 * Copyright (c) 2011-2014 Pivotal Software, Inc.
 *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *         http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 *  limitations under the License.

package org.camunda.bpm.extension.reactor.projectreactor;

import java.io.Closeable;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Supplier;

import org.camunda.bpm.extension.reactor.projectreactor.config.ConfigurationReader;
import org.camunda.bpm.extension.reactor.projectreactor.config.DispatcherConfiguration;
import org.camunda.bpm.extension.reactor.projectreactor.config.DispatcherType;
import org.camunda.bpm.extension.reactor.projectreactor.config.PropertiesConfigurationReader;
import org.camunda.bpm.extension.reactor.projectreactor.config.ReactorConfiguration;
import org.camunda.bpm.extension.reactor.projectreactor.dispatch.DispatcherSupplier;
import org.camunda.bpm.extension.reactor.projectreactor.dispatch.MpscDispatcher;
import org.camunda.bpm.extension.reactor.projectreactor.dispatch.RingBufferDispatcher;
import org.camunda.bpm.extension.reactor.projectreactor.dispatch.SynchronousDispatcher;
import org.camunda.bpm.extension.reactor.projectreactor.dispatch.TailRecurseDispatcher;
import org.camunda.bpm.extension.reactor.projectreactor.dispatch.ThreadPoolExecutorDispatcher;
import org.camunda.bpm.extension.reactor.projectreactor.dispatch.WorkQueueDispatcher;
import org.camunda.bpm.extension.reactor.projectreactor.dispatch.wait.AgileWaitingStrategy;
import org.camunda.bpm.extension.reactor.projectreactor.internal.PlatformDependent;
import org.camunda.bpm.extension.reactor.projectreactor.processor.CancelException;
import org.camunda.bpm.extension.reactor.projectreactor.timer.HashWheelTimer;
import org.camunda.bpm.extension.reactor.projectreactor.timer.Timer;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import com.lmax.disruptor.WaitStrategy;
import com.lmax.disruptor.dsl.ProducerType;

 * @author Jon Brisbin
 * @author Stephane Maldini
 * @author Andy Wilkinson
public class Environment implements Iterable<Map.Entry<String, Dispatcher>>, Closeable {

   * The name of the default ring buffer group dispatcher
  public static final String DISPATCHER_GROUP = "dispatcherGroup";

   * The name of the default shared dispatcher
  public static final String SHARED = "shared";

   * The name of the default mpsc dispatcher
  public static final String MPSC = "mpsc";

   * The name of the default thread pool dispatcher
  public static final String THREAD_POOL = "threadPoolExecutor";

   * The name of the default work queue dispatcher
  public static final String WORK_QUEUE = "workQueue";

   * The number of processors available to the runtime
   * @see Runtime#availableProcessors()
  public static final int PROCESSORS = Runtime.getRuntime()
    .availableProcessors() > 1 ? Runtime.getRuntime()
    .availableProcessors() : 2;

  private static final AtomicReference<Environment> enviromentReference = new AtomicReference<>();

   * Create and assign a context environment bound to the current classloader.
   * @return the produced {@link Environment}
  public static Environment initialize() {
    return assign(new Environment()).assignErrorJournal();

   * Create and assign a context environment bound to the current classloader. Capture all uncaught exception in the
   * passed errorConsumer
   * @param errorConsumer the callback for uncaught exceptions
   * @return the produced {@link Environment}
  public static Environment initialize(Consumer<Throwable> errorConsumer) {
    return assign(new Environment()).assignErrorJournal(errorConsumer);

   * Create and assign a context environment bound to the current classloader only if it not already set. Otherwise
   * returns the current context environment
   * @return the produced {@link Environment}
  public static Environment initializeIfEmpty() {
    if (alive()) {
      return get();
    } else {
      return assign(new Environment());

   * Assign an environment to the context in order to make it available statically in the application from the current
   * classloader.
   * @param environment The environment to assign to the current context
   * @return the assigned {@link Environment}
  public static Environment assign(Environment environment) {
    if (!enviromentReference.compareAndSet(null, environment)) {
      throw new IllegalStateException("An environment is already initialized in the current context");
    return environment;

   * Read if the context environment has been set
   * @return true if context environment is initialized
  public static boolean alive() {
    return enviromentReference.get() != null;

   * Read the context environment. It must have been previously assigned with {@link this#assign(Environment)}.
   * @return the context environment.
   * @throws java.lang.IllegalStateException if there is no environment initialized.
  public static Environment get() throws IllegalStateException {
    Environment environment = enviromentReference.get();
    if (environment == null) {
      throw new IllegalStateException("The environment has not been initialized yet");
    return environment;

   * Clean and Shutdown the context environment. It must have been previously assigned with {@link
   * this#assign(Environment)}.
   * @throws java.lang.IllegalStateException if there is no environment initialized.
  public static void terminate() throws IllegalStateException {
    Environment env = get();
    enviromentReference.compareAndSet(env, null);

   * Obtain the default timer from the current environment. The timer is created lazily so it is preferrable to fetch
   * them out of the critical path.
   * <p/>
   * The default timer is a {@link HashWheelTimer}. It is suitable for non blocking periodic work
   * such as eventing, memory access, lock=free code, dispatching...
   * @return the root timer, usually a {@link HashWheelTimer}
  public static Timer timer() {
    return get().getTimer();

   * Obtain the default dispatcher from the current environment. The dispatchers are created lazily so it is
   * preferrable to fetch them out of the critical path.
   * <p/>
   * The default dispatcher is considered the root or master dispatcher. It is encouraged to use it for non-blocking
   * work, such as dispatching, memory access, lock-free code, eventing...
   * @return the root dispatcher, usually a RingBufferDispatcher
  public static Dispatcher sharedDispatcher() {
    return get().getDefaultDispatcher();

   * Obtain a multi threaded dispatcher useful for scaling up slow processing.
   * <p/>
   * <p/>
   * The Multithreaded Dispatcher is suitable for IO work if combined with reactor event buses {@code org.camunda.bpm.extension.reactor.projectreactor.bus
   * .EventBus} or streams {@code reactor.rx.Stream} using {@code reactor.rx.Stream#consumeOn}.
   * @return a dispatcher from the default pool, usually a WorkQueueDispatcher.
  public static Dispatcher workDispatcher() {
    return get().getDispatcher(WORK_QUEUE);

   * Obtain a cached dispatcher out of {@link this#PROCESSORS} maximum pooled. The dispatchers are created lazily so
   * it is preferrable to fetch them out of the critical path.
   * <p/>
   * The Cached Dispatcher is suitable for IO work if combined with distinct reactor event buses {@code org.camunda.bpm.extension.reactor.projectreactor.bus
   * .EventBus} or streams {@code reactor.rx.Stream}.
   * @return a dispatcher from the default pool, usually a RingBufferDispatcher.
  public static Dispatcher cachedDispatcher() {
    return get().getCachedDispatchers()

   * Obtain a registred dispatcher. The dispatchers are created lazily so it is preferrable to fetch them out of the
   * critical path.
   * <p/>
   * The Cached Dispatcher is suitable for IO work if combined with distinct reactor event buses {@code org.camunda.bpm.extension.reactor.projectreactor.bus
   * .EventBus} or streams {@code reactor.rx.Stream}.
   * @param key the dispatcher name to find
   * @return a dispatcher from the context environment registry.
  public static Dispatcher dispatcher(String key) {
    return get().getDispatcher(key);

   * Obtain a fresh tailRecurse Dispatcher. Events dispatched on tailRecurse will be queued if any work is in
   * progress. Using a Tail Recurse Dispatcher consumers can make sure to not infinitely recurse the stack. it is
   * preferrable to fetch them out of the critical path.
   * <p/>
   * @return a new tailRecurse Dispatcher
  public static TailRecurseDispatcher tailRecurse() {
    return new TailRecurseDispatcher();

   * Register a dispatcher into the context environment.
   * @param key        the dispatcher name to use for future lookups
   * @param dispatcher the dispatcher to register, if null, the key will be removed
   * @return the passed dispatcher.
  public static Dispatcher dispatcher(String key, Dispatcher dispatcher) {
    if (dispatcher != null) {
      get().setDispatcher(key, dispatcher);
    } else {
    return dispatcher;

   * Register a dispatcher into the context environment.
   * @param key the dispatcher configuration name to use to inherit properties from
   * @return the new dispatcher.
  public static Dispatcher newDispatcherLike(String key) {
    return newDispatcherLike(key, null);

   * Register a dispatcher into the context environment.
   * @param key    the dispatcher configuration name to use to inherit properties from
   * @param newKey the dispatcher name to use for future lookups
   * @return the new dispatcher.
  public static Dispatcher newDispatcherLike(String key, String newKey) {
    Environment env = get();
    for (DispatcherConfiguration dispatcherConfiguration : env.configuration.getDispatcherConfigurations()) {
      if (dispatcherConfiguration.getName()
        .equals(key)) {
        Dispatcher newDispatcher = initDispatcherFromConfiguration(dispatcherConfiguration);
        if (newKey != null && !newKey.isEmpty()) {
          env.setDispatcher(newKey, newDispatcher);
        return newDispatcher;
    throw new IllegalStateException("No dispatcher configuration found for " + key);

   * Register a dispatcher into the context environment. If it Unsafe friendly, will register a ringBuffer dispatcher,
   * otherwise a simple MP-SC dispatcher. Will use a capacity of 2048 backlog elements.
   * @return the new dispatcher.
  public static Dispatcher newDispatcher() {
    return newDispatcher(2048);

   * Register a dispatcher into the context environment. If it Unsafe friendly, will register a ringBuffer dispatcher,
   * otherwise a simple MP-SC dispatcher.
   * @param backlog the dispatcher capacity
   * @return the new dispatcher.
  public static Dispatcher newDispatcher(int backlog) {
    return newDispatcher(null, backlog);

   * Register a dispatcher into the context environment. If it Unsafe friendly, will register a ringBuffer dispatcher,
   * otherwise a simple MP-SC dispatcher.
   * @param key     the dispatcher name to use for future lookups
   * @param backlog the dispatcher capacity
   * @return the passed dispatcher.
  public static Dispatcher newDispatcher(String key, int backlog) {
    return newDispatcher(key,
      PlatformDependent.hasUnsafe() ? DispatcherType.RING_BUFFER : DispatcherType.MPSC);

   * Register a dispatcher into the context environment. If consumers greater than 1 and Unsafe is available, will
   * register a WorkQueue Dispatcher, otherwise delegate to {@link Environment#newDispatcher(String, int)}
   * @param backlog   the dispatcher capacity
   * @param consumers the dispatcher number of consumers
   * @return the new dispatcher.
  public static Dispatcher newDispatcher(int backlog, int consumers) {
    return newDispatcher(null, backlog, consumers);

   * Register a dispatcher into the context environment. If consumers greater than 1 and Unsafe is available, will
   * register a WorkQueue Dispatcher, otherwise delegate to {@link Environment#newDispatcher(String, int)}
   * @param key       the dispatcher name to use for future lookups
   * @param backlog   the dispatcher capacity
   * @param consumers the dispatcher number of consumers
   * @return the passed dispatcher.
  public static Dispatcher newDispatcher(String key, int backlog, int consumers) {
    if (consumers > 1 && PlatformDependent.hasUnsafe()) {
      return newDispatcher(key, backlog, consumers, DispatcherType.WORK_QUEUE);
    return newDispatcher(key, backlog);

   * Register a dispatcher into the context environment.
   * @param backlog        the dispatcher capacity
   * @param consumers      the numbers of consumers
   * @param dispatcherType the dispatcher type
   * @return the new dispatcher.
  public static Dispatcher newDispatcher(int backlog, int consumers, DispatcherType dispatcherType) {
    return newDispatcher(null, backlog, consumers, dispatcherType);

   * Register a dispatcher into the context environment.
   * @param key            the dispatcher name to use for future lookups
   * @param backlog        the dispatcher capacity
   * @param consumers      the numbers of consumers
   * @param dispatcherType the dispatcher type
   * @return the new dispatcher.
  public static Dispatcher newDispatcher(String key, int backlog, int consumers, DispatcherType dispatcherType) {
    Dispatcher dispatcher =
      initDispatcherFromConfiguration(new DispatcherConfiguration(key, dispatcherType, backlog, consumers));
    if (key != null && !key.isEmpty()) {
      Environment environment = get();
      environment.setDispatcher(key, dispatcher);
    return dispatcher;

   * Obtain a dispatcher supplier into the context environment. Its main purpose is to cache dispatchers and produce
   * them on request via {@link Supplier#get()}.
   * @param key the dispatcher factory name to find
   * @return a dispatcher factory registered with the passed key.
  public static DispatcherSupplier cachedDispatchers(String key) {
    return get().getCachedDispatchers(key);

   * Obtain the default dispatcher supplier from the context environment. Its main purpose is to cache dispatchers and
   * produce them on request via {@link Supplier#get()}.
   * @return a dispatcher factory registered with the default key.
  public static DispatcherSupplier cachedDispatchers() {
    return get().getCachedDispatchers();

   * Register a dispatcher supplier into the context environment. Its main purpose is to cache dispatchers and produce
   * them on request via {@link Supplier#get()}.
   * @param key                the dispatcher name to use for future lookups
   * @param dispatcherSupplier the dispatcher factory to register, if null, the key will be removed
   * @return a dispatcher from the default pool, usually a RingBufferDispatcher.
  public static DispatcherSupplier cachedDispatchers(String key, DispatcherSupplier dispatcherSupplier) {
    if (dispatcherSupplier != null) {
      get().addCachedDispatchers(key, dispatcherSupplier);
    } else {
    return dispatcherSupplier;


  private static final String DEFAULT_DISPATCHER_NAME = "__default-dispatcher";
  private static final String SYNC_DISPATCHER_NAME = "sync";

  private final Properties env;

  private final AtomicReference<Timer> timer = new AtomicReference<Timer>();
  private final Object monitor = new Object();
  private final Map<String, DispatcherSupplier> dispatcherFactories = new HashMap<String, DispatcherSupplier>();

  private final ReactorConfiguration configuration;
  private final Map<String, Dispatcher> dispatchers;
  private final String defaultDispatcher;

  private volatile Consumer<? super Throwable> errorConsumer;

   * Creates a new Environment that will use a {@link org.camunda.bpm.extension.reactor.projectreactor.config.PropertiesConfigurationReader} to obtain its
   * initial configuration. The configuration will be read from the classpath at the location {@code
   * META-INF/reactor/reactor-environment.properties}.
  public Environment() {
    this(Collections.<String, Dispatcher>emptyMap(), new PropertiesConfigurationReader());

   * Creates a new Environment that will use the given {@code configurationReader} to obtain its initial
   * configuration.
   * @param configurationReader The configuration reader to use to obtain initial configuration
  public Environment(ConfigurationReader configurationReader) {
    this(Collections.<String, Dispatcher>emptyMap(), configurationReader);

   * Creates a new Environment that will contain the given {@code dispatchers}, will use the given {@code
   * configurationReader} to obtain additional configuration.
   * @param dispatchers         The dispatchers to add include in the Environment
   * @param configurationReader The configuration reader to use to obtain additional configuration
  public Environment(Map<String, Dispatcher> dispatchers, ConfigurationReader configurationReader) {
    this.dispatchers = new HashMap<>(dispatchers);

    configuration = configurationReader.read();
    defaultDispatcher =
      configuration.getDefaultDispatcherName() != null ? configuration.getDefaultDispatcherName() :

    env = configuration.getAdditionalProperties();

  public static DispatcherSupplier newCachedDispatchers(final int poolsize) {
    return newCachedDispatchers(poolsize, "parallel");

  public static DispatcherSupplier newCachedDispatchers(final int poolsize, String name) {
    return createDispatcherFactory(name, poolsize, 1024, null, ProducerType.MULTI, new AgileWaitingStrategy());

  public static DispatcherSupplier newFanOutCachedDispatchers(final int poolsize, String name) {
    return createDispatcherFactory(name, poolsize, 1024, null, ProducerType.SINGLE, new AgileWaitingStrategy());

  private static ThreadPoolExecutorDispatcher createThreadPoolExecutorDispatcher(DispatcherConfiguration dispatcherConfiguration) {
    int size = getSize(dispatcherConfiguration, 0);
    int backlog = getBacklog(dispatcherConfiguration, 128);

    return new ThreadPoolExecutorDispatcher(size, backlog, dispatcherConfiguration.getName());

  private static WorkQueueDispatcher createWorkQueueDispatcher(DispatcherConfiguration dispatcherConfiguration) {
    int size = getSize(dispatcherConfiguration, 0);
    int backlog = getBacklog(dispatcherConfiguration, 16384);

    return new WorkQueueDispatcher("workQueueDispatcher", size, backlog, null);

  private static RingBufferDispatcher createRingBufferDispatcher(DispatcherConfiguration dispatcherConfiguration) {
    int backlog = getBacklog(dispatcherConfiguration, 1024);
    return new RingBufferDispatcher(dispatcherConfiguration.getName(),
      new AgileWaitingStrategy());

  private static MpscDispatcher createMpscDispatcher(DispatcherConfiguration dispatcherConfiguration) {
    int backlog = getBacklog(dispatcherConfiguration, 1024);
    return new MpscDispatcher(dispatcherConfiguration.getName(), backlog);

  private static int getBacklog(DispatcherConfiguration dispatcherConfiguration, int defaultBacklog) {
    Integer backlog = dispatcherConfiguration.getBacklog();
    if (null == backlog) {
      backlog = defaultBacklog;
    return backlog;

  private static int getSize(DispatcherConfiguration dispatcherConfiguration, int defaultSize) {
    Integer size = dispatcherConfiguration.getSize();
    if (null == size) {
      size = defaultSize;
    if (size < 1) {
      size = PROCESSORS;
    return size;

   * Gets the property with the given {@code key}. If the property does not exist {@code defaultValue} will be
   * returned.
   * @param key          The property key
   * @param defaultValue The value to return if the property does not exist
   * @return The value for the property
  public String getProperty(String key, String defaultValue) {
    return env.getProperty(key, defaultValue);

   * Gets the property with the given {@code key}, converting it to a long. If the property does not exist {@code
   * defaultValue} will be returned.
   * @param key          The property key
   * @param defaultValue The value to return if the property does not exist
   * @return The converted value for the property
  public long getLongProperty(String key, long defaultValue) {
    String val = env.getProperty(key);
    if (null == val) {
      return defaultValue;
    return Long.parseLong(key);

   * Gets the property with the given {@code key}, converting it to an integer. If the property does not exist {@code
   * defaultValue} will be returned.
   * @param key          The property key
   * @param defaultValue The value to return if the property does not exist
   * @return The converted value for the property
  public int getIntProperty(String key, int defaultValue) {
    String val = env.getProperty(key);
    if (null == val) {
      return defaultValue;
    return Integer.parseInt(val);

   * Returns the default dispatcher for this environment. By default, when a {@link PropertiesConfigurationReader} is
   * being used. This default dispatcher is specified by the value of the {@code reactor.dispatchers.default}
   * property.
   * @return The default dispatcher
  public Dispatcher getDefaultDispatcher() {
    return getDispatcher(defaultDispatcher);

   * Returns a default cached dispatcher for this environment. By default, when a {@link
   * PropertiesConfigurationReader} is being used. This default dispatcher is specified by the value of the {@code
   * reactor.dispatchers.dispatcherGroup} property.
   * @return The next available dispatcher from default dispatcher group
   * @since 2.0
  public Dispatcher getCachedDispatcher() {
    return getCachedDispatchers(DISPATCHER_GROUP).get();

   * Returns the default dispatcher group for this environment. By default, when a {@link
   * PropertiesConfigurationReader} is being used. This default dispatcher is specified by the value of the {@code
   * reactor.dispatchers.dispatcherGroup} property.
   * @return The default dispatcher group
   * @since 2.0
  public DispatcherSupplier getCachedDispatchers() {
    return getCachedDispatchers(DISPATCHER_GROUP);

   * Returns the dispatcher factory with the given {@code name}.
   * @param name The name of the dispatcher factory
   * @return The matching dispatcher factory, never {@code null}.
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the dispatcher does not exist
  public DispatcherSupplier getCachedDispatchers(String name) {
    synchronized (monitor) {
      DispatcherSupplier factory = this.dispatcherFactories.get(name);
      if (factory == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("No Supplier<Dispatcher> found for name '" + name + "', " +
          "it must be present" +
          "in the configuration properties or being registered programmatically through this#addCachedDispatchers(" + name + ", someDispatcherSupplier)");
      } else {
        return factory;

   * Returns the dispatcher with the given {@code name}.
   * @param name The name of the dispatcher
   * @return The matching dispatcher, never {@code null}.
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the dispatcher does not exist
  public Dispatcher getDispatcher(String name) {
    if (name.equals(SYNC_DISPATCHER_NAME)) {
      return SynchronousDispatcher.INSTANCE;

    synchronized (monitor) {
      Dispatcher dispatcher = this.dispatchers.get(name);
      if (dispatcher != null) {
        return dispatcher;
      } else {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("No Dispatcher found for name '" + name + "', it must be present " +
          "in the configuration properties or being registered programmatically through this#setDispatcher(" + name + ", someDispatcher)");

   * Route any exception to the environment error journal {@link this#errorConsumer}.
   * @param throwable The error to route
   * @return This Environment
  public void routeError(Throwable throwable) {
    Consumer<? super Throwable> errorJournal = errorConsumer;
    if (errorJournal != null) {

   * Assign a default error {@link Consumer} to listen for any call to {@link this#routeError(Throwable)}. The default
   * journal will log through SLF4J Logger onto the category "reactor-environment".
   * @return This Environment
  public Environment assignErrorJournal() {
    return assignErrorJournal(new Consumer<Throwable>() {
      Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger("reactor.environment");

      public void accept(Throwable throwable) {
        if (CancelException.TRACE_CANCEL || !CancelException.class.isAssignableFrom(throwable.getClass())) {
          log.error("", throwable);

   * Assign the error {@link Consumer} to listen for any call to {@link this#routeError(Throwable)}.
   * @param errorJournal the consumer to listen for any exception
   * @return This Environment
  public Environment assignErrorJournal(Consumer<? super Throwable> errorJournal) {
    this.errorConsumer = errorJournal;
    return this;

   * Adds the {@code dispatcher} to the environment, storing it using the given {@code name}.
   * @param name       The name of the dispatcher
   * @param dispatcher The dispatcher
   * @return This Environment
  public Environment setDispatcher(String name, Dispatcher dispatcher) {
    synchronized (monitor) {
      this.dispatchers.put(name, dispatcher);
    return this;

   * Adds the {@code dispatcherFactory} to the environment, storing it using the given {@code name}.
   * @param name              The name of the dispatcher factory
   * @param dispatcherFactory The dispatcher factory
   * @return This Environment
  public Environment addCachedDispatchers(String name, DispatcherSupplier dispatcherFactory) {
    synchronized (monitor) {
      this.dispatcherFactories.put(name, dispatcherFactory);
    return this;

   * Remove the {@code dispatcherFactory} to the environment keyed as the given {@code name}.
   * @param name The name of the dispatcher factory to remove
   * @return This Environment
  public Environment removeCachedDispatchers(String name) {
    synchronized (monitor) {
    return this;

   * Removes the Dispatcher, stored using the given {@code name} from the environment.
   * @param name The name of the dispatcher
   * @return This Environment
  public Environment removeDispatcher(String name) {
    synchronized (monitor) {
      Dispatcher dispatcher = dispatchers.remove(name);
      if (dispatcher != null) {
    return this;

   * Get the {@code Environment}-wide {@link HashWheelTimer}.
   * @return the timer.
  public Timer getTimer() {
    if (null == timer.get()) {
      synchronized (timer) {
        Timer t = new HashWheelTimer();
        if (!timer.compareAndSet(null, t)) {
    return timer.get();

   * Shuts down this Environment, causing all of its {@link Dispatcher Dispatchers} to be shut down.
   * @see Dispatcher#shutdown
  public void shutdown() {
    List<Dispatcher> dispatchers = new ArrayList<Dispatcher>();
    synchronized (monitor) {

    for (Dispatcher dispatcher : dispatchers) {

    for (DispatcherSupplier dispatcherSupplier : dispatcherFactories.values()) {

    if (null != timer.get()) {

  public Iterator<Map.Entry<String, Dispatcher>> iterator() {
    return this.dispatchers.entrySet()

  public void close() throws IOException {

   * Create a RingBuffer pool that will clone up to {@param poolSize} generated dispatcher and return a different one
   * on a round robin fashion each time {@link Supplier#get()} is called.
   * @param name
   * @param poolsize
   * @param bufferSize
   * @param errorHandler
   * @param producerType
   * @param waitStrategy
   * @return
  public static DispatcherSupplier createDispatcherFactory(final String name,
                                                           final int poolsize,
                                                           final int bufferSize,
                                                           final Consumer<Throwable> errorHandler,
                                                           final ProducerType producerType,
                                                           final WaitStrategy waitStrategy) {
    return new RoundRobinSupplier(poolsize, name, bufferSize, errorHandler, producerType, waitStrategy);

  private void initDispatcherFromConfiguration(String name) {
    if (dispatchers.get(name) != null) {
    Dispatcher dispatcher;
    for (DispatcherConfiguration dispatcherConfiguration : configuration.getDispatcherConfigurations()) {
      if (!dispatcherConfiguration.getName()
        .equalsIgnoreCase(name)) {

      dispatcher = initDispatcherFromConfiguration(dispatcherConfiguration);

      if (dispatcher != null) {
        setDispatcher(dispatcherConfiguration.getName(), dispatcher);

  private static Dispatcher initDispatcherFromConfiguration(DispatcherConfiguration dispatcherConfiguration) {
    Dispatcher dispatcher = null;
    if (PlatformDependent.hasUnsafe() && DispatcherType.RING_BUFFER == dispatcherConfiguration.getType()) {
      dispatcher = createRingBufferDispatcher(dispatcherConfiguration);
    } else if (DispatcherType.RING_BUFFER == dispatcherConfiguration.getType() || DispatcherType.MPSC == dispatcherConfiguration.getType()) {
      dispatcher = createMpscDispatcher(dispatcherConfiguration);
    } else if (DispatcherType.SYNCHRONOUS == dispatcherConfiguration.getType()) {
      dispatcher = SynchronousDispatcher.INSTANCE;
    } else if (DispatcherType.THREAD_POOL_EXECUTOR == dispatcherConfiguration.getType()) {
      dispatcher = createThreadPoolExecutorDispatcher(dispatcherConfiguration);
    } else if (DispatcherType.WORK_QUEUE == dispatcherConfiguration.getType()) {
      dispatcher = createWorkQueueDispatcher(dispatcherConfiguration);

    return dispatcher;

  private void initDispatcherFactoryFromConfiguration(String name) {
    if (dispatcherFactories.get(name) != null) {
    for (DispatcherConfiguration dispatcherConfiguration : configuration.getDispatcherConfigurations()) {

      if (!dispatcherConfiguration.getName()
        .equalsIgnoreCase(name)) {

      if (DispatcherType.DISPATCHER_GROUP == dispatcherConfiguration.getType()) {
            dispatcherConfiguration.getSize() == 0 ? PROCESSORS : dispatcherConfiguration.getSize(),
            new AgileWaitingStrategy()));

  static final class RoundRobinSupplier implements DispatcherSupplier {

    final int poolsize;
    final String name;
    final int bufferSize;
    final Consumer<Throwable> errorHandler;
    final ProducerType producerType;
    final WaitStrategy waitStrategy;
    Dispatcher[] dispatchers;
    boolean terminated;
    final AtomicInteger index = new AtomicInteger(-1);

    public RoundRobinSupplier(int poolsize,
                              String name,
                              int bufferSize,
                              Consumer<Throwable> errorHandler,
                              ProducerType producerType,
                              WaitStrategy waitStrategy) {
      this.poolsize = poolsize;
      this.name = name;
      this.bufferSize = bufferSize;
      this.errorHandler = errorHandler;
      this.producerType = producerType;
      this.waitStrategy = waitStrategy;
      dispatchers = new Dispatcher[poolsize];
      terminated = false;

    public boolean alive() {
      return terminated;

    public void shutdown() {
      if (terminated) {
      for (Dispatcher dispatcher : dispatchers) {
        if (dispatcher != null) {
      terminated = true;

    public void forceShutdown() {
      if (terminated) {
      for (Dispatcher dispatcher : dispatchers) {
        if (dispatcher != null) {
      terminated = true;

    public boolean awaitAndShutdown() {
      return awaitAndShutdown(-1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

    public boolean awaitAndShutdown(long timeout, TimeUnit timeUnit) {
      if (terminated) {
        return true;

      boolean allShutdown = true;
      for (Dispatcher dispatcher : dispatchers) {
        if (dispatcher != null) {
          if (!dispatcher.awaitAndShutdown(timeout, timeUnit)) {
            allShutdown = false;
      terminated = allShutdown;
      return true;

    int getNextIndex() {
      int index;
      for (; ; ) {
        index = this.index.get() + 1;
        if (index == poolsize) {
          if (this.index.compareAndSet(index - 1, 0)) {
            return 0;
        } else if (this.index.compareAndSet(index - 1, index)) {
          return index;

    public Dispatcher get() {

      // This way we are consistent about the dispatcher index we are manipulating.
      int index = getNextIndex();

      // use a temporary variable to reduce the number of reads of the field
      Dispatcher dispatcher = dispatchers[index];

      if (dispatcher == null) {
        synchronized (this) {
          // re-read to verify it is still null, now that we are thread-safe.
          dispatcher = dispatchers[index];
          if (dispatcher == null) {
            if (PlatformDependent.hasUnsafe()) {
              dispatchers[index] = new RingBufferDispatcher(name,
            } else {
              dispatchers[index] = new MpscDispatcher(name, bufferSize);

            dispatcher = dispatchers[index];


      return dispatcher;