package com.github.beansoftapp.reatnative.idea.utils;

import com.github.beansoftapp.reatnative.idea.entity.ProjectConfig;
import com.intellij.execution.configurations.GeneralCommandLine;
import com.intellij.execution.configurations.PathEnvironmentVariableUtil;
import com.intellij.execution.configurations.PtyCommandLine;
import com.intellij.openapi.project.Project;
import com.intellij.openapi.util.SystemInfo;
import com.intellij.util.EnvironmentUtil;
import com.intellij.util.ObjectUtils;
import com.intellij.util.execution.ParametersListUtil;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;

import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;

 * Utils for find some dirs.
 * Created by beansoft on 2017/3/14.
public class RNPathUtil {
    public static final String RN_CONSOLE = ".rnconsole";
    public static final String PACKAGE_JSON = "package.json";
    public static final String KEY_METRO_PORT = "metroPort";
    public static String GRADLE_FILE = "build.gradle";
    public static String _IDEA_DIR = ".idea" + File.separator;
    public static String RN_CONSOLE_FILE = _IDEA_DIR + RN_CONSOLE;
    // add rnconsole config file to .idea project @since 1.0.8

     * Get the real react native project root path.
     * @param project
     * @return
    private static String getRNProjectRootPathFromConfig(Project project) {
        String path = project.getBasePath();
        File file = new File(path, RN_CONSOLE_FILE);
        if (file.exists()) {
            String p = parseCurrentPathFromRNConsoleJsonFile(file);
            if(p != null) {
                return new File(path, p).getAbsolutePath();
            return null;
        } else {
            return null;

     * Get the original react native project root path from config file.
     * @param project
     * @return
    public static String getRNProjectRawRootPathFromConfig(Project project) {
        String path = project.getBasePath();
        File file = new File(path, RN_CONSOLE_FILE);
        if (file.exists()) {
            String p = parseCurrentPathFromRNConsoleJsonFile(file);
            if(p != null) {
                return p;
            return null;
        } else {
            return null;

     * Save the real react native project root path.
     * @param project
     * @param jsAppPath root project of js project
    public static void saveRNProjectRootPathToConfig(Project project, String jsAppPath) {
        saveCurrentPathToRNConsoleJsonFile(initConfigFileDir(project), jsAppPath);

     * Ensure get the config file created.
     * @param project
     * @return config file
    private static File initConfigFileDir(Project project) {
        String path = project.getBasePath();
        File ideaFolder = new File(path, _IDEA_DIR);
        if(!ideaFolder.exists()) {
        return new File(path, RN_CONSOLE_FILE);

     * Save the react native metro port.
     * @param project
     * @param port metro port
    public static void saveRNMetroPortToConfig(Project project, String port) {
        saveMetroPortToRNConsoleJsonFile(initConfigFileDir(project), port);

     * Parse current path from given rn console file.
     * @param f file
     * @return
    private static String parseCurrentPathFromRNConsoleJsonFile(File f) {
        ProjectConfig m = parseConfigFromRNConsoleJsonFile(f);
        return m.getCurrentPath();

     * Parse current path from given rn console file.
     * @param f file
     * @return
    private static String parseMetroPortFromRNConsoleJsonFile(File f) {
        ProjectConfig m = parseConfigFromRNConsoleJsonFile(f);
        return m.getMetroPort();

     * Parse config from given rn console file in the project.
     * @param project Project
     * @return
    public static ProjectConfig parseConfigFromRNConsoleJsonFile(Project project) {
        return parseConfigFromRNConsoleJsonFile(initConfigFileDir(project));

     * Parse config from given rn console file.
     * @param f file
     * @return
    public static synchronized ProjectConfig parseConfigFromRNConsoleJsonFile(File f) {
        ProjectConfig newMap = new ProjectConfig();

        try {
            newMap = new Gson().fromJson(new FileReader(f), ProjectConfig.class);
        } catch (Exception e) {

        return newMap;

    private static void saveCurrentPathToRNConsoleJsonFile(File f, String jsAppPath) {
        ProjectConfig m = parseConfigFromRNConsoleJsonFile(f);

        saveProjectConfig(f, m);

    // Save plugin configs to project file
    public static void saveProjectConfig(Project project, ProjectConfig bean) {
        saveProjectConfig(initConfigFileDir(project), bean);

    // Save plugin configs to file
    public static synchronized void saveProjectConfig(File f, ProjectConfig bean) {
        try {
            String json = new Gson().toJson(bean, ProjectConfig.class);
            System.out.println("json=" + json);
            FileUtil.writeToFile(f, json);
        } catch (IOException e) {

    private static void saveMetroPortToRNConsoleJsonFile(File f, String port) {
        ProjectConfig m = parseConfigFromRNConsoleJsonFile(f);

        saveProjectConfig(f, m);

     * Get the react native metro port.
     * @param project
     * @return
    public static String getRNMetroPortFromConfig(Project project) {
        String p = parseMetroPortFromRNConsoleJsonFile(initConfigFileDir(project));
        if(p != null && !p.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("8081")) {
            return p;
        return null;

     * Get the real React Native project root path of current project file, when running in Android Studio,
     * this path might be the parent dir of 'android/'.
     * 获取的根目录, 在Android Studio中运行时可能会在android的上一级目录.
     * @return
    public static String getRNProjectPath(Project project) {
        String realPath = getRNProjectRootPathFromConfig(project);
        if(realPath != null) {
            return realPath;

        String inputDir = project.getBasePath();
        File file = new File(inputDir, PACKAGE_JSON);
        if (file.exists()) {
            return inputDir;
        } else {
            file = new File(inputDir, ".." + File.separatorChar + PACKAGE_JSON);
            if (file.exists()) {
                return inputDir + File.separatorChar + "..";

//        Messages.showWarningDialog(project, "找不到有效的React Native目录, 命令将停止执行.\n目录" +
//                inputDir + "及其上级目录中找不到有效的package.json文件.", "警告");

        return null;

     * Get the real android project root path, which contains build.gradle file.
     * @param inputDir root search dir
     * @return
    public static String getAndroidProjectPath(String inputDir) {
        File file = new File(inputDir, GRADLE_FILE);
        // Search root
        if (file.exists()) {
            return inputDir;
        } else {
            // search sub folders which might contains build.gradle file
            File[] subfolders = new File(inputDir).listFiles(new FileFilter() {
                public boolean accept(File pathname) {
                    return pathname.isDirectory();

            if (subfolders != null) {
                for (File dir : subfolders) {
                    file = new File(dir.getAbsolutePath() + File.separatorChar + GRADLE_FILE);
                    if (file.exists()) {
                        return dir.getAbsolutePath();

//        Messages.showWarningDialog(project, "找不到有效的React Native目录, 命令将停止执行.\n目录" +
//                inputDir + "及其上级目录中找不到有效的package.json文件.", "警告");

        return null;

     * Get the full path of an exe file by the IDEA platform.
     * On Mac sys, PATH might will not be directly access by the IDE code,
     * eg: Android Studio Runtime.exec('adb') will throw a no file or directory exception.
     * @param exeName
     * @return
    public static String getExecuteFileFullPath(String exeName) {
        String fullPath = exeName;
        if (OSUtils.isWindows()) {
            if (!exeName.endsWith(".exe")) {
                // first try exe
                fullPath = getExecuteFullPathSingle(exeName + ".exe");
                if (fullPath != null) {
                    return fullPath;

                if (!exeName.endsWith(".cmd")) {
                    // Fix bug: npm, react-native can't be run Windows:
                Unable to run the commandline:Cannot run program "D:\nodejs\npm" (in directory "D:\Project\wxsh"):
                CreateProcess error=193, %1 不是有效的 Win32 应用程序
                    fullPath = getExecuteFullPathSingle(exeName + ".cmd");
                    if (fullPath != null) {
                        return fullPath;

                if (!exeName.endsWith(".bat")) {
                    // Fix bug: gradlew can't be run Windows:
                Unable to run the commandline:Cannot run program ".\gradlew.cmd"
                 (in directory "D:\Project\wxsh\android"): CreateProcess error=2, 系统找不到指定的文件。
                 there is only a gradlew.bat file, no gradlew.cmd file
                    fullPath = getExecuteFullPathSingle(exeName + ".bat");
                    if (fullPath != null) {
                        return fullPath;
        fullPath = getExecuteFullPathSingle(exeName);

        return fullPath;

     * Get the root React Native project entry js file name, from RN 0.40, it's in file index.js, old version will
     * be or index.ios.js
     * @param project current project
     * @param defaultFileName default file name to find
     * @return js entry file name for bundle exec
    public static String getIndexJSFilePath(Project project, String defaultFileName) {
        String npmLocation = RNPathUtil.getRNProjectPath(project);

        if (npmLocation == null) {
            return defaultFileName;

        File file = new File(npmLocation, defaultFileName);
        if (file.exists()) {
            return defaultFileName;
        } else {
            return "index.js";// for newest RN version

    public static String getExecuteFullPathSingle(String exeName) {
        List<File> fromPath = PathEnvironmentVariableUtil.findAllExeFilesInPath(exeName);
        if (fromPath != null && fromPath.size() > 0) {
            return fromPath.get(0).toString();
        return null;

    public static GeneralCommandLine cmdToGeneralCommandLine(String cmd) {
        GeneralCommandLine commandLine = new GeneralCommandLine(cmd.split(" "));
        return commandLine;

    protected GeneralCommandLine createDefaultTtyCommandLine() {
        // here just run one command: python
        PtyCommandLine commandLine = new PtyCommandLine();
        if (!SystemInfo.isWindows) {
            commandLine.getEnvironment().put("TERM", "xterm-256color");
//        commandLine.withConsoleMode(false);
//        commandLine.withInitialColumns(120);
//        ExecutionEnvironment environment = getEnvironment();
//        commandLine.setWorkDirectory(environment.getProject().getBasePath());
        String defaultShell = ObjectUtils.notNull(EnvironmentUtil.getValue("SHELL"), "/bin/sh");
//            commandLine.setExePath("npm");
//            commandLine.addParameters("run-script");
//            commandLine.addParameters("start");
        return commandLine;

     * Create full path command line.
     * @param shell
     * @param workDirectory - only used on windows for gradlew.bat
     * @return GeneralCommandLine
    public static GeneralCommandLine createFullPathCommandLine(String shell,
                                                               @Nullable String workDirectory) {
        String[] cmds = shell.split(" ");
        String exeFullPath;
        GeneralCommandLine commandLine = null;
        if (cmds.length > 1) {
            String exePath = cmds[0];

            List<String> cmdList = new ArrayList<>();
            exeFullPath = getExecuteFileFullPath(exePath);
            if (exeFullPath == null) {
                exeFullPath = exePath;

            if (OSUtils.isWindows()) {
                if(exeFullPath.equals("gradlew.bat")) {
                    exeFullPath = workDirectory + File.separator + exeFullPath;

            cmdList.add(0, exeFullPath);

            commandLine = new GeneralCommandLine(exeFullPath);

            // Fix param with quotes issue, see,
            List<String> parameters = ParametersListUtil.parse(shell.substring(exePath.length()), false);// keepQuotes: false


        } else {
            exeFullPath = getExecuteFileFullPath(shell);
            if (exeFullPath == null) {
                exeFullPath = shell;

            commandLine = new GeneralCommandLine(exeFullPath);

        commandLine.setCharset(Charset.forName("UTF-8"));// fix adb output on windows can't be read as UTF-8 causes Chinese not displayed

        return commandLine;