 *  Copyright 2018, Yahoo Inc.
 *  Licensed under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0.
 *  See the LICENSE file associated with the project for terms.
package com.yahoo.bullet.storm;

import com.yahoo.bullet.pubsub.Metadata;
import com.yahoo.bullet.pubsub.PubSub;
import com.yahoo.bullet.pubsub.PubSubException;
import com.yahoo.bullet.pubsub.PubSubMessage;
import com.yahoo.bullet.pubsub.Publisher;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
import org.apache.storm.tuple.Tuple;

import java.util.Map;

public class LoopBolt extends PublisherBolt {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1291597467671042429L;

     * Creates an instance of this class with the given non-null config.
     * @param config The non-null validated {@link BulletStormConfig} which is the config for this component.
    public LoopBolt(BulletStormConfig config) {

    protected Publisher createPublisher() throws PubSubException {
        PubSub pubSub = PubSub.from(config);
        // Map is always not null and is validated to be a proper BulletStormConfig
        Map<String, Object> overrides = (Map<String, Object>) config.getAs(BulletStormConfig.LOOP_BOLT_PUBSUB_OVERRIDES, Map.class);
        log.info("Loaded pubsub overrides: {}", overrides);
        BulletStormConfig modified = new BulletStormConfig(config);
        pubSub.switchContext(PubSub.Context.QUERY_SUBMISSION, modified);
        log.info("Switched the PubSub into query submission mode");

        Publisher publisher = pubSub.getPublisher();
        log.info("Setup PubSub: {} with Publisher: {}", pubSub, publisher);
        return publisher;

    public void execute(Tuple tuple) {
        String id = tuple.getString(TopologyConstants.ID_POSITION);
        Metadata metadata = (Metadata) tuple.getValue(TopologyConstants.METADATA_POSITION);
        log.info("Looping back metadata with signal {} for {}", metadata.getSignal(), id);
        publish(new PubSubMessage(id, (byte[]) null, metadata), tuple);