
import com.badlogic.gdx.function.IntPredicate;
import com.badlogic.gdx.math.MathUtils;

import java.nio.ByteBuffer;

import static*;

public class PixmapUtils {

	 * Create {@link Pixmap} with no blending and nearest filter.
	public static Pixmap create(int width, int height, Format format) {
		return create(width, height, format, Blending.None, Filter.NearestNeighbour);

	 * Create {@link Pixmap} with given blending and filter.
	public static Pixmap create(int width, int height, Format format,
								Blending blending, Filter filter) {

		Pixmap pixmap = new Pixmap(width, height, format);


		return pixmap;

	 * Sets alpha for all pixels matching one of the RGB values in {@code colors[]}.
	public static void mask(Pixmap pixmap, float alpha, Color... colors) {

		ByteBuffer pixels = pixmap.getPixels();

		int[] masks = new int[colors.length];
		for (int i = 0; i < colors.length; i++) {
			masks[i] = colors[i].toIntBits();
			masks[i] = ((masks[i] & 0xff0000) >> 16) | (masks[i] & 0xff00) | ((masks[i] & 0xff) << 16);

		int a = MathUtils.floor(alpha * 255.0f) & 0xff;

		while (pixels.remaining() > 0) {

			int rgba = pixels.getInt();
			int rgb = rgba >>> 8;

			for (int mask : masks) {
				if (rgb == mask) {
					pixels.position(pixels.position() - 4);
					pixels.putInt((rgba & 0xffffff00) | a);


	 * Sets alpha for all pixels passing the RGB predicate function.
	public static void mask(Pixmap pixmap, float alpha, IntPredicate rgb) {

		ByteBuffer pixels = pixmap.getPixels();

		int a = MathUtils.floor(alpha * 255.0f) & 0xff;

		while (pixels.remaining() > 0) {

			int rgba = pixels.getInt();

			if (rgb.test(rgba >>> 8)) {
				pixels.position(pixels.position() - 4);
				pixels.putInt((rgba & 0xffffff00) | a);


	public interface CropResult {

		void accept(int left, int bottom, int width, int height);

	 * Calculates crop regions of the pixmap in up to four directions. Pixel rows/columns are subject
	 * to removal if all their pixels have an alpha channel value of exact the same value as given in the parameter.
	public static void crop(Pixmap pixmap,
							boolean left,
							boolean bottom,
							boolean right,
							boolean top,
							float alpha,
							CropResult consumer) {

		int width = pixmap.getWidth();
		int height = pixmap.getHeight();

		int a = MathUtils.floor(alpha * 255.0f) & 0xff;

		int minX = left ? width - 1 : 0;
		int maxX = right ? 0 : width - 1;

		int minY = bottom ? height - 1 : 0;
		int maxY = top ? 0 : height - 1;

		ByteBuffer pixels = pixmap.getPixels();

		for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
			for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {

				int rgba = pixels.getInt();

				if ((rgba & 0xff) != a) {

					minX = Math.min(x, minX);
					maxX = Math.max(x, maxX);

					minY = Math.min(y, minY);
					maxY = Math.max(y, maxY);


		consumer.accept(minX, minY, maxX, maxY);

	 * Returns a copy of the given pixmap, cropped about the given dimensions.
	public static Pixmap crop(Pixmap pixmap, int left, int bottom, int width, int height) {

		Pixmap result = new Pixmap(width, height, pixmap.getFormat());
		result.drawPixmap(pixmap, 0, 0, left, bottom, width, height);

		return result;

	 * Horizontally mirrors the {@link Pixmap} content, in place, line by line.
	public static void flipX(Pixmap pixmap) {

		int width = pixmap.getWidth();
		int height = pixmap.getHeight();

		int bytesPerPixel = getPixelStride(pixmap.getFormat());
		int pitch = width * bytesPerPixel;

		ByteBuffer pixels = pixmap.getPixels();

		byte[] buffer = new byte[pitch];

		for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {

			pixels.position(y * pitch);
			pixels.get(buffer, 0, pitch);

			pixels.position(y * pitch);

			for (int x = 0, offs = pitch - bytesPerPixel; x < width; x++, offs -= bytesPerPixel) {
				pixels.put(buffer, offs, bytesPerPixel);


	 * Vertically mirrors the {@link Pixmap} content, in place, line by line.
	public static void flipY(Pixmap pixmap) {

		int width = pixmap.getWidth();
		int height = pixmap.getHeight();

		int pitch = width * getPixelStride(pixmap.getFormat());

		ByteBuffer pixels = pixmap.getPixels();

		byte[][] buffer = new byte[2][pitch];

		for (int y = 0; y < height / 2; y++) {

			pixels.position(y * pitch);
			pixels.get(buffer[0], 0, pitch);

			pixels.position((height - y - 1) * pitch);
			pixels.get(buffer[1], 0, pitch);

			pixels.position(y * pitch);
			pixels.put(buffer[1], 0, pitch);

			pixels.position((height - y - 1) * pitch);
			pixels.put(buffer[0], 0, pitch);


	public static int getPixelStride(Format format) {
		switch (format) {
			case Alpha:
			case Intensity:
				return 1;
			case LuminanceAlpha:
			case RGB565:
			case RGBA4444:
				return 2;
			case RGB888:
				return 3;
			case RGBA8888:
				return 4;
		throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not implemented");
