
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Date;

import com.eclipsesource.json.JsonArray;
import com.eclipsesource.json.JsonObject;
import com.eclipsesource.json.JsonValue;

 * Represents a collaboration between a user and another user or group. Collaborations are Box's equivalent of access
 * control lists. They can be used to set and apply permissions for users or groups to folders.
 * <p>Unless otherwise noted, the methods in this class can throw an unchecked {@link BoxAPIException} (unchecked
 * meaning that the compiler won't force you to handle it) if an error occurs. If you wish to implement custom error
 * handling for errors related to the Box REST API, you should capture this exception explicitly.</p>
public class BoxCollaboration extends BoxResource {

     * All possible fields on a collaboration object.
    public static final String[] ALL_FIELDS = {"type", "id", "item", "accessible_by", "role", "expires_at",
                                               "can_view_path", "status", "acknowledged_at", "created_by",
                                               "created_at", "modified_at"};

     * Collaborations URL Template.
    public static final URLTemplate COLLABORATIONS_URL_TEMPLATE = new URLTemplate("collaborations");
     * Pending Collaborations URL.
    public static final URLTemplate PENDING_COLLABORATIONS_URL = new URLTemplate("collaborations?status=pending");
     * Collaboration URL Template.
    public static final URLTemplate COLLABORATION_URL_TEMPLATE = new URLTemplate("collaborations/%s");
     * Get All File Collaboations URL.
    public static final URLTemplate GET_ALL_FILE_COLLABORATIONS_URL = new URLTemplate("files/%s/collaborations/");

     * Constructs a BoxCollaboration for a collaboration with a given ID.
     * @param api the API connection to be used by the collaboration.
     * @param id  the ID of the collaboration.
    public BoxCollaboration(BoxAPIConnection api, String id) {
        super(api, id);

     * Create a new collaboration object.
     * @param api          the API connection used to make the request.
     * @param accessibleBy the JSON object describing who should be collaborated.
     * @param item         the JSON object describing which item to collaborate.
     * @param role         the role to give the collaborators.
     * @param notify       the user/group should receive email notification of the collaboration or not.
     * @param canViewPath  the view path collaboration feature is enabled or not.
     * @return             info about the new collaboration.
    protected static BoxCollaboration.Info create(BoxAPIConnection api, JsonObject accessibleBy, JsonObject item,
                                                  BoxCollaboration.Role role, Boolean notify, Boolean canViewPath) {
        return create(api, accessibleBy, item, role, notify, canViewPath, null);

     * Create a new collaboration object.
     * @param api          the API connection used to make the request.
     * @param accessibleBy the JSON object describing who should be collaborated.
     * @param item         the JSON object describing which item to collaborate.
     * @param role         the role to give the collaborators.
     * @param notify       the user/group should receive email notification of the collaboration or not.
     * @param canViewPath  the view path collaboration feature is enabled or not.
     * @param expiresAt    the date the collaboration expires
     * @return             info about the new collaboration.
    protected static BoxCollaboration.Info create(BoxAPIConnection api, JsonObject accessibleBy, JsonObject item,
                                      BoxCollaboration.Role role, Boolean notify, Boolean canViewPath, Date expiresAt) {

        String queryString = "";
        if (notify != null) {
            queryString = new QueryStringBuilder().appendParam("notify", notify.toString()).toString();
        URL url;
        if (queryString.length() > 0) {
            url = COLLABORATIONS_URL_TEMPLATE.buildWithQuery(api.getBaseURL(), queryString);
        } else {
            url =;

        JsonObject requestJSON = new JsonObject();
        requestJSON.add("item", item);
        requestJSON.add("accessible_by", accessibleBy);
        requestJSON.add("role", role.toJSONString());
        if (canViewPath != null) {
            requestJSON.add("can_view_path", canViewPath.booleanValue());
        if (expiresAt != null) {
            requestJSON.add("expires_at", BoxDateFormat.format(expiresAt));

        BoxJSONRequest request = new BoxJSONRequest(api, url, "POST");

        BoxJSONResponse response = (BoxJSONResponse) request.send();
        JsonObject responseJSON = JsonObject.readFrom(response.getJSON());

        BoxCollaboration newCollaboration = new BoxCollaboration(api, responseJSON.get("id").asString());
        return Info(responseJSON);

     * Gets all pending collaboration invites for the current user.
     * @param api the API connection to use.
     * @return a collection of pending collaboration infos.
    public static Collection<Info> getPendingCollaborations(BoxAPIConnection api) {
        URL url =;

        BoxAPIRequest request = new BoxAPIRequest(api, url, "GET");
        BoxJSONResponse response = (BoxJSONResponse) request.send();
        JsonObject responseJSON = JsonObject.readFrom(response.getJSON());

        int entriesCount = responseJSON.get("total_count").asInt();
        Collection<BoxCollaboration.Info> collaborations = new ArrayList<BoxCollaboration.Info>(entriesCount);
        JsonArray entries = responseJSON.get("entries").asArray();
        for (JsonValue entry : entries) {
            JsonObject entryObject = entry.asObject();
            BoxCollaboration collaboration = new BoxCollaboration(api, entryObject.get("id").asString());
            BoxCollaboration.Info info = Info(entryObject);

        return collaborations;

     * Gets information about this collaboration.
     * @return info about this collaboration.
    public Info getInfo() {
        BoxAPIConnection api = this.getAPI();
        URL url =, this.getID());

        BoxAPIRequest request = new BoxAPIRequest(api, url, "GET");
        BoxJSONResponse response = (BoxJSONResponse) request.send();
        JsonObject jsonObject = JsonObject.readFrom(response.getJSON());
        return new Info(jsonObject);

     * Gets information about this collection with a custom set of fields.
     * @param fields the fields to retrieve.
     * @return info about the collaboration.
    public Info getInfo(String... fields) {

        String queryString = new QueryStringBuilder().appendParam("fields", fields).toString();
        URL url = COLLABORATION_URL_TEMPLATE.buildWithQuery(this.getAPI().getBaseURL(), queryString, this.getID());

        BoxAPIRequest request = new BoxAPIRequest(this.getAPI(), url, "GET");
        BoxJSONResponse response = (BoxJSONResponse) request.send();
        return new Info(response.getJSON());

     * Updates the information about this collaboration with any info fields that have been modified locally.
     * @param info the updated info.
    public void updateInfo(Info info) {
        BoxAPIConnection api = this.getAPI();
        URL url =, this.getID());

        BoxJSONRequest request = new BoxJSONRequest(api, url, "PUT");
        BoxAPIResponse boxAPIResponse = request.send();

        if (boxAPIResponse instanceof BoxJSONResponse) {
            BoxJSONResponse response = (BoxJSONResponse) boxAPIResponse;
            JsonObject jsonObject = JsonObject.readFrom(response.getJSON());

     * Deletes this collaboration.
    public void delete() {
        BoxAPIConnection api = this.getAPI();
        URL url =, this.getID());

        BoxAPIRequest request = new BoxAPIRequest(api, url, "DELETE");
        BoxAPIResponse response = request.send();

     * Contains information about a BoxCollaboration.
    public class Info extends BoxResource.Info {
        private BoxUser.Info createdBy;
        private Date createdAt;
        private Date modifiedAt;
        private Date expiresAt;
        private Status status;
        private BoxCollaborator.Info accessibleBy;
        private Role role;
        private Date acknowledgedAt;
        private BoxFolder.Info item;
        private BoxFile.Info fileItem;
        private String inviteEmail;
        private boolean canViewPath;

         * Constructs an empty Info object.
        public Info() {

         * Constructs an Info object by parsing information from a JSON string.
         * @param json the JSON string to parse.
        public Info(String json) {

        Info(JsonObject jsonObject) {

         * Gets the user who created the collaboration.
         * @return the user who created the collaboration.
        public BoxUser.Info getCreatedBy() {
            return this.createdBy;

         * Gets the time the collaboration was created.
         * @return the time the collaboration was created.
        public Date getCreatedAt() {
            return this.createdAt;

         * Gets the time the collaboration was last modified.
         * @return the time the collaboration was last modified.
        public Date getModifiedAt() {
            return this.modifiedAt;

         * Gets the time the collaboration will expire.
         * @return the time the collaboration will expire.
        public Date getExpiresAt() {
            return this.expiresAt;

         * Set the time the collaboration will expire.
         * @param expiresAt the expiration date of the collaboration.
        public void setExpiresAt(Date expiresAt) {
            this.expiresAt = expiresAt;
            this.addPendingChange("expires_at", BoxDateFormat.format(expiresAt));

         * Gets a boolean indicator whether "view path collaboration" feature is enabled or not.
         * When set to true this allows the invitee to see the entire parent path to the item.
         * It is important to note that this does not grant privileges in any parent folder.
         * @return the Boolean value indicating if "view path collaboration" is enabled or not
        public boolean getCanViewPath() {
            return this.canViewPath;

         * The email address used to invite an un-registered collaborator, if they are not a registered user.
         * @return the email for the un-registed collaborator.
        public String getInviteEmail() {
            return this.inviteEmail;

         * Gets the status of the collaboration.
         * @return the status of the collaboration.
        public Status getStatus() {
            return this.status;

         * Sets the status of the collaboration in order to accept or reject the collaboration if it's pending.
         * @param status the new status of the collaboration.
        public void setStatus(Status status) {
            this.status = status;

         * Gets the collaborator who this collaboration applies to.
         * @return the collaborator who this collaboration applies to.
        public BoxCollaborator.Info getAccessibleBy() {
            return this.accessibleBy;

         * Gets the level of access the collaborator has.
         * @return the level of access the collaborator has.
        public Role getRole() {
            return this.role;

         * Sets the level of access the collaborator has.
         * @param role the new level of access to give the collaborator.
        public void setRole(Role role) {
            this.role = role;
            this.addPendingChange("role", role.toJSONString());

         * Sets the permission for "view path collaboration" feature. When set to true this allows
         * the invitee to to see the entire parent path to the item
         * @param canViewState the boolean value indicating whether the invitee can see the parent folder.
        public void setCanViewPath(boolean canViewState) {
            this.canViewPath = canViewState;
            this.addPendingChange("can_view_path", canViewState);

         * Gets the time the collaboration's status was changed.
         * @return the time the collaboration's status was changed.
        public Date getAcknowledgedAt() {
            return this.acknowledgedAt;

         * Gets the folder the collaboration is related to.
         * @return the folder the collaboration is related to.
        public BoxFolder.Info getItem() {
            return this.item;

        public BoxCollaboration getResource() {
            return BoxCollaboration.this;

        protected void parseJSONMember(JsonObject.Member member) {

            String memberName = member.getName();
            JsonValue value = member.getValue();
            try {
                if (memberName.equals("created_by")) {
                    JsonObject userJSON = value.asObject();
                    if (this.createdBy == null) {
                        String userID = userJSON.get("id").asString();
                        BoxUser user = new BoxUser(getAPI(), userID);
                        this.createdBy = Info(userJSON);
                    } else {

                } else if (memberName.equals("created_at")) {
                    this.createdAt = BoxDateFormat.parse(value.asString());

                } else if (memberName.equals("modified_at")) {
                    this.modifiedAt = BoxDateFormat.parse(value.asString());

                } else if (memberName.equals("expires_at")) {
                    this.expiresAt = BoxDateFormat.parse(value.asString());

                } else if (memberName.equals("status")) {
                    String statusString = value.asString().toUpperCase();
                    this.status = Status.valueOf(statusString);

                } else if (memberName.equals("accessible_by")) {
                    JsonObject accessibleByJSON = value.asObject();
                    if (this.accessibleBy == null) {
                        this.accessibleBy = this.parseAccessibleBy(accessibleByJSON);
                    } else {
                } else if (memberName.equals("role")) {
                    this.role = Role.fromJSONString(value.asString());

                } else if (memberName.equals("acknowledged_at")) {
                    this.acknowledgedAt = BoxDateFormat.parse(value.asString());

                } else if (memberName.equals("can_view_path")) {
                    this.canViewPath = value.asBoolean();

                } else if (memberName.equals("invite_email")) {
                    this.inviteEmail = value.asString();

                } else if (memberName.equals("item")) {
                    JsonObject folderJSON = value.asObject();
                    if (this.item == null) {
                        String folderID = folderJSON.get("id").asString();
                        BoxFolder folder = new BoxFolder(getAPI(), folderID);
                        this.item = Info(folderJSON);
                    } else {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new BoxDeserializationException(memberName, value.toString(), e);

        private void updateAccessibleBy(JsonObject json) {
            String type = json.get("type").asString();
            if ((type.equals("user") && this.accessibleBy instanceof BoxUser.Info)
                    || (type.equals("group") && this.accessibleBy instanceof BoxGroup.Info)) {

            } else {
                this.accessibleBy = this.parseAccessibleBy(json);

        private BoxCollaborator.Info parseAccessibleBy(JsonObject json) {
            String id = json.get("id").asString();
            String type = json.get("type").asString();
            BoxCollaborator.Info parsedInfo = null;
            if (type.equals("user")) {
                BoxUser user = new BoxUser(getAPI(), id);
                parsedInfo = Info(json);
            } else if (type.equals("group")) {
                BoxGroup group = new BoxGroup(getAPI(), id);
                parsedInfo = Info(json);

            return parsedInfo;

     * Enumerates the possible statuses that a collaboration can have.
    public enum Status {
         * The collaboration has been accepted.

         * The collaboration is waiting to be accepted or rejected.

         * The collaboration has been rejected.

     * Enumerates the possible access levels that a collaborator can have.
    public enum Role {
         * An Editor has full read/write access to a folder. Once invited to a folder, they will be able to view,
         * download, upload, edit, delete, copy, move, rename, generate shared links, make comments, assign tasks,
         * create tags, and invite/remove collaborators. They will not be able to delete or move root level folders.

         * The viewer role has full read access to a folder. Once invited to a folder, they will be able to preview,
         * download, make comments, and generate shared links.  They will not be able to add tags, invite new
         * collaborators, upload, edit, or delete items in the folder.

         * The previewer role has limited read access to a folder. They will only be able to preview the items in the
         * folder using the integrated content viewer. They will not be able to share, upload, edit, or delete any
         * content. This role is only available to enterprise accounts.

         * The uploader has limited write access to a folder. They will only be able to upload and see the names of the
         * items in a folder. They will not able to download or view any content. This role is only available to
         * enterprise accounts.

         * The previewer-uploader role is a combination of previewer and uploader. A user with this access level will be
         * able to preview files using the integrated content viewer as well as upload items into the folder. They will
         * not be able to download, edit, or share, items in the folder. This role is only available to enterprise
         * accounts.
        PREVIEWER_UPLOADER("previewer uploader"),

         * The viewer-uploader role is a combination of viewer and uploader. A viewer-uploader has full read access to a
         * folder and limited write access. They are able to preview, download, add comments, generate shared links, and
         * upload content to the folder. They will not be able to add tags, invite new collaborators, edit, or delete
         * items in the folder. This role is only available to enterprise accounts.
        VIEWER_UPLOADER("viewer uploader"),

         * The co-owner role has all of the functional read/write access that an editor does. This permission level has
         * the added ability of being able to manage users in the folder. A co-owner can add new collaborators, change
         * access levels of existing collaborators, and remove collaborators. However, they will not be able to
         * manipulate the owner of the folder or transfer ownership to another user. This role is only available to
         * enterprise accounts.

         * The owner role has all of the functional capabilities of a co-owner. However, they will be able to manipulate
         * the owner of the folder or transfer ownership to another user. This role is only available to enterprise
         * accounts.

        private final String jsonValue;

        private Role(String jsonValue) {
            this.jsonValue = jsonValue;

        static Role fromJSONString(String jsonValue) {
            if (jsonValue.equals("editor")) {
                return EDITOR;
            } else if (jsonValue.equals("viewer")) {
                return VIEWER;
            } else if (jsonValue.equals("previewer")) {
                return PREVIEWER;
            } else if (jsonValue.equals("uploader")) {
                return UPLOADER;
            } else if (jsonValue.equals("previewer uploader")) {
                return PREVIEWER_UPLOADER;
            } else if (jsonValue.equals("viewer uploader")) {
                return VIEWER_UPLOADER;
            } else if (jsonValue.equals("co-owner")) {
                return CO_OWNER;
            } else if (jsonValue.equals("owner")) {
                return OWNER;
            } else {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("The provided JSON value isn't a valid Role.");

        String toJSONString() {
            return this.jsonValue;

     * Used to retrieve all collaborations associated with the item.
     * @param api   BoxAPIConnection from the associated file.
     * @param fileID   FileID of the associated file
     * @param pageSize   page size for server pages of the Iterable
     * @param fields the optional fields to retrieve.
     * @return An iterable of BoxCollaboration.Info instances associated with the item.
    public static BoxResourceIterable<Info> getAllFileCollaborations(final BoxAPIConnection api, String fileID,
                                                                           int pageSize, String... fields) {
        QueryStringBuilder builder = new QueryStringBuilder();
        if (fields.length > 0) {
            builder.appendParam("fields", fields);
        return new BoxResourceIterable<BoxCollaboration.Info>(
                api, GET_ALL_FILE_COLLABORATIONS_URL.buildWithQuery(api.getBaseURL(), builder.toString(), fileID),
                pageSize) {

            protected BoxCollaboration.Info factory(JsonObject jsonObject) {
                String id = jsonObject.get("id").asString();
                return new BoxCollaboration(api, id).new Info(jsonObject);