package org.broadinstitute.hellbender.testutils;

import htsjdk.variant.variantcontext.Allele;
import htsjdk.variant.variantcontext.Genotype;
import htsjdk.variant.variantcontext.VariantContext;
import htsjdk.variant.vcf.VCFConstants;
import htsjdk.variant.variantcontext.*;
import htsjdk.variant.vcf.*;
import org.apache.commons.collections.IteratorUtils;
import org.apache.commons.collections4.CollectionUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair;
import org.broadinstitute.barclay.argparser.CommandLineArgumentParser;
import org.broadinstitute.barclay.argparser.CommandLineParser;
import org.broadinstitute.hellbender.cmdline.GATKPlugin.GATKAnnotationPluginDescriptor;
import org.broadinstitute.hellbender.engine.FeatureDataSource;
import org.broadinstitute.hellbender.exceptions.GATKException;
import org.broadinstitute.hellbender.utils.MathUtils;
import org.broadinstitute.hellbender.utils.Utils;
import org.broadinstitute.hellbender.utils.variant.GATKVCFConstants;
import org.broadinstitute.hellbender.utils.variant.GATKVCFHeaderLines;
import org.broadinstitute.hellbender.utils.variant.GATKVariantContextUtils;
import org.testng.Assert;

// This should be:
//import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
//import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;

import java.util.*;

import static org.broadinstitute.hellbender.utils.variant.VariantContextGetters.attributeToList;

public final class VariantContextTestUtils {
    private VariantContextTestUtils() {}

    /** Standard Logger.  */
    protected static final Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger(VariantContextTestUtils.class);

     * Reads an entire VCF into memory, returning both its VCFHeader and all VariantContext records in
     * the vcf. Supports both local files and NIO-supported remote filesystems such as GCS.
     * For unit/integration testing purposes only! Do not call this method from actual tools!
     * @param vcfPath path or URI to a VCF, as a String
     * @return A Pair with the VCFHeader as the first element, and a List of all VariantContexts from the VCF
     *         as the second element
    public static Pair<VCFHeader, List<VariantContext>> readEntireVCFIntoMemory(final String vcfPath) {

        try ( final FeatureDataSource<VariantContext> vcfReader = new FeatureDataSource<>(vcfPath) ) {
            final Object header = vcfReader.getHeader();
            if ( ! (header instanceof VCFHeader) ) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(vcfPath + " does not have a valid VCF header");

            final List<VariantContext> vcfRecords = new ArrayList<>();
            for ( final VariantContext vcfRecord : vcfReader ) {

            return Pair.of((VCFHeader)header, vcfRecords);

    public static VCFHeader getVCFHeader(final String vcfPath) {

        try ( final FeatureDataSource<VariantContext> vcfReader = new FeatureDataSource<>(vcfPath) ) {
            final Object header = vcfReader.getHeader();
            if (!(header instanceof VCFHeader)) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(vcfPath + " does not have a valid VCF header");
            return (VCFHeader)header;

    private static void assertAttributeEquals(final String key, final Object actual, final Object expected) {
        final Object notationCorrectedActual = normalizeScientificNotation(actual);
        final Object notationCorrectedExpected = normalizeScientificNotation(expected);
        if (notationCorrectedExpected instanceof Double && notationCorrectedActual instanceof Double) {
            // must be very tolerant because doubles are being rounded to 2 sig figs
            BaseTest.assertEqualsDoubleSmart((Double) notationCorrectedActual, (Double) notationCorrectedExpected, 1e-2, "Attribute " + key);
        } else if (actual instanceof Integer || expected instanceof Integer) {
            Object actualNormalized = normalizeToInteger(actual);
            Object expectedNormalized = normalizeToInteger(expected);
            Assert.assertEquals(actualNormalized, expectedNormalized, "Attribute " + key);
        } else {
            Assert.assertEquals(notationCorrectedActual, notationCorrectedExpected, "Attribute " + key);

     * Attempt to convert a String containing a signed integer (no separators) to an integer. If the attribute is not
     * a String, or does not contain an integer, the original object is returned.
     * @param attribute
     * @return An Integer representing the value in the attribute if it contains a parseable integer, otherwise the
     * original attribute.
    static Object normalizeToInteger(final Object attribute) {
        if (attribute instanceof String) {
            try {
                return Integer.parseInt((String) attribute);
            } catch ( final NumberFormatException e) {
                return attribute;
        return attribute;

     * Normalizes the representation of Strings containing doubles.
     * This is necessary to deal with the fact that variant context attributes are deserialized from vcf as Strings
     * instead of their original type.  Some versions of gatk3 output double attributes in scientific notation while gatk4
     * doesn't do so.
     * @param attribute an attribute to attempt to normalize
     * @return if attribute is a String, try to parse it as a Double and return that value, else return the original attribute
    static Object normalizeScientificNotation(final Object attribute){
        if (attribute instanceof String){
            try {
                if (((String) attribute).contains("|")) {
                    // If the attribute is an allele specific attribute separated by '|', then we want to remap
                    // each of its contained values (which could be comma separated lists) separately
                    String[] split = ((String) attribute).split("\\|",-1);
                            s -> {return",",-1))
                                    .map(d -> {if (d.equals("")) return d;
                                    else return Double.toString(Double.parseDouble(d));})
                } else {
                    return Double.parseDouble((String) attribute);
            } catch ( final NumberFormatException e) {
                return attribute;
        return attribute;

     * Method which reorders the AltAlleles of a VariantContext so that they are in alphabetical order.
     * It also reorders all annotation fields and the PL,AD, and SAC fields of each sample genotype in the variant context
     * to be consistent with the new ordering
     * NOTE: this method relies on the correctness of AlleleSubsettingUtils.subsetAlleles() for reordering alleles
     * @param vc        Variant context to reorder
     * @param header
     * @return
    public static VariantContext sortAlleles(final VariantContext vc, final VCFHeader header){
        final List<Allele> originalAltAlleles = vc.getAlternateAlleles();
        final List<Allele> sortedAltAlleles =;
        final List<Allele> sortedAlleles = new ArrayList<>(vc.getNAlleles());


        final VariantContextBuilder result = new VariantContextBuilder(vc);

        GenotypesContext newGT = AlleleSubsettingUtils.subsetAlleles(vc.getGenotypes(),2,vc.getAlleles(),sortedAlleles,
                                                                     GenotypeAssignmentMethod.SET_TO_NO_CALL, vc.getAttributeAsInt(VCFConstants.DEPTH_KEY,0));

        // Asserting that the new genotypes were calculated properly in case AlleleSubsettingUtils behavior changes
        if (newGT.getSampleNames().size() != vc.getGenotypes().size()) throw new IllegalStateException("Sorting this variant context resulted in a different number of genotype alleles, check that AlleleSubsettingUtils still supports reordering:" + vc.toString());
        for (int i =0; i<newGT.size(); i++){
            if (vc.getGenotype(i).hasAD()) {
                if (newGT.get(i).getAD().length != vc.getGenotype(i).getAD().length) throw new IllegalStateException("Sorting this variant context resulted in a different number of genotype alleles, check that AlleleSubsettingUtils still supports reordering:" + vc.toString());
            if (vc.getGenotype(i).hasPL()) {
                if (newGT.get(i).getPL().length != vc.getGenotype(i).getPL().length) throw new IllegalStateException("Sorting this variant context resulted in a different number of genotype alleles, check that AlleleSubsettingUtils still supports reordering:" + vc.toString());

        final HashMap<String, Object> newAttributes = new HashMap<>(vc.getAttributes());
        for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : newAttributes.entrySet()) {
            VCFHeaderLineCount type = header.hasInfoLine(entry.getKey())?header.getInfoHeaderLine(entry.getKey()).getCountType():VCFHeaderLineCount.UNBOUNDED;
            int ploidy = vc.getGenotypes().getMaxPloidy(2);

            newAttributes.replace(entry.getKey(), updateAttribute(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue(), vc.getAlleles(), sortedAlleles, type, ploidy));

        // The above will have built new genotype for PL,AD, and SAC fields excluding the GT and GQ field, thus we must re-add them for comparison.
        for (int i = 0; i < newGT.size(); i++) {
            final HashMap<String, Object> newGTAttributes = new HashMap<>(newGT.get(i).getExtendedAttributes());
            for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : newGTAttributes.entrySet()) {
                VCFHeaderLineCount type = header.hasInfoLine(entry.getKey())?header.getFormatHeaderLine(entry.getKey()).getCountType():VCFHeaderLineCount.UNBOUNDED;
                int ploidy = vc.getGenotypes().getMaxPloidy(2);
                newGTAttributes.replace(entry.getKey(), updateAttribute(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue(), vc.getAlleles(), sortedAlleles, type, ploidy));
            Genotype replacementGenotype = new GenotypeBuilder(newGT.get(i))


        return result.make();


    @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"})
    private static Object updateAttribute(final String key, final Object value,
                                          final List<Allele> originalAlleles, final List<Allele> sortedAlleles,
                                          final VCFHeaderLineCount count, int ploidy) {
        if (key.startsWith("AS_")) {
            return remapASValues(value instanceof List? String.join(",", ((List<String>) value)) : (String) value, createAlleleIndexMap(originalAlleles, sortedAlleles));
        }else {
            switch (count) {
                case INTEGER:
                    return value;
                case UNBOUNDED:
                    //doesn't depend on allele ordering
                    return value;
                case A:
                    return remapATypeValues(attributeToList(value), createAlleleIndexMap(originalAlleles, sortedAlleles));
                case R:
                    return remapRTypeValues(attributeToList(value), createAlleleIndexMap(originalAlleles, sortedAlleles));
                case G:
                    return remapGTypeValues(attributeToList(value), originalAlleles, ploidy, sortedAlleles);
                    throw new GATKException("found unexpected vcf header count type: " + count);

    static List<Integer> createAlleleIndexMap(final List<Allele> originalAlleles, final List<Allele> sortedAlleles){
        final List<Integer> mapping = new ArrayList<>(originalAlleles.size());
        for ( final Allele a: sortedAlleles){
            final int newIndex = originalAlleles.indexOf(a);
        return mapping;

    static List<Object> remapRTypeValues(List<?> oldValue, List<Integer> mapping){
        return remapListValues(oldValue, mapping, 0);

    private static List<Object> remapListValues(List<?> oldValue, List<Integer> mapping, int offset) {
        for( int i = 0; i < offset; i++){
            Utils.validate(mapping.get(i) == i, "values within the offset must not map outside the offset ");
        final ArrayList<Object> reordered = new ArrayList<>(oldValue.size());
        for(int i = 0; i < oldValue.size(); i++){
            reordered.add(oldValue.get(mapping.get(i+offset) - offset));
        return reordered;

    static List<Object> remapATypeValues(List<?> oldValue, List<Integer> mapping){
        return remapListValues(oldValue, mapping, 1 );

    static List<Object> remapGTypeValues(List<?> oldValue, List<Allele> originalAlleles, int ploidy, List<Allele> remappedAlleles){
        if (oldValue.size() == 1 && oldValue.get(0) instanceof String) {
            oldValue = oldValue.get(0)).split(",")).collect(Collectors.toList());

        List<Object> newValues = new ArrayList<>(oldValue.size());
        int[] subsettedGenotypes = AlleleSubsettingUtils.subsettedPLIndices(ploidy, originalAlleles, remappedAlleles);
        List<?> finalOldValue = oldValue;
        newValues.addAll( -> finalOldValue.get(idx)).collect(Collectors.toList()));

        return newValues;

    static List<Object> remapASValues(String oldValue, List<Integer> mapping) {
        return remapListValues(Arrays.asList(oldValue.split("\\|")), mapping, 0);

    public static void assertGenotypesAreEqual(final Genotype actual, final Genotype expected) {
        assertGenotypesAreEqual(actual, expected, Collections.emptyList());

    public static void assertGenotypesAreEqual(final Genotype actual, final Genotype expected, final List<String> extendedAttributesToIgnore) {
        Assert.assertEquals(actual.getSampleName(), expected.getSampleName(), "Genotype names");
        Assert.assertTrue(CollectionUtils.isEqualCollection(actual.getAlleles(), expected.getAlleles()), "Genotype alleles");
        Assert.assertEquals(actual.getGenotypeString(false), expected.getGenotypeString(false), "Genotype string");
        Assert.assertEquals(actual.getType(), expected.getType(), "Genotype type");

        // filters are the same
        Assert.assertEquals(actual.getFilters(), expected.getFilters(), "Genotype fields");
        Assert.assertEquals(actual.isFiltered(), expected.isFiltered(), "Genotype isFiltered");

        // inline attributes
        Assert.assertEquals(actual.hasDP(), expected.hasDP(), "Genotype hasDP");
        Assert.assertEquals(actual.getDP(), expected.getDP(), "Genotype dp");
        Assert.assertEquals(actual.hasAD(), expected.hasAD(), "Genotype hasAD");
        Assert.assertEquals(actual.getAD(), expected.getAD(), "Genotype AD");
        Assert.assertEquals(actual.hasGQ(), expected.hasGQ(), "Genotype hasGQ");
        Assert.assertEquals(actual.getGQ(), expected.getGQ(), "Genotype gq");
        Assert.assertEquals(actual.hasPL(), expected.hasPL(), "Genotype hasPL: " + actual.toString());
        Assert.assertEquals(actual.getPL(), expected.getPL(), "Genotype PL");

        Assert.assertEquals(actual.hasLikelihoods(), expected.hasLikelihoods(), "Genotype haslikelihoods");
        Assert.assertEquals(actual.getLikelihoodsString(), expected.getLikelihoodsString(), "Genotype getlikelihoodsString");
        Assert.assertEquals(actual.getLikelihoods(), expected.getLikelihoods(), "Genotype getLikelihoods");

        Assert.assertEquals(actual.getGQ(), expected.getGQ(), "Genotype phredScaledQual");
        assertAttributesEquals(filterIgnoredAttributes(actual.getExtendedAttributes(), extendedAttributesToIgnore), filterIgnoredAttributes(expected.getExtendedAttributes(), extendedAttributesToIgnore));
        Assert.assertEquals(actual.isPhased(), expected.isPhased(), "Genotype isPhased");
        Assert.assertEquals(actual.getPloidy(), expected.getPloidy(), "Genotype getPloidy");

    private static void assertAttributesEquals(final Map<String, Object> actual, final Map<String, Object> expected) {
        final Set<String> expectedKeys = new LinkedHashSet<>(expected.keySet());

        for ( final Map.Entry<String, Object> act : actual.entrySet() ) {
            final Object actualValue = act.getValue();
            final String key = act.getKey();
            if ( expected.containsKey(key) && expected.get(key) != null ) {
                final Object expectedValue = expected.get(key);
                if (expectedValue instanceof List && actualValue instanceof List) {
                    // both values are lists, compare element b element
                    List<Object> expectedList = (List<Object>) expectedValue;
                    List<Object> actualList = (List<Object>) actualValue;
                    Assert.assertEquals(actualList.size(), expectedList.size());
                    for (int i = 0; i < expectedList.size(); i++) {
                        assertAttributeEquals(key, actualList.get(i), expectedList.get(i));
                } else if (expectedValue instanceof List) {
                    // expected is a List but actual is not; normalize to String and compare
                    Assert.assertTrue(actualValue instanceof String, "Attempt to compare list to a non-string value");
                    final String expectedString = ((List<Object>) expectedValue).stream().map(Object::toString).collect(Collectors.joining(","));
                    assertAttributeEquals(key, actualValue, expectedString);
                else if (actualValue instanceof List) {
                    // actual is a List but expected is not; normalize to String and compare
                    Assert.assertTrue(expectedValue instanceof String, "Attempt to compare list to a non-string value");
                    final String actualString = ((List<Object>) actualValue).stream().map(Object::toString).collect(Collectors.joining(","));
                    assertAttributeEquals(key, actualString, expectedValue);
                } else {
                    assertAttributeEquals(key, actualValue, expectedValue);
            } else {
                // it's ok to have a binding in x -> null that's absent in y
                //TODO: something smarter
                //Assert.assertNull(actualValue, key + " present in one but not in the other");

        // now expectedKeys contains only the keys found in expected but not in actual,
        // and they must all be null
        for ( final String missingExpected : expectedKeys ) {
            final Object value = expected.get(missingExpected);
            Assert.assertTrue(isMissing(value), "Attribute " + missingExpected + " missing in one but not in other" );

    private static boolean isMissing(final Object value) {
        if ( value == null ) { return true; }
        else if ( value.equals(VCFConstants.MISSING_VALUE_v4) ) { return true; }
        else if ( value instanceof List ) {
            // handles the case where all elements are null or the list is empty
            for ( final Object elt : (List)value) {
                if (elt != null) {
                    return false;
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;

     * Validates that the given lists have variant
     * context that correspond to the same variants in the same order.
     * Compares VariantContext by comparing toStringDecodeGenotypes
    public static void assertEqualVariants(final List<VariantContext> v1, final List<VariantContext> v2) {
        Utils.nonNull(v1, "v1");
        Utils.nonNull(v2, "v2");
        if (v1.size() != v2.size()){
            throw new AssertionError("different sizes " + v1.size()+ " vs " + v2.size());

        boolean passed = true;
        int numFailed = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < v1.size(); i++) {
            if (! v1.get(i).toStringDecodeGenotypes().equals(v2.get(i).toStringDecodeGenotypes())){
                logger.error("Variant Comparison Error: different element (compared by toStringDecodeGenotypes) " + i + ":\n" + v1.get(i) + "\n" + v2.get(i));
                passed = false;
        if (!passed) {
            throw new AssertionError("Variant comparison failed!  Num non-matching variant pairs: " + numFailed);

     * VariantContext comparison function for testing
     * @param actual    vc derived from running test command
     * @param expected  vc we're hoping to get
     * @param attributesToIgnore    attributes (INFO or FORMAT) that may or may not exist in actual or expected
     * @param attributesWithJitter  attributes (INFO or FORMAT) that should existing in actual and expected, but may not match in value
    public static void assertVariantContextsAreEqual(final VariantContext actual, final VariantContext expected, final List<String> attributesToIgnore, List<String> attributesWithJitter) {
        Assert.assertNotNull(actual, "VariantContext expected not null");
        Assert.assertEquals(actual.getContig(), expected.getContig(), "chr");
        Assert.assertEquals(actual.getStart(), expected.getStart(), "start");
        Assert.assertEquals(actual.getEnd(), expected.getEnd(), "end");
        Assert.assertEquals(actual.getID(), expected.getID(), "id");
        Assert.assertEquals(actual.getAlleles(), expected.getAlleles(), "alleles for " + expected + " vs " + actual);
        Assert.assertTrue(checkIgnoredAttributesExist(expected.getAttributes(), actual.getAttributes(), attributesWithJitter));
        final List<String> attributesToFilter = new ArrayList<>(attributesToIgnore);
        assertAttributesEquals(filterIgnoredAttributes(actual.getAttributes(), attributesToFilter),
                               filterIgnoredAttributes(expected.getAttributes(), attributesToFilter));

        Assert.assertEquals(actual.filtersWereApplied(), expected.filtersWereApplied(), "filtersWereApplied");
        Assert.assertEquals(actual.isFiltered(), expected.isFiltered(), "isFiltered");
        Assert.assertEquals(actual.getFilters(), expected.getFilters(), "filters");
        BaseTest.assertEqualsDoubleSmart(actual.getPhredScaledQual(), expected.getPhredScaledQual());

        //right now no FORMAT attributes have jitter
        assertVariantContextsHaveSameGenotypes(actual, expected, attributesToIgnore);

    protected static boolean checkIgnoredAttributesExist(final Map<String,Object> expectedAttributes,
                                                       final Map<String,Object> actualAttributes,
                                                       final List<String> attributesToIgnore) {
        List<String> expectedIgnoredAttributes =
                .filter(p -> expectedAttributes.keySet().contains(p) && p != null)
        return -> p != null && !actualAttributes.keySet().contains(p))

    private static Map<String, Object> filterIgnoredAttributes(final Map<String,Object> attributes, final List<String> attributesToIgnore) {
        return attributes.entrySet().stream()
                .filter(p -> !attributesToIgnore.contains(p.getKey()) && p.getValue() != null)
                .collect(Collectors.toMap(Map.Entry::getKey, Map.Entry::getValue));

    public static void assertAlleleSpecificAnnotationLengthsCorrect(final VariantContext actual, final String annotation, final VCFHeaderLineCount expectedCount) {
        assertAlleleSpecificAnnotationLengthsCorrect(actual, annotation, expectedCount, true);

     * Check the counts of AS annotation values based on the alleles in the VariantContext
     * @param actual    current VariantContext output
     * @param annotation    key for the annotation to be tested (e.g. 'MQ' not the class 'RMSMappingQuality')
     * @param expectedCount number of allele values represented, i.e. with or without reference allele
     * @param isRawFormat   true if the AS annotation is in the "raw" format, which uses the pipe delimiter
    public static void assertAlleleSpecificAnnotationLengthsCorrect(final VariantContext actual, final String annotation, final VCFHeaderLineCount expectedCount, final boolean isRawFormat) {
        final List<Allele> alleles = actual.getAlleles();
        final String regex = isRawFormat ? AnnotationUtils.ALLELE_SPECIFIC_SPLIT_REGEX : AnnotationUtils.ALLELE_SPECIFIC_REDUCED_DELIM;
        final String[] actualAnnotation = actual.getAttributeAsString(annotation, "").split(regex,-1);
        Assert.assertEquals(actualAnnotation.length, expectedCount == VCFHeaderLineCount.R ? alleles.size() : alleles.size() - 1);

    // Method that determines whether two variant contexts have equivalent allele specific annotations regardless of allele ordering
    public static Boolean alleleSpecificAnnotationEquals(VariantContext actual, VariantContext expected, String annotation) {
        List<Allele> Aalleles = actual.getAlleles();
        String[] actualAnnotation = String.join(",",actual.getAttributeAsStringList(annotation, "")).split("\\|",-1);
        String[] expectedAnnotation = String.join(",",expected.getAttributeAsStringList(annotation, "")).split("\\|",-1);
        if (Arrays.equals(actualAnnotation, expectedAnnotation)) {
            return true;
        }if (actualAnnotation.length!=expectedAnnotation.length) {
            return false;
        for (int i = 0; i < Aalleles.size(); i++) {
            Allele al = Aalleles.get(i);

            int k = expected.getAlleleIndex(al);

            if (!actualAnnotation[i].equals(expectedAnnotation[k])) {
                return false;
        return true;

    public static void assertGenotypePosteriorsAttributeWasRemoved(final VariantContext actual, final VariantContext expected) {
        for (final Genotype g : actual.getGenotypes()) {

    public static void assertGenotypeIsPhasedWithAttributes(final Genotype g) {

    public static void assertVariantContextsHaveSameGenotypes(final VariantContext actual, final VariantContext expected) {
        assertVariantContextsHaveSameGenotypes(actual, expected, Collections.emptyList());

    public static void assertVariantContextsHaveSameGenotypes(final VariantContext actual, final VariantContext expected, final List<String> attributesToIgnore) {
        Assert.assertEquals(actual.hasGenotypes(), expected.hasGenotypes(), "hasGenotypes");
        if ( expected.hasGenotypes() ) {
            BaseTest.assertEqualsSet(actual.getSampleNames(), expected.getSampleNames(), "sample names set");
            Assert.assertEquals(actual.getSampleNamesOrderedByName(), expected.getSampleNamesOrderedByName(), "sample names");
            final Set<String> samples = expected.getSampleNames();
            for ( final String sample : samples ) {
                assertGenotypesAreEqual(actual.getGenotype(sample), expected.getGenotype(sample), attributesToIgnore);

     * Method which compares two variant contexts for equality regardless of different allele ordering.
     * It functions by sorting the alleles in each variant context, and using the header to parse its attributes and
     * reorder them based on the new allele ordering.
     * NOTES:
     * - For genotype fields, the order dependant fields PL, AD, and SAC are all recalculated, no guarantee
     *   is made about any other genotype fields which depend on the number of Alleles which might result in false negatives.
     * - This test requires that all attribute keys from the variant context are present, if one is writing a test and needs
     *   a complete header, consider {GATKVCFHeaderLine.getCompleteHeader()}
     * @param actual                Variant context to test for equality
     * @param expected              Expected result
     * @param attributesToIgnore    Attributes we want to exclude from comparison altogether
     * @param attributesWithJitter  Attributes we want to exclude from numerical comparision, but ensure they exist
     * @param header                Header used to map behavior of annotations
    public static void assertVariantContextsAreEqualAlleleOrderIndependent(final VariantContext actual,
                                                                           final VariantContext expected,
                                                                           final List<String> attributesToIgnore,
                                                                           List<String> attributesWithJitter,
                                                                           VCFHeader header) {
        if (actual.getAlleles().equals(expected.getAlleles())) {
            assertVariantContextsAreEqual(actual, expected, attributesToIgnore, attributesWithJitter);

        } else {
            VariantContext actualReordered = sortAlleles(actual, header);
            VariantContext expectedReordered = sortAlleles(expected, header);
            assertVariantContextsAreEqual(actualReordered, expectedReordered, attributesToIgnore, attributesWithJitter);

     * Returns a list of VariantContext records from a VCF file
     * @param vcfFile VCF file
     * @return list of VariantContext records
     * @throws IOException if the file does not exist or can not be opened
    public static List<VariantContext> getVariantContexts(final File vcfFile) {
        try (final FeatureDataSource<VariantContext> variantContextFeatureDataSource = new FeatureDataSource<>(vcfFile)) {
            return IteratorUtils.toList(variantContextFeatureDataSource.iterator());

    public static Genotype makeGwithPLs(final String sample, final Allele a1, final Allele a2, final double[] pls) {
        final Genotype gt = new GenotypeBuilder(sample, Arrays.asList(a1, a2)).PL(pls).make();
        if ( pls != null && pls.length > 0 ) {
            Assert.assertTrue(gt.getPL().length > 0);
            for ( final int i : gt.getPL() ) {
                Assert.assertTrue(i >= 0);
        return gt;

    public static Genotype makeG(final String sample, final Allele a1, final Allele a2) {
        return GenotypeBuilder.create(sample, Arrays.asList(a1, a2));

    public static Genotype makeG(final String sample, final Allele a1, final Allele a2, final int... pls) {
        return new GenotypeBuilder(sample, Arrays.asList(a1, a2)).PL(pls).make();

    public static VariantContext makeVC(final String source, final List<Allele> alleles, final Genotype... genotypes) {
        final int start = 10;
        final int stop = start; // does the stop actually get validated???  If it does then `new VariantContextBuilder().computeEndFromAlleles(alleles)...`
        return new VariantContextBuilder(source, "1", start, stop, alleles).genotypes(Arrays.asList(genotypes)).unfiltered().make();

     * Method which returns a complete header with all the GATK and HTSJDK standard header lines for testing purposes
     * @return
    public static VCFHeader getCompleteHeader() {
        Set<VCFHeaderLine> lines = new HashSet<>();

        // Adding HTSJDK lines
        VCFStandardHeaderLines.addStandardInfoLines(lines,false, Collections.emptyList());
        VCFStandardHeaderLines.addStandardFormatLines(lines,false, Collections.emptyList());


        return new VCFHeader(lines);

     * Uses the AnnotationsPlugin interface to instantiate and return a list of every annotation currently visible to the gatk
    public static List<Annotation> getAllAnnotations() {
        CommandLineParser clp = new CommandLineArgumentParser(
                new Object(),
                Collections.singletonList(new GATKAnnotationPluginDescriptor(null, null)),
        List<String> args = new ArrayList<>();
        clp.parseArguments(new PrintStream(new NullOutputStream()), args.toArray(new String[args.size()]));
        return instantiateAnnotations(clp);

    private static List<Annotation> instantiateAnnotations(final CommandLineParser clp) {
        GATKAnnotationPluginDescriptor annotationPlugin = clp.getPluginDescriptor(GATKAnnotationPluginDescriptor.class);
        return annotationPlugin.getResolvedInstances();

    public static Stream<VariantContext> streamVcf(final File vcf) {
        final FeatureDataSource<VariantContext> featureDataSource = new FeatureDataSource<>(vcf);
        return, false).onClose(() -> featureDataSource.close());

    //methods for creating VariantContexts and Genotypes
    private static final String CHR1 = "1";
    private static final String CHR2 = "2";
    private static final Allele REF = Allele.create("G", true);
    private static final Allele ALT = Allele.create("A");
    private static final List<Allele> ALLELES = ImmutableList.of(REF, Allele.NON_REF_ALLELE);
    private static final String SAMPLE_NAME = "XXYYZZ";

    public static VariantContext makeHomRef(int start) {
        return makeHomRef(start, 0);

    public static VariantContext makeHomRef(int start, int GQ) {
        return makeHomRef(CHR1, start, GQ);

    public static VariantContext makeHomRef(final String contig, final int start, final int GQ) {
        final VariantContextBuilder vcb = new VariantContextBuilder("test", contig, start, start, ALLELES);
        return makeVariantContext(vcb, Arrays.asList(REF, REF), GQ);

    public static VariantContext makeHomRef(final String contig, final int start, final int GQ, final int end) {
        final VariantContextBuilder vcb = new VariantContextBuilder("test", contig, start, end, ALLELES);
        final GenotypeBuilder gb = new GenotypeBuilder(SAMPLE_NAME, Arrays.asList(REF, REF));
        gb.AD(new int[]{1, 2});
        gb.PL(new int[]{0, 10, 100});
        vcb.attribute(VCFConstants.END_KEY, end);
        return vcb.genotypes(gb.make()).make();

    public static VariantContext makeSomaticRef(final String contig, final int start, final double lod, final int end) {
        final VariantContextBuilder vcb = new VariantContextBuilder("test", contig, start, end, ALLELES);
        vcb.attribute(VCFConstants.END_KEY, end).genotypes(makeSomaticRefGenotype(lod));
        return vcb.genotypes(makeSomaticRefGenotype(lod)).make();

    public static Genotype makeSomaticRefGenotype(final double lod) {
        final GenotypeBuilder gb = new GenotypeBuilder(SAMPLE_NAME, Arrays.asList(REF, REF));
        gb.AD(new int[]{1, 2});
        gb.attribute(GATKVCFConstants.TUMOR_LOG_10_ODDS_KEY, lod);
        return gb.make();

    public static VariantContext makeHomRefAlt(final int start) {
        final VariantContextBuilder vcb = new VariantContextBuilder("test", CHR1, start, start, Arrays.asList(REF, ALT));
        return makeVariantContext(vcb, Arrays.asList(REF, REF), 0);

    public static VariantContext makeNonRef(final String contig, final int start) {
        final VariantContextBuilder vcb = new VariantContextBuilder("test", contig, start, start, Arrays.asList(REF, ALT));
        return makeVariantContext(vcb, Arrays.asList(REF, ALT), 30);

    public static VariantContext makeDeletion(final int start, final int size) {
        final String del = Utils.dupChar('A', size);
        final String alt = del.substring(0, 1);
        final VariantContext vc = GATKVariantContextUtils.makeFromAlleles("test", CHR1, start, Arrays.asList(del, alt));
        final VariantContextBuilder vcb = new VariantContextBuilder(vc);
        return makeVariantContext(vcb, Arrays.asList(vc.getReference(), vc.getAlternateAllele(0)), 50);

    public static VariantContext makeVariantContext(VariantContextBuilder vcb, List<Allele> alleles, int gq) {
        final GenotypeBuilder gb = new GenotypeBuilder(SAMPLE_NAME, alleles);
        gb.AD(new int[]{1, 2});
        gb.PL(new int[]{0, gq, 20+gq});
        return vcb.genotypes(gb.make()).id(VCFConstants.EMPTY_ID_FIELD).make();

    public static VariantContext makeVariantContext(VariantContextBuilder vcb, List<Allele> alleles, int gq, int[] PPs) {
        final GenotypeBuilder gb = new GenotypeBuilder(SAMPLE_NAME, alleles);
        gb.AD(new int[]{1, 2});
        gb.PL(new int[]{0, gq, 20+gq});
        gb.attribute(GATKVCFConstants.PHRED_SCALED_POSTERIORS_KEY, Utils.listFromPrimitives(PPs));
        gb.GQ(MathUtils.secondSmallestMinusSmallest(PPs, gq));
        return vcb.genotypes(gb.make()).id(VCFConstants.EMPTY_ID_FIELD).make();