 * Modifications Copyright (c) 2019 BrowserUp, Inc.

package com.browserup.bup.proxy;

import com.browserup.bup.BrowserUpProxyServer;
import com.browserup.bup.MitmProxyServer;
import com.browserup.bup.exception.ProxyExistsException;
import com.browserup.bup.exception.ProxyPortsExhaustedException;
import com.browserup.bup.proxy.auth.AuthType;
import com.browserup.bup.util.BrowserUpProxyUtil;
import com.google.common.cache.Cache;
import com.google.common.cache.CacheBuilder;
import com.google.common.cache.RemovalListener;
import com.google.common.cache.RemovalNotification;
import com.google.inject.Inject;
import com.google.inject.Singleton;
import com.google.inject.name.Named;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.net.InetAddress;
import java.net.InetSocketAddress;
import java.net.URISyntaxException;
import java.net.UnknownHostException;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.*;

public class MitmProxyManager {
    private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MitmProxyManager.class);

    private int lastPort;
    private final int minPort;
    private final int maxPort;
    // retain a reference to the Cache to allow the ProxyCleanupTask to .cleanUp(), since asMap() is just a view into the cache.
    // it would seem to make sense to pass the newly-built Cache directly to the ProxyCleanupTask and have it retain a WeakReference to it, and
    // only maintain a reference to the .asMap() result in this class. puzzlingly, however, the Cache can actually get garbage collected
    // before the .asMap() view of it does.
    private final Cache<Integer, MitmProxyServer> proxyCache;
    private final ConcurrentMap<Integer, MitmProxyServer> proxies;

     * Interval at which expired proxy checks will actively clean up expired proxies. Proxies may still be cleaned up when accessing the
     * proxies map.
    private static final int EXPIRED_PROXY_CLEANUP_INTERVAL_SECONDS = 60;

    // Initialize-on-demand a single thread executor that will create a daemon thread to clean up expired proxies. Since the resulting executor
    // is a singleton, there will at most one thread to service all ProxyManager instances.
    private static class ScheduledExecutorHolder {
        private static final ScheduledExecutorService expiredProxyCleanupExecutor = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor(new ThreadFactory() {
            public Thread newThread(Runnable r) {
                Thread thread = Executors.defaultThreadFactory().newThread(r);
                return thread;

    // static inner class to prevent leaking ProxyManager instances to the cleanup task
    private static class ProxyCleanupTask implements Runnable {
        // using a WeakReference that will indicate to us when the Cache (and thus its ProxyManager) has been garbage
        // collected, allowing this cleanup task to kill itself
        private final WeakReference<Cache<Integer, MitmProxyServer>> proxyCache;

        public ProxyCleanupTask(Cache<Integer, MitmProxyServer> cache) {
            this.proxyCache = new WeakReference<Cache<Integer, MitmProxyServer>>(cache);

        public void run() {
            Cache<Integer, MitmProxyServer> cache = proxyCache.get();
            if (cache != null) {
                try {
                } catch (RuntimeException e) {
                    LOG.warn("Error occurred while attempting to clean up expired proxies", e);
            } else {
                // the cache instance was garbage collected, so it no longer needs to be cleaned up. throw an exception
                // to prevent the scheduled executor from re-scheduling this cleanup
                LOG.info("Proxy Cache was garbage collected. No longer cleaning up expired proxies for unused ProxyManager.");

                throw new RuntimeException("Exiting ProxyCleanupTask");

    public MitmProxyManager(@Named("minPort") Integer minPort, @Named("maxPort") Integer maxPort, final @Named("ttl") Integer ttl) {
        this.minPort = minPort;
        this.maxPort = maxPort;
        this.lastPort = maxPort;
        if (ttl > 0) {
            // proxies should be evicted after the specified ttl, so set up an evicting cache and a listener to stop the proxies when they're evicted
            RemovalListener<Integer, MitmProxyServer> removalListener = new RemovalListener<Integer, MitmProxyServer>() {
                public void onRemoval(RemovalNotification<Integer, MitmProxyServer> removal) {
                    try {
                        MitmProxyServer proxy = removal.getValue();
                        if (proxy != null) {
                            LOG.info("Expiring ProxyServer on port {} after {} seconds without activity", proxy.getPort(), ttl);
                    } catch (Exception ex) {
                        LOG.warn("Error while stopping an expired proxy on port " + removal.getKey(), ex);

            this.proxyCache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder()
                    .expireAfterAccess(ttl, TimeUnit.SECONDS)

            this.proxies = proxyCache.asMap();

            // schedule the asynchronous proxy cleanup task
            ScheduledExecutorHolder.expiredProxyCleanupExecutor.scheduleWithFixedDelay(new ProxyCleanupTask(proxyCache),
        } else {
            this.proxies = new ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, MitmProxyServer>();
            // nothing to timeout, so no Cache
            this.proxyCache = null;

    public MitmProxyServer create(String upstreamHttpProxy, String proxyUsername, String proxyPassword, Integer port, String bindAddr, String serverBindAddr, boolean useEcc, boolean trustAllServers) {
        return create(upstreamHttpProxy, false, null, proxyUsername, proxyPassword, port, bindAddr, serverBindAddr, useEcc, trustAllServers);

    public MitmProxyServer create(String upstreamHttpProxy, boolean upstreamProxyHttps, String proxyUsername, String proxyPassword, Integer port, String bindAddr, String serverBindAddr, boolean useEcc, boolean trustAllServers) {
        return create(upstreamHttpProxy, upstreamProxyHttps, null, proxyUsername, proxyPassword, port, bindAddr, serverBindAddr, useEcc, trustAllServers);

    public MitmProxyServer create(String upstreamHttpProxy, boolean upstreamProxyHttps, List<String> upstreamNonProxyHosts, String proxyUsername, String proxyPassword, Integer port, String bindAddr, String serverBindAddr, boolean useEcc, boolean trustAllServers) {

        LOG.debug("Instantiate ProxyServer...");
        MitmProxyServer proxy = new MitmProxyServer();

        if (trustAllServers) {

        // this is a short-term work-around for Proxy Auth in the REST API until the upcoming REST API refactor
        if (proxyUsername != null && proxyPassword != null) {
            proxy.chainedProxyAuthorization(proxyUsername, proxyPassword, AuthType.BASIC);

        if (upstreamHttpProxy != null) {
            try {
                InetSocketAddress chainedProxyAddress = BrowserUpProxyUtil.inetSocketAddressFromString(upstreamHttpProxy);
            } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
                LOG.error("Invalid upstream http proxy specified: " + upstreamHttpProxy + ". Must use host:port format.");
                throw new RuntimeException("Invalid upstream http proxy");


            if (upstreamNonProxyHosts != null) {

        InetAddress clientBindAddress = null;
        if (bindAddr != null) {
            LOG.debug("Bind ProxyServer to `{}`...", bindAddr);
            try {
                clientBindAddress = InetAddress.getByName(bindAddr);
            } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
                LOG.error("Unable to bind proxy to address: " + bindAddr + "; proxy will not be created.", e);

                throw new RuntimeException("Unable to bind proxy to address: ", e);

        InetAddress serverInetAddress = null;
        if (serverBindAddr != null) {
            LOG.debug("Bind ProxyServer serverAddress to `{}`...", serverBindAddr);
            try {
                serverInetAddress = InetAddress.getByName(serverBindAddr);
            } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
                LOG.error("Unable to bind proxy to server address: " + serverBindAddr + "; proxy will not be created.", e);

                throw new RuntimeException("Unable to bind proxy to server address: ", e);

        if (port != null) {
            return startProxy(proxy, port, clientBindAddress, serverInetAddress);

        while (proxies.size() <= maxPort - minPort) {
            LOG.debug("Use next available port for new ProxyServer...");
            port = nextPort();
            try {
                return startProxy(proxy, port, clientBindAddress, serverInetAddress);
            } catch (ProxyExistsException ex) {
                LOG.debug("Proxy already exists at port {}", port);
        throw new ProxyPortsExhaustedException();

    public MitmProxyServer create(String upstreamHttpProxy, String proxyUsername, String proxyPassword, Integer port, String bindAddr, boolean useEcc, boolean trustAllServers) {
        return create(upstreamHttpProxy, false, null, proxyUsername, proxyPassword, port, null, null, false, false);

    public MitmProxyServer create(String upstreamHttpProxy, String proxyUsername, String proxyPassword, Integer port) {
        return create(upstreamHttpProxy, false, null, proxyUsername, proxyPassword, port, null, null, false, false);

    public MitmProxyServer create(String upstreamHttpProxy, String proxyUsername, String proxyPassword) {
        return create(upstreamHttpProxy, false, null, proxyUsername, proxyPassword, null, null, null, false, false);

    public MitmProxyServer create() {
        return create(null, false, null, null, null, null, null, null, false, false);

    public MitmProxyServer create(int port) {
        return create(null, false, null, null, null, port, null, null, false, false);

    public MitmProxyServer get(int port) {
        return proxies.get(port);

    private MitmProxyServer startProxy(MitmProxyServer proxy, int port, InetAddress clientBindAddr, InetAddress serverBindAddr) {
        if (port != 0) {
            MitmProxyServer old = proxies.putIfAbsent(port, proxy);
            if (old != null) {
                LOG.info("Proxy already exists at port {}", port);
                throw new ProxyExistsException(port);

        try {
            proxy.start(port, clientBindAddr, serverBindAddr);

            if (port == 0) {
                int realPort = proxy.getPort();
                proxies.put(realPort, proxy);

            return proxy;
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            if (port != 0) {
            try {
            } catch (Exception ex2) {
            throw ex;

    private synchronized int nextPort() {
        return lastPort < maxPort ? ++lastPort : (lastPort = minPort);

    public Collection<MitmProxyServer> get() {
        return proxies.values();

    public void delete(int port) {
        MitmProxyServer proxy = proxies.remove(port);
        if (proxy == null) {

