 * This file is part of Bisq.
 * Bisq is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
 * your option) any later version.
 * Bisq is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public
 * License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
 * along with Bisq. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

package bisq.asset.coins;

import bisq.asset.AddressValidationResult;
import bisq.asset.AddressValidator;
import bisq.asset.Base58BitcoinAddressValidator;
import bisq.asset.Coin;
import bisq.asset.NetworkParametersAdapter;

import org.bitcoinj.core.AddressFormatException;
import org.bitcoinj.core.NetworkParameters;
import org.bitcoinj.core.VersionedChecksummedBytes;
import org.bitcoinj.params.Networks;

import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Locale;

import javax.annotation.Nullable;

public class WorldMobileCoin extends Coin {

    public WorldMobileCoin() {
        super("WorldMobileCoin", "WMCC", new WorldMobileCoinAddressValidator());

    public static class WorldMobileCoinAddressValidator implements AddressValidator {

        private final Base58BitcoinAddressValidator base58BitcoinAddressValidator;
        private final NetworkParameters networkParameters;

        public WorldMobileCoinAddressValidator() {
            networkParameters = new WorldMobileCoinParams();
            base58BitcoinAddressValidator = new Base58BitcoinAddressValidator(networkParameters);

        public AddressValidationResult validate(String address) {
            if (!isLowerCase(address)) {
                return base58BitcoinAddressValidator.validate(address);

            try {
                WitnessAddress.fromBech32(networkParameters, address);
            } catch (AddressFormatException ex) {
                return AddressValidationResult.invalidAddress(ex);

            return AddressValidationResult.validAddress();

        private static boolean isLowerCase(String str) {
            char ch;
            for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) {
                ch = str.charAt(i);
                if (Character.isDigit(ch))
                if (!Character.isLowerCase(ch))
                    return false;
            return true;


    public static class WorldMobileCoinParams extends NetworkParametersAdapter {

        public WorldMobileCoinParams() {
            addressHeader = 0x49;
            p2shHeader = 0x4b;
            acceptableAddressCodes = new int[]{addressHeader, p2shHeader};


    private static class WitnessAddress extends VersionedChecksummedBytes {
        static final int PROGRAM_LENGTH_PKH = 20;
        static final int PROGRAM_LENGTH_SH = 32;
        static final int PROGRAM_MIN_LENGTH = 2;
        static final int PROGRAM_MAX_LENGTH = 40;
        static final String WITNESS_ADDRESS_HRP = "wc";

        private WitnessAddress(NetworkParameters params, byte[] data) throws AddressFormatException {
            super(params.getAddressHeader(), data);
            if (data.length < 1)
                throw new AddressFormatException("Zero data found");
            final int version = getWitnessVersion();
            if (version < 0 || version > 16)
                throw new AddressFormatException("Invalid script version: " + version);
            byte[] program = getWitnessProgram();
            if (program.length < PROGRAM_MIN_LENGTH || program.length > PROGRAM_MAX_LENGTH)
                throw new AddressFormatException("Invalid length: " + program.length);
            if (version == 0 && program.length != PROGRAM_LENGTH_PKH
                    && program.length != PROGRAM_LENGTH_SH)
                throw new AddressFormatException(
                        "Invalid length for address version 0: " + program.length);

        int getWitnessVersion() {
            return bytes[0] & 0xff;

        byte[] getWitnessProgram() {
            return convertBits(bytes, 1, bytes.length - 1, 5, 8, false);

        static WitnessAddress fromBech32(@Nullable NetworkParameters params, String bech32)
                throws AddressFormatException {
            Bech32.Bech32Data bechData = Bech32.decode(bech32);
            if (params == null) {
                for (NetworkParameters p : Networks.get()) {
                    if (bechData.hrp.equals(WITNESS_ADDRESS_HRP))
                        return new WitnessAddress(p, bechData.data);
                throw new AddressFormatException("Invalid Prefix: No network found for " + bech32);
            } else {
                if (bechData.hrp.equals(WITNESS_ADDRESS_HRP))
                    return new WitnessAddress(params, bechData.data);
                throw new AddressFormatException("Wrong Network: " + bechData.hrp);

         * Helper
        private static byte[] convertBits(final byte[] in, final int inStart, final int inLen, final int fromBits,
                                          final int toBits, final boolean pad) throws AddressFormatException {
            int acc = 0;
            int bits = 0;
            ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(64);
            final int maxv = (1 << toBits) - 1;
            final int max_acc = (1 << (fromBits + toBits - 1)) - 1;
            for (int i = 0; i < inLen; i++) {
                int value = in[i + inStart] & 0xff;
                if ((value >>> fromBits) != 0) {
                    throw new AddressFormatException(
                            String.format("Input value '%X' exceeds '%d' bit size", value, fromBits));
                acc = ((acc << fromBits) | value) & max_acc;
                bits += fromBits;
                while (bits >= toBits) {
                    bits -= toBits;
                    out.write((acc >>> bits) & maxv);
            if (pad) {
                if (bits > 0)
                    out.write((acc << (toBits - bits)) & maxv);
            } else if (bits >= fromBits || ((acc << (toBits - bits)) & maxv) != 0) {
                throw new AddressFormatException("Could not convert bits, invalid padding");
            return out.toByteArray();

    private static class Bech32 {
        private static final byte[] CHARSET_REV = {
                -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
                -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 15, -1, 10, 17,
                21, 20, 26, 30, 7, 5, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 29, -1, 24, 13, 25, 9, 8, 23, -1, 18, 22, 31, 27, 19,
                -1, 1, 0, 3, 16, 11, 28, 12, 14, 6, 4, 2, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 29, -1, 24, 13, 25, 9, 8, 23, -1, 18,
                22, 31, 27, 19, -1, 1, 0, 3, 16, 11, 28, 12, 14, 6, 4, 2, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1

        static class Bech32Data {
            final String hrp;
            final byte[] data;

            private Bech32Data(final String hrp, final byte[] data) {
                this.hrp = hrp;
                this.data = data;

        private static int polymod(final byte[] values) {
            int c = 1;
            for (byte v_i : values) {
                int c0 = (c >>> 25) & 0xff;
                c = ((c & 0x1ffffff) << 5) ^ (v_i & 0xff);
                if ((c0 & 1) != 0) c ^= 0x3b6a57b2;
                if ((c0 & 2) != 0) c ^= 0x26508e6d;
                if ((c0 & 4) != 0) c ^= 0x1ea119fa;
                if ((c0 & 8) != 0) c ^= 0x3d4233dd;
                if ((c0 & 16) != 0) c ^= 0x2a1462b3;
            return c;

        private static byte[] expandHrp(final String hrp) {
            int len = hrp.length();
            byte ret[] = new byte[len * 2 + 1];
            for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
                int c = hrp.charAt(i) & 0x7f;
                ret[i] = (byte) ((c >>> 5) & 0x07);
                ret[i + len + 1] = (byte) (c & 0x1f);
            ret[len] = 0;
            return ret;

        private static boolean verifyChecksum(final String hrp, final byte[] values) {
            byte[] exp = expandHrp(hrp);
            byte[] combined = new byte[exp.length + values.length];
            System.arraycopy(exp, 0, combined, 0, exp.length);
            System.arraycopy(values, 0, combined, exp.length, values.length);
            return polymod(combined) == 1;

        public static Bech32Data decode(final String str) throws AddressFormatException {
            boolean lower = false, upper = false;
            int len = str.length();
            if (len < 8)
                throw new AddressFormatException("Input too short: " + len);
            if (len > 90)
                throw new AddressFormatException("Input too long: " + len);
            for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
                char c = str.charAt(i);
                if (c < 33 || c > 126) throw new AddressFormatException(invalidChar(c, i));
                if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') {
                    if (upper)
                        throw new AddressFormatException(invalidChar(c, i));
                    lower = true;
                if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') {
                    if (lower)
                        throw new AddressFormatException(invalidChar(c, i));
                    upper = true;
            final int pos = str.lastIndexOf('1');
            if (pos < 1) throw new AddressFormatException("Invalid Prefix: Missing human-readable part");
            final int dataLen = len - 1 - pos;
            if (dataLen < 6) throw new AddressFormatException("Data part too short: " + dataLen);
            byte[] values = new byte[dataLen];
            for (int i = 0; i < dataLen; ++i) {
                char c = str.charAt(i + pos + 1);
                if (CHARSET_REV[c] == -1) throw new AddressFormatException(invalidChar(c, i + pos + 1));
                values[i] = CHARSET_REV[c];
            String hrp = str.substring(0, pos).toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT);
            if (!verifyChecksum(hrp, values)) throw new AddressFormatException("Invalid Checksum");
            return new Bech32Data(hrp, Arrays.copyOfRange(values, 0, values.length - 6));

        private static String invalidChar(char c, int i) {
            return "Invalid character '" + Character.toString(c) + "' at position " + i;