package edu.neu.ccs.pyramid.multilabel_classification.crf;

import edu.neu.ccs.pyramid.dataset.DataSet;
import edu.neu.ccs.pyramid.dataset.MultiLabel;
import edu.neu.ccs.pyramid.dataset.MultiLabelClfDataSet;
import edu.neu.ccs.pyramid.dataset.SequentialSparseDataSet;
import edu.neu.ccs.pyramid.optimization.Terminator;
import edu.neu.ccs.pyramid.util.MathUtil;
import org.apache.mahout.math.DenseVector;
import org.apache.mahout.math.SequentialAccessSparseVector;
import org.apache.mahout.math.Vector;

import java.util.*;

 * Created by Rainicy on 11/10/16.
 * Train CMLCRF using ElasticNet by coordinate Descent
public class CMLCRFElasticNet {

    private Terminator terminator;
    private CMLCRF cmlcrf;
    private List<MultiLabel> supportedCombinations;
    private int numSupport;
    private MultiLabelClfDataSet dataSet;
    private int numClasses;
    private int numParameters;
    private int numWeightsForFeatures;
    private int numWeightsForLabelPairs;
    private double value;
    private Vector empiricalCounts;
    private Vector predictedCounts;
    private int[] parameterToL1;
    private int[] parameterToL2;
    private int[] parameterToClass;
    private int[] parameterToFeature;
    // whether the support combination contains the label;
    // size num combination* num classes
    private boolean[][] comContainsLabel;
    private boolean isParallel = true;
    private boolean isValueCacheValid = false;

    // numDataPoints by numClasses;
    private double[][] classScoreMatrix;

    // numDataPoints by numClasses;
    private double[][] classProbMatrix;

    // numDataPoints by numCombinations
    private double[][] combProbMatrix;

    // numDataPoints by numCombinations
    private double[][] combScoreMatrix;

    private int numData;
    // for each data point, store the position of the true combination in the support list
    private int[] labelComIndices;

    private double l1Ratio;
    private double regularization;
    private int numFeature;
    // label-lable features
    // size = numSupport * (for each support, label-label feature is non-zero index, starting from 0)
    private List<List<Integer>> combinationToLabelPair;

    //for each label pair (index), map to the list of matched combinations (index)
    // number of pairs * variable length
    private List<List<Integer>> labelPairToCombination;

    // for each combination, store the sum of probabilities over all data points
    // size = num combinations
    private double[] combProbSums;

    public CMLCRFElasticNet (CMLCRF cmlcrf, MultiLabelClfDataSet dataSet, double l1Ratio, double regularization) {
        this.l1Ratio = l1Ratio;
        this.regularization = regularization;
        this.terminator = new Terminator();
        this.numFeature = dataSet.getNumFeatures();

        this.cmlcrf = cmlcrf;
        this.supportedCombinations = cmlcrf.getSupportCombinations();
        this.numSupport = cmlcrf.getNumSupports();
        this.dataSet = dataSet;
        this.numData = dataSet.getNumDataPoints();
        this.numClasses = dataSet.getNumClasses();
        this.numParameters = cmlcrf.getWeights().totalSize();
        this.numWeightsForFeatures = cmlcrf.getWeights().getNumWeightsForFeatures();
        this.numWeightsForLabelPairs = cmlcrf.getWeights().getNumWeightsForLabels();
        this.classScoreMatrix = new double[numData][numClasses];
        this.classProbMatrix = new double[numData][numClasses];
        this.combScoreMatrix = new double[numData][numSupport];
        this.combProbMatrix = new double[numData][numSupport];
        this.isValueCacheValid = false;
        this.empiricalCounts = new DenseVector(numParameters);
        this.predictedCounts = new DenseVector(numParameters);
        this.combinationToLabelPair = new ArrayList<>(numSupport);
        for (int i=0;i< numSupport;i++) {
            combinationToLabelPair.add(new LinkedList<>());
        this.labelPairToCombination = new ArrayList<>(numWeightsForLabelPairs);
        for (int i=0;i< numWeightsForLabelPairs;i++){
            labelPairToCombination.add(new ArrayList<>());

        this.combProbSums = new double[numSupport];

        Map<MultiLabel,Integer> map = new HashMap<>();
        for (int s=0;s< numSupport;s++){
        this.labelComIndices = new int[dataSet.getNumDataPoints()];
        for (int i=0;i<dataSet.getNumDataPoints();i++){
            labelComIndices[i] = map.get(dataSet.getMultiLabels()[i]);

    public void optimize() {
        while (true) {
            if (terminator.shouldTerminate()) {

    public void iterate() {
//        System.out.println("weights: " + cmlcrf.getWeights().getAllWeights());
        // O(NdL)
//        System.out.println(Arrays.toString(cmlcrf.getCombinationLabelPartScores()));
        // update for each support label set
        Vector accumulateWeights = new SequentialAccessSparseVector(numParameters);
        Vector oldWeights = cmlcrf.getWeights().deepCopy().getAllWeights();
        for (int l=0; l<numSupport; l++) {
//            System.out.println("label: " + supportedCombinations.get(l));
            DataSet newData = expandData(l);
            iterateForOneComb(newData, l);
            accumulateWeights =;
        // lineSearch
        if (true) {
            Vector searchDirection = accumulateWeights;
            Vector gradient = this.predictedCounts.minus(empiricalCounts).divide(numData);
            lineSearch(searchDirection, gradient);


    private DataSet expandData(int l) {
        SequentialSparseDataSet newData = new SequentialSparseDataSet(numData, numParameters, false);
        MultiLabel label = supportedCombinations.get(l);
        List<Integer> labelPairForL = combinationToLabelPair.get(l);
        // TODO: parallelism
        for (int i=0; i<numData; i++) {
            // add feature-label feature
            for (int y : label.getMatchedLabels()) {
                // set bias as 1
                newData.setFeatureValue(i, (numFeature+1)*y, 1.0);
                for (Vector.Element element : dataSet.getRow(i).nonZeroes()) {
                    int index = element.index();
                    double value = element.get();
                    newData.setFeatureValue(i, (numFeature+1)*y+index+1, value);
            for (int y : labelPairForL) {
                newData.setFeatureValue(i, (numWeightsForFeatures+y), 1.0);
        return newData;

    // update
    private void iterateForOneComb(DataSet newData, int l) {
        double[] realLabels = new double[numData];
        double[] instanceWeights = new double[numData];
        IntStream.range(0, numData).parallel().forEach(i -> {
            double prob = combProbMatrix[i][l];
            double classScore = combScoreMatrix[i][l];
            int y = labelComIndices[i];

            double frac = 0;
            double tmpP = prob * (1-prob);
            int indicator = (y==l)?1:0;
            if (prob!=0&&prob!=1) {
                frac = (indicator-prob) / tmpP;

            if (frac>1) {
            if (frac<-1) {
            realLabels[i] = classScore + frac;
            instanceWeights[i] = tmpP;

        CRFLinearRegression linearRegression = new CRFLinearRegression(numParameters,cmlcrf.getWeights().getAllWeights());
        CRFElasticNetLinearRegOptimizer linearRegTrainer = new CRFElasticNetLinearRegOptimizer(linearRegression, newData, realLabels, instanceWeights);
        isValueCacheValid = false;

    private void updateClassScoreMatrix(){
                .forEach(i-> classScoreMatrix[i] = cmlcrf.predictClassScores(dataSet.getRow(i)));

    private void updateAssignmentScoreMatrix(){
                .forEach(i -> combScoreMatrix[i] = cmlcrf.predictCombinationScores(classScoreMatrix[i]));

    private void updateAssignmentProbMatrix(){
                .forEach(i -> combProbMatrix[i] = cmlcrf.predictCombinationProbs(combScoreMatrix[i]));

    private void initCache() {
        parameterToL1 = new int[numWeightsForLabelPairs];
        parameterToL2 = new int[numWeightsForLabelPairs];
        int start = 0;
        for (int l1=0; l1<numClasses; l1++) {
            for (int l2=l1+1; l2<numClasses; l2++) {
                parameterToL1[start] = l1;
                parameterToL1[start+1] = l1;
                parameterToL1[start+2] = l1;
                parameterToL1[start+3] = l1;
                parameterToL2[start] = l2;
                parameterToL2[start+1] = l2;
                parameterToL2[start+2] = l2;
                parameterToL2[start+3] = l2;
                start += 4;
        parameterToClass = new int[numWeightsForFeatures];
        parameterToFeature = new int[numWeightsForFeatures];
        for (int i=0; i<numWeightsForFeatures; i++) {
            parameterToClass[i] = cmlcrf.getWeights().getClassIndex(i);
            parameterToFeature[i] = cmlcrf.getWeights().getFeatureIndex(i);

        comContainsLabel = new boolean[numSupport][numClasses];
        for (int num=0; num< numSupport; num++) {
            for (int l=0; l<numClasses; l++) {
                if (supportedCombinations.get(num).matchClass(l)) {
                    comContainsLabel[num][l] = true;


    private void mapPairToCombination(){
        IntStream.range(0, numWeightsForLabelPairs).parallel().forEach(this::mapPairToCombination);

    private void mapPairToCombination(int position) {
        List<Integer> list = labelPairToCombination.get(position);
        int l1 = parameterToL1[position];
        int l2 = parameterToL2[position];
        int featureCase = position % 4;
        for (int c=0; c< numSupport; c++) {
            switch (featureCase) {
                // both l1, l2 equal 0;
                case 0:
                    if (!comContainsLabel[c][l1] && !comContainsLabel[c][l2]) list.add(c);
                // l1 = 1; l2 = 0;
                case 1: if (comContainsLabel[c][l1] && !comContainsLabel[c][l2]) list.add(c);
                // l1 = 0; l2 = 1;
                case 2: if (!comContainsLabel[c][l1] && comContainsLabel[c][l2]) list.add(c);
                // l1 = 1; l2 = 1;mapPairToCombination
                case 3: if (comContainsLabel[c][l1] && comContainsLabel[c][l2]) list.add(c);
                default: throw new RuntimeException("feature case :" + featureCase + " failed.");

    private void mapCombinattionToPair() {
        IntStream.range(0, numSupport).forEach(this::mapCombinattionToPair);

    private void mapCombinattionToPair(int s) {
        for (int position=0; position<numWeightsForLabelPairs; position++){
            int l1 = parameterToL1[position];
            int l2 = parameterToL2[position];
            int featureCase = position % 4;
            switch (featureCase) {
                // both l1, l2 equal 0;
                case 0: if (!comContainsLabel[s][l1] && !comContainsLabel[s][l2]) combinationToLabelPair.get(s).add(position);
                // l1 = 1; l2 = 0;
                case 1: if (comContainsLabel[s][l1] && !comContainsLabel[s][l2]) combinationToLabelPair.get(s).add(position);
                // l1 = 0; l2 = 1;
                case 2: if (!comContainsLabel[s][l1] && comContainsLabel[s][l2]) combinationToLabelPair.get(s).add(position);
                // l1 = 1; l2 = 1;
                case 3: if (comContainsLabel[s][l1] && comContainsLabel[s][l2]) combinationToLabelPair.get(s).add(position);
                default: throw new RuntimeException("feature case :" + featureCase + " failed.");


     * @return negative log-likelihood
    public double getValue() {
        if (isValueCacheValid) {
            return this.value;

        this.value = getValueForAllData() + getPenalty();
        this.isValueCacheValid = true;
        return this.value;
    } //check

    private double getPenalty() {
        Vector vector = cmlcrf.getWeights().getAllWeights();
        double norm = (1-l1Ratio)*0.5*Math.pow(vector.norm(2),2) + l1Ratio*vector.norm(1);
        return norm * regularization;


    private double getValueForAllData() {
        IntStream intStream;
        if (isParallel) {
            intStream = IntStream.range(0,dataSet.getNumDataPoints()).parallel();
        } else {
            intStream = IntStream.range(0,dataSet.getNumDataPoints());

        return intStream.mapToDouble(this::getValueForOneData).sum();
    // NLL
    private double getValueForOneData(int i) {
        double sum = 0.0;
        // sum logZ(x_n)
        sum += MathUtil.logSumExp(combScoreMatrix[i]);
        // score for the true combination
        sum -= combScoreMatrix[i][labelComIndices[i]];
        return sum;

    private void updateEmpiricalCounts(){
        IntStream intStream;
        if (isParallel){
            intStream = IntStream.range(0, numParameters).parallel();
        } else {
            intStream = IntStream.range(0, numParameters);

    private void calEmpiricalCount(int parameterIndex) {
        if (parameterIndex < numWeightsForFeatures) {
            this.empiricalCounts.set(parameterIndex, calEmpiricalCountForFeature(parameterIndex));
        } else if(parameterIndex <numWeightsForFeatures+ numWeightsForLabelPairs) {
            this.empiricalCounts.set(parameterIndex, calEmpiricalCountForLabelPair(parameterIndex));

    private double calEmpiricalCountForLabelPair(int parameterIndex) {
        double empiricalCount = 0.0;
        int start = parameterIndex - numWeightsForFeatures;
        int l1 = parameterToL1[start];
        int l2 = parameterToL2[start];
        int featureCase = start % 4;
        for (int i=0; i<dataSet.getNumDataPoints(); i++) {
            MultiLabel label = dataSet.getMultiLabels()[i];
            switch (featureCase) {
                // both l1, l2 equal 0;
                case 0: if (!label.matchClass(l1) && !label.matchClass(l2)) empiricalCount += 1.0;
                // l1 = 1; l2 = 0;
                case 1: if (label.matchClass(l1) && !label.matchClass(l2)) empiricalCount += 1.0;
                // l1 = 0; l2 = 1;
                case 2: if (!label.matchClass(l1) && label.matchClass(l2)) empiricalCount += 1.0;
                // l1 = 1; l2 = 1;
                case 3: if (label.matchClass(l1) && label.matchClass(l2)) empiricalCount += 1.0;
                default: throw new RuntimeException("feature case :" + featureCase + " failed.");
        return empiricalCount;

    private double calEmpiricalCountForFeature(int parameterIndex) {
        double empiricalCount = 0.0;
        int classIndex = parameterToClass[parameterIndex];
        int featureIndex = parameterToFeature[parameterIndex];
        if (featureIndex==-1){
            for (int i=0; i<dataSet.getNumDataPoints(); i++) {
                if (dataSet.getMultiLabels()[i].matchClass(classIndex)) {
                    empiricalCount += 1;
        } else{
            Vector column = dataSet.getColumn(featureIndex);
            MultiLabel[] multiLabels = dataSet.getMultiLabels();
            for (Vector.Element element: column.nonZeroes()){
                int dataIndex = element.index();
                double featureValue = element.get();
                if (multiLabels[dataIndex].matchClass(classIndex)){
                    empiricalCount += featureValue;
        return empiricalCount;

    private void updateClassProbMatrix(){
                .forEach(i -> classProbMatrix[i] = cmlcrf.calClassProbs(combProbMatrix[i]));

    private void updatePredictedCounts() {
        IntStream.range(0, numWeightsForFeatures).parallel()
                .forEach(i -> predictedCounts.set(i, calPredictedFeatureCounts(i)));

        IntStream.range(numWeightsForFeatures, numParameters).parallel()
                .forEach(i -> predictedCounts.set(i, calPredictedLabelPairCounts(i)));

    private double calPredictedLabelPairCounts(int parameterIndex) {
        double count = 0.0;
        int pos = parameterIndex - numWeightsForFeatures;
        for (int matched : labelPairToCombination.get(pos)) {
            count += combProbSums[matched];

        return count;

    private double calPredictedFeatureCounts(int parameterIndex) {
        double count = 0.0;
        int classIndex = parameterToClass[parameterIndex];
        int featureIndex = parameterToFeature[parameterIndex];

        if (featureIndex == -1) {
            for (int i=0; i<numData; i++) {
                count += this.classProbMatrix[i][classIndex];
        } else {
            Vector featureColumn = dataSet.getColumn(featureIndex);
            for (Vector.Element element : featureColumn.nonZeroes()) {
                int dataPointIndex = element.index();
                double featureValue = element.get();
                count += this.classProbMatrix[dataPointIndex][classIndex] * featureValue;
        return count;

    private void updateCombProbSums(int combinationIndex){
        double sum =0;
        for (int i=0;i<dataSet.getNumDataPoints();i++){
            sum += combProbMatrix[i][combinationIndex];
        combProbSums[combinationIndex] = sum;

    private void updateCombProbSums(){

     * a special back track line search for sufficient decrease with elasticnet penalized model
     * reference:
     * An improved glmnet for l1-regularized logistic regression.
     * @param searchDirection
     * @return
    private void lineSearch(Vector searchDirection, Vector gradient){
        Vector localSearchDir;
        double initialStepLength = 1;
        double shrinkage = 0.5;
        double c = 1e-4;
        double stepLength = initialStepLength;
        Vector start = cmlcrf.getWeights().getAllWeights();
        double penalty = getPenalty();
        double value = getValue();
        double product =;

        localSearchDir = searchDirection;

            Vector step = localSearchDir.times(stepLength);
            Vector target =;
            double targetPenalty = getPenalty();
            double targetValue = getValue();
            if (targetValue <= value + c*stepLength*(product + targetPenalty - penalty)){
            stepLength *= shrinkage;