empty.
    public char peek() {
        return isEmpty() ? 0 : queue.charAt(pos);

     * Add a character to the start of the queue (will be the next character retrieved).
     * @param c character to add
    public void addFirst(Character c) {

     * Add a string to the start of the queue.
     * @param seq string to add.
    public void addFirst(String seq) {
        // not very performant, but an edge case
        queue = seq + queue.substring(pos);
        pos = 0;

     * Tests if the next characters on the queue match the sequence. Case insensitive.
     * @param seq String to check queue for.
     * @return true if the next characters match.
    public boolean matches(String seq) {
        return queue.regionMatches(true, pos, seq, 0, seq.length());

    public boolean matchesRegex(String seq) {
        return Pattern.matches(seq, queue.substring(pos));

     * Case sensitive match test.
     * @param seq string to case sensitively check for
     * @return true if matched, false if not
    public boolean matchesCS(String seq) {
        return queue.startsWith(seq, pos);

     * Tests if the next characters match any of the sequences. Case insensitive.
     * @param seq list of strings to case insensitively check for
     * @return true of any matched, false if none did
    public boolean matchesAny(String... seq) {
        for (String s : seq) {
            if (matches(s))
                return true;
        return false;

    public boolean matchesAny(char... seq) {
        if (isEmpty())
            return false;

        for (char c : seq) {
            if (queue.charAt(pos) == c)
                return true;
        return false;

    public boolean matchesStartTag() {
        // micro opt for matching "<x"
        return (remainingLength() >= 2 && queue.charAt(pos) == '<' && Character.isLetter(queue.charAt(pos + 1)));

     * Tests if the queue matches the sequence (as with match), and if they do, removes the matched string from the
     * queue.
     * @param seq String to search for, and if found, remove from queue.
     * @return true if found and removed, false if not found.
    public boolean matchChomp(String seq) {
        if (matches(seq)) {
            pos += seq.length();
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;

     * Tests if queue starts with a whitespace character.
     * @return if starts with whitespace
    public boolean matchesWhitespace() {
        return !isEmpty() && StringUtil.isWhitespace(queue.charAt(pos));

     * Test if the queue matches a word character (letter or digit).
     * @return if matches a word character
    public boolean matchesWord() {
        return !isEmpty() && Character.isLetterOrDigit(queue.charAt(pos));

     * Drops the next character off the queue.
    public void advance() {
        if (!isEmpty()) pos++;

     * Consume one character off queue.
     * @return first character on queue.
    public char consume() {
        return queue.charAt(pos++);

     * Consumes the supplied sequence of the queue. If the queue does not start with the supplied sequence, will
     * throw an illegal state exception -- but you should be running match() against that condition.
     * <br>
     * Case insensitive.
     * @param seq sequence to remove from head of queue.
    public void consume(String seq) {
        if (!matches(seq))
            throw new IllegalStateException("Queue did not match expected sequence");
        int len = seq.length();
        if (len > remainingLength())
            throw new IllegalStateException("Queue not long enough to consume sequence");

        pos += len;

     * Pulls a string off the queue, up to but exclusive of the match sequence, or to the queue running out.
     * @param seq String to end on (and not include in return, but leave on queue). <b>Case sensitive.</b>
     * @return The matched data consumed from queue.
    public String consumeTo(String seq) {
        int offset = queue.indexOf(seq, pos);
        if (offset != -1) {
            String consumed = queue.substring(pos, offset);
            pos += consumed.length();
            return consumed;
        } else {
            return remainder();

    public String consumeToIgnoreCase(String seq) {
        int start = pos;
        String first = seq.substring(0, 1);
        boolean canScan = first.toLowerCase().equals(first.toUpperCase()); // if first is not cased, use index of
        while (!isEmpty()) {
            if (matches(seq))

            if (canScan) {
                int skip = queue.indexOf(first, pos) - pos;
                if (skip == 0) // this char is the skip char, but not match, so force advance of pos
                else if (skip < 0) // no chance of finding, grab to end
                    pos = queue.length();
                    pos += skip;
            } else

        String data = queue.substring(start, pos);
        return data;

     * Consumes to the first sequence provided, or to the end of the queue. Leaves the terminator on the queue.
     * @param seq any number of terminators to consume to. <b>Case insensitive.</b>
     * @return consumed string
    // todo: method name. not good that consumeTo cares for case, and consume to any doesn't. And the only use for this
    // is is a case sensitive time...
    public String consumeToAny(String... seq) {
        int start = pos;
        while (!isEmpty() && !matchesAny(seq)) {

        String data = queue.substring(start, pos);
        return data;

    public String consumeAny(String... seq) {
        for (String s : seq) {
            if (matches(s)) {
                pos += s.length();
                return s;
        return "";

     * Pulls a string off the queue (like consumeTo), and then pulls off the matched string (but does not return it).
     * <br>
     * If the queue runs out of characters before finding the seq, will return as much as it can (and queue will go
     * isEmpty() == true).
     * @param seq String to match up to, and not include in return, and to pull off queue. <b>Case sensitive.</b>
     * @return Data matched from queue.
    public String chompTo(String seq) {
        String data = consumeTo(seq);
        return data;

    public String chompToIgnoreCase(String seq) {
        String data = consumeToIgnoreCase(seq); // case insensitive scan
        return data;

    public String chompBalancedQuotes() {
        String quote = consumeAny(quotes);
        if (quote.length() == 0) {
            return "";
        StringBuilder accum = new StringBuilder(quote);
        return accum.toString();

    public String chompBalancedNotInQuotes(char open, char close) {
        StringBuilder accum = new StringBuilder();
        int depth = 0;
        char last = 0;
        boolean inQuotes = false;
        Character quote = null;

        do {
            if (isEmpty()) break;
            Character c = consume();
            if (last == 0 || last != ESC) {
                if (!inQuotes) {
                    if (c.equals(singleQuote) || c.equals(doubleQuote)) {
                        inQuotes = true;
                        quote = c;
                    } else if (c.equals(open))
                    else if (c.equals(close))
                } else {
                    if (c.equals(quote)) {
                        inQuotes = false;


            if (depth > 0 && last != 0)
                accum.append(c); // don't include the outer match pair in the return
            last = c;
        } while (depth > 0);
        return accum.toString();

     * Pulls a balanced string off the queue. E.g. if queue is "(one (two) three) four", (,) will return "one (two) three",
     * and leave " four" on the queue. Unbalanced openers and closers can be escaped (with \). Those escapes will be left
     * in the returned string, which is suitable for regexes (where we need to preserve the escape), but unsuitable for
     * contains text strings; use unescape for that.
     * @param open  opener
     * @param close closer
     * @return data matched from the queue
    public String chompBalanced(char open, char close) {
        StringBuilder accum = new StringBuilder();
        int depth = 0;
        char last = 0;

        do {
            if (isEmpty()) break;
            Character c = consume();
            if (last == 0 || last != ESC) {
                if (c.equals(open))
                else if (c.equals(close))

            if (depth > 0 && last != 0)
                accum.append(c); // don't include the outer match pair in the return
            last = c;
        } while (depth > 0);
        return accum.toString();

     * Unescaped a \ escaped string.
     * @param in backslash escaped string
     * @return unescaped string
    public static String unescape(String in) {
        StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder();
        char last = 0;
        for (char c : in.toCharArray()) {
            if (c == ESC) {
                if (last != 0 && last == ESC)
            } else
            last = c;
        return out.toString();

     * Pulls the next run of whitespace characters of the queue.
     * @return seen
    public boolean consumeWhitespace() {
        boolean seen = false;
        while (matchesWhitespace()) {
            seen = true;
        return seen;

     * Retrieves the next run of word type (letter or digit) off the queue.
     * @return String of word characters from queue, or empty string if none.
    public String consumeWord() {
        int start = pos;
        while (matchesWord())
        return queue.substring(start, pos);

     * Consume an tag name off the queue (word or :, _, -)
     * @return tag name
    public String consumeTagName() {
        int start = pos;
        while (!isEmpty() && (matchesWord() || matchesAny(':', '_', '-')))

        return queue.substring(start, pos);

     * Consume a CSS element selector (tag name, but | instead of : for namespaces, to not conflict with :pseudo selects).
     * @return tag name
    public String consumeElementSelector() {
        int start = pos;
        while (!isEmpty() && (matchesWord() || matchesAny('|', '_', '-')))

        return queue.substring(start, pos);

    public void unConsume(int length) {
        Validate.isTrue(length <= pos, "length " + length + " is larger than consumed chars " + pos);
        pos -= length;

    public void unConsume(String word) {

     * Consume a CSS identifier (ID or class) off the queue (letter, digit, -, _)
     * @return identifier
    public String consumeCssIdentifier() {
        int start = pos;
        while (!isEmpty() && (matchesWord() || matchesAny('-', '_')))

        return queue.substring(start, pos);

     * Consume an attribute key off the queue (letter, digit, -, _, :")
     * @return attribute key
    public String consumeAttributeKey() {
        int start = pos;
        while (!isEmpty() && (matchesWord() || matchesAny('-', '_', ':')))

        return queue.substring(start, pos);

     * Consume and return whatever is left on the queue.
     * @return remained of queue.
    public String remainder() {
        StringBuilder accum = new StringBuilder();
        while (!isEmpty()) {
        return accum.toString();

    public String toString() {
        return queue.substring(pos);

    public boolean containsAny(String... seq) {
        for (String s : seq) {
            if (queue.contains(s)) {
                return true;
        return false;

    public static String trimQuotes(String str) {
        Validate.isTrue(str != null && str.length() > 0);
        String quote = str.substring(0, 1);
        if (, "\"", "'")) {
            Validate.isTrue(str.endsWith(quote), "Quote" + " for " + str + " is incomplete!");
            str = str.substring(1, str.length() - 1);
        return str;

    public static List<String> trimQuotes(List<String> strs) {
        Validate.isTrue(strs != null);
        List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
        for (String str : strs) {
        return list;

    public String consumeToUnescaped(String str) {
        String s = consumeToAny(str);
        if (s.length() > 0 && s.charAt(s.length() - 1) == '\\') {
            s += consume();
            s += consumeToUnescaped(str);
        Validate.isTrue(pos < queue.length(), "Unclosed quotes! " + queue);
        return s;

    public List<String> parseFuncionParams() {
        List<String> params = new ArrayList<String>();
        StringBuilder accum = new StringBuilder();
        while (!isEmpty()) {
            if (matchChomp(",")) {
                accum = new StringBuilder();
            } else if (matchesAny(quotes)) {
                String quoteUsed = consumeAny(quotes);
            } else {
                accum.append(consumeToAny("\"", "'", ","));
        if (accum.length() > 0) {
        return params;

    public static List<String> parseFuncionParams(String paramStr) {
        XTokenQueue tq = new XTokenQueue(paramStr);
        return tq.parseFuncionParams();

