 * Copyright 2013, 2014 Megion Research & Development GmbH
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package com.mrd.bitlib.crypto;

import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.math.BigInteger;

import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting;
import com.mrd.bitlib.crypto.ec.EcTools;
import com.mrd.bitlib.crypto.ec.Parameters;
import com.mrd.bitlib.crypto.ec.Point;
import com.mrd.bitlib.util.ByteReader;
import com.mrd.bitlib.util.ByteWriter;

public class Signatures {

   private static final byte[] HEADER;
   private static final byte[] SIGNING_HEADER;

      try {
         HEADER = "Bitcoin Signed Message:\n".getBytes("UTF-8");
      } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
         throw new RuntimeException(e);
      SIGNING_HEADER = standardSigningHeader();
    public static Signature decodeSignatureParameters(ByteReader reader) {
        byte[][] bytes = decodeSignatureParameterBytes(reader);
        if(bytes == null){
            return null;

        // Make sure BigInteger regards it as positive
        bytes[0] = makePositive(bytes[0]);
        bytes[1] = makePositive(bytes[1]);
        return new Signature(new BigInteger(bytes[0]),new BigInteger(bytes[1]));

    public static byte[][] decodeSignatureParameterBytes(ByteReader reader) {
        try {
            // Read tag, must be 0x30
            if ((((int) reader.get()) & 0xFF) != 0x30) {
                return null;

            // Read total length as a byte, standard inputs never get longer than
            // this
            int length = ((int) reader.get()) & 0xFF;

            // Read first type, must be 0x02
            if ((((int) reader.get()) & 0xFF) != 0x02) {
                return null;

            // Read first length
            int length1 = ((int) reader.get()) & 0xFF;

            // Read first byte array
            byte[] bytes1 = reader.getBytes(length1);

            // Read second type, must be 0x02
            if ((((int) reader.get()) & 0xFF) != 0x02) {
                return null;

            // Read second length
            int length2 = ((int) reader.get()) & 0xFF;

            // Read second byte array
            byte[] bytes2 = reader.getBytes(length2);

            // Validate that the lengths add up to the total
            if (2 + length1 + 2 + length2 != length) {
                return null;

            byte[][] result = new byte[][] { bytes1, bytes2 };
            return result;
        } catch (ByteReader.InsufficientBytesException e) {
            return null;

   private static byte[] makePositive(byte[] bytes) {
      if (bytes[0] < 0) {
         byte[] temp = new byte[bytes.length + 1];
         System.arraycopy(bytes, 0, temp, 1, bytes.length);
         return temp;
      return bytes;

   // checks the signature and enforces a Low-S Value - to counter the bitcoin
   // transaction malleability problem, according to Bip62
   // https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0062.mediawiki#New_rules, pt5
   static boolean verifySignatureLowS(byte[] message, Signature signature, Point Q) {
      BigInteger n = Parameters.n;
      BigInteger e = calculateE(n, message);
      BigInteger r = signature.r;
      BigInteger s = signature.s;

      // r in the range [1,n-1]
      if (r.compareTo(BigInteger.ONE) < 0 || r.compareTo(n) >= 0) {
         return false;

      // s in the range [1,n/2]
      if (s.compareTo(BigInteger.ONE) < 0 || s.compareTo(Parameters.MAX_SIG_S) > 0) {
         return false;

      return checkSignature(Q, n, e, r, s);

   static boolean verifySignature(byte[] message, Signature signature, Point Q) {
      BigInteger n = Parameters.n;
      BigInteger e = calculateE(n, message);
      BigInteger r = signature.r;
      BigInteger s = signature.s;

      // r in the range [1,n-1]
      if (r.compareTo(BigInteger.ONE) < 0 || r.compareTo(n) >= 0) {
         return false;

      // s in the range [1,n-1]
      if (s.compareTo(BigInteger.ONE) < 0 || s.compareTo(n) >= 0) {
         return false;

      return checkSignature(Q, n, e, r, s);

   private static boolean checkSignature(Point Q, BigInteger n, BigInteger e, BigInteger r, BigInteger s) {
      BigInteger c = s.modInverse(n);

      BigInteger u1 = e.multiply(c).mod(n);
      BigInteger u2 = r.multiply(c).mod(n);

      Point G = Parameters.G;

      Point point = EcTools.sumOfTwoMultiplies(G, u1, Q, u2);

      BigInteger v = point.getX().toBigInteger().mod(n);

      return v.equals(r);

   private static BigInteger calculateE(BigInteger n, byte[] message) {
      if (n.bitLength() > message.length * 8) {
         return new BigInteger(1, message);
      } else {
         int messageBitLength = message.length * 8;
         BigInteger trunc = new BigInteger(1, message);

         if (messageBitLength - n.bitLength() > 0) {
            trunc = trunc.shiftRight(messageBitLength - n.bitLength());

         return trunc;

   static byte[] formatMessageForSigning(String message) {
      byte[] messageBytes;
      try {
         messageBytes = message.getBytes("UTF-8");
      } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
         throw new RuntimeException(e);
      ByteWriter writer = new ByteWriter(messageBytes.length + SIGNING_HEADER.length + 1);
      return writer.toBytes();

   private static byte[] standardSigningHeader() {
      ByteArrayOutputStream bos1 = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
      try {
      } catch (IOException e) {
         throw new RuntimeException(e);
      return bos1.toByteArray();
