package me.badbones69.crazycrates.api.objects;

import me.badbones69.crazycrates.multisupport.itemnbtapi.NBTItem;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class Prize {
    private int chance;
    private String name;
    private String crate;
    private int maxRange;
    private boolean firework;
    private ItemStack displayItemStack;
    private ItemBuilder displayItem;
    private List<Tier> tiers;
    private List<String> messages;
    private List<String> commands;
    private List<ItemStack> items;
    private List<ItemBuilder> itemBuilders;
    private Prize altPrize;
    private List<String> blackListPermissions;
     * Create a new prize.
     * This option is used only for Alternative Prizes.
     * @param name The name of the prize.
     * @param messages The messages it sends to the player that wins it.
     * @param commands The commands that run when the prize is won.
     * @param items The ItemStacks that are given to the player that wins.
    public Prize(String name, List<String> messages, List<String> commands, List<ItemStack> items, List<ItemBuilder> itemBuilders) { = name != null ? name : "&4No name Found!";
        this.crate = "";
        this.items = items != null ? items : new ArrayList<>();
        this.itemBuilders = itemBuilders != null ? itemBuilders : new ArrayList<>();
        this.chance = 0;
        this.firework = false;
        this.maxRange = 100;
        this.tiers = new ArrayList<>();
        this.messages = messages != null ? messages : new ArrayList<>();
        this.commands = commands != null ? commands : new ArrayList<>();
        this.displayItem = new ItemBuilder();
        this.blackListPermissions = new ArrayList<>();
        this.altPrize = null;
     * @param name The name of the prize.
     * @param displayItem The display item that is shown in the preview and for what the player wins.
     * @param messages The messages it sends to the player that wins it.
     * @param commands The commands that run when the prize is won.
     * @param items The ItemStacks that are given to the player that wins.
     * @param crate The name of the crate the prize belongs to.
     * @param chance The chance the prize has of winning.
     * @param maxRange The max range the prize has.
     * @param firework Set if the prize plays an exploding firework if won.
     * @param blackListPermissions The list of black permissions that the prize has.
     * @param tiers The tiers the prize is in.
     * @param altPrize The alternative prize that is won if the player has a blacklist permission.
    public Prize(String name, ItemBuilder displayItem, List<String> messages, List<String> commands,
    List<ItemStack> items, List<ItemBuilder> itemBuilders, String crate, int chance, int maxRange, boolean firework, List<String> blackListPermissions,
    List<Tier> tiers, Prize altPrize) { = name != null ? name : "&4No name Found!";
        this.crate = crate;
        this.items = items != null ? items : new ArrayList<>();
        this.itemBuilders = itemBuilders != null ? itemBuilders : new ArrayList<>();
        this.chance = chance;
        this.firework = firework;
        this.maxRange = maxRange;
        this.tiers = tiers != null ? tiers : new ArrayList<>();
        this.messages = messages != null ? messages : new ArrayList<>();
        this.commands = commands != null ? commands : new ArrayList<>();
        this.displayItem = displayItem != null ? displayItem : new ItemBuilder();
        this.blackListPermissions = blackListPermissions != null ? blackListPermissions : new ArrayList<>();
        this.blackListPermissions.replaceAll(String :: toLowerCase);
        this.altPrize = altPrize;
     * @return Returns the name of the prize.
    public String getName() {
        return name;
     * @return Returns the display item that is shown for the preview and the winning prize.
    public ItemStack getDisplayItem() {
        if (displayItemStack == null) {
            displayItemStack =;
            NBTItem nbt = new NBTItem(displayItemStack);
            nbt.setString("crazycrate-prize", name);
            displayItemStack = nbt.getItem();
        return displayItemStack.clone();
     * @return Returns the ItemBuilder of the display item.
    public ItemBuilder getDisplayItemBuilder() {
        return displayItem;
     * @return Returns the list of tiers the prize is in.
    public List<Tier> getTiers() {
        return tiers;
     * @return Returns the messages sent to the player.
    public List<String> getMessages() {
        return messages;
     * @return Returns the commands that are ran when the player wins.
    public List<String> getCommands() {
        return commands;
     * @return Returns the Editor ItemStacks that are given to the player that wins.
    public List<ItemStack> getItems() {
        return items;
     * @return Returns the ItemBuilders for all the custom items made from the Items: option.
    public List<ItemBuilder> getItemBuilders() {
        return itemBuilders;
     * @return Returns the name of the crate the prize is in.
    public String getCrate() {
        return crate;
     * @return Returns the chance the prize has of being picked.
    public int getChance() {
        return chance;
     * @return Returns the max range of the prize.
    public int getMaxRange() {
        return maxRange;
     * @return Returns true if a firework explosion is played and false if not.
    public boolean useFireworks() {
        return firework;
     * @return Returns the list of blacklist permissions on the prize.
    public List<String> getBlackListedPermissions() {
        return blackListPermissions;
     * @return Returns the alternative prize the player wins if they have a blacklist permission.
    public Prize getAltPrize() {
        return altPrize;
     * @return Returns true if the prize has an alternative prize and false if not.
    public boolean hasAltPrize() {
        return altPrize != null;
     * @return Returns true if they prize has blacklist permissions and false if not.
    public boolean hasBlacklistPermission(Player player) {
        if (!player.isOp()) {
            for (String blackListPermission : blackListPermissions) {
                if (player.hasPermission(blackListPermission)) {
                    return true;
        return false;