 * MIT License
 * Copyright 2017 Broad Institute
 * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
 * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
 * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
 * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
 * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
 * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
 * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
 * copies or substantial portions of the Software.
package org.broadinstitute.dropseqrna.utils.editdistance;

import java.io.File;
import java.io.PrintStream;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.broadinstitute.barclay.argparser.Argument;
import org.broadinstitute.barclay.argparser.CommandLineProgramProperties;
import org.broadinstitute.dropseqrna.cmdline.DropSeq;
import org.broadinstitute.dropseqrna.utils.FilteredIterator;
import org.broadinstitute.dropseqrna.utils.MultiComparator;
import org.broadinstitute.dropseqrna.utils.ObjectCounter;
import org.broadinstitute.dropseqrna.utils.ObjectSink;
import org.broadinstitute.dropseqrna.utils.PeekableGroupingIterator;
import org.broadinstitute.dropseqrna.utils.ProgressLoggingIterator;
import org.broadinstitute.dropseqrna.utils.SamHeaderUtil;
import org.broadinstitute.dropseqrna.utils.SamWriterSink;
import org.broadinstitute.dropseqrna.utils.StringInterner;
import org.broadinstitute.dropseqrna.utils.StringTagComparator;
import org.broadinstitute.dropseqrna.utils.editdistance.MapBarcodesByEditDistance.AdaptiveMappingResult;
import org.broadinstitute.dropseqrna.utils.io.ErrorCheckingPrintStream;
import org.broadinstitute.dropseqrna.utils.readiterators.DefaultTaggingIterator;
import org.broadinstitute.dropseqrna.utils.readiterators.MapQualityPredicate;
import org.broadinstitute.dropseqrna.utils.readiterators.RequiredTagPredicate;
import org.broadinstitute.dropseqrna.utils.readiterators.SamRecordSortingIteratorFactory;

import htsjdk.samtools.BAMRecordCodec;
import htsjdk.samtools.SAMFileHeader;
import htsjdk.samtools.SAMFileHeader.SortOrder;
import htsjdk.samtools.SAMFileWriter;
import htsjdk.samtools.SAMFileWriterFactory;
import htsjdk.samtools.SAMRecord;
import htsjdk.samtools.SamReader;
import htsjdk.samtools.SamReaderFactory;
import htsjdk.samtools.util.CloseableIterator;
import htsjdk.samtools.util.CloserUtil;
import htsjdk.samtools.util.IOUtil;
import htsjdk.samtools.util.Log;
import htsjdk.samtools.util.PeekableIterator;
import htsjdk.samtools.util.ProgressLogger;
import htsjdk.samtools.util.SortingCollection;
import htsjdk.samtools.util.StringUtil;
import picard.cmdline.CommandLineProgram;
import picard.cmdline.StandardOptionDefinitions;

@CommandLineProgramProperties(summary = "Collapse set of barcodes that all share the same BAM tags.  For example, collapse all UMIs that have the same cell, gene, and gene strand tags.  This would be equivilent to collapsing the UMIs in DGE.",
oneLineSummary = "Collapse barcodes in the context of one or more tags.)",
programGroup = DropSeq.class)

public class CollapseTagWithContext extends CommandLineProgram {

	private static final Log log = Log.getInstance(CollapseTagWithContext.class);

	@Argument(shortName = StandardOptionDefinitions.INPUT_SHORT_NAME, doc = "The input SAM or BAM file to analyze.  Must be coordinate sorted. ", optional=false)
	public File INPUT;

	@Argument(doc="Collapse tags that are within <EDIT_DISTANCE>, and have the same CONTEXT_TAGS.  For example, if your context tags were cell and gene, you could collapse UMI tags.", optional=false)
	public String COLLAPSE_TAG;

	@Argument(doc="Group reads by these read tags.  Collapse the COLLAPSE_TAG values that have the same CONTEXT_TAGS values.  Reads with unset CONTEXT_TAGS that will be grouped together and loaded into memory together.  "
			+ "This can cause a large amount of memory usage if you pick a lot of tags that are all mostly not set.", minElements = 1)
	public List<String> CONTEXT_TAGS;

	@Argument (doc="By default, groups of reads are gathered by their CONTEXT_TAGS and ordered by the number of total reads.  Contexts with larger numbers of reads are potential 'parents' of smaller context objects. "
			+ "If this option is used, the count of a context to determine it's ordering is the unique count of values of the TAG(S) added here.  "
			+ "For example, if you wanted to collapse by UMI counts instead of read counts, you could put the UMI tag here.")
	public List<String> COUNT_TAGS;

	@Argument (doc="If COUNT_TAGS is set and COUNT_TAGS_EDIT_DISTANCE>0, then collapse the COUNT_TAGS in a CONTEXT by the given edit distance.  For example, if you wanted to collapse "
			+ "by UMIs instead of read counts, and you wanted to further collapse UMIs by edit distance 1, you'd set COUNT_TAGS_EDIT_DISTANCE to 1.  This doesn't do much unless MIN_COUNT is also set "
			+ "as collapse would only be affected if there is a minimum number of counts for each CONTEXT to be in a COLLAPSE.", optional=true)

	@Argument(doc="The output tag for the newly collapsed tag values")
	public String OUT_TAG;

	@Argument(shortName = StandardOptionDefinitions.OUTPUT_SHORT_NAME, doc="Output BAM file with the new collapsed tag.", optional=false)
	public File OUTPUT;

	@Argument(doc="The edit distance to collapse tags.  If adaptive edit distance is used, this is the default edit distance used if no adaptive edit distance is discovered.  If mutational collapse is used, this is the maximum edit distance two barcodes in a network can be apart (but they must have network neighbors at ED=1 for the entire path).")
	public Integer EDIT_DISTANCE=1;

	@Argument(doc = "Should indels be considered in edit distance calculations?  Doing this correctly is far slower than a simple edit distance test, but is a more aggressive method that may be useful in some situations.")
	public boolean FIND_INDELS=false;

	@Argument(doc="Read quality filter.  Filters all reads lower than this mapping quality.  Defaults to 10.  Set to 0 to not filter reads by map quality.")
	public Integer READ_MQ=10;

	@Argument (doc="The minumum number of reads (unless using the COUNT_TAGS option) for a context to be eligible for collapse.  Must be >= 1.")
	public int MIN_COUNT=1;

	@Argument (doc="When collapsing a CONTEXT_TAG, do not emit CONTEXT reads that have fewer than MIN_COUNT counts.  "
			+ "For example, if your context tags were cell and gene and you were collapsing UMI tags and had a MIN_COUNT of 5, then cell/gene pairs with fewer than 5 UMIs "
			+ "would not have their reads emiited in the output BAM.", optional=false)
	public Boolean DROP_SMALL_COUNTS=false;

	@Argument(doc="Number of threads to use.  Defaults to 1.")
	public int NUM_THREADS=1;

	@Argument (doc="Instead of using the default fixed edit distance, use an adaptive edit distance.  "
			+ "For each mergable entity, this tries to determine if there are 2 clusters of data by edit distance, and only merge the close-by neighbors.")
	public boolean ADAPTIVE_EDIT_DISTANCE=false;
	@Argument (doc="If adaptive edit distance is used, this is the maximum edit distance allowed.", optional=true)
	public Integer ADAPTIVE_ED_MAX=-1;

	@Argument (doc="If adaptive edit distance is used, this is the minimum edit distance allowed.", optional=true)
	public Integer ADAPTIVE_ED_MIN=-1;

	@Argument (doc="If provided, writes out some metrics about each barcode that is merged by adaptive edit distance collapse.", optional=true)

	@Argument (doc="If true, add an additional column that contains a comma separated list of edit distances from the current CONTEXT_TAG to all other CONTEXT_TAGS.  This will make files significantly larger!")
	public boolean ADAPTIVE_ED_METRICS_ED_LIST=false;

	@Argument (doc="The maximium distance mutational path collapse searches for the next nearest neighbors in the network.")
	@Argument (doc="Instead of using the default fixed edit distance, use a mutational collapse strategy.  "
			+ "For the single largest barcode in the context, find all neighbors within edit distance (ED) <MUTATIONAL_COLLAPSE_PATH_ED>.  For example, set MUTATIONAL_COLLAPSE_PATH_ED=1."
			+ "find neighbors to those neighbors at ED=1 that are ALSO ED=2 to the original barcode.  Search out to a maximum edit distance of EDIT_DISTANCE.")
	public boolean MUTATIONAL_COLLAPSE=false;
	@Argument (doc="If provided, writes out some metrics about each barcode that is merged by mutational edit distance collapse.", optional=true)
	@Argument (doc="Use less memory but more time.  Useful if your context groups are huge - very large cells with lots of sequence data, etc.")
	public Boolean LOW_MEMORY_MODE=false;

	// make this once and reuse it.
	private MapBarcodesByEditDistance med;
	private MapBarcodesByEditDistance medUMI;

	int validateCommands () {
			log.error("If adaptive edit distance is in use, must set a maximum adaptive edit distance!");
			return 1;
			log.error("If adaptive edit distance is in use, must set a minimum adaptive edit distance!");
			return 1;
		if (this.MIN_COUNT < 1) {
			log.error(String.format("MIN_COUNT(%d) < 1 does not make sense.", MIN_COUNT));
			return 1;
		if (this.DROP_SMALL_COUNTS && (this.MIN_COUNT < 2)) {
			log.error("If DROP_SMALL_COUNTS is set to true, must set a MIN_COUNT VALUE greater than 1.");
			return 1;
		if (this.COUNT_TAGS_EDIT_DISTANCE>0 && this.COUNT_TAGS==null) {
			log.error ("Edit distance for COUNT_TAGS set, but no COUNT TAGS set.  Can't do edit distance collapse on read counts!");
			return 1;
			log.error("Can't specifiy both adaptive edit distance collapse AND mutational collapse.");
			return 1;
		return 0;
	protected int doWork() {
		int vc = validateCommands();
		if (vc>0) return vc;

		if (this.COUNT_TAGS_EDIT_DISTANCE>0) this.medUMI = new MapBarcodesByEditDistance(false);

		med = new MapBarcodesByEditDistance(false, this.NUM_THREADS, 0);
		PrintStream outMetrics = null;
		if (this.ADAPTIVE_ED_METRICS_FILE!=null) {
			outMetrics = new ErrorCheckingPrintStream(IOUtil.openFileForWriting(this.ADAPTIVE_ED_METRICS_FILE));
			writeAdaptiveEditDistanceMetricsHeader(this.ADAPTIVE_ED_METRICS_ED_LIST, outMetrics);
			med = new MapBarcodesByEditDistance(true, this.NUM_THREADS, 1000);
			outMetrics = new ErrorCheckingPrintStream(IOUtil.openFileForWriting(this.MUTATIONAL_COLLAPSE_METRICS_FILE));
			writeMutationalCollapseMetricsHeader(this.ADAPTIVE_ED_METRICS_ED_LIST, outMetrics);


        SamReader reader = SamReaderFactory.makeDefault().open(INPUT);
        SAMFileHeader header =  reader.getFileHeader();
        SortOrder sortOrder= header.getSortOrder();
        SAMFileWriter writer = getWriter (reader);
        final ObjectSink<SAMRecord> recSink = new SamWriterSink(writer);
        PeekableGroupingIterator<SAMRecord> groupingIter = orderReadsByTagsPeekable(reader, this.COLLAPSE_TAG, this.CONTEXT_TAGS, this.READ_MQ, this.OUT_TAG, recSink);

        log.info("Collapsing tag and writing results");

        if (!LOW_MEMORY_MODE) 
        	fasterIteration(groupingIter, writer, outMetrics);
        	lowMemoryIteration(groupingIter, writer, outMetrics, header);
        log.info("Re-sorting output BAM in "+ sortOrder.toString()+ " if neccesary");
        if (outMetrics!=null) CloserUtil.close(outMetrics);
		return 0;
	 * With this method, we keep all the records in memory 
	 * @param groupingIter
	 * @param mapQualityPredicate
	 * @param requiredTagPredicate
	 * @param writer
	 * @param outMetrics
	private void fasterIteration (PeekableGroupingIterator<SAMRecord> groupingIter,	SAMFileWriter writer, PrintStream outMetrics) {
		log.info("Running fast single iteration mode");
		int maxNumInformativeReadsInMemory=1000; // the starting value is just for reporting purposes.
        while (groupingIter.hasNext()) {
        	List<SAMRecord> informativeRecs = new ArrayList<>();
        	// you have to grab the next element, in case it's the first of the group but not the first group!
        	while (groupingIter.hasNextInGroup())         		
        	// you have all the informative reads.
        	// do some additional logging if the number of reads is bigger than what you've seen before.
        	boolean verbose = false;
        	if (informativeRecs.size()>maxNumInformativeReadsInMemory) {
        		log.info("Max informative reads in memory [" + maxNumInformativeReadsInMemory +"]");
        	// get context.
        	processContext(informativeRecs, writer, verbose, outMetrics);    	
	 * If the number of records exceeds the number of records allowed in memory, spill to disk.
	 * @param groupingIter
	 * @param writer
	 * @param outMetrics
	 * @param header
	private void lowMemoryIteration (PeekableGroupingIterator<SAMRecord> groupingIter,									 
									 SAMFileWriter writer, PrintStream outMetrics, SAMFileHeader header) {
		log.info("Running (slower) memory efficient mode");				
        while (groupingIter.hasNext()) {
        	// for this group, get a SortingCollection.  Note that this is not used for sorting.  It is merely
			// an unsorted collection if there might be more objects than can fit in RAM.
        	SortingCollection<SAMRecord> sortingCollection = SortingCollection.newInstance(SAMRecord.class, new BAMRecordCodec(header), NO_OP_COMPARATOR, this.MAX_RECORDS_IN_RAM);

        	// you have to grab the next element, in case it's the first of the group but not the first group!
        	// spool the reads for a whole group into the sorting collection to operate on - the code uses a multi-pass approach so we can't just iterate over the grouping iterator.
        	while (groupingIter.hasNextInGroup())         		
        	// wrap up the sorting collection for adding records.
        	processContext(sortingCollection, writer, false, outMetrics);        	
	private void processContext (Iterable<SAMRecord> i, SAMFileWriter writer, boolean verbose, PrintStream outMetrics) {
		PeekableIterator<SAMRecord> iter = new PeekableIterator<>(i.iterator());
    	if (!iter.hasNext()) return;

		// get context.
		String context = getContextString(iter.peek(), this.CONTEXT_TAGS);

		// get barcode counts.
		ObjectCounter<String> barcodeCounts = getBarcodeCounts (iter, this.COLLAPSE_TAG, this.COUNT_TAGS, this.COUNT_TAGS_EDIT_DISTANCE);
		if (this.MIN_COUNT > 1 & !this.MUTATIONAL_COLLAPSE) barcodeCounts.filterByMinCount(this.MIN_COUNT);
		Map<String, String> collapseMap = collapseBarcodes(barcodeCounts, this.FIND_INDELS, this.EDIT_DISTANCE, this.ADAPTIVE_ED_MIN, this.ADAPTIVE_ED_MAX, this.MIN_COUNT, this.MUTATIONAL_COLLAPSE_PATH_ED, verbose, outMetrics, context, this.ADAPTIVE_ED_METRICS_ED_LIST);
		iter = new PeekableIterator<>(i.iterator());
		retagBarcodedReads(iter, barcodeCounts, collapseMap, this.DROP_SMALL_COUNTS, writer, this.COLLAPSE_TAG, this.OUT_TAG);        	

	private void retagBarcodedReads (Iterator<SAMRecord> informativeRecs, ObjectCounter<String> barcodeCounts, Map<String, String> collapseMap, boolean dropSmallCounts, SAMFileWriter writer,
			String collapseTag, String outTag) {
		Set<String> expectedBarcodes = null;
		// already validated that if dropSmallCounts is true, then the minNumObservations > 1.
		if (dropSmallCounts)
			// use all the remaining barcodes that have counts.
			expectedBarcodes = new HashSet<>(barcodeCounts.getKeys());
		while (informativeRecs.hasNext()) {
			SAMRecord r = informativeRecs.next();
			String tagValue = r.getStringAttribute(collapseTag);
			// if the tag was not set, then don't set it.
			if (tagValue!=null) {
				// tag was set,
				// if the tagValue is not in the expected barocde list and the barcode list is populated, then don't add this read and short circuit to next read.
				if (expectedBarcodes!=null && !expectedBarcodes.contains(tagValue))
				// tag was set, set it.
				// is it in the map?  If so, update the tag value.
				if (collapseMap.containsKey(tagValue))
					tagValue = collapseMap.get(tagValue);
				r.setAttribute(outTag, tagValue);

	 * Operate on a collection of records, find the counts of each context.
	 * This may include fancy work like edit distance collapse of the count tags.
	 * @param informativeRecs
	 * @param collapseTag
	 * @param countTags
	 * @param countTagsEditDistance
	 * @return
	private ObjectCounter<String> getBarcodeCounts (final PeekableIterator<SAMRecord> informativeRecs, final String collapseTag, final List<String> countTags, final Integer countTagsEditDistance) {
		// collapse barcodes based on informative reads that have the necessary tags.
		// this counts 1 per read.
		if (countTags.isEmpty()) {
			List<String> barcodes = informativeRecs.stream().map(x -> x.getStringAttribute(collapseTag)).collect(Collectors.toList());
			ObjectCounter<String> barcodeCounts = new ObjectCounter<>();
			barcodes.stream().forEach(x -> barcodeCounts.increment(x));
			return barcodeCounts;

		// otherwise, for each barcode, extract the unique set of countTag values.
		StringInterner interner = new StringInterner();

		// to implement edit distance collapse of tag values, this needs to be an object counter.
		Map<String, ObjectCounter<String>> countTagValues = new HashMap<>();
		while (informativeRecs.hasNext()) {
			SAMRecord r=informativeRecs.next();
			String barcode = r.getStringAttribute(collapseTag);
			ObjectCounter<String> valuesSet = countTagValues.get(barcode);
			// if the set doesn't exist initialize and add...
			if (valuesSet==null) {
				valuesSet=new ObjectCounter<>();
				countTagValues.put(barcode, valuesSet);
			// if there are multiple count tags, need to distinguish between them.  IE: if your count was of distinct UMI + some strand tag, then you'd need a distinct list of those 2 tags aggregated together, and the count
			// is the number of unique values.
			List<String> valsList = new ArrayList<>();
			for (String countTag: countTags) {
				String v = r.getStringAttribute(countTag);
				if (v!=null) valsList.add(v);
			String val = interner.intern(StringUtils.join(valsList, ":"));


		// collapse the tag values if needed for each count tag.
		if (countTagsEditDistance>0)
			for (String key: countTagValues.keySet()) {
				ObjectCounter<String> value = countTagValues.get(key);
				value = medUMI.collapseAndMergeBarcodes(value, false, countTagsEditDistance);
				countTagValues.put(key, value);

		// now count the values.
		ObjectCounter<String> barcodeCounts = new ObjectCounter<>();
		for (String barcode: countTagValues.keySet()) {
			// perform collapse here on each object counter.
			int count = countTagValues.get(barcode).getKeys().size();
			barcodeCounts.incrementByCount(barcode, count);
		return barcodeCounts;
	private SAMFileWriter getWriter (final SamReader reader) {
		SAMFileHeader header = reader.getFileHeader();
		SamHeaderUtil.addPgRecord(header, this);
		String context = StringUtil.join(" ", this.CONTEXT_TAGS);
		header.addComment("Edit distance collapsed tag " +  this.COLLAPSE_TAG + " to new tag " + this.OUT_TAG+ " with edit distance "+ this.EDIT_DISTANCE + "using indels=" + this.FIND_INDELS + " in the context of tags [" + context + "]");
        SAMFileWriter writer= new SAMFileWriterFactory().makeSAMOrBAMWriter(header, false, this.OUTPUT);
        return writer;

	private Map<String, String> collapseBarcodes(final ObjectCounter<String> barcodeCounts, final boolean findIndels, final Integer editDistance, final Integer minEditDistance, final Integer maxEditDistance, final Integer minSizeToCollapse, final Integer mutationalPathStepSize, final boolean verbose, final PrintStream outMetrics, final String context, final boolean writeEditDistanceDistribution) {
		// order the barcodes by the number of reads each barcode has.
		if (verbose) log.info("Collapsing [" + barcodeCounts.getSize() +"] barcodes.");

		// map of primary barcode to list of child barcodes.
		Map<String, String> result = new HashMap<>();
		Map<String, List<String>> r = null;
			AdaptiveMappingResult amr= med.collapseBarcodesAdaptive(barcodeCounts, findIndels, editDistance, minEditDistance, maxEditDistance);
			r = amr.getBarcodeCollapseResult();
			writeMetrics(writeEditDistanceDistribution, context, amr, outMetrics);
			r=med.collapseBarcodesByMutationalCollapse(barcodeCounts, findIndels, editDistance, minSizeToCollapse, mutationalPathStepSize);
			ObjectCounter<String> aggregatedCounts=aggregateCounts(barcodeCounts, r);
			writeMutationalReport(barcodeCounts, aggregatedCounts, r, outMetrics);
		else r = med.collapseBarcodes(barcodeCounts, findIndels, editDistance);

		// flip map to each child barcode that belongs to a parent.
		for (String key: r.keySet())
			for (String value: r.get(key))
				result.put(value, key);

		return (result);
	 * Generate a new object counter reflects the counts of barcodes after collapsing those barcodes via a given mapping.
	 * @param data The counts of barcodes (UMIs/reads/etc).
	 * @param mapping The map of a barcode (key) to some other set of barcodes (values) that collapse into that barcode.
	 * @return The counts of barcodes after collapse - some barcodes with have higher counts, some barcodes that were collapsed will be removed from the original data.  
	 * The sum of total counts will be the same as the input data.
	public static ObjectCounter<String> aggregateCounts (ObjectCounter<String> data, Map<String, List<String>> mapping) {
		ObjectCounter<String> result = new ObjectCounter<>();
		// build out all the new counts for barcodes that have merged results.
		Set<String> mergedBarcodes=new HashSet<String>();
		for (String key: mapping.keySet()) {
			List<String> values = mapping.get(key);
			int totalCount=data.getCountForKey(key);			
			totalCount += values.stream().mapToInt(x-> data.getCountForKey(x)).sum();						
			result.incrementByCount(key, totalCount);
		// build out the singletons that were not merged by finding the non-merged data keys.
		for (String k: data.getKeys()) 
			if (!mergedBarcodes.contains(k)) {
				result.incrementByCount(k, data.getCountForKey(k));
		return result;		

	private String getContextString (final SAMRecord r, final List<String> contextTags) {
		List<String> result = new ArrayList<>();
		for (String c: contextTags) {
			String v = r.getStringAttribute(c);
		return StringUtils.join(result, ",");

	private void writeAdaptiveEditDistanceMetricsHeader (final boolean writeEditDistanceDistribution, final PrintStream out) {
		if (writeEditDistanceDistribution)
		out.println(StringUtil.join("\t", header));

	private void writeMutationalCollapseMetricsHeader (final boolean writeEditDistanceDistribution, final PrintStream out) {
		String [] header = {"sequence",  "counts", "parent",  "edist",  "fam_seqs", "fam_counts"};
		out.println(StringUtils.join(header, "\t"));

	private void writeMetrics (final boolean writeEditDistanceDistribution, final String context, final AdaptiveMappingResult r, final PrintStream out) {
		if (out==null) return;
		List<EditDistanceMappingMetric> metricList= r.getMetricResult();

		for (EditDistanceMappingMetric edmm: metricList) {
			// Steve reports the number of barcodes including the one that everything is merged into.
			List<String> line = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(context, edmm.getBarcode(), Integer.toString(edmm.getNumMergedBarcodes()+1), Integer.toString(edmm.getEditDistanceDiscovered()), Integer.toString(edmm.getEditDistanceUsed()),
					Integer.toString(edmm.getOriginalObservations()), Integer.toString(edmm.getTotalObservations())));

			if (writeEditDistanceDistribution) {
				int [] edList = edmm.getEdList();
				if (edList.length>0) {
					Integer[] x = Arrays.stream( edList ).boxed().toArray( Integer[]::new );
					String edFormatted = StringUtil.join(",", x);
				} else

			out.println(StringUtil.join("\t", line));

	private void writeMutationalReport (ObjectCounter<String> data, ObjectCounter<String> aggregateCounts, Map<String, List<String>> mapping, PrintStream out) {
		Set<String> allMappedBC=new HashSet<String>();
		for (String parentSeq: mapping.keySet()) {
			List<String> sequences = mapping.get(parentSeq);
			int famSeqs=sequences.size()+1;
			String [] line = {parentSeq, Integer.toString(data.getCountForKey(parentSeq)), parentSeq, "0", Integer.toString(famSeqs) ,Integer.toString(aggregateCounts.getCountForKey(parentSeq))};
			out.println(StringUtils.join(line, "\t"));
			for (String v: sequences) {
				int ed = HammingDistance.getHammingDistance(parentSeq, v);
				// for merged results, the family seqs size is always 1 and the fam counts is always 0.
				String [] line2 = {v, Integer.toString(data.getCountForKey(v)), parentSeq, Integer.toString(ed), "1", "0"};
				out.println(StringUtils.join(line2, "\t"));																				
		// write out any sequence that was unchanged, and wasn't assigned a parent.
		for (String key: data.getKeys()) {
			if (!allMappedBC.contains(key)) {
				String [] line = {key, Integer.toString(data.getCountForKey(key)), key, "0", "1" ,Integer.toString(data.getCountForKey(key))};
				out.println(StringUtils.join(line, "\t"));
	private PeekableGroupingIterator<SAMRecord> orderReadsByTagsPeekable (final SamReader reader, final String collapseTag, final List<String> contextTag, final int mapQuality, String outTag, ObjectSink<SAMRecord> uninformativeReadsSink) {
		// SORT on the context tags.
		StringTagComparator [] comparators = contextTag.stream().map(x -> new StringTagComparator(x)).toArray(StringTagComparator[]::new);
		final MultiComparator<SAMRecord> multiComparator = new MultiComparator<>(comparators);
		// set up filters.
        MapQualityPredicate mapQualityPredicate = CollapseTagWithContext.getMapQualityPredicate(mapQuality);
        RequiredTagPredicate requiredTagPredicate = CollapseTagWithContext.getRequiredTagPredicate(collapseTag, contextTag);
        // log progress on read iteration
        ProgressLogger progressLogger = new ProgressLogger(log);
        ProgressLoggingIterator progressLoggingIter = new ProgressLoggingIterator(reader.iterator(), progressLogger);
        // apply a default result tag to all reads - this is useful for reads that are not in the analysis and automatically sunk to the writer.
        DefaultTaggingIterator iter = new DefaultTaggingIterator(progressLoggingIter.iterator(), collapseTag, outTag);
        // reads that don't pass the filter are sunk, reads that pass are sorted and grouped.
		InformativeReadFilter filter = new InformativeReadFilter(iter, uninformativeReadsSink, mapQualityPredicate, requiredTagPredicate);				
		// sort and group the relevant data
		CloseableIterator<SAMRecord> sortedIter = SamRecordSortingIteratorFactory.create(
                reader.getFileHeader(), filter.iterator(), multiComparator, null);
		PeekableGroupingIterator<SAMRecord> groupedIterator = new PeekableGroupingIterator<>(sortedIter, multiComparator);		
		return groupedIterator;
	public static MapQualityPredicate getMapQualityPredicate(final int mapQuality) {
		return new MapQualityPredicate(mapQuality, false);

	public static RequiredTagPredicate getRequiredTagPredicate(final String collapseTag, final List<String> contextTag) {
		List<String> allTags = new ArrayList<>(contextTag);
		String[] tagArray = allTags.stream().toArray(String[]::new);
		return new RequiredTagPredicate(tagArray);
	public static final Comparator<SAMRecord> NO_OP_COMPARATOR =  new Comparator<SAMRecord>() {
		public int compare(final SAMRecord e1, final SAMRecord e2) {
            return 0;
    private class InformativeReadFilter extends FilteredIterator<SAMRecord> {
    	private final MapQualityPredicate mapQualityPredicate;
    	private final RequiredTagPredicate requiredTagPredicate;
		protected InformativeReadFilter(Iterator<SAMRecord> underlyingIterator, ObjectSink<SAMRecord> filteredReadSink, MapQualityPredicate mapQualityPredicate, RequiredTagPredicate requiredTagPredicate ) {
			super(underlyingIterator, filteredReadSink);

		public boolean filterOut(SAMRecord rec) {			
			// filter out read if either test fails.
			return (! mapQualityPredicate.test(rec) || !requiredTagPredicate.test(rec));

	/** Stock main method. */
	public static void main(final String[] args) {
		System.exit(new CollapseTagWithContext().instanceMain(args));
