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package com.cloudera.csd.descriptors.parameters;

import org.hibernate.validator.constraints.Range;

 * Parameter representing a role memory quantity.
 * <p>
 * MemoryParameters allow CM to gauge a role's memory consumption and to include
 * the role within any memory-related automatic configuration workflows.
 * <p>
 * A role's memory consumption is equal to the sum of all memory parameters,
 * multiplied by their scale factors.
 * <p>
 * In memory configuration workflows, each role and MemoryParameter pair is
 * assigned a "minimum" and an "ideal" value. On each host, all minimums and all
 * ideals are summed, then compared to the actual host RAM. The ratio between
 * what's available and what's requested is used to dictate where on the
 * minimum<-->ideal spectrum to place the actual value. For example, on a host
 * where sum(ideals) exceeds the host RAM, the configured values will simply be
 * the ideal values. Conversely, if sum(minimums) exceeds host RAM, all values
 * will be set to the minimums.
 * <p>
 * If a role is not directly involved in a workflow, its existing memory
 * consumption will still be accounted for as described earlier.
 * <p>
 * For all memory configuration workflows, a MemoryParameter's default field
 * must be set for the parameter to participate. For resource management (RM)
 * workflows, the auto config share field must also be set.
 * <p>
 * In non-RM workflows, the {role, parameter} pair's minimum is the
 * parameter's min field if set, or 0 otherwise. The ideal is the parameter's
 * default field.
 * <p>
 * In RM workflows, the minimum is the parameter's default field. The ideal is
 * computed using the following formula:
 *   min(parameter.softMax (if exists) or parameter.max (if exists) or Long.MAX_VALUE,
 *       host_ram * 0.8 / parameter.scaleFactor * service_percentage * parameter.autoConfigShare)
 * host_ram is equal to the host's RAM, while service_percentage is equal to
 * the percentage (up to 100) assigned to the overall service by the user during
 * the workflow.
public interface MemoryParameter extends LongParameter {
   * Factor used in memory consumption calculation to account for any inherent
   * overhead in the memory quantity. The consumption is calculated by
   * multiplying the scale factor with the value of the parameter.
   * <p>
   * For JVMs, a suggested scale factor is 1.3.
   * <p>
   * Defaults to 1.0.
  Double getScaleFactor();

   * During autoconfiguration for RM, the share dictates the percentage of the
   * role's overall memory allotment that should be set aside for this memory
   * quantity.
   * <p>
   * If null, parameter is not autoconfigured for RM.
  @Range(min = 0, max = 100)
  Integer getAutoConfigShare();