 * Elliptic Curve Method (ECM) Prime Factorization
 * Written by Dario Alejandro Alpern (Buenos Aires - Argentina)
 * Based in Yuji Kida's implementation for UBASIC interpreter.
 * Some code "borrowed" from Paul Zimmermann's ECM4C.
 * Modified for the Symja project by Axel Kramer.
 * Further refactorings by Tilman Neumann.
 * Big thanks to Dario Alpern for his permission to use this piece of software under the GPL3 license.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
 * warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program;
 * if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package de.tilman_neumann.jml.factor.ecm;

import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.SortedMap;
import java.util.TreeMap;

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;

import de.tilman_neumann.jml.factor.FactorAlgorithm;
import de.tilman_neumann.jml.factor.tdiv.TDiv;
import de.tilman_neumann.jml.powers.PurePowerTest;
import de.tilman_neumann.jml.primes.exact.AutoExpandingPrimesArray;
import de.tilman_neumann.jml.primes.probable.PrPTest;
import de.tilman_neumann.util.ConfigUtil;
import de.tilman_neumann.util.SortedMultiset;
import de.tilman_neumann.util.SortedMultiset_BottomUp;

import static de.tilman_neumann.jml.base.BigIntConstants.*; 

 * <p>Use Elliptic Curve Method to find the prime number factors of a given BigInteger.</p>
 * <p>
 * See <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lenstra_elliptic_curve_factorization"> Wikipedia: Lenstra elliptic curve
 * factorization </a>
 * </p>
public class EllipticCurveMethod extends FactorAlgorithm {
	private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(EllipticCurveMethod.class);

	static final int NLen = 1200;
	private static final long DosALa32 = 1L << 32;
	private static final long DosALa31 = 1L << 31;
	private static final long DosALa62 = 1L << 62;
	private static final double dDosALa31 = DosALa31;
	private static final double dDosALa62 = dDosALa31 * dDosALa31;
	private static final int ADD = 6; // number of multiplications in an addition
	private static final int DUP = 5; //number of multiplications in a duplicate

	/** 1 as "BigNbr" */
	private static final int BigNbr1[] = new int[NLen];

	/** maximum number of elliptic curves tested for 30, 35, ..., 85, 90 digits */
	private static final int limits[] = { 5, 8, 15, 25, 27, 32, 43, 70, 150, 300, 350, 600, 1500 };
	/** Primes < 5000 */
	private static final int SmallPrime[] = new int[670]; // p_669 = 4999;

	private static final PrPTest prp = new PrPTest();
	private static final PurePowerTest powerTest = new PurePowerTest();
	private static final TDiv tdiv = new TDiv();
	private MontgomeryMult montgomery;

	private static final double v[] =
		{ 1.61803398875, 1.72360679775, 1.618347119656, 1.617914406529, 1.612429949509,
		  1.632839806089, 1.620181980807, 1.580178728295, 1.617214616534, 1.38196601125 };

	private final long biTmp[] = new long[NLen];

	// Used inside GCD calculations in multiple precision numbers
	private final int CalcAuxGcdU[] = new int[NLen];
	private final int CalcAuxGcdV[] = new int[NLen];
	private final int CalcAuxGcdT[] = new int[NLen];
	private final int GcdAccumulated[] = new int[NLen];
	final int CalcBigNbr[] = new int[NLen];

	private final long[] CalcAuxModInvA = new long[NLen];
	private final long[] CalcAuxModInvB = new long[NLen];
	private final long[] CalcAuxModInvMu = new long[NLen];
	private final long[] CalcAuxModInvGamma = new long[NLen];

	/** input N as a BigNbr */
	private final int TestNbr[] = new int[NLen];

	/** Length of multiple precision numbers. */
	int NumberLength;
	// TODO Running operations to the full NumberLength ignoring the true argument sizes is a waste of performance.

	/** Elliptic Curve number */
	private int EC;
	private int[] fieldTX, fieldTZ, fieldUX, fieldUZ;
	private int[] fieldAux1, fieldAux2, fieldAux3, fieldAux4;
	static {
		BigNbr1[0] = 1;
		for (int i = 1; i < NLen; i++) {
			BigNbr1[i] = 0;
		final AutoExpandingPrimesArray autoPrimes = AutoExpandingPrimesArray.get().ensureLimit(5000);
		SmallPrime[0] = 2;
		for (int indexM = 1; indexM < SmallPrime.length; indexM++) {
			SmallPrime[indexM] = autoPrimes.getPrime(indexM);

	public String getName() {
		return "ECM";

	 * {@inheritDoc}
	 * Note that the curve limit of this method for finding a single factor is the same as that of factor()
	 * and factorize() for finding all prime factors of N.
	public BigInteger findSingleFactor(BigInteger N) {
		EC = 1;
		return fnECM(N);

	public SortedMultiset<BigInteger> factor(BigInteger N) {
		SortedMultiset<BigInteger> allFactors = new SortedMultiset_BottomUp<BigInteger>();
		SortedMultiset<BigInteger> compositeFactors = factorize(N, allFactors);
		return allFactors;
	 * Find small factors of some N. Returns found factors in <code>primeFactors</code> and eventually some
	 * unfactored composites as return value.
	 * @param N the number to factor
	 * @param primeFactors the found prime factors.
	 * @return unfactored composites left after stopping ECM, empty map if N has been factored completely
	public SortedMultiset<BigInteger> factorize(BigInteger N, SortedMap<BigInteger, Integer> primeFactors) {
		// set up new N
		EC = 1;
		// Do trial division by all primes < 131072.
		SortedMultiset<BigInteger> unresolvedComposites = new SortedMultiset_BottomUp<>();
		N = tdiv.findSmallFactors(N, 131072, primeFactors); // TODO do outside ECM?
		if (N.equals(I_1)) {
			return unresolvedComposites;
		// There are factors greater than 131071, and they may be prime or composite.
		if (isProbablePrime(N)) {
			addToMap(N, 1, primeFactors);
			return unresolvedComposites;
		// N is composite -> do ECM
		TreeMap<BigInteger, Integer> compositesToTest = new TreeMap<BigInteger, Integer>();
		compositesToTest.put(N, 1);
		while (!compositesToTest.isEmpty()) {
			// get next composite to test
			Entry<BigInteger, Integer> compositeEntry = compositesToTest.pollLastEntry();
			N = compositeEntry.getKey();
			int exp = compositeEntry.getValue();
			// pure power?
			PurePowerTest.Result r = powerTest.test(N);
			if (r != null) {
				// N is a pure power!
				addToMapDependingOnPrimeTest(r.base, exp*r.exponent, primeFactors, compositesToTest);
				continue; // test next composite

			// ECM
			final BigInteger NN = fnECM(N);
			if (NN.equals(I_1)) {
				// N is composite but could not be resolved
				addToMap(N, exp, unresolvedComposites);
			// NN is a factor of N
			addToMapDependingOnPrimeTest(NN, exp, primeFactors, compositesToTest);
			addToMapDependingOnPrimeTest(N.divide(NN), exp, primeFactors, compositesToTest);
		return unresolvedComposites;

	private boolean isProbablePrime(BigInteger N) {
		// XXX The 33-bit "guard" is only safe if we did tdiv for all p <= sqrt(2^33) before
		return N.bitLength() <= 33 || prp.isProbablePrime(N);

	private void addToMapDependingOnPrimeTest(BigInteger factor, int exp, SortedMap<BigInteger, Integer> primeFactors, SortedMap<BigInteger, Integer> compositeFactors) {
		addToMap(factor, exp, isProbablePrime(factor) ? primeFactors : compositeFactors);
	private void addToMap(BigInteger N, int exp, SortedMap<BigInteger, Integer> map) {
		Integer oldExp = map.get(N);
		// old entry is replaced if oldExp!=null
		map.put(N, (oldExp == null) ? exp : oldExp+exp);
	private BigInteger fnECM(BigInteger N) {
		int I, J, Pass, Qaux;
		long L1, L2, LS, P;
		int[] A0 = new int[NLen];
		int[] A02 = new int[NLen];
		int[] A03 = new int[NLen];
		int[] AA = new int[NLen];
		int[] DX = new int[NLen]; // zero-init required
		int[] DZ = new int[NLen]; // zero-init required
		int[] GD = new int[NLen]; // zero-init required
		int[] M = new int[NLen]; // zero-init required
		int[] TX = new int[NLen];
		fieldTX = TX;
		int[] TZ = new int[NLen];
		fieldTZ = TZ;
		int[] UX = new int[NLen];
		fieldUX = UX;
		int[] UZ = new int[NLen];
		fieldUZ = UZ;
		int[] W1 = new int[NLen];
		int[] W2 = new int[NLen];
		int[] W3 = new int[NLen]; // zero-init required
		int[] W4 = new int[NLen]; // zero-init required
		int[] WX = new int[NLen];
		int[] WZ = new int[NLen];
		int[] X = new int[NLen];
		int[] Z = new int[NLen];
		int[] Aux1 = new int[NLen];
		fieldAux1 = Aux1;
		int[] Aux2 = new int[NLen];
		fieldAux2 = Aux2;
		int[] Aux3 = new int[NLen];
		fieldAux3 = Aux3;
		int[] Aux4 = new int[NLen];
		fieldAux4 = Aux4;
		int[] Xaux = new int[NLen];
		int[] Zaux = new int[NLen];
		int[][] root = new int[480][NLen];
		byte[] sieve = new byte[23100];
		byte[] sieve2310 = new byte[2310];
		int[] sieveidx = new int[480];
		// Compute NumberLength, the number of ints in which all computations are carried out
		this.NumberLength = computeNumberLength(N.toByteArray().length * 8);
		// Convert BigInteger N into TestNbr, a representation in NumberLength 31-bit integers
		BigNbrToBigInt(N, TestNbr, NumberLength);
		// set up Montgomery multiplication
		this.montgomery = new MontgomeryMult(TestNbr, NumberLength);
		// More initializations
		double dN = TestNbr[NumberLength - 1];
		if (NumberLength > 1) {
			dN += TestNbr[NumberLength - 2] / dDosALa31;
		if (NumberLength > 2) {
			dN += TestNbr[NumberLength - 3] / dDosALa62;

		final int MontgomeryMultR1[] = new int[NLen];
		final int MontgomeryMultR2[] = new int[NLen];
		final int MontgomeryMultAfterInv[] = new int[NLen];

		MontgomeryMultR1[NumberLength] = 1;
		for (int jj=NumberLength-1; jj>=0; jj--) {
			MontgomeryMultR1[jj] = 0;
		AdjustModN(MontgomeryMultR1, dN);
		MultBigNbrModN(MontgomeryMultR1, MontgomeryMultR1, MontgomeryMultR2, dN);
		montgomery.mul(MontgomeryMultR2, MontgomeryMultR2, MontgomeryMultAfterInv);
		AddBigNbrModN(MontgomeryMultR1, MontgomeryMultR1, MontgomeryMultR2);
		// Modular curve loop: It seems to be faster not to repeat previously tested curves for new factors
		do {
			new_curve: do {
				int digitsOfN = N.toString().length(); // Get number of digits.
				if (digitsOfN > 30 && digitsOfN <= 90) { // If between 30 and 90 digits...
					int limit = limits[((int) digitsOfN - 31) / 5];
					if (EC >= limit) {
						EC += 1;
						return I_1; // stop ECM
				L1 = 2000;
				L2 = 200000;
				LS = 45;
				/* Number of primes less than 2000 */
				if (EC > 25) {
					if (EC < 326) {
						L1 = 50000;
						L2 = 5000000;
						LS = 224;
						/* Number of primes less than 50000 */
					} else if (EC < 2000) {
						L1 = 1000000;
						L2 = 100000000;
						LS = 1001;
						/* Number of primes less than 1000000 */
					} else {
						L1 = 11000000;
						L2 = 1100000000;
						LS = 3316;
						/* Number of primes less than 11000000 */

				// System.out.println(primalityString + EC + "\n" + UpperLine + "\n" + LowerLine);

				LongToBigNbr(2 * (EC + 1), Aux1);
				LongToBigNbr(3 * (EC + 1) * (EC + 1) - 1, Aux2);
				ModInvBigNbr(Aux2, TestNbr, Aux2);
				MultBigNbrModN(Aux1, Aux2, Aux3, dN);
				MultBigNbrModN(Aux3, MontgomeryMultR1, A0, dN);
				montgomery.mul(A0, A0, A02);
				montgomery.mul(A02, A0, A03);
				SubtractBigNbrModN(A03, A0, Aux1);
				MultBigNbrByLongModN(A02, 9, Aux2, dN);
				SubtractBigNbrModN(Aux2, MontgomeryMultR1, Aux2);
				montgomery.mul(Aux1, Aux2, Aux3);
				if (BigNbrIsZero(Aux3)) {
				MultBigNbrByLongModN(A0, 4, Z, dN);
				MultBigNbrByLongModN(A02, 6, Aux1, dN);
				SubtractBigNbrModN(MontgomeryMultR1, Aux1, Aux1);
				montgomery.mul(A02, A02, Aux2);
				MultBigNbrByLongModN(Aux2, 3, Aux2, dN);
				SubtractBigNbrModN(Aux1, Aux2, Aux1);
				MultBigNbrByLongModN(A03, 4, Aux2, dN);
				ModInvBigNbr(Aux2, TestNbr, Aux2);
				montgomery.mul(Aux2, MontgomeryMultAfterInv, Aux3);
				montgomery.mul(Aux1, Aux3, A0);
				AddBigNbrModN(A0, MontgomeryMultR2, Aux1);
				LongToBigNbr(4, Aux2);
				ModInvBigNbr(Aux2, TestNbr, Aux3);
				MultBigNbrModN(Aux3, MontgomeryMultR1, Aux2, dN);
				montgomery.mul(Aux1, Aux2, AA); // the only write access to AA
				MultBigNbrByLongModN(A02, 3, Aux1, dN);
				AddBigNbrModN(Aux1, MontgomeryMultR1, X);
				/* First step */
				System.arraycopy(X, 0, Xaux, 0, NumberLength);
				System.arraycopy(Z, 0, Zaux, 0, NumberLength);
				System.arraycopy(MontgomeryMultR1, 0, GcdAccumulated, 0, NumberLength);
				for (Pass = 0; Pass < 2; Pass++) {
					/* For powers of 2 */
					for (I = 1; I <= L1; I <<= 1) {
						duplicate(X, Z, X, Z, AA);
					for (I = 3; I <= L1; I *= 3) {
						duplicate(W1, W2, X, Z, AA);
						add3(X, Z, X, Z, W1, W2, X, Z);

					if (Pass == 0) {
						montgomery.mul(GcdAccumulated, Z, Aux1);
						System.arraycopy(Aux1, 0, GcdAccumulated, 0, NumberLength);
					} else {
						GcdBigNbr(Z, TestNbr, GD);
						if (BigNbrAreEqual(GD, BigNbr1) == false) {
							break new_curve; // found factor, exit

					/* for powers of odd primes */
					int indexM = 1;
					do {
						P = SmallPrime[indexM++];
						for (long IP = P; IP <= L1; IP *= P) {
							prac((int) P, X, Z, W1, W2, W3, W4, AA);
						if (Pass == 0) {
							montgomery.mul(GcdAccumulated, Z, Aux1);
							System.arraycopy(Aux1, 0, GcdAccumulated, 0, NumberLength);
						} else {
							GcdBigNbr(Z, TestNbr, GD);
							if (BigNbrAreEqual(GD, BigNbr1) == false) {
								break new_curve; // found factor, exit
					} while (P <= LS);
					P += 2;

					/* Initialize sieve2310[n]: 1 if gcd(P+2n,2310) > 1, 0 otherwise */
					int u = (int) P;
					for (int i = 0; i < 2310; i++) {
						sieve2310[i] = (u % 3 == 0 || u % 5 == 0 || u % 7 == 0 || u % 11 == 0 ? (byte) 1 : (byte) 0);
						u += 2;
					do {
						/* Generate sieve */
						GenerateSieve((int) P, sieve, sieve2310, SmallPrime);

						/* Walk through sieve */
						for (int i = 0; i < 23100; i++) {
							if (sieve[i] != 0)
								continue; /* Do not process composites */
							if (P + 2 * i > L1)
							prac((int) (P + 2 * i), X, Z, W1, W2, W3, W4, AA);
							if (Pass == 0) {
								montgomery.mul(GcdAccumulated, Z, Aux1);
								System.arraycopy(Aux1, 0, GcdAccumulated, 0, NumberLength);
							} else {
								GcdBigNbr(Z, TestNbr, GD);
								if (BigNbrAreEqual(GD, BigNbr1) == false) {
									break new_curve; // found factor, exit
						P += 46200;
					} while (P < L1);
					if (Pass == 0) {
						if (BigNbrIsZero(GcdAccumulated)) { // If GcdAccumulated is...
							System.arraycopy(Xaux, 0, X, 0, NumberLength);
							System.arraycopy(Zaux, 0, Z, 0, NumberLength);
							continue; // ... a multiple of TestNbr, continue.
						GcdBigNbr(GcdAccumulated, TestNbr, GD);
						if (BigNbrAreEqual(GD, BigNbr1) == false) {
							break new_curve; // found factor, exit
				} /* end for Pass */

				/* Second step (using improved standard continuation) */
				int j = 0;
				for (int u = 1; u < 2310; u += 2) {
					if (u % 3 == 0 || u % 5 == 0 || u % 7 == 0 || u % 11 == 0) {
						sieve2310[u / 2] = (byte) 1;
					} else {
						sieve2310[(sieveidx[j++] = u / 2)] = (byte) 0;
				System.arraycopy(sieve2310, 0, sieve2310, 1155, 1155);
				System.arraycopy(X, 0, Xaux, 0, NumberLength);
				System.arraycopy(Z, 0, Zaux, 0, NumberLength); // (X:Z) -> Q (output from step 1)
				for (Pass = 0; Pass < 2; Pass++) {
					System.arraycopy(MontgomeryMultR1, 0, GcdAccumulated, 0, NumberLength);
					System.arraycopy(X, 0, UX, 0, NumberLength);
					System.arraycopy(Z, 0, UZ, 0, NumberLength); // (UX:UZ) -> Q
					ModInvBigNbr(Z, TestNbr, Aux2);
					montgomery.mul(Aux2, MontgomeryMultAfterInv, Aux1);
					montgomery.mul(Aux1, X, root[0]); // root[0] <- X/Z (Q)
					J = 0;
					AddBigNbrModN(X, Z, Aux1);
					montgomery.mul(Aux1, Aux1, W1);
					SubtractBigNbrModN(X, Z, Aux1);
					montgomery.mul(Aux1, Aux1, W2);
					montgomery.mul(W1, W2, TX);
					SubtractBigNbrModN(W1, W2, Aux1);
					montgomery.mul(Aux1, AA, Aux2);
					AddBigNbrModN(Aux2, W2, Aux3);
					montgomery.mul(Aux1, Aux3, TZ); // (TX:TZ) -> 2Q
					SubtractBigNbrModN(X, Z, Aux1);
					AddBigNbrModN(TX, TZ, Aux2);
					montgomery.mul(Aux1, Aux2, W1);
					AddBigNbrModN(X, Z, Aux1);
					SubtractBigNbrModN(TX, TZ, Aux2);
					montgomery.mul(Aux1, Aux2, W2);
					AddBigNbrModN(W1, W2, Aux1);
					montgomery.mul(Aux1, Aux1, Aux2);
					montgomery.mul(Aux2, UZ, X);
					SubtractBigNbrModN(W1, W2, Aux1);
					montgomery.mul(Aux1, Aux1, Aux2);
					montgomery.mul(Aux2, UX, Z); // (X:Z) -> 3Q
					for (I = 5; I < 2310; I += 2) {
						System.arraycopy(X, 0, WX, 0, NumberLength);
						System.arraycopy(Z, 0, WZ, 0, NumberLength);
						SubtractBigNbrModN(X, Z, Aux1);
						AddBigNbrModN(TX, TZ, Aux2);
						montgomery.mul(Aux1, Aux2, W1);
						AddBigNbrModN(X, Z, Aux1);
						SubtractBigNbrModN(TX, TZ, Aux2);
						montgomery.mul(Aux1, Aux2, W2);
						AddBigNbrModN(W1, W2, Aux1);
						montgomery.mul(Aux1, Aux1, Aux2);
						montgomery.mul(Aux2, UZ, X);
						SubtractBigNbrModN(W1, W2, Aux1);
						montgomery.mul(Aux1, Aux1, Aux2);
						montgomery.mul(Aux2, UX, Z); // (X:Z) -> 5Q, 7Q, ...
						if (Pass == 0) {
							montgomery.mul(GcdAccumulated, Aux1, Aux2);
							System.arraycopy(Aux2, 0, GcdAccumulated, 0, NumberLength);
						} else {
							GcdBigNbr(Aux1, TestNbr, GD);
							if (BigNbrAreEqual(GD, BigNbr1) == false) {
								break new_curve; // found factor, exit
						if (I == 1155) {
							System.arraycopy(X, 0, DX, 0, NumberLength);
							System.arraycopy(Z, 0, DZ, 0, NumberLength); // (DX:DZ) -> 1155Q
						if (I % 3 != 0 && I % 5 != 0 && I % 7 != 0 && I % 11 != 0) {
							ModInvBigNbr(Z, TestNbr, Aux2);
							montgomery.mul(Aux2, MontgomeryMultAfterInv, Aux1);
							montgomery.mul(Aux1, X, root[J]); // root[J] <- X/Z
						System.arraycopy(WX, 0, UX, 0, NumberLength);
						System.arraycopy(WZ, 0, UZ, 0, NumberLength); // (UX:UZ) <- Previous (X:Z)
					} /* end for I */
					AddBigNbrModN(DX, DZ, Aux1);
					montgomery.mul(Aux1, Aux1, W1);
					SubtractBigNbrModN(DX, DZ, Aux1);
					montgomery.mul(Aux1, Aux1, W2);
					montgomery.mul(W1, W2, X);
					SubtractBigNbrModN(W1, W2, Aux1);
					montgomery.mul(Aux1, AA, Aux2);
					AddBigNbrModN(Aux2, W2, Aux3);
					montgomery.mul(Aux1, Aux3, Z);
					System.arraycopy(X, 0, UX, 0, NumberLength);
					System.arraycopy(Z, 0, UZ, 0, NumberLength); // (UX:UZ) -> 2310Q
					AddBigNbrModN(X, Z, Aux1);
					montgomery.mul(Aux1, Aux1, W1);
					SubtractBigNbrModN(X, Z, Aux1);
					montgomery.mul(Aux1, Aux1, W2);
					montgomery.mul(W1, W2, TX);
					SubtractBigNbrModN(W1, W2, Aux1);
					montgomery.mul(Aux1, AA, Aux2);
					AddBigNbrModN(Aux2, W2, Aux3);
					montgomery.mul(Aux1, Aux3, TZ); // (TX:TZ) -> 2*2310Q
					SubtractBigNbrModN(X, Z, Aux1);
					AddBigNbrModN(TX, TZ, Aux2);
					montgomery.mul(Aux1, Aux2, W1);
					AddBigNbrModN(X, Z, Aux1);
					SubtractBigNbrModN(TX, TZ, Aux2);
					montgomery.mul(Aux1, Aux2, W2);
					AddBigNbrModN(W1, W2, Aux1);
					montgomery.mul(Aux1, Aux1, Aux2);
					montgomery.mul(Aux2, UZ, X);
					SubtractBigNbrModN(W1, W2, Aux1);
					montgomery.mul(Aux1, Aux1, Aux2);
					montgomery.mul(Aux2, UX, Z); // (X:Z) -> 3*2310Q
					Qaux = (int) (L1 / 4620);
					int maxIndexM = (int) (L2 / 4620);
					for (int indexM = 0; indexM <= maxIndexM; indexM++) {
						if (indexM >= Qaux) { // If inside step 2 range...
							if (indexM == 0) {
								ModInvBigNbr(UZ, TestNbr, Aux2);
								montgomery.mul(Aux2, MontgomeryMultAfterInv, Aux3);
								montgomery.mul(UX, Aux3, Aux1); // Aux1 <- X/Z (2310Q)
							} else {
								ModInvBigNbr(Z, TestNbr, Aux2);
								montgomery.mul(Aux2, MontgomeryMultAfterInv, Aux3);
								montgomery.mul(X, Aux3, Aux1); // Aux1 <- X/Z (3,5,* 2310Q)

							/* Generate sieve */
							if (indexM % 10 == 0 || indexM == Qaux) {
								GenerateSieve(indexM / 10 * 46200 + 1, sieve, sieve2310, SmallPrime);
							/* Walk through sieve */
							J = 1155 + (indexM % 10) * 2310;
							for (int i = 0; i < 480; i++) {
								j = sieveidx[i]; // 0 < J < 1155
								if (sieve[J + j] != 0 && sieve[J - 1 - j] != 0) {
									continue; // Do not process if both are composite numbers.
								SubtractBigNbrModN(Aux1, root[i], M);
								montgomery.mul(GcdAccumulated, M, Aux2);
								System.arraycopy(Aux2, 0, GcdAccumulated, 0, NumberLength);
							if (Pass != 0) {
								GcdBigNbr(GcdAccumulated, TestNbr, GD);
								if (BigNbrAreEqual(GD, BigNbr1) == false) {
									break new_curve; // found factor, exit
						if (indexM != 0) { // Update (X:Z)
							System.arraycopy(X, 0, WX, 0, NumberLength);
							System.arraycopy(Z, 0, WZ, 0, NumberLength);
							SubtractBigNbrModN(X, Z, Aux1);
							AddBigNbrModN(TX, TZ, Aux2);
							montgomery.mul(Aux1, Aux2, W1);
							AddBigNbrModN(X, Z, Aux1);
							SubtractBigNbrModN(TX, TZ, Aux2);
							montgomery.mul(Aux1, Aux2, W2);
							AddBigNbrModN(W1, W2, Aux1);
							montgomery.mul(Aux1, Aux1, Aux2);
							montgomery.mul(Aux2, UZ, X);
							SubtractBigNbrModN(W1, W2, Aux1);
							montgomery.mul(Aux1, Aux1, Aux2);
							montgomery.mul(Aux2, UX, Z);
							System.arraycopy(WX, 0, UX, 0, NumberLength);
							System.arraycopy(WZ, 0, UZ, 0, NumberLength);
					} // end for Q
					if (Pass == 0) {
						if (BigNbrIsZero(GcdAccumulated)) { // If GcdAccumulated is...
							System.arraycopy(Xaux, 0, X, 0, NumberLength);
							System.arraycopy(Zaux, 0, Z, 0, NumberLength);
							continue; // ... a multiple of TestNbr, continue.
						GcdBigNbr(GcdAccumulated, TestNbr, GD);
						if (BigNbrAreEqual(GD, TestNbr) == true) {
						if (BigNbrAreEqual(GD, BigNbr1) == false) {
							break new_curve; // found factor, exit
				} /* end for Pass */
			} while (true); /* end curve calculation */
			assert !(BigNbrAreEqual(GD, TestNbr));
		} while (BigNbrAreEqual(GD, TestNbr) == true);
		// System.out.println("");
		// StepECM = 0; /* do not show pass number on screen */
		return BigIntToBigNbr(GD);
	private static void GenerateSieve(int initial, byte[] sieve, byte[] sieve2310, int[] SmallPrime) {
		int i, j, Q;
		for (i = 0; i < 23100; i += 2310) {
			System.arraycopy(sieve2310, 0, sieve, i, 2310);
		j = 5;
		Q = 13; /* Point to prime 13 */
		do {
			if (initial > Q * Q) {
				for (i = (int) (((long) initial * ((Q - 1) / 2)) % Q); i < 23100; i += Q) {
					sieve[i] = 1; /* Composite */
			} else {
				i = Q * Q - initial;
				if (i < 46200) {
					for (i = i / 2; i < 23100; i += Q) {
						sieve[i] = 1; /* Composite */
				} else {
			Q = SmallPrime[++j];
		} while (Q < 5000);

	 * Computes nP from P=(x:z) and puts the result in (x:z). Assumes n>2.
	 * @param n
	 * @param x
	 * @param z
	 * @param xT
	 * @param zT
	 * @param xT2
	 * @param zT2
	private void prac(int n, int[] x, int[] z, int[] xT, int[] zT, int[] xT2, int[] zT2, int[] AA) {
		int d, e, r, i;
		int[] t;
		int[] xA = x, zA = z;
		int[] xB = fieldAux1, zB = fieldAux2;
		int[] xC = fieldAux3, zC = fieldAux4;

		/* chooses the best value of v */
		r = lucas_cost(n, v[0]);
		i = 0;
		for (d = 1; d < 10; d++) {
			e = lucas_cost(n, v[d]);
			if (e < r) {
				r = e;
				i = d;
		d = n;
		r = (int) (d / v[i] + 0.5);
		/* first iteration always begins by Condition 3, then a swap */
		d = n - r;
		e = 2 * r - n;
		System.arraycopy(xA, 0, xB, 0, NumberLength); // B = A
		System.arraycopy(zA, 0, zB, 0, NumberLength);
		System.arraycopy(xA, 0, xC, 0, NumberLength); // C = A
		System.arraycopy(zA, 0, zC, 0, NumberLength);
		duplicate(xA, zA, xA, zA, AA); /* A=2*A */
		while (d != e) {
			if (d < e) {
				r = d;
				d = e;
				e = r;
				t = xA;
				xA = xB;
				xB = t;
				t = zA;
				zA = zB;
				zB = t;
			/* do the first line of Table 4 whose condition qualifies */
			if (4 * d <= 5 * e && ((d + e) % 3) == 0) { /* condition 1 */
				r = (2 * d - e) / 3;
				e = (2 * e - d) / 3;
				d = r;
				add3(xT, zT, xA, zA, xB, zB, xC, zC); /* T = f(A,B,C) */
				add3(xT2, zT2, xT, zT, xA, zA, xB, zB); /* T2 = f(T,A,B) */
				add3(xB, zB, xB, zB, xT, zT, xA, zA); /* B = f(B,T,A) */
				t = xA;
				xA = xT2;
				xT2 = t;
				t = zA;
				zA = zT2;
				zT2 = t; /* swap A and T2 */
			} else if (4 * d <= 5 * e && (d - e) % 6 == 0) { /* condition 2 */
				d = (d - e) / 2;
				add3(xB, zB, xA, zA, xB, zB, xC, zC); /* B = f(A,B,C) */
				duplicate(xA, zA, xA, zA, AA); /* A = 2*A */
			} else if (d <= (4 * e)) { /* condition 3 */
				d -= e;
				add3(xT, zT, xB, zB, xA, zA, xC, zC); /* T = f(B,A,C) */
				t = xB;
				xB = xT;
				xT = xC;
				xC = t;
				t = zB;
				zB = zT;
				zT = zC;
				zC = t; /* circular permutation (B,T,C) */
			} else if ((d + e) % 2 == 0) { /* condition 4 */
				d = (d - e) / 2;
				add3(xB, zB, xB, zB, xA, zA, xC, zC); /* B = f(B,A,C) */
				duplicate(xA, zA, xA, zA, AA); /* A = 2*A */
			} else if (d % 2 == 0) { /* condition 5 */
				d /= 2;
				add3(xC, zC, xC, zC, xA, zA, xB, zB); /* C = f(C,A,B) */
				duplicate(xA, zA, xA, zA, AA); /* A = 2*A */
			} else if (d % 3 == 0) { /* condition 6 */
				d = d / 3 - e;
				duplicate(xT, zT, xA, zA, AA); /* T1 = 2*A */
				add3(xT2, zT2, xA, zA, xB, zB, xC, zC); /* T2 = f(A,B,C) */
				add3(xA, zA, xT, zT, xA, zA, xA, zA); /* A = f(T1,A,A) */
				add3(xT, zT, xT, zT, xT2, zT2, xC, zC); /* T1 = f(T1,T2,C) */
				t = xC;
				xC = xB;
				xB = xT;
				xT = t;
				t = zC;
				zC = zB;
				zB = zT;
				zT = t; /* circular permutation (C,B,T) */
			} else if ((d + e) % 3 == 0) { /* condition 7 */
				d = (d - 2 * e) / 3;
				add3(xT, zT, xA, zA, xB, zB, xC, zC); /* T1 = f(A,B,C) */
				add3(xB, zB, xT, zT, xA, zA, xB, zB); /* B = f(T1,A,B) */
				duplicate(xT, zT, xA, zA, AA);
				add3(xA, zA, xA, zA, xT, zT, xA, zA); /* A = 3*A */
			} else if ((d - e) % 3 == 0) { /* condition 8 */
				d = (d - e) / 3;
				add3(xT, zT, xA, zA, xB, zB, xC, zC); /* T1 = f(A,B,C) */
				add3(xC, zC, xC, zC, xA, zA, xB, zB); /* C = f(A,C,B) */
				t = xB;
				xB = xT;
				xT = t;
				t = zB;
				zB = zT;
				zT = t; /* swap B and T */
				duplicate(xT, zT, xA, zA, AA);
				add3(xA, zA, xA, zA, xT, zT, xA, zA); /* A = 3*A */
			} else if (e % 2 == 0) { /* condition 9 */
				e /= 2;
				add3(xC, zC, xC, zC, xB, zB, xA, zA); /* C = f(C,B,A) */
				duplicate(xB, zB, xB, zB, AA); /* B = 2*B */
		add3(x, z, xA, zA, xB, zB, xC, zC);

	/** returns the number of modular multiplications */
	private static int lucas_cost(int n, double v) {
		int c, d, e, r;

		d = n;
		r = (int) (d / v + 0.5);
		if (r >= n) return (ADD * n);
		d = n - r;
		e = 2 * r - n;
		c = DUP + ADD; /* initial duplicate and final addition */
		while (d != e) {
			if (d < e) {
				r = d;
				d = e;
				e = r;
			if (4 * d <= 5 * e && ((d + e) % 3) == 0) { /* condition 1 */
				r = (2 * d - e) / 3;
				e = (2 * e - d) / 3;
				d = r;
				c += 3 * ADD; /* 3 additions */
			} else if (4 * d <= 5 * e && (d - e) % 6 == 0) { /* condition 2 */
				d = (d - e) / 2;
				c += ADD + DUP; /* one addition, one duplicate */
			} else if (d <= (4 * e)) { /* condition 3 */
				d -= e;
				c += ADD; /* one addition */
			} else if ((d + e) % 2 == 0) { /* condition 4 */
				d = (d - e) / 2;
				c += ADD + DUP; /* one addition, one duplicate */
			} else if (d % 2 == 0) { /* condition 5 */
				d /= 2;
				c += ADD + DUP; /* one addition, one duplicate */
			} else if (d % 3 == 0) { /* condition 6 */
				d = d / 3 - e;
				c += 3 * ADD + DUP; /* three additions, one duplicate */
			} else if ((d + e) % 3 == 0) { /* condition 7 */
				d = (d - 2 * e) / 3;
				c += 3 * ADD + DUP; /* three additions, one duplicate */
			} else if ((d - e) % 3 == 0) { /* condition 8 */
				d = (d - e) / 3;
				c += 3 * ADD + DUP; /* three additions, one duplicate */
			} else if (e % 2 == 0) { /* condition 9 */
				e /= 2;
				c += ADD + DUP; /* one addition, one duplicate */
		return (c);

	 * computes 2P=(x2:z2) from P=(x1:z1), with 5 mul, 4 add/sub, 5 mod. Uses the following global variables: - n :
	 * number to factor - b : (a+2)/4 mod n - u, v, w : auxiliary variables Modifies: x2, z2, u, v, w
	private void duplicate(int[] x2, int[] z2, int[] x1, int[] z1, int[] AA) {
		int[] u = fieldUZ;
		int[] v = fieldTX;
		int[] w = fieldTZ;
		AddBigNbrModN(x1, z1, w); // w = x1+z1
		montgomery.mul(w, w, u); // u = (x1+z1)^2
		SubtractBigNbrModN(x1, z1, w); // w = x1-z1
		montgomery.mul(w, w, v); // v = (x1-z1)^2
		montgomery.mul(u, v, x2); // x2 = u*v = (x1^2 - z1^2)^2
		SubtractBigNbrModN(u, v, w); // w = u-v = 4*x1*z1
		montgomery.mul(AA, w, u);
		AddBigNbrModN(u, v, u); // u = (v+b*w)
		montgomery.mul(w, u, z2); // z2 = (w*u)

	 * Adds Q=(x2:z2) and R=(x1:z1) and puts the result in (x3:z3), using 5/6 mul, 6 add/sub and 6 mod. One assumes that
	 * Q-R=P or R-Q=P where P=(x:z). Uses the following global variables: - n : number to factor - x, z : coordinates of
	 * P - u, v, w : auxiliary variables Modifies: x3, z3, u, v, w. (x3,z3) may be identical to (x2,z2) and to (x,z)
	 * @param x3 
	 * @param z3 
	 * @param x2 
	 * @param z2 
	 * @param x1 
	 * @param z1 
	 * @param x 
	 * @param z 
	private void add3(int[] x3, int[] z3, int[] x2, int[] z2, int[] x1, int[] z1, int[] x, int[] z) {
		int[] t = fieldTX;
		int[] u = fieldTZ;
		int[] v = fieldUX;
		int[] w = fieldUZ;
		SubtractBigNbrModN(x2, z2, v); // v = x2-z2
		AddBigNbrModN(x1, z1, w);      // w = x1+z1
		montgomery.mul(v, w, u); // u = (x2-z2)*(x1+z1)
		AddBigNbrModN(x2, z2, w); // w = x2+z2
		SubtractBigNbrModN(x1, z1, t); // t = x1-z1
		montgomery.mul(t, w, v); // v = (x2+z2)*(x1-z1)
		AddBigNbrModN(u, v, t); // t = 2*(x1*x2-z1*z2)
		montgomery.mul(t, t, w); // w = 4*(x1*x2-z1*z2)^2
		SubtractBigNbrModN(u, v, t); // t = 2*(x2*z1-x1*z2)
		montgomery.mul(t, t, v); // v = 4*(x2*z1-x1*z2)^2
		if (BigNbrAreEqual(x, x3)) {
			System.arraycopy(x, 0, u, 0, NumberLength);
			System.arraycopy(w, 0, t, 0, NumberLength);
			montgomery.mul(z, t, w);
			montgomery.mul(v, u, z3);
			System.arraycopy(w, 0, x3, 0, NumberLength);
		} else {
			montgomery.mul(w, z, x3); // x3 = 4*z*(x1*x2-z1*z2)^2
			montgomery.mul(x, v, z3); // z3 = 4*x*(x2*z1-x1*z2)^2

	 * Convert a long <code>Nbr</code> into a BigNbr <code>Out</code> represented by 31-bit integers.
	 * @param Nbr input
	 * @param Out output
	void LongToBigNbr(long Nbr, int Out[]) {
		final boolean chSign = Nbr<0 ? true: false;
		final long nbrPos = Nbr<0 ? -Nbr : Nbr;
	    Out[0] = (int)(nbrPos & 0x7FFFFFFF);
	    Out[1] = (int)((nbrPos >> 31) & 0x7FFFFFFF);
	    if (NumberLength > 2) {
		    // bit 63 needs special consideration
	    	Out[2] = (nbrPos >= DosALa62) ? 1 : 0;
		    for (int i = 3; i < NumberLength; i++) {
		    	Out[i] = 0;
	    if (chSign) {

	 * Converts BigInteger N into TestNbr represented by 31-bit ints.
	 * @param N input
	 * @param TestNbr output
	 * @param NumberLength the size of numbers we are working with
	void BigNbrToBigInt(BigInteger N, int[] TestNbr, int NumberLength) {
		// Temp needs 1 extra int because of TestNbr[j] = p; in BigNbrToBigInt(long[])
	    long[] Temp = new long[NumberLength+1]; // zero-initialized
		BigNbrToBigInt(N, Temp, NumberLength);
	    Convert32To31Bits(Temp, TestNbr, NumberLength);
	 * Converts BigInteger N into TestNbr represented by 32-bit ints.
	 * @param N input
	 * @param TestNbr output
	 * @param NumberLength
	void BigNbrToBigInt(BigInteger N, long[] TestNbr, int NumberLength) {
	    byte[] NBytes = N.toByteArray();
	    int j = 0;
	    int mask = 1;
	    long p = 0;
	    // process unsigned bytes
	    for (int i = NBytes.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
	    	p += mask * (NBytes[i] & 0xFFL);
	    	mask <<= 8;
	    	if (mask == 0) { // int overflow after 4 shifts
	    		TestNbr[j++] = p;
	    		mask = 1;
		        p = 0;
	    // the most significant byte holds BigIntegers sign bit
    	p += mask * NBytes[0];
    	mask <<= 8;
    	if (mask == 0) {
    		TestNbr[j++] = p;
    		mask = 1;
	        p = 0;
	    TestNbr[j] = p;
	    // Zero-initialize all TestNbr entries from j+1 to NumberLength.
	    // It is required that TestNbr[NumberLength] is set to 0, too.
	    while (++j <= NumberLength) {
	    	TestNbr[j] = 0;

	static int computeNumberLength(int bitLength) {
		// The original computation was (bitLength + 30)/31;
		// added one bit for the sign and another to avoid overflows in additions
		return (bitLength + 32)/31;

	void AddBigNbr(int Nbr1[], int Nbr2[], int Sum[]) {
		int NumberLength = this.NumberLength;
		long Cy = 0;
		for (int i = 0; i < NumberLength; i++) {
			Cy = (Cy >> 31) + Nbr1[i] + Nbr2[i];
			Sum[i] = (int)(Cy & 0x7FFFFFFFL);

	void AddBigNbr32(long Nbr1[], long Nbr2[], long Sum[]) {
		int NumberLength = this.NumberLength;
		long Cy = 0;
		for (int i = 0; i < NumberLength; i++) {
			Cy = (Cy >> 32) + Nbr1[i] + Nbr2[i];
			Sum[i] = Cy & 0xFFFFFFFFl;

	void AddBigNbrModN(int Nbr1[], int Nbr2[], int Sum[]) {
		int NumberLength = this.NumberLength;
	    long MaxUInt = 0x7FFFFFFFL;
	    long carry = 0;
	    int i;
	    for (i = 0; i < NumberLength; i++) {
	    	carry = (carry >> 31) + (long)Nbr1[i] + (long)Nbr2[i] - (long)TestNbr[i];
	    	Sum[i] = (int)(carry & MaxUInt);
	    if (carry < 0) {
	    	carry = 0;
	    	for (i = 0; i < NumberLength; i++) {
	    		carry = (carry >> 31) + (long)Sum[i] + (long)TestNbr[i];
	    		Sum[i] = (int)(carry & MaxUInt);

	void SubtractBigNbr(int Nbr1[], int Nbr2[], int Diff[]) {
	    long carry = 0;
	    for (int i = 0; i < NumberLength; i++) {
	    	carry = (carry >> 31) + (long)Nbr1[i] - (long)Nbr2[i];
	    	Diff[i] = (int)(carry & 0x7FFFFFFFL);

	void SubtractBigNbr32(long Nbr1[], long Nbr2[], long Diff[]) {
		int NumberLength = this.NumberLength;
		long Cy = 0;
		for (int i = 0; i < NumberLength; i++) {
			Cy = (Cy >> 32) + Nbr1[i] - Nbr2[i];
			Diff[i] = Cy & 0xFFFFFFFFl;

	void SubtractBigNbrModN(int Nbr1[], int Nbr2[], int Diff[]) {
		int NumberLength = this.NumberLength;
		long MaxUInt = 0x7FFFFFFFL; // Integer.MAX_VALUE
		long carry = 0;
		int i;
		for (i = 0; i < NumberLength; i++) {
			carry = (carry >> 31) + (long)Nbr1[i] - (long)Nbr2[i];
			Diff[i] = (int)(carry & MaxUInt);
		if (carry < 0) {
			carry = 0;
			for (i = 0; i < NumberLength; i++) {
				carry = (carry >> 31) + (long)Diff[i] + (long)TestNbr[i];
				Diff[i] = (int)(carry & MaxUInt);

	void MultBigNbrByLongModN(int Nbr1[], long Nbr2, int Prod[], double dN) {
		int NumberLength = this.NumberLength;
	    long MaxUInt = 0x7FFFFFFFL;
	    long Pr;
	    int j;
	    Pr = 0;
	    for (j = 0; j < NumberLength; j++) {
	    	Pr = (Pr >>> 31) + Nbr2 * Nbr1[j];
	    	Prod[j] = (int)(Pr & MaxUInt);
	    Prod[j] = (int)(Pr >>> 31);
	    AdjustModN(Prod, dN);

	private void MultBigNbrModN(int Nbr1[], int Nbr2[], int Prod[], double dN) {
		int NumberLength = this.NumberLength;
	    long MaxUInt = 0x7FFFFFFFL;
	    int i, j;
	    long Pr, Nbr;
	    i = NumberLength;
	    do {
	    	Prod[--i] = 0;
	    } while (i > 0);
	    i = NumberLength;
	    do {
	    	Nbr = Nbr1[--i];
	    	j = NumberLength;
	    	do {
	    		Prod[j] = Prod[j - 1];
	    	} while (j > 0);
	    	Prod[0] = 0;
	    	Pr = 0;
	    	for (j = 0; j < NumberLength; j++) {
	    		Pr = (Pr >>> 31) + Nbr * Nbr2[j] + Prod[j];
	    		Prod[j] = (int)(Pr & MaxUInt);
	    	Prod[j] += (Pr >>> 31);
	    	AdjustModN(Prod, dN);
	    } while (i > 0);

	private void AdjustModN(int Nbr[], double dN) {
		int NumberLength = this.NumberLength;
	    long MaxUInt = 0x7FFFFFFFL;
	    long TrialQuotient;
	    long carry;
	    int i;
	    double dAux;

		dAux = Nbr[NumberLength] * dDosALa31 + Nbr[NumberLength - 1];
		if (NumberLength > 1) {
			dAux += Nbr[NumberLength - 2] / dDosALa31;
	    TrialQuotient = (long) (dAux / dN) + 3; // Axel: (long) Math.ceil(dAux / dN) + 2;
	    if (TrialQuotient >= DosALa32) {
	    	carry = 0;
	    	for (i = 0; i < NumberLength; i++) {
	    		carry = Nbr[i + 1] - (TrialQuotient >>> 31) * TestNbr[i] - carry;
	    		Nbr[i + 1] = (int)(carry & MaxUInt);
	    		carry = (MaxUInt - carry) >>> 31;
	    	TrialQuotient &= MaxUInt;
	    carry = 0;
	    for (i = 0; i < NumberLength; i++) {
	    	carry = Nbr[i] - TrialQuotient * TestNbr[i] - carry;
	    	Nbr[i] = (int)(carry & MaxUInt);
	    	carry = (MaxUInt - carry) >>> 31;
	    Nbr[NumberLength] -= (int)carry;
	    while ((Nbr[NumberLength] & MaxUInt) != 0) {
	    	carry = 0;
	    	for (i = 0; i < NumberLength; i++) {
	    		carry += (long)Nbr[i] + (long)TestNbr[i];
	    		Nbr[i] = (int)(carry & MaxUInt);
	    		carry >>= 31;
	    	Nbr[NumberLength] += (int)carry;

	private void DivBigNbrByLong(int Dividend[], long Divisor, int Quotient[]) {
		int i;
		boolean ChSignDivisor = false;
		long Divid, Rem = 0;

		if (Divisor < 0) { // If divisor is negative...
			ChSignDivisor = true; // Indicate to change sign at the end and
			Divisor = -Divisor; // convert divisor to positive.
		if (Dividend[i = NumberLength - 1] >= 0x40000000l) { // If dividend is negative...
			Rem = Divisor - 1;
		for (; i >= 0; i--) {
			Divid = Dividend[i] + (Rem << 31);
			Rem = Divid % Divisor;
			Quotient[i] = (int) (Divid / Divisor);
		if (ChSignDivisor) { // Change sign if divisor is negative.
			ChSignBigNbr(Quotient); // Convert divisor to positive.

	private boolean BigNbrAreEqual(int Nbr1[], int Nbr2[]) {
		for (int i = 0; i < NumberLength; i++) {
			if (Nbr1[i] != Nbr2[i]) {
				return false;
		return true;

	private boolean BigNbrIsZero(int Nbr[]) {
		for (int i = 0; i < NumberLength; i++) {
			if (Nbr[i] != 0) {
				return false;
		return true;

	private void ChSignBigNbr(int Nbr[]) {
		int NumberLength = this.NumberLength;
		int Cy = 0;
		for (int i = 0; i < NumberLength; i++) {
			Cy = (Cy >> 31) - Nbr[i];
			Nbr[i] = Cy & 0x7FFFFFFF;

	// TODO This may be the problem in in-out-conversion31 of negative inputs
	void Convert31To32Bits(int[] nbr31, long[] nbr32) {
		int i, j, k;
		i = 0;
		for (j = -1; j < NumberLength; j++) {
			k = i % 31;
			if (k == 0) {
			if (j == NumberLength) {
			if (j == NumberLength - 1) {
				nbr32[i] = nbr31[j] >> k;
			} else {
				nbr32[i] = ((nbr31[j] >> k) | (nbr31[j + 1] << (31 - k))) & 0xFFFFFFFFl;
		for (; i < NumberLength; i++) {
			nbr32[i] = 0;

	private void Convert32To31Bits(long[] nbr32, int[] nbr31, int NumberLength) {
		int i, j, k;
		j = 0;
		for (i = 0; i < NumberLength; i++) {
		    k = i & 0x0000001F; // k = i % 32
			if (k == 0) {
		        nbr31[i] = (int)(nbr32[j] & 0x7FFFFFFF);
			} else {
		        nbr31[i] = (int)(((nbr32[j] >> (32-k)) | (nbr32[j+1] << k)) & 0x7FFFFFFF);

	 * Gcd calculation:
	 * <ul>
	 * <li>Step 1: Set k<-0, and then repeatedly set k<-k+1, u<-u/2, v<-v/2 zero or more times until u and v are not
	 * both even.</li>
	 * <li>Step 2: If u is odd, set t<-(-v) and go to step 4. Otherwise set t<-u.</li>
	 * <li>Step 3: Set t<-t/2</li>
	 * <li>Step 4: If t is even, go back to step 3.</li>
	 * <li>Step 5: If t>0, set u<-t, otherwise set v<-(-t).</li>
	 * <li>Step 6: Set t<-u-v. If t!=0, go back to step 3.</li>
	 * <li>Step 7: The GCD is u*2^k.</li>
	 * </ul>
	 * @param Nbr1
	 * @param Nbr2
	 * @param Gcd
	void GcdBigNbr(int Nbr1[], int Nbr2[], int Gcd[]) {
	    int k;
		int NumberLength = this.NumberLength;

	    System.arraycopy(Nbr1, 0, CalcAuxGcdU, 0, NumberLength);
	    System.arraycopy(Nbr2, 0, CalcAuxGcdV, 0, NumberLength);
	    if (BigNbrIsZero(CalcAuxGcdU)) {
	    	System.arraycopy(CalcAuxGcdV, 0, Gcd, 0, NumberLength);
	    if (BigNbrIsZero(CalcAuxGcdV)) {
	    	System.arraycopy(CalcAuxGcdU, 0, Gcd, 0, NumberLength);
	    if (CalcAuxGcdU[NumberLength - 1] >= 0x40000000L) {
	    if (CalcAuxGcdV[NumberLength - 1] >= 0x40000000L) {
	    k = 0;
		while ((CalcAuxGcdU[0] & 1) == 0 && (CalcAuxGcdV[0] & 1) == 0) { // Step 1
	    	DivBigNbrByLong(CalcAuxGcdU, 2, CalcAuxGcdU);
	    	DivBigNbrByLong(CalcAuxGcdV, 2, CalcAuxGcdV);
		if ((CalcAuxGcdU[0] & 1) == 1) { // Step 2
	    	System.arraycopy(CalcAuxGcdV, 0, CalcAuxGcdT, 0, NumberLength);
		} else {
			System.arraycopy(CalcAuxGcdU, 0, CalcAuxGcdT, 0, NumberLength);
		do {
			while ((CalcAuxGcdT[0] & 1) == 0) { // Step 4
				DivBigNbrByLong(CalcAuxGcdT, 2, CalcAuxGcdT); // Step 3
			if (CalcAuxGcdT[NumberLength - 1] < 0x40000000l) { // Step 5
				System.arraycopy(CalcAuxGcdT, 0, CalcAuxGcdU, 0, NumberLength);
			} else {
				System.arraycopy(CalcAuxGcdT, 0, CalcAuxGcdV, 0, NumberLength);
			SubtractBigNbr(CalcAuxGcdU, CalcAuxGcdV, CalcAuxGcdT); // Step 6
	    } while (!BigNbrIsZero(CalcAuxGcdT));
	    System.arraycopy(CalcAuxGcdU, 0, Gcd, 0, NumberLength); // Step 7
		while (k > 0) {
	    	AddBigNbr(Gcd, Gcd, Gcd);

	 * <p>Find the multiplicative inverse (1/a) modulo b and return the result in inv.</p>
	 * <p>This implementation returns dummy values for a-values that are not invertible modulo b.
	 * This is good for the performance of the ECM implementation because the latter  works with
	 * accumulated gcd's and then it doesn't matter if a few of the single gcd-values are wrong.</p>
	 * @param a
	 * @param b
	 * @param inv the result
	void ModInvBigNbr(int[] a, int[] b, int[] inv) {
	    int i;
		int NumberLength = this.NumberLength;
	    int Dif, E;
	    int st1, st2;
	    long Yaa, Yab; // 2^E * A'     = Yaa A + Yab B
	    long Yba, Ybb; // 2^E * B'     = Yba A + Ybb B
	    long Ygb0; // 2^E * Mu'    = Yaa Mu + Yab Gamma + Ymb0 B0
	    long Ymb0; // 2^E * Gamma' = Yba Mu + Ybb Gamma + Ygb0 B0
	    int Iaa, Iab, Iba, Ibb;
	    long Tmp1, Tmp2, Tmp3, Tmp4, Tmp5;
	    int B0l;
	    int invB0l;
	    int Al, Bl, T1, Gl, Ml;
	    long carry1, carry2, carry3, carry4;
	    int Yaah, Yabh, Ybah, Ybbh;
	    int Ymb0h, Ygb0h;
	    long Pr1, Pr2, Pr3, Pr4, Pr5, Pr6, Pr7;
		long[] B = this.biTmp;
		long[] CalcAuxModInvA = this.CalcAuxModInvA;
		long[] CalcAuxModInvB = this.CalcAuxModInvB;
		long[] CalcAuxModInvMu = this.CalcAuxModInvMu;
	    long[] CalcAuxModInvGamma = this.CalcAuxModInvGamma;
	    Convert31To32Bits(a, CalcAuxModInvA);
	    Convert31To32Bits(b, CalcAuxModInvB);
	    System.arraycopy(CalcAuxModInvB, 0, B, 0, NumberLength);
	    B0l = (int)B[0];
	    invB0l = B0l; // 2 least significant bits of inverse correct.
	    invB0l = invB0l * (2 - B0l * invB0l); // 4 LSB of inverse correct.
	    invB0l = invB0l * (2 - B0l * invB0l); // 8 LSB of inverse correct.
	    invB0l = invB0l * (2 - B0l * invB0l); // 16 LSB of inverse correct.
	    invB0l = invB0l * (2 - B0l * invB0l); // 32 LSB of inverse correct.
		for (i = NumberLength - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
			CalcAuxModInvGamma[i] = 0;
			CalcAuxModInvMu[i] = 0;
	    CalcAuxModInvMu[0] = 1;
	    Dif = 0;
		outer_loop: do {
			Iaa = Ibb = 1;
			Iab = Iba = 0;
			Al = (int) CalcAuxModInvA[0];
			Bl = (int) CalcAuxModInvB[0];
			E = 0;
			if (Bl == 0) {
				for (i = NumberLength - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
					if (CalcAuxModInvB[i] != 0) break;
				if (i < 0) break; // Go out of loop if CalcAuxModInvB = 0
			do {
		        T1 = 0;
				while ((Bl & 1) == 0) {
					if (E == 31) {
			            Yaa = Iaa;
			            Yab = Iab;
			            Yba = Iba;
			            Ybb = Ibb;
			            Gl = (int) CalcAuxModInvGamma[0];
			            Ml = (int) CalcAuxModInvMu[0];
			            Yaa <<= T1;
			            Yab <<= T1;
			            Ymb0 = (- (int) Yaa * Ml - (int) Yab * Gl) * invB0l;
			            Ygb0 = (-Iba * Ml - Ibb * Gl) * invB0l;
			            carry1 = carry2 = carry3 = carry4 = 0;
			            Yaah = (int) (Yaa >> 32);
			            Yabh = (int) (Yab >> 32);
			            Ybah = (int) (Yba >> 32);
			            Ybbh = (int) (Ybb >> 32);
			            Ymb0h = (int) (Ymb0 >> 32);
			            Ygb0h = (int) (Ygb0 >> 32);
			            Yaa &= 0xFFFFFFFFL;
			            Yab &= 0xFFFFFFFFL;
			            Yba &= 0xFFFFFFFFL;
			            Ybb &= 0xFFFFFFFFL;
			            Ymb0 &= 0xFFFFFFFFL;
			            Ygb0 &= 0xFFFFFFFFL;
			            st1 = Yaah * 6 + Yabh * 2 + Ymb0h;
			            st2 = Ybah * 6 + Ybbh * 2 + Ygb0h;
			            for (i = 0; i < NumberLength; i++) {
			            	Pr1 = Yaa * (Tmp1 = CalcAuxModInvMu[i]);
			            	Pr2 = Yab * (Tmp2 = CalcAuxModInvGamma[i]);
			            	Pr3 = Ymb0 * (Tmp3 = B[i]);
			            	Pr4 = (Pr1 & 0xFFFFFFFFL) + (Pr2 & 0xFFFFFFFFL) + (Pr3 & 0xFFFFFFFFL) + carry3;
			            	Pr5 = Yaa * (Tmp4 = CalcAuxModInvA[i]);
			            	Pr6 = Yab * (Tmp5 = CalcAuxModInvB[i]);
			            	Pr7 = (Pr5 & 0xFFFFFFFFL) + (Pr6 & 0xFFFFFFFFL) + carry1;
			            	switch (st1) {
			            	case -9 :
			            		carry3 = -Tmp1 - Tmp2 - Tmp3;
			            		carry1 = -Tmp4 - Tmp5;
			                case -8 :
			                	carry3 = -Tmp1 - Tmp2;
			                	carry1 = -Tmp4 - Tmp5;
			                case -7 :
			                	carry3 = -Tmp1 - Tmp3;
			                	carry1 = -Tmp4;
			                case -6 :
			                	carry3 = -Tmp1;
			                	carry1 = -Tmp4;
			                case -5 :
			                	carry3 = -Tmp1 + Tmp2 - Tmp3;
			                	carry1 = -Tmp4 + Tmp5;
			                case -4 :
			                	carry3 = -Tmp1 + Tmp2;
			                	carry1 = -Tmp4 + Tmp5;
			                case -3 :
			                	carry3 = -Tmp2 - Tmp3;
			                	carry1 = -Tmp5;
			                case -2 :
			                	carry3 = -Tmp2;
			                	carry1 = -Tmp5;
			                case -1 :
			                	carry3 = -Tmp3;
			                	carry1 = 0;
			                case 0 :
			                	carry3 = 0;
			                	carry1 = 0;
			                case 1 :
			                	carry3 = Tmp2 - Tmp3;
			                	carry1 = Tmp5;
			                case 2 :
			                	carry3 = Tmp2;
			                	carry1 = Tmp5;
			                case 3 :
			                	carry3 = Tmp1 - Tmp2 - Tmp3;
			                	carry1 = Tmp4 - Tmp5;
			                case 4 :
			                	carry3 = Tmp1 - Tmp2;
			                	carry1 = Tmp4 - Tmp5;
			                case 5 :
			                	carry3 = Tmp1 - Tmp3;
			                	carry1 = Tmp4;
			                case 6 :
			                	carry3 = Tmp1;
			                	carry1 = Tmp4;
			                case 7 :
			                	carry3 = Tmp1 + Tmp2 - Tmp3;
			                	carry1 = Tmp4 + Tmp5;
			                case 8 :
			                	carry3 = Tmp1 + Tmp2;
			                	carry1 = Tmp4 + Tmp5;
			            	carry3 += (Pr1 >>> 32) + (Pr2 >>> 32) + (Pr3 >>> 32) + (Pr4 >> 32);
			            	carry1 += (Pr5 >>> 32) + (Pr6 >>> 32) + (Pr7 >> 32);
			            	if (i > 0) {
			            		CalcAuxModInvMu[i - 1] = Pr4 & 0xFFFFFFFFL;
			            		CalcAuxModInvA[i - 1] = Pr7 & 0xFFFFFFFFL;
			            	Pr1 = Yba * Tmp1;
			            	Pr2 = Ybb * Tmp2;
			            	Pr3 = Ygb0 * Tmp3;
			            	Pr4 = (Pr1 & 0xFFFFFFFFL) + (Pr2 & 0xFFFFFFFFL) + (Pr3 & 0xFFFFFFFFL) + carry4;
			            	Pr5 = Yba * Tmp4;
			            	Pr6 = Ybb * Tmp5;
			            	Pr7 = (Pr5 & 0xFFFFFFFFL) + (Pr6 & 0xFFFFFFFFL) + carry2;
			            	switch (st2) {
			            	case -9 :
			            		carry4 = -Tmp1 - Tmp2 - Tmp3;
			            		carry2 = -Tmp4 - Tmp5;
			            	case -8 :
			     	            carry4 = -Tmp1 - Tmp2;
			     	            carry2 = -Tmp4 - Tmp5;
			            	case -7 :
			            		carry4 = -Tmp1 - Tmp3;
			            		carry2 = -Tmp4;
			            	case -6 :
			            		carry4 = -Tmp1;
			            		carry2 = -Tmp4;
			            	case -5 :
			            		carry4 = -Tmp1 + Tmp2 - Tmp3;
			            		carry2 = -Tmp4 + Tmp5;
			            	case -4 :
			            		carry4 = -Tmp1 + Tmp2;
			            		carry2 = -Tmp4 + Tmp5;
			            	case -3 :
			            		carry4 = -Tmp2 - Tmp3;
			            		carry2 = -Tmp5;
			            	case -2 :
			            		carry4 = -Tmp2;
			            		carry2 = -Tmp5;
			            	case -1 :
			            		carry4 = -Tmp3;
			            		carry2 = 0;
			            	case 0 :
			            		carry4 = 0;
			            		carry2 = 0;
			            	case 1 :
			            		carry4 = Tmp2 - Tmp3;
			            		carry2 = Tmp5;
			            	case 2 :
			            		carry4 = Tmp2;
			            		carry2 = Tmp5;
			            	case 3 :
			            		carry4 = Tmp1 - Tmp2 - Tmp3;
			            		carry2 = Tmp4 - Tmp5;
			            	case 4 :
			            		carry4 = Tmp1 - Tmp2;
			            		carry2 = Tmp4 - Tmp5;
			            	case 5 :
			            		carry4 = Tmp1 - Tmp3;
			            		carry2 = Tmp4;
			            	case 6 :
			            		carry4 = Tmp1;
			            		carry2 = Tmp4;
			            	case 7 :
			            		carry4 = Tmp1 + Tmp2 - Tmp3;
			            		carry2 = Tmp4 + Tmp5;
			            	case 8 :
			            		carry4 = Tmp1 + Tmp2;
			            		carry2 = Tmp4 + Tmp5;
			            	carry4 += (Pr1 >>> 32) + (Pr2 >>> 32) + (Pr3 >>> 32) + (Pr4 >> 32);
			            	carry2 += (Pr5 >>> 32) + (Pr6 >>> 32) + (Pr7 >> 32);
			            	if (i > 0) {
			            		CalcAuxModInvGamma[i - 1] = Pr4 & 0xFFFFFFFFL;
			            		CalcAuxModInvB[i - 1] = Pr7 & 0xFFFFFFFFL;
			            if ((int) CalcAuxModInvA[i - 1] < 0) {
			            	carry1 -= Yaa;
			            	carry2 -= Yba;
			            if ((int) CalcAuxModInvB[i - 1] < 0) {
			            	carry1 -= Yab;
			            	carry2 -= Ybb;
			            if ((int) CalcAuxModInvMu[i - 1] < 0) {
			            	carry3 -= Yaa;
			            	carry4 -= Yba;
			            if ((int) CalcAuxModInvGamma[i - 1] < 0) {
			            	carry3 -= Yab;
			            	carry4 -= Ybb;
			            CalcAuxModInvA[i - 1] = carry1 & 0xFFFFFFFFL;
			            CalcAuxModInvB[i - 1] = carry2 & 0xFFFFFFFFL;
			            CalcAuxModInvMu[i - 1] = carry3 & 0xFFFFFFFFL;
			            CalcAuxModInvGamma[i - 1] = carry4 & 0xFFFFFFFFL;
			            continue outer_loop;
					Bl >>= 1;
		        }; /* end while */
		        Iaa <<= T1;
		        Iab <<= T1;
		        if (Dif >= 0) {
		        	Dif = -Dif;
		        	if (((Al + Bl) & 3) == 0) {
			            T1 = Iba;
			            Iba += Iaa;
			            Iaa = T1;
			            T1 = Ibb;
			            Ibb += Iab;
			            Iab = T1;
			            T1 = Bl;
			            Bl += Al;
			            Al = T1;
					} else {
			            T1 = Iba;
			            Iba -= Iaa;
			            Iaa = T1;
			            T1 = Ibb;
			            Ibb -= Iab;
			            Iab = T1;
			            T1 = Bl;
			            Bl -= Al;
			            Al = T1;
		        } else {
		        	if (((Al + Bl) & 3) == 0) {
			            Iba += Iaa;
			            Ibb += Iab;
			            Bl += Al;
		        	} else {
						Iba -= Iaa;
			            Ibb -= Iab;
			            Bl -= Al;
			} while (true);
		} while (true);
	    if (CalcAuxModInvA[0] != 1) {
	    	SubtractBigNbr32(B, CalcAuxModInvMu, CalcAuxModInvMu);
	    if ((int) CalcAuxModInvMu[i = NumberLength - 1] < 0) {
	    	AddBigNbr32(B, CalcAuxModInvMu, CalcAuxModInvMu);
	    for (; i >= 0; i--) {
	      if (B[i] != CalcAuxModInvMu[i]) break;
	    if (i < 0 || B[i] < CalcAuxModInvMu[i]) { // If B < Mu
	    	SubtractBigNbr32(CalcAuxModInvMu, B, CalcAuxModInvMu); // Mu <- Mu - B
	    Convert32To31Bits(CalcAuxModInvMu, inv, NumberLength);

	BigInteger BigIntToBigNbr(int[] nbr) {
		int[] nbrCopy = new int[NumberLength+1];
		System.arraycopy(nbr, 0, nbrCopy, 0, NumberLength);
		boolean chSign = false;
		if (nbr[NumberLength-1] >= 0x40000000L) {
			chSign = true;
		long[] Temp = new long[NumberLength];
		Convert31To32Bits(nbrCopy, Temp);
		BigInteger result = BigIntToBigNbr(Temp);
		if (chSign) {
			result = result.negate();
		return result;

	// This method used to fail for negative inputs with nbr[NumberLength-1]==0.
    // This has been fixed with a quite ugly workaround.
	// TODO look for a more elegant solution
	BigInteger BigIntToBigNbr(long[] nbr) {
		int trueNumberLength = NumberLength;
		for (int i = NumberLength-1; i>=0; i--) {
			if (nbr[i] != 0) break;
		boolean isNegative = trueNumberLength>0 && nbr[trueNumberLength-1]<0;
		if (isNegative) {
			int NL = trueNumberLength*4;
			byte[] NBytes = new byte[NL];
			for (int i = 0; i < trueNumberLength; i++) {
				final long digit = nbr[i];
				NBytes[NL - 1 - 4 * i] = (byte) (digit & 0xFF);
				NBytes[NL - 2 - 4 * i] = (byte) ((digit >> 8) & 0xFF);
				NBytes[NL - 3 - 4 * i] = (byte) ((digit >> 16) & 0xFF);
				NBytes[NL - 4 - 4 * i] = (byte) ((digit >> 24) & 0xFF);
			// remove leading 0-bytes:
			int zeroCount = 0;
			for ( ; zeroCount<NL; zeroCount++) {
				if (NBytes[zeroCount] != 0) break;
			if (zeroCount == 0) return new BigInteger(NBytes);
			int NL2 = NL - zeroCount;
			if (NL2 == 0) return BigInteger.valueOf(0);
			byte[] NBytes2 = new byte[NL2];
			System.arraycopy(NBytes, zeroCount, NBytes2, 0, NL2);
			return new BigInteger(NBytes2);
		// Old implementation for positive numbers
		int NL = NumberLength*4;
		byte[] NBytes = new byte[NL];
		for (int i = 0; i < NumberLength /*trueNumberLength*/; i++) { // XXX trueNumberLength works as well ?
			final long digit = nbr[i];
			NBytes[NL - 1 - 4 * i] = (byte) (digit & 0xFF);
			NBytes[NL - 2 - 4 * i] = (byte) ((digit >> 8) & 0xFF);
			NBytes[NL - 3 - 4 * i] = (byte) ((digit >> 16) & 0xFF);
			NBytes[NL - 4 - 4 * i] = (byte) ((digit >> 24) & 0xFF);
		return new BigInteger(NBytes);

	 * Converts a BigNbr in 31-bit representation into a String.
	 * @param Nbr
	 * @return decimal string representation of Nbr
	String BigNbrToString(int Nbr[]) {
		return this.BigIntToBigNbr(Nbr).toString();
	 * Converts a BigNbr in 32-bit representation into a String.
	 * @param Nbr
	 * @return decimal string representation of Nbr
	String BigNbrToString(long Nbr[]) {
		return this.BigIntToBigNbr(Nbr).toString();

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		BigInteger[] testNums = new BigInteger[] {
				// easy for ECM
				new BigInteger("8225267468394993133669189614204532935183709603155231863020477010700542265332938919716662623"),
				// incomplete result, some unfactored rest is returned
				new BigInteger("101546450935661953908994991437690198927080333663460351836152986526126114727314353555755712261904130976988029406423152881932996637460315302992884162068350429"),
				// incomplete result, the factor map contains a composite
				new BigInteger("1593332576170570774181606244493046197050984933692181475920784855223341"),
				// = 17 * 1210508704285703 * 2568160569265616473 * 30148619026320753545829271787156467
				// but ECM fails to factor 3108780723099354807613175415185519 = 1210508704285703 * 2568160569265616473
				// with the maximum number of curves
				// very hard for ECM, better suited for SIQS
				//new BigInteger("1794577685365897117833870712928656282041295031283603412289229185967719140138841093599")
				// = 42181796536350966453737572957846241893933 * 42543889372264778301966140913837516662044603
		EllipticCurveMethod ecm = new EllipticCurveMethod();
		long t0, t1;
		t0 = System.currentTimeMillis();
		for (BigInteger N : testNums) {
			SortedMap<BigInteger, Integer> primeFactors = new TreeMap<>();
			SortedMap<BigInteger, Integer> unfactoredComposites = ecm.factorize(N, primeFactors);
			if (!unfactoredComposites.isEmpty()) {
				LOG.debug("N = " + N + " = " + primeFactors + " * " + unfactoredComposites);
			} else {
				LOG.debug("N = " + N + " = " + primeFactors);
		t1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
		LOG.info("Test suite took " + (t1-t0) + "ms");