package org.gitlab4j.api;

import java.util.List;

import org.gitlab4j.api.models.AccessLevel;
import org.gitlab4j.api.models.ProtectedBranch;

 * This class provides an entry point to all the Protected Branches API calls.
 * @see <a href="">Protected branches API at GitLab</a>
public class ProtectedBranchesApi extends AbstractApi {

    public ProtectedBranchesApi(GitLabApi gitLabApi) {

     * Gets a list of protected branches from a project.
     * <pre><code>GitLab Endpoint: GET /projects/:id/protected_branches</code></pre>
     * @param projectIdOrPath the project in the form of an Integer(ID), String(path), or Project instance
     * @return the list of protected branches for the project
     * @throws GitLabApiException if any exception occurs
    public List<ProtectedBranch> getProtectedBranches(Object projectIdOrPath) throws GitLabApiException {
        return (getProtectedBranches(projectIdOrPath, this.getDefaultPerPage()).all());

     * Gets a Pager of protected branches from a project.
     * <pre><code>GitLab Endpoint: GET /projects/:id/protected_branches</code></pre>
     * @param projectIdOrPath the project in the form of an Integer(ID), String(path), or Project instance
     * @param itemsPerPage    the number of instances that will be fetched per page
     * @return the Pager of protected branches for the project
     * @throws GitLabApiException if any exception occurs
    public Pager<ProtectedBranch> getProtectedBranches(Object projectIdOrPath, int itemsPerPage) throws GitLabApiException {
        return (new Pager<ProtectedBranch>(this, ProtectedBranch.class, itemsPerPage, null,
                "projects", getProjectIdOrPath(projectIdOrPath), "protected_branches"));

     * Get a single protected branch or wildcard protected branch.
     * <pre><code>GitLab Endpoint: GET /projects/:id/protected_branches/:branch_name</code></pre>
     * @param projectIdOrPath the project in the form of an Integer(ID), String(path), or Project instance
     * @param branchName      the name of the branch or wildcard
     * @return a ProtectedBranch instance with info on the protected branch
     * @throws GitLabApiException if any exception occurs
    public ProtectedBranch getProtectedBranch(Object projectIdOrPath, String branchName) throws GitLabApiException {
        Response response = get(Response.Status.OK, null,
                "projects", this.getProjectIdOrPath(projectIdOrPath), "protected_branches", urlEncode(branchName));
        return (response.readEntity(ProtectedBranch.class));

     * Unprotects the given protected branch or wildcard protected branch.
     * <pre><code>GitLab Endpoint: DELETE /projects/:id/protected_branches/:name</code></pre>
     * @param projectIdOrPath the project in the form of an Integer(ID), String(path), or Project instance
     * @param branchName      the name of the branch to un-protect, can be a wildcard
     * @throws GitLabApiException if any exception occurs
    public void unprotectBranch(Object projectIdOrPath, String branchName) throws GitLabApiException {
        delete(Response.Status.NO_CONTENT, null, "projects", getProjectIdOrPath(projectIdOrPath), "protected_branches", urlEncode(branchName));

     * Protects a single repository branch or several project repository branches
     * using a wildcard protected branch.
     * <pre><code>GitLab Endpoint: POST /projects/:id/protected_branches</code></pre>
     * @param projectIdOrPath the project in the form of an Integer(ID), String(path), or Project instance
     * @param branchName      the name of the branch to protect, can be a wildcard
     * @return the branch info for the protected branch
     * @throws GitLabApiException if any exception occurs
    public ProtectedBranch protectBranch(Object projectIdOrPath, String branchName) throws GitLabApiException {
        return protectBranch(projectIdOrPath, branchName, AccessLevel.MAINTAINER, AccessLevel.MAINTAINER);

     * Protects a single repository branch or several project repository branches using a wildcard protected branch.
     * <pre><code>GitLab Endpoint: POST /projects/:id/protected_branches</code></pre>
     * @param projectIdOrPath  the project in the form of an Integer(ID), String(path), or Project instance
     * @param branchName       the name of the branch to protect, can be a wildcard
     * @param pushAccessLevel  Access levels allowed to push (defaults: 40, maintainer access level)
     * @param mergeAccessLevel Access levels allowed to merge (defaults: 40, maintainer access level)
     * @return the branch info for the protected branch
     * @throws GitLabApiException if any exception occurs
    public ProtectedBranch protectBranch(Object projectIdOrPath, String branchName, AccessLevel pushAccessLevel, AccessLevel mergeAccessLevel) throws GitLabApiException {
        return (protectBranch(projectIdOrPath, branchName, pushAccessLevel, mergeAccessLevel, null, null));

     * Protects a single repository branch or several project repository branches using a wildcard protected branch.
     * <pre><code>GitLab Endpoint: POST /projects/:id/protected_branches</code></pre>
     * @param projectIdOrPath           the project in the form of an Integer(ID), String(path), or Project instance
     * @param branchName                the name of the branch to protect, can be a wildcard
     * @param pushAccessLevel           access levels allowed to push (defaults: 40, maintainer access level)
     * @param mergeAccessLevel          access levels allowed to merge (defaults: 40, maintainer access level)
     * @param unprotectAccessLevel      access levels allowed to unprotect (defaults: 40, maintainer access level)
     * @param codeOwnerApprovalRequired prevent pushes to this branch if it matches an item in the CODEOWNERS file. (defaults: false)
     * @return the branch info for the protected branch
     * @throws GitLabApiException if any exception occurs
    public ProtectedBranch protectBranch(Object projectIdOrPath, String branchName,
                                         AccessLevel pushAccessLevel, AccessLevel mergeAccessLevel, AccessLevel unprotectAccessLevel,
                                         Boolean codeOwnerApprovalRequired) throws GitLabApiException {
        Form formData = new GitLabApiForm()
                .withParam("name", branchName, true)
                .withParam("push_access_level", pushAccessLevel)
                .withParam("merge_access_level", mergeAccessLevel)
                .withParam("unprotect_access_level", unprotectAccessLevel)
                .withParam("code_owner_approval_required", codeOwnerApprovalRequired);
        Response response = post(Response.Status.CREATED, formData.asMap(),
                "projects", getProjectIdOrPath(projectIdOrPath), "protected_branches");
        return (response.readEntity(ProtectedBranch.class));

     * Protects a single repository branch or several project repository branches using a wildcard protected branch.
     * <p>NOTE: This method is only available to GitLab Starter, Bronze, or higher.</p>
     * <pre><code>GitLab Endpoint: POST /projects/:id/protected_branches</code></pre>
     * @param projectIdOrPath           the project in the form of an Integer(ID), String(path), or Project instance
     * @param branchName                the name of the branch to protect, can be a wildcard
     * @param allowedToPushUserId       user ID allowed to push, can be null
     * @param allowedToMergeUserId      user ID allowed to merge, can be null
     * @param allowedToUnprotectUserId  user ID allowed to unprotect, can be null
     * @param codeOwnerApprovalRequired prevent pushes to this branch if it matches an item in the CODEOWNERS file. (defaults: false)
     * @return the branch info for the protected branch
     * @throws GitLabApiException if any exception occurs
    public ProtectedBranch protectBranch(Object projectIdOrPath, String branchName,
                                         Integer allowedToPushUserId, Integer allowedToMergeUserId, Integer allowedToUnprotectUserId,
                                         Boolean codeOwnerApprovalRequired) throws GitLabApiException {

        Form formData = new GitLabApiForm()
                .withParam("name", branchName, true)
                .withParam("allowed_to_push[][user_id]", allowedToPushUserId)
                .withParam("allowed_to_merge[][user_id]", allowedToMergeUserId)
                .withParam("allowed_to_unprotect[][user_id]", allowedToUnprotectUserId)
                .withParam("code_owner_approval_required", codeOwnerApprovalRequired);
        Response response = post(Response.Status.CREATED, formData.asMap(),
                "projects", getProjectIdOrPath(projectIdOrPath), "protected_branches");
        return (response.readEntity(ProtectedBranch.class));